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It is a device which connects two or more networks together.

Computers are linked together using cables or wireless technology, within one building or over a small geographic LAN
It refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, symbols, names, images, and designs used in Intellectual Property
It is any visible sign capable of distinguishing the services of an enterprise and shall include a stamped or marked Service Mark
container of goods
___________ is intended to protect designs which have an industrial or commercial use. Design Registration
A formula, devise, process, method or compilation of information gives the owner an advantage over competitors Trade Secrets
__________ is a protocol supporting the practice of peer-to-peer file sharing that is used to distribute large amounts Bit Torrent
of data over the Internet.
Miguel wants to stop receiving a marketing campaign from a company. He requested the company to stop sending it. Right to Object
What right Miguel can exercide in this situation?
It defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers should take in HTTP
response to various commands.
A network layer protocol that reports errors and provides information related to IP packet processing. Internet Control Message Protocol
Someone who was attempting to get a system to do something it had never done before. Hacker
the person inside the organization to gain access to confidential information. system administrator and call that Social Engineer
person, pretending to be his supervisor's supervisor and demanding to know why he is unable to access a specific
unauthorized access to or interference with a computer system/server or information and communication system 1 and 2
Which statements are part of self-Censorship: I, II, and III
I. The most common form of censorship
II. Group decides for itself not to publish
III. Rating systems
IV. Prepublication review
V. Government monopolization
malicious code to your computer or mobile device that leaves you open to a cyberattack. You don't have to click on Drive-By Downloads
Messages embedded in files transferred between computers e-mail
the set of all mail servers and connectors within a company or organization. network cloud
Senders and receivers do not derive equal benefit from emails Social contract theory evaluation
Which is an example of spam? Newsletter you did not sign up for
what is unique about every webpage? URL
Most common form of censorship where individuals inside the group prefer not to publish. Self-Censorship
Also referred to as content control software Web Filter
if someone steals your personal information without your permission. Identity Theft
Social Factors contributing to computer addiction Peer Groups
_____ is any private corporate data that provides a competitive advantage to any business Trade Secrets
The owner has 20 years to stop others in making, using and selling the invention. Patent
“An act protecting individual personal information in information and communications systems in the government and REPUBLIC ACT 10173 - DATA
the private sector, creating for this purpose a National Privacy Commission, and for other purposes” PRIVACY ACT OF 2012
In what year does the movie WarGames came out? 1983
BIND, Apache and Sendmail are example of ______ Open-Source Software
A ____ is a web-based collaboration platform that lets users to organize the storage, creation, and modification of Wiki
material. It is also means quick or fast.

What is the hex representation of the decimal number 2021? 7DD

Which of the following is a type of malware that encrypts a user's files and demands a ransom payment in exchange Ransomware
for the decryption key?
What is the process of encoding information so that it can only be read by authorized individuals? Encryption
Which of the following is a data right granted under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) The right to be forgotten
Which country has the most extensive internet censorship in the world? China
What is the term for a legal agreement between the owner of a software program and the user that specifies how the End user license agreement
software can be used?
What is the term used to describe the practice of using someone else's work without their permission or without giving Plagiarism
them proper credit
What is the purpose of a firewall in a computer network? To prevent unauthorized acess to the
What component in a computer is responsible for temporarily storing data and instructions for the CPU to access RAM
What is the octal representation of the decimal number 169? 251
It is a program that communicates over an internet connection without the user’s knowledge or consent. Spyware
Challenges posed by the internet where millions of PCs are connected to the internet yearly Dynamic connections
It is when a person uses another person’s electronic identity Identity theft
All the following are the contributing factors to computer addiction EXCEPT one. Psychological Factor
It is the protection of intellectual property All of the above
What is the common form of censorship? Self-censorship
It provides the owner with the exclusive right to the invention Patent
It is one of the rights of an owner to his original work under copyright. Distribution
“An act protecting individual personal information in information and communications systems in the government and Republic Act 10173 - Data Privacy
the private sector, creating for this purpose a National Privacy Commission, and for other purposes” This statement is Act of 2012
under the;
It is a piece of self-replicating code embedded within another program called the host. Virus
It is a type of evaluation in which senders and receivers do not derive equal benefit from emails. Social contact theory evaluation
Website that allows the easy creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser using Wiki
simplified markup language
This principle say that "The only ground on which intervention is justified is to prevent harm to others; the individual's Mill's Principle of Harm
own good is not a sufficient condition"
Use of email or web pages to attempt to deceive people into revealing personal information Phishing
Lack of support and intimacy Stress
Tendency to pursue activities to excess Individual factors
An explorer, a risk-taker, someone who was trying to make a system do something it had never done before. Hacker
A piece of self-replicating code embedded within another program called the host. Virus
A self-contained program that spreads through a computer network by exploiting security holes in the computers in Worm
the network
A variant of phishing in which the attacker selects email addresses that target a particular group of recipients Spear Phishing
Embedded messages in files sent between computers. Email
The following are the amount of email that is spam has increased, EXCEPT 45% in 2003
The following are NOT Ethical Evaluations of Publishing Blacklist, EXCEPT Utilitarian Evaluation
Are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary. Blogs
The following are the effects of Pornography, EXCEPT Increases productivity
One of the situational factors of computer addiction is Lack of support and intimacy
The following are other low-tech techniques for obtaining login names and passwords, EXCEPT Form Dropping
It is an unauthorized access into or interference in a computer system/server or information and communication Hacking
system; or any access in order to corrupt, alter, steal or destroy.
It is a piece of self-replicating code embedded within another program. Virus
Web sites that allow users to read what other users have posted are vulnerable to this security problem. Cross-site scripting
Copying from vinyl records to cassette tapes introduced hiss and distortion (bad quality) Digital Recording Technology
This is the peer-to-peer music exchange network NAPSTER
Copying a program to give or sell to someone else. Violations of Software Copyright
This is the open-source software that increasingly harsh measure being taken to enforce copyright (infringe our CONSEQUENCES OF
Not contributing factors to computer addictions Unlimited opportunities for productive
Today _______ are people who gain unauthorized access to computers and computer networks: HACKERS
Any program or file that is harmful to a computer user. MALWARE
A ----_______ is a piece of self-replicating code embedded within another program called the host. VIRUS
A variant of phishing in which the attacker selects email addresses that target a particular group of recipients. Spear phishing
The _________ is launched in April 2004, exploited a previously identified security weakness with PCs running the Sasser Worm
Windows operating system
What is the fair use analysis that ridicules another work, by imitating it in a comic way? Parody
Hackers are using this to break into a device in order to use the cryptocurrency of the owner without their knowledge Cryptojacking
or consent
He stated that privacy rights stem from property rights which is a man's home is his castle Morton Levine
Hypertext Transfer Protocol is created by ______ and his colleagues at CERN. Tim Berners-Lee
Who authored the RA 8293 also known as Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines? Senator Raul S, Roco
Illegal access is defined as the ______ to the ____or any part of a computer system without right. Access; Whole
What refers to how hackers can steal your data using your internet traffic without special tools? Sniffing
What refers to adding a new purpose to the work to make it original in four factors of Fair Use? Purpose
What does "E" stand in the DREAM mandate of IPOPHL? Enforcement
An ESRB Ratings board that the content may contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content, and/or strong Mature 17+
______ a program onto the hard disk of a computer being sold. Preloading
______ a program to give or sell to someone else. Copying
A ___ is a self-contained program that spreads through a computer network by exploiting security holes in the Worm
computers connected to the network.
