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WHO CNS5 2021 includes specific mutations in gliomas that

can be identified with MRI quantitative biomarkers
Melissa García-Lezama,1 José Damián Carrillo-Ruiz,1 Sergio Moreno-Jiménez2
and Ernesto Roldán-Valadez1*
Directorate of Research, Hospital General de México “Dr. Eduardo Liceaga”; 2Directorate of Surgery, Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía
“Manuel Velasco Suárez”. Mexico City, Mexico


In 2021, the latest version of the World Health Organization classification of central nervous system tumors (WHO CNS5) was
published, which is considered an international standard. The first editions of this classification were based on histological
characteristics and, subsequently, aspects related to new knowledge were incorporated. In the 2016 revision, molecular char-
acteristics were implemented for the classification and staging of gliomas, such as the presence of mutations in IDH1 or IDH2.
Currently, advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques allow assessing for the presence of 2-HG (increased
oncometabolite that precedes IDH mutations), whereby IDH mutations can be indirectly identified, without invasive procedures
being required. Advanced MRI is a growing field, highly useful for diagnosis and management of different pathologies. This
document addresses the implications of WHO CNS5 classification in the evaluation of gliomas, as well as historical aspects,
the bases of conventional MRI, and advanced MRI sequences useful in current classification.

KEYWORDS: Biomarkers. Glioblastoma. Gliomas. Magnetic resonance imaging.

WHO CNS5 2021 incluye mutaciones específicas en gliomas que pueden ser
identificadas con biomarcadores cuantitativos de resonancia magnética

En 2021 se publicó la última versión de la clasificación de tumores del sistema nervioso central de la Organización Mundial
de la Salud (WHO CNS5 por sus siglas en inglés), considerada un estándar internacional. Las primeras ediciones se basaron
en características histológicas y posteriormente se incorporaron aspectos relacionados con nuevos conocimientos. En la re-
visión de 2016 se implementaron características moleculares para la clasificación y estadificación de los gliomas, como la
presencia de mutaciones en IDH1 y IDH2. Actualmente, las técnicas de resonancia magnética avanzada permiten valorar la
presencia de 2-HG (oncometabolito incrementado ante mutaciones en IDH), de forma que indirectamente y sin procedimien-
tos invasivos pueden identificarse las mutaciones en IDH. La resonancia magnética avanzada es un procedimiento aún en
desarrollo, de gran utilidad para el diagnóstico y manejo de distintas patologías. En el presente documento se abordan las
implicaciones de la WHO CNS5 en la evaluación de gliomas, así como aspectos históricos, las bases de la resonancia mag-
nética convencional y secuencias de resonancia magnética avanzada útiles en la clasificación actual.

PALABRAS CLAVE: Biomarcadores. Glioblastoma. Gliomas. Resonancia magnética.

*Correspondence: Date of reception: 22-09-2022 Gac Med Mex. 2023;159:161-168

Ernesto Roldán-Valadez Date of acceptance: 30-11-2022 Contents available at PubMed
E-mail: DOI: 10.24875/GMM.M22000757
0016-3813/© 2022 Academia Nacional de Medicina de México, A.C.. Published by Permanyer. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

