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Trong đề thi Olympic 30/4 , phần viết lại câu chiếm 10 câu (20 điểm), dạng chuyển đổi, viết lại câu thường
có 2 dạng (thông thường mỗi dạng 5 câu)
Dạng 1: Viết lại câu bắt đầu bằng từ cho sẵn sao cho nghĩa không đổi.
Ex: I didn’t have an umbrella, so I got wet.
if I had had an umbrella, I wouldn’t have got wet.
Thường thì các dạng chuyển đổi câu này thường là chuyển đổi về cấu trúc , ngữ nghĩa ví dụ như từ câu chủ
động sang bị động, câu điều kiện, đảo ngữ, các dạng so sánh, hoặc một số cấu trúc viết lại câu thông dụng.
Dạng 2 Viết lại câu sử dụng từ đã cho sẵn sao cho nghĩa không đổi. (Luôn lưu ý rằng các em không được
thay đổi hình thức của từ đã cho)
Đối với dạng bài này thường liên quan đến các cụm từ cố định(collocations) , các cụm thành ngữ (idioms),
các cụm phrasal verbs. Vì vậy để làm tốt dạng bài này các em cần học thuộc và nắm rõ những collocations,
idioms, hay phrasal verbs dạng cơ bản lần nâng cao.
He easily loses his temper. FLIES
 he easily FLIES off the handle.
1. this liver condition is common among those who drink a lot .
 This liver condition……………………………………….drinkers.
2. “I think the whole idea is ridiculous.” He said
 he dismissed …………………………………………………………………………..
3. he threatened the officers with violence.
 he made ……………………………………………………………………………….
4. it shouldn’t have surprised me that my children didn’t like the new, cheaper ice-cream.
 I might ………………………………………………………………………………..
5. her lateness made the boss angry. BANANAS
 It was because she……………………………………………………………………
6. she wore headphones in order to not disturb anyone.
 She wore headphones lest…………………………………………………………….
7. she is not good at arranging flower. FLAIR
 ………………………………………………………………………………………………..
8. Bill changed his way when he came out of prison. LEAF
 Bill has …………………………………………………………………………..
9. You must not, I repeat not, open this box until Christmas day. TO
Under……………………………………………… opened until Christmas day
10. her early success has made her very conceited. HEAD

11. If you changed your mind, you’d be welcome to join our staff.
 Were ………………………………….delighted to take you on staff.
12. sorry, you can’t do whatever you want.(PICK
sorry, you are not in ……………………………………………………………
13. This vase seems too big for this small table. PROPORTION
 This vase looks
14. a lot of awards on his walls point to his great success. TESTIMONY
 the numerous
15. concerns about jobs and public safety are more important than other issues. SEAT
 Other
16. your license may be suspended if you refuse to take the breathalyzer.
 refusal
17. Venezuelan mourners queued for hours to attend the funeral of the country’s late leader, Hugo Chavez.
 Venezuelan mourners lined
18. a lot of good men have been destroyed by drink.
 many a
19. She was embarrassed when she realized that everyone was listening to her singing.
 Much
20. Nobody knows what caused the collapse of the building.
 It’s
21. We aren’t willing to support the strike, we don’t approve of it.
 far from
22. his mood began to improve as soon as he drank a glass of wine.
 Scarcely
23. Were mike not so affluent a man, Ann wouldn’t be dating him
 But
24. Apart from a few minor mistakes, you did a good job on the whole.
 By and
25. I expected the book to be far better because it had been written by such a good novelist. SHORT
 The book
26. She was concentrating so hard on her work that she didn’t notice when I came in WRAPPED
27. Diane finds that creating things stops her from thinking about her work. MIND
Diane finds that being
28. the manager praised one particular player. SINGLED
One particular player
29. he is said to be a good pianist .
He has
30. I have a little confidence that he will be able to do the job.
I have serious
31. I agreed to do the work because I understood that I would be paid for it.
My understanding when
32. I left without saying goodbye since I didn’t want to disturb her.
33. Those of us at the back couldn’t hear most of the play. INAUDIBLE

34. Sean did all the illustrations for the book but no one acknowledged his work. CREDIT

35. Having finished your studies, you must decide what to do next. FUTURE

36. we didn’t phone you in case we woke you up SO

37. Only Martha survived in the crash. SOLE

38. The police had to let the suspect go because new evidence was produced. LIGHT

39. Don’t let her relaxed manner deceive you ; she is an extremely shrewd woman. TAKEN

40. every possible effort was made by the orphanage to find the boy’s parents. STONE