_______________ is a transient network, it connects computers running same networking program, and computers Peer-to-peer Network
can access files stored on each other’s hard drives.
_________________ is any unique product of the human intellect that has commercial value such as books, songs, Intellectual Property
movies, paintings, drawings, inventions, chemical formulas, and computer programs.
A ______ at a school could put students’ Personal Identifiable Information (PII) in the hands of ______ who could breach, criminals
commit identity theft.
________________________ refers to a person or organization who controls the collection, holding, processing or Personal Information Controller (PIC)
use of personal information, including a person or organization who instructs another person or organization to
collect, hold, process, use, transfer or disclose personal information on his or her behalf.
_________________________ refers to any natural or juridical person or any other body to whom a PIC may Personal Information Processor (PIP)
outsource or instruct the processing of personal data pertaining to a data subject.
_______ means giving data subjects genuine choice and control over how a Personal Information Controller (PIC) Consent
uses their data. Data subjects may be able to refuse consent and may be able to withdraw consent easily at any time.
_______ or malicious software, is any program or file that is harmful to a computer user. Malware
It provides a platform for students to study throughout their lives, which is one of the functions of the internet. Uses of the Internet in Education
What is the first browser? Internet Explorer
Which of the following is accessible through standard search engines like Google? Surface web
Which of the following requires specific software or authorization to access? Deep web
Which of the following is known for illegal activities such as drug trafficking and illegal weapons trade? Dark web
What was the reason for Maria Ressa's cyber libel charges filed by President Duterte, and what does it reveal about Rappler's coverage of the
the current political climate in the Philippines? extrajudicial killings in the Philippines
under Duterte's administration
What are some ways parents can protect their children online? Engage in open and honest
communication with their children,
use the internet together, and
regularly talk with them about their
online experiences
What are some examples of online activities that can lead to bankruptcy due to addiction? Online shopping, gambling, and
What should a company do to protect their Intellectual Property? All of the above
What is data mining? Discovering patterns and trends
The percentage increase of email spam in 2007 is? 75%
Which of the following countries has a centralized control center? Saudi Arabia
The following are the contributing factors to computer addiction except? Full social support & intimacy
When did napster began its operation? 1999
Which of the following is not an example of Open-Source Software? Oracle SQL
The technical term "Worm" comes from what science fiction novel? The Shockwave Rider
How many victims did Sasser Worm has inflicted upon? 18,000,000.00
Sasser Worm - 2004; Instant Messaging Worms - ? 2001
Keyloggers, Banking Credential & Password Stealers, Antivirus Disablers are among the malicious tools that are Rootkit
used by which of the following Malware?
How many cases of Online Scam were recorded by PNP-ACG between 2016 to 2018? 1,890
Which of the following is a consumer advantage upon using compact discs from vinyl records? IV only
I. A higher price and profit
II. It is cheaper to produce
III. It introduces new music and a variety of choices.
IV. It has a higher quality.
BitTorrent is a broadband connection with... downloading much faster than
Which of the following is statement which can be concluded from Mill's Principle of Harm? If an individual acts in a way that
harms others, the government shall
Which of the following technology induces the growth of chat room predators? instant messaging
Which of the following does not explain why the web is based on the internet Every web object has a unique
It needs browsers? address
What is the set of all mail servers and connectors within a company or organization? Network Cloud
What are usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary? Blogs
What are the three forms of direct censorship? government monopolization,
prepublication review, and licensing
and registration
What is one of the most cherished—and most controversial—rights in the US? freedom of expression
What supports real-time discussions among many people connected to the network? chat room
In the illustration "How email really works?" what does the Stage F represent? Spam and Virus Blockers
In the IPOPHL Logo what does the silver box represent? Individual and Combined Human
In the IPOPHL Logo what does the tilted box represent? Exploration and experimentation.
In the IPOPHL Logo what does the arrow represent? Collective Progress
In the IPOPHL video, the DREAM acronum was presented. What does the letter A mean in the acronym? Adjudicatory
In the illustration "How email really works?" what does the Stage A represent? Sender's Mail Client (MUA)
In the illustration "How email really works?" what does the Stage B represent? Sender's MDA/MTA
In the illustration "How email really works?" what does the Stage C represent? Company Network
In the illustration "How email really works?" what does the Stage D represent? Sender's Mail Sever
In the illustration "How email really works?" what does the Stage E represent? Router
Cable forms closed loop, with all computers and devices arranged along the loop. Ring network
Range between 115 kbps to 4 Mbps infra red
It helps keep data and equipment safe by giving only the appropriate people access network security
These are created with malicious intent and sent by attackers Virus
It was the first generation security standard for wireless network WEP
What makes phishing attacks so easy to fall for? They use messages that look official
What is copyright? a form of protection
What happens to the work after the copyright time has passed? It goes into the public domain
What is the most common form of censorship? Self-censorship
Under what republic act is the "Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines"? RA No. 8293
Who is the Author of the "Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines"? Senator Raul S. Roco
When was "Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines" signed into law? June 6, 1997
"Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines" took effect on? January 1, 1998
The performance of data communications network depends on? All of the above
If all devices are connected to central hub, the topology is called? Star Topology
How long patents usually last for? 60 years
Which of the following is not included in the term "Work under copyright Act 1957" Layout designs of integrated circuits
Which of the following TCP/ IP protocols is used for transferring files from one machine to another? FTP
DNS can obtain the_______ of the host if its domain name is known and vice versa IP Address
Who was the first known hacker? John Draper
This let devices connect and communicate over the range of a person PAN
Any communicating device in a network is called a ___ ? Node
It is a topology that is rarely used and installation and management are difficult Mesh
It is the most basic network topology Bus
The ____ are also used to route and regulate the network traffic but, they can also send data between two dissimilar Gateways
Are a type of confidential information that your business can use to obtain a competitive edge or advantage Trade secrets
Is a type of software that is designed to collect information about a person or organization without their knowledge or Spyware
is a type of malware that encrypts a user’s files and then demands a ransom be paid in order to decrypt the files. Ransomware
is a network of computers that have been infected with malware and can be controlled by a remote attacker. Botnet
the ability for a consumer to distinguish between the products of one firm and those of another is provided by a logo, Trademark
package design, phrase, sound, or word.
The act of disassembling something in order to comprehend it, create a copy of it, or enhance it is referred to as Reverse Engineering
It involves taking someone else's thoughts or words and presenting them as one's own. Plagiarims
\a program that blocks the display of particular web sites Web filter
a campaign in which spammers swarm internet service providers with millions of emails with fictitious addresses. Phising
using the email system improperly to send bulk unsolicited emails to recipients Email Spam
A computer with a bot program installed on it is referred to as a ______ since a different computer can instruct it to bot herder
carry out certain tasks.
