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Materials: Yarns: Alize Cotton Gold 446 (Powder Color), Etrofil Jeans 060 (Brick Color), Alize Cotton Gold 690 (Brown), Alize Cotton Gold 62 (White) , 2.00 mm hook, Scissors, Needle, 6 mm safety eyes, Poly-Fibre, Tweezers Abbreviations: Sc: Single Crochet, Inc: Increase, Dec: Decrease, Dc: Double Crochet, Tr: Triple Crochet ,Pc: Popcorn, Flo: Front Loops Only, SI St: Slip Stitch NOTES: The areas written in this color will be crocheted with brick color. The areas written in this color will be crocheted with powder color. Popcorn: step 1: make 5 dc's in the same stitch step 2: Remove your hook from the last stitch and insert it into the first double crochet you made. Step 3: Insert your hook into the last stitch. Step 4: Pull the last stitch through the first double crochet. Step 5: Once the loop is around your hook you can tighten the loop ee @lamaguuminir BODY R1: na magic ring, 6 sc (6) R2: Increase x 6 (12) R3:(1sc, inc)x6 (18) R4: (2 sc, inc)x6 (24) RS: 8 sc, 1 popcorn, 6 sc, 1 popcorn, 8 sc. R6: 8 sc, sc in 3rd de opcorn, 6sc,scin 3rd dc on popcorn, 8 sc (24) R7: 24 sc (24) R8: 6 sc, 1 popcorn, 10 sc, 1 popcorn, 6 sc (24) R9: 6 sc, sc in 3rd dc on popcorn, 10 sc, sc in 3rd dc on popcorn,6 sc (24) R10: (1 sc, dec)x8 (16) R11: FLO (1 sc, inc)x8 (24) R12: (1sc, inc)x12 (36) R13-18: 36 sc (36) (6 rows) Place eyes between the 15th and 16th rounds, between 15-16th and 23-24th stitches. R19: (4 sc, dec)x6 (30) R20: (3 sc, dec)x6 (24) is R21: (2 sc, dec)x6 (18) R22: (1sc, dec)x6 (12) @la NegueuwmMrinen the body is finished it R23: 6 dec (6) should look like this. EARS NOSE R1: Make a slip knot and chain 5, R1: Make a slip knot and chain 4, R2: from 2nd ch, R2: from 2nd ch, 1sc,1dc,1tr,1sc. (1inc, 1sc, 1inc)x2 *Make another one. Make sl st where the other horn ends: R1: Make aslip knot and chain 5, EAR R2: from 2nd ch, 4 sc. R3:1ch and turn, 2 sl st, ch 3, from 2nd ch, 2 sc. Make sl st where the other horn ends and finish the horn. *Make another one. Pass the above yarn ith a needle all the ~ way tothe down SCARE With wittte yar, Gai, from and dh 50 lst, Now, sew ears, nose and horns. Put on the deer's scarf. Congratulations! You successfully finished your own deer!! Thope you enjoyed the pattern. If you make this deer don't forget to tag me too because I would love to see it!

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