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Part 1

Deviant Desires

Lily Black
Copyright © 2023 by Lily Black

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means,
including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author,
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

Part I
Trigger Warnings
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

About the Author
Part One
This book is for the girls who prefer their monsters rocking their bed
instead of hiding under it.
Trigger Warnings

Trigger Warnings

Obsession is Part 1 of a series. It is taboo and contains scenes that may

upset sensitive readers.
These are short, taboo novellas that are going to release weekly. So you
don’t have to wait too long for the next deviant tale.
Triggers include incest between blood relatives, degradation, dubcon.
Chapter One


I shouldn't watch him, not like this. It's wrong and would make him angry
if he ever found out, but it's like an addiction. I try to resist the temptation,
but every time I see him, my eyes are drawn to him. My heart thuds in my
chest, and that ache between my thighs grows. It's like he has some sort of
magnetic pull.
He's constantly on my mind, imagining what it would be like to be with
him the way she was. She never deserved him, never cared for him like I
do. Never loved him. And now that she's gone, I must make him see that it's
always been me. It's a dangerous game I'm playing, and I know it could end
badly. It could end us.
I've tried to distract myself, focusing on other things and people, but it's
useless. He's always in the back of my mind, taunting me, tempting me.
As I watch him from the small crack in the den's doorway, I can't help
but wonder if he knows that I'm watching him, lusting after him? Or am I
just being paranoid? He thinks I'm in bed, that he's alone. It’s the only time
he lets go.
A part of me knows I can't keep going on like this, living in a constant
state of desire and fear. Fear of being found out. Fear of rejection.
But for now, my eyes are glued, unable to turn away. The woman on the
laptop screen in his lap mewls loudly, tits jiggling as a man twice her size
pounds into her. My eyes move down to where his hand is lost in his gray
sweatpants. He shifts in his seat, and I hold my breath, afraid he might
notice me. But he doesn't, his eyes still fixed on the screen
My eyes are locked on the outline of his erection straining against his
sweatpants, and I feel myself getting wet, soaking even. His hand moves
faster, his eyes shut, and his face morphs into an unrecognizable expression.
Pleasure. Ecstasy. Not the constant scowl on his handsome face since she
I watch as he continues to pleasure himself, his hand moving faster and
faster, his breathing growing more erratic. I can't help but feel a pang of
jealousy toward that woman on the screen. She's making him feel like this.
He desires her.
What would it be like to be the one giving him that pleasure, to feel his
cock in my hand as I stroke it?
He whimpers, his body shuddering, and I know he's reached climax.
Daddy looks beautiful when he comes. It's not right. It's sick. If anyone
knew, I’d be locked up, but the thrill of the forbidden is too much to resist. I
want him; I want him so badly, and I can't help but ache at the thought of
him touching me in forbidden places.
But then, as if he senses my gaze, he looks up and catches me staring.
My heart races as I freeze, unsure of what to do.
For a moment, we just stare at each other, the silence between us almost
suffocating. Daddy’s face is tinged pink, and I know he's ashamed. He
shouldn't be. And then, without a word, he slams his laptop shut and stands,
walking out of the French doors to the backyard. I want to follow him, but I
know better.
I'm left feeling embarrassed and terrified. Now he knows I've been
watching him, but a part of me can't help but hope he might feel the same
way about me. Maybe he's thinking about me, too, craving me like I'm
craving him.
Chapter Two


"P ass the milk," he says, his eyes on his phone screen. It is the first thing
he's said to me all morning. It isn't like we talk a whole lot, but the
iciness in his stance is almost suffocating. My little brother, Kay, smacks his
spoon on the table. At two and a half, he's a handful, but he's also the
sweetest little thing. He's a mini-me, with raven locks, except our eyes, his
are green, like Mom. Mine cobalt, like Daddy.
Maria, our housekeeper, and his nanny hums in the other room.
"Daddy," I say, and my stomach flips when his blue eyes meet mine. His
chestnut hair, with streaks of silver, always seems to stand on end.
"Yeah?" His voice is a low rumble.
"Can we talk about—"
He lifts his hand, "No. No, Charlotte, we can't. We won't. Eat up and get
ready for school. You'll miss the bus." He never calls me Charlotte, not
unless he's pissed off. I'm his Charlie. And he's been dropping me off every
day since Mom walked out on him.
I nod, dipping my chin. I choose not to say anything more. He's
obviously angry.
"And your college applications aren't gonna complete themselves. I
want them done by the end of the week."
"Fine!" I snap, standing, the legs of the chair scraping on the linoleum
He raises an eyebrow at my sudden outburst but doesn't say anything. I
storm off to my room, feeling a mix of anger and frustration. Why does he
have to be so cold and distant all the time? It isn't just about last night. It's
every single day. I know he's still hurting, but that doesn't give him the right
to take it out on me. Kay is too young to feel it, but I do.
As I get ready for school, I hear him talking to Maria. I can't make out
what they're saying, but I can tell from his tone that he's being an asshole.
Dressing in my tightest jeans and sluttiest shirt, I head downstairs.
When his eyes scan me from head to toe, I can feel the tension brewing. He
hands me my bag. "Be safe, Charlie," he says before heading back into the
house, leaving me standing at the door staring after him.
"What are you wearing, Niña?" Maria asks.
I ignore her, opening the front door and stepping outside. It's a cool
morning, and I take a deep breath walking down the pathway. As I walk to
the bus stop, I can't help but think about him. It's so fucked up, I know that,
but I can’t help how I feel. And it is tearing me to pieces that he's upset with
I'll finish those college applications, I'll graduate, and I'll move the fuck
on. Maybe that's what I'll do.
Sometimes I miss how things used to be before Mom started fucking
around with my friend's dad, then a guy from work, and eventually the
trucker she took off with before everything changed. I don't know when I
saw Daddy differently. Maybe it was the nights he stayed up waiting for her
and fell asleep on the couch or the days he had to stay off work to take care
of Kay because she was off whoring it up around town. Maybe it was the
way he nursed me back to health after a bad case of the flu. When or why
doesn't matter anymore? It just is.
"Charlie!" My best friend, Bella, shouts when I climb off the bus. She
envelopes me in a hug, and we head inside the building. We're in senior
fucking year, as she often says.

As we walk down the hallway, Bella talks a mile a minute about the party
she went to over the weekend. I nod along, half-listening as I scroll through
my phone.
Bella notices my distraction and nudges my arm. "What's up, Charlie?
You're too fucking quiet."
I shake my head. "Just thinking about stuff, I guess."
She gives me a sympathetic look. "Is it your dad?"
I stop in my tracks, surprised. "What do you mean?" Is it that obvious?
Am I giving off vibes?
Bella rolls her eyes. "Come on, Charlie. Your mom left. I figure it must
get hard at home sometimes."
I take a deep breath, relieved she didn't tell me I have "I want to fuck
my daddy" written on my forehead. "Yeah, I guess."
Bella puts a comforting arm around my shoulder. "I'm sure he's just
going through a tough time. It'll get better."
I nod, but I'm not convinced.
"You know what I think?"
I am so afraid to find out.
"I think you should go out with Jay. He is fucking gorgeous and
obsessed with you. He kept asking about you at the party. It was
embarrassing," she laughs.
"I don't know," I sigh. "I'm not that into him like that."
Bella rolls her eyes. "Charlie, you just turned eighteen and can't stay
single forever. It's time to have some fun. Give Jay a chance. He's a great
I shrug, not wanting to argue with her. She means well, but I don't think
dating someone else will solve my Daddy Issues.
As we make our way to our lockers, I can't help but feel the anxiety
building. The air seems thicker than usual, almost suffocating. I shake off
the feeling and focus on getting through the day.
Chapter Three