The Philippines' house bill _____, often known as the 2015 anti-bullying act, is titled An Act of Defining and Punishing 5717
the Crime of Cyberbullying.
a crucial type of direct censorship for information the government wants to keep under wraps, such details regarding Prepublication review
its nuclear weapons program.
the most prevalent type of censorship is when a group decides against publishing anything on its own Self Censorship
Occurs when individuals or groups try to prevent others from saying, printing, or depicting words and images. Censorship
The development of the World Wide Web was begun in ___ by Tim Berners-Lee and his colleagues at CERN 1989
By using psychological manipulation and email spoofing, attackers can fool victims into disclosing important Phishing emails
information, such as website logins and credit card numbers. Spoof emails imitate or pretend to be an email from a
real sender and demand a response.
Includes a suspicious sender promising you a huge reward in exchange for a financial advance, typically in the form Advance-fee scams
of a processing fee, needed to access the larger payment.
refers to creations of the mind. It can be an invention, a design, a brand name, or a literary and artistic work Intellectual property
Protects literary and artistic works, such as books and other writings, musical works, films, paintings and other works, Copyright
and computer programs.
is a word, a group of words, sign, symbol, or a logo that distinguishes your business’ goods or services from those of Trademark
other traders.
is an exclusive right granted for a new, inventive, & useful product. It can take the form of a new product, process or Patent
technical improvement to existing invention.
_____refers to an individual whose personal information is processed. Data subject
____ means giving data subjects genuine choice and control over how a Personal Information Controller (PIC) uses Consent
their data.
is a method of attacking a database-driven Web application that has improper security. SQL INJECTION
Under ___, your personal data is treated almost literally in the same way as your own personal property. Thus, it R.A. 10173
should never be collected, processed, and stored by any organization without your explicit consent, unless otherwise
provided by law.
Uniquely identifies cyberspace mailbox e-mail address
Unsolicited, bulk email spam
Why is it sometimes legal to reproduce a copyrighted work without permission? fair use concept
What are actions owners of digital intellectual property take to protect their rights? Digital Rights Management
These are violations of software copyright except Using someone else's content
without permission
People have a right to property in their own person and in their own labor Property rights
If two people write the same play, both cannot own it ¾ every intellectual property is one-of-a-kind Analogy is Imperfect
it is an example of an open-source software that runs half of the web servers Apoche
A type of analysis that have a argument agains copying like copying software reduce software purchases, leading to Utilitarian Analysis
less income for software makers, and leading to fewer benefits to society
some liken to compulsive computer use to pathological gambling Internet Addiction
It is known as the first web browser in 1990's Netscape
______ involves engaging in a behavior or consuming a substance because you feel a reward in doing so. Addiction
______ provide information about what is in a game or app. ESRB Rating
this is a fundamental right, essential to autonomy and the protection of human dignity, serving as the foundation upon Privacy
which many other human rights are built.
This is an example of effects of an online addiction in short-term forgotten responsibilities
These are the levels of webs except: deeper web
_______ need to be downloaded and some requires users to sign up with account. Apps
The internet facilitates internet banking, mobile banking, and e-wallets. Digital Transactions
A cybercrime offense that intentional alteration or reckless hindering or interference with the functioning of a computer System Interference
or computer network by inputting, transmitting, damaging, deleting, deteriorating, altering or suppressing computer
data or program, electronic document, or electronic data message, without right or authority, including the introduction
or transmission of viruses.
The unlawful or prohibited acts of libel as defined in Article 355 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, committed Libel
through a computer system or any other similar means which may be devised in the future.
True or False. A bot is called a risk-taker, someone who was trying to make a system do something it had never done False; Hacker
True or False. Computer Engineering refers to the manipulation of a person inside the organization to gain access to False; Social Engineering
confidential information.
True or False. Hacking or cracking can penalized by fine and/or imprisonment. TRUE
True or False. A piece of self-replicating code embedded within another program called Phishing. False; Host
True or False. Hackers are particular kind of backdoor Trojan that responds to commands sent by a command-and- False; Bot
control program.
True or False. Having strong, unique passwords for each site is a big help you to protect your accounts for hackers. TRUE
It is any malware which misleads users of its true intent. Trojan
It refers to the unintentional download of malicious code to your computer or mobile device that leaves you open to a Drive-By Downloads
A computer worm that targets Microsoft Windows operating system that was first detected in November 2008. Conficker
According to ____ of the Conficker Working Group, “It’s using the best current practices and state of the art to Rodney Joffe
communicate and to protect itself”.
Trojan horse that gives the attacker access to the victim’s computer. backdoor Trojan
In the Philippines, the House Bill 5718 entitled an Act of Defining and Penalizing the Crime of Cyber-bullying TRUE
otherwise known as Anti-Bullying Act of 2015.
A form of direct censorship that is used to control media with limited bandwith. Government monopolization
Which of the following contributing factors to computer addiction that does not belong to the group? None of the Above
RIAA means Recording Industry Association of
A program onto the hard disk of a computer being sold. Preloading
Statement 1: Email is a means of communicating in which messages are incorporated in files sent between Both Statements are True
computers. Statement 2: In reality, sending your message off into the network cloud is a bit like sending Little Red
Riding Hood into the deep dark woods. You never know what might happen.
They tell you that you won a lottery or sweepstakes — and encourage you to share personal data to receive the prize. Spam
“You’ve won!” is the usual term that they use. This is an example of _____
"The only justification for intervention is to avoid harm to others; the individual's own good is not a sufficient Mill's Principle of Harm
prerequisite." When an individual's actions cause harm to others, the government must intervene.
The following are types of Phishing except: Cyberbacker
What are the different variables that contribute to internet addiction? All of the above
The following are NOT the benefits of Intellectual Property Protection except: The allure of wealth can be an
incentive for speculative work.
What is not subject to copyright? Familiar symbols or designs
FM is short for ________, which refers to the means of encoding the audio signal on the carrier frequency. Frequency Modulation
FM radio: _____ ; AM radio: ______ Air;Land
The following are the types of network except: wireless private area networks
What is the first computer virus in the Philippines? ILOVEYOU
Convert 11011011 to decimal. 219
What is the octal of 902? 1606
Convert 819 to hexadecimal. 333
An entity of intellectual property comprising a recognizable sign, design, or expression that recognizes and Trademark
distinguishes goods or services from an individual or organization.
is a communication channel or system that allows the communicating devices to transfer information Full Duplex Communication
An act prescribing the intellectual property code and establishing the intellectual property office, providing for its Republic Act No. 8293
powers and functions, and for other purposes.
Is a telecommunications network that extends over a large geographic area. WAN
is any software that establishes itself on your computer and begins overseeing your online activity Spyware
without your authorization or consent.
MTRCB stands for Movie and Television Review and
Classification Board
Which of the following is NOT an attribute of web? Sound Effects
What does URL stand for Uniform Resource Locator
What type of hacker is motivated by financial gain and typically targets financial institutions and other high-value Black Hat
Which of the following is a wired network communication medium that uses twisted-pair cables and is commonly used Ethernet
for local area networks (LANs)?
Which of the following wireless network technology operates in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz frequency bands and is Bluetooth
commonly used for short-range communication between devices?
