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Communicative English Skills II VOCABULARY

Unit I Life Skills

Vocabulary Meaning

Acquisition gaining, attainment, achievement, purchase

Adapt familiarize, adjust, get used to

Adequate acceptable, enough, plenty

Anonymous nameless, mysterious, unidentified

Assertive self-confident, positive, firm

Assume shoulder, accept, take responsibility

Awareness consciousness, mindfulness, knowledge, understanding

Brag boast, show off, blow your own horn/trumpet

Brew drink, combination

Bullying mistreatment, victimization, harassment, discrimination

Challenge test, experiment, confront

Chronic long-lasting, prolonged, continuing

Chronological sequential, consecutive, in order

Component section, part, factor

Concept idea, thought, view, belief

Conceptualizing abstracting, theorizing, intellectualizing

Consolidate combine, unite, join, associate, amalgamate

Efficacy effectiveness, usefulness, worth

Embedded fixed, inserted, surrounded

Empathy understanding, sympathy, compassion, fellow feeling

Endeavor attempt, effort, exertion

Enhance improve, augment, boost, enrich

Ethnicity society, background, culture, origin

Garment clothing

Genetic hereditary, inherited

Imply suggest, hint

Incorporate join, integrate, combine

Innate inborn, distinctive, essential

Innumerable countless, uncountable, numerous

Intrinsically essentially, basically, fundamentally

Kinship relationship, association, similarity

Lead principal, chief, main

Leisure freedom, vacation, timeout, free time, time off

Linger remain, stay, delay, hang on/around/back

Livelihood living, funds, source of revenue

Manipulate operate, work, influence, maneuver

Narrative story, tale, account, chronicle, history

Overlap edge, correspondence, connection

Peer equal, colleague, friend, partner, associate, fellow

Potential possible, likely,

Pressure burden, stress, tension

Reflective deep, thoughtful, insightful

Retrospective reflective, reconsidering, backdated

Scenario situation, development, circumstances

Self-centered selfish, self-interested, egoistic

Self-esteem self-confidence, self-respect, pride

Self-reliance independence, self-sufficiency, autonomy

Succeeding following, next

Thrill excitement, joy, pleasure, overjoy

Well-being happiness, security, welfare, comfort

Unit II: Speculations about the Future of Science

Vocabulary Meaning

Abundant plentiful, rich, ample

Afflict trouble, worry, make miserable

Assure promise, guarantee, pledge, ensure

Contaminated dirty, polluted, filthy, unclean, diseased

Curiosity interest, wonder

Debilitating incapacitating, devastating, weakening, draining

Deceptive misleading, false, deceiving, phony, fraudulent

Dilution weakening, thinning, reduction,

Encourage inspire, urge, raise one’s spirits

Endeavor attempt, effort, exertion, best shot

Eradicate eliminate, destroy, exterminate, get rid of

Excrete expel, evacuate, eliminate waste

Fatal deadly, serious, disastrous, critical

Grassroots popular, masses, bases, roots

Halt stop, pause, cease

Hatch trapdoor, shade, come up with

Indigenous native, original, homegrown, ethnic

