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The campus ministry of the Methodist church Ghana has gone through lots of transformation since 1965 as
Ghana Inter-Universities Methodist Union to now Ghana Methodist Students' Union(GHAMSU).The Union
has come this far embracing students of all the nation's educational institutions from the secondary to the
tertiary level.
In this regard, it is therefore very prudent to remind ourselves that in a society or institution where there is
no or little adherence to laid down rules and regulation, obviously there is a state of anarchy. Automatically,
there will only be survival of the fittest. Therefore, for peaceful co-existence and progress to take place it is
the law that must rule and not the sentiment of the people.
Law is a system of rules and guidelines, usually enforced through a set of institutions. It is a rule designed
to control the conduct of those to whom it applies and have to be followed. GHAMSU as institution cannot
operate in a vacuum. This is the reason why the publication of the Bye-Laws since 1990 has been necessary.
Of course, we should still have in mind that the Bible is our supreme reference in any matter.
In line with the provision to amend the Bye-Laws, a committee was set up to discharge this duty and
reported to NEC. We are grateful to God for the work done by the committee and NEC. This current form of
the Bye law was promulgated on 7th March 2009 at a NEC meeting held in Efiduase Diocese of GHAMSU.

The NEC agreed to maintain the preface of the 2000 edition because it touches on some salient points. For
the purposes of this preface which precedes the 2000 edition, some of these points must be re-emphasized.
First and foremost, the Bible is the Supreme reference in any matter. And it is this word of God that we turn
for counsel, guidance, direction and command. Secondly, GHAMSU as a campus ministry of the Methodist
church Ghana submits to the authority of the church's Constitution and its Standing Orders (S.O). It is
therefore a must for all GHAMSU members to own copies and be conversant with its content.

In this current form of the Bye-Laws, issues like the mission and vision of GHAMSU, the duties of the
National Organizing Secretary as well as the Boards' executives were touched on. National prayer
conference, Women's Ministry among other important issues were also addressed. All these have been done
for the betterment of GHAMSU. But we should always remember that the word of God is the supreme law
for us as Christians. The National Executive of GHAMSU wants to thank the committee members: Bro.
Yaw Anokye Kyei Baffour, Bro. Emmanuel Ampomah Amoako and Bro.Yeboah Appiah for the efforts

Eric Gyan
(GHAMSU National President (2008-2010)
PREFACE (2000 edition)
In Joshua 1:8, God commanded us to keep on meditating on “the book of Law” which is his word. And
Psalm 1:2-3 confess prosperity, in all things, on the one whose delight is in the law of God and meditates on
it day and night. As people of God, our supreme law is the word of God. It is to the word of God that we
turn for counsel, guidance, direction and command. In all our endeavors, the Bible should be our first and
supreme reference for any decision on any matter.
GHAMSU as a campus ministry submits to the authority of the Constitution and Standing Orders (S.O) of
the Methodist Church Ghana and acknowledges that it supersedes all our rulings. It is therefore a must for
all GHAMSU members to own copies and be conversant with its content.
Notwithstanding, matters that pertain to GHAMSU alone must he handled on its own merit. To this end, the
founding fathers GHAMSU deemed it fit to give us some written document, hereafter called Bye Laws to
help us.
The 1990 edition, hitherto the late had to be amended to keep up with modern trends in GHAMSU.
In amending the Bye-Laws, areas like the administrative structure, power of NEC, NEG, DEC and DEG, the
names of the Boards and the list of locals to host NEG, among others were touched. It will be a strange
document to a lot of people even GHAMSU 'gurus' for two reasons:
(i). A lot of things have been changed and more added
(ii).Even the 1990 edition has been very scares in the system. It will therefore be expedient for all
GHAMSU members and those who deal with GHAMSU, to own copies, study them and use its content as a
guide in the operations of GHAMSU.
We should still have in mind that the Bible is our supreme reference in any matter.
The national Executives of GHAMSU (NEG) wishes to thank all who contributed in divers ways to ensure
this document is available for our use.
To God be the glory for the great things He has done.
Patrick Kofi Amissah
GHAMSU National President (2000-2002)

Whereas the Ghana Methodist Students’ Union (GHAMSU) as established by the founding fathers did a
work to bring all the young people in the Higher Institutions into the worship of the church.

And with the experience of the past, that the young people constitute a majority of the church membership
and that they are noted for their creativity, radiation and energy for action.

And where the superstructure of the church cannot be built without the solid infrastructure of the young
people, the generation of GHAMSU realizing the opportunity and expediency of revising the constitution,
consequently do hereby adopt, enact and give ourselves these Bye-Laws which involves the young people of
all the nation's educational institutions in the administration, education, nurture and evangelism of the
church to the end, that the door of salvation might be opened to all who see and have taste of the glory of









The name of the Union shall be GHANA METHODIST STUDENTS’ UNION (GHAMSU)
hereinafter referred to as ‘the Union’.

(a) MOTTO: The motto of the union shall be “Ambassadors in unity and love”.
(b) SLOGAN: Members of the union shall for easy interaction and identification use the slogan
“Ambassadors for Christ” which shall be anchored on 2Corinthians 5:20.


To develop ambassadors in unity and love for Christ
To witness Him to the nations
To build on the strong foundation of the church
To be responsible contributors to society.

To evangelize and disciple others to a personal faith in Christ,
Train and bring up spirit-filled leaders who will affect the church and society at large.


. The aims of the Union shall be:-
1. To witness the Lord Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour.
2. To lead others to a personal faith in Jesus Christ and encourage one another to live the Christian life.
3. To build on the strong foundation of the Methodist Church and to encourage responsible church
membership in all the nation’s educational institutions.
4. To prepare the individual to be responsible contributor to the society.


The union shall uphold the doctrinal standards of the Methodist Church declared as follows:
1) The Methodist Church claims and cherishes its place in the Holy Catholic Church, which is the
Body of Christ. It shares in the apostolic faith and loyally accepts the fundamental principles of the
historic creeds and of the protestant Reformation.
2) The Doctrine of the evangelical faith which The Methodist Church has used from the beginning and
still holds are based upon the Divine Revelation recorded in the Holy Scriptures. These include:
a) The Divine inspiration and trustworthiness of the Holy Scriptures as originally given and its
supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
b) The Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the Godhead.
c) The universal sinfulness and guilt of all humans since the fall, rendering them subject to
God’s wrath and condemnation without respect to persons, and without discrimination on
account of race, nationality, colour, gender, social position or otherwise.
d) Redemption from the guilt, penalty, domination and pollution of sin solely through the
sacrificial death (as our representative and substitute) of the Lord Jesus Christ, the incarnate
Son of God.
e) The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
f) The justification of the sinner by the Grace of God through faith in Christ alone.
g) The necessity of the Holy Spirit to make the death of Christ effective to the individual sinner
granting His respect towards God and faith in Jesus Christ.
h) The expectation of personal return to the Lord Jesus Christ.
i) The doctrine of the priesthood of all believers
j) Baptism and the Lord’s Supper as divine appointment and of perpetual obligation of which it
is a privilege and duty of members of the Methodist Church as well as all believers to avail
k) The indwelling and the work of the Holy Spirit in all believers.
3) Acceptance of the Methodist Faith (the four All’s)

1. All need to be saved.

2. All can be saved.
3. All can know themselves to be saved.
4. All can be saved to the uttermost.


1. The logo of the Union comprises a Circle, A Cross with a white banner which has the inscription,
GHAMSU in red. The Name and Motto of the Union are presented in the circular pane.
2. The Circle represents the world which the Union seeks to win for Christ
3. The Cross represents the sacrifice that Christ made with His life for mankind.
4. The White Banner which hangs loosely on the Cross represents the readiness of Members to reach
out in peace to the lost and the red inscription of GHAMSU on the banner signifies the blood the
Christ shed on the Cross.

The Anthem for the Union shall be:

1. Ambassadors for Christ operating in Unity and Love

The world our Parish just as Wesley’s vision we pursue

GHAMSU let us rise in building the Church
Leading others to a personal faith in Him
Ambassadors for Christ we live to love and serve the King

2. We build on the strong foundation of the Church and preach the Good News,
We foster the spirit of brotherhood among us all.

3. With steadfastness, unshaken faith our GHAMSU marches on,

With Jesus on our side who stands against us in the fight.


1) Full Membership
Full membership shall be opened to Methodist students of all the nation’s educational institutions:
universities, diploma-awarding institutions, Theological Seminaries, Polytechnics, Teacher Training
Colleges, Nursing Training Colleges, Post Basic Educational Institutions, Secondary and Commercial
schools and all Post Secondary Schools. Such members shall possess GHAMSU membership cards
issued by the National Project Board under the authority of NEC.

2) Associates Membership
There shall also be an Associate membership which shall be opened to
a) Senior Members of (1) above who are full members of the Methodist Church.
b) Former full members of the union who have completed their respective schools.

3) Adherent Membership
Adherent membership shall be opened to students who are not Methodists but share in the aims, missions
and visions of GHAMSU.

4) National Coordinator
A National Coordinator may be appointed by the Church in consultation with the Union.


a) Members shall have the right to vote at all meetings of the Union and entitled to all privileges that
may from time to time be laid down by the Union.
b) Members shall cherish, facilitate, promote and project the aims and objectives of the Union.
c) Members shall actively participate in the activities of the Union.

1) There shall be Patrons at all Local levels.
2) The Patron shall be a senior member or teacher in the school where that local
3) The Patron should be a full member of the Methodist Church.
4) In a situation where there is no senior member who is a full member of the Methodist Church in
that institution, the Local Executives in consultation with the Diocesan Executives of GHAMSU
shall contact other senior members of the said institution to occupy the position of a patron.
5) Unless otherwise provided the patron shall advice the Local Executives on spiritual matters and
any other issue pertaining to the general welfare of the entire membership where necessary.



The organizational set-up of the Union structured, hereinafter referred to as the “Apostle Method” shall
consist of National, Dioceses, Circuits and Locals.


1) There shall be a National Executive Council, hereinafter referred to as NEC, which shall be the final
authority and highest decision taking body of the Union.
2) The NEC shall meet bi-annually.
3) The fourth NEC meeting in the term of the National Executives of GHAMSU shall be the first session of
the Biennial Conference.
4) The NEC shall be composed of the following;
a) The National Executives of GHAMSU (NEG), which shall be based at the National Headquarters.
b) All diocesan presidents and secretaries.
c) Chairpersons and secretaries of boards.
d) Presidents and secretaries of all locals hosting and/or sponsoring boards and/or Diocesan.
Executives of GHAMSU (DEG).
e) Two Associates from each diocese and others who may be deemed fit by the NEG in consultation
with the Diocese.
f) Former NEG members.
g) Senior members shall be invited as and when deemed appropriate by the NEG.
h) The Conference NEC shall permit the attendance of all local presidents and secretaries.


The NEC shall have the following functions
1) Shall meet at least twice a year.
2) Shall have the power to make and give effect to bye-laws to promote the aims and objectives
of the Union and to cancel, amend or vary an existing bye-law which shall not be
inconsistent with the aims and objectives of the union.
3) Shall ensure that the Union’s activities are strictly in compliance with the spiritual aspirations
of the Union.


(1) There shall be a National Executives of GHAMSU referred to as the NEG which shall constitute the
core of NEC.

(2) In the event of an institution hosting the NEG, the same shall serve as the National Secretariat and
also the National Headquarters of the Union.