Which of the following frequency bands is commonly used for television broadcasting? VHF
Which layer of the TCP/IP protocol suite is responsible for routing and forwarding data packets between networks? Network Layer
Which of the following is NOT an internet browser? Microsoft
Which of the following is an example of a type of intellectual property that cannot be registered or protected by law? Idea
True or False: Only A is true
A) Trademarks are used to protect symbols, designs, or words that are used to identify and distinguish the goods or
services of one party from those of others.
B) Trade secrets can be protected indefinitely as long as they are kept confidential.
Which of the following is/are not considered as Antivirus? I and IV
I. ShareX
II. Windows Defender
III. Norton 360
IV. Agoda
In the 1960s, he created a basic network and described the need for easier computer-user interaction and Licklider
conceptualized “Intergalactic Network"
Which of the following is/are Not True? None of the Above
A. Whaling is a method of attacking high profile indivuals
B. Spear Phishing is an attack that gets a person's information by installing a malware or spyware.
Which of the following describes the situation below? B and C
Situation: Ross wants to use social media to promote his clothes business. He makes the decision to make a short
film for her shop, with a little part of well-known song serving as the background music.
A. Ross utilizes fair use because he only includes a part of popular music.
B. Ross's use of the song is not fair use because he is using it to promote his business.
C. Ross needs to get a license from the copyright owner of the song.
D. Ross's usage of the song is not permissible because he did not use the whole song.
The Philippines extends copyright protection for original works of art, literature, and derivative works for ___ years 50
following the author's passing.
It lasts during the lifetime of the author plus 50 years after the author's death Copyright protection
An act prescribing the intellectual property code and establishing the intellectual property office, providing for its Republic Act No. 8293
powers and functions and other purposes
Government agency mandated to administer and implement state policies on intellectual property to strengthen the IPOPHL
protection of IP rights in the country.
Protection of internet connected systems such as hardware, software, and data from cyberthreats Cyber security
There are six distinct stages in ethical hacking. What exactly is phase five? Clearing tracks
There are six distinct stages in ethical hacking. What exactly is phase four? Maintaining access
There are six distinct stages in ethical hacking. What exactly is phase one? Reconnaissance
It is when a person is compelled to spend a lot of time online to the point where other facets of their lives (including Internet addiction
their health, work, study or relationship) are permitted to suffer
The access to the whole or any part of a computer system without right Illegal Access
The acquisition of a domain name over the internet in bad faith to profit, mislead, destroy reputation, and deprive Cyber-squatting
others from registering the same.
TRUE OR FALSE: IPOPHL stands for Intellectual Property Organization of the Philippines FALSE; Intelectual Property Office of
the Philippines
DREAM is a mandate from the government agency IPOPHL which aims to perform functions to protect and secure b. Development-Oriented,
exclusive rights of different creators to their intellectual property and creations. DREAM stands for Regulatory, Enforcement,
Adjudicatory, Policy-Making
Which of the following is NOT an example of Personal Data? c. name of pet
Censorship is allowing to publicize any parts of books, images, films, and news which is considered obscene. FALSE ; (not allowing)
It is a person who uses another person's identity information Identity Theft
Who said that "sexual desire focuses on the body, not the conplete person" a. Immanuel Kant (ANSWER)
Phishing is about using of email or web pages to decieve other people to revealing personal information. TRUE
Who created the first virus "ILOVEYOU" in the Philippines a. Neo de Guzman
It is the set of all mail servers and connectors within a company or organization Network cloud
What do you call a spam that attempt to screen out spam by blocking suspicious subject line Spam Blockers
It is the unsecured mail servers that have been hijacked may be regarded as spammers and they will be blocked Real-time black hole list
even if they are not spammers.
It is an any program whose source code is made available for use or modification, as users or other developers see open source code
A type of copying from vinyl records to cassette tapes introduced hiss and distortions Digital Recording Technology
What do you call a confidential piece of intellectual property that gives the company a competitive advantage? Trade secret
Three factor to computer addiction social factor, situational factor and
individual factor
Who was the one who created test for the internet addiction? Kimberly Young
Which special character use in the email address? @
A unique string of characters that a user types in as an identification code. It is a security measure used to restrict Password
access to computer system and sensitive files
A small file on a computer that is created when a user visits a web sites Cookie
What is the primary purpose of the "Anti-Cybercrime Law" in the Philippines? To combat cyberbullying
Which type of content is most commonly censored in the Philippines under the "Anti-Child Pornography Act"? Sexual content
According to Mill's Principle of Harm, an action should only be restricted by society if: It causes harm to oneself
Mill's Principle of Harm prioritizes: Individual autonomy
Which of the following actions can be considered as misappropriation of trade secrets? Reverse engineering
Which of the following is NOT a requirement for a trade secret to be protected under trade secret law? The trade secret must be disclosed
to the public
Which computer programmer and entrepreneur co-founded Napster in 1999, revolutionizing the music industry? Sean Parker
What was the main reason behind the shutdown of Napster in 2001? Copyright infringement lawsuits
Which computer programmer invented BitTorrent in 2001, enabling efficient distribution of large files over the Bram Cohen
What is the key feature of BitTorrent that allows users to download files from multiple sources simultaneously? Peer-to-peer networking
What is a characteristic of open-source software? Its source code is publicly available
Which well-known open-source operating system is based on the Linux kernel? Ubuntu
What is the primary concern of data privacy? Protecting data from unauthorized
What is personally identifiable information (PII)? Information that can be used to
identify an individual
What is the main characteristic of ransomware, a type of malware? It encrypts files and demands a
Sexual desire focuses on the body, not the complete person? Kant
Blacklisting will affect innocent user? Utilitarian evaluation
Pornography is like pollution? Utilitarianism
Broad band connections, download much faster than upload? BitTorrent
Confidential piece of intellectual property that gives the company a competitive advantage? Trade secret
Identifies goods? Trade Mark
Identifies Services? Service Mark
A public document that provides a detailed description of the invention? Patent
Provides owner of a original work five rights? Copyright
sometimes legal to reproduce a copyrighted work without permission? Fair use concept
The process of reviewing official copies of books, movies, etc. and removing objectionable content Censorship
A sign capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one enterprise from those of other enterprises. Intellectual property
Using someone else's ideas or work as your own while doing so. Plagiarism
It is replacement for vacuum tube. Transistor
Built-in 1640, was capable of adding whole numbers containing up to six (6) digits Pascal's calculator
Developed a punched card electromechanical tabulating system to aid in accounting and information summarization. Herman Hollerith
It is a machine that sends messages usibg electrical impulses that may be translated into data. Telegraph
Is an ethical theory that holds that the definition of "right" and "wrong" is determined by a society's actual moral rules. Cultural Relativism
It is a two-digit number system using the digits 0 and 1. (also known as base 2) Binary
What is the smallest unit of data that a computer can represent? one bit
Which of the following is the symbol of AND gates

A NOT gate and an AND gate are combined. If an AND gate gives a 0 output, this gate gives a 1 output. NAND Gates

The OR Gates-boolean expression is ________. Y= A+B

Who proposed the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines RA No 8293? Senator Raul S. Roco
An international set of laws that protects copyrighted works from infringement across the member countries. Berne Convention
What is the smallest type of network? LAN
What does RIAA stands for? Recording Industry Association of
A type of fraud involves using someone else's identity to steal money or acquire other benefits. Identity Theft
When all of the inputs are 1, the output of this gate is 1. AND
There are up to 256 different characters in the ASCII character set TRUE
It is a numbering system with base 16 Hexadecimal
What is the highest level of hacker? Black
It is a unit of data that is eight binary digits long. Most computers use this to represent a character such as a letter, BYTE
number or typographic symbol.
