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UCSF – Fac. Filosofía y Humanidades – Lic. Medios Digitales – TDI 1 – Prof. E.


OPTATIVA - Taller de Inglés I - COM U – Cohorte 2022 – SFE – LMD - FFyH


STUDENT’S NAME: ____________________________________________________

Task a) Lee los siguientes párrafos y encuentra en el texto términos o

expresiones que sean sinónimos de las palabras listadas más abajo.

Read the following paragraphs and find in the text terms or expressions that
are synonyms of the words listed below.

We all know the phrases ‘the global village’, and ‘the medium is the message’. 1
Their originator was Marshall McLuhan, the Canadian scholar and prophet of
technology and its significance, born 100 years ago. He was a seer: he envisioned
the impact of electronic technology on the world and ourselves long before the
internet. For McLuhan, the problem with technique was, of course, beyond the
mere object or element. His reflections had nothing to do with this or that specific
McLuhan was not concerned about what television, radio or film were exactly
doing, but rather the type of person that they were engendering, based on the
way they modeled the human being through a collective subjectivity that McLuhan
deemed—for lack of a better term—the global village.
McLuhan had little to no interest in the cathodic tubes of TV as a networked
object. His interests focused on the way in which a whole reality was construed
outwards, surrounding everything, an environment: that is why the medium is the

Ejemplo de cómo llevar a cabo esta actividad de vocabulario que consiste en

encontrar en un texto términos o expresiones que sean sinónimos de ciertas
palabras dadas:

Example of how to do this vocabulary activity that consists of finding terms or expressions
in a text that are synonyms of certain given words

0.) community, settlement, hamlet, township, small town ___ village __

Ahora encuentra sinónimos de las palabras que se enumeran a continuación.

Now find synonyms of the words listed below.
1.) producing, causing, leading to, creating, generating engender
2.) prophet, clairvoyant, soothsayer, prognosticator, diviner seer
3.) interpreted, elucidated, understood, seen, taken envisioned
4.) inventor, creator, maker, initiator, author originator
5.) thoughts, considerations, deliberations, thinking reflections
UCSF – Fac. Filosofía y Humanidades – Lic. Medios Digitales – TDI 1 – Prof. E. Quintana

Task b) Lee los siguientes párrafos y responde las preguntas:

Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions:

Since the emergence of the Internet as a publically accessible communications

medium in the early 1990s, the relevance of McLuhan’s ideas on media and
communication have been acknowledged worldwide and he has been recognized as
the father of media studies and prophet of the information age. This much repeated
aphorism: "The Medium is the Message", is McLuhan’s most important and well
known concept; it is also his most misunderstood and most misrepresented idea. 2
McLuhan’s propositions were not taken all too seriously by contemporary parties,
who regarded him more as a pop culture star than as a thinker worthy of serious

As with many of his statements, McLuhan plays with his reader. His modus
operandi is almost aphoristic even though his texts have the deceitful appearance
of an academic essay. This posture irked critics and academicians and earned
McLuhan the status of pseudo-thinker.

The framework of “participatory discourse” underlines the shift of roles from a

specific author or co-authorship to collective creativity, collaboration methods of
content creation by working groups. The traditional triad “author-text-audience” is
replaced by the phenomenon of “decentralized authorship”.

The understanding of the audience in cultural and media studies can be presented
in the model, in which the audience is defined as participants and co-authors, not
recipients and consumers.

These new cultural practices are an attempt to bring interactivity, transformation

and active participation to the real daily life of the user. Some developers create a
“transmedia storytelling” where they use everyday life environment and bring
elements of the fictional worlds into reality. Those are “interactive narratives” with
game elements that use the real world as a platform.

John Gosny writes that “in a cross-media game that deliberately blurs the line
between in-game and out-of-game experiences … elements of the plotline may be
provided to the players in almost any form, some of those used have been: email
or post, Internet sites and messengers, newspaper articles, various artifacts and
clues that exist in the real world”.
UCSF – Fac. Filosofía y Humanidades – Lic. Medios Digitales – TDI 1 – Prof. E. Quintana

Answer these Questions

1.) How did his contemporary colleagues consider McLuhan and his proposals?