41. I feel that I don’t fit in with the people in the office. FISH

42. The two children began to argue fiercely about who had damaged the bicycle. BROKE

43. Despite all their efforts, they could not get the old car to start.
No matter
44. it is important to be well prepared for an interview because if you make a mistake, you may not get the
A mistake in an interview may cost
45. “Nothing will persuade me to sleep in that haunted house.” She said
She flatly
46. The news that the Prime minister had resigned came as a great shock to everyone.
Everyone was taken
47. A computer breakdown was blamed for the delayed dispatch of the brochures.
A computer breakdown was given
48. it would be much better for you to ask someone who really knows about the law.
You’d be far
49. When I made my suggestion, he laughed.
He greeted
50. she didn’t know about it but her family had reported her missing.
51. why is it so funny that I want to learn the saxophone?
What’s so
52. considering how young he is, he has achieved a lot.
If you bear his
53. Jane enjoys looking after young children very much.
Jane gets
54. by the beginning of the next century, we will have used up all fossil fuels. OUT
Fossil fuels
55. She gets bored quickly at parties because there is so much trivial conversation. SMALL
Too much
56. your excuses are beginning to sound unconvincing to me. THIN
Your \excuses are ……………………………………………………………………………I’m concerned
57. you can rely on kate to always say exactly what she thinks COUNT
You can……………………………………………………her mind
58. can the conflict be only solved by force?
Isn’t there
59. we hadn’t been told about the removal until last Friday.
It was not
60. The inspector showed us four potential health hazards.
The inspector drew
61. He would do almost anything to win the girl’s hand. LENGHTS

62. I think these tools may prove useful. COME

63. Since their father’s death, they had serious financial problems. STRAITS

64. Jane is very likely to be promoted. STANDS

65. I advises you to stop smoking cigarettes. SHOES

66. John has taken it upon himself to look after the baby tomorrow. COMMITTED

67. absolute secrecy was crucial to the success of the mission.

68. further progress was impossible because of the floods.
The floods
69. the hurricane blew the roof off the house.
The house
70. You must never mention this to him.
71. I found his account of the accident was confusing.
72. that’s the second time this year that Susan refused to marry him DOWN

73. Your examination result will determine whether or not you get into university ON

74. She has become a famous novelist. NAME

75. he often gets ill at this time of the year. PRONE

76. I’m not normally keen on cycling at the weekend. IN

77. buying new clothes is something that I almost never make the effort to do.

78. there is nobody in this office that will offer a different opinion to the one I gave you.
79. “without the rapid growth in population, there would be fewer food shortages.”
He blames
80. I didn’t realize how much he was influenced by his brother.
I didn’t realize the extent
81. Not a word came out of her mouth.LOST