What is the Boolean expression of NOT gate? y = NOT a
What is the Boolean expression of AND gate? y = (a)(b)
What is the Boolean expression of NAND gate? y = NOT (a)(b)
What is the Boolean expression of OR gate? y=a+b
What is the Boolean expression of NOR gate? y = NOT (a + b)
What is the Boolean expression of XNOR gate? y = NOT a⊕b
What is the Boolean expression of XOR gate? y = a⊕b
Type of logic gate that requires same input to give a true (1) output? XNOR
Type of logic gate that requires different input to give a true (1) output? XOR
Type of logic gate that give an opposite output of your input? NOT
WIKI is what kind of site? Collaborative Site
According to Utilitarianism, pornography increases what? Crimes such rape
If two people write the same play, both cannot own it _____ every intellectual property is one-of-a-kind. 3/4
Copyright protection began in what year? 1964
Who must comply with Republic act 10173? Companies with 250 employees or
1000 data subjects
_____ is a social identity that an internet user establishes in online communities and websites Online identity
These are the following personal information that must be protected except, number of family members
These are your following rights, except the right to post explicit information

Early in ____ between 8 and 15 million computers were infected with Conficker, including portions of military 2009
networks in France, the United Kingdom, and Germany.
It’s been estimated that as much as _____ of spam is distributed through botnets. 90 percent
Innocent users are used as a means for an end (eliminating spams) Kantian Evaluation
A most common form of censorship Self-censorship
Confidential piece of intellectual property that gives the company a competitive advantage Trade Secret
A public (not secret) document that provides a detailed description of the invention Patent
manipulation of a person inside the organization to gain access to confidential information. Social engineering
Copyright protection began in what year? May 31, 1970
malicious software, is any program or file that is harmful to a computer user. Malware
what year lasser launce? April 2004
software that allows an unauthorized user to have privileged access to a computer and to restricted areas of its Rootkit
method of attacking a database-driven Web application that has improper security. SQL injection
It is a source of information that is run by the internet. WWW
This type of hacker is considered as ethical hacker, for respecting the law. White Hat Hacker
These are illegal activities done on the internet, usually, stealing someone's identity or performing fraud. Cybercrime
A web that contains a drug transactions, political protests, illegal information, and private communication. Dark Web
This is a freedom of a person to keep or share his/her personal information. Privacy
When a piece of private information got leaked, it is called? Information Disclosure
Unwanted junk mail usually happens in text messages or emails. Spam
It is a base 2 number conversion coding. Binary
Prevent inappropriate images and words shared in public Censorship
A way to keep children safe from inappropriate content is by parent restrictions called? Parental Control
Convert the following decimal number to binary: 311 100110111
Convert the following decimal number to octal: 311 467
Convert the following decimal number to hexadecimal: 311 137
10101010 + 11001100 101110110
Convert the following binary number to octal: 0101110110 566
Below are the most commonly used bases in modern computing and digital elecrtonics, except: fractional
Which of the following is the base of decimal? 10
Which of the following is the base of octal? 8
Which of the following is the base of hexadecimal? 16
It is possible to convert base 10 to hexadecimal with letters included. True; since 10-16 equates to A-G
The numbers included in binary are: i. 1 ii. 2 iii. 0 iv. 3 i, iii
When adding binary, 0+0 equates to 0
When additing binary, 0+1 equates to 1
When adding binary, 1+1 equates to 0 carry 1
When multiplying binary, 1 * 1 equates to 1
It is a legal concept that protects the exclusive rights of creators or owners of software, preventing others from Software copyright
copying, distributing, or using their software without permission.
How long does software copyright protection last? Software copyright protection
typically lasts for the life of the author
plus 70 years.
Can you copyright open-source software? Yes, open-source software can be
It refers to the unauthorized use, distribution, or copying of software. It is a violation of software copyright law and can Software piracy
lead to legal and financial penalties.
What is WIPO mean? World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO)
It is an international organization that administers various treaties related to intellectual property, including copyright. WIPO
It provides resources and guidance to help countries develop and implement effective copyright laws, including those
related to software.
Can you copyright an idea for software? No, the ideas themselves are not
eligible for copyright protection.
Software copyright provides legal protection to software developers and companies. TRUE
Software copyright helps to ensure that creators receive financial compensation for their work. TRUE
It is a legal doctrine that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the copyright Fair use
holder. In software, this might apply to activities like reverse engineering, interoperability, or education.
It is one of the proposed solutions to Spam Epidemic that add a cost to every email that is sent for ads Micropayment System
The following statements are violations of Software Copyrights, which of the statements are true? Statement I, II, III
I. Copying a program to give or sell to someone else
II. Preloading a program onto the hard disk of a computer being sold
III. Distributing a program over the Internet
Freedom of expression is in the ___ Amendment of US Constitution that covers political and and non political speech 1st Amendment
Convert 1096 into binary, octal, and hexadecimal Binary : 10001001000
Octal : 2110
Hexadecimal : 448
Social, Situational, and Individual factors are the three contributing factors to computer addiction. TRUE
The following statements are Beneficial consequences of Open-Source Software, which of the statements are false? Statement III & IV
I. Gives everyone the opportunity to improve program - Eliminates tension between
II. New versions of programs appear more frequently obeying the law and helping others
III. Includes tension between obeying the law and helping others - Programs belong to the entire
IV. Programs belong to the entire society community
Under Republic Act 10173, Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA) stated that "The processing of all types of personal Data Privacy and Cybercrime
information and to any natural and juridical persons involved in personal information processing shall comply to the Prevention in the Philippine Digital
law" and can be found at page 24 of the ___. Age
The right to access is your right to find out whether an organization holds any personal data about you and if so, gain None of the above
“reasonable access” to them. The following are the statements that you may demand to access EXCEPT.
I. The contents of your personal data that were processed.
II. Names and addresses of the recipients of your data.
III. The identity and address of the personal information controller.
IV. Date when your data was last accessed and modified.
In the movie Live Free or Die Hard, a terrorist organization hacks into a variety of computer and communication TRUE
systems to seize control of traffic lights, natural gas pipelines, and electrical power grids.
It is a requirement to access a computer system login name and password
It means looking through garbage for interesting bits of information. Dumpster diving
These are the two early worms to strike instant messaging systems in 2001. Choke and Hello
The following are beneficial consequences of open-source software EXCEPT. Programs belong to only a certain
What does GNU stands for? General Public License
Without attracting a critical mass of developers, open-source SW quality can be _____. Poor
Spam is more than ___ times cheaper than junk mail. 100
What does CIPA stands for? Child Internet Protection Acts
Types of wired home networks include all of the following EXCEPT. Wi-Fi
It is a cable that consists of a single copper wire. Coaxial
It is responsible for screening television programs and films. Movie and Television Review and
Classification Board (MTRCB)
What are the three basic types of logic gates? AND gate, OR gate, and the NOT
What are the beneficial consequences of Open-Source Software Statement I only.
