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Touching Tilly

A Taboo Story

A Forbidden Pages Exclusive Story

Natalie Knight
Copyright © 2023 by Natalie Knight
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means,
including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author,
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

1. Tilly
2. Dante
3. Tilly
4. Dante
5. Tilly
Chapter 1


T he airport was busy, which was to be expected in a city like

Stonebridge, even on a Thursday afternoon. I sat in a chair at the gate,
waiting for boarding to begin. I was bored, but I refused to pull out
my phone and scroll social media, knowing that it was just going to upset
I’d been upset a lot the past few days. Ever since the party.
That was the whole reason I was here, leaving my home to spend a few
weeks in Montana. I needed an escape, a place to go until the drama died
down and everyone stopped talking about what happened.
Of course, I didn’t think I’d ever forget it.
Last weekend, I was invited to a house party. Well, my best friend was
invited, but the guy throwing the party told her to invite me. I was thrilled
about that. Brad was one of the most popular guys in high school. We’d just
graduated less than a month ago, so maybe that shouldn’t have mattered
anymore, but it did. The fact I had a crush on the guy since the fifth grade
made the idea of attending a party at his house a thrilling prospect.
Thinking about that now made my stomach churn. I was such an idiot.
Sarah got sick the day of the party. I almost stayed home, nervous to
attend the party without my best friend, but she encouraged me to step out
of my comfort zone for once and have some fun. I wasn’t exactly a party
animal in high school, never fitting in with the popular crowd enough to
feel comfortable going to parties most of the time.
So, I went for it. It was my last chance to attend a party with my high
school classmates before we all went our separate ways and headed to
college in the fall. I was hoping I might even get my first kiss at the party.
In my fantasy, I would find an opportunity to spend time alone with dreamy
Brad and he’d be the one to do it. I wanted that more than anything.
I had no idea just how foolish that idea was.
Brad was throwing a pool party, so I took it as a sign that I should break
out my new swimsuit. It was a bold choice for me, considering that I was
what some people would call curvy.
And many of my former classmates just called me fat.
But I was an adult now, going to college in a few months, and I was
determined to put all the bullying I’d dealt with in high school behind me. If
I was confident enough in the swimsuit, I hoped that anyone wanting to
cling to past behaviors would think twice. After all, it was no fun to tease
someone that appears unaffected by it.
The swimsuit was a two piece, but the bottoms came up high,
specifically made to tuck in my tummy and the top showed off my breasts,
easily my best feature. I wore a swimsuit with a two-piece design, but the
bottoms were high-waisted to tuck in my tummy. The top showcased my
best feature, my breasts. I felt sexy in it, so when the time came to get into
the pool at the party, I was more that ready to remove my sundress and get
Until that point, the party had been going well. I drank a beer and made
small talk. Brad even told me he was glad that I came.
Things took a turn the moment I got into the water. As soon as I got in,
someone yelled, “Cow!”
There were four people already in the pool and they all rushed to get
out. One girl laughed as she shrieked something about not wanting to share
a pool with a whale.
Then, everyone was laughing. I looked around at them all standing
around the pool, snickering at me as I scrambled to get back out of the
water, my cheeks heating. I’d just gotten out and was looking for my
sundress when someone came rushing up behind me, untying the back of
my swimsuit’s top. I gasped and whipped around, trying to hold the thing to
my chest, but someone else came up and yanked it off of me.
There were so many people around that I didn’t even see who did it to
me, but my eyes latched onto one person as I stood in shock, my chest
completely exposed as I was humiliated. Brad. My crush stood front and
center, a cold smirk on his face as he recorded everything on his phone.
This was a planned prank at my expense, probably the whole reason that
they invited me, and that stung more than anything.
I left the party quickly, just grabbing my top from the ground on the
way out.. Going home, I cried myself to sleep and prayed that would be the
end of it.
I probably should have known better.
The damn video was everywhere. They had shared it among all of my
