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Nationalism will be considered as concept and as a movement. As a concept, It is sums

total of love, loyalty, devotion, patriotism and commitment that citizenry show towards
the development of a nation. It is the act of selfless service to one’s country.

As a movement, it is a struggle by indigenous leaders against colonial rule and

colonialism. The nationalist movement in Nigeria and their agitations fast tracked
independence of Nigeria. It is the belief in the political independence of Nigeria and
other Africa countries. It is the fight against foreign rule and domination, racial
segregation, economic exploitation, denying Africans to hold sensitive or administrative

Some of the foremost nationalists in Africa are Herbert Macaulay, Chief Obafemi
Awolowo, Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe, Alhaji Tafawa Balewa,Chief Anthony Enahoro, Dr.
Kwame Nkruma of Ghana, Nelson Mandela and Bishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa
etc. These people rendered selfless service in the sense that some of them risk jail
sentences out outright jail eg Nelson Mandela for daring to confront the policies of


Internal factors and External factors contributed to the growth of nationalism in Nigeria.
1. The impact and activities of Pan-African Leaders i.e prominent individuals and
organizations such as some black American leaders and other blacks in
2. The emergence of U.S.A and U.S.S. Russia super powers after the second world
war gave a driving force to nationalist activities in Nigeria and even West Africa
3. The Atlantic Charter emphasized the right to self-determination by all the people
of the world including Britian and U.S.A.
4. The independence of some countries like India in 1947 and Ghana in 1957 gave
Nigerian nationalists morale to increase nationalism activities.
5. The economic exploitation and monopoly of trade and commerce by the
Europeans united the middle class against colonial rule.
1. The formation of political parties led by strong and purposeful leaders enhanced
nationalist activities in Nigeria. These aerly political parties were NNDP in 1923
formed by Herbert Macaulay, NYM in 1934 formed by Ernest Ikoli, NCNC in 1944
formed by Nnamdi Azikiwe just to mention a few.
2. More so, aiding the growth of nationalism was the emergence of irrepressible
nationalist newspapers such as Lagos Daily News of Herbert Macaulay, The
West African Pilot of Nnamdi Azikiwe. Etc.
3. The introduction of elective principle which only favoured Lagos and Calabar as
such majority of Nigerians were dis-enfranchised which in turn provoked the
growth of nationalism in Nigeria.
4. The return of the ex-servicemen who fought side along Britain and allied forces
during second world war against Germany and Axis power, this gave rise and
growth to nationalism movement because all they were promised was not given
to them on their return to West Africa.
5. The discriminatory attitude of the European to Nigerians which led to racial
discrimination in employment leading to limited opportunities for Nigerians the the
civil service.
6. British exploitation of their father land
7. The neglect of traditional institution
8. The influence of Christianity and the establishment of schools
9. The stern criticism of colonialism by some prominent Americans
10. The activities of West African students overseas especially America and Britain


1. Nationalism encouraged the spread of Western education in Nigeria which led to
the establishment of more schools.
2. It led to the development of political parties in Nigeria such as NCNC, NNDP,
NYM etc.
3. Nationalism led to the rise of newspapers such as the Lagos Daily News, West
African Pilot etc.
4. It made Nigerian workers fight against discrimination in the civil service and
obtain better placements and conditions of service.
5. Nationalism destroy the myth of the superiority of the white man that had long
been created by the British rulers.
6. It helps to fight the British economic exploitation
7. It promote national self - reliance
8. It create sense of allegiance to one’s nation
9. It prepares the ground for independence
10. It arouses a sense of selflessness on the people


He was a British soldier and mercenary, explorer and a colonial adventurer. Lord
Lugard suppressed the Fulani despotism in the North, restore peace and order. He also
stopped slave raiding and abolished slavery and slave trade. All these were one for
economic reasons by using the budget surplus in the south to correct the budget deficit
of the North.
Nigeria was formally called the Royal Niger Company Territory. The Royal Niger
Company sold its holding to the British government. The British government bought the
territory which is now called Nigeria
Before now, Nigeria was a territory being ruled by kings and queens in their various
domain. We have the Hausa/Fulani Caliphate, the Oyo Empire, the Igbo traditional
system and other ethnic nationalities. It was a pure monarchical system of government
 The wife Flora Shaw gave the name Nigeria from (Niger area). The name from
then was changed from Royal Niger Company Territory to Nigeria.
 Indirect policy was introduced throughout the country

 The Nigerian Council of 1914 was created by Sir Frederick Lugard after the
amalgamation of the southern and northern protectorates in 1914. The council
consisted of 36 members to advise him on legislative matters.