1) The DEG of the prospective host of the National Seat in conjunction with the sitting NEG and in
consultation with the LEG, Board and Associates shall form a committee to appoint the NEG, who
shall serve a term of two years. The NEG shall hold office from the close the National Biennial
Conference to the close of the next.
2) The appointed incoming NEG shall be presented to NEC at least three months before their induction
into office.
3) The criteria, mode and standards of appointing members of NEG shall be as enshrined in Acts 6:3,
after a season of special prayers. All other officers shall be appointed by this method.
4) The Individual to be selected should
A. i. Be a full Member of the Methodist Church and GHAMSU.
ii. Have spent at least one academic year in the Institution which is hosting the NEG as an active member
and should have a fair knowledge of GHAMSU and THE METHODIST CHURCH.
i. Have an active spiritual life
ii. Be matured physically and spiritually.
iii. Have leadership qualities.
iv. Have a satisfactory way of life.
v. The person’s academic performance should be above average

B. i. At least, 60% of the National Executives should be single.

ii. At least, 50% of the executives should complete their term of office whilst in School and at most 50%
can serve their term of office outside the campus. These ones should possibly be in the vicinity of the
iii. The Selection Committee should start work a year before the handover period and organize orientation
course for the new executives before presenting them to NEC.
5) The National Secretariat of the Union shall in the long run move from Diocese to Diocese but in the
interim, shall rotate among University of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and
Technology, University of Cape Coast and University of Education, Winneba.
6) A tertiary institution which shall host NEG shall satisfy the following conditions
a) Have a Diocesan Secretariat which is well co-ordinated.
b) The said Diocesan Secretariat should have effectively organised SICE programmes.
c) Should have successfully hosted a Board where applicable.


The NEG shall perform the following functions

1) The NEG, meeting regularly, shall carry out the general aims, policies and programs of the Union and
shall notify member institutions accordingly.
2) The NEG shall have power to act for and on behalf of NEC from the close of one NEC Meeting to the
beginning of another. During this period the NEG shall have power to make decisions and implement them
for and on behalf of NEC. Such a decision shall not be inconsistent with the aims of the Union.
3) Shall have the power to constitute sub-committees to help in the smooth running of the Union.
4) Shall have the power to call emergency meetings and also to change in crucial situations when and where
the National Biennial Conference shall be held.
5) Shall have the mandate to sanction any Diocese, Board or Local (in consultation with the Diocese of the
Local in question) that do not comply with the decisions and policies of the Union.
6) Shall have power to settle disputes or matters that may arise in the Union


1) The NEG shall comprise of
a) The National President.
b) The National Secretary.
c) The National Assistant Secretary.
d) The National Financial Secretary.
e) The National Prayer Secretary.
f) The National Special Duties Co-ordinator.
g) The National Organising Secretary.


1) The National President shall have the following functions:
a) Shall see to the spiritual growth of the Union and ensure that the aims and policies of the
Union are strictly adhered to
b) Shall preside over the National Biennial Conference, all NEC and NEG meetings.
c) Shall have the power to establish such relevant sub-committees which will help in the smooth
running of the union.
d) Shall be the representative and the spokesperson of the Union in relation to the church and
other bodies and when necessary.
e) Shall summon all NEG and NEC meetings.

2) The National Secretary shall have the following functions:

a) Shall act in the absence of the President.
b) Shall in consultation with the President convene NEC meetings.
c) Shall see to the implementation of the decisions of NEC and the National Biennial
d) Shall be responsible for all correspondence of the Union.

3) The National Assistant Secretary shall have the following functions:

1) Shall assist the National Secretary and act in his/her absence.
2) Shall be in charge of Publications and Communications Board.

4) The National Financial Secretary shall have the following functions:

a) Shall receive and keep proper accounts of all monies of the Union, and issue receipts and
statements for all monies received.
b) Shall give statement of accounts at NEC meetings and also at anytime upon request by NEG.
c) Shall be the chairperson of the national finance sub-committee if constituted.
d) Shall suggest ways of raising funds for the Union and inform NEG accordingly for

5) The National Prayer Secretary shall have the following functions:

a) Shall be concerned with the spiritual growth and prayer life of the Union.
b) Shall send prayer bulletins to the Prayer Board.
c) Shall be the National Co-ordinator for SICE.
d) Shall see to the organisation and arrangement of all national retreats and prayer programmes.
e) Shall ensure that all Diocese and all Locals celebrate the John Wesley Day and observe the
John Wesley Week of prayer and fasting and all other prayer and fasting programmes
declared by the Union.

6) The National Special Duties Co-ordinator shall perform the following functions:
a) Shall liaise between the Associates and NEC.
b) Shall be responsible for all socio-economic programmes of the Union.
c) Shall be responsible for ecumenical relations.
d) Shall take charge of any other assignment given by the National President, NEG or NEC,
when necessary.

7) THE NATIONAL ORGANISING SECRETARY shall perform the following functions:

a) Shall concern himself/herself with all organisational work concerning NEG and NEC.
b) Shall assist the Prayer Secretary in the organisation and co-ordination of SICE.
c) Shall be in charge of all the asset and properties of the Union.

8) All NEG members shall undertake other duties assigned them when necessary



. 1) The NEC shall have the power to establish various Boards to deal with issues or undertake certain
projects on behalf of the Union.
2) The established Boards in the Union are:
a) Prayer Board.
b) Publications and Communications Board.
c) Audit Board.
d) Project Board.
e) Research and Education Board.
f) Agricultural Board.


The Prayer Board shall have the following composition and functions:
1) The executive committee of the Board shall be composed of Chairperson, Secretary, Financial
Secretary, and one Co-opted member.
2) Membership of the Board shall be open to all full members of the Union who are students of that
institution hosting the Board.
3) The Board shall constitute the prayer force of the Union concerning all activities and progress of
the Union as well as outside bodies, particularly the Methodist Church, and shall arrange to send a
team to every Methodist Conference to pray.
4) Shall function in such manner and suggest methods to continually step-up the prayer life of
individual members of the Union as a whole and take interest in the various SICE of the Union at
all levels.
5) Shall receive prayer request from all organs of the entire union to pray on and also give out prayer
6) Shall be accountable to the National Prayer Secretary.
7) Shall organise the National Prayer Conference which shall be opened to all members of the Union.
8) For continuity of work and efficiency, the Board shall be based in the Kwame Nkrumah University
of Science and Technology, or as may be determined by NEC.


1) Chairman
a) Shall be the Board's head.

b) Shall champion the objective of the Board in seeing to the spiritual growth of the Union. Shall also be
concerned with the spiritual growth and maturity of the members of the Board.
c) Shall preside over all meetings and sign the minutes after acceptance.
d) Shall coordinate the work of the other executives. Shall also work closely with the co-opted member.
e) Shall be the representative and spokesman of the Board in relation to the Church, the Union and other
f) Shall have power to establish such relevant sub-committees when necessary.
g) Shall work in conjunction with the National Prayer Secretary and the NEG in the execution of the aims of
the Union.

2) Secretary
a) Shall be responsible for all correspondence of the Board.
b) Shall act in the absence of the Chairman.
c) Shall conjunction with the Chairman, lead all meetings.
d) Shall keep accurate records of all meetings and programs.
e) Shall give announcements and take attendance at each meeting.
f) Shall be in charge of all necessary records of members and also keep an up-to-date membership list.
g) Shall see to the implementation of the decisions of the executive body.
h) Shall take up any other duty assigned by the Chairman and the executive body.

3) Financial Secretary
a) Shall receive and keep proper accounts of all finances of the Board and issue receipts when necessary.
b) Shall prepare financial reports and statements of accounts to NEC meetings.
c) Shall prepare subventions and give out any money needed for the running of the Board.
d) Shall be a member of any committee set up by the Board, whose work shall deal greatly with monetary
e) Shall take up any other duty assigned by the Chairman and the executive body.

4) Co-Opted Member
a) Shall work closely with the Chairman.
b) Shall take up all organizational aspect of the Board.
c) Shall prepare prayer bulletin in consultation with the Chairman.
d) Shall see to the effectiveness of the diocesan groups and welfare of the members.


PCB shall have the following composition and functions:

1) The PCB shall be made up of an Executive Committee which shall consist of the Editor-in-Chief,
Vice Editor-in-Chief, Secretary and the Financial Secretary, and not more than ten other members.
2) Shall publish a newsletter, to be known as the Wesleyan Student, at least twice a year; and also
publish a magazine, to be known as The Wesleyan Ambassador to meet the National Biennial
3) All publication shall feature very good and sane articles to promote the spiritual growth of members
of the Union as well as the general public as well as their socio-economic growth.
4) Members of the Board in consultation with the appropriate authorities of the Church and the Editor
of The Methodist Times include in their publication issues affecting the Church.
5) Shall call for articles from members of the Union as well as outsiders and also edit before
6) Shall be the sole publisher for all of the Union’s educational materials.
7) Shall be the official reporter for all activities of the Union and take minutes at NEC Meetings.
8) Shall manage the Union’s website.
9) Shall evolve methods of motivating members of the Union to acquire the habit of writing Christian
articles and literature.
10) Members of the Board shall serve as proof readers for and behalf of the Union as and when
called upon by the church or any other body to perform such similar task
11) The Board shall be based at the University of Ghana or as may be determined by NEC.


a) Shall perform executive, administrative, and managerial responsibilities.
b) Shall summon all meetings.
c) Shall preside over all meetings of the Board.
d) Shall present to the Board within 14days of appointment and induction his/her mission statement-
outlining the executive management committee action plan during their tenure of office.
e) Shall see to the provision of logistics and incentives for efficient running of the Board
f) Shall delegate to each member of the Board to one unit.
g) Shall keep all properties the Board.
h) Shall be responsible for the publishing of the Wesleyan Student, Wesleyan Ambassador and any
other publications.
i) Shall be responsible for editing articles before publication.
j) Shall be a signatory to the account(s) of the Board.
k) Shall appoint new leaders for the Board in collaboration with the executive management committee.
l) Shall recruit new members into the Board where necessary.
m) Shall have the responsibility to approve or authorize expenditure before they are incurred.
n) Shall be required to get the Board informed of their financial status periodically.
o) Shall be the representative and spokesperson of the Board in relation to other bodies within and
outside the Union.

Vice Editor in Chief

a) Shall assist the Editor-in-Chief in the performance of his/her duties.
b) Shall deputize the Editor-in-Chief in his/her absence.
c) Shall supervise the distribution and sale of Wesleyan student, Wesleyan Ambassador and any other
production of the Board.
d) Shall chair the marketing and sales department and submit the outcome to the Editor-in-Chief.
e) Shall perform any other duty as may be assigned him/her by the Editor-in-Chief and the Board.

a) Shall be responsible for all correspondence of the Board.
b) Shall on the instruction of the Editor-in-Chief summon meetings.
c) Shall write down minutes at all Board meetings and read them at the meeting.
d) Shall preside over all meetings of the Board in the absence of the Editor-In-Chief and the Vice editor.
e) Shall on the instructions of the editor prepare a report of activities of the board for the year ended.
f) Shall be the official public relations officer of the board.
g) Shall perform any other duties assigned him/her by the Board or the Editor-In-Chief.