former classmates and posted on every social media site possible. My
shame was out there, front and center, for all to see.
That was how my parents found out about it. Other parents of my
classmates heard the news and told them. My dad even watched in on a
social media site, to make my horror of the situation even worse. At least
that version blurred out my chest to keep the stupid video from being taken
My parents insisted I make other plans after they found out what
happened, even though they were already scheduled to go on a business trip
this week, leaving me alone at home. I thought they might be worried about
me wallowing in misery by myself the whole time they were gone.
Valid concern.
The fact that I was the butt of a joke and intentionally humiliated by a
guy that I really liked was tough to get past. I didn’t even want to leave the
house because I worried that I’d run into someone that was at the party and
saw me in such an embarrassing position. What if they laughed at me at the
grocery store or the gas station or just walking around the city? I didn’t feel
safe going out.
As silly as it probably was, I was also upset that I never got a kiss.
Maybe that was stupid because I now knew that Brad was a total jerk, but in
my mind, I thought it was the first step to finally losing my virginity.
My first kiss would lead to making out, which would escalate to
touching and then hopefully the downfall of my virginity.
That was how I’d worked it out in my mind. Instead, I was going to
college as a virgin, which was just embarrassing. I had always thought that I
would lose my virginity before going to college, but the incident in
Stonebridge had embarrassed me. Now, I was going to Montana, where I
didn't know anyone except my grandfather.
I basically had no chance of having sex anytime soon.
The announcement for boarding came over the PA system, and I
grabbed the duffle bag I was using as a carry on. It was time to go.
I hadn’t seen my grandfather in a long time, almost six years. I didn’t
want to go now, but it was better than staying here and it would get my
parents off my back. I’m not sure why they thought Montana was the
answer to my problems, but they insisted I go for at least a week.
Despite the full plane, I was lucky enough to secure a window seat and
the middle-aged guy next to me was too engrossed in his paperback novel
to bother me. That was good. I’d had enough attention over the last few
days, anyway. I stared out as the ground fell away. The city looked so big
from up here. Then, clouds surrounded us..
The trip didn’t take long, just a couple of hours, and as the plane
touched down, I marveled at all the flat land. It was so different from the
I hadn’t been to Montana in such a long time, and all those years ago, I
didn’t quite appreciate how pretty all those rolling fields and flat stretches
of land were.
I didn’t have to worry about going to baggage claim. I only brought
along my carry on since I was only going to be here a week. I didn’t need
much to make it through.
My phone went off with a text message as I was making my way
through the airport, and I pulled it out of my pocket to see that I had a text
from my grandfather. I’d saved his number in my phone under his name,
Dante. We hadn’t seen each other in so long that it felt strange to use a
familial term.
He was supposed to pick me up, and the text said that he was close. I
typed back a quick response to let him know I was waiting in the pickup
area. Before I could tuck my phone away again, another message came
through. It was from an unknown number, and I immediately knew that I
shouldn’t look at it. But I couldn’t help myself.
My heart dropped when I saw it was a picture taken of me at the party,
topless. My mouth was open in shock and horror. I looked vulnerable, and I
just couldn’t understand how people could do something like this to hurt
someone else. It was cruel. As if I needed a reminder of what they all
thought of me, they wrote the word "cow" underneath the photo.
I felt the familiar sting in my nose that came before crying. Sure
enough, a moment later, tears swam in my eyes, nearly blurring my vision.
But I deleted the text and tuck the phone away. Gritting my teeth together, I
forced back the urge to cry. The last thing I wanted to do was to make
another scene at an airport.
Looking ahead, I saw a black pickup truck sitting in front of the glass
doors. It occurred to me I didn’t know what my grandfather drove. Unsure,
I stepped through the sliding doors just as the driver’s side door opened and
Dante came around the front of the truck. Getting a good look at him, I
stopped in my tracks.
Chapter 2