D addy is freshly showered and dressed in dark jeans and a button-

down when I come downstairs for dinner. Maria is working late, setting the
table for three, and that should have been the first red flag. Kay giggles in
the living room, and a cartoon is on TV. The man is gorgeous for someone
in his forties.
"Going somewhere?" I ask when I reach the last step folding my arms
over my chest.
He clears his throat, "Yeah, I have a date."
My heart sinks. He hasn't gone out on a date since Mom left. I try to
keep my voice steady, "Oh, that's nice. Who's the lucky lady?"
"A friend," he snaps, grabbing his car keys off the kitchen counter.
"Is it serious? Are you moving on?"
He turns to me, his eyes blazing with anger. "That's enough, Charlotte.
I'm a grown man, and I can do what I want. And you're just a kid, so mind
your own damn business. I don't owe you an explanation."
I feel the tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. "What about us? Kay
and I need you home."
He scoffs, "You'll be fine. You always are. Besides, Maria is sleeping
I watch him walk out the door and slam it shut. The sound echoes
through the house. I feel a lump in my throat and bite back the tears. I won't
cry. Maria rounds the corner, her eyes wide.
"Charlie, what's wrong? I heard the door slam."
"It's okay, Maria. My father and I just had an argument. Is dinner
She nods, and I follow her into the kitchen. How can he go on a date?
Who is she?
Later that night, I hear him come in. It's past midnight. Throwing off the
covers, I exit my room, finding him in the kitchen, drinking a beer. He
looks at me, eyes trailing down my body, and I suddenly feel naked,
exposed in my tiny sleep shorts and tank. My nipples harden at the thought
that he might find me desirable.
"What're you doing up? It's a school night." There is a slight slur in his
voice as he takes a seat at the kitchen island.
"Couldn't sleep. Kay, too. He's actually in the mobile crib in the guest
room with Maria. So, how was the date?" I say, covering up my treacherous
He shrugs, taking another swig of his beer. "It was fine."
"Who is she?" I ask again, unable to hide the bite in my voice.
"Charlie. That doesn't concern you. You're just a kid, remember?"
His words sting, and I feel a sudden urge to lash out. "I'm not a kid,
Daddy. I'm eighteen, practically a grown-up," I retort, standing up
He scoffs, setting down his beer bottle. "You're still living under my
roof, and I'm still responsible for you. So, until you're out on your own,
you're still a kid in my eyes."
The anger in his voice takes me aback. I'm not used to him speaking to
me like this. "I should know who you're dating," I say, trying to keep my
tone even.
"And I told you, it's none of your goddamn business," he snaps, his face
turning red.
I feel a surge of frustration at his stubbornness. "Fine, then. Keep your
secrets," I say, turning to leave the kitchen. "And I'll fucking keep mine."
"Where do you think you're going?" he asks sharply.
"I'm going back to bed, Daddy. Good night," I say curtly, continuing
down the hallway.
"Don't you dare walk away from me, young lady!" he bellows, his voice
echoing off the walls.
I stop in my tracks, my heart pounding in my chest. He's never yelled at
me like this before. "What do you want from me, Daddy?" I ask, turning
back to face him.
"I want you to stop prying into my business," he says, his eyes blazing
with anger.
"I just want to know who you're dating," I repeat, rage bubbling up.
"My personal life is mine. I don't want you invading it. Is that too much
to ask?" he says, his voice straining. And there it is, the elephant in the
room. Me watching him masturbate got to him.
I shake my head, feeling defeated. "No, it's not."
"Good. Now go to bed," he says, tracing my cheek with his thumb
which sends shivers down my spine. He picks up his beer bottle again and
walks down the hallway toward his bedroom. I have the urge to follow, but
I don't.
I walk back to my room, uneasy and so turned on I have to scream into
my fucking pillow. Arguing with him only made me want him even more. I
don't care who he’s dating. It won't last. I strip out of my clothing, and lie
back. I reach for my phone, scrolling through my secret folder. Pictures of
Daddy shirtless working in the yard, fixing his car. Pictures I shouldn't
have, but pictures that make me giddy with need. I spread my legs wide, my
index finger slipping between my wet pussy lips. I shudder and gasp when I
slide it over my pussy.
"Oh, Daddy," I whisper, squeezing my tit with my other hand imagining
it's him fingering me with those thick digits. Holding me in his strong,
muscular arms, telling me what a good girl I am in his deep voice.
The thought of his rough, calloused touch makes me moan in pleasure. I
move my finger faster, feeling my arousal building. I'm soaking as I arch
my back and sink two fingers in my pussy, so it feels more like one of his
stretching my tight pussy. And then I'm convulsing in pleasure as I feel the
waves of orgasm wash over me. I let out a long, satisfied moan, my body
still trembling with the aftershocks of my release.

As I come back down to reality, I hate that it was all just a fantasy. I'm still
alone in my room, my fingers slick with my own juices. But him, the feel of
him, is burned into my mind.
Chapter Four


O ver the next few weeks, Daddy goes out on more dates. He never
tells me who he's seeing or where he's going. He comes back late at night,
sometimes even early in the morning. Some mornings, I have to tiptoe
around the house, trying not to wake him up. It feels like I'm walking on
eggshells, never knowing when he'll snap. Depression, Maria says. That we
need to give him time. That losing a spouse is like losing a limb. But I am
still here. He doesn't need anyone but me.
One night, I'm sitting in my room, trying to finish those stupid fucking
college applications, when I hear a knock on the door. I open it to find
Daddy standing there, a bouquet in his hand. I quip a brow.
"These are for you," he says, his voice soft.
I take the flowers, confused. "Why?"
"I'm sorry, Charlie. For the way I've been acting, for not being there for
you and Kay. I've been selfish. I love you guys more than anything, and I'm
gonna do better."
I want to believe him, but I'm not sure I can. "Daddy, where have you
been going? Who have you been seeing?"
He hesitates for a moment, then sighs. "Her name is Lisa. We've been
seeing each other for a few weeks now."
I feel a pang of jealousy and anger. Fucking Lisa. "Do you love her?"
He shakes his head. "No, it's not like that. We're just…having fun."
I don't know what to say. That makes my chest squeeze.
"So, it's not serious?" I ask.
"Of course not," he says, walking in and sitting down on my bed close
enough that I can smell his fresh cologne and shower gel.
I take a deep breath. "I just don't want you to forget about us, Daddy.
Kay and I need you. We need our family." I need you. I need you more than
you know.
He puts his arm around me, pulling me close, and I feel like I'm floating
on air. "I could never forget about you, Charlie. You're my best girl. You
and your brother are the most important things in my life. I'm sorry if I've
been neglecting you. How about we watch a movie tonight, like old times?
Just you and Daddy."
"That sounds perfect."
After Maria leaves and Kay is in bed, Daddy and I settle in for the
evening, putting on Die Hard, one of our favorites. I lean into him, my head
resting on his chest, feeling his heartbeat and the warmth of his body. This
feels so good. So normal. We're Daddy and Charlie again. It's been too long
since we've had a moment like this, just the two of us.
But as the movie progresses, I felt restless. His strong arms around me,
the way his chest rises and falls with each breath, the smell of his cologne...
it's all too much. I'm literally squirming every time his hand rubs my arm. I
lean away from him, then stretch out on the couch and move my feet into
his lap. He takes my feet in his hands with a smile and begins to rub them.
His touch is gentle and firm, and I feel my body relax under his skilled
hands. He's done this so many times, but this time, it's different. As he
works out the knots in my feet, I can't help but feel a sense of closeness
with him that I've been craving for so long.
But then, I start to feel a different kind of tension building between us.
His fingers move up my legs, brushing against the sensitive skin of my calf.
I bite my lip, feeling a rush of desire course through me. I want him so
My foot in his lap moves over his crotch, feeling him grow hard beneath
my touch. My pussy tingles.
I open my eyes, and he's looking down at me, his eyes darkening with
desire. "Charlie," he says in a low voice, "what are you doing?"
I bite my lip, feeling a rush of excitement as I reply, "Just playing with
you, Daddy. You don't like it?" I keep moving my foot, and he groans, his
hand moving to my foot, gripping it tightly and stilling my movements.
"You know I do, baby girl. But that is not the point."
He moves my foot off him, standing and leaving the room. What have I
done? I pushed him away the first time he tried to get close to me.
Chapter Five


