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Breeding Birdy

An Exclusive Taboo Story

Natalie Knight
Copyright © 2023 by Natalie Knight
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means,
including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author,
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

1. Birdy
2. Birdy
3. Birdy
4. Cillian
5. Cillian
Chapter 1


I had heard some people say that high school was supposed to be the best
four years of your life. For me, it was a daily struggle to deal with
bullying, just trying to get through the day until I could go home.
Of course, things weren’t much better there. I lived with my biggest
bully, after all.
I wasn’t sure why my brother treated me like dirt most of the time, but
he seemed to find it funny. Degrading comments and jokes about my
appearance were his favorite ways to taunt me, and he got others in on it
over the years, too.
I spotted my brother out of the corner of my eye as I walked into school.
Cillian was surrounded by his friends, as usual. He’d always been popular,
despite the fact that he was a total asshole most of the time. People just
seemed to be drawn to his confidence. He was a natural leader.
The locker-lined hallway was full of students bustling about, but I still
ducked my head and hurried my steps, hoping to avoid being noticed by
Cillian. I was going to have to pass by right in front of him to get to my
locker where my best friend, Lila, was waiting for me, but maybe I would
get lucky and get past his group of friends without drawing their attention.
“It looks like Miss Piggy is here.”
I cringed at the sound of Arielle’s voice, nasally and full of scorn. She
was Cillian’s girlfriend, and picking on me was her favorite pastime. I
couldn’t resist glancing over at her, tucking under Cillian’s arm. She was
thin and short with silky blonde hair. In other words, she was beautiful in a
way that turned heads. Right now, her lips were curled in a cruel grin as she
slid her gaze down to my outfit. I’d taken my time this morning picking out
a red blouse with a V-neck that I tucked into a black skater skirt with white
polka dots. The high-waisted skirt was slimming, and I felt confident when
I left home, liking the way that the blouse highlighted my large chest. I had
a curvy body, so I was always careful to pick plus-sized clothing that
showed off my best assets.
Unfortunately, that didn’t stop the bullies from finding something to
criticize. Arielle especially loved to give me a hard time. It was even harder
to hear the things that came from her because she fit the mold of a gorgeous
“I can’t believe she’s wearing that skirt. Like anyone wants to look at
her pale legs,” Arielle snickered. She was talking to Cillian, but her eyes
stayed on me. Everyone in their friend group laughed, and I felt my
confidence plummet. I knew that I was showing a lot of leg, but no more
than anyone else at school. Hell, the cheerleader’s uniforms barely covered
their asses, and they wore them to school every game day.
But you don’t have the body of a cheerleader, I reminded myself.
Forcing a neutral expression onto my face, I turned away, continuing on
my way to Lila. It was best to just ignore the comments and act like I don’t
care about a thing they had to say. The only defense I had was to pretend as
if they didn’t bother me. Standing up for myself would just result in more
But there was one more parting shot just before I was out of hearing
“What can you expect from a fat loser?”
That deep voice belonged to Cillian, and I tightened my hold on the
strap of my backpack, my only response to his words, even though they hurt
the most. I was biting my tongue as I reached Lila, and she was fuming. She
overheard the insults, and her hands were clenched into fists at her sides as
she glared at my brother and his friends.
It was harder to pretend to be unaffected when I saw how upset she was
on my behalf, but I kept my stiff upper lip as I opened my locker, placing
my backpack inside and grabbing what I needed for my math class.
“Your brother is such a dick,” Lila said as we made our way down the
hall toward our first class. “I don’t understand why you put up with it.”
“What am I supposed to do about it?” I asked tiredly, tugging at the hem
of my skirt as we walked. I should have known that Arielle would say
something since it only fell to mid-thigh. Now, I was going to spend all day
worried about people whispering about my thick thighs.
“Tell your parents about it,” Lila suggested. "Wouldn't it be better to let
your parents know about how Cillian and his friends bully you?" Lila
Yeah, right? They were both so wrapped up in their own drama that I
wasn’t so sure that they would care at all. They’d have to stop fighting
among themselves long enough to have a civilized discussion with me of
Cillian, and I wasn’t sure that they were capable of it these days. They
didn’t pay attention to us at all, which was why Cillian could get away with
the things that happened at home.
“Did you do the homework?” I asked as we reached the classroom,
changing the subject. I didn’t want to talk about my family at all. There
were too many secrets to keep.
Lila frowned and for a moment, I thought she was going to keep
pushing about how I dealt with Cillian, but she let out a sigh and nodded.
“Yeah. Do you want to compare answers?”
We settled into our seats and turned our attention to schoolwork, and I
was relieved. There were things about my relationship with Cillian that no
one, not even my best friend, could ever understand.

The school day went on as normal. My second class was English, and one
of Cillian’s friends tried to trip me as I walked to my seat, but I managed to
avoid his foot. That didn’t stop him from chuckling and calling me an ugly
Just another day in high school hell.
At least I didn’t have any classes with Arielle and only one with Cillian,
but that was in the afternoon. I was going to do my best to avoid him until
It was during my third class of the day that I needed to go to the
bathroom. With a pass in hand, I walked to the end of the hall, passing both
open-and-closed classroom doors along the way. I saw Cillian sitting in the
back row of his Spanish class as I passed, and we made eyes contact. I
chastised myself and glanced away, continuing to the bathroom.
I wasn’t eager to return to my boring history class, so I didn’t rush into
the bathroom, finger-combing my brown hair and checking out my
reflection with a critical eye. I wished I didn’t let the things that Cillian and
his friends said get to me, but it was impossible to ignore it all completely.