I t shocked me when I got a call from my son saying that my

granddaughter was coming to visit. The last time I saw Tilly, she was
only twelve years old. It wasn’t because of any kind of falling out
within the family. We just didn’t live close to each other.
I always tried to get the family to come out to visit, but city life suited
them better. I didn’t take it personally, but it could get lonely living out here
all by myself.
Walking around the front of the truck at the airport, I got my first look at
Tilly in six years. She was all grown up now. My eyes scanned her of their
own free will, tracing all those curves. She had them in just the right places.
Full breasts. The flare of her hips. Those thick thighs.
I bit my lip and shook my head at myself. What the fuck was I thinking?
I couldn’t believe that I let my mind go there. I was forty years older
than her and she was my granddaughter. I must have been out of my damn
She looked back at me with wide eyes, and I was suddenly very much
aware of how my simple gray T-shirt stretched over my broad chest. Did
she notice?
Once again, chastising myself for thinking like that, I approached her.
Her big brown eyes were locked on me.
“Tilly? Is that you?”
She smiled, and I bit back a growl. She was radiant as it reached her
“Uh, yeah. I guess I look different from the last time you saw me.”
She shifted her weight from foot to foot, and awkwardness fell between
us. I wasn’t sure what to say, especially when she crossed her arms over her
chest, giving me a peek of her cleavage with her V-neck shirt. Desire flared
to life inside of me, and I internally cursed myself for it.
“How about we…uh…here, I’ll take your bag.” I fumbled over my
words like an overwhelmed teenager interacting with a pretty girl for the
first time. It was pathetic.
I reached out, taking it off her shoulder, surprised by how heavy it was.
“Thanks, Dante.” Her eyes widened, and she bit her lip. “Oh, sorry. I
guess I should call you grandpa.”
“Dante is fine,” I said, turning away and heading back to the truck. I
couldn’t keep looking at her when all I wanted was to nip that plump
bottom lip myself. “You’re a grown woman now, Tilly. You can call me by
my name.”
“Okay, thanks,” she said, falling into step beside me.
I placed her bag in the back of the truck while she got into the passenger
seat. I moved to sit behind the wheel and glanced over to make sure her
seatbelt was on. The shorts she was wearing rode up when she sat, and I let
my eyes roam over the creamy skin of her thighs on display, making my
blood run hot.
Clearing my throat, I focused on the road as I pulled away from the
curb. I could already tell that this girl was going to be the death of me, and
she’d only been here five minutes.
“We have a long drive ahead of us,” I said. “It’ll take about an hour to
get home. You want a drink or anything before we head out? There’s not
much around where I live at the base of the mountain.”
“No, thanks.”
She was looking around the cabin of the truck, running her fingers along
the supple leather of the seats and adjusting the vents so that the cool air
blew directly on her face. It made the strands of her silky brown hair flutter,
and my fingers itched with the urge to tuck them behind her ear.
I knew I shouldn’t touch her, not when I was already fighting the most
inappropriate reaction to her imaginable. I tightened my grip on the steering
wheel and kept my eyes trained straight ahead, weaving through traffic to
get away from this metropolitan area and back to the open land surrounding
my home.
I took a deep breath in through my nose, and the unexpected smell of
candy reached me. Was that Tilly?
I sniffed the air this time, and there was no doubt. She smelled sweet,
the way that innocence would smell if it had a scent.
That thought made my cock grow hard in my jeans, and I nearly
groaned. I hated myself for the reaction, but I was also so damn turned on
suddenly that it was all I could think about.
I needed a distraction, anything that would keep me from wanting to
part those creamy thighs and do something that I would surely regret.
“So, why the visit to Montana?” I asked. “You’ve never been interested
in coming before. What’s changed?”
I saw her body go rigid in my peripheral vision. She pulled in a deep
breath and let it out slowly before responding.
“I just wanted a change.”
Clipping her words, she made it clear that she didn't want to talk about
the real reason. I wanted to pry, but we didn’t exactly have a close
relationship, so I had no expectation that she would open up to me if I
pushed her more information. I’d just have to respect her decision to keep it
to herself.
So, I reached over and turned on the radio, which was already tuned in
to my favorite country music station. It played in the background as we
made our way to the house, and I tried to keep my eyes facing forward. My
erection eventually went away, but I still felt like a creep for getting one in
the first place. If Tilly knew about it, she would probably feel disgusted
with me.
When we finally came close to my house, I turned off the road and
headed down a long driveway. Tilly suddenly sat up straighter, looking
“Are we here?”
“Yep. The house is just ahead.”
She gasped as she got her first look at the place. I glanced over and saw
that she was staring at the large house in surprise. I chuckled.
“Not what you were expecting?”
“Uh…no,” she admitted, and I noticed a slight blush on her cheeks.
“Where did you think I lived?”
“I don’t know…here in the country, I guess I always pictured a little
farm shack.”
That explained the blush. My home was huge, bigger than I needed for
just myself. I’d lived in the city a long time ago, but a single vacation to
Montana changed my mind about that life. The hustle and bustle of the city
could never compare to the fresh mountain air and the clear skies overhead.
I sold my small city apartment when I got back from that vacation and
made the move here. I’d never regretted it. Being out here in the quiet gave
me a sense of calm that I’d never experienced anywhere else.
But I had to admit to myself that I got lonely sometimes. My last
relationship was years ago, and my family was so far away that years flew
by between visits.
I pulled the truck up in front of the house, where I had a horseshoe
driveway. Tilly practically pressed her face against the glass window as she
stared up at my home. It was adorable, and I felt a smile bloom on my face
as I watched her. I was proud to see that the size of my house impressed her.
Getting out of the truck, I came around to the other side just as she was
stepping down. Her shirt rode a bit, showing the soft flesh of her stomach,
just as flawless as those curvy thighs, but she was quick to pull it down,
covering herself as her shoulders slumped.
I didn’t like that at all.
“I have four guest bedrooms,” I said, grabbing her bag out of the back
of the truck. “So, you can have your pick.”
Tilly moved closer to the house, her eyes on the flowerbed in front of
the porch. My hosta plants had already grown big and full this year, and the
other perennials were coming in well. Tilly’s attention went to my lavender
bushes, one planted on each side of the porch steps, and I followed close
behind her as she bent to smell the flowers that had just recently bloomed.
I loved that smell. It was my favorite scent in the world. Well, second
favorite now. Tilly’s sweetness was still fresh in my nostrils from the long
car ride, delicious and so damn tempting.
I knew it was wrong to have that kind of reaction, that it made me a
dirty old man, but I couldn’t help myself. It was just a physical response.
That wasn’t my fault, was it?
Maybe that was just what I was trying to convince myself.
The sun was beating down on us, and I wasn’t sure if Tilly had used
sunscreen on that olive skin of hers, so I didn’t want to linger out here for
too long. I walked past her toward the porch, coming just a little too close,
so that my body brushed up against hers.
Fuck, she was soft and warm, and I wanted to feel those feminine
curves pressed up against me. Instead, I moved up the porch steps and
turned back once I reached the door. She was watching me with her lips
parted, and I wondered if feeling my body had just as much of an effect on
her as it did me. The idea made me smirk.
“Are you coming?” I asked, holding the door open for her. She blinked
and seemed to come to her senses. I watched her run up the steps, my cock
going rigid again when I saw breasts bouncing with her hurried movement.
Yep. She was going to be the death of me.
Chapter 3