"W hat the fuck is wrong with me?' I growl, slamming my bedroom
door shut. What the actual fuck is wrong with me? She’s my
daughter. My baby girl and I got aroused by her fucking foot in my lap.
This is all kinds of messed up. It's wrong. It was wrong the day she stood in
the doorway watching me jerk off. I hated that it turned me on, the thought
of her watching me. It's why I went out with Lisa, big tits, from the office.
She asked, and it was like a fucking sign. But then Charlie looked like I
broke her heart, and I didn't fucking know what to do. I pace back and forth
in my room, my mind racing with conflicting thoughts and emotions. I don't
know what to do. How do we ever go back after this? I shake my head. No.
We will. It was just her fucking teenage hormones that made her rub her
foot against me like that. We just have to keep a healthy distance. Yes.
That's it. Set up boundaries for us both. I need to talk to her. Yes. That is it.
The last time I just let it brew. This time I won't.
Soft music plays, and when I knock, she doesn't answer. I turn the
doorknob, and when I'm standing in her room, I freeze. My beautiful,
perfect girl is naked and spread wide on her bed, touching herself while
panting hard. The pink flesh of her cunt makes my mouth water. Walk
away? My head is screaming, and my sanity too, but I've never seen
anything as perfect. Raven hair splayed on her pillow. Firm, small tits that
beckon my tongue and teeth. She's sinfully gorgeous, just like her fucking
mother, more even. As I stand there, paralyzed by all my fucking
conflicting emotions, she opens her eyes and looks right at me. We stare at
each other, breathing heavily, not moving or speaking.
Finally, she breaks the silence. "What are you doing here, Daddy?" she
asks, her voice barely above a whisper.
"I… came to check on you," I manage to reply, my eyes still fixed on
her naked body. At the way, her small fingers dip in and out of her dripping
cunt. I snap my eyes back to her face,
She smirks, a sly look in her eyes. "And now that you're here, what do
you want, Daddy?"
I struggle to find the words, my mind racing with sick desire and
confusion. "I...I don't know," I stammer. "I shouldn't be here. This..."
She sits up, her small breasts not even moving. "Is it really wrong?" she
asks breathily, her one hand still rubbing her clit while the other palms her
breast. Her nipples are solid dusty pink peaks. Oh, she's fucking stunning.
"Or is it just taboo?"
I can feel myself getting hard just watching her. "Is there a difference,
baby girl?"
"Aah, Daddy, say it again, call me your baby girl," she moans as she
finger fucks her pussy faster.
"Baby girl," I groan, and she lies back on the bed, two fingers spreading
her cunt open while the other dips in and out. I'm just watching. This isn't
crossing any line, right? But what about the fact that I am bursting in my
Nothing is more beautiful than her moans, her body glistening with
sweat, her fingers slick with arousal. I don't even need to taste her to know
how sweet she is. She looks up at me with eyes glazed over, lost in her own
pleasure, and I can feel my own resolve waning, my desire building to an
almost unbearable level.
But then, as she reaches their peak, crying out Daddy as she comes. And
it is that word that makes me realize what I've done. I let my sick and
perverse desires take over, watching my own daughter like some sick
fucking pervert. I feel sick to my stomach, and I know that I can never do
this again.
I stumble out of the room, my pulse racing, feeling like a monster. How
could I have let myself do this? I've always prided myself on being a good
person, but now I've crossed a line from which I can never come back. I did
something disgusting, and I don't know if I will ever be able to forgive
I try to shake off the feeling, but it's impossible. My mind is consumed
with thoughts of her naked in that bed, and I can't help but wonder what
would have happened if I had taken things further. I can never find out, not
now, not ever. She is my flesh and blood, for fuck sake. I am the one who is
supposed to protect her.
As I stand under the cold shower, I try to wash away the shame and
guilt, but it's not that easy. I can't even talk about it to anyone without being
thrown in jail. I look down, and I am still sporting an erection. My hand
isn’t going to work this time. I need Lisa.
I get dressed and leave the house. I need to release this tension, and Lisa
is the only one who can help me do that. I'm grateful Maria is staying over
most nights. If I have to avoid Charlie again, then I will do it at all costs.
Maybe if we pretend like nothing happened, it will go away.
As I pull into Lisa's driveway, feeling like the worst person in the world.
I need a fucking distraction. She looks surprised to me when she opens the
door. "What are you doing here, D?" she asks, a smile in her voice.
"I just needed to see you," I say, trying to keep my voice steady. "Can I
come in?"
"Sure, the kids are in bed, so it's okay," she says, stepping aside and
letting me in. The tension between us is palpable, and I can tell that she's
still upset that I didn't want to stay for dinner tonight. And yet here I am,
back here, because I can't be under the same roof with my own daughter.
I push Lisa up against the wall, pinning her arms above her head as I
kiss her hard, my tongue pushing through her pouty lips. She resists at first
but then gives in to me and pushes back with an equal amount of force,
moaning into my mouth. My hands run over her body and squeeze her big,
bouncy tits, not the mouthful Charlie has. Small but juicy. Fucking perfect.
I know that what I'm doing is wrong, that I'm using this woman, but I
can't stop myself. I need this
release, this distraction from the guilt and shame that I feel. The blood
rushes through my veins, and my heart pounds in my ears, muffling all
other sounds.
I kneel before her and pull at the waistband of her pants, slipping them
over her hips and revealing that beautiful pink flower between her legs. I
lick my lips and pull off my own
jeans, popping out of my boxers with an eager spring that aches for
contact with anything.
I want to taste you," Lisa says as she lays back on the couch. Right now,
all I can think about is ripping off these daisy dukes and burying myself
inside this pussy until she screams, but I give her what she wants. I shove
my cock down Lisa's throat, thrusting in and out of her. She's gagging, tears
running down her eyes.
"Fuck you can take it all, can't you?"
She nods, and the wet sound of my cock in her mouth only serves to
make me harder. I pull out of her, and she gasps.
"Oh, Daddy, fuck my pussy," she bites her lips, and her words have me
prying her legs open. She has no idea how much I love those words, but not
from her slut mouth. Still, I sink into her wet heat. She gasps as I enter her,
and it is all the egging on I need.
"Yeah. Oh, baby," she moans.
I grasped her slender wrist with one hand, pushing them above her head
as I used my other hand to pin her quivering lips against her teeth. My
pelvis moves in a furious rhythm, each thrust sending a tingling sensation
from the tips of my toes to the top of my skull. Her breathing is
uncontrolled. I can feel myself getting closer to release. Finally, with a
growl, I find my climax, spasming as wave after wave of pleasure rips
through my body.
For a moment, everything goes still, and I can feel her body trembling
beneath me after reaching her own orgasm. I pull out of her, panting and
covered in sweat, and collapse onto the couch beside her.
She looks at me with a huge smirk on her face. "That was…
exhilarating. Whatever got you going, keep doing that. I stand there,
panting and covered in sweat, and I realize I made a huge mistake coming
here. All I could think about while I fucked her was how she wasn't Charlie.
She wasn't my girl. And I can't live with that knowledge.
"Stay," she says, pulling a tv blanket over herself.
I shake my head. "The kids need to see me in the morning." And with
that, I leave.
Chapter Six