82. your attitude will have to change if you want to succeed. LEAF

83. That hotel is a bit too expensive for us, I am afraid

84. We had to return home because we had no money left. RUN

85. I don’t think it was reasonable of you to complain so much about the service. MAKE

86. Robert was offended when he was left out of the team. EXCEPTION

87. she began to suffer from irrational fears. PREY

88. Ours is the only company allowed to import these chemicals. MONOPOLY

89. The final version of the plan was quite different from the initial draft. RESEMBLANCE

90. Don’t tell your colleagues anything about this. BREATHE

91. there was nothing we could do to stop him. POWERLESS

92. experts say that the fall in the birth rate between 1964 and 1977 caused the drop the number of school
The drop
93. the boy became so confused and worried that he left home
94. I’m on the tenth page of the report I am writing.
So far I
95. on receipt of your cheque, we shall send the goods to you.
As soon
96. these new machines have put an end to queuing
1. this liver condition is common among those who drink a lot .
 This liver condition is common among heavy drinkers.
2. “I think the whole idea is ridiculous.” He said
 he dismissedthe whole idea as being ridiculous
3. he threatened the officers with violence.
 he made threats of violence against the officers.
4. it shouldn’t have surprised me that my children didn’t like the new, cheaper ice-cream.
 I might have known my children would not like the new, cheaper ice-cream.
5. her lateness made the boss angry. BANANAS
 It was because shewas late that the boss went bananas.
6. she wore headphones in order to not disturb anyone.
 She wore headphones lestshe should disturb anyone.
7. she is not good at arranging flower. FLAIR
 she doesn’t have much (of a) flair for arranging flowers.
8. Bill changed his way when he came out of prison. LEAF
 Bill has turned over a new leaf since he came out of prison.
9. You must not, I repeat not, open this box until Christmas day. TO
Under no circiumstances is this box to be opened until Christmas day
10. her early success has made her very conceited. HEAD
 her early success has gone to her head.
11. If you changed your mind, you’d be welcome to join our staff.
 Were you to change your mind, we would be .delighted to take you on staff.
12. sorry, you can’t do whatever you want.(PICK
sorry, you are not in in the position to pick and choose.
13. This vase seems too big for this small table. PROPORTION
 This vase looks out of proportion on this small table.
14. a lot of awards on his walls point to his great success. TESTIMONY
 the numerous awards on his walls bear testtimony to his great success.
15. concerns about jobs and public safety are more important than other issue. SEAT
 Other issues have to take a back seat to concerns about jobs and public safety.
16. your license may be suspended if you refuse to take the breathalyzer.
 refusal to take the breathalyzer may result in/ lead to your license suspension/
17. Venezuelan mourners queued for hours to attend the funeral of the country’s late leader, Hugo Chavez.
 Venezuelan mourners lined up for hours to pay tribute to the country’s late leader, Hugo Chavez.
18. a lot of good men have been destroyed by drink.
 many a good man has been destroyed by by drink.
19. She was embarrassed when she realized that everyone was listening to her singing.
 Much to her embarrassment, she realized that everyone was listening to her singing.
20. Nobody knows what caused the collapse of the building.
 It’s unknown what caused te collapse of the building.
21. We aren’t willing to support the strike, we don’t approve of it.
 far from being willing to support the strike, we don’t approve of it.
22. his mood began to improve as soon as he drank a glass of wine.
 Scarcely had he drunk a glass of wine when his mood began to improve.
23. Were mike not so affluent a man, Ann wouldn’t be dating him
 But for mike’s affluence, Ann …..
24. Apart from a few minor mistakes, you did a good job on the whole.
 By and large, you did a good job.
25. I expected the book to be far better because it had been written by such a good novelist. SHORT
 The book fell short of my expectations even though it had been written by such a good novelist.
26. She was concentrating so hard on her work that she didn’t notice when I came in WRAPPED
She was so wrapped up in her work that ……………
27. Diane finds that creating things stops her from thinking about her work. MIND
Diane finds that being creative takes her mind off her work.
28. the manager praised one particular player. SINGLED
One particular player was singled out for praised by the manager.
29. he is said to be a good pianist .
He has a reputation for being a good pinanist.
30. I have a little confidence that he will be able to do the job.
I have serious doubts about his ability to do the job.
31. I agreed to do the work because I understood that I would be paid for it.
My understanding when I agreed to do the work was that I …..
32. I left without saying goodbye since I didn’t want to disturb her.
Rather than disturb the meeting, I left …..
33. Those of us at the back couldn’t hear most of the play. INAUDIBLE
most of the play was inaudible to those of us at the back.
34. Sean did all the illustrations for the book but no one acknowledged his work. CREDIT
Sean was not given any credit for doing all the illustration in the book.
35. Having finished your studies, you must decide what to do next. FUTURE
We must decide upon your future now that you have finisd your studies.
36. we didn’t phone you in case we woke you up SO
We didn’t phone you so as not to wake you up./ so that wo wouldn’t wake you up
37. Only Martha survived in the crashed. SOLE
Martha was the sole survivor of the crash.
38. The police had to let the suspect go because new evidence was produced. LIGHT
The police had to let the suspect go because new evidence has brought to light.
39. Don’t let her relaxed manner deceive you ; she is an extremely shrewd woman TAKEN
Don’t let yourself be (get) taken in by her relaxed manner, she……
40. every possible effort was made by the orphanage to find the boy’s parents. STONE
The orphanage left no stone unturned in their attempt to find the boy’s parents.
41. I feel that I don’t fit in with the people in the office. FISH
I feel like a fish out of water in the new office.
42. The two children began to argue fiercely about who had damaged the bicycle. BROKE
Fierceargument broke out between the two children about who…
43. Despite all their efforts, they could not get the old car to start.
No matter hard they tried, they…..
44. it is important to be well prepared for an interview because if you make a mistake, you may not get the