I was completely in awe of Dante’s house. It was massive, so much

bigger than I expected. I hadn’t been to visit him in a long time, but I
was pretty sure that he didn’t live here when I was younger. I definitely
remembered a smaller house from back then, but I didn’t ask him about it.
He’s obviously moved up in the world.
I knew my grandfather ran a plumbing and heating business. Once, I
even heard my dad say it was the biggest one in the entire state of Montana.
I didn’t think much of it at the time, but as I stepped inside the house and
looked around the foyer, which was two stories high with a skylight above,
it occurred to me he probably made a lot of money in that business. There
were dark hardwood floors beneath my feet as I walked further inside,
peeking into a dining room to the left and what looked like an office on the
right. Directly ahead, the space opened up into a large living room.
I went that way while Dante closed the door behind us. There was dark
leather furniture here, and the entire back wall of the house seemed to be
made of glass. With no neighbors nearby, it allowed for an amazing view of
the mountain nearby and the flat land surrounding us.
I wasn’t sure if I would like being here, seeing as it was so different
from the city, but as I looked out the window, I could see the appeal.
There was a set of doors leading to a patio with a fire pit and patio
furniture. It looked like a good place to hang out in the evenings.
Dante placed my bag on the couch and moved to the kitchen, which was
connected to the living room. A massive island separated the two rooms,
with stools lined up on the living room side and a gas cooktop build into it
on the kitchen side. I moved to take a seat on the stool, enjoying the way
the cool brown leather of the seat felt against the back of my bare thighs.
I was hot and sweaty from traveling, even after riding in the car with the
air conditioning on. My hair was literally stuck to the back of my neck, so I
used a hair tie on my wrist to pull it up into a messy bun at the top of my
When I was done, I glanced over and saw that Dante was watching me.
Instead of breaking eye contact and pretending he wasn’t staring how most
people would, he flashed me a warm smile. I felt butterflies flutter in my
That was strange enough, but then, for just a second, I could have sworn
that his eyes flickered to my chest before he looked away. That sent tingles
shooting through my core, an unfamiliar feeling that I found both shocking
and pleasurable.
He moved around the kitchen, opening white cabinets and drawers as he
put away clean dishes that were in the dish strainer.
“So, are you excited to start college in the fall?” he asked. “Your father
tells me you’ve been accepted to the state college?”
“Yeah, it’s only about twenty minutes from home, so I can live there
while I attend.”
“You don’t want to live in a dorm?”
I scrunched my nose, making him laugh. The sound went right between
my legs, making me pulse with desire. It didn’t help that my grandfather
was unexpectedly hot. I’d never thought of him that way in the past, but I
was so much younger then. The last time I laid eyes on him, I’d barley
begun puberty. Now, I was a woman, and I couldn’t take my eyes off his
athletically built body. I knew he was much older than me, but he seemed
so…vital. There was an energy about him that was more appealing than
anything physical.
But I also like the way I could see his muscles through the thin fabric of
the T-shirt that clung to him. He has silver hair that looked so soft I wanted
to run my fingers through it. I wouldn’t dare, of course, but a girl could day
dream, right?
I knew on some level that it was twisted to think like this, that being
attracted to my grandfather was wrong. The very idea should have made me
squirm with unease, but it didn’t. the forbidden nature of it all sent frissons
of warmth excitement through my body.
“Why not?” he asked, and it took a moment for me to even remember
what we were talking about.
Living in a dorm. Right.
“Have you seen those dorms?” I asked, shaking my head as I
remembered the college tour that I went on a few weeks ago. “They’re tiny,
and you’re stuck living with a stranger. Not my cup of tea.”
I could only imagine being stuck with someone that brought guys to the
dorm room to hook up with right in front of me. I’d heard stories of that
kind of thing before. Not only would that be unbearably awkward, but it
would only highlight the fact that I was still a virgin.
“I can’t argue with that logic. I enjoy having my personal space.” He
extended his arms, indicating the surrounding house. It piqued my curiosity
as I wondered how he spent his days in this solitary place. Or maybe he
wasn’t always alone, after all. I had no idea if he had a girlfriend. If so, my
visit was probably cramping his style.
“Thanks for letting me stay,” I said. “I really appreciate it.”
I knew he wanted to know the story behind me coming here. I wasn’t
exactly good at hiding my emotions, so he probably picked up on
something when he asked me in the truck, but I just couldn’t imagine telling
him the whole ugly story. I didn’t want him to look at me with pity in his
eyes or to agree with the people that ridiculed me. I didn’t think he would,
but I was also didn’t see the prank coming at the party, so I couldn’t exactly
trust my judgement.
“Of course,” he said. “I’m happy to have you here.”
He sounded like he really meant that. Turning to the refrigerator, he
grabbed a bottle of water, and the sleeve of his shirt came up slightly with
the movement, revealing a tattoo on his shoulder.
“What’s that?” I asked.
He grinned as came around the island so that he was standing right
beside me. He rolled up the sleeve of his shirt, revealing a black and white
tattoo of a roaring lion on his shoulder. It was fierce, with stunning details.
It took up his whole shoulder, complete with the lion’s paw below the
creature’s face, with deadly claws extended.
“It’s beautiful,” I said.
“Not exactly what I was going for, but I’m glad you approve.”
He twisted the cap off his bottle of water, taking a sip. My eyes landed
on his throat as he gulped, and it was the first time that I’d been attracted to
the movement of a man swallowing. I couldn’t explain it, but I knew what I
felt. It seemed that everything he did got me hot in some way.
After taking his own sip, Dante extended his arm, holding the bottle out,
but not as if he planned to hand it to me. He was holding it to my face. I
froze, confused as I met his hazel eyes. His lips curled, and he moved the
bottle so that it was at my lips. They parted, and I took a deep pull from the
bottle, keeping my eyes locked on his as I quenched my thirst. It was an
intimate moment, and I had to suppress a shudder.
He was so close to me I could feel the body heat radiating from him.
After I swallowed the water and he lowered the bottle from my lips, he
reached out and used his thumb to wipe a drop of water from the corner of
my mouth.
I forgot to breathe for a moment.
Electricity seemed to crackle in the air between us, and I was dying to
reach out and trace the lines of his tattoo with my fingertips. Would he let
I almost talking myself into doing it, just to see what would happen, but
his phone rang at that moment. I couldn’t shake the feeling that the
interruption was the universe’s way of stopping me from doing something I
I hopped off my chair as he answered the phone and went to the couch
to grab my bag. When I turned back around and looked at the spiral
staircase leading to the second floor, I heard him tell whoever was on the
phone to hold on.
“If you want to get settled in, the guest rooms are on the right upstairs.
Pick whichever one you want.”
I nodded and headed that way, not trusting myself to speak. My voice
would definitely be breathy and give away my conflicting emotions.
Forcing myself not to look back over my shoulder at him, I headed
upstairs, pretending that I didn’t feel my pulse racing the whole way.
Chapter 4