 Lord Lugard presided over the joining of the Lagos colony and Southern
protectorate in 1906

 He presided over the amalgamation of Nigeria in 1914. He presided over all that
happened between 1901 -91920

 He selected the Nigerians Council comprising the Alaafin of Oyo representing

the west, two Emirs from the north, one of which was the Sultan of Sokoto, one
from Calabar, one from Lagos and the other from Benin /Warri axis.

 The council was merely an advisory council whose decisions was not binding on
the governor- general and as it turned out, the council deliberated on very little as
the attendance of the Nigerian at the council’s meetings was poor.

Merits of Lugard’s pre – constitutional arrangement

1. It provides for the peaceful evolution of Nigeria state
2. It reduces ethnic conflict which have been happening then
3. The government was decentralized
4. Nigerians had a forum to discuss matters that affect them
5. he put a stop to slave raiding
6. He also suppress the despotic attitudes of some of the traditional rulers

Demerits of Lugard’s pre- constitutional arrangement

1. Amalgamation that is supposed to create unity did the opposite
2. The two provinces operated as if they were different entities
3. There were little or no interaction between the North and South
4. The system had no roles for educated elites
5. Non educated elites were used
6. The Nigeria council hardly meet to deliberate. It was very week and ineffective


The obvious weaknesses of the Nigeria Council made the National Congress of British
West Africa (NCBWA) launched a series of criticism against it and made some
demands which were rejected. These demands formed the basis for the Clifford
Constitution of 1922.
 Introduction of elective principle (Restricted to on Lagos)
 Development of political parties
 Members of legislative council increased
 Northern province was not represented in the council
 The constitution introduced new legislative and executive councils.
 A legislative council was set up with 46 members out of which 27 were official
members while 19 were unofficial members.
 There was an executive council composed mainly the officials, there were no
Africans in the Executive council.
1. Introduction of First elective principle.
2. The introduction of a new single legislative council for the colony Lagos and the
protectorate of Southern Nigeria.
3. Laying the foundation for the introduction of the first political party in Nigeria
4. It allowed more representation of Nigerians than there were in the Nigerian
5. It encouraged the establishment of newspapers such as the Lagos Daily News
and West African Pilot.
1. The isolation of the North from the legislative council.
2. Northern Nigeria was not represented in the new Legislative council as it
comprised members from the south alone.
3. A large percentage of Nigerians were disenfranchised by limiting franchise to
Lagos and Calabar.
4. The introduction of the British policy of divide and Rule which laid the foundation
for the birth and development of Ethnicity and Tribalism in Nigeria.
5. The exclusion of Africans from the Executive Council.
6. There were many more officials and nominated members than elected members
in the legislative council.
7. It failed to bring together both North and South under one legislative house, even
after the amalgamation. This situation lasted for twenty-four years.
8. The council met infrequently for about 8 days on the average, every year.
9. The Governor acted like a school headmaster during the proceedings of the
legislative council.


As a result of more pressure exacted by the nationalists and the obvious weakness of
Clifford constitution, Richard came up with a constitution mainly associated with
 Introduced regionalism
 Each region had its own regional council
 Bicameral legislature was introduced in the North whine Unicameral legislature
existed in the South and Eastern region
 Establishment of executive council to assist the governor
 Governor had veto power
 It recognized the position of traditional rulers
 It also increased Nigeria representatives at the legislative council
 Members of the central legislative council were also members of the regional
 Regional councils were used as electoral colleges for representation in the
legislative council
 Legislative council made laws for Nigeria
 Regional legislators never made laws
1. Greater consideration was given to Nigerian opinion in the making of laws than
under the 1922 Constitution.
2. The Northern and Southern leaders were brought together in one legislative
house for the first time since the amalgamation of 1914.
3. It gave the division of the country into East, North and West the force of Law.
4. The Federal idea was the most popular feature.
5. Recognized roles of traditional rulers
6. Bicameral legislature established in the North
1. The constitution was promulgated with the least possible consultation with the
Nigerian people.
2. The constitution failed by not giving Nigerians responsibility in the actual
administration of their country
3. The governor still retained his veto powers thereby making a mockery of the
legislative council.
4. The elective principle was still as restrictive as under the 1922 constitution.
5. There was widespread dissatisfaction with the constitution which led to its
collapse in 1949.
6. The right to vote was limited to people with high income or property.
7. European interests were still represented in the Legislative Council. No Nigerian