4. Financial Secretary
a) Shall perform the duties of a financial secretary and that of a treasure.
b) Shall prepare the payment voucher and certificates of honor to be approved by the Editor-In-Chief and
signed by other persons to the transactions.
c) Shall be a signatory to the accounts.
d) Shall record all transaction in the books of the Board.
e) Shall be the custodian of the physical cash of the Board.
f) Shall deposit all monies at the bank and keep an impress.
g) Shall be responsible for the preparation of a financial statement to be presented to the board at the end of
the financial year.
h) Shall be a member of the marketing and sales department.
i) Shall assist the vice editor in the distribution and sales of the publications of the Board.
k) Shall perform any other duty as may be assigned by the Board and/or the editor.

5. Members
a) Shall contribute to the writing of the various items for publication.
b) Shall attend all meetings called. Where a member cannot attend he/she shall give the secretary a prior
c) Shall assist in selecting items for publication.


The Board shall have the following composition and functions:
1) The Board shall comprise the Chief Auditor, Secretary, Financial secretary and not more than
seven other members.
2) The Board shall advise NEG on all matters of finance.
3) The Board shall audit annually and before handing over the accounts of NEG and DEG and Major
4) The Board shall be audited by an auditor appointed by NEC.
5) Shall co-ordinate the activities of the Diocesan Audit Committees.
6) The Board shall be based Institute of Professional Studies, Legon, or as may be determined by


Chief Auditor
a) Shall offer explanation of Accounting Policies and guidance to financial secretaries in all Major
Local and Dioceses.
b) Shall make sure that all the Local and Dioceses adhere to GHAMSU Accounting Policies in the
preparation of accounts.
c) Shall represent the Board on every meeting especially Diocesan Executive Council meetings,
emergency meetings, National and Local as well.
d) Shall assign any Audit assignment to the members of the Board during interim and final auditing.
e) Shall be a signatory to the account of the Board.
f) Shall take precedence over all decisions taken on Audit Board meetings and activities.
g) Shall report to Diocesan Executive Council (DEC) and the National Executive Council (NEC) or any
non-compliance to policies and offer recommendations that may be considered useful

a) Shall prepare minutes on every meeting: DEC, NEC and locals including Board.
b) Shall take role of Chief Auditor in his/her absence.
c) Shall alert the Chief Auditor on any issue that was skipped during or after meetings.

Financial Secretary
a) Shall prepare financial statements and report to the Board on handovers or any date approved by the
b) Shall be a signatory to the accounts.
c) Shall collect dues, subventions, honorarium on behalf of the Board.
d) Shall alert the Board on issues concerning finance of advice on financial issues.
e) Shall prepare income and expenditure budget.

a) Shall attend all Board meetings.
b) Shall contribute to decisions taken by the Board.
c) Shall undertake any assignments assigned by the Board.
d) Shall provide feedback after every assignment to the Board.
e) Shall show commitment to the Board.


The Board shall have the following composition and functions:
1) The Board shall be composed of the Chairperson, Secretary, Financial Secretary, Special Duties
Co-ordinator and Quality Control Officer and not more than five(5) members A member or
members will be selected from other Institution(s) to ensure effective operation.
2) The Board shall undertake viable income generating projects to support the Union.
3) The Board shall be the sole producer of souvenirs of the Union.
4) The Board shall support NEC financially.
5) No other Diocese, Local or individual shall produce any GHAMSU item of any sort without the
express approval of the Board in consultation with NEG.
6) The Board shall be based at the University of Cape Coast or as may be determined by NEC.


1. Chairman
a) Shall be the Chief Executive to the Board.
b) Shall call and preside over all Board meetings.
c) Shall supervise and ensure the effectiveness of all officers.
d) Shall be the principal superintendent to the bank account of the Board.
e) Shall supervise the implementation of Board decisions.

2. Secretary
a) Shall act in the absence of the Chairman.
b) Shall be a signatory to the Board's bank account.
c) Shall be responsible for all correspondence of the Board.
d) Shall ensure that minutes are taken and be responsible for reports of the Board.
e) Shall organize Board meetings in consultation with the Chairman.

3. Financial secretary
a) Shall keep all financial records of the Board and present financial statements as may be required.
b) Shall be a signatory to the Board’s bank account.
c) Shall see to the financial payment in consultation with the Chairman.
d) Shall with exception of impress send all monies received to the bank.

4. Special Duties Coordinator

a) Shall keep and take stock of all products of the Board in bank consultation with the financial
b) Shall carry out duties as may be assigned by the Chairman.
c) Shall be responsible for the purchase of all products of the Board.
d) Shall head the Board’s sales.

5. Quality control Officer

a) Shall check samples of product before mass production.
b) Shall periodically check for consistency in the quality of the Board’s product.
c) Shall be responsible for all other quality control issues.

6. Members
a) Shall in consultation with the Secretary see to the organization of Board meetings.
b) Shall assist the Special Duties Coordinator in the taking stocks of the product of the Board.
c) Shall assist in all duties of the Board.


21. The Board shall have the following composition and functions:
1) The Executive Committee of the Board shall be composed of the Chairperson, Secretary, Financial
Secretary and one Co-opted member.
2) Membership of the Board shall be opened to full members of the Union who are students in the
Institution where the Board is based.
3) Shall educate the Union on the doctrines and practices of the Methodist Church.
4) Shall educate the Union on the history and use of the Methodist Hymns, liturgy, etc.
5) Shall research into and educate the Union on past and present issues confronting the Methodist
Church and the Union.
6) Shall research into and educate the Union on its relationship with other Christian bodies.
7) Shall research into and educate the Union on social issues that bother on societal development.
8) Shall research into and educate the Union on political issues in relation to the church.
9) Shall make available their research findings, for publication, to the PCB.
10) Shall undertake research work for and behalf of NEG and educate NEG and NEC on relevant
11) The Board shall be based at University of Education, Winneba, or as may be determined by NEC.


1. Chairman
a) Shall see to the admission of new members into the membership of the Board.
b) Shall together with the Secretary, present to NEC, the state of the board and any researched work at every
NEC meeting.
c) Shall chair all official meetings of the Board.
d) Shall represent the Board on national levels and any other fora.

2. Secretary
a) Shall act in the absence of the Chairman.
b) Shall see to the compilation of research work and other educational materials.
c) Shall be responsible for all correspondence of the Board.
d) Shall convene meetings, write minutes and reports.

3. Financial Secretary
a) Shall receive and keep proper accounts of all monies of the Board.
b) Shall give Statements of Accounts at General Meetings of the Board, forward the Statement through the
Audit Board to NEC.
c) Shall issue receipts and/or statements from donations.
d) Shall suggest methods of raising funds for the Board.
e) Shall issue money for REB activities.

4. Co- opted Member
a) Shall stand-by for all the other executive duties.
b) Shall be responsible for the administration of research questionnaires and retrievals.
c) Shall coordinate the educational activities of the Board.


The Board shall have the following composition and functions:
1) Shall be composed of , the Chairperson, Secretary, Financial Secretary, Special Duties Coordinator
and three other members out of which two should be the host Diocesan and Local’s Presidents.

2) Shall research into agro-business and inform the NEC about its findings.

3) Shall undertake viable income generating agricultural ventures. These could be short or long term
projects. Areas for investment may include plant and animal production, trading in agricultural
produce and agro inputs.

4) Shall be funded by the NEG and NEC in the area of investment or operations. The host local and
Diocese shall fund the Board’s administrative activities.

5) Shall support the NEG and NEC financially.

6) For continuity of work and efficiency, the Agric Board shall be based in one institution and therefore
shall be in the University of Mines and Technology (UMaT) or as may be determined by the NEC.


Where any Board’s operations are below expectation, NEC shall have the power to relocate it.

The following shall be recognised as national GHAMSU programmes:
a) National Biennial Conference.
b) Student in Church Evangelism (SICE).
c) National Prayer Conference.
d) National Work Camps.
e) National Leadership Seminar.
f) GHAMSU Week Celebration.
1) a. The National Biennial Conference shall be convened biennially at the National Headquarters
at such time deemed appropriate by the NEC.
b. The NEG shall have power to change under crucial situations and to decide where and when
the National Biennial Conference will be held.

2) Membership of the National Biennial Conference shall be as follows

a. All NEG members.
b. Members of all Locals.
c. All Senior Members, Church Members or authorities and other personalities such as the NEG
may deem fit to invite.
d. Associates.
e. Fraternal delegates as may be deemed fit to invite.

3) The activities of the National Biennial Conference shall be as follows:

a. The first session of the conference shall be a NEC Meeting.
b. The second session shall be entirely devoted to spiritual and educational issues.
c. Working groups shall be constituted where necessary to deal with very pertinent issues
during the conference.
d. A Conference Planning Committee (CPC) shall be set up by the NEG and under the
supervision of NEG, at least a year before the conference, to see to the organisation of the


1) SICE shall be a major annual evangelism programme of the Union to be organised at the various levels
of the Union.
2) Shall be a partnership programme with the Church at all levels.
3) Shall be organised according to the Union’s SICE Policy (Refer to the SICE Policy).


Shall be an annual programme that will be organised by the National Prayer Board in consultation with
NEC the event shall be organised as described in Appendix 6.


Shall be an activity of the Union that shall be organised by a Committee set for the purpose. The Work
Camp Policy is as presented in Appendix 4.


There shall Leadership Seminars organised for all leaders at the various levels of the Union by Supervising
Officers as indicated in Directive of Appendix 1.


1) It shall be a week set aside each year to involve members of the Union in the activities of the Mother
2) NEG shall provide guidelines for the celebration each year.
3) Funds shall be shared among the national, diocese and the local in 20:30:50 respectively.

1) a. The composition of the Diocese shall be such that it shall comprise of a number of Educational
Institutions in a particular area, which shall be divided into Circuits.
b. Eight or more Institutions within an area may constitute a Diocese. However, special concession
may be granted below this number if the need arises.

2) a. There shall be a Diocesan Conference which shall be organised by every Diocese.

b. The Diocesan Conferences shall be organised biennially, specifically in the year when the
National Biennial Conference will not be organised.
c. The DEC shall decide where the Conference is to be organized and shall be preceded by a one
day DEC Meeting.
d. Membership of the Diocesan Conference shall be as follows:
a. All DEG members.
b. Members of all Locals.
c. All Senior Members, Church members or authorities and other personalities such as the DEG
may deem fit to invite.
d. Associates.
e. Fraternal delegates as may be deemed fit to invite.
e. During the National Biennial Conference year, a day’s Rally/Retreat shall be held at the
Diocesan level.


There shall be a DEC which shall have the following composition:
a. The Diocesan Executives of GHAMSU.
b. Circuit Coordinators in the Diocese.
c. Presidents and Secretaries of all Locals.
d. Two representatives of the Associate group in the Diocese.
e. Two representatives of all Boards resident in the Diocese.


The DEC shall have the following functions:
a. Ensure consistent spiritual growth of the Diocese.
b. Take up matters of urgency in the Diocese and report to the Local Unions.
c. Decide which Institution shall host DEG.
d. Shall see to the formation and proper demarcation of Circuits.


The following conditions are required for a Local to qualify to host a DEG:
1. A Local that must host a DEG should have successfully coordinated a Circuit.
2. The local should have successfully organised SICE.
3. The Local should have contributed immensely to the progress of the Diocese.
4. The Local should be in good financial standing. The amount of immense contribution and good
financial standing shall be as determined by NEC.
5. No DEC shall have the power to transfer the DEG from one Local to another without the approval of


The DEG shall have the following functions and powers:
a. Shall constitute the inner core of the DEC.
b. Shall see to the spiritual growth of the Diocese.
c. Shall be responsible for the implementation of policies, programmes and general aims of the
Union at the Diocesan level.
d. Shall organise the Institutions into Circuits and pay regular visits to all the Institutions.
e. Shall organise the Diocesan Biennial Conference.
f. Where the National Biennial Conference is held in a Diocese, the DEG in question shall
assist the NEG to host the Conference.
g. Shall explore avenues to organise Diocesan retreats, work camps and SICE.
h. Shall get NEG informed of all activities in the Diocese which they have the power to initiate.
i. Shall have the power to settle disputes that may arise in a Local Executive of GHAMSU
within its jurisdiction.
j. Shall have the mandate to sanction any Local or Member that deviates from the aims and
objectives of the Union.