I spent thirty minutes on the phone with one of my workers. Owning such
a big business meant that I was always on call, even on the rare
occasion that I took a day off. Issues came up, and I was the one to
handle them. In this case, it was an irate client demanding discounts
because a part was needed to fix her plumbing issue that we didn’t have in
stock. It would take two business days to arrive, and that pissed her off.
Considering the fact that she called my guy in after hours, she was
looking at a large bill regardless, but I certainly wasn’t going to give her a
discount when she was cussing and insulting my employee over something
that was beyond our control. Getting that through to her on the
speakerphone took a while, but in the end, she accepted it, and my
employee was happy with my intervention.
The whole time I was on the phone, my mind kept wondering to Tilly,
wondering what she was up to and if she needed anything. Most of all, I
wondered if I imagined that flare of desire I saw in her eyes before my
phone rang.
Once the call was done, I headed upstairs to find her. I checked the first
guest bedroom, but I wasn’t surprised that she wasn’t in there. Of the four I
had, the third one had a more feminine décor. It also happened to be the one
that was right next to my room, which meant that I was going to have a hell
of a time sleeping tonight, knowing that she was so damn close.
I moved to the third guest bedroom and found the door ajar. Pushing it
open, I stepped inside, my eyes skimming the room. The lamp on the
nightstand was on, illuminating the room in a soft golden glow. The walls in
here were a neutral beige, but there was a large landscape painting on the
wall, and the bedspread was sky blue with white flowers. Right in the
middle of that bed, I saw that Tilly’s bag was open. My gaze landed on a
pile of pink and white panties right on top of her clothes, and I felt a
blistering arousal as I moved to the bed, my feet carrying me even as my
mind screamed at me to stop. I assumed Tilly was in the bathroom, which
meant that she could come in a catch me here any moment, but that wasn’t
enough to stop me. I felt like a man possessed.
My mouth watered as I imagine those little panties on her curvy body.
Lace, satin, and cotton. I wanted to see them all hugging her plump ass. I
hesitated for a moment when I reached the bed before I grabbed a pair, pink
satin ones with a little red bow on the front, like the wrapping of a present.
Bringing it to my face, I took a deep inhale, catching more of that
candied scent I detected in the truck. I wanted to taste that sweet pussy of
hers, but these panties were all clean. I needed to get my hands on the ones
she was wearing.
That thought was so fucked up that I forced myself to put the panties
back in her bag. I shouldn’t have been looking at, touching, or smelling my
granddaughter’s panties. What the hell was wrong with me?
All I knew was that the second I laid eyes on Tilly at the airport, I
wanted her. I longed to touch, to taste. I wanted to sink inside of her.
The really messed up part was that I already felt like I was too far gone
to resist. She’d been here for such a short amount of time, but it didn’t
matter. My body knew what it wanted, and the logical part of my brain was
growing quieter with every passing minute.
I heard a noise coming from the bathroom, and I found myself standing
in front of the door in seconds. It was cracked open just like the bedroom
door, which made a small, hopeful part of me think that she might have left
these doors open for a reason. Was it possible that she was inviting me in?
Probably not. But that didn’t stop me from peeking inside the bathroom.
It was a large rectangular room. There was a soaking tub and a shower
stall at one end. A full-length mirror stood on the wall on that side of the
room, and there was where I found Tilly standing. She’d taken off her
shorts and T-shirt, leaving her in front of the mirror in only her lingerie. My
breathing grew heavy as I gazed at her in the lacey white underwear. Again,
I got the feeling that she was innocent and so sweet.
She didn’t see me watching her, and I stood there silently, my cock as
hard as a rock. Tilly wasn’t just standing there, staring at her sexy body
with the appreciation it deserved. She was frowning as she brought a hand
to her stomach, pulling in a deep breath to suck it in. The only good thing
about that was that it made her chest stick out until her large breasts were
straining against the flimsy lace of her bra.
But she didn’t hold the position long. Letting out an exhale, she
practically deflated, her head ducking and shoulders slumped.
“Cow…” she muttered under her breath, so low that I almost didn’t hear
She couldn’t be talking about herself, could she?
I was standing here, my cock aching with the desire to be buried inside
of her, and she was insulting herself.
“No wonder he didn’t want you,” she continues, talking to her own
Who the fuck was he?
Whoever it was, he had to be an idiot. Tilly was completely gorgeous,
and I hated seeing her so obviously unhappy with her sexy curves. She
needed to know just how beautiful she was and that no man was worthy of
her unless he was ready to get on his knees and worship every inch of that
I could teach her that. I could show her just how sexy she was.
It didn’t matter that it was wrong, or that I was too old or even that she
was my granddaughter. The words of degradation that she was mumbling
under her breath got under my skin. She should never feel that way about
Decision made, I stepped into the room.
Chapter 5