CONTENT. MacPherson Constitution 1951
Clifford constitution was mainly because of its refusal to allow Nationalist and educated
people to participate in the governance of its people. Sir John MacPherson as a
governor was reported to have had consultations with different strata of the Nigeria
society such as the village, district, provisional and regional levels to come up with the
1951 Constitution
1. Creation of House of Representatives comprising the governor, 136 members and
6 special members appointed by the governor
2. The powers of House of Representatives override that of the regional assemblies
3. Establishment of central executive council known as council of Minister's. Members
include the governor, 6 official members and 12 Nigerians- 4 from each region
4. Each region has executive council comprising Lt governor, 5 official members and 9
Minister's each
5. Election is both by direct and indirect methods
6. Only male tax payers vote in the North while both male and female voted in the East
and West
7. Each region had legislative and executive council
8.House of chief was provided for the west
9.Lagos remain part of western region
1. The constitution was a home-made constitution due to it wide consultation and
constitutional conference held all over the country.
2. It laid the foundation of self-governance in Nigeria
3. It created a bi-cameral legislature for the nation and western region
4. Nigerians were appointed as ministers.
5. it increases the responsibilities of regional legislatures
6. More powers were given to the regions and were made autonomous
7. formation of political parties – NCNV, AG and NPC


Three constitutional crises of 1953 led to the collapse of the 1951 constitution.
1. The first Crisis in the Eastern Region which arose as a result of the failure of the party
to elect their Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe into the House of Representatives in Lagos
2. The second Crisis was due to the motion moved by Chief Anthony Enahoro in 1953
at the House of Representatives for self - government opposed by the Northerners
3. The third was a riot in Kano in 1953 .
4. Ministers had no portfolio
5. it promoted regional sentiments by politicians
6. ethnic nationalism and regional division were the order of the day
7. election into national and regional council remain indirect

The three crises that exposed the defects of the Macpherson constitution led to its
collapse hence Lyttleton constitution which formed the foundation for the independence
constitution. The product of the revision 1953 and 1954 constitutional conferences was
the Lyttleton Constitution

 Office of the Governor General was created
 Introduction of a federal system
 The office of the governors for the regions
 The office of the Speaker and the deputy were created exempting the North
 The office of regional premiers were created
 Creation of federal capital of Lagos
 The judiciary and public service were established in each region
 Elected legislators increased
 Regionalization of the civil service
 Non- elected legislators reduced
 Introduction of revenue allocation
 Unicameral legislature (House of Representatives) at the federal level
 Each region had three (3) ministers
 No office for prime minister
1. It provided a Federal System of government in Nigeria.
2. Creation of the offices of a premier and minister for eah region
3. Ministers were given portfolios, ministers were given greater responsibility.
4. The posts of permanent secretaries and the parliamentary secretaries were
5. It granted real law making powers to the regional legislatures.
6. It recognized the need for gradual integration of the various groups in Nigeria by
passing power to the regions. Regional governments were given greater
7. It paved way for regional self-government, it recognized the need to appoint
Premiers in the regions.
1. It made no provision for a second chamber at the center.
2. The post of Prime Minister was not provided for.
3. It did not provide for a unified electoral system throughout the country.
4. The governor-general still retained his veto powers.
5. Absence of uniform mode of election
6. The constitution promoted the politics of regionalism
7. It provided the basis for constitutional development
8. It introduced a revenue allocation formula which over emphasized derivation as
against need and national interest


What is it?
Constitutional Conference is meeting put together to write a draft of the constitution. A
former meeting for the purpose of creating a constitution. It is not the constitution itself.
Finding and conclusions of the body are subject to scrutiny, approval and disapproval
by the government of the day. In most cases, delegates to these conferences are either
elected of nominated. Or while some are elected, the government also appointed
people from various segments of the society. Nigeria has had many constitutional
conferences since independence. In most case, when Nigeria wants to restart a new
government, they normally organized a constitutional conference to determine how the
new government should run. The first constitutional conference in Nigeria was held in
1953. The last one was held in 2014 during Goodluck Jonathan. The last one before
Nigeria became independence were held in 1957 and 1958
Decision taken:
 Nigeria to become a federation
 Public service regionalized
 Internal self-government to be given to any region that wanted
 At the center is the Governor- General why region governor be called governor
 The legislative power should be shared between federal, state an federating units
 Lagos to be separated from the Western region and made neutral federal
 Cameroun to have separate administrative unit and they are free to join the
Cameroun through referendum
 The queen was ready to grant independence to those regions who desired in
Decision taken:
 Principle of derivation formula was entrenched
 Autonomy was granted Cameroun
 The regions now had judiciary
 The region to have their police
 Southern Cameroun remain part of Nigeria, operation as a quasi- federal territory
with its legislature
This was used to draft the Lyttleton constitution
Decision taken:
 East and Western region to get independence in 1957 and the North 1959
 Eastern region apart from the bicameral legislature also had House of Chiefs
 Southern Cameroun which was part of Nigerian then became a region with a
 Bicameral legislature was introduced at the center
 The office of the prime minister was created
 The leader of a party often appointed by a prime minister
 Independence to be granted to Nigeria in 1960
Decision taken:
 No state to be created before independence
 Fundamental human right entrenched in the constitution
 Nigeria to be granted independence in 1960
 Southern Cameroun should decide to be part of Nigeria or not through plebiscite
 Northern region to be self - government in 1957
 Referendum to be held to determine the southern and Northern Cameroun
 Made provision for boundary adjustment
 Considered issues of state creation to allay the fear of minorities
Decisions reached at the 1957 London and 1958 Lagos Constitutional Conferences
were used to draft the 1960 Nigerian Constitution.