I was usually okay with carrying a few extra pounds, but it was hard to
love yourself when you were constantly reminded of how ugly you were.
I was still thinking about it as I walked back down the hall to my class.
I’d only made it about halfway when a pair of strong arms suddenly
grabbed me from behind. I let out a startled yelp as someone yanked
backward me into a hard body and dragged me through a door into an
empty classroom.
I knew without looking who it was. The feeling of his body was so
familiar to me, the spicy scent of his favorite cologne thick in my nose.
It was Cillian.
He kicked the door closed and slammed me against the wall, holding me
in place by pressing hips against mine and pinning my arms to my sides. I
gasped in shock as he lowered his head to my neck, sucked on the sensitive
skin there.
I immediately tried to push him away, but he was too strong. He worked
out at our home gym nearly every morning, so he was muscular and fit. I
couldn’t budge him. I squirmed, but that just encouraged him to grind his
erection into my lower stomach. A shiver raced down my spine. Damn it, I
was getting hot for him.
His tongue traced a path to my ear, and he whispered harshly, “Why did
you sneak out of my bed this morning?”
“Because I didn’t want to have to see your ugly face more than I needed
to,” I snapped, but we both knew that was a lie. He was gorgeous, with his
strong jaw and dark hair. His nearly black eyes always seemed to pull me
in, no matter how hard I resisted. My brother was hot.
He laughed, but it was a cold sound, and I knew I’d pissed him off. He
bit down hard on my neck as a punishment, making me cry out in pain.
Then, he pulled back to look into my face, and I could see the hunger in his
“I need to go back to class,” I said, internally cursing my wobbly voice.
I should have been strong, told him no and meant it.
“Fine. After you suck my dick.”
I didn’t even get a chance to protest before I was forced down onto my
knees, the old scratchy rug chafing my skin. Cillian’s hands were quick to
unbuckle his belt and pull out his erection.
“We can’t do this here. We’re in school…” I started to say, but Cillian
just grabbed a handful of my hair and guided his cock into my mouth.
He wasn’t gentle. He never was.
Tightening his grip on my hair until I felt a sharp pain in my scalp, he
thrust his hips forward until the head of his erection was the back of my
throat, making me gag. My hands went to his thighs to steady myself, and I
tried to focus on my breathing as he fucked my mouth roughly. Tears sprang
to my eyes, and I was worried I might pass out from the lack of air as he
rammed his cock further each time.
So, I gripped the base of his cock, knowing that the only way to keep
him from choking me with it was to put some effort into this blow job. That
was what he really wanted, anyway. Cillian liked for me to put in the effort
to make him feel good, to submit to him in that way. I bobbed my head up
and down, moving my hand along with it. My tongue swirled over the head
of his cock every time I pulled back, and he rewarded me with a low groan.
Not that I cared about his approval. I was just doing this so that he’d let
me go back to class.
But no matter how firmly I told myself that, I couldn’t deny that I was
getting slick between my legs with each passing second. Fire raced through
my veins, and I found myself moving faster, taking more of him into my
mouth. The pre-come dripping from his tip was salty, and I hated that it
tasted good to me.
I heard footsteps in the hallway outside of the room and anxiety slowed
my movements. What if we got caught? That would be mortifying.
“We’re staying in this classroom until I come,” Cillian growled, and I
hoped that whoever was in the hall didn’t hear him. “Stop fucking around,
I wanted to protest again that we shouldn’t be doing this at school, but I
couldn’t while his hand in my hair kept me from pulling back from his
cock. Instead, I stopped thinking about where we were and just focused on
making him come. I needed this to end so that I could get back to class
before someone came looking for me.
Suddenly, Cillian drove his cock so deep into my throat that my nose
was pressed against his lower stomach while bringing his other hand to the
back of my head. I panicked as my air supply was completely cut off and I
gagged around the massive invasion in my throat, but he didn’t release me.
Instead, he came with a grunt, releasing his seed in long spurts until it filled
my mouth.
I wanted to spit it out, a small act of defiance, but Cillian was always
good at reading my intentions. He pulled his spent cock out of my mouth
and bent over, holding my chin with a firm grip as he put his other hand
over my mouth.
“Swallow it,” he growled. “I want to know that you’ve taken all my
come down your throat, Birdy. And don’t you dare let a drop spill out of
those pretty lips of yours or you’ll really be sorry.”
I didn’t have much of a choice. I swallowed it, dropping my eyes to the
floor so that he couldn’t see how much shame I felt. He’d only bask in it.
“Next time, my come is going inside of your sweet pussy so that I can
breed you,” he said, making my eyes snap to his. His face was only inches
away, and I could see the sincerity there. He meant it. He wanted to get me
Shock stuttered through me, and I didn’t know what to say as I
processed his words. Before I could come up with a response, Cillian stood
up straight and left the room without looking back. He left me on the floor,
used for his pleasure with wet panties and my mind reeling from the idea of
being bred by my brother.
Chapter 2


I couldn’t stop thinking about that word for the rest of the day. Breed.
It seemed like such a dirty word, one with severe consequences. So
why did I feel a deep longing in the pit of my stomach every time it
popped up in my mind?
The wetness between my thighs didn’t go away after the quickie blow
job in the empty classroom. Cillian’s words kept echoing in my mind, and I
had to admit to myself that the thought of him breeding me was a shocking
turn on.
God, what’s wrong with me?
That was something I didn’t want to think about too much. So, I just
tried to ignore Cillian even more than usual as I went about my school day.
Even in the class we had together, I stubbornly refused to even look in his
direction. But I could sense his eyes on me the entire time. It just made the
wetness worse.
I hate him. I don’t want him to get me pregnant.