I turned to the side to look at my ass in the mirror, frowning as I took in

the sight of it. I carried most of my weight there, not that my stomach
was much better.
“Two stomachs and a large ass,” I muttered, shaking my head.
I’d never wanted to change myself, despite the bullying I’d put up with
in high school. I was comfortable in my skin. But since the incident at the
party, I’d been thinking that I should diet. There had to be a reason that I
was going to college as a virgin. Maybe if I tried to change myself…
That thought died as I saw the door moving behind me in the mirror's
reflection. I turned around to see Dante leaning against the doorframe. His
expression was intense. He was looking at me like he was a starving man
and I was a snack. Like he wanted to devour me.
I glanced down at my exposed body, my mind flashing back to the night
of the party. Despite that heat in Dante’s gaze, I felt my pulse skyrocketing
as fear of ridicule seeped into me. My arms wrapped around my stomach,
trying to hide it from his view.
I opened my mouth to speak, not sure what I was even going to say, but
before I could get a word out, he closed the distance between us in two long
strides. His strong hands cupped my face, tilting my head back as he
pressed his lips to mine.
I was so shocked by receiving my first kiss that I gasped, and Dante
slipped his tongue inside of my mouth. I had no idea what I was doing, but I
went with my instincts, melting against him and moving my mouth along
with his. I couldn’t believe how good this felt as every nerve ending in my
body sizzled.
I always thought that my first kiss would be with Brad. Obviously, that
dream died when he humiliated me, but even if he was the one, I had a
feeling that it wouldn’t feel anything like this. Dante was dominating me in
a way that I suspected only a man with years of experience could.
His hands slipped down, trailing along my shoulders and down my
arms. Then he grabbed my wrists and pulled my arms away from my body.
I fought against him for a moment, but he growled low in his throat, still
kissing me.
He placed my hands at the back of his neck and grabbed my hips,
pulling my body flush against his own. I could feel the bulge of his erection
pressing into my stomach.
Heat spread through me, and I felt light-headed by the time he finally
broke our kiss. I struggled to catch my breath as his eyes burned into me.
“W-what are you doing?” I asked.
“I think you know exactly what I’m doing.” He pushed his hips into me
as he spoke. “I’m showing you how unbelievably beautiful and sexy you
“But…” I nibbled on my lower lip. “You’re my-”
“Don’t think about that. I want you, baby. Ever since I laid eyes on you
at the airport, I’ve wanted to get my hands on these curves.”
This was crazy. I wasn’t here for this.
But I wanted it so badly that I could hardly think straight. So, I chose
not to. Thinking too much would just ruin this moment.
Instead, I embraced it.
Dante must have seen the decision in my eyes, because he suddenly
grabbed my hand and pulled me from the bathroom. He brought me to the
bed, grabbing my bag and tossing it onto the floor.
Lying flat on the mattress, my heart raced while Dante kissed me once
more, gently parting my legs to position himself between them. He nudged
his erection against my core, and I felt my eyelashes flutter at the sensation.
Dante’s lips left mine, trailing along my jaw and down my neck. His
hands moved to my breasts, and I quivered. This was already so much
further than I’d ever gotten with a man before. No one had ever kissed me
or touched me intimately before.
How far was this going to go? Would he put that erection to good use?
The thought of that made my core pulse and my nipples tighten. I was
half-crazed by the desire I felt.
“So soft,” he murmured against the skin of my shoulder. “So sweet.”
I let my hands run up his back beneath his shirt, skating over smooth
skin and lean muscle. It felt bold to me to even touch him like this and I
was unsure if it was okay, but he had no such reservations as he reached one
hand behind my back and unhooked my bra with an expert flick of his
My breasts were exposed to him as he yanked the bra off and threw it
off to the side, where it landed on the dresser. My breasts were large enough
that they slipped to the side when not confined by the bra, but Dante
brought one to his mouth, flicking his tongue over my nipple. His fingers
teased and pinched one breast while he flicked his tongue over the nipple of
the other, and the combination of sensations made me shudder. His teeth
grazed my nipple, and I arched my back, grabbing his shoulders just to have
something to hold on to.
“You like my mouth on you, baby?” he asked, lifting his head and
blowing lightly over my nipple. It was wet from his tongue, and the cool air
on it made the skin tighten nearly painfully. “You want more?”
“God, yes,” I moaned.
I had no idea what was coming next, but I instinctively knew in that
moment that I trusted him. The way he was looking at me was like nothing
I’d ever seen before. It was all hunger and tenderness and an intensity that
stole my breath.
Oh, yes. I wanted more.
“Good,” he said, lifting himself up to pull the shirt over his head. My
eyes roamed his chest and skimmed over his abs. He had the build of a man
who worked out regularly, but not enough to be completely ripped. He had
a flat stomach and hard pecs that I wanted to touch, but he moved further
down on the bed before I could. I watched with wide eyes as he gripped the
sides of my panties and dragged them down my legs. “Because I’m going to
lick you, Tilly. I’m starving for some of that sweet honey that I know is
making you wet for me. I want to suck on your clit while you wrap these
big, beautiful things around my head.”
I gaped at him. I’d never heard dirty words like that before, but they
seemed to set me ablaze, a passionate fire ravaging me until it consumed
me. I didn’t know anything other than this need that I had for him. There
was no concept of time or place, right or wrong. I just knew that I needed
what he was promising to give me.
He kissed down my stomach, and a flash of uncertainty slipped through
the lust in my mind, making me tense. Dante noticed immediately, his eyes
flashing up to meet mine as he pressed another kiss to my stomach.
“These curves of yours are dangerous, do you know that?” he asked,
suddenly almost leisurely, as he nuzzled the skin just above my pussy. “You
can drive a man crazy with this body.”
“No,” I said, sitting up. I couldn’t believe that I let him get me
completely naked, my mind so clouded with desire that I didn’t even think
