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BSN450 - Business Intelligence

Assessment 2 - Business Case Report

Report Template


Cover Page

Executive Summary

Table of Contents

The Organisation: Mission and Current Business Model

Data Analysis and Visualisation

Synthesis of Findings

Data-led Strategy and Business Model Recommendations


1-Page Summary
BSN450 Business Intelligence

2021, Semester 1

[Enter Report Title Here]

[enter student name here]

[enter student number here]

[enter word count here, e.g. 3000 words]

Executive Summary

[in less than 200 words, describe the purpose of the report and the report’s findings]
Table of Contents

Executive Summary ….. i

1. The Organisation: Mission and Business Model ….. 1


1. The Organisation: Mission and Current Business

1.1 Mission

[The purpose of this sub-section is to introduce the case organisation very briefly. What is its

Mission Statement? What are its objectives? What is its overall strategy? Where does it operate?

What is its size? And so on.]

1.2 The Business Model

[The purpose of this sub-section is to define the current business model of the case organisation,

which allows it to do what it purports to do.

2. Data Analysis and Visualisation
[The purpose of this section is to present the analysis of the data provided by the case

organisation. Besides presenting your analyses through visuals, it is good practice to explain the

main messages conveyed in the visuals through text. It is also important to note your method of

analysis (i.e. how you analysed the data to arrive at the results), together with any limitations you

observed in the dataset available or the method used (this is so that the reader of the report

understands that the analysis results are contingent on a set of limiting factors). In addition to the

dataset provided by the case organisation, accessing and analysing complementary data (such as

those available from open data sources about grander, PESTEL-type trends) will help strengthen

your analysis and is therefore highly recommended.]

3. Synthesis of Findings
[The purpose of this section is to report the emergent themes from the prior data analysis section,

and attach meaning to these findings so that the case organisation would be able to implement a

set of strategic actions.]

4. Data-led Strategy and Business Model

[The purpose of this section is to step beyond the data and the findings acquired from their

analyses, and to list a set of recommendations as to how the case organisation can further

improve its current data-led strategy and overall business model.]


[List here the resources that have been referred to in the report, following the referencing style

explicated in the Assessment instructions document.]

1-Page Summary

[The purpose of a 1-Page Summary is to deliver impact quickly to the audience. This is where

you will do your engaging story-telling based on all of the prior analyses.]

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