That was what I told myself, but that didn’t change the fact that
imagining him breeding me made my pussy clench on air. I squirmed in my
seat, wishing I could apply friction to my clit in some inconspicuous way.
“Are you okay?” Lila asked in the seat beside me.
I forced a smile onto my face. “Yeah, totally fine.”
She didn’t buy it. Her eyes flickered over toward Cillian’s desk, but I
refused to look that way myself.
“Are you uncomfortable because your brother is in this class?” she
asked, dropped her voice and leaning loser to me. “Because I can tell him
off for you.”
My heart swelled with affection for my friend. She really cared about
me and wasn’t afraid to show it. This was the kind of relationship I should
cherish, not the twisted mess that I had going on with Cillian.
“Thanks, but it’s unnecessary. I’m just going to ignore him.”
Lila gave me a thumbs up and an encouraging smile, making me feel
guilty for lying to her. She had no idea that I was in a sexual relationship
with Cillian. Would she hate me if she found out?
Why did that make what we were doing even hotter?
By the end of the day, I was eager to get home so that I could change
my panties. As soon as the final bell rang, I rushed to my locker to grab my
backpack. I said a quick goodbye to Lila as I headed to the parking lot. I
was running late this morning and barely made it to school before the first
bell rang. My red Mini Cooper was parked in the furthest row from the
door. There was a rush of students already hurrying to get out of here, so I
had to be careful as I made my way toward it. Teenagers trying to leave the
school parking lot weren’t exactly the best drivers. I was moving along the
sidewalk at the edge of the lot when a heard a familiar loud and nasally
I knew that I shouldn’t even look in the direction it was coming from,
but I couldn’t seem to help myself. As I suspected, it was Arielle laughing at
my expense once again. She was with my brother, sitting on the hood of
someone’s car while their friends stood around them. The real shock, the
thing that stopped me in my tracks, was seeing the object in Cillian’s hands.
My journal.
I took a few steps closer and heard him reading from it out loud for his
“…and I just wish that I had a happy family. My parents fight so often
that they seem to hate each other. They can’t even see how much the
constant shouting makes me miserable. They don’t know that sometimes I
cry over it.”
Cillian paused, chuckling as Arielle called me pathetic. He glanced over
to see me approaching, and his cold smile widened. It was almost as if he
planned this, wanting me to discover what he was doing.
I saw red. I couldn’t remember ever being so angry in my entire life as I
stormed over to him, snatching the journal out of his hands and cramming it
into my backpack with shaky hands. It was bad enough that he made fun of
my appearance with his friends, but to share my secret thoughts and
feelings, things that I didn’t talk about with anyone…that crossed a line.
“Well, if it isn’t the crybaby,” Cillian said with a smug smirk as he
folded his arms across his chest. “You’re eighteen years old, Birdy. Grow
up. It’s time to stop whining over mommy and daddy fighting. Could you be
more pathetic?”
I didn’t understand how he could be unaffected by it. We lived in the
same house, after all. The tension and shouting were unbearable at times.
He was just so heartless, and I was possessed with the sudden reckless urge
to hurt and embarrass him, just like he was doing to me.
“Well, I guess you’d know all about needing to grow up since you wet
the bed until you were twelve,” I said, fighting back against him in front of
his friends for the first time. I usually took whatever shit they dished out
and hoped that tomorrow would be better, but I was too enraged this time.
I wasn’t the only one. As Cillian’s friends all laughed in response to my
words, I saw his expression morph from cocky to furious, and it was
terrifying. He scowled and ground his teeth together. His dark eyes glared at
me, and he stood from the hood of the car to tower over me. Cillian was six
inches taller than me, which didn’t seem like much, but it made him even
scarier as he closed the distance between us.
The laughter didn’t die down as his hands came to my shoulders and he
pushed me backwards. I fell hard on the asphalt, a startled and pain-filled
cry falling from my lips. I wasn’t expecting it, so I didn’t have time to use
my hands to catch myself. My butt hit the ground first, sending pain
shooting up my spine, and my elbows made contact with the hard ground.
As Cillian and his friends walked away, I checked and found them both
scraped and bleeding.
My eyes shifted to Cillian as he put an arm around Arielle’s shoulders,
and I felt my nose burn just before tears swam in my eyes, blurring my
vision. I took a deep breath before picking myself up off the ground, willing
my tears not to fall. I didn’t want him to see that he’d caused me to cry if he
looked back.
Hurt and still furious, I continued to my car and headed home.
Chapter 3


I spent the evening in my room, doing my homework and trying not to

think of Cillian. When he crossed my mind, I tried to focus on my
anger. He stole my journal and read it to everyone. He got physical with
He was a bully, and I told myself to hate him.
The frustrating thing was that memories from earlier in the day kept
creeping into my mind. My skin felt overheated and arousal stirred to life
inside of me when I remembered how it felt for him to use my mouth to get
It was frustrating as hell to be attracted to the jerk. It was bad enough
that he was my brother, making what we were doing completely wrong, but
he was also cruel, and I didn’t understand why I wanted him, anyway. A
part of me even liked the way he treated me, that he bossed me around and
acted like he was in charge of me.
I hated that part of myself. I felt like I lived my life with my brain and
my emotions in constant conflict. It was exhausting.
So, it was definitely better to focus on my anger toward him. At least
that made sense.
When it was time for dinner, my mother came to get me. As I walked
down the hall to the stairs, I saw her heading for Cillian’s room, but I knew
he wasn’t in there. He didn’t come home after school. That was probably
for the best for me. I was sure that he was still pissed him about what I said
in the parking lot. Maybe he’d blow off some steam with his friends or get
his frustrations out while fucking his girlfriend.