about what his reaction would be when he saw my body. Didn’t I learn
enough of a lesson from the people at that party? “No, we shouldn’t do
“Why not?” Dante asked, tilting his head to the side as he continued to
look up at me from where he was crouched between my legs.
“Because…” I bit my lip and looked away, hoping he wouldn’t see the
pain in my eyes. “I’m not the kind of woman men want.”
Dante grunted and got off the bed. My heart wrenched as I realized he
changed his mind. He must have really looked at me and seen what
everyone else did. God, that hurt.
But then I heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper. I looked over at
him, only to be shocked to see that he was completely naked, pissed off and
turned on all at the same time.
He got back on the bed, lying beside me. Taking my hand, he brought it
to his erection, and I was too shocked to even consider resisting. The skin
was warm and smooth, covering a rigid core. I’d seen pictures on the
internet, but they couldn’t prepare me for this. Dante was long and thick,
that my fingers could barely meet as I wrapped them around it.
“You feel that?” Dante said through gritted teeth. “You feel how fucking
hard you make me? That’s what this body does to me, and I don’t give a
fuck about anyone else’s opinion. You’re a sexy goddess who’s been
driving me crazy since the moment I laid eyes on you, and I’ve been
battling a hard one for the past three hours.”
It was hard to argue with that. I moved my hand up and down, stroking
his erection, but he pulled away after a moment. Moving back between my
legs, he smirked.
“Now, where was I?”
Gripping my thighs, he pulled them over his shoulders and lowered his
head to my pussy. I let out a strangled cry of pleasure as he flattened his
tongue and licked up my center. It was the most amazing thing I’d ever
experienced, and I had a feeling he was just getting started.
“Fuck,” he said, a groan in his voice. “You’re delicious.”
Dante’s hands held onto my hips, keeping me in place as he buried his
face in my core, his tongue exploring my folds. His mouth moved hungrily,
and my body jerked in response, the power of the sensations too much for
me at first. I didn’t know what was coming, how good it would feel. Only
his hand on my hips kept me in place, as if he knew that would happen.
Of course he did. He had decades of experience on me, and he was
putting it to good use. His tongue dipped into my entrance, and he moaned
against my most sensitive skin, causing a vibration that made me tremble
from head to toe.
“I was right, Baby. Sweet as fucking honey. I could do this all day.”
He proved that by lowering face again and getting serious about eating
me out. My hands fisted the sheets on either side of my body, and I cried
out in pleasure as I felt the energy building deep in my belly. It was like
what I felt with I touched myself at night, but so much better.
He released one of my hips as he brought his hand down between my
legs. Pushing two fingers inside, he brought his mouth to my clit, swirling
over it with his tongue.
It was too much, too intense. I shattered, my orgasm sweeping through
me so fast that I couldn’t do anything but moan. My toes curled, and my
eyes rolled back in my head. My thighs tightened around him, a reaction I
couldn’t control.
He didn’t seem to mind one bit. He kept going, working his mouth and
fingers against me until my orgasm finally faded and I collapsed onto the
mattress in a heap.
Dante lifted his head, meeting my eyes as he licked his lips in the most
erotic display I’d ever witnessed. “I hope that got you ready,” he said.
“Because I’m not done with you yet. You need to be shown just how much
a man like me wants you. That’s right, let me teach you.”
I kept my legs spread as he crawled up my body, kissing my lips hard. I
could taste myself when his tongue invaded my mouth. So wicked. I loved
“I’m going to fuck you now,” he said, and I felt the tip of his cock
rubbing against my folds, gliding over my clit in a way that sent aftershocks
of pleasure through me. “I’m going to show you just how it is when a man
wants you so much that it drives him wild.”
I held onto his arms and met his eyes. “It’s just that… I’ve never done
this before. I’m a virgin.”
My cheeks heated as I uttered those words out loud, but I felt like I had
to tell him. His face split in a devastatingly handsome grin.
“That’s beautiful, baby,” he said, and I felt the blunt head of his cock at
my entrance. It felt so big, too much for me to take. “I’m going to take your
virginity tonight. I want you to always remember that your grandpa fucked
this sweet little cunt first.”
With that, he pushed forward, sliding his cock into me slowly. I tensed
up, reacting on instinct to the invasion. Dante stopped and pressed a kiss to
my forehead.
“Relax, Tilly,” he said, his voice so tender that my heart stuttered. “Just
relax and let me take care of you. I promise that I’ll make you feel so
I swallowed the lump in my throat for forced myself to do what he said.
I made my body relax, and he kept driving himself forward, stretching me
out on his cock. I had to remind myself to breathe as the enormity of this hit
me. I was having sex, losing my virginity. My grandfather was giving me
exactly what I needed.
“You’re so tight,” he muttered, shuddering. “So tight, but so wet. You
were made for fucking. Your body is perfect for it.”
His praised was a hell of a confidence boost, and I relaxed more. He
pushed in another couple of inches and stopped. I looked up at him,
wondering if that was it. It wasn’t so bad. I’d heard that the first time could
hurt, but this wasn’t-
My thoughts were cut off when Dante pulled back slightly and rammed
himself forward inside of me, burying himself to the hilt in one rough
motion. I cried out in pain and shock, my head thrown back on the pillow. I
could feel every thick inch of him inside of me, and it was so much to take.
I felt like he was trying to split me in half.
“Shh,” he cooed, kissing my cheeks and then my nose. He didn’t move
inside of me, pausing with his cock filling me up. “It’s okay. The hard part
is over. Now, when you’re ready, the fun begins.”
Fun for who?
I didn’t see myself enjoying this anytime soon, but I didn’t say anything
as he continued to pepper my face with kisses as if he was comforting me. I
just tried to do what he told me and stay relaxed. He was anything but. His
body was strung tight, and I ran my fingers along his tense jaw. He was
holding himself back. For me. To give me time to adjust to him inside of