The DEG shall comprise

a. Diocesan President.
b. Diocesan Secretary.
c. Diocesan Assistant Secretary.
d. Diocesan Financial Secretary.
e. Diocesan Prayer Secretary.
f. Diocesan Organising Secretary.
g. Diocesan Special Duties Co-ordinator.


1. The Diocesan President
The Diocesan President shall have the following functions:
a. Shall see to the spiritual growth of the Union in the Diocese and ensure that the aims and
policies of the Union are strictly adhered to in the Diocese.
b. Shall preside over DEC and DEG Meetings and the Diocesan Conference.
c. Shall have the power to establish such relevant sub-committees which will aid in the smooth
running of the Union in the Diocese.
d. Shall be the representative and the spokesperson of GHAMSU in relation to the church and
other bodies in the Diocese.
e. Shall summon all DEC and DEG Meetings.

2. Diocesan Secretary
The Diocesan Secretary shall have the following functions:
a. Shall act in the absence of the President.
b. Shall see to the implementation of policies within the Diocese.
c. Shall be responsible for all correspondence of the Union in the Diocese.

3. Diocesan Assistant Secretary

The Diocesan Assistant Secretary shall have the following functions:
a. Shall act in the absence of the Diocesan Secretary.
b. Shall liaise with PCB in the Publication of the Wesleyan Student and
the Wesleyan Ambassador.
c. Shall receive and forward articles to PCB.
d. Shall represent PCB at the Diocesan level.
4. Diocesan Financial Secretary
The Diocesan Financial Secretary shall have the following functions:
a. Shall receive and keep proper accounts of all monies of the Union, and issue receipts and
statements for all monies received and send the National quota to the Headquarters.
b. Shall give statements of accounts to the DEC and at any time upon request by the DEG.
c. Shall suggest ways of raising funds for the Diocese and shall inform the DEG accordingly.

Diocesan Prayer Secretary

The Diocesan Prayer Secretary shall have the following functions:
a. Shall be concerned with all matters of prayer in the Diocese
and evolve methods such as will motivate members to pray.
b. Shall be responsible for Diocesan Prayer Retreats and
Prayer Network.
c. Shall ensure that Circuits have a consistent prayer programmes provided.
d. Shall be assisted by two assistants who will neither be members of DEG or DEC.
The Prayer Secretary together with the two assistants shall form the Diocesan Prayer
Force and may, when necessary co-opt others.
e. Shall co-ordinate the Diocesan SICE.
f. Shall receive and forward Prayer Bulletins to the Prayer Board and shall be the
representative of the National Prayer Conference Planning Committee.

Diocesan Organising Secretary

The Diocesan Organising Secretary shall have the following functions:
a. Shall take up all organisational work of the Diocese.
b. Shall assist the Diocesan Secretaries and also act in their absence.
c. Shall represent the REB at the Diocesan level.

Diocesan Special Duties Co-ordinator

The Diocesan Special Duties Coordinator shall have the following functions:
a. Shall liaise between the Associates and DEG.
b. Shall be responsible for all socio-economic programmes in the Diocese.
c. Shall be responsible for ecumenical relations in the Diocese.
d. Shall represent the Project Board at the Diocesan level and shall advice the Project Board on
the quality of their products.
e. Shall not operate a separate account from that of the Diocesan Financial Secretary.


No DEG Member shall, at the same time, hold any local, Board or National office.


The current DEG in conjunction with the Host Local and in consultation with the Associates, if available,
shall appoint the in-coming DEG based on the Mode of Selection of Executives.


1) a. Shall consist of two or more Locals within a Diocese based on the level of the Institution,
proximity, and the strength of the Locals.
b. Shall be a coordinating area within the Diocese under the supervision of Circuit Coordinators.
2) a. The Host Local (Circuit Head) shall choose a Circuit Coordinator.
b. The Coordinator shall work with a coordinating team.
c. The Host Local Executive of GHAMSU shall appoint the Coordinating Team; hence the Team
shall be hosted by the former.
d. The Coordinator shall be a member of the host Local Executive of GHAMSU.
3) The Coordinator shall give regular reports on the Circuit to the host LEG as and when demanded.
4) The Coordinator shall collect reports from the Locals in the Circuit which shall be endorsed by him
or her and the President of the host Local.
5) The Coordinator shall be a member of the Diocesan Executive Council (DEC) and shall present the
Circuit’s Report with the host Local’s President during DEC Meetings.
6) Circuit programs shall be organized in consultation with DEG.


The Circuit shall undertake the following programs:

a. A Day’s Circuit Rally shall be organized at the Circuit level.
b. Dates for Circuit Rallies shall be decided on by the DEG and the Circuit Head.
c. Reports on Circuit Rallies with accounts shall be forwarded to the Diocesan Secretariat within
fourteen (14) days after the event by the Circuit Coordinator.
The Circuit shall organize Leadership Seminars and other seminars for its members.
3) The Circuit shall organize any other Circuit Program which shall be discussed with the Diocesan
Executive of GHAMSU (DEG).

The Circuit shall be funded by the following means:
1. The host Local.
2. Proceeds from Circuit Rallies.
3. Percentage of a Diocesan Development Fund or any other fund approved by the DEC.
4. Other Circuit initiatives which shall not be inconsistent with the aims of the Union.

1. The Accounts of the Locals in the Circuit shall be audited by an Auditor appointed by DEC with
approval from the Audit Board.
2. The audited Accounts of the Local shall be presented together with the Locals’ Reports at the DEC
Meeting preceding the Diocesan Handing Over.
The conditions that are required for a Local to qualify to host a Circuit are:
1. A Local that must host a circuit shall have at least two or more Locals under it.
2. The Local should have successfully participated in SICE and given immense to the Diocese in the
realisation of the aims as stated in Article 3 and 4.
3. The Local should be in good financial standing. The amount of immense contribution and good
financial standing shall be as determined by DEC.


The DEG shall divide the Diocese under their jurisdiction into Circuits
1) A Circuit shall consist of two or more Locals within the Diocese based on the level of Institution,
proximity, and the strength of the Locals.
2) A circuit shall be the co-ordination area as within the Diocese under the supervision of Circuit
3) Circuit co-ordinators shall be appointed by DEG in consultation with the Local Executives
Committee whose Local will host the Circuit Coordinator.
4) Circuit Coordinators shall report directly to the DEG, and shall be funded DEG with support from
the host Local.
5) Circuit programmes shall be organised as decided upon by the DEG.

38. 1) A Local of GHAMSU shall be a group of Methodist students in the particular Institution, meeting as
one people under the administration of a Local Executive of GHAMSU (LEG), which shall be the
smallest unit in the “Apostles Method”.
2) The Local group which shall adopt the name “GHAMSU Local”, shall essentially engage itself in
studying the Scripture, praying and such activities as would promote their spiritual growth and
usefulness in the Methodist Church.


40. There shall be a Local Executive of GHAMSU which shall have the following composition:
1) Local President.
2) Local Vice President.
3) Local Secretary.
4) Local Assistant Secretary.
5) Local Financial Secretary.
6) Local Prayer Secretary.
7) 1st Assistant Local Prayer Secretary.
8) 2nd Assistant Local Prayer Secretary.
9) Local Organising Secretary.
10) Circuit Coordinator (where applicable).
11) Wings and Departments may be formed to help in the smooth running of the Union and their
heads may be part of the LEG.
12) Hall/House Representatives or co-opted members.


The various members of the Local Executive of GHAMSU shall have the following functions:

Local President
The Local President shall perform the following functions:
a. Shall be responsible for the spiritual development of the Local.
b. Shall summon and preside over all general, executive and business meetings of the Local.
c. Shall ensure that all other executive members discharge their functions.

Local Vice President

The Local Vice President shall perform the following functions:
a. Shall act in accordance with instructions from the president and act in his/her absence.
b.Shall be responsible for evangelism, Bible study and Preaching Band.

Local Secretary
The Local Secretary shall have the following functions:
a.Shall be responsible for all the correspondence of the Local.
b.Shall serve as link between the Local and other Locals as well as the DEG.

Local Assistant Secretary

a.Shall assist the Secretary in the performance of the latter’s duties in 53(3) and also act in the
latter’s absence.
b. Shall collate Associate Database and forward it to the Diocesan Special Duties Coordinator.
c. Shall serve as a link between Associates and LEG.

Local Financial Secretary

The Local Financial Secretary shall perform the following functions:
a. Shall receive and keep proper accounts of all monies of the Local.
b. Shall give Statements of Accounts at Business/General Meetings of the Local forward the
Statement through the Circuit Coordinator to DEC Meeting preceding Diocesan Handing
c. Shall issue receipts and/or statements from donations.
d .Shall suggest methods of raising funds.

Local Prayer Secretary

The Local Prayer Secretary shall perform the following functions:
a. Shall be responsible for prayer meetings and seek ways to improve the prayer life of
b. Shall be assisted by two assistants who shall not be members of the LEG. The Prayer
secretary and the two assistants shall form the Prayer Force of the Local and they may co-opt other members
of the Union to join.
c.Shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Diocesan Prayer Networks.

Local Organising Secretary

The Local Organising Secretary shall perform the following functions:
a.Shall take up all organisational work of the Union in relation to meetings of all kinds and shall
arrange for and prepare the places for such meetings.
b.Shall be responsible for overseeing programmes pertaining to an adopted Methodist Church.

Circuit Coordinator
The functions of the Circuit Coordinator are as stipulated in Article 29 on Circuits. He or She may be
assigned other responsibilities as prescribed by the LEG.

Wing and Departmental Heads

The Local Wing and Departmental Heads shall see to the smooth running of the various Wings and
Departments and shall also perform any other responsibilities assigned to them by the Local President.

Hall/House Representatives
The Hall/House Representatives shall perform the following functions:
a.Shall see to the effectively organise, mobilise and ensure the welfare of members directly
under them, and shall report regularly to the President on matters of members of the Union who
come under them.
b. Shall visit members regularly and pass information to them.
c.Shall collect dues and tithes and forward them to the financial secretary. The dues and tithes so
collected shall be entered into the membership cards of the members by the Hall


The mode of election of the Executives shall be as follows:
1. The Local may make nominations of the qualified and capable members and the
present them to the members of the Local for submission of comments before
vetting is conducted.
2. Basic qualification:
a. At the tertiary level Local levels, prospective executives must be and full
members of the Church and the Union before allowed to hold office.
b. The prospective executives must have a valid membership card of the Union,
pays dues and fulfils any other obligations required of him/her.
c. A person so selected or appointed shall be of good reputation, full of the Holy
Spirit and wisdom.
3. Where the Local, Diocese and/or Board are based at the same institution, the bodies
must have a common Electoral College or Vetting Committee.
4. The Electoral College would be responsible for the vetting and final selection of the
Executives. They shall also determine the appropriate office for a candidate based
on what transpired during the vetting.
5. All these should be accompanied by a seasoned prayer.
6. An officer shall serve in a term of one year, however, an outgoing officer may be
eligible for re-election or re-appointment to the same office or other offices.


