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Word Name Meaning Type

Substantial extensive or large adj

ubiquitous Ever present adj
Indeed Undeniably, certainly, without doubt adv
incredibly No price value for this
pragmatic Realistic, sensible
inconsistency Discrepancy, contradiction, variation
vehemently Hotly, heatedly, strongly, intensively
Apprehended In custody, sized, held, detained
Destiny Fate, fortune, luck
Meticulous Careful, thorough, detailed
mitigate alleviate, ease
Deceive mislead
betray be disloyal to
privilege right,
oversight mistake, error, failure to notice
smear campaign mark, spread, cover
overshoot go beyond , overrun
mellow rich, smooth, full, soft
apprehended detained, held, in custody
fortify build up, strengthen, make stronger
incompetence lack of skill, lack of ability, ineffectiveness
compassion sympathy, concern, consideration
grandstand impress, show off
monolithic colossal, monumental, massive, huge, gigantic
closet secret, private, clandestine, undeclared
clandestine undercover, underground, concealed
monumental enormous, immense, massive
colossal oversize, vast, massive, gigantic monolethic
pinnacle summit, peak, top, high point
Anguish suffering, torture, distress, agony
prevail overcome, triumph, win through, be happening
disparate Dissimilar, unlike, unequal, unrelated, different
galvanize Spur, rouse, stir up, fire up, animate, incite
incite Provoke, motivate, inflame

Word Name Meaning Type

spur Encourage, prompt
inflame Agitate, ignite, anger
kindle Encourage, fire up, promote, inspire
inspire Motivate, encourage, move, instigate
instigate Bring about, start, initiate, activate
implicit Understood, implied, unspoken, hidden
Implied Indirect, disguised
disguised Masked, concealed, hidden
apprehence View, Thought, feelings
imperative Vital, very important

mocking Sarcastic, disrespectful

monolithic Colossal, huge, gigantic, massive

Articulate Communicative, fluent, expressive
Hypocrisy Double stands, insincerity
paralyze Not allowing
collaborative Joined, shared, mutual

Genesis Origin, berth, beginning

envisage Foresee, predict, imagine
Embrace hold , hold close
insight On the way, coming, imminent
imminent About to happen
sloth Laziness, idleness, sluggishness
Aforementioned above mentioned

Abundant plentiful
Abundance plenty

Word Name Meaning Type

Word Name Meaning Type

Word Name Meaning Type

Word Name Meaning Type

Word Name Meaning Type

Word Name Meaning Type

primary focus

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