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26/7/2016 Clefairy (with pattern) by HerOnceWhiteWings on DeviantArt


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Clefairy (with pattern) Watch

by HerOnceWhiteWings
Artisan Crafts / Dolls, Plushies & Custom Toys / Amigurumi ©2016 HerOnceWhiteWings Pokemon Pen Pokemon Paper by
#clefairy #crochet #pattern #pokemon #amigurumi GeoPyroLoyhaI

For more pictures, please see my tumblr post here: eternal­flame­… @

Being back so soon is certainly unlikely for me But since I did write down my stitches (and happen
to like the finished doll), I decided to offer this little cutie as a free pattern as well I found some
pink yarn I had forgotten and decided to make something with it. I hope you like.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crocheting and Knitting b y sweet­misery788
If you have a question or notice mistakes, drop a comment and I will try to reply as soon as I can.
I consider this pattern to be fairly simple, and I'll try to explain everything as well as I can, however
I do strongly recommend you give it a read before you start.
She comes out quite small (my brother cupped her with both his hands ) so if you want a
Clefairy that's huggable, you can double the yarn and use a thicker hook.
I deliberately made the wings and tail a slightly darker pink, but that's optional.
I also chose to do the ears half/half between pink and brown because I think it looks cuter, but it
should be easy to crochet the inside of the ear if you want it to be 100% accurate. View More
The eyes and mouth are needle felted. Alternatively, you can cut the pieces from felt and sew them
on. I prefer needle felting because, personally, I don't like the way felt looks on an amigurumi toy.
Please share your work with me if you use this patter, I would love to see. More from DeviantArt
Crochet hook (I used a 3.5mm and 3mm hook)
Worsted weight yarn in colors: pink/baby pink, dark pink, dark brown, white
Tapestry needle

MRX: magic ring of X stitches
ChX: chain of X stitches
sc: single crochet
inc: single crochet increase
incX: do X sc stitches on same stitch
dec: single crochet decrease
dc: double crochet
tr: triple crochet

HEAD/BODY (pink)
1. MR6
2. inc all (12)
3. inc, sc (18)
4. inc, sc2 (24)
5. inc, sc3 (30) Browse More Like This · Shop Similar Prints
6. inc, sc4 (36)
7. inc, sc5 (42)­with­pattern­604362957 1/5
26/7/2016 Clefairy (with pattern) by HerOnceWhiteWings on DeviantArt
8. sc around (42)
Featured in Groups
9. inc, sc6 (48)
10­11: sc around (2 rounds total) (48)
12. inc, sc7 (54) nintendo‐fc g
13. sc around (54)
Nintendo Fan Club
14. inc, sc8 (60)
15­16. sc around (2 rounds total) (60)
17. inc, sc9 (66) Poke‐fanclub g
18­22. sc around (5 rounds total) (66) All Poke­Fans welcome!
23. dec, sc9 (60)
24. sc around (60)
25. dec, sc8 (54) NerdCrafters g
26. sc around (54)
27. dec, sc7 (48)
28. dec, sc6 (42)
29. dec, sc5 (36) Knitting‐and‐Crochet g
Now might be a good idea to start stuffing. The crocheting will give the body the egg­like shape, so
just stuff evenly and quite firmly, but be careful not to overstuff as it might look stiff. Keep stuffing
until the end.
30. dec, sc4 (30) 151Pokemon g
31. dec, sc3 (24) First Gen Pokemon fan art!
32. dec, sc2 (18)
33. dec, sc (12)
34. dec all (6) Freakgurumi g
35. Sew the hole shut tightly, break off and hide the tail.

EARS (make 2) (pink, brown)

Start with brown. 1. MR4
2. inc all (8) Add to a Group
3. inc, sc (12)
4. sc around (12)
5. inc, sc2 (16)
6. sc around (16)
Switch to pink. 7. inc, sc3 (20)
8. inc, sc4 (24) Submitted on April 21
9. sc around (24) Image Size 1.7 MB
10. inc, sc5 (28), slip stitch and break off. Leave tail for sewing later.
Resolution 2448×2448
HEAD CURL (pink)
1. MR6
2. inc, sc (9)
3. inc, sc2 (12) Thumb
4. inc, sc3 (16) :thumb604362957:
5. sc around for 14 rounds. (You can add or remove rounds depending on how long you want the curl
to be). Embed
Stuff lightly. I flattened the open end and sewed it shut. <object width="450" height="460"><param name="movie" value