And I wasn’t at the thought of that. Nope. Not at all.
But the twisty feeling in my stomach seemed to disagree. I tried to
ignore it.
There was a split staircase that led down to the foyer, and I saw that my
mother had put fresh flowers in the large vase on the table right at the
entrance. She liked to keep the house nice and tidy, always a welcoming
place for any guests. She didn’t do it alone, of course. The place was way
too big for that. So, we had housekeepers that came every day to dust and
vacuum and polish. It was one of the benefits of being wealthy.
Another one was the delicious meal sitting on the table when I reached
the dining room. Neither of my parents had much interest in cooking, so we
had a private chef come every day to prepare our meals. Tonight, we were
having roasted duck with wild rice and steamed veggies. My mouth watered
as I took my seat.
At one end of the table, my father was already seated, and at the other
end, my mother's plate was arranged. There was a plate for Cillian, but I
wouldn’t be surprised if he came home late. He liked to party with his
friends until the early morning hours.
My dad was looking down at his phone and didn’t seem to notice my
entrance. That was normal around here. He used to be more involved in my
life and Cillian’s, but that was when we were younger and before he and
mom fought all the time. It had been years since they got along. These days,
I suspected he kept his face buried in his phone because he didn’t really
want to be here, anyway.
My thoughts seemed to be confirmed when my mother walked into the
dining room and took her seat. Tension seemed to appear out of thin air just
because the two of them were in the same room. I had already started
eating, and I kept my attention focused on my food, hoping that we could
get through at least one meal without a big fight.
“How was school, Birdy?” my mom asked, her smile tense. I got the
feeling that she was trying to engage me in a conversation to cut through
the awkward tension.
Okay, I could play that game.
“Good,” I lied. Cillian’s bullying made it a terrible day, but I wasn’t
going to tell them that. “I got an A on that English paper I told you about.”
“That’s great, honey,” my dad said, finally putting his phone facedown
on the table and looking at me. I couldn’t help feeling like they were both
trying to pretend the other person wasn’t there by focusing on me. “What
was the paper about?”
“She told us at dinner two days ago, Mark,” my mother said, impatience
clear in her voice.
I noticed the muscle ticking in my dad’s jaw as he looked her way.
Okay, maybe it was best that they kept ignoring each other.
“It was a book report about The Catcher in the Rye. No big deal,” I
quickly said, hoping to diffuse the situation.
“Where’s Cillian?” Dad asked, seeming to just now notice his absence.
“I don’t know,” Mom replied. “He wasn’t in his room. Do you know
where he is?”
The question was directed at me, and I shook my head. “No idea.”
“Shouldn’t you have some idea of where our son is?” my dad asked, and
the sharp tone of his voice made my heart drop. “You are his mother.”
“And you’re his father. Why is it my job to keep track of him?”
“Because I work, Quinn. I just got home an hour ago.”
“I have responsibilities too, you know. I can’t keep track of everything.
Besides, he’s eighteen. He’s an adult.”
“That sort of attitude is exactly why the boy thinks he can get away with
I pushed back my chair and stood, walking right out of the dining room
as the arguing continued, quickly turning into a shouting match. The
animosity in that room made me lose my appetite, anyway. As I went up the
stairs, I heard the argument shift from being about Cillian doing whatever
he wanted to about, which one of them drove me away from the table this
time. They were blaming each other for it.
At least, they noticed I was upset and left. But arguing over who was
responsible was pointless. They both broke my heart by spitting so much
hate at each other. I wasn’t sure why they were even still together, but I
could only assume it was about money. There was no prenuptial agreement,
which made things messy in a divorce. My mother didn’t work, but she’d
get half the money in a divorce. Not enough in her eyes and too much in
his. So, I guessed they figured it was worth the misery of staying together if
they both got to be rich.
Personally, I didn’t think it was worth it at all.
I’d just reached my room when the front door opened and slammed
closed. I went to my bedroom window to watch as my dad’s black sports
car pealed out of the driveway. He wouldn’t be back until morning. This
had become a common thing lately. They’d fight, and he’d storm off,
staying somewhere else for the night. He went away so often that I wouldn't
have been surprised if he had his own apartment somewhere, but I had no
idea where he went. Once he left, my mother would always take a sleeping
pill and lock herself in her room until morning. I figured that was just as
much of an escape from reality as my dad’s constant use of his phone.
All of it left me sad and alone, so I took a quick shower and go to bed.
After getting cleaned up, I applied fresh band-aids to my scraped up elbows
and slipped on a pajama set consisting of matching shorts and a tank top. As
I slid into bed, I expected to have trouble falling asleep because of the stress
of the day, but after writing a new entry in my journal, I could relax and
drift off to sleep quickly.
I awoke hours later, jolted into consciousness by the feeling of someone
attempting to remove my shorts. I gasped and jerked away from the dark
figure. I reached over the turned on the lamp on my nightstand, illuminating
I glanced at the clock to see it was two-thirty in the morning. He must
have just gotten home. He was close enough that I could smell vodka on his
breath and see the redness of his eyes.
“What are you doing?” I asked, but he didn’t answer. He just started
trying to pull off my shorts again. I kicked him away, still pissed about what
happened in the school parking lot.
Cillian let out an impatient sound through his teeth and used his strength
to force my legs down onto the bed, spread open. Then he climbed on top of
me, forcing himself between my thighs. I could feel his erection pressed
against my core, the rough fabric of his jeans adding delicious friction to
my clit through my thin shirt and panties. Desire blasted through me, but I
wasn’t going to give in to it.
“Get the hell off of me,” I hissed. “Leave now or I’ll scream.”