H e wants me too. That is all that's been on my mind. That's why he

was in my room last night. I didn't miss the thick bulge in his pants.
"Charlotte Reese, are you listening?"
Mrs. Thomas's voice jolts me out of my thoughts. I quickly snap back to
reality, feeling a flush of embarrassment spread across my cheeks as I
realize that everyone in the class is staring at me. Bella giggles.
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Thomas. Could you repeat the question?" I ask, hoping
to deflect the attention away from myself.
Mrs. Thomas sighs, looking slightly exasperated. "I was asking if
anyone had any thoughts on the theme of forbidden love in Wuthering
I hesitate for a moment, unsure if I want to share my thoughts on the
subject. But then I remember the way Daddy looked at me, his hand
massaging my foot, his arms around me, and I open my mouth to speak.
"Well, I think that sometimes love can be so intense that it defies all
rules and expectations," I say, my voice shaking slightly with emotion.
"And I think that sometimes, the people we love the most are the ones we're
not supposed to be with."
There was a murmur of agreement from some of the other students, and
Mrs. Thomas nods thoughtfully.
"That's an interesting perspective, Charlotte. Thank you for sharing,"
she says. "Now, let's move on to the next chapter and see what new
developments there are in our characters' forbidden love story."
As the class continues, my mind drifted back to Daddy, and I can't help
but wonder if this dark desire is truly worth the risk.

Maria is cooking dinner, and Kay is in his car seat, alternating between
watching her and playing a game on the tablet.
"Hey there, little man," I greet my almost two-year-old brother,
pinching his cheeks. "Aren't you getting big? Have you seen my dad?" I ask
our housekeeper.
"He's in the study and asks not to be disturbed. And that I should remind
you about your applications."
I nod. "Okay, I'll be upstairs. I make my way toward my father's study
instead. He can't avoid me forever. As I approach the door, I can hear him
on the phone. I take a deep breath before opening the door without
He's sitting at his desk, and when he sees me, he immediately frowns
and ends the call.
"What are you doing here, Charlie? I have work to do." His dark-
rimmed glasses are perched on the tip of his nose, and he looks every bit the
successful businessman that he is.
"Hey, Daddy," I say softly, approaching him. I don't miss the tick in his
"I asked you a question, Charlie?"
I shrug my shoulders. "Nothing, really. I just wanted to see what you
were up to."
He seems to soften, his eyes flickering with amusement. "Well, you
found me. What do you want?"
I grin, feeling my cheeks flush. You, is what I want to say. I want you,
Daddy. Without thinking, I walk toward him and climb onto his lap. He
"This isn't appropriate, Charlie," he says, his voice hoarse.
"This used to be my favorite place," I whisper. "How can it not be
"When you were a little girl, Charlotte. Now it's just fucked up."
"I just want you to hold me, Daddy. Tell me everything is going to be
okay." I say, resting my head on his chest. I shiver when he wraps his arms
wrapping around me. I can feel his heart beating against my chest, and I
close my eyes.
His fingers absently stroke my hair, and I feel it everywhere, in my
hardening nipples and between my thighs.
"It aches, Daddy," I whisper.
"What does?" He asks, his voice shaking. His breathing becomes
"Between my legs." Suddenly, he pulls away, pushing me off his lap
until I’m on my knees in front of his open thighs. His face flushes with
"Go, Charlie. Now." There is a tremble in his voice, and when my eyes
move to his crotch, I know why.
"Does Daddy want me to take care of that?" I look up at him from my
place at his knees, batting my eyelids as I get on my knees, placing my
small hands on his massive thighs. "Will it make you feel better, Daddy?"
His eyes are ablaze now, the vein on his temple protruding. He grips my
chin. "Is that what you want, Charlie, to be daddy's little slut?"
My heart pounds in my chest. I never expected him to say something
like that to me. But it hits me in all the right places. I nod slowly, and he
leans back in his chair, unzipping his pants until his cock springs free. It's
huge. Bigger than any I have seen in porn videos. The veins look angry.
"You gonna swallow daddy's cock like a good little slut? Let daddy
choke you?" he asks as he pumps his length up and down. It is the sexiest,
most erotic thing.
"Yes, Daddy," I nearly moan.
"Then open wide, Charlie. Let daddy punish your tight little throat."
I open my mouth wide, and he grabs me by the hair, tugging me
forward. He paints my lips with his glistening precum. "Lick it," he growls.
"Like a Lollipop. Taste me."
I comply eagerly, licking and sucking on his tip, savoring his arousal's
salty, musky flavor.
"Yeah, that's a good girl." He groans in pleasure, his grip tightening on
my hair as he pushes through my lips and thrusts deeper into my mouth.
"You're doing such a good job, baby girl." I gag at the size of him, but he
doesn't let up, fucking my mouth with increasing intensity. Tugging me
further onto his cock.
I can feel myself getting wetter as I submit to his domination. This is
what I wanted before I even knew it. To be Daddy's favorite girl, and he
knows just how to use his cock, taking me to the brink of orgasm with each
thrust. How is it that him fucking my mouth like this turns me on? I'm lost
in a haze of pleasure, my world reduced to the feeling of his hard cock in
my mouth and his strong hand in my hair.
"Look at you, sweetheart," he says, looking at me proudly. He is not
even halfway into my mouth when he pushes even deeper down my throat.
The gag reflex is strong this time, and tears stream down my face. Saliva
drips from my mouth as he drags me up with him, his cock still choking me.
He's so tall I have to bend at the waist to keep his cock in my mouth.
"I won't fuck you, princess. That's off-limits, but I'll use you. Make you
regret you were born." He slaps my cheek, and it stings, but he soothes it
with a gentle pat, then slaps me harder. "My slut," he growls.
I feel a rush of heat spread through my body at his words. I'm his slut,
his plaything, and I love it. I crave the roughness, the domination, the way
he takes control of me completely.
He pulls back from me, and I gasp for air, my throat raw from his rough
treatment. Then he comes, all over my face, my chest. And I'm coming
without even being touched. I close my eyes, feeling the hot, sticky splashes
of his release coating my skin.
He chuckles darkly as he watches me, his hand still stroking his cock as
he comes down from his high. "Look at you," he says, his voice low and
husky. "My little cumslut. You love this, don't you?"
I nod, unable to speak, my body still trembling with pleasure.
He leans down, wiping some of his come off my cheek with his thumb
and then pressing it into my mouth. I suck on it eagerly, tasting the tangy
saltiness of his release.
"Good girl," he murmurs, leaning in to kiss me. And as his lips meet
mine, I feel a rush of warmth, knowing I'm exactly where I want to be - on
my knees, at Daddy's mercy, his cum dripping down my face.
Chapter Seven


