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Sweet Oddity Art

Owen the Otter Crochet Pattern

Copyright 2019 of Sweet Oddity Art. All Rights Reserved. You are not allowed to sell this pattern.
You are not allowed to distribute or publish this pattern in any form. You are not allowed to
alter this pattern in any form.

Sweet Oddity Art 1

Pattern Details

14 inches from bottom of foot to top of head with weight 4 yarn and a 3.25 mm hook

Skill Level Needed:

Intermediate- suitable for novice crocheters, requires patience and precisions when assembling
the otter and basic crochet skills.

Contact Info:
If you have any questions or concerns about this pattern, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Materials Needed:
Yarn: Worsted weight #4, approximately 150g of main color, 50g of accent colors
Color A: brown, Color B: cream, Color C: pink
Hook Size: D Hook or 3.25 mm
15 mm safety eyes, 27 mm dog nose(can be purchased at
Scissors, sewing needle, stitch marker, fiberfill stuffing
Whiskers(optional) I purchased mine on etsy from stuffedpandastudios

mr= magic ring- crochet single crochet stitches in to the
adjustable loop BLO= back loops only
ch= chain stitch inc3= 3 sc in the same stitch
sc= single crochet stitch
sl= slip stitch
dc= double crochet stitch
inc= increase- make two single crochet stitches in the same stitch
dec=decrease- crochet two stitches together using the decrease method
(4 sc, inc) x 6= repeat the pattern between parentheses 6 times

• Do not join rounds unless stated, work in a continuous spiral
• Use a stitch marker to mark the beginning of each round
• All stitches are worked in both loops unless stated otherwise in the pattern

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Crocheted from front of nose to back of head
Starting Color B:
Ch 6
1. sc in 2nd chain from hook, 3 sc, inc3 in last chain, working on the opposite side of the chain: 3
sc, inc= 12
2. inc, 3 sc, inc x 3, 3 sc, inc x 2= 18
3. sc, inc, 4 sc, inc, sc, inc, sc, inc, 4 sc, inc, sc, inc= 24
4. (3 sc, inc) x 6= 30
5. (4 sc, inc) x 6= 36
Change to Color A:
6-7. sc in each st around
8. (5 sc, inc) x 6= 42
9. Make 3 sc, leave the rest of the stitches unworked. Move stitch marker to the last stitch of
this row. This stitch will be the new beginning of each row from now.
10. 12 sc, (4 sc, inc) x 6= 48
11. 12 sc, (5 sc, inc) x 6= 54
12. 12 sc, (6 sc, inc) x 6= 60
13-19. sc in each st around
Place nose between the eyes, between rows 6 and 7.
Place eyes between rows 10 and 11, leaving 14 holes between them. 1st eye is placed one hole
before the 2nd increase. Count 14 holes after the first eye and place the 2nd eye. If you want
the sunken eye look, do not place the backs of the eyes on until row 24.
TIP! You may have to adjust the eye placement depending on yarn and hook size you use.
20. (8 sc, dec) x 6= 54
21. sc in each st around
22. (7 sc, dec) x 6= 48
23. (6 sc, dec) x 6= 42
24. (5 sc, dec) x 6= 36
Now for the eyes. Stuff the head well. Cut a long piece of yarn and remove the eyes. Place the
needle in the hole where the first eye was and thread the needle into a hole next to the eye
hole. Go back and forth between each eye hole repeating the process from the first eye. Pull
slightly on the yarn after going through each hole. Do this about 3 times on each side until you
reach the look you want. Follow the pictures for help. There is also a youtube video I have for
extra help on this process.
To place the backs of the eyes you will need to remove most of the stuffing to place the
washers on the eyes then re stuff it.
25. (4 sc, dec) x 6= 30
26. (3 sc, dec) x 6= 24
27. (2 sc, dec) x 6= 18
28. (sc, dec) x 6= 12
29. Dec x 6= 6
F/O and sew the hole closed
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Body: Flippers(Make 2):
With Color A: With Color A:
1. Make 6 sc into a magic ring= 6 1. Make 6 sc into a magic ring= 6
2. Increase in each st around= 12 2. Increase in each st around= 12
3. (sc, inc) x 6= 18 3. Sc in each st around
4. (2 sc, inc) x 6= 24 4. (sc, inc) x 6= 18
5. (3 sc, inc) x 6= 30 5-7. Sc in each st around
6. (4 sc, inc) x 6= 36 8. Dec x 3, 12 sc= 15
7. (5 sc, inc) x 6= 42 9-10. Sc in each st around
8. (6 sc, inc) x 6= 48 Start stuffing the flippers
9. (7 sc, inc) x 6= 54 11. (3 sc, dec) x 3= 12
10. 4 sc, (inc, sc) x 3, 5 sc, (inc, sc) x 3, 33 sc= 60 12-16. Sc in each st around
11-15. sc in each st around Stop stuffing the arms
16. 4 sc, (dec, sc) x 3, 5 sc, (dec, 2 sc) x 3, 30 sc= 54 17-18. Sc in each st around
17-19. sc in each st around F/O and leave a long tail for sewing
20. 4 sc, (dec, sc) x 3, 5 sc, (dec, sc) x 3, 27 sc= 48
21-22. sc in each st around
23. (6 sc, dec) x 6= 42
24-25. sc in each st around
26. (5 sc, dec) x 6= 36
27-28. sc in each st around
Start stuffing the body
29. (4 sc, dec) x 6= 30
30-31. sc in each st around
32. (3 sc, dec) x 6= 24
33-34. sc in each st around
35. (2 sc, dec) x 6= 18
F/O and leave a long tail for sewing