Other business of the local union may include
1) The formation of a Preaching Band. This shall be a team that will go out to preach in line with the
spiritual doctrine of all believers
2) The Local Union in consultation with DEG, the Diocesan Bishop, Circuit Ministers and other
personalities, shall adopt one or more rural Churches in such a manner as they can handle.

The financial arrangement of the Union shall be as follows:
1) On the National level, the arrangement shall be such that
a. Each Diocese shall pay assessment to the National Secretariat.
b. The Diocese and the Locals shall pay a third of monies realised from GHAMSU Week
activities to the National Secretariat.
c. Shall request Associate members as well as Local Churches, Diocesan Secretariat of the
Church, and The Headquarters of the Church to make donations.
d. Shall embark on viable projects to generate income as well as fundraising activities.
e. Registration fees shall be paid for participating in the National Biennial Conference to
support the financing of the Conference.
f. Shall operate an account in a recognised Bank.
g. Trustees of the GHAMSU fund shall be the NEG.
2) At the Board level, the arrangement shall be as follows
a. The funding of the non-income generating Boards shall be by
subvention from the Host Local, Diocese and NEG, where
b. The income generating Boards shall be funded by the income
generated through their activities.
c. The income generating Boards shall pay a percentage of their
profit to NEG. The percentage to be paid shall be determined
by NEC upon the advice of the Audit |Board.
3) At the Diocesan level, the arrangement shall be as follows:
a. All Local Unions shall pay a yearly assessment to the Diocesan Secretariat of the Union.
b. Shall embark on fundraising activities to generate income and also undertake viable projects.
c. Shall operate an account in a recognised Bank.

4) Financial arrangements at the Local level of the Union shall be as follows:

a. Each member shall pay dues/tithes.
b. The Executives shall request for donations from members and Associates, and educate
members on giving and tithing.
c. Shall embark on fundraising activities to generate income.

The accounts of GHAMSU shall be audited at every level as follows:
1) The Audit Board shall audit GHAMSU accounts bi-annually at the National, Board and Diocesan
2) The audit timetable shall be planned such that it shall coincide with the period before the March
NEC Meeting and handovers of NEG, Boards and Diocese.
3) The NEG, Boards and Diocese shall present an audited accounts to the March NEC Meeting and
shall avail themselves to answer any questions on various financial matters.
4) All Local accounts shall be audited before the sitting LEG hands over.
5) Article 57(4) shall be carried out by an Audit Committee that will be set up by the respective
6) The special Audit Committees in 24(5) shall work under the direct supervision of the Audit Board.
7) Auditing of all bodies shall be done according to the Audit and Accounting Policy of the Union as
presented in Appendix 3.




1) Any executive member who decides to resign shall submit his or her intention in writing in accordance
with the following: where the person who seeks to resign is
a. NEG member, then he/she must write to NEC.
b. An executive of a Board, then he/she must write to NEC.
c. A DEG member, then he/she must write to the DEC.
d. A LEG member, then he/she must write to the LEG and the Patron.

2) The respective body that is notified in accordance with the procedure in 36(1) shall convene a
special meeting to consider the matter.
3) Where the resignation is accepted, a new appointment shall be made within three weeks.


1) Any Executive member who is deemed to have abused his/her office or generally conducted
himself/herself in a way detrimental to the interest of the Union shall be removed by:
a. NEC if he/she is a NEG member.
b. NEC if he/she is an executive member of a Board.
c. DEC if he/she is a DEG member. Where there seems to be a difficulty or where the DEC fails
to take the necessary action, NEG may bring such a conduct to the notice of NEC for NEC to
take appropriate action, or
d. LEG in consultation with their patron and the DEG if he/she is a LEG member after
persistent cautioning and admonition.

2) The alleged abuse or conduct of the alleged offending Executive Member shall be communicated in
writing to the removing body. The alleged offending Executive Member shall be served with a
copy of the letter.
3) The removal shall be effected by a motion which shall be supported by at least two-thirds majority
of the members of the said removal body present and voting. Such a special meeting called to
discuss the matter and also to vote on the issue can only be done only when the alleged offender
has been given adequate opportunity to defend himself.
4) The Supervising Body (Inducting Body) must be informed of any letter of resignation or motive of
removal or suspension within 72 hours of reception.


1) The LEG shall have power to handle all cases of indiscipline among members of that particular
2) Issues to be handled must be those that are contrary to Scripture and/or the aims of GHAMSU
and/or the teachings of the Methodist Church.
3) The LEG shall carry out the task in 47(1) in consultation with the Patron where necessary.
4) The alleged abuser of Office shall be reported to the Supervisory Body which shall take appropriate
actions on the issue.
5) Every Executive Body shall have the power to handle all cases of indiscipline among members
under it.



1) Certificate of Honour or Merit shall be presented to all officers (NEG, Boards, DEG and LEG) upon the
successful completion of their tenure of office at a handing over ceremony to be held in public.
2) Certificates of membership shall be awarded by the LEG to all final year full members of the Union in
that Local.


1) a. The Bye-laws shall be amended, if necessary, only by two-thirds majority vote of the total number
present at NEC Meeting and entitled to vote.
b. The National Secretary shall circulate the details of the proposed amendments to the various
DEGs which shall also inform the members in their respective diocese.
2) A Committee shall be established by NEC to see to the amendment.
3) The Bye-law shall not be amended until after ten years from the last revision.


The NEG shall rule on all matters of interpretation which the Bye-laws has not outlined or clarified.



A. The following directives shall be adhered to for a Handing Over to be deemed effective:
1. The incoming executive members shall be chosen at least two months before Handing Over.
2. The Supervising Body shall organize a Leadership Training before Handing Over is conducted.
3. Proper Handing Over Notes shall be prepared by each outgoing executive, a copy given to the successor
and another placed on the official file.
4. Accounts of the Body shall be properly audited before Handing Over
5. The Supervising Body shall ensure that Directives 2 and 3 are adhered to before supervising the Handing
6 .Change of signatories to Bank Accounts shall be done within two weeks after the Handing Over.
7. Where possible, communion shall be administered to the executive on the day of the Handing Over.
8 .Orientation shall be organized for the incoming executive members at all executive levels before the
Handing Over. This shall include a period of prayer and fasting.
9. Formal letters of introduction of the new executive shall be issued to the higher Bodies concerned.




I).The supervising executive body shall call the out-going President/Chairman to give an account of his/her
II).He or she in turn calls the teammates to rally behind him or her (if it’s a Local only the Vice and
Secretary should be called and the rest called after the speech)
III).The congregation prays for the entire executive after the President /Chairman’s speech.
IV) Other GHAMSU officers/dignitaries present extend right hand of fellowship with the out-going officers
while the congregation sings MHB 896 (Now praise we great and famous men) or a choir gives a song.
V) Outgoing executives resume their seats.


I).The supervising executive body shall call the names of the officers to be inducted.
The Officiating minister shall say the following words:
a) Isaiah the educated and the gifted poet, counselor and prophet proclaimed:
This is what God the Lord says-He who created the heavens and structured them out, who spread out the
earth and all that comes out of it: I, the Lord have called in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I
will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that
are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness (Isaiah

b.) Our Lord, Savior and Teacher, Jesus Christ told His disciples: “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles
lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever
wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave-
just as the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many”
(Matthew 20:25-28)

c). Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, gave this counsel as a fellow elder:
“Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers, not because you must, but
because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve, not lording it
over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you
will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away”. (1 Peter 5:2-4)

III) The officers are presented with files and their symbols of office as the congregation sings MCH 746 (I
am Thine, O Lord)


a) Having been elected to serve as officers of this Union (Mention the name of the Board/Diocese or Local),
you are expected to speak and act in a certain way, saying to you in a still small voice: “This is the right
way, pursue it.”

b) As spiritual leaders, when you have to make decision of importance and solicit the help of friends
through counsel, when you stand at the cross-roads and have to choose which way to go; in the Union when
you have a problem for conduct to resolve and you turn to the Bible for guidance, may you receive the
impulse of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Way, saying to you in a still small voice: “This is the right way,
pursue it.”

c) When events in the world and the circumstances of your daily life, both at college and elsewhere, call for
action; action to help your colleagues in general, and GHAMSU members in particular, and there are ways
in which you can help, may you receive the impulse of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Way, saying to you in a
still small voice: “This is the right way, pursue it.”

V. Hymn: MHB 386 (O Thou who camest from above)

Minister: Do you believe and trust in the Godhead? Officers:
(a) We believe in God the father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.
b) We believe in Jesus Christ, God's one and only son who redeemed humankind. He is our Lord and
c) We believe in the Holy Spirit, who gives life to all who believe in the son of God. Our confidence is in
Him, for He enables us to become God's children, and His strength and power we can do all things

Minister: Having affirmed your faith and trust in the Triune God, do you believe that you are called by
God through the Methodist Church Ghana to serve as officers of GHAMSU?

Officers: We do so believe

Do you promise to lay down your life in the service of GHAMSU, spending your time, energy and resources
towards seeking the spiritual growth and welfare of members of the Union, ensuring that all of them become
saved through faith in Jesus Christ?

Officers: We do so promise, God being our helper.

Minister: Will you love God's people under your care, just as Christ loved them and gave his life for them?

Officers: We will God being our helper

Minister: Will you exercise your leadership with such love, humility, and sympathy that not one of them
may leave the Union? And will you not become a hindrance to them, but rather that your life will be an
example to them?

Officers: We will, God being our helper.


Minister: The Yoke of Obedience-

Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered (Heb. 5:8). If anyone loves me, he will
obey my teaching. My father will love him and we will come to him, and make our home with him (Jn.

Officers: “Lord, take away our short-comings and grant us the will to obey you”.

Minister: The Yoke of Concern for the Lost-

For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost. If we are lacking concern for the people who have no
room for the Lord and things of God, if we have not been making sincere effort to win others, let us pray
now for a deeper concern.
Officers: “Lord, help us to rescue the perishing and care for the dying”

Minister: The Yoke of Service-

The Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve. He could not see the need and passed by the other
side. He never was self-centered, selfish nor sought after his own interests.

Officers: “Lord, help us to understand this call to service, and give us grace to follow your example”.

Minister: The Yoke of Suffering-

The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep, said the Lord. He was oppressed and afflicted; yet he
did not open his mouth (Is 53:7, he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities,
punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are heeled (Isa. 53:5). Blessed are
those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven (Mt 5:10).

Officers: “Lord, strengthen us to be able to strengthen the fellowship of your suffering”.

VIII) Hymn MHB 400 (Take my life, and let it be)


Minister: May you now, individually, acknowledge your call, and pledge your commitment before this
congregation and God.

Officers: (a) In the presence of the Holy Trinity and of this congregation, I acknowledge my call to serve
the people of GHAMSU and the Methodist Church Ghana”.
(b) I acknowledge that I have been called into a ministry to students and young people in and outside the
Christian family.
(c) I, therefore, pledge my time, energy, talents and resources to the course of Christ in the service of
GHAMSU, the Methodist Church Ghana and the Universal Church of Christ. So help me O God.
(d) The Minister and congregation say a special prayer for the officers (the officers shall go down on their

X) Ministers, other GHAMSU Officers, extend right hand of fellowship with the newly inducted officers
while the congregation sing MHB 578 (A charge to keep I have)


The Officiating Minister says”
Now, I charge you to go forth and do all that you have declared, in the name of God the Father, the Son and
the Holy Spirit.
The LORD bless you and keep you.
The LORD make His Face shine upon you,
And be gracious unto you
The LORD lift up His Countenance upon you,
And give you peace. AMEN.


