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1. Provide information on the journal name, place of publication, year of

publication and journal ranking. (1pt)

- Journal name: Journal of Psycholinguistic Research

- Place of publication: United States

- Year of publication: 2023

- Journal ranking: Q1

2. What is the article title? (1pt)

Needs Analysis About Intercultural Communicative Competence Among

Undergraduate Tourism Students.

3. Who are the authors? (1pt)

(Tran & Vo, 2023).

4. What are the statements of the problem? (2 pts)

However, to the best of our knowledge, at tertiary level of Vietnamese context, there
has never been such a research investigating the learners’ needs of this long-life
competence, ICC, in their ETP courses and in an intercultural working environment
they are engaging like tourism domain.

5. What are the research questions? (1 pt)

6. Did the author provide information on ethics statements? If yes, what are
they? (1 pt)


7. Provide a short summary of the article. (3pts) (no more than 350 words)

Ensure that you cover the authors’ names, year, research objectives, participants
(number,age, major, nationality, educational institution), a research setting
(country), research design (survey/qualitative/quantitative/observation), instrument
(questionnaire(name of questionnaire, how many items, from what authors?)
/interview questions (how many questions?) , results and discussion (main findings,
how are these findings similar or different,what are the most interesting findings),
limitations (main limitations), suggestions for further studies (main suggestions for
further studies).

Tran and Vo (2023) conducted a mixed-methods study to investigate the needs

analysis about Intercultural Communicative Competence among undergraduate
tourism students who was study at three educational institutions in central Vietnam.
The participants were 628 students - mostly between the ages of 21 and 22 and with
eight to twelve years of English language instruction - from two universities and a
junior college. Eight questions containing both closed-ended and open-ended sections
about undergraduate students were used in the study's questionnaire.

There are two noteworthy drawbacks to this study. Initially, it might make use of
students majoring in tourism at a central Vietnamese city. Therefore, subsequent
studies ought to be carried out utilizing a more extensive sample size spanning
various areas and academic establishments within Vietnam. Second, the results were
only gathered from the undergraduates. Therefore, the purpose of teaching and
learning ICC in ELT generally and in ETP specifically, more research examining the
needs analysis of ICC from relevant stakeholders such as instructors, graduates, and
professional specialists would be notable.

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