Gaceta Médica de México. 2023;159

Background tumor and that it is necessary for the treatment plan

to be changed. A historical description of WHO CNS5
classification is included, as well as a summary of the
The World Health Organization published the fifth
most relevant changes in the classification, current
edition of the Classification of Tumors of the Central
concepts in conventional MRI diagnosis for glioblas-
Nervous System (WHO CNS5) in 2021. Previous four
toma, and a brief description of advanced MRI tech-
editions corresponded to the years 1979, 1993, 2000,
niques that identify the aforementioned mutations.
and 2007, and there was a subsequent revision in
2016.1,2 In the WHO CNS5 classification, 22 new
Historical aspects
types of tumors are recognized; in addition, the no-
menclature for some tumors was revised in 2016 WHO CNS classification first edition was presented
based on recent findings in genetic-molecular diag- in 1979 by Zülch et al. This system has become the
nosis.1 The fifth edition emphasizes the importance international standard for CNS tumors diagnosis, with
of integrated diagnoses, some based on novel diag- periodic revisions and updated editions.6 The first edi-
nostic technologies, such as DNA methylome tion was mainly based on clinical and histological
profiling. 2 data, such as those obtained by hematoxylin-eosin
To stage severity and for the management of tu- staining; subsequent editions integrated knowledge
mors, the new classification emphasizes identifica- on immunohistochemistry, as well as molecular
tion of specific mutations (among the most relevant, biomarkers.1,2,6
in isocitrate dehydrogenase [IDH] genes) and dom- Traditionally, CNS tumors grading has been based
inance of genetic patterns, rather than histological on histological aspects, but certain molecular markers
characteristics. As a consequence of this new clas- can provide important prognostic information. For this
sification, the American Society for Radiation Oncol- reason, molecular parameters have been included as
ogy has recently published updated clinical practice biomarkers for tumor grading and subsequent prog-
guidelines for diffuse glioma with IDH mutations, nostic estimation. 2
which were published in May 2022. 3 During the sec-
ond half of 2021 and in 2022, some indexed and Changes in WHO CNS5 classification
official journals of medical specialties in the United
States that treat brain tumors published articles This edition introduces numerous relevant changes,
commenting on the subject. 2,4-6 Most these articles from the nomenclature and grading of certain tumors,
are directed at medical specialists (radiologists, on- to the addition of new types of brain tumors. In the
cologists, neurosurgeons, etc.) and address ad- fourth edition, gliomas were distributed in different
vanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) classification groups; in the fifth edition, they were
techniques that allow, in a non-invasive way, brain included in a single group called “Gliomas, glioneuro-
tumors in vivo characterization; in addition to quali- nal, and neuronal tumors”. An important aspect is the
tative morphological aspects, these techniques division of diffuse gliomas according to their frequen-
make quantification of metabolites related to muta- cy in children or adults. 2
tions in the central nervous system (CNS) possible, A specific change for the category of diffuse glio-
which is an essential part of diagnosis. These pos- mas consists of new criteria for establishing
sibilities with MRI, which until a few years ago ap- IDH-wildtype glioblastoma diagnosis: tumors classi-
peared to be science fiction, have become a reality fied due to their histopathological characteristics as
in tertiary care hospitals that have the necessary grade 2 or 3 IDH-wildtype astrocytoma were observed
technology. to frequently have an aggressive behavior, compara-
Given that the subject is one of our lines of re- ble to that of glioblastomas, which is why genetic al-
search, we have prepared this document addressed terations that could predict aggressive behavior were
to physicians who treat brain tumors (pediatricians, evaluated. The result was EGFR amplification, muta-
neurologists, oncologists, radiologists, neurosur- tions in TERTp, gain of chromosome 7 or loss of chro-
geons, etc.), in which we comment about the changes mosome 10. Currently, an IDH-wildtype astrocytoma
in WHO CNS5 classification of gliomas that can be with any of these alterations allows a glioblastoma
typified by means of advanced MRI, in order to iden- diagnosis, even if it does not exhibit typical histo-
tify genetic mutations indicative of an aggressive pathological characteristics.6 The changes in WHO
García-Lezama M et al. WHO CNS5 mutations in gliomas and biomarkers

Table 1. Differences between WHO CNS 2016 and 2021 editions


Fourth edition (2016) Fifth edition (2021)

Terms for classification Entities and variants Types and subtypes

Numeration Roman numbers Arabic numbers

Taxonomy: tumor groups Divided into 17 groups: oligodendroglial and diffuse Divided into 13 groups: gliomas, glioneuronal and
astrocytic tumors, other astrocytic tumors, ependymal neuronal tumors, choroid plexus tumors, embryonal
tumors, other gliomas, choroid plexus tumors, neuronal tumors, pineal tumors, cranial and paraspinal nerve
tumors and mixed neuronal-glial tumors, pineal tumors, meningiomas, mesenchymal and non-
region tumors, embryonal tumors, cranial nerve and meningothelial tumors involving the CNS, melanocytic
paraspinal tumors, meningiomas, mesenchymal tumors tumors, hematolymphoid tumors involving the
and non-meningothelial tumors, melanocytic tumors, CNS, germ cell tumors, tumors of the sellar region,
lymphomas, histiocytic tumors, germ cell tumors, metastases to the CNS, and genetic tumor syndromes
tumors of the sellar region and metastatic tumors involving the CNS

Staging Through different tumor entities Between the same type

Newly-recognized tumor 22

Specific changes: Gliomas, glioneuronal and neuronal tumors

Diffuse gliomas They were classified in the group of diffuse They are classified in the group of gliomas, glioneuronal
oligodendroglial and astrocytic tumors. There was no and neuronal tumors, divided in two subgroups
distinction by age according to involvement frequency in children or

