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Arsi University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Department of Geography and Environmental Studies

Group Assignment for the Course ‘Geography of Ethiopia and the Horn (GeES 1011)’
Maximum Weight: 20% 12 February, 2024
In this group assignment, students of each section should be organized into specified groups
depending on the number of students in the class and the groups must have group leaders.
Accordingly, the students should study the last two chapters of the course in groups for at least
eight hours (four hours per week) which should be facilitated by the group leaders. The study
should be also enriched by referring other supportive literature using books, articles, journals,
internet etc. Subsequently, the students should prepare the term paper on the identified titles and
the main body of the paper should have minimum of 18 and a maximum of 20 pages. The term
paper should have the standard format such as the name of university, the course name and code,
list of the group members, table of contents, main body, reference materials etc. with good layout.
In writing the term paper, students must try to write the paper in their own words by giving local
examples rather than copying from the module and pasting on their paper (it will be checked during
the time of evaluation). Likewise, all group members are also expected to actively participate in
developing the term paper. If there are problems in this regard, which can be supported by
evidence, the group representatives are supposed to inform to their respective instructors for the
appropriate actions. Submission date the term paper is March 17 – 22, 2024. In addition, if
situations allow, the students are expected to give presentation on their term papers. Thus,
students must get prepared very well for the presentations. The exact date for paper submission
and presentation will be determined by respective course instructors. One of the group
representatives will make the presentation and the remaining group members will take part in
presentation by responding to the questions to be raised from the classmates and instructor. The
identified titles for the assignment are:
1. Population Data and Population Dynamics (Fertility, Mortality and Migration)
2. Population Distribution of Ethiopia
3. Socio-cultural Aspects of Ethiopian Population (Education, Health and Languages)
4. Settlement Types and Patterns in Ethiopia
5. Mining, Fishing, Forestry and Agricultural Economic Activities of Ethiopia
6. The Manufacturing and Service Economic Activities of Ethiopia

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