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a. Definition of equivalences in
Equivalence can be said to be the central issue in translation
although its definition, relevance, an applicability within the field of
translation theory have caused heated controversy, and many
different theories of the concept of equivalence have been elaborated
within this field in the past fifty years. Equivalence is an important
notion in translation theory. Therefore, theorists in the field of
translation studies are interested in studying and examining this
notion in order to discover its effect on the way a translator deals
with a text.

b. Types of
1. Linguistic Equivalence (LE):
2. Semantic Equivalence (SemaE):
3. Stylistic Equivalence (StyE):
4. Social and Cultural Equivalence (SCE):
5. Mythical and Symbolic Equivalence


Alamblak (Papua New Guinea), English Here is an
example of translational equivalence between
Alamblak (Papua New Guinea) and English:
Yɨhop An English speaker might analyze the
Alamblak word with two meanings:
1. yesterday
2. tomorrow

D. Problems of
The problem for the
translator is that he is dealing
with two context, that of the
language and that of the
target language. What is
appropriate in the one is not
appropriate in the other
Equivalence does not mean the source text is the only
significant factor However, equivalence does distinguish
translation from writing. Equivalence to a text in another
language entails more obstacles, linguistic, temporal and
cultural, and therefore more challenges than monolingual
interpretation. The translator must be aware of the objectives
and the all the meanings conveyed in the source text. If one
shade of meaning is lost in translation, then the text rendered
in the target language is a failure. Producing non-equivalents
in translation is inappropriate and distorts or blurs the
meaning. Translation is the most difficult task to do for
translation should not be a poor substitute for the original.

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