McLuhan’s propositions were not taken all too seriously by contemporary parties

2.) Why is McLuhan's modus operandi described as almost aphoristic?

Because McLuhan plays with his reader. His modus operandi is almost aphoristic
even though his texts have the deceitful appearance of an academic essay. 3

3.) Since the emergence of the Internet, how has McLuhan been recognized
around the world considering the relevance of his ideas about media and

He has been recognized as the father of media studies and prophet of the
information age.

4.) What is the very often-repeated aphorism that expresses McLuhan's most
important concept, but also his most misunderstood and misrepresented

The Medium is the Message

5.) According to John Gosny, what are the ways that plot elements can be
provided to players in a cross-media game where the line between in-game
and out-of-game experiences has been blurred?

Elements of the plotline may be provided to the players in almost any form, some
of those used have been: email or post, Internet sites and messengers, newspaper
articles, various artifacts and clues that exist in the real world”.

6.) In the concept of transmedia storytelling, what is the name given to the
narrative that uses the environment of everyday life - the real world as a
platform - to bring game elements of the fictional worlds into reality?
UCSF – Fac. Filosofía y Humanidades – Lic. Medios Digitales – TDI 1 – Prof. E. Quintana

The name is Transmedia storytelling. Those are “interactive narratives” with game
elements that use the real world as a platform.

7.) Taking into account the change in the traditional understanding of the
audience, what is the name of the phenomenon that has replaced the
traditional triad "author-text-audience"?

The name is decentralized authorship

8.) In the universe of new cultural practices, what does the “participatory
discourse” framework underline?

The framework of “participatory discourse” underlines the shift of roles from a

specific author or co-authorship to collective creativity, collaboration methods of
content creation by working groups.

Task c) Ordena las palabras para formar una coherente oración completa:
Order the words to form a coherent complete sentence.

1.) and predicted one of the most

the modern time: net neutrality.
As if predicting the internet wasn’t
hot-button internet issues of
enough, McLuhan took it a step further.

As if predicting the internet wasn’t enough, McLuhan took it a step

further and predicted one of the most hot-button internet issues of
the modern time: net neutrality.

2.) of various media and distributed among

Transmedia storytelling is a creation
united by the fictional universe.
users by the various media formats
of the story that is told by languages
UCSF – Fac. Filosofía y Humanidades – Lic. Medios Digitales – TDI 1 – Prof. E. Quintana

Transmedia storytelling is a creation of various media and distributed

among users by the various media formats of the story that is told by
languages united by the fictional universe.

Task d) Lee los siguientes párrafos y encuentra ejemplos de la Estructura

Gramatical Voz Pasiva.

Read the following paragraphs and find examples of the Passive Voice
Grammatical Structure.
Since the emergence of the Internet as a publically accessible communications
medium in the early 1990s, the relevance of McLuhan’s ideas on media and
communication have been acknowledged worldwide and he has been recognized as
the father of media studies and prophet of the information age. In “Understanding
Media” McLuhan warned that “private manipulation” of the global village could
signal the end of free media. He claimed that by surrendering the global village to
corporations, the rights of the people would be swiftly extinguished.
Media industry, in which television is one of the most important arms, is
increasingly guided by the emergence of cultural forms. They are based in a set of
media, being transferable from one platform to another, according to Henry
Jenkins’ concepts involving the media pervasiveness. Jenkins delves beneath the
new media hype to uncover the important cultural transformations that are taking
place as media converge. He takes us into the secret world of Survivor Spoilers,
where avid internet users pool their knowledge to unearth the show’s secrets
before they are revealed on the air.
Encuentra al menos 4 cuatro ejemplos de Voz Pasiva:
Find at least 4 four examples of Passive Voice:

1. he has been recognized as the father of media studies

2. McLuhan’s ideas on media and communication have been acknowledged worldwide

3. the important cultural transformations that are taking place

4. They are based in a set of media, being transferable from one platform to another

5. the rights of the people would be swiftly extinguished.

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