XIII). Acceptance speech by the new President/ Chairman.
IVX) Address by the President of the supervising executive body.


1. O Jesus, I have promised to serve you to the end; Be thou forever near, My Master and my Friend; If
thou art by my side, or wander from the pathway ,thou wilt be my guide.
2.O let me feel thee near me; the world is ever near, I see the sights that dazzle, the tempting sounds I hear;
My are ever near me, Around me and within; But, Jesus, draw thou nearer, And shield my souls from sin.
3.O Jesus, thou hast promised. To all who follow thee, That where thou art in glory, There shall thy servant
be; And, Jesus, I have promised, To serve thee to the end; O give me grace to follow, My master and my
Members of the Body to be inaugurated remain standing

II). Members confess/Affirm their Faith in Christ.

Minister:“If you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is the Lord' and believe in your heart that God raised him
from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and it is with your mouth thatyou
confess and are saved” (Romans 10:9-10).
Members: ''We do so in humility and steadfastly confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Saviour”

''Come, fellow me, and I will make you fishers of men''. ''Go into the entire world and preach the good news
to all creation'' (Mk 16:15).
Do you as Ambassadors of Christ sincerely desire to preach the Gospel of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
without fear or favour, in season and out of season?

Members: “We do sincerely desire, May God help us

III) The Charge

I charge you to go forth and do all that you have declared, in the name of God the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit.
The Lord bless you and keep you
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious unto you.
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace

IV) Declaration/Proclamation of Inauguration

Now, on behalf of the Methodist Church, The Methodist Bishop of………….. , I declare the
…………………of GHAMSU officially inaugurated and its officers duly inducted into office in the name
of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen

V) GHASU Anthem




The women’s ministry is a ministry which will be responsible for the organization and equipping of the
ladies in the Union (GHAMSU) for further education (by these members) of other members (ladies
especially) in other Locals.


It has become very necessary for the establishment of such a ministry. This is due to the rot that has
characterized almost all institutions. It is believed that our women have a natural ability to teach and
educate better than men and they do have the potential to affect a larger group/audience in the course of
time. Again, it is becoming a norm (though it should not be so) that the leading role in evangelism, prayer
and other sensitive areas is a preserve for men and this has affected the ladies in the Union negatively since
the Union abounds with ladies who are competent enough to take up such positions.


Membership is open to all ladies in the Union. It is intended that the ministry will be started in the major
locals after whom it will be inaugurated in all locals by God’s grace. A five (5) member executive
committee (President, Secretary, Financial Secretary, Prayer Secretary and Organizing Secretary) shall
coordinate the affairs of the ministry in each local and they shall report to the DEC/DEG.


1 To reach out to the ladies first in the major locals then to the other tertiary institutions and these
people will in turn reach out to the younger ones in the 2nd cycle locals.
2 To educate and equip the ladies to handle such issues as evangelism, prayer, bible study and other
important social issues at the tertiary and secondary levels.
3 To empower other women in less endowed communities in socio-economic areas/issues as much
as possible.


Organization of retreats, rallies, seminars, confabs and other equally important social work/service as
deemed fit by the Union/executives.

The Audit and Accounting Policy for the Union is as follows:

The Union has two accounting periods. The periods agreed on were in the categories below:
1. February to January for the Universities and Sekondi Diocese
2. May to April for the Polytechnics

The above agreement called for two accounting periods.

Category 1 would report during the March NEC meeting
Category 2 would report during the October NEC meeting.

The period for the NEG’s last financial statement shall be determined by the handing over or conference
date; shall be in category 1 if conference is held in March/April otherwise in category 2 if conference is held
in June.

In case of any academic strike, the institution concerned should have its accounts audited before handing
over is done. This would call for a close communication (link) between the institution concerned and the
Audit board. This account would be read during the next NEC meeting.

Each Diocese, Board and Locals (especially the Major local) should choose their new executives at least
two (2) months before handing over is done.
Proper orientation should be given to the new executives and incoming financial secretaries be involved in
the last auditing before the handing over.

The previous decision taken by NEC for Dioceses to hand over in March and June for the Universities and
Polytechnics respectively be adhered to strictly. `

1. Universities shall be from February to January.
2. Polytechnics shall be from May to April.
3. The Diocesan Audit Committees shall audit the accounts of the major Locals to reduce the load on
Audit Board provided the Diocesan Audit Committee is accepted by NEC. However, for mean time,
Audit Board should continue to audit them until the Diocesan Audit Committees are experienced
enough to audit the Major Locals.

The Union, after forty years of existence, has strived in diverse ways to bring the people of this country to
the saving knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The framers of our Bye-Laws recommended
several activities for the Union to undertake in order that we could achieve our aims. We have diligently
executed most of these activities.
Work Camps are events during which members of an organization gather, with respect to skill and tact, to
engage in an activity that is capable of serving the needs of Society. Such activities include Building
Construction, Education, among others.


The events shall seek to
i. Attract members who are experts as well as non-experts to strive to achieve a set target;
ii. Offer opportunity for members to socialize;
iii. Help to market the Union to both Methodists and Non-Methodists;
iv. Create awareness on the deadly HIV/AIDS and other diseases;
v. Help solve the problem that always arises where new societies we help to establish are unable to have a
Meeting Place;
vi. Support our members in Secondary, Technical and Vocational Institutions to have attachment with us
during their vacations;
vii. Educate the leadership of the Church on Book-Keeping skills.

The events shall comprise the following activities:

Chapel Construction
In the interim, we shall start off with the construction of Chapels at the National SICE venues. We aim at
completing the already started Chapel at Yapei and roof it by the end of next year. The Kumasi Diocese of
the Methodist Church has pledged to sponsor the construction of a Chapel at Buipe.
The Chapel Construction Section of the Work Camp Project shall seek to:
i. Develop Architectural Designs for the new buildings, based on the population;
ii. Harness resources for the construction of the structures in consultation with the Executive;
iii. Train members and employ the services experts in the Building Industry in such trainings and projects;
iv. Report on the progress on the Projects to NEC and publicize them in the Union’s News Letters;
v. Any other obligation that NEC shall put at the disposal of the Committee.
vi. The Committee seeks to replicate herself in the various Dioceses of the Union so that the work can be
brought closer to all levels of the Church.
vii. Equip the various Dioceses to construct simple structures for all new Societies that are established
during SICE.

Statistics and Book Keeping Training

Statistical Returns from the various Dioceses of the Church which are collated form that of the Circuit and
Societies are mostly not reflective of the real numerical status of the membership of the Church. For the
Church to realize that growth she is determined to have, she needs to know the current trends. This has led

the Union to aid the Church to visit the various Dioceses to help check on the statistics through a Head
The Scheme of action for the Statistics gathering is that:
i. Some members shall be trained at the National level for onward trainings at the Diocesan levels;
ii. Each Diocese collaborates with her Diocesan Office of the Church to schedule a period for the event;
iii. Some Members shall be grouped to create a Computer Software for the gathering of such data;
iv. Shall undertake any other responsibilities that NEC put at our disposal;
The aim of the event is to provide the Church with her current population so that we shall be able to access
our growth in the ensuing years.

Vacation Bible School / Vacation Classes

After the Vacation Classes that were held in Tarkwa, Kumasi and other Dioceses of the Union, the Union
wishes to harness her resources to help our Members, and later other students, while they are at home for the
Vacations. The Classes shall be made progressively free with support from the Church’s Diocesan Offices.
The projections are that:
i. We shall offer as many subjects as possible (in relation to our human resources – teachers and students);
ii. List of Members from Tertiary Locals who shall be willing to participate in the nation-wide event be
forwarded to the National Executive by March NEC to allow for effective placement in their respective
Dioceses’ of residence;
iii. List of Members from Secondary, Technical and Vocational Schools who do not reside in the Diocese
where their School is located and are willing to participate in the event be made available to their respective
Diocesan Executive at least a month before the event – it can be sent through the electronic mail;
iv. All Dioceses present budget on the event to their respective Synods through the Committee on Education
and Youth at the Diocesan level.
v. Scripture Study Sessions (Devotions) shall be held as part of the event to address the spiritual and Social
needs of participants;
vi. The Union’s articles (T-Shirts, Batik, etc) be advertised through the event;
vii. Efforts be made to request for Certificate of Participation as well as a Letter from the Regional Manager
of Methodist Schools showing that the Members who taught at the event had completed an attachment with
the Office;
viii. The expenses of the teachers be borne by the Church.

Vacation School Attachment Program

Members who shall be willing to help the Methodist Basic Schools shall also be organized at the Diocesan
levels so that they can offer services to the Church. These Members shall be employed under the same
conditions as that for those of the Vacation Classes Scheme. The list of Members who are interested shall be
forwarded to NEG before the March NEC so that their postings can be discussed with the General Manager
of Methodist Schools before the end of the Second Semester.

The work force for the events shall be mostly members of the Union. Ministers of the Church shall be
invited to help in the Devotions at the Vacation Classes. Skilled members of the Church at all levels shall be
called upon, as and when their services become necessary, to help us with any of the events.

All the events shall entail preparatory sessions which shall be held at venues that shall be suitable for the
required event.
Training for the Chapel Constructions shall be held as part of the main event. All Dioceses shall be required
to seek assistance from NEG in their quest to execute the events so that assistance can be obtained.


The duration of the events shall mostly be regulated in order that we can operate within the academic
calendar of majority of the Members of the Union.
A Time Table for the event shall be presented by the Committee for approval by NEC.

The venues shall be that which NEC shall agree upon. It is hoped that the events shall be replicated in all the
Dioceses of the Union as soon as possible.


The main guarantor for the events shall be The Methodist Church Ghana. Members in the Church shall be
approached for their support.
Organisations in the Church shall be contacted to partner as in the events. The Union shall also spend part of
her budgets to ensure that the events are successful.



CAP. ONE – Constitution, Officers and Agenda of NEC

1. Opening Devotion
2. Who are members of this NEC Meeting and which members are present?
3. Who have dispensation from the National President to be absent?
4. Are any absent without the National President’s dispensation?
5. What Officers do we appoint?
6. Who is the Chairman of this Meeting? For how long has he/she been in office?
7. Who are the other National Executive Members? For how long have they been in office?
8. Has any case of executive discipline arisen and, if so, what is the report of the National Executive?
What is our decision in the case?
9. Has any Executive passed away, married, given birth, etc. since the last NEC Meeting?
10. Has any Executive resigned since our last NEC Meeting?
11. Are all possible steps being taken to ensure that members are awakened to the call of God to the
Ordained and Lay Ministries and that those called are helped and encouraged in their efforts?
12. National President’s Address; and Opening Courtesies.
13. Are there any communications or message from
a. The Conference of The Methodist Church Ghana
b. Board of Education and Youth
c. Lay Movement Council
d. Youth Ministries Division
e. National Conference Proceedings
f. Any other Sister Organisation
That should be received at this stage?
14. What Notices of Motion are duly before this NEC Meeting?
15. a. Are there any proposals for altering the Bye Laws of the Union?
b. What items on the Agenda of this NEC Meeting constitutes New Legislation?
16. What are the reports of the Diocesan Executive Council Meetings?
a. Please list the Dioceses according to their order of inauguration

CAP TWO – Reports of Boards

17. What is the report of the Prayer Board, and what are our resolutions on any recommendations?
18. What is the report of the Publications and Communications Board, and what are our resolutions on
any recommendations?
19. What is the report of the Audit Board, and what are our resolutions on any recommendations?
20. What is the report of the Project Board, and what are our resolutions on any recommendations?
21. What is the report of the Research and Education Board, and what are our resolutions on any
22. What is the report of the Agricultural Board, and what are our resolutions on any recommendations?