Then, his hips made tiny movements, rocking so that his erection was
gliding along my inner walls just a little, creating friction that soon turned
to pleasure. Dante took it so slowly at first, but once I let out a moan of
pleasure, he pulled almost all the way out before snapping his hips forward
I gasped, gripping his arms. “Oh God, it feels so good.”
“That’s right, just like I promised. So good for you, and this pussy is
heaven, squeezing me like a fist. You have no idea how amazing it feels.”
I moaned and cried out in pleasure as he continued to fuck me. I stopped
thinking about who he was and the fact that I was losing my virginity. None
of it mattered. All I cared about was chasing the high off another orgasm. I
needed it in a primal way.
Dante moved faster, his thrusts getting rougher. Before I knew it, I was
being pounded into the mattress, taken like a wild animal. Sweat glistened
on our skin, and we clung to each other. It was the most amazing experience
of my life, and when I came a second time, I was screaming his name. He
roared when his climax hit, his cock pulsing as he released his seed inside
of me.
I was vaguely aware that it was a good thing that I was on the pill, but it
was just a fleeting thought. What mattered was that it felt right having no
barriers between us. My orgasm was fading, and I felt like I was floating
down to Earth from the stars. My limbs felt heavy and a lazy, satisfied smile
stretched across my face.
Dante pulled out of me and rolled to the side, lying beside me on his
back as he caught his breath. I knew we should probably talk, but I was
suddenly so tired that I could barely keep my eyes open. It was as if he’d
just fucked all the energy out of me.
Rolling over onto my side, I put my head on his chest and sighed, my
arm around his torso and my legs tangled with his. It was a perfect moment,
and I never wanted it to end. That was my last thought before I drifted off to
a peaceful sleep.
I woke up in bed alone. I knew it immediately because I was laying
sprawled out diagonally across the mattress, no room for anyone else in the
bed. Rolling over from stomach to my back, I sat up and looked around the
room. There was no sign of Dante and the bathroom light wasn’t shining
underneath the door, so I could safely assume he wasn’t in there.
I worried that he’d left me alone until the heavenly smell of bacon came
seeped into my nostrils from the kitchen. I smiled as I moved to get out of
bed, pausing as I stood and muscles I’d never noticed before ached in
protest. It seemed that rough sex had some lingering effects, not that I was
going to complain. There was something wonderful about the soreness
between my legs. I was thrilled about losing my virginity, but it wasn't the
only reason.. It was the fact that I slept with someone that took care of me.
He praised my body and was reassuring when he sensed my doubts. He
took it slow for me, making sure that the pain I felt was brief and quickly
replaced by pleasure.
He was also my grandfather. I had to wonder if I was some kind of freak
for loving the fact that I slept with him and wanting to do it again.
That thought lingered in my mind as I pulled on the T-shirt that he’d
been wearing yesterday, which was left discarded on the floor. It barely
covered my ass, so I added a pair of fresh panties, pink cotton this time, and
headed downstairs.
Dante was at the island, using the gas burners to cook bacon and eggs.
There was fresh coffee brewing, and it looked like he had bread in all four
sections of the toaster. I was used to starting my day with cold cereal, but I
could definitely get used to a feast like this in the mornings.
As I came to stand across the island from him, I had to wonder if I could
get used to spending my nights the same way that I did last night while I
was staying here. Would Dante want to do it again?
“Take a seat,” he said, gesturing to the stools as he slid scrambled eggs
onto two plates with the bacon and toast. He placed them on the island in
front of where I was sitting. “You want coffee or orange juice?”
“Juice, please,” I said, settling onto the stool as he grabbed a coffee mug
and a cup for my juice. He was shirtless, and I loved watching him move
around the kitchen like that, the rays of the early morning sun shining on his
naturally tanned skin.
I could feel desire coming alive inside of me again, even though I knew
I was too sore between my legs to even think about acting on it for a day or
Dante came to sit on the stool beside me, and we dug in, eating mostly
in silence at first. It wasn’t awkward. Instead, everything felt so natural that
I was completely at ease until he finally broke the silence.
“So, will you tell me now? Why did you come here?”
I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I thought about the things he
said last night, about how sexy I was, how much he loved my curves.
Putting down my fork, I told about the party. I left nothing out, including
the crush that I had on Brad right up until that moment. Dante listened
silently, but I could tell he was angry from the way the tendons protruded in
his neck and he gripped his fork so tight that his knuckles turned white.
“To hell with that guy and everyone else at that party,” he finally said
when I was finished. “A guy like Brad wouldn’t know what to do with a
woman like you, and it probably intimidates him. The fucker doesn’t
deserve another moment of your thoughts, Tilly. You’re a good person, and
you didn’t deserve what happened.”
“Am I?” I asked, twisting my hands together in my lap.
“Of course you are. Why do you ask?”
“Well, what we did last night… It was wrong, wasn’t it? And…” I
dropped my eyes to the counter, too afraid to look into his eyes as I
admitted this next part, “I can’t stop thinking of doing it again.”
Dante’s breath left him in a ragged exhale, and he placed his hands on
mine, stopping me from fidgeting nervously.
“That doesn’t make you a bad person,” he said, and he sounded so
sincere that I couldn’t help believing him. Leaning forward, he pressed a
kiss to my forehead. “Don’t worry, baby. It’ll happen again. And again, if I
have anything to say about it. But what we have will remain our secret.”
I grinned. I still hated what happened at the party, but it turned out that
coming to Montana was the best thing I could’ve done. I had a feeling that
it was going to be an amazing visit with my grandfather.

The End
My darling reader. I hope you enjoyed this little slice of exclusive taboo
goodness. Stayed tuned for the cover reveal and blurb for next month’s
With so much love,

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