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If I may stop wearing a mask

Good morning everyone.

My name is Aw Yong Ke Wen.
I would like to recite a poem
entitled “If I may…..”
which written by my teacher, Miss Soo.

If I may stop wearing a mask

I wish to step everywhere in my school
It’s noisy as a flock of crow-blackbirds in the migration season
Running like a cheetah
Laying aside the rules and giving myself up to merriment and joy
One kind of wanton wind run is pretty cool

If I may stop wearing a mask

I wish to stroll in the streets with my family
Snatching up goods
Packed like sardines
Squeezing up and down
Even without buying a single thing
I would have fun with my parents heartily

If I may stop wearing a mask

I wish to travel around for the purpose of spending time in paying myself
Going on a field trip
Look! The waterfall is aquarium-blue.
The flowers growing nearby have a honey sweet smell
No matter where I go
I just wanna taking a huge breath

If I may stop wearing a mask

I wish to overlook the whole city from the top of the hill
Looking at the distance of the coast of twists
Wistfully watching cars running down the open road
Mitsubishi…Mazda…Toyota…OH! LAMBORGHINI
It must be the rekindling of an old thrill!

If I may stop wearing a mask

I wish to go abroad to Tokyo Olympics 2020
Such a powerful smashing
Killing off the game
Cheer the athletes of Malaysia on to victory
Strong desire is ready to start wriggling

If I may stop wearing a mask

I wish it signifies the world triumph over the virus’ attack
Daily life is all about back to basics
Parents are off to work as usual
Children are going to school amusedly
Everyone is overwhelmed with the excessive amount of work
And HUMAN is no longer lives in constant dread
If I may wish…
Everything is possible
The sunshine always comes after the storm
Even the goals are achieved
should remain looking after each other

Thank you.

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