Cillian chuckled darkly, bringing his face close to mine. “Do it. No
one’s gonna come. Did you think I wouldn’t notice that Dad’s car is gone?
He’s out for the night and that means Mom took an Ambien and is dead to
the world. Not that I’d let her stop me, anyway. I’m here to breed your little
tight cunt, Birdy.”
“Knock it off, Cillian,” I said as he ground himself into me. “Just go.”
Instead of listening, he yanked the thin straps of my pajama shirt down
my arms, exposing my breasts to him. His hands pressed my arms into the
mattress, making it impossible to stop him as he lowered his head and
captured one of my nipples with my mouth, My back arched as he flicked
his tongue over the hard nub, making my pussy pulse with need. As if he
knew that, he ground himself into me again, and I couldn’t stop myself
from letting out a strangled cry of pleasure.
But of course, he couldn’t be gentle for long. He took my nipple
between his teeth, applying just enough pressure to hurt. Hie eyes flicked
up to mine, watching my reaction as if he got pleasure from seeing it hurt.
Then, he did the same to the other breast, holding me down while he
pleasured and tortured me.
Still, I wanted him. The abuse of my nipples made me want him more,
but I couldn’t give in to that desire. I didn’t want to be weak. So, when he
lifted and tried to take off my shorts again, I shoved at his chest, trying to
push him away. Unfortunately, I didn’t succeed in doing much more than
irritating him.
“Fine,” he snapped. “I can still fuck you with your shorts on.”
The next thing I knew, I was flipped over onto my stomach. I tried to
push myself up with my arms and crawl away, but Cillian was strong
enough to hold me in place with one hand in the center of my back. I heard
him messing with his belt one handed, and I tried to push up again, but it
was no use. Then, the soft rasp of his zipper reached me, and I felt an
unwanted rush of need for him.
Cillian lifted my hips into the air so that I was on my knees with my
face still buried in the pillow. I knew I should keep trying to fight against
him, but lust coursed through me and my pussy ached as he yanked my
shorts and panties to the side and lined himself up at my entrance.
He didn’t hesitate to slam himself inside of me, burying himself up to
the hilt in my pussy. I cried out in pleasure, placing my hands on the
headboard to keep my head from being rammed into it as Cillian rode me
hard. My body hummed in pleasure and I turned my brain off, just for now.
I didn’t want to think about whether this was right or wrong. I didn’t want
to remember that Cillian was my cruel bully and my brother. I just wanted
to feel him moving in and out of me. I wanted to succumb to the intense
pleasure of it.
“That’s right, you take it,” he muttered, driving himself forward with a
fierce thrust that made me cry out into my pillow. “You’re going to take it
all, Birdy. I’m going to come so hard in your tight pussy that you’ll be
pregnant by morning.”
Oh, God. That should have been terrifying, but I was so turned on by
the idea that I felt nearly delirious. At that moment, I’d never wanted
anything so badly.
“I’m going to breed you. You’re going to belong to me in every way,”
he added. It was a dark promise.
He moved faster, and I rocked back against him, wanting to take him
even deeper. Suddenly, his hand came down on my ass cheek, the only one
exposed since he yanked my shorts to the side. I shrieked from the
unexpected pain of it.
“Look at your bruises,” he said, amusement in his voice. “You’re all
blue and blue.”
“Asshole,” I said through gritted teeth, even as I moved myself
backward in time with his thrusts inside of me. “You did that.”
“I know.” He smacked me again, and this time the stinging pain drove
me even closer to the orgasm that I was chasing. “I fucking love marking
you. And that’s what’s going to happen when I’ve bred you. You’re going to
be marked by me. Everything your body goes through will be because of
me. You’re mine, and now you’re going to take my come. I’m going to coat
your insides with it.”
I buried my face in my pillow as I came, my pussy tightening around
him while my entire body went rigid. Cillian delivered one more brutal
smack to my ass and stilled. I could feel his cock pumping inside of me,
filling me with his warm come. The sensation drew out my orgasm even
longer, and Cillian groaned.
“That’s right, Birdy. Come hard for me, milk my cock so that I can
knock you up.”
It was so depraved, but I couldn’t deny that I had a satisfied smile
stretching across my face when it was over. Cillian pulled out of me and
rolled onto the bed at my side. I was still trying to wrap my mind around the
fact that he wanted to breed me, and that I was into the idea, when he
practically passed out. He was probably drunk off his ass, and it was
impressive that he could take me so hard and good in that state.
I turned onto my side, facing him, and studied his handsome features.
When he was asleep, he looked so peaceful. All the coldness was gone, and
he was just a good-looking guy in my bed. I reached out and ran my fingers
through his hair. It was so soft and thick.
My heart fluttered as he left out a small sigh in his sleep, and I
internally cursed at myself. Why did I have to feel this way? Of all the
people in the world that I could have fallen for, why did it have to be my
asshole brother?
I tried to fight it all the time, but when we were alone like this, I
couldn’t deny it. I loved the things he did to my body, the way he made me
feel. I was addicted to it, even when I tried to hate him.
The worst part was he knew it. He was very much aware of how I
craved him.
I moved my hand to his cheek, lightly caressing the skin there, and
Cillian’s eyes opened. I yanked my hand away, but it was too late. He’d
already caught me. He smirked.
“You’re handsy,” he said. “Does that mean that you want more? Is your
cunt ready for another round of my seed?”
I narrowed my eyes at him, once again wishing that I hated him. His
attention shifted away from me to something behind me. I turned over to
see that he was looking at my journal on the nightstand. Moving much
faster than I expected, he reached over and grabbed it before I stopped him.
