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KHÓA THI NGÀY: 4-3-2015 – NĂM HỌC: 2014-2015

PART ONE. Multiple choice (20 pts)
Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) that best completes the sentence.
1. In front of the door ______.
A. a dog sat B. was seated a dog C. seated a dog D. was a dog seating
2. The Queen Elizabeth is the largest ship ______ on the Clyde.
A. which has built B. to be built C. being built D. was built
3. She's such a snob; she behaves ______ the Queen.
A. as if she has been B. like she were C. as if she were D. like she was
4. The boss ordered that the worker ______ the room.
A. enter B. would enter C. entering D. entered
5. There had been ______information before the match started.
A. such worried B. so worrying C. so much worrying D. such a lot of worried
6. By 2015 the entire railway network ______.
A. will modernize B. will be modernized C. will have been modernized D. would be modernized
7. That's all for the Reading. Let's go on ______ the Language Focus.
A. for finishing B. to finish C. finishing D. to be finished
8. From that distance he ______ out who was involved in the incident.
A. mustn't have made B. shouldn't have made C. couldn't have made D. didn't need to make
9. So you will join them, ______? It's just my guess.
A. won't you B. should you C. will you D. would you
10. The test was given ______ and everyone didn't have enough time to prepare for it.
A. in the nick of time B. at short notice C. in good time D. in less than no time
11. Simon ______ in me on the understanding that I wouldn't tell anyone else.
A. confided B. trusted C. confessed D. disclosed
12. It was a hot day, and many people were ______ their way to the beach.
A. taking B. hitting C. making D. setting
13. So infuriated was she that she ______ out of the room.
A. sailed B. stormed C. ran D. trotted
14. Children can be difficult to teach because of their short attention ______.
A. limit B. duration C. span D. period
15. ______ the wake of the war, there was a baby-boom.
A. In B. At C. On D. By
16. She was so ______ in her work that she forgot all about her appointment with James.
A. sucked B. distracted C. concentrated D. engrossed
17. The drought ______ considerable problems for farmers.
A. instigated B. posed C. flexed D. pressed
18. The union threatened to ______ the workers on strike.
A. call out B. fire up C. hear out D. get down
19. I'm so tired! I've been ______ with work this week!
A. clogged up B. snarled up C. held down D. snowed under
20. - " ______ " - “Once beaten twice shy."
A. The test was really hard. B. She's still all on her own. C. She's a timid girl. D. She was defeated again.
PART TWO. Word Forms (40 pts)
A. Use the correct form of the word given to fill in each blank. (20 pts)
1. Football __________ sometimes reaches a degree that is unacceptable. (fanatic)
2. The whole story was impossibly ____________. (fetch)
3. It is the responsibility of the local government to train those ________ soldiers to get jobs. (mobile)
4. When his __________ actions were discovered, he was imprisoned. (traitor)
5. It was a successful __________ exploration; the whole journey across the North Pole took two months. (pole)
6. The __________ of local wildlife with industry is totally impossible. (exist)
7. Their parents took a(n) ___________ approach to child-rearing. (light)
8. Before you make a product on a large-scale basis, you need to consider its ______________. (market)
9. To start a new business in this field, we need an initial _________ of over $200,000. (lay)
10. Lucie is more __________ than most of her friends. (wise)
B. Put the words given in the correct blanks. You have to use their correct forms to make a meaningful passage. There are
two extra words that you cannot use. (20pts)
dedicate popular pound rough combine broke
debate compete believe hot talk demand
Imagine what it is like to swim four kilometers through the (1)_____________ surf and surging currents of the Pacific Ocean. Do you
think you’d feel tired? How about a 180-kilometer road race on a bicycle in the tropical (2)_____________ of Hawaii? Tired again?
Then what about running a marathon in the same condition? What? Still tired? Now try to imagine what it feels like to do the swim, the
bike race, and the marathon ‘back to back’, with no (3)_____________ in between, against the toughest, fittest, and most
(4)_____________ athletes in the world.
Well, if you’re wondering whether such as a grueling race exists, let me tell you, it does. In an event that lasts at least nine hours, each
of 1.500 (5)_____________strives to achieve one of the most physically, emotionally, and psychologically (6)_____________ titles in
the whole of sport: Ironman. Ironman is a version of the new sport of triathlon - a (7)_____________ of swimming, cycling, and running
- that is rapidly growing in popularity.
The first ironman competition was thought up by an American, John Collins, back in 1977. Under the umbrellas of Hawaiian beach bar,
a group of friends was (8)_____________ which of the local sporting events was the toughest - the four-kilometer Waikiki
(9)_____________ swim, the 180-kilometer round-Oahu bike race, or the 42-kilometre Honolulu marathon. As often happens, they
couldn’t agree, and so to settle the argument Collins suggested the (10)_____________: why not try to do them all, one after the other,
on the same day?
Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each blank space.
PASSAGE A: (15 pts)