Inevitable unavoidable, predictable, to be expected

Initiation beginning, launch, introduction

Insidious sinister, sneaky, dangerous, deceptive

Integrate mix, incorporate, assimilate, fit in

Invariably always, regularly, unchangeably

Malfunction fault, failure, crash, break down

Manifest obvious, apparent, clear, unmistakable

Messy disordered, chaotic, dirty,

Offensive aggressive, violent, attaching, unpleasant, nasty

Pesticide insecticide, insect killer, insect repellent

Potency strength, power, influence, energy

Potential possible, probable, thinkable

Predict forecast, foresee, guess, see coming

Ravage devastates, destroy, damage, ruin

Reassure assure, comfort, restore confidence, cheer up

Sap fluid, energy, dig down, weaken, drain

Societal social, communal, public

Span distance, time, reach over

Speculation assumption, gossip, thought

Toxicity poisonousness, deadliness, harmfulness

Transmit convey, communicate, broadcast, put on the air

Vector course, path, direction

Vital energetic, lively, dynamic

Vulnerable susceptible, weak, helpless

Unit III: Environmental Protection

Vocabulary Meaning

Blister sore, wound, burn, swell up, break out

Catchment something that catches water

Challenge test, task, confront

Commit obligate, promise, designate, assign

Commit suicide end it all, kill yourself, take your own life

Compromise cooperation, negotiation, finding the middle ground

Crisp crunchy, brusque

Debt obligation, responsibility, liability, commitment

Deforestation the action or process of clearing of forests

Depression unhappiness, hopelessness, sadness

Desertification the process of becoming desert/as from land mismanagement or climate change

Deteriorating failing, worsening, weakening, fading

Dirt-encrusted dirt covered/coated

Disposal removal, clearance, discarding

Doom fate, portion, lot in life, tragedy, misfortune

Dwindling declining, falling, decreasing

Ecosystems bionetworks, ecological unit, networks, environments

Eerily weirdly, strangely

Emission release, secretion, giving out/off

Environment situation, atmosphere, surroundings

Ferry ship, ferryboat, transport

Flush even, level, flat, go red

Fore front, façade, face

Forecast estimate, predict

Gloom sadness, depression, darkness

Greenhouse conservatory, glasshouse

Grit gravel, sand, courage, grind

Gum secretion, juice, glue, chewing gum

Herd mob, crowd, flock

Lush luxurious, deluxe, abundant

Man-made artificial, imitation, substitute

Mentality attitude, approach, temperament, state/frame of mind, point of view

Natural usual, normal, biological, environmental, geographical,


Orchard plantation

Over-allocation over distribution, sharing, division

Ozone depletion a very reactive form of oxygen that is a bluish irritating gas of pungent odor

reduction, weakening, running down

Paddle row, sweep, walk, play,

Pasture grassland, prairie, meadow

Per capita each one, each person, per head, apiece

Pitiful disgraceful, pathetic, unfortunate

Pollution contamination, smog, toxic waste, greenhouse gasses, fumes

Protection defense, security

Psychologist one who studies the science of mind and behavior in relation to a particular field

