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Eduardo Ribeiro – Março 2024

1. How would you describe Aaron's initial situation at the beginning of the

a) Financially stable with a supportive family

b) Facing financial difficulties as a single mother of three
c) Successfully employed with a stable job
d) Living comfortably with a wealthy spouse

2. What motivated Aaron to take action despite her own challenges?

a) Her desire to become famous

b) Her love for her family and community
c) Her pursuit of wealth and power
d) Her interest in solving mysteries

3. What was the main issue Aaron uncovered in Hinckley?

a) Environmental pollution caused by a local factory

b) Poor healthcare facilities in the town
c) Lack of educational opportunities for children
d) Corruption within the local government

4. How did Aaron's actions impact the people of Hinckley?

a) Improved access to clean water and healthcare

b) Increased unemployment and poverty
c) Decline in community trust and cooperation
d) Rise in crime rates and social unrest

5. What was the outcome of Aaron and Ed's legal battle against PG&E?

a) PG&E was acquitted of all charges

b) Aaron and Ed received substantial financial compensation
c) PG&E was ordered to pay $333 million to the people of Hinckley
d) Aaron and Ed decided to drop the case due to lack of evidence

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