The first thing to be said about market research is that it is not an (1)_______ to management decision-making. No form of market
research, no matter how deep, complicated and detailed, can ever be seen as a (2)_______ for creative decision- making by
professional managers. (3)_______ its very best, all it can do is (4)_______ some doubt and clarify the (5)_______ of the problem. It
may even be seen as a tool which can improve the (6)_______ of decisions but it is not in itself a decision-making mechanism.
Market research, in (7)_______ with a number of other approaches in marketing, suffers from the frequent complaint that it is not really
(8)_______. Market research results can never be completely so because they (9)_______ with a dynamic, ever-changing
marketplace. It is vital that it is understood by everyone with an interest in the results. There is, therefore, a(n) (10)_______ need for
creativity and imagination when (11)_______ market research results and when making any (12)_______ to apply them in the
Lastly, it should always be remembered that market research is not an (13)_______ in itself but simply a (14)_______ by which some
degrees of risk can be removed from marketplace activity. If no activity (15)_______ from the research, then the entire exercise has
been completely pointless.
1. A. option B. alternative C. end D. opening
2. A. change B. substitute C. alternative D. modification
3. A. For B. From C. At D. With
4. A. reject B. omit C. deny D. remove
5. A. character B. characteristic C. requirement D. nature
6. A. quality B. goodness C. well-being D. virtue
7. A. association B. common C. addition D. connection
8. A. exact B. true C. accurate D. right
9. A. work B. manage C. deal D. operate
10. A. ongoing B. continual C. ceaseless D. connecting
11. A. deciding B. thinking C. proving D. considering
12. A. attempt B. venture C. choice D. try
13. A. target B. goal C. aim D. end
14. A. mode B. means C. way D. procedure
15. A. shows B. produces C. results D. appears
PASSAGE B (15 pts)
A $160 million project to make the 'Made in India' label better known abroad has just been announced in New Delhi. The 'Brand Equity
Fund', as it is called, is a project backed by India's federal government to (1)_______ Indian companies a foothold in the world market.
It is the first ever government (2)_______ of its type.
A government spokesman announced that the Fund would be launched in the next few days, and would help Indian companies to
(3)_______ specific brands.
But business people are (4)_______ about the scheme's likely benefits. Critics say that not enough money has been put into the fund
to make it really (5)_______. They say that the (6)_______ is too little to help the tens of thousands of small Indian companies whose
limited (7)__________prevent them from making a serious impact on international markets.
India's economy was once (8)_______ closed to foreign investment, but it opened up to foreign companies five or so years ago under
sweeping reforms (9)_______ by the former Prime Minister, Mr. P V Narasimha Rao. The moves have so far (10)_______ more than
$20 billion worth of foreign investment.
But, although certain Indian (11)_______, such as Darjeeling tea, up-market silk, leather, cotton, gem stones and jewelry do quite well,
no single Indian brand has yet (12)__________the top rank. The fund is a serious (13)_______ to change this. The government
(14)_______, however, that brands selected for promotion abroad should be of international quality and (15)_______ of making a real
impact in the global market.
1. A. take B. achieve C. gain D. receive
2. A. function B. event C. advertisement D. campaign
3. A. invent B. promote C. support D. develop
4. A. doubtful B. worried C. suspicious D. unhappy
5. A. definite B. certain C. effective D. valuable
6. A. addition B. quantity C. amount D. size
7. A. properties B. stocks C. companies D. resources
8. A. completely B. utterly C. absolutely D. particularly
9. A. provided B. required C. introduced D. discovered
10. A. claimed B. encouraged C. persuaded D. attracted
11. A. products B. types C. industries D. names
12. A. brought B. reached C. obtained D. performed
13. A. trial B. attempt C. concern D. business
14. A. declares B. reserves C. presumes D. insists
15. A. confident - B. worthy C. capable D. aware
Fill in each of the blanks in the following passage with ONE suitable word.
PASSAGE C (30 pts)
It was a normal day and in their New York office, Ken Schwarz and his colleagues stopped for their coffee (1)____________. But while
Ken’s colleagues were able to sit at their desks and drink their coffee, Ken had to go outside. He couldn’t (2)____________inside,
because he wanted to smoke. If the smokers of the Big Apple want to enjoy a cigarette, the authorities have decided they must go out
in to the street or up onto the (3)____________.
Throughout the United States, the number of places where people are allowed to smoke has (4)____________ become smaller and
smaller. First it was (5)____________ on trains, buses, and planes, then in public places such as theatres and airports.
Now you can’t smoke in (6)____________ workplace. Non-smokers are definitely winning the (7)____________. “Why should we
breathe their smoke? They say.
If they’re lucky, smokers can still (8)____________ some bars and restaurants where they can (9)____________ up a cigarette but it
may (10)____________ be banned there, too. (11)____________ groups even think that smoking ought to be banned in people’s