C harlie leaves, and my mind is a fucking mess. My instructions were

clear that she goes to her room and cleans herself up, and waits for me
there. But now I'm fucking pacing the room, wearing the damn carpet
What the hell did I just do? My own daughter. The girl I created. I just
crossed a line, and I can never go back. The worst fucking thing is that I
enjoyed it. I feel guilty but something else too, euphoric. She has no idea
what kind of beast she's unleashed. What if Maria heard something? What if
she sees those perfect red stripes across my girl's cheeks. I have to be more
careful. What the fuck am I turning into. But one taste will never be
enough. I have to have more, all of her. If I don't fuck her, it's not that bad.
And she wants it to be Daddy’s pet.
Fuck! What is wrong with me? A week ago, this thought would never
ever have crossed my mind. I'm a father. I put my kids first. When that
whore, Macey, walked out on us, I was the one protecting my kids, taking
care of them, loving them. But that fucking devil on my shoulder reminds
me, I still love Charlie. That will never change, but I want her too, so
fucking bad it hurts. She's so fucking innocent. I take a deep breath, running
my hand through my hair.
Maria smiles at me when I enter the kitchen. "Dinner's ready, Mr. Reese.
Should I go get Charlie before I leave?"
"Oh, no. She's doing her applications and says she'll eat later." I feel like
an asshole lying to her. But I can't risk her seeing my girl now.
Maria nods, and I take a seat at the table, trying to push the thoughts of
Charlie and what we did out of my mind. But those thoughts keep creeping
back, invading my thoughts like a virus.
When she leaves, I feed Kay spaghetti and tomato sauce, his sweet
smile reminding me so much of Charlie when she was little, and a thought
crosses my mind. Me and Charlie, in our cabin, her belly swollen with my
babies. I shake the thoughts away and focus on my boy. He's growing more
perfect every day. Macey is missing out on the best kids in the world. They
are my whole fucking life. Charlie hasn't come down even though I texted
her when Maria left.
Kay nods off when we watch a few of his short cartoons, and I cover
him with a blanket. As I clear the table, Charlie comes into the kitchen.
"I made you a plate. It's in the microwave."
"Thanks, Daddy," she says, a small innocent smile on her face. The red
imprint is still on her cheek, and the oversize t-shirt she's wearing makes
my dick twitch. She's always in those, with tiny boy shorts, but tonight she
looks like a fucking siren luring me to my death.
She warms her food, climbs onto the counter, and eats. “Mmm, this is
good,” she says, smiling. That sound sends jolts of need coursing through
“Don't make those sounds, Charlie. After knowing what that mouth
looks like filled with my cock, I don't think I'm strong enough."
"What sound, Daddy?" She asks innocently, batting her lashes and
moaning around another bite. Fucking brat.
I growl low in my throat, unable to resist any longer.
In seconds I am stalking across the kitchen, and she sets the plate down.
When I'm inches from her, her knees against my crotch, I reach out and
grab her by the waist, then pull her towards me. "You know exactly what
sound I'm talking about," I growl as I trail kisses along her slender neck.
She tilts her head to give me better access. "That sound makes me want to
eat you up, Charlie. Like the big bad wolf."
She gasps, her body tensing in my arms as I lift her onto the kitchen
counter. I drop to my knees, pulling her boy shorts down, and at the sight of
her slick pussy, I growl, burying my face between her now open thighs.
"Daddy," she cries out, and when my tongue slips into her pussy, I
nearly lose it, almost coming in my pants. She tastes like heaven, and I
devour her, licking and sucking, diving in, then coming up for air only to be
pulled back in. She's killing me. Destroying me, just the way I want to
destroy this cunt.
"You're so perfect, sweetheart. You taste so good on Daddy's tongue," I
say, opening her pussy lips and sliding my tongue into her tight little hole.
Charlie moans, her hands clutching my hair as I continue to lick and suck
on her sensitive flesh. I swirl my tongue around her clit, feeling it harden
under my tongue. She squirms and writhes on the kitchen counter, her
moans growing more urgent.
I can feel myself getting harder as I taste her, my need growing with
every passing moment. I know I need to take it slow. She arches her back,
and I know she is getting closer and closer to the edge, her hips bucking
against my face as I bring her to the brink of orgasm, then pull away, loving
the pinkening of her cheeks and the fire dancing in those cobalt eyes that
match mine. She's everything good in this world, and I will break her until
she's a whimpering mess at my feet.
"Daddy, please," she begs, her voice high-pitched and needy.
"Daddy can't give you what you want, baby, not now," I say, "But this
will have to do." I thrust a finger inside her, and she throws her head back in
ecstasy, her body writhing. I add another finger, pumping them in and out of
her, my thumb pressing against her clit in circular motions. Her moans get
louder, and I can feel her walls tightening around my fingers.
"Daddy, I'm gonna come," she gasps out, her hips bucking against my
"Come for me, baby," I whisper, urging her on. And with one final
thrust of my fingers, she comes undone, screaming Daddy, hopefully not
loud enough for the fucking neighbors to hear. I continue to stroke her
through her orgasm, making her ride out the waves of pleasure until she's
trembling and spent.
I lift her off the counter and carry her to bed, tucking her in. She's so
beautiful, looking at me through hooded eyes.
"I need to get Kay, but I'll come to tuck you in."
"Will you hold me tonight," her voice is small, uncertain.
"Of course, princess. Daddy will do anything for you."
She smiles and closes her eyes.