Statement I: Programs belong to entire community.
Statement II: Source code included in the distribution.
Statement III: Provides tension between obeying law and helping others.
Statement IV: Old versions of programs appear more frequently.
A type of Ethical Evaluations of Publishing Blacklist wherein the receiver as well as the sender do not derive equal Social contract theory evaluation
benefit from emails.
What is/are true about the challenges Posed by the Internet? Statement II, and IV.
Statement I: Determines the age of users.
Statement II: Many-to- Many communications.
Statement III: Child Internet Protection Acts started to arise.
Statement IV: Huge number of Web sites.
Actions owners of digital intellectual property take to protect their rights. Digital Rights Management
The following are the violations on software copyrights except one. Selling
The following are the characteristics of license except one There are restrictions preventing
others from selling or giving away
New versions of programs appear more frequently is one of the beneficial consequences of open-source software TRUE
Sendmail is an example of open-source software TRUE
Web is based on the internet and is not decentralized. FALSE
“An act protecting individual personal information in information and communications systems in the government and RA 10173 Data Privacy Act of 2012
the private sector, creating for this purpose a National Privacy Commission, and for other purposes”
School ID is an example of offline identity TRUE
An account on Facebook is an example of offline identity FALSE
A low-tech techniques that allows hckers to look through garbage for interesting bits of information Dumpster Diving
An explorer and a risk taker that tries to make a system do something that has never done before. Hacker
A symbol, word, or phrase used to identify and distinguish a company's products or services from those of others Trademark
Which of the following is an example of intellectual property? Copyright
A technique used by hackers to gain unauthorized access to a database by injecting SQL code SQL injection
Which of the following is not an example of cybercrime? Online gaming
A type of software that is designed to harm or disrupt computer systems, networks, or devices Malware
How does email works? Email messages are sent through a
series of servers that route the
message from the sender to the
Which of the following is an example of a blog? The Huffington Post
Which of the following is a common use of BitTorrent? Downloading large files, such as
movies or video games, from the
The right to know what personal information is being collected, processed, and stored by an organization. Right to access
The smallest unit of information used in computing and digital communications, represented as either 0 or 1. Binary digit
1. What is not attributes of web increases the utility of the internet
Which is not according to Kant about pornography pornography makes money
What is direct censorship Government manipulation
"The only ground on which intervention is justified is to prevent harm _______; the individual's own good is not a to others
sufficient condition"
Factors to computer addiction, except Achievements
TCP-based protocol allows administrators to view and modify _______ information. endpoint
_____________ are used to communicate with servers and send messages to other clients. software clients
Walkie-talkie is an example of? two-way communication
It has a purpose of saving information. network connectivity
Bluetooth is the best example of? wireless network
It is a type of hacker that is also called as Robinhood. blue hacker
Managed devices on the network can use this protocol to send error messages. Internet control message protocol
This is a government agency that is responsible for reviewing and giving out ratings for TV programs and films in the MTRCB
This is the best example of an intellectual property Inventions
This type of information refers to race, ethnic origin, marital status, age, color, health, and education. Sensitive Personal Information
A government body created under the Data Privacy Act of 2012, which is responsible for mandating information National Privacy Commission
privacy. This also gives you the right to file a complaint regarding your personal information.
The most famous worm of all time was also the first one to get the attention of the mainstream media Moris Worm
It is a type of entertainment medium that aims to promote sexual arousal by producing sexually explicit videos. Pornography
An American trade association that establisheses guidelines for film content similar to MTRCB. Motion Picture Association (MPA)
Which among is the true contributing factor to computer addiction? Feeling of alienation
Which of the following are true? D- Development--oriented, R-
Regulatory, E- Enforcement, A-
Adjudicatory, M- Policy-making
Censorship rating started on 1995 ESRB
Who signed the Republic Act of 9283? Senator Raul S. Roco
It deals with the protection of works and the rights of their authors Berne Convention
What is the meaning of Internet? International Network
Helps negotiate the use sharing and assigning of IP so that companies and individuals can use government Technology Transfer/T2
technology or joint project between the government
Amount of email that is spam has increased ___ in 2009. 90%
This country forbids access to neo-Nazi sites. Germany
Which is not applicable under rating systems in self-censorship. Web
The right to dispute and have corrected any inaccuracy or error in the data a personal information controller (PIC) The right to rectify
holds about you.
Members of the _____ and ______ Subcommittee built an elaborate electronic switching system to control the Signals and Power
movement of the trains.
Which does not belong under Protecting Intellectual Property. Censorship
Hacking or _____ which refers to unauthorized access into or interference in a computer system/server or information Cracking
and communication system.
Which is not a type of malware. Spywear
The appearance of the Kelvir worm in ____ forced the Reuters news agency to remove 60,000 subscribers from its 2005
Microsoft-based instant messaging service for 20 hours.
The attacker accesses the application like any other client of the application, but by _______ an SQL query into a text Inserting
string from the client to the application, the attacker can trick the application into returning sensitive information.
How firms get email addresses: Both I and II are true.

I. Opt-in lists
II. Dictionary attacks
Pornography is immoral in ethics. Which of the following is not under Kantianism. Those who produce pornography
make money
Challenges posed by the internet: II and III are true.

I. Static connections
II. Huge number of web sites
III. Can’t determine the age of users
IV. Easy access to information
Allows you to obtain and electronically move, copy or transfer your data in a secure manner, for further use. The right to data portability
Simply looking over the shoulder of a legitimate computer user to learn his login name and password Eavesdropping
Which does not belong under Property Rights. A person can claim more property
than he or she can use
BIND, Apache, Sendmail, Perl, and GNU are examples of __________. Open-Source Software
Minimum fine for Hacking in the Philippines P100,000.00
Social engineering is easier in _____ organizations where people do not know each other very well. Large
The Google __________ Team has discovered more than three million URLs that initiate drive-by downloads. Anti-Malware
Which is true in the statements below: a) Emails are messages
embedded in files transferred
between computers.
Which of the given was the correct format of an email? c) user … @ domain …
An instant message (IM) that has a link to a porn site is a great example of what we call: b) Spam
How do you stop spreading misinformation? b) Double-check other information’s
with more credible sources before
sharing to others.
Which is the correct value of “01110110” when changed in Hexadecimal? c) 76
Binary 110 + 111 is equal to? In octal. a) 5
Eavesdropping is a form of: b) Hacking
The trojan horse symbolizes what (in general): c) Deceit
It is a display of pop-up advertisements. b) Adware
Patrick was watching One Piece on an illegal site, while watching a big banner appear in front of his screen, it says b) A trojan horse
he won a new iPhone 14. This is an example of:
Statement 1: A phishing is when an attacker sends out millions of email messages from a botnet. Statement 2: SQL Only statement 1 is correct.
phishing is a variant of phishing in which the attacker selects email addresses that target a particular group of
The ______ is the most basic right as it empowers you as a data subject to consider other actions to protect your right to be informed, data privacy,
_______ and assert your ________ rights. other privacy
Hacking/Cracking shall be punished by a minimum fine of 100,000 and a minimum mandatory imprisonment of 180 days
In the 1983 movie _______, a teenager breaks into a military computer and nearly causes a nuclear Armageddon. WarGames
After seeing the movie, a lot of teenagers were excited at the thought that they could prowl cyberspace with a home
computer and a modem. A few of them became highly proficient at breaking into government and corporate computer
networks. These actions helped change the everyday meaning of the word “hacker.”