(12)____________ to new plans you won’t be able to smoke in any house where there are more than ten (13)____________ in a
week, or where there are children.
In 1996, nicotine was classed as a (14)____________, like cannabis, cocaine, or heroin. In the country that gave tobacco to the world,
smoking might one day be (15)____________. And then Ken will have to give up.
PASSAGE D (30 pts)
Cans made of steel are very easy to remove from domestic rubbish because steel is the most common metal that is (1)___________ to
magnets. Many waste removal authorities have (2)____________ advantage of this fact and have installed large magnets, which, to
put it simply, pull all steel containers out of the general (3)____________ rubbish. The system is known as 'magnetic extraction' and it
has two great advantages.
Firstly, in most recycling schemes, the recycling of steel cans through 'magnetic extraction' requires (4)____________ no effort from
the public. As long as you throw your used steel can into the rubbish bin, it will be collected and then the waste removal authority will
do the (5)____________. Other packaging cannot be recycled (6)____________ the public collect the material and take it, usually by
car, to a central collection point. This often uses up (7)____________ energy in petrol than (8)____________ eventually saved by
recycling the material.
Secondly, local authorities actually save public money by recovering (9)____________ steel cans. Magnetic extraction
(10)____________ is simple and cheap, and the steel that has been saved is sold to companies who re-use it by (11)____________
new steel products. Since the value of the metal is greater than the (12)____________ of magnetic extraction, the process has
financial (13)____________.
So, magnetic recycling of steel cans from waste (14)____________ you time, effort and money, as well as saving energy for us
PART FOUR. Reading Comprehension (20 pts)
Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage.
PASSAGE A (10 pts)
Perhaps the most striking quality of satiric literature is its freshness and its originality of perspective. Satire itself, however, rarely offers
original ideas. Instead, it presents the familiar in a new form. Satirists do not offer the world new philosophies. What they do is look at
familiar conditions from a perspective that makes these conditions seem foolish, harmful, or affected. Satire jars us out of complacence
into a pleasantly shocked realization that many of the values we unquestioningly accept are false.
Don Quixote makes chivalry seem absurd; Brave New World ridicules the pretensions of science; A Modest Proposal dramatizes
starvation by advocating cannibalism. None of these ideas is original. Chivalry was suspect before Cervantes, humanists objected to
the claims of pure science before Aldous Huxley, and people were aware of famine before Swift.
It was not the originality of the idea that made these satires popular. It was the manner of expression, the satiric method, that made
them interesting and entertaining. Satires are read because they are aesthetically satisfying works of art, not because they are morally
wholesome or ethically instructive. They are stimulating and refreshing because with commonsense briskness they brush away
illusions and secondhand opinions. With spontaneous irreverence, satire rearranges perspectives, scrambles familiar objects into
incongruous juxtaposition, and speaks in a personal idiom instead of abstract platitude.
Satire exists because there is need for it. It has lived because readers appreciate a refreshing stimulus, an irreverent reminder that
they live in a world of platitudinous thinking, cheap moralizing, and foolish philosophy. Satire serves to prod people into an awareness
of truth, though rarely to any action on behalf of truth. Satire tends to remind people that much of what they see, hear, and read in
popular media is sanctimonious, sentimental, and only partially true. Life resembles in only a slight degree the popular image of it.
Soldiers rarely hold the ideals that movies attribute to them, nor do ordinary citizens devote their lives to unselfish service of humanity.
Intelligent people know these things but tend to forget them when they do not hear them expressed.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) Difficulties of writing satiric literature. (B) Popular topics of satire
(C) New philosophies emerging from satiric literature (D) Reasons for the popularity of satire.
2. The word "realization" is closest in meaning to _______.
(A) certainly (B) awareness (C) surprise (D) confusion
3. Why does the author mention Don Quixote, Brave New World and A Modest Proposal?
(A) They are famous examples of satiric literature (B) They present commonsense solutions to problems.
(C) They are appropriate for readers of all ages. (D) They are books with similar stories.
4. The word "aesthetically" is closest in meaning to _______.
(A) artistically (B) exceptionally (C) realistically (D) dependably
5. Which of the following can be found in satire literature?
(A) Newly emerging philosophies (B) Odd combinations of objects and ideas
(C) Abstract discussion of moral and ethnics (D) Wholesome characters who are unselfish.
6. According to the passage, there is a need for satire because people need to be _______.
(A) informed about new scientific developments (B) exposed to original philosophies when they are formulated
(C) reminded that popular ideas are often inaccurate (D) told how they can be of service to their communities.
7. The word "they" refers to
(A) people (B) media (C) ideals (D) movies
8. As a result of reading satiric literature, readers will be most likely to _______.
(A) teach themselves to write fiction (B) accept conventional points of view
(C) become better informed about current affairs (D) reexamine their opinions and values
9. The various purposes of satire include all of the following EXCEPT _______.
(A) introducing readers to unfamiliar situations (B) brushing away illusions
(C) reminding readers of the truth (D) exposing false values.
10. Why does the author mention "service of humanity"?
(A) People need to be reminded to take action (B) Readers appreciate knowing about it
(C) It is an ideal that is rarely achieved. (D) Popular media often distort such stories.
PASSAGE B (10 pts)