CAP THREE – National Executive of GHAMSU

23. What is the report of the National Executive of GHAMSU, and what are our resolutions on any
24. What conversation shall we have on the state of the Work of God in the Union?

CAP FOUR – National GHAMSU Programmes

25. a. When and where shall the next National Biennial Conference be held?
b. What is the report of the Conference Planning Committee, and what are our resolutions on any
26. a. When and where shall the next National Students In Church Evangelism (SICE) or SICE Follow
Up be held?
b. What is the report of the National SICE Planning Committee, and what are our resolutions on any
27. a. When and where shall the next National Prayer Conference be held?
b. What is the report of the National Prayer Conference Planning Committee, and what are our
resolutions on any recommendations?
28. a. When and where shall the next National Work Camp be held?
b. What is the report of the National Work Camp Planning Committee, and what are our resolutions
on any recommendations?
29. Inquire about the other National activities such as Leadership Seminar, Study Camps, etc. of the

CAP FIVE – Time with Associates

30. What communication do we have from Associates of the Union, and what are our resolutions on any
31. How do we facilitate the Associate Groupings of the Union in and out of Ghana?

CAP SIX – Any Other Business

y recommendations?
(The tenure of office of the National Executive of GHAMSU is two years)
32. When and where shall the next NEC Meeting be held?
33. Is there any other business duly before this NEC Meeting?
34. Closing: Attestation of Records, Courtesies and Devotion.


1. Have we any recommendations concerning:
a) Changes in the boundaries of Dioceses?
b) Changes in functions of Boards?
c) Changes in the location of Boards and Diocesan Head Offices?
d) Changes in the boundaries of Circuits?
e) The division of any Circuit?
f) The creation of any Diocese?
g) The creation of any Circuit?
2. What is the report of:
a) National President
b) National Secretary
c) National Assistant Secretary
d) National Financial Secretary
e) National Prayer Secretary
f) National Special Duties Coordinator
g) National Organising Secretary
3. What is our report and recommendations to NEC Meeting on matters relating to:
a) The Conference of MCG
b) Christian Students Organisations
c) Associates and International Relations
d) Any other area of Inter-Organisation Relations?
4. Which Institution(s) of MCG has NEG interacted with during the period under review, and what are
our recommendations on the outcome(s) of the interaction?
5. What is the report of business transacted by this Executive during the period which is not being
reported to NEC Meeting by any other Organ of the Union? What actions have been taken on the
decisions and resolutions of the previous NEC Meeting?
6. Is there any other business on which we wish to report and make recommendations to NEC


1. Opening – Attendance – Apologies – Courtesies
2. a. What business, if any, has been transacted during the period by this Board?
b. What is the report of any business concerning the work of this Board transacted during the
period under review by the National Executive of GHAMSU?
3. Who are the new members of this Board, and how do we support them to be active in the
Board’s activities?
4. What methods do we formulate to encourage the prayer life of members and the Union as a
5. What are the requests received from other organs of the Union, and what are the outcomes of our
6. What training program shall we organize for Prayer Secretaries in the Union, and what are our
7. What topics should constitute the next Prayer Bulletin for the Union?
8. Who shall constitute the Prayer Force for the next Conference of the Methodist Church Ghana,
Synods and other assignments of the Board?
9. What is the direction that God wants the Union to take during the next period?
10. What is the report of the National Prayer Conference Planning Committee, and what are our
resolutions on their recommendations?
11. Who do we elect as members of the National Prayer Conference Planning Committee?
12. Which Institution(s) of MCG has this Board interacted with during the period under review, and
what are our recommendations on the outcome(s) of the interaction?
13. What socio-economic activity(ies) has this Board engaged in during the period under review, and
what are our recommendations?
14. What are our recommendations to the next National Executive Council Meeting?
15. What is the report on the income and expenditure of any funds connected with the work of this
Board? What are the estimates for the next period?
16. What recommendation do we have on the location of this Board?

17. Who do we nominate as Executives of this Board? Who do we elect to constitute the Selection
Committee for the next Board Executives?
18. Is there any other business duly before this Board?
19. What is our Report to the next NEC Meeting?


1. Opening – Attendance – Apologies – Courtesies
2. a. What business, if any, has been transacted during the period by this Board?
b. What is the report of any business concerning the work of this Board transacted during the
period under review by the National Executive of GHAMSU?
3. Who are the new members of this Board, and how do we support them to be active in the
Board’s activities?

Publications Programme
4. What is the report on literature work under the supervision of NEC and what are our
5. What is the report on the finances of literature work under the supervision of NEC and what are
our recommendations?
6. What is the report of:
a. The Publications Sub-Committee;
b. Any ad-hoc Committee appointed to deal with other special needs, and what are our
7. Do we recommend to NEC the undertaking of any new literature work, and what are our
8. Can any further measures be taken to distribute Christian literature, including Wesleyan Student
and the Wesleyan Ambassador?
9. In what ways can we improve on the taking of Minutes at NEC Meetings?

Communications Programme
10. In what ways can we improve the flow of information amongst NEC, DECs, Boards, Circuits
and Locals? What recommendations shall we make?
11. What communication facilities exist in the Dioceses to enhance communication? What
recommendations do we have for their efficient utilization?
12. What is the report on the use of electronic media to promote the mission of the Union?
13. What is the report on the use of other media, e.g. still pictures, slides and video in promoting the
work of the Union?
14. a. Is sufficient attention being paid to the resources of members to express themselves through
our Newsletters?
b. Is sufficient attention being paid to the circulation of Bibles among our members, and what
are our suggestions on this matter?
15. Is sufficient attention being paid to the distribution of Wesleyan Student and other publications
in all our Locals, and what are our recommendations?
Which Institution(s) of MCG has this Board interacted with during the period under review, and
what are our recommendations on the outcome(s) of the interaction?
16. What socio-economic activity(ies) has this Board engaged in during the period under review, and
what are our recommendations?
17. What are our recommendations to the next National Executive Council Meeting?
18. What is the report on the income and expenditure of any funds connected with the work of this
Board? What are the estimates for the next period?

19. What recommendation do we have on the location of this Board?
20. Who do we nominate as Executives of this Board? Who do we elect to constitute the Selection
Committee for the next Board Executives?
21. Is there any other business duly before this Board?
22. What is our Report to the next NEC Meeting?


1. Opening – Attendance – Apologies – Courtesies
2. a. What business, if any, has been transacted during the period by this Board?
b. What is the report of any business concerning the work of this Board transacted during the
period under review by the National Executive of GHAMSU?
3. Who are the new members of this Board, and how do we support them to be active in the
Board’s activities?
4. What are the reports of the Diocesan Audit Committees on the Accounts of Locals in the
Dioceses? What are our recommendations upon them?
5. What are the reports of the Audit of the following:
a. Diocesan Accounts
b. Board Accounts
c. NEG Accounts
d. Any other Accounts under the supervision of NEC, and what are our recommendations upon
6. Have satisfactory audit reports been presented to
a. Dioceses
b. Boards
c. NEG
d. Any other undertaking for which NEC has any degree of responsibility.
7. Do we recommend any change in the accounting or auditing arrangements of any of the above
8. What Diocesan Audit Committees have been appointed by the Diocesan Executive Councils and
how do we supervise or monitor their work; and what are our recommendations?
9. Whom do we recommend for appointment as Auditors of NEC Funds and any other Accounts
under the supervision of NEC?
10. Does any Local require assistance in order to present its accounts and other returns to the
Auditors at the correct time? If so what do we arrange?
11. What training program shall we organize for Financial Secretaries in the Union, and what are our
12. Which Institution(s) of MCG has this Board interacted with during the period under review, and
what are our recommendations on the outcome(s) of the interaction?
13. What socio-economic activity(ies) has this Board engaged in during the period under review, and
what are our recommendations?
14. What are our recommendations to the next National Executive Council Meeting?
15. What is the report on the income and expenditure of any funds connected with the work of this
Board? What are the estimates for the next period?
16. What recommendation do we have on the location of this Board?
17. Who do we nominate as Executives of this Board? Who do we elect to constitute the Selection
Committee for the next Board Executives?
18. Is there any other business duly before this Board?
19. What is our Report to the next NEC Meeting?

1. Opening – Attendance – Apologies – Courtesies
2. a. What business, if any, has been transacted during the period by this Board?
b. What is the report of any business concerning the work of this Board transacted during the
period under review by the National Executive of GHAMSU?
3. Who are the new members of this Board, and how do we support them to be active in the
Board’s activities?
4. What is the report on the quality of our products in the Union, and what are our
recommendations upon it?
5. What is the report on our decentralization of the sales of products, and what are our
recommendations upon it?
6. Have any projects been identified by NEC to be implemented by this Board? What action(s)
have we taken?
7. Who do we recommend for appointment as producers of our products to NEC?
8. What has been our contribution to NEC’s budget and what are our projections for the next
9. Which Institution(s) of MCG has this Board interacted with during the period under review, and
what are our recommendations on the outcome(s) of the interaction?
10. What socio-economic activity(ies) has this Board engaged in during the period under review, and
what are our recommendations?
11. What are our recommendations to the next National Executive Council Meeting?
12. What is the report on the income and expenditure of any funds connected with the work of this
Board? What are the estimates for the next period?
13. What recommendation do we have on the location of this Board?
14. Who do we nominate as Executives of this Board? Who do we elect to constitute the Selection
Committee for the next Board Executives?
15. Is there any other business duly before this Board?
16. What is our Report to the next NEC Meeting?


1. Opening – Attendance – Apologies – Courtesies
2. a. What business, if any, has been transacted during the period by this Board?
b. What is the report of any business concerning the work of this Board transacted during the
period under review by the National Executive of GHAMSU?
3. Who are the new members of this Board, and how do we support them to be active in the
Board’s activities?
4. a) What are the new legislations of the Methodist Church Ghana (MCG)?
b) How do we educate the Union on the legislations?
5. What are the doctrines and practices of MCG that this Board would want to educate the Union
on, and what are our recommendations?
6. How do we educate members of the Union on the history of MCG, and what are our
7. What challenges of MCG and the Union do we research into, and what are our
8. Which Christian bodies do we recommend for active collaboration and in which areas of interest
to the Union, and what are our recommendations?
9. What social issues are of relevance to the Union, and what are our recommendations?
10. What political issues are of relevance to the Union, and what are our recommendations?
11. a) What findings have been submitted to PCB for publication?
b) How have we collaborated with PCB in the period under review, and what are our

12. What support have we received from the Dioceses and Boards of the Union, and what are our
13. Which Institution(s) of MCG has this Board interacted with during the period under review, and
what are our recommendations on the outcome(s) of the interaction?
14. What socio-economic activity(ies) has this Board engaged in during the period under review, and
what are our recommendations?
15. What are our recommendations to the next National Executive Council Meeting?
16. What is the report on the income and expenditure of any funds connected with the work of this
Board? What are the estimates for the next period?
17. What recommendation do we have on the location of this Board?
18. Who do we nominate as Executives of this Board? Who do we elect to constitute the Selection
Committee for the next Board Executives?
19. Is there any other business duly before this Board?
20. What is our Report to the next NEC Meeting?


