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Exercise # 13

Find the limit as x approaches negative 2 from the positive side of the expression x over x plus 1,
multiplied by 2x plus 5, all over x square plus x.

Exercise # 20
Option A: Find the limit as x approaches 0 from the positive side of the expression 1 minus
cosine x, all over the absolute value of cosine x minus 1.

Option B: Find the limit as x approaches 0 from the negative side of the expression cosine x
minus 1, all over the absolute value of cosine x minus 1.

Exercise # 24
Find the limit as t approaches 0 of sine kt over t, where k is constant.

Exercise # 31
Find the limit as x approaches 0 of x plus x cosine x, all over sine x cosine x.

Exercise # 46
Find the limit as x approaches 0 of cosine square x minus cosine x, all over x square.

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