To protect our computer system, we can install antivirus software. Commercial antivirus software packages allow vendor's
computer users to detect and destroy viruses lurking on their computers. To be most effective, users must keep them
up-to-date by downloading patterns corresponding to the latest viruses from the ______ Web site.
The following is how an email virus spread. Which statements are correct? 1. A computer user reads an email with an 1, 2, 3, and 4
attachment 2. The user opens the attachment, which contains a virus 3. The virus reads the user’s email address
book 4. The virus sends emails with virus-containing attachments
A worm is a self-contained program that spreads through a computer network by _________ in the computers exploiting security holes, 1975
connected to the network. The technical term “worm” comes from The Shockwave Rider, a ____ science fiction novel
written by John Brunner.
Digital Recording Technology such as compact discs (CD) is: 1. Cheaper to produce than vinyl records. 2. High- 1 and 3 only
capacity file servers. 3. Has higher quality.
In ____ RIAA sued four students (for distributing copyrighted music) for about $100 billion (settled for $50,000) 2003
Violations of Software Copyrights involves ______ a program to give or sell to someone else, ______ a program onto Copying, Preloading, Distributing
the hard disk of a computer being sold, and _____ a program over the Internet
The following are the proposed solution to spam epidemic, EXCEPT: ban solicited email by-laws (should
be unsolicited)
He says that pornography is immoral because all sexual gratification outside marriage is wrong Kant
What is usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary? blog
What country has the ISPs sign where there is a "self-discipline" agreement? China
Under what contributing factors to computer addiction is the feeling of alienation? individual factors
How many employees or data subjects do companies must have to comply with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA)? 250 employees or 1000 data subjects
True or False: The minimum fine for Hacking or Cracking is one hundred thousand (100,000) and a maximum True (according to Ph RA 8792)
commensurate to the damage incurred and a mandatory imprisonment of six (6) months to three (3) years
True or False: A host is a piece of self-replicating code embedded within another program called the virus. False (should be vice versa)
The technical term "worm" comes from The Shockwave Rider, a 1975 science fiction novel written by whom? John Brunner
It's been estimated that as much as ___ percent of spam is distributed through botnets. 90%
It means giving data subjects genuine choice and control over how a Personal Information Controller (PC) uses their consent
A third party who processes personal data on behalf of the data controller. Personal Information Processor
The 'legal' person that determines how the data will be processed. Personal Information Controller
If you personal data was used by a company without your consent and this caused damage to you like The right to damages
unemployment. What right may you exercise?
It is an act of stealing someone's ideas or words and passing them off as one's own. Plagiarism
This refers to an individual whose personal information is processed. Data Subject
Copyright law protects authored works; ______ law protects inventions. Patent
The main tactic used to circumvent _______ is to register numerous domain name variations as soon as an Cybersquatting
organization thinks it might want to develop a Web presence.
A ____ (not secret) document that provides a detailed description of the invention. public
It is a logo, package design, phrase, sound, or word that enables a consumer to differentiate one company's products trademark
from another's.
A _____ is a malicious software that allows an unauthorized user to have privileged access to a computer and to rootkit
restricted areas of its software.
Adware is a type of _____ that displays pop-up advertisements related to what the user is doing. spyware
The Sasser worm, launched in April _____, exploited a previously identified security weakness with PCs running the 2004
Windows operating system.
In a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, the attacker rents access to a botnet from a ___? bot herder
A _____ is a website that allows the easy creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages via a web wiki
browser using a simplified markup language
Also known as the transient network Peer-to-peer Network
Refers to the manipulation of a person inside the organization to gain access to confidential information Social Engineering
Which of the following is not a malware? Social Engineering
The conficker or ____ worm, is notable because computer security experts have found it particularly difficult to Downadup
_____ is another way in which malware may be downloaded without a user’s knowledge. Cross-site scripting
An ethical evaluation of spamming that says 1 from 100,000 would buy because of a spam. Act utilitarian evaluation
An ethical evaluation of publishing blacklist that says innocent users are used as a means for an end. Kantian evaluation
It maintains good relations with government officials. Self-censorship
Companies also _________ trademarks by contacting those who misuse them. protect
Digital rights management are actions owners of _______ intellectual property take to protect their rights. digital
The binary of the decimal 312 is ________. 100111000
The binary of the decimal 123 is ________. 1111011
The octa of the decimal 312 is ________. 470
The hexa of the decimal 312 is _______. 138
The binary of the hexadecimal 1B3 is _______. 110110011
This is the set of all mail servers and connectors within a company or organization Network Cloud
An Ethical Evaluations of Publishing blaclist where senders and receivers do not derive equal benefit from emails Social contract theory evaluation
A quasi-judicial government agency under the Office of the President, which is responsible for the review and MTRCB
classification of television programs, movies and publicity materials.
The following are the Factors to Computer Addiction EXCEPT: IV. Physical
I. Social
II. Situational
III. Indivdual
IV. Physical
Examples of Intellectual Property, EXCEPT: II.Franchise
I. Trade secrets
III. Patents
IV. Copyrights
V. Trademarks
What is the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines that has been propsed by the late Senator Raul Roco R.A. 8293
It is a Violation of Software Copyrights that give or sell to someone else Copying a program
Open Source Softeware has no restrictions preventing others from selling or giving away software TRUE
What is the Republic Act for Data PRivacy Act od 2012 (DPA) REPUBLIC ACT 10173
A person who is an explorer, a risk-taker, someone who was trying to make a system do something it had never done Hacker
A type of spyware that displays pop-up advertisements related to what the user is doing. Adware
From smallest to largest, what is the correct order? LAN - MAN - WAN
What type of network would qualify as a metropolitan area network (MAN)? A network that covers an area
equivalent to a city answer
The following are how an Email Virus Spreads, which is not correct? I. A computer user reads an email
I. A computer user reads an email without an attachment without an attachment
II. The user opens the attachment, which contains a virus
III. The virus reads the user’s email address book
IV. The virus sends emails with virus-containing attachments

The following are types of malware, except? IV. Adware

I. computer viruses
II. worms
III. Trojan horses
IV. Adware
Mbps is known as_________. Megabits per second
A network than spans a nation or the world is called a____________________. WAN
A person who uses computer expertise to gain unauthorized access to a computer, and then misuses or tampers the Hacker
programs and data stored on the computer
The concept related to using computer networks to link people and resources. Connectivity
From Largest to smallest, what is the correct order? WAN - MAN - LAN
It is the category of algebra in which variables values are the truth values. Boolean Algebra
It is a device that acts as a building block for digital circuits. Logic gates
The following are the important operations performed in Boolean Algebra, which is not belong Logical
The table that used to represent the boolean expression of a logic gate function Truth Table
TRUE OR FALSE: A denial of service attack is a method of attacking a database-driven web application that has FALSE
improper security.