After putting Kay to bed, I lock the door and put the security lock on. In
case I oversleep. I don't want Maria walking in to find me in bed with my
When I enter her room, I walk over to her bed cautiously. Maybe this is
a bad idea, but when she looks up at me, her eyes are hazy with desire.
"Daddy," she whispers, and I know I'm lost.
I undress, and her eyes widen at the sight of me. I climb onto the bed
with her, taking her lips in a fierce kiss. Our bodies tangling. Her small
frame against me is like nothing I've ever felt before. I'm lost in the heat of
the moment. It's wrong. I know it is, but I can't stop. Not when Charlie
looks at me with those innocent eyes and whispers my name like a prayer. I
want to make her mine, rip through all the barriers that keep us apart. I suck
on my sweet girl's tongue. She's inexperienced, I can tell, but she keeps up.
I roll her over, pinning her beneath me.
She looks up at me with wide eyes, a mixture of fear and desire etched
on her face. "Daddy, I haven't…"
"Trust me, baby," I whisper as I lean down and kiss her neck, biting it
and then sucking her soft flesh between my teeth, leaving a trail of marks
down her body. I take one of her nipples into my mouth, sucking hard,
making her moan. Then I do the same to the other. Tiny buds that fit in my
mouth. I have never been a tits guy but these. These are fucking perfect.
I move down her body, kissing and licking every inch of her skin until I
reach her pussy again. I spread her legs wide and dive in, my tongue
flicking her clit while I slip two fingers inside her. Charlie cries out, her
back arching off the bed. I keep going until she's scaling out Daddy like a
fucking mantra, her body shaking with pleasure.
I climb back up to her, kissing her deeply. "You're so fucking beautiful,"
I say, rubbing my hard cock against her wet pussy. She's so wet. It is all the
lube I need. With Lisa, sometimes I needed some help, but my baby is just
perfect. "I'm not gonna put it in, baby. I just want to feel good. Do you want
Daddy to feel good?"
"Yes," she says breathlessly. "I want you to do whatever you need to."
'It feels so good, Daddy," she pants, and I start to move faster against
her, savoring the feeling of her smoothness. I can only imagine what her
tight cunt will feel like. Charlie's eyes are closed, lost in the pleasure, and I
can feel myself getting close. I won't enter her, but this is fucking perfect.
I speed up, grinding against her, my cock throbbing and pulsing with
need. Charlie's breaths become shallower, and her moans louder. I can feel
her body tensing up, and I know she's close too. "Come for daddy again,
baby," I whisper, nipping at her earlobe. And then I'm coming, cum
spraying all over my daughter's pussy. I'm shuddering and groaning. I lift
my weight off her looking down at the mess I made. I lie there panting and
sweating. I know what we're doing is wrong, but I can't bring myself to
care. I get some towels from her bathroom and clean us both before
collapsing back onto the bed beside her, running my hands through her
raven locks.
Charlie turns to me, a dreamy smile on her face. "Thank you, Daddy.
That was amazing."
I feel a surge of guilt and shame wash over me, but I push it down.
"You're welcome, baby," I say, pulling her into my arms. "But we can't let
this happen again, okay? It's wrong."
She nods, snuggling closer to me. "Okay, Daddy. I understand."
I know it won't be easy, but I must do the right thing. I can't keep
crossing this line with my daughter. It's not fair to her or to me. We have to
stop before it's too late.
Chapter Eight


"W hat is happening with you? I haven't seen you smile like this in
forever," Bella says. "Not that it's a bad thing."
"Just happy, Bells."
"Does that mean you'll come to Ethan's party this weekend?"
I groan. "Not sure, Bells. You know how I feel about those parties." I
hate them, and I can't think of a worse way to spend my Friday night.
Besides, my aunt Katie is taking Kay for the weekend, and I was hoping to
have some daddy time. I can feel my cheeks heat at the thought. Thankfully
my friend doesn't notice.
"I know, but come on, it'll be fun. You can let loose for once. You're
always home."
I consider her offer for a moment.
"Alright, fine. I'll come to Ethan's party. But only if you promise we can
leave early. I do not want to break curfew."
Bella grins. "Deal. You won't regret it, I promise."
I have a feeling I will.
"Daddy, you home?" I call when I get in. He texted me that Katie got off
work early and picked Kay up. I was hoping to see her, but I'll probably see
her when she drops my brother off.
"In here, Charlie," he calls, and I find him in the living room on a step
ladder, changing a light bulb. He is so fucking hot. It's insane. We said we'd
never do what we did again, but looking at his Adonis belt makes me soak
my underwear instantly.
"I'm sorry I missed Katie," I say, and he turns to me with a smile.
"Yeah, she was bummed, too," he replies.
My heart races as I watch him climb down the ladder, his muscles
flexing with every movement. It's like I can't control myself around him. I
know it's wicked, a sin even, but I can't help how I feel.
He comes over to me and gives me a hug. It feels so normal, but his
cologne and his warmth against me are almost too much to handle after
knowing what his naked body feels like against me. "How was your day?"
he asks, almost too casually. He's fucking doing it again. Pretending.
"It was okay," I reply, trying to compose myself. "Just the usual stuff."
"Thanks for that," I say.
"Changing the light bulb," he laughs. That laugh, the way his eyes
crinkle in the corners.
I nod and try to fight the urge to kiss him. It's like we're playing with
fire, and I don't know how much longer we can keep this up without getting
I clear my throat,” I’m going to a party tonight."
"Yeah, that's great. Have fun," he says, closing the ladder.
"Just like that. You're gonna ignore the fact that I'm gonna be at a party
with boys and booze."
I gasp when his hand wraps around my neck, "As long as you never
forget who you belong to."
I freeze as his words sink in. His fingers tightening around my neck.
What does he mean by "who you belong to"? Is he really saying what I
think he's saying? I try to pull away, but his grip tightens.
"Daddy, you're hurting me," I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.
He leans in close to my ear, his breath hot against my skin. "You're
mine, Charlie. Always have been, always will be," he says, his tone
I feel a shiver run down my spine as his words sink in. I know we've
crossed a line, but I never thought he saw me as his possession.
"I don't belong to anyone, Daddy," I choke, trying to sound strong, and
he lets me go. I suck in all the air I can, rubbing at my throat.
He laughs a dark and menacing sound. "Oh, but you do, Charlie. You
belong to me." He grabs my arm; his grip is like iron.
"Fine, Daddy, please let go," I say.
He releases me, and I stumble backward. "Fine, go to your party," he
says, his voice cold.
I walk out of the room. As I leave, I can hear him muttering something
under his breath, but I don't stop to listen. He is an asshole. A fucking

The party is in full swing when Bella and I arrive. I wore my sluttiest dress
to piss Daddy off, but he barely even glanced my way, sipping his beer and
watching TV.
"Ladies," Ethan whistles, walking up to us with his best friend Jay
beside him. "You look delicious." I flush at the compliment. Jay can't keep
his eyes off me. He's cute, tall, with blue eyes, and blonde hair, the perfect
boy next door.
I smile at Ethan. He's always been a bit of a bad boy, and Bella can't
help but be drawn to him. She is swooning next to me.
"Thanks, Ethan," I say, my voice playful.
Jay steps closer, his eyes still fixed on me. "You look amazing, Charlie,"
he says, his voice low and husky.