Newly-recognized tumor 14

Classification Common diffuse gliomas were divided into 15 different Common diffuse gliomas are divided into 3 types
simplification entities

IDH-mutant diffuse astrocytic tumors; corresponded IDH-mutant diffuse astrocytic tumors; only IDH-mutant
to three different tumor types according to histological astrocytomas are considered and subsequently receive
parameters WHO grade 2, 3, or 4

Tumor grading Based on histological characteristics Genetic alterations can change tumor grade, even
without the corresponding histological features being
present, such as a homozygous CDKN2A/B deletion,
which results in grade 4 in IDH-mutant astrocytomas.
Similarly, IDH-wildtype glioblastoma diagnosis can
be established in the context of an IDH-wildtype
diffuse astrocytic glioma if it exhibits any of the
following mutations: mutation in TERT promoter, EGFR
amplification, gain of one chromosome 7, or loss of one
chromosome 10
CDKN2A: cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A; CNS: central nervous system; EGFR: epidermal growth factor receptor; IDH: isocitrate dehydrogenase; TERT: telomerase reverse
transcriptase; WHO CNS: World Health Organization Classification of Tumors of the Central Nervous System.

CNS5 classification, compared to previous edition, are low-grade gliomas. The prognosis of patients with
summarized in table 1. Figure 1, using an algorithm, diffuse gliomas with IDH1 or IDH2 mutations is better
describes how the diagnosis of diffuse gliomas is car- than in those with IDH-wildtype gliomas.7 These mu-
ried out according to the new classification. tations have been associated with 2-hydroxyglutara-
WHO CNS5 also emphasizes the use of molecular mate (2-HG) accumulation in the tumor.8
biomarkers for the diagnosis of gliomas, implemented
since fourth edition revision in 2016, i.e., according to Conventional MRI for diagnosis
mutations in the gene that encodes IDH1 or IDH2.
These mutations are considered an early event in the Gliomas are CNS primary tumors that arise from
genesis of gliomas and are commonly found in glial cells different lineages.9 Glioblastoma is an
Gaceta Médica de México. 2023;159

Diffuse glioma

IDH-Mutant IDH-Wildtype

Retained ATRX Mutant ATRX

One or more of the
following: Necrosis,
1p/19q codeletion 1p/19q intact, TP53 mutation microvascular
proliferation, TERT
mutation, EGFR
amplification, +7/-10
Wildtype Homozygous deletion

Necrosis and/or
microvascular proliferation

1p/19-codeleted IDH-mutant IDH-mutant IDH-Wildtype
oligodendroglioma, astrocytoma astrocytoma glioblastoma
WHO grade 2/3 WHO grade 2/3 WHO grade 4 WHO grade 4

Figure 1. Representative diagram of diffuse gliomas diagnosis according to WHO CNS5 new classification. ATRX: ATP-dependent helicase;
CDKN2A: cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A; EGFR: epidermal growth factor receptor; IDH: isocitrate dehydrogenase; TERT: telomerase
reverse transcriptase; TP53: tumor protein 53; WHO: World Health Organization.

extremely heterogeneous subtype of diffuse high- mass, relatively hypointense in all its extension if
grade gliomas, the most common in adults, the most compared with the T2 sequence, except for a hy-
lethal,9,10 and is stratified as grade 4 according to the perintense peripheral halo. Grade 3 astrocytomas
World Health Organization classification.2,10 This tumor may show higher heterogeneity on T2 and contrast
is characterized by marked neovascularity, increased enhancement. 5
mitosis, high cellularity, nuclear pleomorphism, and
microscopic evidence of necrosis. Since previous de- Advanced MRI sequences for diagnosis
cades, imaging findings describe a highly heteroge-
neous appearance, typically with central areas of
Since 2006, studies have been published on the
necrosis or hemorrhage, irregular borders, and perile-
use of advanced MRI techniques whereby it is pos-
sional edema.11
sible to quantitatively analyze images. With advanced
Gadolinium-enhanced MRI is the gold standard
MRI techniques implementation, non-invasively
for brain tumors evaluation. Conventional MRI mo-
dalities include T1 without contrast, T1 with contrast studying the tumor and peritumoral characteristics
(frequently gadolinium), FLAIR, and T2.10,12,13 Fig- useful for prognosis and treatment assessment was
ure 2 shows the classic appearance of a glioblas- made possible.14-16 Advanced MRI techniques contin-
toma using conventional imaging techniques. ue to be developed, and physicians who are not
Imaging features suggestive of a grade 2 or 3 dif- specialists in the subject may ignore them; generally,
fuse glioma include a circumscribed and supraten- there is the notion that images only show qualitative
torial, homogeneous and hyperintense mass on T2, aspects. As more knowledge on advanced imaging
typically located in the frontal or temporal lobes, has been acquired, clinicians have learned that con-
without calcifications or contrast enhancement. ventional MRI is just the tip of the iceberg. Advanced
With FLAIR, it is typical to find a homogeneous MRI techniques are divided into four types: diffusion,
García-Lezama M et al. WHO CNS5 mutations in gliomas and biomarkers


