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Directions: Choose the underlined words or phrases labeled (a, b, c) which are not accepted to formal
written English. Choose letter (d) if there is no error. Write your answer on the space provided before
each number.

_____1. The guarantee were issued by the assessment officer. No error.

a b c d

_____2. Each of the stores give ten percent discount this season. No error.
a b c d

_____3. Neither of the languages are widely spoken nowadays. No error.

a b c d

_____4. Both Jaden and Stephanie hopes to get summer jobs. No error.
a b c d

_____5. Reports of research was published in many different languages. No error.

a b c d

_____6. The exchange of ideas among linguists is a vital kind of communication. No error.
a b c d

_____7. Translation of poems and essays in literature is generally inferior to the original works. No error.
a b c d

_____8. Italian and French probably, is the most popular to study among the other European languages.
a b c
No error.

_____9. To some people, accurate pronunciation don’t come easily. No error.

a b c d

_____10. That skier must have fell more than once. No error.
a b c d

Directions: Each item has three words followed by a list of four words. From the list of four words,
choose the one that is most related to the third word in each item in almost the same way as the second
word is related to the first. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

_____1. jelly: dessert :: tea: _____

a. drink c. softdrink
b. juice d. beverage

_____2. Monday: Tuesday :: June: ______

a. Wednesday c. July
b. August d. November

_____3. eyes: tears :: skin: ______

a. epidermis c. glands
b. sweat d. pores

_____4. city: urban :: town: _______

a. rural c. barrio
b. civilized d. uncivilized

_____5. snake: hiss :: bird: _______

a. crawl c. fly
b. squeak d. chirp

_____6. begin: end :: start: _____

a. halt c. finish
b. stop d. cease

_____7. poetry: literature :: Biology: _________

a. History c. Physics
b. Science d. Psychology

_____8. fishes: swim :: birds: ________

a. chirp c. fly
b. tweet d. lay eggs

_____9. husband: wife :: father: ______

a. housewife c. mother
b. mistress d. parent

_____10. evening: morning :: dawn: ______

a. night c. dusk
b. day d. noon

Directions: Choose the word that correctly completes the following sentences. Write your answer on the
space provided before each number.

_____1. I couldn’t understand the teacher’s ____________ directions.

a. clear c. accurate
b. vague d. understandable

_____2. I tried to _________ what I would look like in ten years.S

a. see c. visualize
b. make d. create

_____3. The ________ army fought against the government in power.

a. rebel c. obliging
b. dependable d. controllable

_____4. The rays from the rising sun shined ________ through our kitchen window.
a. dark c. coldly
b. splendidly d. dull

_____5. When Rex had a bone, a warm spot to lie, and someone petting him, he was in __________.
a. hell c. love
b. home d. paradise

_____6. Alvin went to the museum every Saturday because he was so ____________ by art.
a. disgusted c. bored
b. fascinated d. uninterested

_____7. Tracy held the flower as gently as she could, fearing that the _____________ stem would break.
a. delicate c. strong
b. long d. light

_____8. Since professional athletes have to stay in peak physical shape, most athletes _______ eat junk
a. usually c. frequently
b. always d. seldom

_____9. After finding crumbs all over Fido’s bed, Mom ______________ that the dog had eaten the
a. misinterpreted c. shouted
b. accepted d. concluded
_____10. After taking the final exam, Felix felt as though an/a _____________ burden had been lifted.
a. tiny c. enormous
b. light d. different


Directions: Read the passage carefully. Choose the correct answer for each item. Write your answer on
the space provided before each number.

A. Alexander Graham Bell was born in Scotland in 1847, but he immigrated to the United State,
where he became a teacher of deaf in Boston, Massachusetts. In the early 1870’s he got the idea of
transmitting vocal sounds over wires by means of electrical impulses. Many others. Such as Elisha Gray
of Illinois, were working towards the same goal, but it was Bell who, on March 7, 1876, filed the first
patent for the telephone. A few days later he demonstrated his new invention to an astonished world.
In the summer of 1876, at Philadelphia’s Centennial Exposition, it was Bell’s strange
contraption that was to draw the most attention. Although others, such as Thomas A. Edison and Emile
Berliner, improved on Bell’s invention, it was Bell Telephone Co. that was to harvest the enormous
financial rewards. Bell, himself, was to become one of the wealthiest men in America.
No other single invention has been so quickly adopted by the American public. As early as 1890,
well over half a million American had a telephone. Not even the radio, the automobile, or the television
set was to be assimilated by the public as such a speed. Bell died in 1922, but his legacy had already
irrevocably changed the world’s ability to communicate.

_____1. Which of the following is true?

a. Bell isn’t an immigrant.
b. Bell work with hearing-impaired students.
c. Bell’s invention was critically rejected.
d. Bell labored hard to be recognized.