A mistake in an interview may cost you a job so it’s important to be well- prepared
45. “Nothing will persuade me to sleep in that haunted house.” She said
She flatly refused to sleep in that haunted hosue.
46. The news that the Prime minister had resigned came as a great shock to everyone.
Everyone was taken aback by the news of the Prime Minister’s registation.
47. A computer breakdown was blamed for the delayed dispatch of the brochures.
A computer breakdown was given as a reason for the delay in dispatching the brochure.
48. it would be much better for you to ask someone who really knows about the law.
You’d be far better off asking someone who really knows about the law.
49. When I made my suggestion, he laughed.
He greeted my suggestion with laughter.
50. she didn’t know about it but her family had reported her missing.
Unbeknown to her, her family had reported her missing.
51. why is it so funny that I want to learn the saxophone?
What’s so funny about me/my wanting to to learn saxaphone?
52. considering how young he is, he has achieved a lot.
If you bear his his age/ youth in mind, he has achieved a lot.
53. Jane enjoys looking after young children very much.
Jane gets a lot of enjoyments out of looking after young children
54. by the beginning of the next century, we will have used up all fossil fuels. OUT
Fossil fuels will have run out by the turn/ beginning of the next century
55. She gets bored quickly at parties because there is so much trivial conversation. SMALL
Too much small talk means that /is the reason why She gets bored quickly at parties
56. your excuses are beginning to sound unconvincing to me. THIN
Your \excuses are waering (a bit/little) thin as far as I’m concerned
57. you can rely on kate to always say exactly what she thinks COUNT
You can count on kate to always speak her mind
58. can the conflict be only solved by force?
Isn’t there any other way of solving the conflict than by force?
59. we hadn’t been told about the removal until last Friday.
It was not until last Friday that we were told about the removal.
60. The inspector showed us four potential health hazards.
The inspector drew our attention to four potential health hazards.
61. He would do almost anything to win the girl’s hand. LENGHTS
He would go to any lengths to win the girl’s hand.
62. I think these tools may prove useful. COME
I think those tools may come in handy.
63. Since their father’s death, they had serious financial problems. STRAITS
Since their father’s death, they have been in dire straits.
64. Jane is very likely to be promoted. STANDS
Janes stands a good chance of being promoted.
65. I advises you to stop smoking cigarettes. SHOES
If I were in your shoes, I would stop smoking cigarettes
66. John has taken it upon himself to look after the baby tomorrow. COMMITTED
John has committed himself to looking after the baby tomorrow.
67. absolute secrecy was crucial to the success of the mission.
Without absolute secrecy, the mission wouldn’t have succeeded.
68. further progress was impossible because of the floods.
The floods made further progress impossible.
69. the hurricane blew the roof off the house.
The house had its roof blown off by the hurricane
70. You must never mention this to him.
Under no circumstance must you mention this to him.
71. I found his account of the accident was confusing.
I was confused by his account of the accident.
72. that’s the second time this year that Susan refused to marry him DOWN
Susan has turned down his proposal of marriage twice this year.
73. Your examination result will determine whether or not you get into university ON
Your entry to university will depend/depends on your examination results.
74. She has become a famous novelist. NAME
She made a name for herself as a novelist.
75. he often gets ill at this time of the year. PRONE
He is prone to illness/ getting to I at this time of the year.
76. I’m not normally keen on cycling at the weekend. IN
I don’t normally go in for cycling at the weekend.
77. buying new clothes is something that I almost never make the effort to do.
I hardly ever bother purchasing new clothes.
78. there is nobody in this office that will offer a different opinion to the one I gave you.
Whoever you asks in this office will say the same as I did.
79. “without the rapid growth in population, there would be fewer would shortages.”
He blames the food shortages on the rapid growth in population
80. I didn’t realize how much he was influenced by his brother.
I didn’t realize the extent to which he was influenced by his brother.
81. Not a word came out of her mouth.LOST
She was lost for words
82. your attitude will have to change if you want to succeed. LEAF
You’ll have to turn over a new leaf if you want to succeed
83. That hotel is a bit too expensive for us, I am afraid
That hotel is a bit beyond our reach, I’m afraid.
84. We had to return home because we had no money left. RUN
We had to return home because we had run out of money
85. I don’t think it was reasonable of you to complain so much about the service. MAKE
I don’t think it was reasonable of you to make such a fuss/
86. Robert was offended when he was left out of the team. EXCEPTION
Robert take exception to being left out of the team.
87. she began to suffer from irrational fears. PREY
She fell prey to irrational fears
88. Ours is the only company allowed to import these chemicals. MONOPOLY
Our company has/holds the/a monopoly of/on/over the import /importing /importation of these chemical
89. The final version of the plan was quite different from the initial draft. RESEMBLANCE
The final version of the plan had/bore no/ little not much resemblance between the final version and the
initial draft .
There was no / little/ not much resemblance between the final version and the initial draft .
90. Don’t tell your colleagues anything about this. BREATHE
Don’t breathe a word of this to your colleagues
91. there was nothing we could do to stop him. POWERLESS
We were powerless to stop him
92. experts say that the fall in the birth rate between 1964 and 1977 caused the drop the number of school
The drop in the number of shool leavers is said to have been caused by the fall in the birth rate between
1964 and 1977.
93. the boy became so confused and worried that he left home
So confused and worried did the boy become that he left home.
94. I’m on the tenth page of the report I am writing.
So far I have written ten pages of the report.
95. on receipt of your cheque, we shall send the goods to you.
As soon as we receive your cheque, we shall send the goods to you
96. these new machines have put an end to queuing
Before these new machines were invented, people had to queue.

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