According to sociologists, there are several different ways in which a person may become recognized as the leader of a social
group in the United States. In the family, traditional cultural patterns confer leadership on one or both of the parents. In other cases,
such as friendship groups, one or more persons may gradually emerge as leaders, although there is no formal process of selection. In
larger groups, leaders are usually chosen formally through election or recruitment.
Although leaders are often thought to be people with unusual personal ability, decades of research have failed to produce
consistent evidence that there is any category of “natural leaders.” It seems that there is no set of personal qualities that all leaders
have in common; rather, virtually any person may be recognized as a leader if the person has qualities that meet the needs of that
particular group.
Furthermore, although it is commonly supposed that social groups have a single leader, research suggests that there are typically
two different leadership roles that are held by different individuals. Instrumental leadership is leadership that emphasizes the
completion of tasks by a social group. Group members look to instrumental leaders to “get things” done.” Expressive leadership, on the
other hand, is leadership that emphasizes the collective well-being of a social group’s member. Expressive leader are less concerned
with the overall goals of the group than with providing emotional support to group members and attempting to minimize tension and
conflict among them. Group members expect expressive leaders to maintain stable relationships within the group and provide support
to individual members.
Instrumental leaders are likely to have a rather secondary relationship to other group members. They give orders and may
discipline group members who inhibit attainment of the group’s goals. Expressive leaders cultivate a more personal or primary
relationship to others in the group. They offer sympathy when someone experiences difficulties or is subjected to discipline, are quick to
lighten a serious moment with humor, and try to resolve issues that threaten to divide the group. As the differences in these two roles
suggest, expressive leaders generally receive more personal affection from group members; instrumental leaders, if they are
successful in promoting group goals, may enjoy a more distant respect.
11. What does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) The problems faced by leaders (B) How leadership differs in small and large groups
(C) How social groups determine who will lead them (D) The role of leaders in social groups
12. The passage mentions all of the following ways by which people can become leaders EXCEPT _______.
(A) recruitment (B) formal election process (C) specific leadership training (D) traditional cultural patterns
13. In mentioning “natural leaders”, the author is making the point that _______.
(A) few people qualify as “natural leaders”
(B) there is no proof that “natural leaders” exist
(C) “natural leaders’ are easily accepted by the members of a social group
(D) “natural leaders” share a similar set of characteristics
14. Which of the following statements about leadership can be inferred from paragraph 2?
(A) A person who is an effective leader of a particular group may not be an effective leader in another group.
(B) Few people succeed in sharing a leadership role with another person.
(C) A person can best learn how to be an effective leader by studying research on leadership.
(D) Most people desire to be leaders but can produce little evidence of their qualifications.
15. The passage indicates that instrumental leaders generally focus on _______.
(A) ensuring harmonious relationships (B) sharing responsibility with group members
(C) identifying new leaders (D) achieving a goal
16. The word “collective” is closest in meaning to _______.
(A) necessary (B) typical (C) group (D) particular
17. The word “them” refers to _______.
(A) expressive leaders (B) goals of the group
(C) group members (D) tension and conflict
18. A “secondary relationship” mentioned between a leader and the members of a group could best be characterized as
(A) distant (B) enthusiastic (C) unreliable (D) personal
19. The word “resolve” is closest in meaning to
(A) avoid repeating (B) talk about (C) avoid thinking about (D) find a solution for
20. Paragraphs 3 and 4 organize the discussion of leadership primarily in term of _______.
(A) examples that illustrate a problem (B) cause and effect analysis
(C) narration of events (D) comparison and contrast
Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means almost the same as the one printed before it. Use the word in
brackets without making any change to it.
1. The thief must have come in through the window. (almost)
=> The thief ___________________________________________________________________________________
2. He is such a successful businessman that he has now become a case study. (as)
=> His success_________________________________________________________________________________
3. My father and I often have the same opinions on politics. (eye)
=> When it ____________________________________________________________________________________
4. It’s about time you started working hard. (cracking)
=> I’d sooner __________________________________________________________________________________
5. She’s still young, but she has written four noticeable novels. (credit)
=> Young ____________________________________________________________________________________
6. This is not the first time he has openly disagreed with the party leader. (swords)
=> He has ____________________________________________________________________________________
7. Your empty promises won’t make any impression on her. (ice)
=> The empty __________________________________________________________________________________
8. I was just about to remember her name, but I couldn’t get it. (tongue)
=> Her _______________________________________________________________________________________
9. They listened eagerly and attentively to the president’s speech. (what)
=> They were all _______________________________________________________________________________
10. She’s always using my dictionary without asking me. (free)
=> It’s a ______________________________________________________________________________________