I feel a thrill run through me at his words and how he looks at me. He's
flirting with me, and I can't help but feel a little proud. He isn't my type, but
why shouldn't I have fun tonight?
"Thanks, Jay," I reply, batting my eyelashes.
We spend the next hour drinking and dancing, and I can feel Jay's eyes
on me the entire time. It's like he can't get enough of me, and I love the
attention. But as the night wears on, I felt uneasy. The music is getting
louder, and people are getting drunker. I look over at Bella, who's making
out with Ethan, and realize I don't even know half the people at this party.
Suddenly, I miss Daddy. I miss his protective presence, his steady hand
on my shoulder, his voice. How he told me, I was his earlier today. I never
thought I'd say it when I left home tonight, but I want him to come and
rescue me.
Just as I'm about to text him, I feel a hand on my waist. I turn to see Jay
standing behind me, his eyes dark with desire. "Wanna get out of here?" he
whispers in my ear.
I hesitate, unsure of what to do. I know I shouldn't be alone with him. "I
don't think so," I say, my voice trembling.
Jay leans in closer, his lips brushing against my earlobe. "Come on,
Charlie. Let's go somewhere quiet," he says, his hand sliding down to my
hip. His erection presses against my ass, but it doesn't send thrills through
me the way Daddy does.
"No, I should actually find Bella. We should have been home an hour
"Don't be such a prude," he slurs, pushing his erection harder against
me. He grabs my hand, leading me out of the party and into the darkness.
"Let me go," I shout, but he doesn't stop, dragging me to a parked car. Panic
grips me as I realize what's happening. And that's when I remember my
panic bracelet. I press it. Daddy will come for me. I know he will.
I try to pull away from Jay, but he's too strong. "Let go of me!" I
scream, struggling to break free. But it's no use. There are partygoers
everywhere, but nobody notices, and if they do, they don't give a fuck.
Jay shoves me against the car, his hands roaming over my body. I feel
sick to my stomach as he tries to kiss me, his breath reeking of alcohol. I try
to push him away, but he's too forceful.
And then, suddenly, a voice cuts through the darkness. "Get away from
I look up to see Daddy standing there, his eyes blazing with anger. In
that moment, I feel a surge of relief and love wash over me. Despite
everything, he's here to protect me.
Jay stumbles back, startled by Daddy's sudden appearance. But he
quickly recovers, his eyes narrowing. "Fuck off, old man. This has nothing
to do with you," he sneers.
But Daddy doesn't back down. He steps forward, his fists clenched.
"You touched my daughter, and that makes it my business," he growls.
There's a moment of tense silence as the two men face off. And then,
suddenly, Jay turns and runs, disappearing back into the house.
Daddy turns to me, his eyes softening. "Are you okay?" he asks, his
hand gentle on my shoulder.
I nod, feeling tears prick at my eyes. "Thank you, Daddy," I whisper.
"Thank you for coming."
He pulls me into a tight hug, and I bury my face in his chest. In that
moment, I realize that no matter what happens, he'll always be there for me.
And I know that I'll never take him for granted again. He settles me in his
truck, then gets Bella. She's drunk off her ass, and he has to practically
carry her to her door. Her mother apologizes to Daddy, and soon, we're on
our way home. The silence stretches between us like a thick fog, but I don't
know what to say. I'm still processing everything.
As we pull into our driveway, Daddy turns to me. "Charlie, I don’t give
a fuck what's happened between us. I want you to know that I'll always be
here for you. No matter what. Always."
Tears prick at my eyes. "I know, Daddy. And I'm sorry for everything."
He reaches over and takes my hand. "Me too, baby. I love you."
I smile through my tears. "I love you too, Daddy."
We sit there for a moment longer, just holding hands, before Daddy
finally breaks the silence. "Let's go inside. It's been a long night."
As we walk into the house, I can't help but feel grateful that I have a
father who loves and protects me, no matter what. And I know that no
matter what happens in the future, I'll always have him by my side.
"Daddy," I whisper when we enter the darkened foyer. "I need you
tonight." I take a deep breath, suddenly feeling vulnerable. "I just need to be
close to you. Can we watch a movie or something?"
Daddy nods, his hand gentle on my back as he leads me to the living
room. We settle on the couch, and he wraps his arm around me, pulling me
close. I rest my head on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart
beneath my ear.
We put on a movie, but I don't really pay attention to it. Instead, I focus
on the warmth of Daddy's body next to mine, the steady rhythm of his
breathing. I feel safe and protected in his arms, and I know that I never want
to be without him. As the movie ends, Daddy leans down and presses a kiss
to the top of my head. "Are you feeling better, Charlie?" he asks.
I nod. "Thank you, Daddy. I don't know what I'd do without you."
He pulls me into a tight hug. "You'll never have to find out, sweetheart.
I'll always be here for you."
In the hallway that separates our bedrooms, we stand, and look at each
other. "Can I sleep in your bed tonight, Daddy?" Even as I say it, I can feel
the electricity crackling between us.
"You've been drinking, not tonight."
"I had two drinks, and it's not enough to make me drunk, Daddy.
Please," I plead, stepping closer to him.
He looks at me with a mixture of apprehension and desire, his hand
reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. "Charlie, you know we
can't do this."
"I need you," I say, my voice barely above a whisper.
He hesitates for a moment, his eyes scanning my face. Finally, he nods.
"Okay, but we're just going to sleep, baby girl. Nothing more."
I nod eagerly, feeling my heart race as he takes my hand and leads me to
his bedroom. Where he slept with her for years. I sat outside that door
listening to them fuck, and in the early days, I didn't even know what they
were doing. He's changed the sheets and covers. I selected these, gray,
masculine. He undresses to his boxers and then slips into bed, pulling back
the covers. I do the same, and his eyes darken with desire as I climb into
bed next to him in just my black lace underwear.
We lie there for a few moments, just breathing in sync. But soon, the
tension between us becomes too much. His hand reaches out to stroke my
hair, and I turn to face him, my hand resting on his chest. Without a word,
we lean into each other, and our lips meet in a hungry, desperate kiss.
Chapter Nine


I can feel the heat of her body as we draw closer together, and my heart
races with the need to devour her. But I also know I need to take it slow.
Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pull her closer, feeling her soft lips
against mine. Our tongues begin to move in sync as we explore each other's
mouths in a passionate tango.
I can't help but let out a low growl as my hands roam freely over her
body, caressing every curve and dip. Her fingers are tangled in my hair,
pulling me closer into the kiss as our passion intensifies.
"Daddy," she whispers, and it is the most beautiful sound.
The heat between us grows, and my hunger builds. My hands move
down to her hips, digging into her soft flesh.

The kiss gets more intense, and I can feel her responding to my touch as her
hands move freely over my back, urging me on. My fucking princess, my
girl. This is everything I never knew I needed.
Breaking the kiss, we look at each other, our eyes filled with desire and
longing. "Fuck me, Daddy. Make me yours."
I growl at her words. I am going to fuck her in the bed I made her in.
I hover over her, kissing and nibbling my way down her neck, my hands
moving down to her breasts, ripping off her bra.
"Daddy's slut loves it rough, doesn't she?" I say, dragging off my
boxers. I am like steel at the thought of what's to come.
Her moans fill the air, and the sound just drives me fucking crazy. I
slide my hand down between her legs, feeling the heat and wetness that
awaits me inside her underwear fucking her hard. Her hips buck up against
my touch, making me sink my finger deeper.
"Daddy, I need more!" She screams, and it is such a beautiful sound. I
savor every gasp and moan that escapes her lips. But soon, I can feel her
getting close to the edge, and I know it's time to take things to the next
level. Law and society be damned. This girl is mine. She was always mine.
I slide two fingers inside her, feeling her clench around me as I move in
and out with increasing speed. Her moans grow louder and more urgent,
and I can feel the heat and wetness building between her legs.
Finally, with a loud cry, she comes undone beneath me, her body
convulsing with pleasure as I continue to work her through her orgasm. As
she comes back down to earth, panting and gasping for air, I feel a sense of
satisfaction. I position myself between her legs. "Daddy is gonna take care
of you, baby. It's gonna hurt, but I'll make it all better, I swear."
She nods, giving me the permission, I need. After this, she'll be Daddy's
girl in every sense of the word.
Spread your legs, baby," I say, and like a good girl, she does as I say. I
grab her hips, positioning myself at her entrance. "You ready for me, baby?"
I ask, his voice low and husky.
"Yes," she moans.
As I slowly push myself inside her, she gasps and arches her back. I
take my time, savoring the feel of her tightness around me. She is too tiny.
Too tight. The resistance only makes me want to rip her cunt in two.
I pause for a moment, trying to control my urge to take her roughly. I
don't want to hurt her, but the desire to claim her completely is
overwhelming. I move, thrusting in and out of her with a steady rhythm,
each stroke causing her to cry out. "It hurts," she cries, but I know my baby
just needs to get through this part.
I slow down my pace, being gentle with her for now. After this, Daddy's
pet is going to do anything I want. "Shh, it's okay, baby. Just relax and
breathe," I whisper, running my hand over her hair. I continue to move
inside her, letting her get used to the sensation. As she relaxes and her body
opens to me, I pick up the pace, thrusting deeper and harder with each
Charlie's cries turn into moans of pleasure. I take one of her nipples in
my mouth, sucking and biting it gently as I continue to fuck her. It feels so
good. Her body is so responsive to me, pliable, and I'm losing myself.
"Does it feel good, baby?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.
"Yes, Daddy," she moans, her hands clutching at the sheets beneath her.
I continue to thrust into her, my hips meeting hers with each movement.
I feel like I'm losing control, like I'm falling deeper and deeper into my
body. I pull out of her, turning her over. "Baby, Daddy needs it like this,
I hold her hips and enter her from behind, the angle causing a different
sensation that makes me moan. Charlie is panting and whimpering, her
body trembling with pleasure. I start to move faster and harder, the sound of
our bodies slapping together filling the room. I can feel the tension building
inside me, the need to release growing stronger with each passing second.
I reach around and grab her breasts, squeezing them tightly as I continue
to thrust into her. She's so tight and wet around me. I feel like I could stay
inside her forever. But then I feel myself reaching the edge, the heat
building inside me until I can't hold back any longer.
"Come for Daddy, Princess," I growl.
I pick up the pace, my thrusts becoming harder and faster as I feel my
orgasm building. Charlie moans and writhes beneath me, her body
responding to my touch. I can feel her walls clenching around me as she
gets closer and closer to her own release. And then it hits me, the pleasure
shooting through me like an electric shock. I let out a deep groan as I come
inside her, my seed spilling deep within her.
Chapter Ten