Types of malware can include: Computer viruses, worms, trojan
horses and spyware
What is the color of the most dangerous hacker? Black Hacker
TRUE OR FALSE: Did every web page has a unique URL? TRUE
It is usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary Blogs
TRUE OR FALSE: Pinterest is a website that allows the easy creation and editing of any number of pages via a web FALSE
browser using a simplified markup language.
TRUE OR FALSE: Pornography is moral? FALSE
What are the examples of Trade Secret? I. Formulas, Customers’ lists,
I. Formulas, Customers’ lists, Strategic plans, Proprietary design Strategic plans, Proprietary design
II. Polaroid vs Kodak- instant photography
III. Movie, Music, SW, Book industry.
It began operation in 1999 and went off-line in July 2001 Napster
It used for downloading large files BitTorrent
When did copyright protection began? 1964
What Open-Source software give DNS for the entire internet? III. BIND
I. Apache
IV. Perl
___________ is the interconnection of a set of devices capable of communication.
TRUE OR FALSE: It is common to see a LAN or WAN in isolation.
It is a small, typically a building or a cluster of buildings owned by a single organization.
A __________ defines the rules that both the sender and receiver and all intermediate devices need to follow to be
able to communicate effectively.
TRUE OR FALSE: SMS capability allows users to send and receive graphics, pictures, video clips, and sound files as
well as short text messages.
TRUE OR FALSE: For radio transmissions, a transmitter is needed to send the broadcast radio signal and a receiver
to accept it.
Unwanted and unsolicited advertising.
____________ is the unauthorized use of someone else words,ideas,music,or writing without acknowledgment.
Criminals mock up an email message, complete with company logos and seemingly proper information, fool the
customer thinking the email is real.
a type of malicious software that spreads across networks and does not need a user to activate it.
malicious software that spreads from computer to computer by a user activating the file in which it resides.
Hardware or software that guards a private network by analyzing the information leaving and entering the network.
A way to send data between a web server and a web browser securely. HTTPS
How does VPN works? VPN conceals your IP address by
allowing the organization to divert it
through a uniquely
designed distant server run by a VPN
A system that provides access between the users and the internet. Router
A designed minicomputer used only by a single individual. Alto
He invented several devices, including computer mouse. Douglas Engelbart
What are the two common IT issues? Outdated Equipment and Software,
Data Loss and Recovery.
List various types of networks, except? HTTP
It is the first wide-area packet-switching network and the first network to implement the TCP/IP protocol site. ARPANET
The data base of data on different web pages for the second category of search engine that is generated by humans. Human-Powered Search Engines
The _______ connects the devices to the internet, while ________ helps manage the home network. Modem, Router
TRUE OR FALSE: Because the user only receives emails that have been subjected to a variety of spam checks, the TRUE
security risk associated with using email spam filters can be reduced.
What is the utilitarian analysis of intellectual property protection for software? Copying software reduces software
purchases, leading to fewer benefits
to society
What is the "clean room" software development strategy? Team 1 analyzes the competitor's
program and writes specifications,
and Team 2 uses specification to
develop software
What is the difference between viruses and worms? Viruses spread through host
programs, while worms spread
through computer networks.
What was the impact of the Sasser worm? It made millions of computers
unusable and disrupted operations at
several organizations.
Which of the following is NOT a type of malware? Spamware
How can users keep antivirus software up-to-date? By downloading patterns
corresponding to the latest viruses
from the vendor’s website
What is one way hackers create a drive-by download? By injecting a client-side script into a
Web site
What made the second version of Conficker spread faster? Both A and B
A type of communications device that connects a communications channel to a sending or receiving device is a Modem
TRUE OR FALSE: With TCP/IP, each packet contains data as well as the recipient (destination), origin (sender), and TRUE
the sequence information used to reassemble the data at the destination.
TRUE OR FALSE: Infrared (IR) is a wireless transmission medium that sends signals using infrared light waves. TRUE
A collection of computers and devices together via communications devices and transmission media. Network
The amount of data, instructions, and information that can travel over a communications channel sometimes is called Bandwidth
the ____.
network technology that defines how messages are routed from one end of a network to the other, ensuring the data TCP/IP (Transmission Control
arrives correctly by dividing it into packets. Protocol/Internet Protocol)
A network must be able to meet certain criteria. What are these? Performance, Reliability, Scalability
A website that allows the easy creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser using a Wiki
simplified markup language.
TRUE OR FALSE: Personal Information Controller (PIC) refers to any natural or juridical person or any other body to FALSE
whom a PIC may outsource or instruct the processing of personal
data pertaining to a data subject.
topology is a point-to-point connection to other nodes or devices. Mesh
Are intellectual property (IP) rights on confidential information which may be sold or licensed Trade secrets
It is a law focuses on the protection of data from malicious attacks and prevents the exploitation of stolen data (data RA 10173 data privacy Act of 2012
breach or cyber-attack).
It is a symbol that helps consumers recognize the products or services of one company from those of other trademark
When an author sets a work in a form of expression,it is a sort of intellectual property, preserves the original copyright
authorship of that work.
it is accessible to use, modify, and sell and has no ownership restrictions. Its creator/author has made it open-ended. Public domain software
It that does not have copyrights or patents related to them.
The public may use it without paying for it. Although it has no copyright and is public domain, it is the least restricted. Freeware
The producers of this software are frequently independent programmers.
Users can download this software for free, but in order for the program to continue to be supported, users will Shareware
eventually have to pay. For a short while, it might also provide the entire package.Because it allows players to try out
new games for a brief period before investing in the complete version
is a hacking technique where someone goes through your trash looking for sensitive information like passwords or Dumpster diving
credit card numbers.
It collects personal and sensitive information that it sends to advertisers, data collection firms, or malicious actors for Spyware
a profit.
_______ attacks are more likely to deceive potential victims due to the amount of research and time spent spear phishing
personalizing messages that appear to be from legitimate senders.
TRUE OR FALSE: Copyright protection began 1959
TRUE OR FALSE: Networking decreases the computer’s utility
TRUE OR FALSE: Internet connects limited number of computers
TRUE OR FALSE: Spam is Solicited, bulk email
TRUE OR FALSE: Performing kantianism calculus on pornography is not easy
TRUE OR FALSE: Group Chat supports real-time discussions among many people connected to the network
TRUE OR FALSE: Servicemark Identifies goods
TRUE OR FALSE: Trademark Identifies Services
TRUE OR FALSE: Copyright provides owner of an original work 10 rights
TRUE OR FALSE: a stalker was an explorer, a risk-taker, someone who was trying to make a system do something it
had never done.
It is referring to the most common form of censorhip. Self-censorship
It is called one country connected into another country. Internet
What are the two types of connections? Wired and Wireless
Which of the following is excluded in Wireless Connection? Fiber optic
It contains symbol, words or pictures that are legally registered or established by use as representing a product or Trademark
What are those terms should be protected in intellectual property? Trade secrets, Patents, Trademarks
and Copyrights

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