“Give it back,” I demanded, even as he flipped it open to the most
recent entry.
“Mom and Dad hate each other, and I worry it’ll make them hate me,”
he read, rolling his eyes. “I swear, you’re obsessed with them. Who gives a
shit if they fight all the time? They’re miserable bastards.”
My earlier anger surged to the surface, and I acted impulsively, using
both of my hands to shove against him. It never would have worked if he’d
been expecting it, but I caught us both by surprise and I shoved him right
off the bed.
Cillian hit the floor with a thud, and I grabbed my journal, which he’d
dropped onto the bed. I tucked it under my pillow, promising myself I’d
find a hiding place for the thing tomorrow.
Cillian’s head popped up over the edge of the bed and he glared at me.
“What the fuck?”
“That’s what I want to know,” I said, sounding braver than I felt. “Why
the fuck did you feel the need to take my journal and read it out loud?”
Cillian climbed back onto the bed, a burning intensity in his eyes as he
came close. His hand came out to grip my neck, and I trembled with fear as
he pressed me back into the mattress.
“I’ll tell you why,” he said in a low voice. “It’s because I own every
thought that runs through that pretty little head of yours. I can do whatever I
like with it. Get over it.”
I gasped, sucking in a deep breath as he released his hold on me. An
adrenaline rush made me want to flee from him, but it wasn’t necessary.
Cillian got off the bed and walked out the bedroom door without a second
Chapter 4


I skipped class the next day and wondered the halls. I fucking hated
geography anyway. I was hoping for a chance to grab Birdy again and
drag her into an empty classroom, but I wasn’t sure where she was.
I’d find her, and then I’d fuck her, no matter what she had to say about
It was all I could think about lately, an obsession with breeding her. I
wasn’t sure when I even thought about it, but I liked the idea so much that I
was determined to make it happen. Birdy had always been mine. I owned
her, and that meant that I could do whatever I wanted with her.
What I wanted was to give her a load that would get her pregnant.
I checked the library for her since I’d been just about everywhere else
that I could think of. As soon as I walked in, I saw her. She was sitting at a
table with open books and papers spread out on the surface. She was
sandwiched between a pretty friend of hers and a guy named Max. He was a
skinny nerd on his way to becoming valedictorian. I went over and pulled
out his seat from under the table. He looked up at me in shock.
“Cillian? What’s up?”
“I need a place to sit.”
There were a dozen other empty seats near us, but Max must have seen
something in my expression that made him decide not to argue. He just got
up and left. I settled into his chair while the girls glared at me. I focused on
Birdy’s friend.
“You need to go,” I told her.
She scoffed. “Excuse me?”
“I need to speak with my sister alone.”
“Why? You want to be a hateful prick to her?”
“Lila, don’t,” Birdy said.
“Yeah, Lila,” I said with a smirk. “You should really mind your own
business and fuck off.”
She folded her arms across her chest and arched an eyebrow. “I’m not
going anywhere.”
I was done arguing with her. I didn’t want to stay at this table with
Birdy anyway, so I reached out and grabbed her hand.
“Come on,” I demanded.
Birdy glanced at her friend for a second, but I didn’t wait for her to
decide. I wasn’t asking. She was coming with me.
Standing, I pulled her out of her seat toward the back of the library. It
was a dimly lit, isolated part of the library with nothing but old books. No
one ever came back here.
“What are we doing?” Birdy asked.
I grinned without answering her. She’d find out soon enough.
It only took minutes for me to get inside of her. She was up against a
book that ran along the back wall of the library, her legs wrapped around
my waist as she held her upper body in place with her bandaged elbows on
the shelf.
Her skirt was bunched up around her waist, and I yanked up her shirt
and bra as well. Her soft stomach and small tits were on display for me as I
rutted into her. Her tight little pussy felt so damn good around me. I held
onto her ass as I drove myself inside of her as hard as I could. I wanted my
release to go deep so that it would get where it needed to go.
I looked down at her stomach and stared, imaging what it would look
like swollen with a child. My child. I couldn’t wait to make her ride me
while pregnant so that I could watch and know that I’d done that to her.
Birdy noticed where my eyes were, and she bit her bottom lip. That
made me want to sink my own teeth into her lip, but that was impossible
while I was taking her in this position, and it felt too good to stop.
“Are you thinking about it? About breeding me?”
She said it like it was a dirty, forbidden word.
“Yes,” I said. I was digging my fingers into her ass cheeks now, and I
enjoyed knowing that I was probably leaving more bruises there. “I’m
always thinking about it.”
“Do it,” she said, her voice a desperate plea. “I want you to. Breed me,
Cillian. Put a baby in me. I’m giving you permission.”
I couldn’t help laughing at that. “Permission?” I slammed my hips
forward hard, and she let out a low moan. “I don’t need your permission. I
own you, and I’ll do whatever I want with you.”
“You don’t own me,” she started to argue, but I drove myself into her
like a wild animal, killing any argument that she might have as she became
overwhelmed with pleasure. I always knew when she was about to come.
Her cheeks would get flushed and she’d close her eyes. Her legs tightened
around me.
“Gonna breed you so good,” I muttered as my release barreled through
me. We came together, the pleasure of it so good that I thought for a
moment that I might black out. I released a stream of come into her as her
silky walls pulsed around my cock.
She was wrong. I owned her. Because I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Chapter 5


I was sick of Arielle. I had been for a long time, but she was willing to do
anything for my attention, and there was something appealing about
having someone willing to kiss your ass all the time that made it hard to
give up.
She was a decent lay, but not nearly as satisfying as Birdy. Just the
thought of sinking deep into her warm and soft body made my cock throb.