"T here she is," Katie says. Kay runs into the house next to her, yelling at
the top of his lungs for Daddy.
"Aunty Kate. I missed you," I wrap my arms around her.
She moves back, "Let me look at you. You're glowing. It's a boy, isn't it?
Your Mom was the same way when she met your dad…" She trails off, and
my face heats because she is not far off. It is a boy, well, a man, that has me
this happy. "I knew it," she laughs. "Tell me everything. Is he hot? Indie?"
I blush even deeper at her questions, but I can't help but smile. "He's
amazing, Aunt Kate. I've never felt this way before," I say, my voice soft
with affection because Daddy really is.
"He better be good to you," she says, giving me a stern look. "I won't
hesitate to break his legs if he hurts you."
I laugh, knowing she means it. "He's wonderful, Aunt Kate. I really
think he's the one."
She pulls me into a hug. "I'm so happy for you, sweetheart. You deserve
all the happiness in the world." I do, and Daddy is the one that makes me
We continue to catch up on school and my little brother's latest antics.
She had the most awesome time with him. I'm grateful for the distraction, as
it allows me to avoid the subject of Daddy. But as the visit comes to an end,
Aunt Kate can't resist bringing it up again.
"So, when will we meet this mystery man?" she asks with a sly grin.
I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks as I try to devise an excuse. "Um,
I'm not sure yet. We're taking things slow," I say, hoping she won't push the
issue further.
But Aunt Kate is persistent. "Well, you have to introduce him to me
eventually. We all want to make sure he's good enough for you," she says,
giving me a pointed look.
Daddy is my secret to protect. No one will understand what we have
and how happy he makes me.
We chat for a while longer, catching up on each other's lives. "Have you
seen her or heard from her?" I ask the burning question. My mother. She
looks at me sadly.
"I'm sorry, Charlie. I haven't seen or heard from her since she left," Aunt
Kate says, her voice soft and sympathetic. "Your mom… she's
I nod, feeling a mix of sadness and anger. My mother abandoned us,
leaving my father to raise me and my little brother alone. Who leaves a two-
year-old? Kay doesn't even know the woman. It’s been tough, but we
"I don't need her," I say, my voice firm. "I have Daddy and Kay and
you. That's all I need."
Aunt Kate smiles at me, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "I'm glad you feel
that way, sweetheart. You deserve all the love and happiness in the world."
I nod, feeling grateful for the family I do have. We continue to talk for a
while longer before she realizes it's getting late and heads home. As I say
my goodbyes, Aunt Kate hugs me tightly, whispering in my ear, "Don't
forget, I'm always here for you."
I nod, feeling comforted by her words, and make my way inside.

"Crawl to Daddy," his voice is commanding, and I have no choice but to

obey. I'm soaking wet already as I crawl to my daddy on my hands and
He grabs my hair and pulls me towards him as I reach him, making me
moan in pleasure. "That's it, baby. Come to Daddy," he whispers, his breath
hot against my ear. He releases my hair and caresses my cheek, making me
look up at him. I see the desire in his eyes, and I know what he wants. I
open my mouth and stick out my tongue, ready to please him.
He grabs the back of my head, guiding me towards his cock. I take him
in my mouth, sucking and licking as he groans in pleasure. His hand
tightens in my hair as he thrusts deeper into my mouth. He slaps me hard,
and I love how vicious he is. I feel his cock twitch, and I know he's close. I
keep sucking, but then he pulls out.
Get on your back, baby," he says, catching his breath. He lifts a banana
not nearly as thick as his cock, but it’s a big one, and I flush. "Let's see how
you do with this baby. If you're good, I'll let you eat it."
I lay back, feeling the coolness of the sheets against my skin. Daddy's
eyes are dark with desire as he positions the banana at my entrance. He
slowly pushes it inside, watching as I moan in pleasure. It's thick and hard,
just like Daddy's cock, and I can't help but imagine it's him inside of me.
I start to move my hips, riding the banana as Daddy watches with
approval. "That's it, baby. Show Daddy how much you love it," he says, his
voice low and husky.
I can feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge, my body on fire
with pleasure. Daddy watches me with intense focus, his hand moving to
his own cock as he strokes himself.
"Come for me, baby. Show Daddy how much you love it," he growls,
and that's all it takes for me to let go. I scream as pleasure overtakes me, my
body shaking with the force of my orgasm.
Daddy watches me, then draws the banana out, pushing it between my
lips as he sinks his cock in me.
I moan around the banana as Daddy starts to move inside me again. It's
an intense sensation, the combination of his cock and the banana filling me
up completely. I can feel myself building toward another orgasm, and I
know Daddy can, too, by the way, his hips move faster and more urgently.
“Suck your juices off it, my sweet little slut.” I lick and moan around
the fruit the way Daddy wants. Then he removes the fruit, leaning down to
kiss me, his tongue tangling with mine as we moan. I can feel him getting
closer, his body tense and his breathing ragged.
"Come with me, baby girl," he whispers against my lips, and that's all it
takes for us both to explode in pleasure. We cling to each other as the waves
of ecstasy wash over us, our bodies shuddering together until we both
collapse spent and satisfied.
Daddy rolls off me, pulling me into his arms as we catch our breath.
"You were amazing, baby," he murmurs, kissing my forehead softly. "I love
you so much."
I snuggle closer to him, feeling safe and loved in his arms. "I love you
too, Daddy," I whisper, and we both drift off to sleep.
A scream wakes us both, and, in the doorway, stands my mom, shaking
with rage, her face twisted in disgust.
THE END… for now
About the Author

Lily Black is an indie author who writes dark and deliciously taboo stories to feed your darkest most
devious desires.

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