Ears(Make 2):
With Color A:
1. Make 6 sc into a magic ring= 6
2. turn, ch 1, inc in each st across= 12
F/O and leave a long tail for sewing

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Legs(Make 2): Tail:
With Color A: With Color A:
1. Make 6 sc into a magic ring= 6 1. Make 4 sc into a magic ring= 4
2. Increase in each st around= 12 2. (inc, sc) x 2= 6
3. (sc, inc) x 6= 18 3. (inc, 2 sc) x 2= 8
4. (5 sc, inc) x 3= 21 4. (inc, 3 sc) x 2= 10
5-7. sc in each st around 5-7. Sc in each st around
Stuff the feet lightly as you work stuff the tail as you work
8. 5 sc, dec x 3= 18 8. (inc, 4 sc) x 2= 12
9. sc in each st around 9-11. Sc in each st around
10. (4 sc, dec) x 3= 15 12. (inc, 5 sc) x 2= 14
11. sc in each st around 13-15. Sc in each st around
12. (3 sc, dec) x 3= 12 16. (inc, 6 sc) x 2= 16
13-15. sc in each st around 17-18. Sc in each st around
16. dec x 6= 6 19. (inc, 7 sc) x 2= 18
F/O and leave a long tail for sewing 20-21. Sc in each st around
22. (inc, 8 sc) x 2= 20
23-24. sc in each st around
25. (inc, 9 sc) x 2= 22
26-27. sc in each st around
F/O and leave a long tail for sewing

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1. Take some brown yarn and thread the needle. Insert the hook from the bottom of the
Face and bring it out right under the nose. Bring it back under the face pulling tightly on
The yarn. Do this twice.
2. Weave in the ends of the yarn.

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Head and Body:
1. Pin the head onto the body for extra support. You may need to add more stuffing as
you sew. Make sure the bump in the body is facing the same way as the face.
2. sew the head onto the body.

1. Pin the flipper in a forward facing angle. There are no particular rows I place them on
as it depends on how you stuff, shape, etc. its just better to judge how you want them.
2. Sew the arm onto the body.

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1. Embroider some toes with dark brown yarn. Take a long piece of yarn and thread the
needle. Mark 2 spots with pins on the foot. Insert the needle into the bottom of the foot
and come up through to the top where the pin is. Take the pin out and go back to the
bottom of the foot and pull tightly on the yarn as you thread. Do this process twice on
each toe.
2. Turn the body upside down with the nose facing away from you.
3. Pin the legs onto the bottom of the body.
There are no special rows for this, just depends on the look you would like. I don’t place
mine in between any special rows. I just judge based on how the individual doll looks.
4. Sew the legs onto the body.

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1. Pin the ears onto the top of the head. I do not have certain rows I place these on.
Since these are handmade, I never am able to stuff the head the same exact way twice. I
just place the ears where they look best on the head above the eyes judged on each
individual doll.
2. Sew the ears onto the head.

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1. Pin the tail onto the back of the body
2. Sew the tail onto the back of the body. You may need to add more stuffing as you

1. For the whiskers you are going to want to take about 7 of them if you decide to use
them. They are quite challenging to work with if you do. This video is how I attached
my whiskers.
2. Embroider some cheeks with pink yarn

You have your finished Owen the Otter! Thank you for your purchase! If you have any questions
or concerns please email me at or etsy convo me. I will get back to
you asap. Please share your finished otter with me as often as you want! I love seeing them!

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