_____2. When was Bell’s telephone patented?

a. 1847 c. 1890
b. 1876 d. 1922

_____3. Who, aside from Bell, tried to create a telephone?

a. Elisha Gray c. Emile Berliner
b. Thomas Edison d. Philadelphia Exposition

_____4. The word assimilated means.

a. rejected c. modified
d. adapted d. accepted
_____5. Which of the following inferences holds true for the passage?
a. Bell was an impatient man.
b. The Bell Telephone Co. failed to gain financial status.
c. The telephone invented by Bell paved the way for better communication.
d. Bell collaborated with others to maximize his inventions.

B. Soap is an inefficient cleanser compared with the synthetic chemical compounds called
detergents. The reason is that the detergent molecules have one group of “hydrophilic’ atoms that like
hydrophobic group attaches itself to dirt and grease. The drops allowing a water-detergent mix to
penetrate fibers and wash away the hydrophobic group with the dirt.
The Belgian Chemist A. Reychler noted the effect of detergents in 1913. The first commercially
available detergent was “Nekal” sold in Germany in 1917 to alleviate wartime soap shortages. The
second World War encouraged further development aimed at c leaning uniforms in adverse condition –
for example, with only salt water.
Ordinary detergents have difficulty in dissolving protein stains such as egg: but the chemical
substances called enzyme3s breakdown protein. Biologicsl detergents with asn enzymes added were
introduced in 1967 by Proctor & Gamble of Cincinnati, Ohio.

_____6. What was the first commercially available detergent?

a. Nekai c. Nikal
b. Nekal d. Nikai

_____7. Which of the following statement is true?

a. Soap works well with all types of dirt.
b. Reychler Noted the effects of detergents in 1916.
c. The first detergents was sold in Germany.
d. Soap was numerous during the war.

_____8. What characteristics set detergents apart from soaps?

a. The presence of hydrophobic and hydrophilic atoms.
b. The presence of water
c. The high density of detergent
d. The compactness of detergents

_____9. Which of the following is not easily dissolved by ordinary detergent?

a. egg stain c. chocolate stain
b. sauce stain d. not mentioned in the selection

_____10. Proctor & Gamble of Cincinatti, Ohio introduced____________.

a. detergents with salt water.
b. detergents with protein compounds.
c. detergents with cleanser.
d. detergents with enzyme added.
Directions: Choose the letter with the correct answer for each item. Write your answer on the space
provided before each number

_____1. The main source of energy on Earth is _________________.

a. sun c. food
b. light d. chemicals

_____2. Which one of the following is a characteristic of solid?

a. It takes up the shape of its container.
b. Its volume always stays the same.
c. It can flow and spread out as far as it can.
d. Most solids are invisible.

_____3. An instrument used to magnify small organisms.

a. microscope c. telescope
b. barometer d. photometer

_____4. When you rub a plastic comb against your hair _________ is produced.
a. proton c. neutron
b. static electricity d. electrical charges

_____5. A process of food-making in plants.

a. photosynthesis c. transpiration
b. respiration d. diffusion

_____6. The gas that helps in the burning of wood.

a. hydrogen c. nitrogen
b. oxygen d. helium

_____7. If sugar and water are mixed together, the mixture is called _____.
a. a solution c. an emulsion
b. a suspension d. a colloid

_____8. The shaking of the Earth’s crust by faulting is called _____.

a. fissure c. landslide
b. earthquake d. diatrophism

_____9. The basic unit of life is the ______.

a. cell c. organ
b. tissue d. system

_____10. An animal without a backbone is known as _____.

a. vertebrate c. invertebrate
b. amphibian d. reptile

_____11. One of the following is considered a vertebrate.

a. jellyfish c. corals
b. anemones d. turtle

_____12. It is an organism that harms another organism by living on it and taking nutrients from it.
a. host c. parasite
b. prey d. scavenger

_____13. _____________ is a vertebrate that begins with gills and later develops lungs. It can live in both

water and in land.

a. amphibian c. bird
b. reptile d. mammal

_____14. The study of relationships among living and non-living things.

a. population c. ecology
b. community d. ecosystem

_____15. The process of breaking down of complex food substances into usable form.
a. respiration c. circulation
b. digestion d. reproduction

_____16. Cells of the same kind make up a /an ___________.

a. organ c. cell
b. tissue d. system

_____17. Urine is stored in the _____________ before it leaves the body.

a. urinary bladder c. diaphragm
b. trachea d. uterus

_____18. The passage way through which food moves into the body.
a. mouth c. intestine
b. trachea d. esophagus

_____19. The movement of molecules or atoms from a region of higher concentration to a lower
a. diffusion c. fusion
b. osmosis d. vaporization

_____20. A seed plant with two seed leaves or cotyledons is _________

a. dicot c. bryophyte
b. monocot d. gymnosperm
_____21. The balloon-like sacks of the lungs where the exchange of gases takes place.
a. trachea c. bronchi
b. alveoli d. lungs

_____22. The environment where a plant or animal naturally lives is known as _________
a. habitat c. community
b. ecosystem d. population

_____23. One of the following is a substance found in tobacco.

a. jellyfish c. corals
b. anemones d. turtle

_____24. A type of cloud which forms at high altitude and appears feathery is called _____.
a. cumulus c. cirrus
b. stratus d. nimbus

_____25. The electricity at rest is called __________________.

a. static electricity c. wet cell
b. dry cell d. closed cicuit

Directions: Choose the correct answer for each item. Write your answer on the space provided before
each number.