But I wasn’t with Birdy right now. Arielle had been acting strange all
day, and now she’d asked me to meet her at her place. If she was looking to
get fucked, she was in for disappointment. All of my loads were being
saved to dump into Birdy. I wanted her to be bred as soon as possible. If she
attended graduation in a few months with a baby bump under her gown, all
the better.
Arielle’s parents were middle class, so her house was nice enough, but
nowhere near as impressive as the mansion where I lived. I didn’t really
care about that, though. The house didn’t mean shit to me.
We’d just left school, and I brought Arielle home. She opened the door
of the house and let me inside. Then she led me straight to the kitchen.
“What’s going on with you?” I asked as I took a seat on a stool at the
kitchen island. She brushed her short blonde hair out of her face and
emotion faded from her features. She was all business suddenly.
“I have something that I think will seriously interest you.”
She opened her phone and pressed a few buttons. My phone buzzed in
my pocket, and I saw that she’d sent me a video. With an impatient sigh, I
opened it up. The recording that started was taken yesterday as I fucked
Birdy in the library. Someone had hidden among the stacks and shot the
thing. It was probably Arielle. My cock pulsed with need as I watched,
especially when Birdy begged me to breed her.
“I know you’re rich,” Arielle said as I watched Birdy come again, her
face twisted in pleasure. “I want money.”
I closed the video and put my phone away. I was glad to have it. The
idea of recording my sessions with Birdy wasn’t something that I’d
considered before, but I liked the idea of having videos of us fucking.
“You want money for what?”
“To keep this a secret.”
My brow lifted. “You’re trying to blackmail me?”
“Of course, I am. I know that I’ve got something juicy. Something that
you’ll want to keep quiet.”
“Actually, I don’t give a fuck.”
Her jaw dropped. “W-what?”
“You heard me.” I stood, shaking my head at her. “You’re too annoying
to keep around any longer. It’s over.”
I walked out of the house, ignoring her shouts for me to come back.

Word spread quickly, and it seemed like that whole school was talking
about my breakup with Arielle a few days later. They all wanted to know
why I ended things. It seemed that she was keeping quiet about it, although
I didn’t know why. I figured she’d share the video since I refused to meet
her demands.
I didn’t care what anyone had to say about the breakup. All I was
focused on these days was getting Birdy pregnant.
I didn’t bother waiting until our parents were in bed at night anymore.
She was mine to take whenever I wanted.
Tonight, I pulled her into my room after dinner. Now, she was under me
on my bed. It was such a wild session that we’d ended up sideways on the
mattress with her head hanging over the edge. I had both of my hands
around her neck as I pounded her into the mattress. Her legs were spread
wide, taking me deep into her body as she gasped and whimpered.
I kept dipping my head to her chest, sucking hard on her skin to leave
hickeys. They were all over, and I couldn’t stop staring at them. Fuck, I
loved she was wearing my marks on her pale skin like that. Her breasts
were bouncing as I drove myself inside over and over. I felt like an animal,
my primal instincts taking over.
Birdy was staring up at me through hooded eyes, her lips parted. A flush
spread over her cheeks and down to her neck. Her hands gripped my arms,
fingers digging in to the muscles as she held on for dear life.
“Oh my God,” she moaned, barely able to talk around the pressure I was
applying on her neck. “I-I’m so close.”
She came quivering as her eyes rolled up in the back of her head. Just as
her sweet pussy tightened around me, the door of the bedroom burst open.
I glanced up to see our parents barge into the room. Their eyes widened
in shock and they froze in place while I kept fucking her as hard as I could.
I expected Birdy to freak out or protest, but she was too far gone,
hovering on the edge of a climax. I smirked at the knowledge that I was
giving it to her so good that she couldn’t even think. I didn't care that she
would feel mortified later.
“You guys planning to stay for the climax?” I asked, amused. “You want
to see me breed her?”
Our mom gasped with a hand on her chest while our dad stumbled back
a step. The horror on their faces just made me want to laugh. But I turned
my attention back to Birdy. Squeezing her throat harder so that I was
cutting off her air, I took her even harder than before.
She came hard, quivering as her eyes rolled up in the back of her head.
Just as her sweet pussy tightened around me, I heard the door slam closed.
It was no surprise that they left, but I didn’t care either way. I could feel my
balls tighten as Birdy’s pussy squeezed my cock. I was so close to blowing
my load inside of her, and my entire focus was on her face as she rode out
the high of her own orgasm.
“You ready, sis?” I asked, an erotic thrill shooting through my body as I
call her that. I liked the reminder of who she was to me, that what I was
doing was the most forbidden act. “You ready for my come? I want to fill
you until you’ve got my come dripping down your thighs.”
My grip on her throat loosened, and she greedily sucked in air as I
buried my cock in deep and stilled. I roared as I came inside of her, taking a
perverse delight in knowing that our parents could hear even if they were
My come coated her insides, and I placed a hand on my stomach, an
entirely male sense of purpose coming over me as I knew deep down that I
had to have knocked her up by now. She was going to have my baby, and
after, I would breed her again. Her purpose in life now was to take my
I lifted myself off of her, stretching my arms over my head. I looked
back at her, still sprawled out on the bed with her legs open. I could see my
come leaking out of her, and a warm desire spread through my lower
stomach at the sight of it. I’d just given her all that I had to give, so I
couldn’t go again right now, but I would take her again later.
“Oh my God,” Birdy said, sitting up and covering her face with her
hands. “Did that just happen? Did our parents just catch us?”
I chuckled. Reality had come crashing down on her now that the haze of
passion had faded.
“This is so bad,” she groaned. “What are we going to do?”