of knowledge or activity

Rainforest tropical/rain forest

Rampant widespread, extensive, uncontrolled

Recycling salvaging, reusing, reprocessing

Refute disprove, contest, contradict, prove false

Reveal disclose, make known, expose, uncover

Robust healthy, strong, though

Rumbling deep, echoing, reverberating, noise

Salinity consisting or containing salt

Scheme arrangement, system, plan

Sip drink, taste

Skeptics cynics, disbelievers, doubters

Slump a marked or sustained decline economic activity or price

Sprightly active, energetic, vigorous

Stare gaze, intent look,

Stark unambiguous, complete, absolute

Steamer a vessel in which articles are subjected to steam

Straw grass, hay

Urban sprawl urbanization, development, expansion

Whittle carve, shape/shave, fashion

Wry ironic, dry, cynical, sarcastic

Unit IV: Indigenous Knowledge

Vocabulary Meanings

Abject hopeless, miserable

Adverse opposing, unfavorable, contrary

Anecdote story, tale, narrative/epidemiological

Antiviral anti disease-causing

Bearer carrier, transporter, possessor, owner, guardian

Beneficiary recipient, heir, receiver

Camouflage concealment, disguise, cover-up

Capacity volume, size, ability, competence

Circumcision to cut off the prepuce of/a male/ or the clitoris of/a female/

Constraint restraint, restriction, check, limitation

Cope with deal with, handle, tackle, manage

Cradle support, framework, foundation

Cradle of mankind foundation of mankind

Cruise voyage, trip, tour

Curious inquiring, interested, nosey, questioning

Discourse dissertation, conversation, discussion, communication

Discriminate distinguish, differentiate, victimize, single out

Disparate dissimilar, unlike, unequal, different

Distraction disruption, interruption, disturbance

Empowerment authorization, enablement, permission

Footprint footmark, imprint, track, mark, impression

Genuinely sincerely, honestly, frankly

Healer doctor, therapist, faith healer

Hinder delay, obstruct, hamper, hold back, get in the way

Hominoids any of a family of erect bipedal primate mammals comprising

recent humans together with extinct ancestral and related forms

Icon image, sign, representation

Idealized perfect, flawless, ideal, overemphasized

Impatient annoyed, irritated, exasperated, aggravated

Indigenous native, original, homegrown, ethnic, local

Interject exclaim, interrupt, cut in, throw in

Millennia times, eras, ages, periods

Morph transform, alter, switch, adapt, change

Muzzle nose, conk, suppress, prevent from speaking, shut up

Orthodox accepted, traditional, established, approved

Paleontologist a person who studies science dealing with the life of past geological

periods as known from fossil remains

Pathway trail, path, way, passageway

Persuasive convincing, influential, believable

Pertinent relevant, appropriate, applicable, relatable

Phenomenon wonder, sensation, experience, observable fact

Potential possible, probable, prospective, imaginable

Presumably seemingly, probably, I assume, I imagine, most likely

Prevail overcome, triumph, be victorious, win out, carry the day

Puff cloud, gust, draught, current

Quest mission, journey, search

Reluctant unwilling, hesitant, disinclined

Remnant remainder, leftover, remains, last part

Self-reliance independence, self-sufficiency, self-confidence/assurance/containment, resourcefulness

Solidarity unity, harmony, cohesion, team spirit, shared aims, esprit de corps

Spine back, spinal column, vertebral column,

Sprout shoot, leaf, young branch, new growth

Sustain to give support or relief

Vulnerable susceptible, weak, defenseless, in danger, at risk

Unit V: Cultural Heritage

Vocabulary Meanings

Annoyed angry, irritated, upset, bothered

Authoritarian strict, severe, demanding, controlling

Bewilder confuse, puzzle, disorient

Celebrity superstar, figure, public figure, famous person, movie star

Cherish treasure, value, take pleasure in, attach importance to

Contemporary modern, current, up-to-date, existing

Cultural traditional, ethnic, racial, folk

Deprived disadvantaged, underprivileged, dispossessed

Descendants offspring, children, ancestors, lines

Despise hate, look down on, feel contempt

Destiny purpose, intention, vocation

Ecosystem bionetwork, ecology, network, system

Embedded rooted, surrounded, implanted, set in

Endure bear, tolerate, withstand, put up with, go through

Exhausted tired, drained, deadbeat, worn out, done in

Generation cohort, group, age group, peer group, peers

Heritage inheritance, legacy, culture, custom, tradition

Icon image, representation, symbol, model

Imperative authoritative, very important, bossy, urgent, crucial,

essential vital, indispensable, crucial, critical, fundamental, basic

Inalienable unchallengeable, absolute, undisputable

Inheritance legacy, heritage, tradition

Insightful perceptive, aware, understanding, shrewd/smart/sharp

Intangible insubstantial, vague, indescribable, unquantifiable

Mythology folklore, tradition, myths, legends

Perpetuated continued, prolonged, carry on, keep up, keep alive

Preceding previous, earlier, prior, former, past

Re-enact re pass, re indorse, re endorse, re authorize

Repulsive disgusting, gross, stomach-turning

Rooted entrenched, fixed, deep-rooted, embedded/imbedded/

Sacrilegious violating, disrespectful

Sibling fraternal, brotherly, sisterly, familial

Unmistakable unique, distinctive, instantly recognizable, clearly identifiable

Vital fundamental, essential, crucial, critical, energetic, dynamic

Supplementary Readings

A. Environmental Problems Unit 3

Decade period, era, years

B. The Origin of Humans: The Record from the Afar of Ethiopia Unit 4

C. Tourism can be used to Preserve Ethiopia’s Cultural & Historic Wealth

Unit 5


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