1. Opening – Attendance – Apologies – Courtesies
2. a. What business, if any, has been transacted during the period by this Board?
b. What is the report of any business concerning the work of this Board transacted during the
period under review by the National Executive of GHAMSU?
3. Who are the new members of this Board, and how do we support them to be active in the
Board’s activities?
4. Have any projects been identified by NEC to be implemented that have been referred to this
Board? What actions have we taken?
5. Who do we recommend for appointment as Caretaker(s) for our investments?
6. Which Institution(s) of MCG has this Board interacted with during the period under review, and
what are our recommendations on the outcome(s) of the interaction?
7. What socio-economic activity(ies) has this Board engaged in during the period under review, and
what are our recommendations?
8. What are our recommendations to the next National Executive Council Meeting?
9. What is the report on the income and expenditure of any funds connected with the work of this
Board? What are the estimates for the next period?
10. What recommendation do we have on the location of this Board?
11. Who do we nominate as Executives of this Board? Who do we elect to constitute the Selection
Committee for the next Board Executives?
12. Is there any other business duly before this Board?
13. What is our Report to the next NEC Meeting?


CAP. ONE – Constitution, Officers and Agenda of DEC
1. Opening Devotion
2. Who are members of this DEC Meeting and which members are present?
3. Who have dispensation from the Diocesan President to be absent?
4. Are any absent without the Diocesan President’s dispensation?
5. What Officers do we appoint?
6. Who is the Chairman of this Meeting? For how long has he/she been in office?
7. Who are the other Diocesan Executive Members? For how long have they been in office?
8. Has any case of executive discipline arisen and, if so, what is the report of the Diocesan Executive?
What is our decision in the case?
9. Has any Executive passed away since the last DEC Meeting?
10. Has any Executive resigned since our last DEC Meeting?
11. Are all possible steps being taken to ensure that members are awakened to the call of God to the
Ordained and Lay Ministries and that those called are helped and encouraged in their efforts?
12. Diocesan President’s Address; and Opening Courtesies.
13. Are there any communications or message from
a. NEC Meeting
b. Synod
c. Diocesan Lay Movement Council
d. Diocesan Youth Council
e. Board hosted by the Diocese
f. Diocesan Conference Proceedings
g. Any other Sister Organisation
That should be received at this stage?
14. What Notices of Motion are duly before this DEC Meeting?
15. a. Are there any proposals for altering the Bye Laws of the Union?
b. What items on the Agenda of this DEC Meeting constitutes New Legislation?
16. What are the reports of the Circuit Coordinators?
a. Please list the Circuits according to their order of inauguration

CAP TWO – Diocesan Executive of GHAMSU

17. What is the report of the Diocesan Executive of GHAMSU, and what are our resolutions on any
18. What conversation shall we have on the state of the Work of God in the Diocese?

CAP THREE – Diocesan GHAMSU Programmes

19. a. When and where shall the next Diocesan Conference or Rally be held?
b. What is the report of the Conference or Rally Planning Committee, and what are our resolutions
on any recommendations?
20. a. When and where shall the next Diocesan Students In Church Evangelism (SICE) or SICE Follow
Up be held?
b. What is the report of the Diocesan SICE Planning Committee, and what are our resolutions on any
21. a. When and where shall the next Diocesan Prayer Conference or Retreat be held?
b. What is the report of the Diocesan Prayer Conference or Retreat Planning Committee, and what
are our resolutions on any recommendations?
22. a. When and where shall the next Diocesan Work Camp (if any) be held?
b. What is the report of the Diocesan Work Camp Planning Committee, and what are our resolutions
on any recommendations?

23. Inquire about the other Diocesan activities such as Vacation Classes, Study Camps, etc. that are
peculiar to the Diocese.

CAP FOUR – Time with Associates

24. What communication do we have from Associates of the Union in the Diocese, and what are our
resolutions on any recommendations?
25. How do we facilitate the Associate Groupings of the Union in and out of the Diocese?

CAP FIVE – Any Other Business

26. a. Who are the Diocesan Executives of GHAMSU and for how long have they been in office?
b. What is the report of the Diocesan Executive Selection Committee, and what are our resolutions
on any recommendations?
(The tenure of office of the Diocesan Executive of GHAMSU is one year)
27. When and where shall the next DEC Meeting be held?
28. Is there any other business duly before this DEC Meeting?
29. Closing: Attestation of Records, Courtesies and Devotion.


1. Have we any recommendations concerning:
a) Changes in the boundaries of Circuits?
b) The division of any Circuit?
c) The creation of any Circuit?
d) The creation of a new Local?
e) Inauguration of new Locals?
2. What is the report of:
a) Diocesan President
b) Diocesan Secretary
c) Diocesan Assistant Secretary
d) Diocesan Financial Secretary
e) Diocesan Prayer Secretary
f) Diocesan Special Duties Coordinator
g) Diocesan Organising Secretary
3. What is our report and recommendations to DEC Meeting on matters relating to:
a) NEC Meeting and Decisions
b) The Diocesan Synod of MCG
c) Christian Students Organisations in the Diocese
d) Associates and International Relations of the Diocese
e) Any other area of Inter-Organisation Relations?
4. What is the report of the Committees formed by this DEG, and what are our resolutions on their
5. Which Institution(s) of MCG has this DEG interacted with during the period under review, and what
are our recommendations on the outcome(s) of the interaction?
6. What socio-economic activity(ies) has this Diocese engaged in during the period under review, and
what are our recommendations?
7. What is the report of business transacted by this Executive during the period which is not being
reported to DEC Meeting by any other Circuit of the Diocese? What actions have been taken on the
decisions and resolutions of the previous DEC Meeting?
8. Is there any other business on which we wish to report and make recommendations to DEC


14. Opening – Attendance – Apologies – Courtesies
15. a. What business, if any, has been transacted during the period by this Board?
b. What is the report of any business concerning the work of this Board transacted during the
period under review by the National Executive of GHAMSU?
16. Who are the new members of this Board, and how do we support them to be active in the
Board’s activities?
17. Have any projects been identified by NEC to be implemented that have been referred to this
Board? What actions have we taken?
18. Who do we recommend for appointment as Caretaker(s) for our investments?
19. Which Institution(s) of MCG has this Board interacted with during the period under review, and
what are our recommendations on the outcome(s) of the interaction?

20. What socio-economic activity(ies) has this Board engaged in during the period under review, and
what are our recommendations?
21. What are our recommendations to the next National Executive Council Meeting?
22. What is the report on the income and expenditure of any funds connected with the work of this
Board? What are the estimates for the next period?
23. What recommendation do we have on the location of this Board?
24. Who do we nominate as Executives of this Board? Who do we elect to constitute the Selection
Committee for the next Board Executives?
25. Is there any other business duly before this Board?
26. What is our Report to the next NEC Meeting?


1. Have we any recommendations concerning changes in the boundaries of Circuits?
2. What is the report of:
a) The Circuit Coordinator
b) Various Sub-Coordinating Teams
3. What is our report and recommendations to DEC Meeting on matters relating to:
a) Local Reports
b) Christian Students Organisations operating in the Circuit
c) Associates and International Relations of the Circuit
d) Any other area of Inter-Organisation Relations?
4. When and where shall the next Circuit Rally be held, and what are our recommendations?
5. What new Locals do we start, which ones are ready for inauguration, and what are our
6. What is the report of the Committees formed by this Coordinating Team, and what are our
resolutions on their recommendations?
7. Which Society or Circuit(s) has this Circuit interacted with during the period under review, and what
are our recommendations on the outcome(s) of the interaction?
8. What socio-economic activity(ies) has this Circuit engaged in during the period under review, and
what are our recommendations?
9. What is the report of business transacted by this Coordinating Team during the period which is not
being reported to DEC Meeting by any other Circuit? What actions have been taken on the decisions
and resolutions of the previous DEC Meeting that concerned this Circuit?
10. Is there any other business on which we wish to report and make recommendations to DEC


CAP. ONE – Constitution, Officers and Agenda of Local General Meeting
1. Opening Devotion
2. Who is the Chairman of this Meeting? For how long has he/she been in office?
3. Who are the other Local Executive Members? For how long have they been in office?
4. Has any case of executive discipline arisen and, if so, what is the report of the Local Executive?
What is our decision in the case?
5. Has any Member passed away, married or given birth since the last General Meeting?
6. Has any Executive resigned since our last General Meeting?
7. Are all possible steps being taken to ensure that members are awakened to the call of God to the
Ordained and Lay Ministries and that those called are helped and encouraged in their efforts?
8. Local President’s Address; and Opening Courtesies.
9. Are there any communications or message from
a. NEC or DEC Meeting
b. Board hosted by the Local
c. Any other Sister Organisation
That should be received at this stage?
10. What Notices of Motion are duly before this General Meeting?
11. a. Are there any proposals for altering the Bye Laws of the Union?
b. What items on the Agenda of this General Meeting constitutes New Legislation?
12. What are the reports of the Hall/House/Hostel/Off Campus Representatives?
a. Please list them

CAP TWO – Local Executive of GHAMSU

13. What is the report of the Local Executive of GHAMSU, and what are our resolutions on any
14. What conversation shall we have on the state of the Work of God in the Local?

CAP THREE – Local GHAMSU Programmes

15. Inquire about the Local activities such as Students in Church Evangelism, Bible Studies, Prayer
Meetings, etc.

CAP FOUR – Time with Associates

16. What communication do we have from Associates of this Local, and what are our resolutions on any
17. How do we facilitate the Associate Groupings of the Union?

CAP FIVE – Any Other Business

18. a. Who are the Local Executives of GHAMSU and for how long have they been in office?
b. What is the report of the Local Executive Selection Committee, and what are our resolutions on
any recommendations?
(The tenure of office of the Local Executive of GHAMSU is one year)
19. Is there any other business duly before this General Meeting?
20. Closing: Attestation of Records, Courtesies and Devotion.


1. What is the report of:
a) Local President
b) Local Secretary
c) Take reports from all Executives
2. What is our report and recommendations to Circuit Coordinators/General Meeting on matters
relating to:
a) Christian Students Organisations at the Local’s Institution
b) Associates and International Relations of the Local
c) Any other area of Inter-Organisation Relations?
3. What is the report of the Preaching Band, and what are our resolutions on their recommendations?
4. What is the report of the Women’s Ministry, and what are our resolutions on their
5. What is the report of any other Committee or Ministry that shall be received at this stage, and what
are our resolutions on their recommendations?
6. Which Society or Circuit has this Local interacted with during the period under review, and what are
our recommendations on the outcome(s) of the interaction?
7. What socio-economic activity(ies) has this Local engaged in during the period under review, and
what are our recommendations?
8. What is the report of business transacted by this Executive during the period which is not being
reported to Circuit Coordinators Meeting by any other Local of the Circuit? What actions have been
taken on the decisions and resolutions of the previous DEC Meeting or General Meeting that
concerned this Local?
9. Is there any other business on which we wish to report and make recommendations to Circuit
Coordinators/General Meeting?



The National Prayer Conference shall be organized by the National Prayer Board in consultation with NEG.
The proceeds accruing from the event shall be allocated as follows;
40% to NEG
40% to planning next prayer conference
20% to the National Prayer Board.


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