I shrugged as I grabbed my pants off the floor and pulled them on.
“What we’ve been doing.”
“Are you serious? You’re talking about sleeping together? I mean, what
are we going to do about our parents?”
She got up off the bed and picked up her sundress off the floor, pulling
it over her head. Moved to her and yanking her panties out of her hands,
tucking them into my back pocket. Grabbing her around the waist, I pulled
her body flush against mine and fisted her hair with my other hand.
“We’re not going to do a damn thing about them. They know the truth,
and that’s that. If they don’t like it, it’s too damn bad. You’re mine, and
there’s nothing they can do about it.”
“I’m not yours,” she said, and the defiance in her eyes was almost cute.
I slipped my hand down between her thighs and coated my fingers with our
combined juices at her entrance. Then, I brought it to her mouth.
“Open up,” I said. She didn’t comply immediately, so I yanked on her
hair. Her lips parted in a gasp of pain, and I shoved my wet fingers into her
mouth. “Now, suck them clean.”
She gave up any pretense of going against my wishes, her tongue
flicking over my fingers as her lips closed around them, sucking off our
combined essence. Her brown eyes grew darker, and I knew she was just as
turned on by this as I was. She could pretend to hate me all she wanted, but
I knew the truth. She liked the way I was with her. She wanted to belong to
“You’ll do what I say,” I growled as I pulled my hand away from her
mouth. “And I’m telling you that no matter what they say, nothing is
changing between us. You’re probably knocked up already, anyway.”
She swallowed hard, and I swooped in to kiss her, nipping her lower lip.
I backed off and pulled on my shirt.
“Can I have my panties?” she asked, her timid voice telling me she
already knew the answer to that question.
“No. Now, let’s go.”
When we got downstairs, we found our parents in the sitting room. Dad
had a drink in his hand while Mom paced the floor, muttering to herself
under her breath. I strolled into the room with Birdy behind me, going to
the couch and making myself comfortable. Birdy sat on the other end of the
couch, her back ramrod straight as she twisted her hands in her lap.
I knew her well enough to see that she was worried and embarrassed. I
was just wondering if my dad would try to physically stop me if I went to
the bar and poured myself a drink, too. A nice bourbon sounded good right
about now.
Mom stopped pacing and stared at us with disgust clear on her features.
I had my feet up on the coffee table, something that she hated, and that she
didn’t even mention it showed just how upset she was about the scene that
she walked in on upstairs. In fact, they were both just staring at us, at a loss
for words. The tense silence in the room grew old, quick.
“Well, I guess the cat’s out of the bag,” I said, leaning on the armrest.
“That’s what you have to say for yourself?” Dad snapped. He stormed
over to stand in front of me, his face red and his drink sloshing around until
a few drops spilled out onto the white carpet. “Do you have any idea what it
cost us to cover this up?”
“What do you mean?” Birdy asked.
He rounded on her, spittle flying from his lips as he replied. “Cillian’s
little girlfriend had a video of the two of you together. She brought it to us
this afternoon, threatening to leak it to the entire world unless we paid her a
fortune to delete it.”
Bridie’s eyes shot to me, and I shrugged. Everyone would eventually
find out, anyway. I was too addicted to the idea of marking and breeding
her. We couldn’t hide that sort of thing forever.
“You’re sick, both of you. I want the two of you to get the hell out of
this house and never come back,” Dad said.
Birdy’s face fell and her chin trembled like she was about to cry, but I
didn’t react at all. It wasn’t exactly a great loss to be kicked out of this
place. All the bickering made being here annoying, anyway.
“Mom?” Birdy said in a faint voice. She just stared at Birdy like she
was a stranger and shook her head.
It looked like our parents finally found something to agree on.
“Whatever,” I said. I reached over to Birdy and yanking her to me by
the arm. She barely resisted as I pulled her into my lap, running my hand up
her thigh. She must have still been in shock over what our dad had just said.
I leaned in and put my lips to her neck, giving her another hickey.
Mom made a horrified sound and turned away while Dad stormed out of
the room. Figured. He was good at that sort of thing.
Birdy finally seemed to come to her senses because she squirmed in my
lap, trying to get away. I let her go, only because we needed to pack our shit
if we were getting kicked out.
As we stood from the couch, our dad came back into the room. He was
holding two pieces of paper that he thrust into my hands.
“Your trust funds,” he said gruffly. “You were supposed to get them
after graduating college, but we don’t give a damn what you do with your
life now. We’re washing our hands of you.”
I took the papers and glanced at them. They were legal documents with
bank account information. He’s signed them both, and the amount of money
was more than enough for the two of us to leave here and start a life.
I folded them up and tucked Birdy under my arm, leading her to the
stairs. “We’ll be gone within the hour,” I said over my shoulder as we left
the room.
Birdy sniffled as we climbed the stairs, and I rolled my eyes as I saw
she was crying.
“Toughen up,” I told her. “You don’t need those assholes. Just pack your
shit, and I’ll get us a place to stay for the night.”
“And then what?”
She looked up at me with tears streaming down her cheeks. I couldn’t
resist leaning in close and licking them off. I loved tasting her pain.
“Then we’ll find a place to raise our baby,” I said, my cock once again
growing hard at the thought of her being pregnant. “You’re mine, Birdy.
Your thoughts, your body, your soul. I own all of it, whether or not you like
it. You know what that means?”
“You need anyone else. I’ll take care of you.”
I meant it. I’d keep her fed and clothed and fucked senseless. And now
that we were leaving this house, no one could stop me.

The End!
I hope you enjoyed Breeding Birdy. It was a blast to write. Next month we
have Sinning for Sienna. Yum Yum!

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