ARMS(pink) (make 2)
1. MR6
2. inc all (12) Stats
3. sc around (12)
Views 1,061 (52 today)
4. inc, sc2 (16)
Favourites 49 (who?)
5. sc around(16)
6. do not ch1, turn, sc8 Comments 16
7. do not ch1, turn, sc 18 around (on the turning points that go higher, do 2 sc to make it look more
even. That's where the 2 extra stitches come from), and continue with 9sc. slip stitch and break off
Camera Data
FINGERS (3mm hook, make 2 pink, 4 white ones)
1. MR4 Make Apple
2. inc, sc (6) Model iPhone 4S
Shutter Speed 1/20 second
LEGS (pink) (make 2)
Aperture F/2.4
1. MR6
2. inc all (12) Focal Length 4 mm
3. inc, sc (18) ISO Speed 160
4. inc, sc2 (24) Date Taken Apr 21, 2016, 2:17:00 PM
5. sc around (24) Software Microsoft Windows Photo Viewer
6. inc, sc3 (30)
7. do not ch1, turn, sc 14
8. do not ch1, turn, sc13
9. continue with sc20 (again, when you hit the turning point, do 2 sc on there). slip stitch and break
off Report Deviation

TOES (white) (make 2)

1. MR6
2. inc, sc2 (8)
3. sc4, do not complete round. slip stitch and break off

CHEEKS (dark pink) (make 2)

1. Ch4
2. inc (we'll call the very first sc the first stitch), sc, inc6
3. on other side of chain, sc, sc in starting chain, slip stitch on first stitch, break off

WINGS (pink) (MAKE 4)

An alternative of this (bad) wing pattern is simply any YouTube video of how to crochet an applique
heart I found many I liked, but I was bored to follow them because they were so long, so I
12 dc in MR
ch4, tr in same stitch
tr increase
dc increase
dc increase­with­pattern­604362957 2/5
26/7/2016 Clefairy (with pattern) by HerOnceWhiteWings on DeviantArt
dc, tr in same stitch IN THAT ORDER
tr increase
in same stitch, tr, ch4, slip stitch, ch4, tr
tr increase
tr, dc in same stitch IN THAT ORDER
dc increase
tr increase
slip stitchon start and break off
The reason why I made 4 is because I wanted to hide the wrong sides. Take 2 hearts, right sides
facing out, and join them with a sc border (make a slip stitch in the center so that the heart tops
keep their shape)

TAIL (pink)
1. MR6
2. inc all (12)
3. inc, sc (18)
sc around for 40­45 rounds, depending on how long you want it to look like.
Stuff as you go, and unlike the head curl, I suggest you do not close the tail.

I recommend pinning everything down before sewing, ESPECIALLY the curl and tail. Sew the ears on
the body. Sew the flat part of the curl between and a little behind the ears (should be on about the
same round as the further back part of the ears), then curl it and pin it in place. Sew it when you are
Sew the arms on each side of the body. The turning points have given them a bit of an angle. Next,
sew the fingers. The pink ones are the thumbs.
Sew the legs on each side. Again, the turning points have given them an angle so you should be able
to tell left from right. If you find it difficult to pin them while stuffed, you can sew half of the leg, then
stuff it and sew the rest. Sew the toes near the bottom, the two increases are the sides. If you pinch
and pin accordingly, they should look somewhat oval­shaped.
Pin the tail before you sew it. I suggest you place it low on the back, that way Clefairy will stand on
her own because of it. I did not flatten the open end because I wanted it to look rounder and chubby.
Once you've attached it, curl it the way you want and pin it. Sew when you're satisfied. I curled it
parallel to the body, if you want to curl it in a different direction, you may have to position the base
elsewhere. If you like how i did it, check my tumblr post for more references.
Pin the wings just above the tail, and sew their base on the body. Leave the rest free.
I suggest you attach the cheeks after you've made the eyes and mouth.

respect the time and effort I put into designing and writing this down, so DO NOT claim my pattern
as your own.
DO NOT sell this pattern, or any items made from this pattern. Please respect Nintendo's copyright.
Credit me should you use this pattern by linking back to this deviation or my tumblr post.
eternal­flame­… @

You may share the pattern through this deviation, however DO NOT repost on your site.
Should you adapt this pattern or build a new one based on it, make sure to credit me for the
original pattern.
I do not own this character, and am in no way affiliated with Nintendo or Pokemon. All I own is the
pattern I designed.
I made no profit sharing this pattern, and decided to publish it for free as a thank you to the crochet
and amigurumi community. I wanted to give back what little I could, since looking at patterns other
people designed has helped me improve my skills this past year.
Once again, please let me see what you make


KaraSnape ­ Add a Comment:

100 Nested Oldest First

Louie‐Jr Apr 21, 2016 Hobbyist Writer

This is a super cute and creative yarn plushy! I just love how you portrayed the little

Reply Louie Delk, my friend.

HerOnceWhiteWings Apr 21, 2016 Hobbyist Traditional Artist

Thank you very much

Revenge is sweeter than you ever were

Don't ever be afraid of the deepest dark because without it there would not be the
Reply brightest light.

Louie‐Jr Apr 21, 2016 Hobbyist Writer

You're always welcome!

Reply Louie Delk, my friend.­with­pattern­604362957 3/5

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