Figure 2. Conventional magnetic resonance imaging techniques used in the evaluation of brain tumors (in this case a glioblastoma). A: T1
without contrast; B: T1 with contrast; C: FLAIR; D: T2.

Figure 3. Conventional qualitative techniques (above the gray line) compared with advanced magnetic resonance imaging techniques (below
the gray line). AD: axial diffusivity; ASL: arterial spin labeling; Cho: choline; CL: linear tensor; CP: flat tensor; CS: spherical tensor; DCE: dynamic
contrast-enhanced; DSC: dynamic susceptibility contrast; FA: fractional anisotropy; mI/Cr: myo-inositol/creatine; L: diffusion tensor total mag-
nitude; NAA: N-acetyl-aspartate; P: pure isotropic diffusion; Q: pure anisotropic diffusion; RA: relative anisotropy; rCBF: relative cerebral blood
flow; rCBV: relative cerebral blood volume; RD: radial diffusivity.

perfusion, spectroscopy, and diffusion tensor. In re- modalities.12,13,17-20 Figure 3 represents the MRI tech-
cent years, we have published articles on how glio- niques; conventional modalities involve a smaller
blastoma is observed using these four imaging percentage of current imaging.
Gaceta Médica de México. 2023;159

Figure 4. MRS of a patient with a tumor positive for IDH mutation. A: chart of metabolites detected in the white box (healthy tissue zone);
B: chart of metabolites detected in the black box (tumor lesion zone). Presence of the 2-HG oncometabolite stands out in chart B (tumor), com-
pletely absent in chart A (healthy tissue). MRS: magnetic resonance spectroscopy; Cho: choline; Naa: N-acetyl-aspartate; Lac: lactate; 2-HG:
2-hydroxyglutarate; M-ins: myo-inositol.

MR spectroscopy to identify IDH mutations 3.5 ppm is used to identify gliomas with IDH1 and
IDH2 mutations, in which differences between
In gliomas, hydrogen magnetic resonance spectros- IDH-wildtype mutations and those previously classi-
copy (MRS) shows a typical image characterized by fied as “IDH-mutant” are observed. 21 Figure 4 shows
increases in lactic acid and choline in the 0.9 to 1.3 an example of the presence of 2-HG in MRS-detected
parts per million (ppm) regions, as well a decrease in tumor tissue.
N-acetyl-aspartate in the 2.0 ppm region. 21 In addition, IDH1 and IDH2 enzymes status typing
MRS has a role in the evaluation of IDH1 and IDH2 using diffusion tensor imaging has shown favorable
mutations (although, by themselves, they do not show results when artificial intelligence techniques such as
clear radiological evidence; 2-HG, an increased me- machine learning are combined. 24 In 2020, Flores Al-
tabolite in the presence of these mutations, can be vares et al. indicated that MRS and diffusion tensor
detected by MRS); its sensitivity and specificity is 100 imaging would be implemented in the World Health
and 81.3%, respectively, with these values favoring its Organization classification of brain tumors.12
diagnostic scope. 22,23
Initially, it was thought that the 2-HG metabolite Future directions
could be detected in the region between 1.91 and
2.24 ppm, but the peak of that metabolite overlapped The study of glioblastoma and other gliomas is
with glutamate, glutamine, and gamma-aminobutyric not over yet; integration of new advanced imag-
acid. For this reason, the region between 4.0 and ing techniques provides better non-invasive in vivo
García-Lezama M et al. WHO CNS5 mutations in gliomas and biomarkers

characterization of tumors.25 The use of these tech- Confidentiality of data. The authors declare that
niques at tertiary care hospitals will allow new informa- no patient data appear in this article.
tion to be obtained that may help identify the Right to privacy and informed consent. The au-
microstructure and heterogeneity of gliomas, as well as thors declare that no patient data appear in this
tumor infiltration, among other aspects, which will allow article.
better risk stratification and treatment planning.25-27
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