, ' '
TP HO CHI MINH KHOA THI NGAY: 4-3-2015 - NAM HOC: 2014-2015

PART ONE. Multiple choice (1 pt each correct answer)
1. 8. was seated a dog 11. A. confided
2. 8. to be built 12. C. making
3. C. as if she were 13. 8. stormed
4: A. enter 14.C.span
5. C. so much worrying 15. A. In
6. C. will have been modernized 16.D.engrossed
7. 8 . to finish 17.8.posed
8. C. couldn't have made 18. A. call out
9. C. will you 19. D. snowed under
10. 8. at short notice 20. 8. She's still all on her own.

PART TWO. Wor~ Forms (40 pts)

A. (2pts each correct answer)

1. fanaticism 6. coexistence
2. far-fetched 7. enlightened
3. demobilized 8. marketability
4. traitorous 9. outlay
5. transpolar 10. worldly-wise
8. (2pts each correct answer)

1. pounding 6. demanding
2. heat 7. combination
3. breaks 8. debating
4. dedicated 9. rough-water
5. competitors 10. unbelievable


PASSAGE A (1 pt each correct answer)
1. B. alternative 6. A. quality 11. D. considering
2. B. substitute 7. A. association 12. A. attempt
3. C. At 8. C. accurate 13.D.end
4. D. remove 9. C. deal 14. 8. means
5. D. nature 10. A. ongoing 15. C. results

PASSAGE B (1 pt each correct answer)

, 1.C.gain 7. D. resources 12. B. reached
2. D. campaign 8. A. completely
3. B. promote 9. C. introduced 13. B. attempt
4. A. doubtful 10. D. attracted 14. D. insists
5. C. effective- 11. A. products 15. C. Gapable
6. C. amount
PASSAGE C (2pts each correct answer)

(1) break (6) any (11) Anti-smoking

(2) stay (7) battle (12) According
(3) rooftop(s) (8) find (13) visitors
(4) gradually (9) light (14) drug
(5) banned (10) soon (15) illegal
PASSAGED (2pts each correct answer)

(1) attracted (6) until (11) making

(2) taken (7) less (12) cost
(3) household (8) is (13) benefits
(4) almost I nearly (9) used (14) save
(5) rest (10) equipment (15) all

PART FOUR. Reading Comprehension (20 pts)

PASSAGE A (1 pt each correct answer)
1. (0) 5. (B) 9. (A)
2. (B) 6. (C) 10. (A)
3. (A) 7. (A)
4. (A) 8. (D)

PASSAGE B (1 pt each correct answer)

11.(D) 15.(D) 19. (D)
12.(C) 16.(C) 20. (0)
13. (B) 17. (C)
14. (A) 18. (A)

PART~FiVE: s·ErfFENCE--1RANSFORl'A-ATIQN- ,_( 3pt~c.l-i corr.Pct answer_)

1. The thief almost certainly came in through the window.

2. His success as a businessman is such that he has now become a case
study. II in business is such that people take it I him as a case study.
3. When it comes to politics, my father and I often see eye to eye with each
other.// my father often sees eye to eye with me.
4. I'd sooner you got cracking (with your work).
5. Young as/though she is/may be, she has four noticeable novels to her
credit. -Ki_ fiM& ~
6. He has openly crossed swords with Flis bdSs several/many times before.
7. The empty promises you make cut no ice with her II won't cut any ice with
· her. ~
- 8. Her nameji ~ Uust) on the tip of my tongue.
9. They were au ears to what the president was saying.
10. It's a shame/nuisance (that) she is always making free with my

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