Note that the 1960 Nigeria Constitution is the Act of the Parliament of Britain by British
legislators but 1963 Republican Constitution is the Parliament of Nigeria. This means
that the Constitution was made in the Nigeria, by Nigeria legislators


1. Nigeria ceased from being a colony or protectorate of Nigeria and became a self-
governing country.
2. The constitution introduced a parliamentary system of government where the
head of state is different from the head of government.
3. The head of the State was the Queen of Great Britain who was represented by
the Governor-general
4. The constitution established a bi-cameral legislature both at the federal and
regional level.
5. The constitution also provided for fundamental human rights in line with 1958
constitutional conference.
6. Executive powers resides with the Prime Minister and regional premiers.
7. Establishment of a federal structure.
1. Nigeria became a politically independent state and as such Nigeria joined
international organisations like United Nations, Commonwealth. E.t.c
2. Nigeria became free from British economic exploitation and became involved in
external trade with other countries.
3. The constitution provided Nigerians with many employment opportunities inthe
civil service to replace British Nationals.
1. The legislative powers of the independent State of Nigeria were defined in an Act
of the British parliament rather than an Act of the Nigerian parliament.
2. The Queen of England still remained the constitutional head of State represented
by the Governor-general
3. Senators were not elected but were appointed.
4. The highest court of appeal was the judicial committee of the Privy Council and
not Supreme Court in Nigeria.
5. It carried over many of the unresolved national issues, such as revenue
allocation criteria, which emphasized the national rather than regional interest


The 1989, 1999 are constitutions that came about as a result of the constitutional
amendment of the 1979 constitution with some provisions either removed, enhanced or
adjusted to reflect the new reality. Eg: States and local government local government
areas created must be reflected. While 1989 constitution recognized only two political
parties, the 1999 recognised multi-party system
1979 Constitution
1. Presidential system of government was introduced
2. The office of the president created
3. Bicameral legislature at the federal level and unicameral at the state
4. Retention of Federal system of government
3. The constitution makes provision for the creation of states
4. The constitution also made provision for the registration of political parties
5. Establishment of a system of local government
6. Structure of state government was similar to that of the federal

1989 Constitution
1. Retention of Federal system of government
2. Presidential system retained
3. Federal Character must be adhered to when appointing Ministers
4. Appointments of Special Advisers
5. Impeachment procedure was spelt out
6. Bicameral at the Federal level and unicameral at the state were retained
7. The Constitution. Recognized only two political parties- SPD and NRC
8. Establishment of election Tribunal that tries all electoral offences
1. Constitution produced by Nigerians
2. Introduction of Federal character
3. Provision of checks and balances
4. Local government becomes the third tier of government
5. The declaration that military coup is unconstitutional
6. Establishment of code of conduct that regulate the conduct of public
1. The constitution was not a true reflection of people's wish
2. Federal character principles does not allow the best to service
3. It granted too much powers to the president
4. The presidential system is too expensive to run

1989 and 1999 Constitution

1. Retention of Federal system of government
2. Presidential system retained
3. Federal Character must be adhered to when appointing Ministers
4. Appointments of Special Advisers
5. Impeachment procedure was spelt out
6. Bicameral at the Federal level and unicameral at the state were retained
8. Establishment of election Tribunal that tries all electoral offences
9. Multiparty system was reintroduced
1. Constitution produced by Nigerians
2. Introduction of Federal character
3. Provision of checks and balances
4. Local government becomes the third tier of government
5. The declaration that military coup is unconstitutional
6. Establishment of code of conduct that regulate the conduct of public officials
1. The constitution was not a true reflection of people's wish
2. Federal character principles does not allow the best to service
3. It granted too much powers to the president
4. The presidential system is too expensive to run


It was a duplicate of the British type of It was based on the American type of
parliamentary/cabinet system of presidential system of government.
The prime minister was the head of The executive president was both the
government and the president, head of government and head of state
ceremonial head of state.
The prime minister was the leader of the The president might not be from the party
party that won majority of seats in that won the majority of seats in
parliament parliament
There was fusion of power. The There was a clear separation of powers
legislature and the executive were fused. each organ exercised it functions.
The prime minister could be removed The executive president could be
from office, if a vote of no confidence was removed from office through
passed on him. E.T.C impeachment. E.T.C

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