_____1. The length of a car key is approximately ________.

a. 54mm c. 54m
b. 54cm d. 54km

_____2. The most sensible mass of a small child is ______.

a. 15mg c. 15g
b. 15cg d. 15 kg

_____3. Which of the following is a composite number?

a. 31 c. 71
b. 41 d. 91

_____4. The quotient of 3.845 and 0.5 is ______.

a. 7.69 c. 769
b. 76.9 d. 0.769

1 1 1
_____5. + + = ___
2 4 8

15 7
a. c.
16 8
3 13
b. d.
4 16

_____6. Which of the following is divisible by 6?

a. 38 c. 238
b. 138 d. 338

_____7. The reciprocal of is _____.

1 −3
a. 3 c.
2 7
1 −7
b. 2 d.
3 3

_____8. 0.76 written in fraction form is _____.

−5 19
a. c.
8 25
20 76
b. d.
24 80

3 11
_____9. If we subtract from the result is _____.
4 13

8 2
a. c.
9 13
5 11
b. d.
52 13

_____10. The least common multiple of 16 and 24 is _____.

a. 8 c. 24
b. 16 d. 48

3 1 1
_____11. What is the least common denominator of the fractions , , and ?
8 9 12

a. 8 c. 12
b. 9 d. 72

_____12. The Roman Numeral MCMLXXI is equal to _____.

a. 1,000,971 c. 1,900,071
b. 1,971 d. 1,009,071

_____13. The average of 92, 96, 98 and 82 is _____.

a. 88 c. 92
b. 90 d. 94

_____14. The product of 0.96 and 100 is _____.

a. 0.0096 c. 960
b. 96 d. 9600

_____15. The denominator of a fraction must not be _____.

a. negative c. zero.
b. positive d. an integer

_____16. Mang Simon gathered 1675 mangoes and placed them in crates of 67 mangoes to a crate.
What is the total cost of the mangoes if each crate costs PhP 1005.00?

a. PhP 21,125 c. PhP 23,125

b. PhP 24,125 d. PhP 25,125
_____17. How many thirds are there in 1 ?

a. 7 c. 3
1 1
b. 7 d. 3
2 2

_____18. If it takes 6 hours to drive 432 km, how long does it take to drive 1,224 km?

a. 12 hours c. 19 hours
b. 17 hours d. 20 hours

_____19. Andrew paid PhP 36.00 for 6 photographs. How much would he have to pay for 42

a. PhP 210.00 c. PhP 280.00

b. PhP 252.00 d. PhP 320.00

_____20. How many meters of cloth will I buy for a dozen of dish towels, if a dish towel needs
meters of cloth?

a. 4.5 m c. 18 m
b. 9 m d. 32 m

_____21. If I had PhP 14.00 after giving away of my money, how much did I have originally?

a. PhP 7.00 c. PhP 16.00

b. PhP 14.00 d. PhP 21.00

_____22. 4 2 + 23 + 4 0 = _____

a. 14 c. 25
b. 15 d. 20

7(5+ 4) 4 (10−2)
_____23. - =
3 16

a. 21 c. 2
b. 19 d. 18

For items 24-25

In a rural elementary school with 800 pupils, every child drinks liter of milk daily. Milk costs
PhP 30.00 per liter.
_____24. How many liters of milk are drunk daily in this school?

a. 400 L c. 800 L
b. 600 L d. 1600 L

_____25. The cost of the daily supply of milk in this school is ____.

a. PhP 1,200.00 c. PhP 120.00

b. PhP 12,000.00 d. PhP120,000.00


Directions: For numbers 1-10, the symbols or figure at the left side of each item make up a set or series
and are related to each other in a certain way. Each set is a problem. The answer to each is found in one of
the five figures at the right side. Find which symbol or figure of the set at the left is suggested by the
relationship or pattern shown. As soon as you have done this, blacken the circle that corresponds to your
answer in the appropriate item number on your answer sheet.

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e
a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

B D H ? P T I P T
8 16 24 16 24

2 4 9

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

2 ? 2

a b c d e
a b c d e

a b c d e
a b c d e

a b c d e

Directions: For numbers 11-20, choose the one odd out. Blacken the circle that corresponds to your
answer on the item number in your answer sheet.

a b c d e

3 9 7 2 5
a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e
a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

a b c d e

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