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Doctoral Program in Education and Social Communication (Physical Education), University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain;
Department of Didactics of Languages, Arts and Sport, University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain; and 3ISAK Level 2
Anthropometrist, Department of Physical Education and Sport, University of Granada, Granada, Spain


Cárdenas-Fernández, V, Chinchilla-Minguet, JL, and Castillo- occer, physiologically speaking, is an intermittent
Rodrı́guez, A. Somatotype and body composition in young activity of alternative efforts at different intensities
soccer players according to the playing position and sport and incomplete recoveries (16,21). Nowadays,
success. J Strength Cond Res 33(7): 1904–1911, 2019—Soc- sports practice, coaches, physical trainers, and ath-
cer players undergo an evolution in their body composition letes are in general aware of the importance of achieving and
preserving an adequate level of physical condition able to
throughout the growth and passage through the different base
face with guarantees the necessary requirements for a high-
stages, that is, childhood, puberty, and adolescence. The aim
level competition. An optimal body mass (among others)
of this study was to analyze the morphology and body compo-
becomes a determining factor when the physical condition
sition of U14, U16, and U19 soccer players, taking into is approached (23). Such body mass may affect the game
account in addition, their sport success endorsed through actions during the competition, mainly in ballistic efforts i.e.,
the regularity participation and their relation with the different jumps, accelerations, changes of direction, . and therefore,
playing positions occupied during competition (goalkeeper, in sport performance (24,25).
external defender, central defender, midfielder, and forward/ High-level athletes differ from other low-level athletes not
extreme). For that, a total of 174 male young soccer players only because of the physical-technical-tactical qualities but
were evaluated anthropometrically. Dominant somatotype of also because of their morphological and body composition
the players was, according to their playing position, meso- characteristics (22). In the practice of soccer, players are sub-
endomorphic in goalkeepers, central for external defenders, jected to technical and tactical actions in accordance with the
balanced ectomorph in central defenders, balanced meso- playing position they occupy in the field. In addition, these
morph in the case of midfielders, and meso-ectomorph in for- playing positions make the physiological demands supported
differ in function of such positions occupied in the same.
wards/extremes. Taking into account that sport performance is
Soccer players offer body composition differences in variables
directly mediated by the body composition of athletes, the dif-
such as body mass, height, or relative body mass, calculated
ferences found suggest a marked specialization between the
using the body mass index equation (5).
goalkeepers and forwards, establishing significant differences Young soccer players usually present a mesomorphic
between them. Further studies would be needed to evaluate somatotype and in general, more adapted to specific sport
the influence of individual maturation development vs. sports practice (20). However, this difference is hardly significant at
training on the conformation of a certain anthropometric profile early ages, 10–11 years (9), with the approach to the peak of
of a soccer player and its relation with the different playing growth the differences are accentuated and soccer players
positions occupied on the pitch during the game. become apparent with greater height and mass (muscular
mass in their majority) than the population average of their
KEY WORDS morphology, demarcation, football, anthropometry age (11). This approach places us in the dilemma of deter-
mining whether it is due to a selection process in favor of
children and young athletes with these characteristics or, on
Address correspondence to Alfonso Castillo-Rodrı́guez, the other hand, if this is the practice itself that ends up
33(7)/1904–1911 defining these profiles.
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Profile of meso-endomorphic somatotype presented by
Ó 2017 National Strength and Conditioning Association young soccer players is very similar to the one study in
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |

professional teams (6). Similarly, fat mass (FM) percentages analyzed after 2 months, the number of played matches of the
around 12–13% are well below the values averaged by indi- players to determine the success from each player.
viduals with similar profile of somatotype and physically
active age, whose values are situated around 20–22% (23). Subjects
To all this, internal differences within a group of soccer A total of 174 soccer players (all male) participated in this study.
players depending on the playing position of the field they Thirty-four participants of the total belonged to the category
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occupy, as, as a team sport tending to specialization, athletes U14, aged between 11 and 13 years; 40 belonged to the category
reflect very marked profiles when we talk about different U16, aged between 14 and 15 years; and 100 to the category
playing positions (4). Interpopulation homogeneity seems as U19, aged between the 16 and the 18 years. The participants
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a general characteristic feature of the soccer players investi- competed in different leagues of Spain, being these, from the first
gated, the more evident the higher category being studied, until fourth level category. Players were classified according to
but there is some heterogeneity in distinguishing them based their playing roles into 6 groups: goalkeepers, external defenders,
on their playing position. central defenders, midfielders, and forwards/extremes (4,16). All
In general, goalkeepers, central defenders, and forwards own the subjects analyzed were informed of the objectives and pro-
the best values of size, a fundamental or at least valuable cedures to be performed and completed the corresponding vol-
premise, for their demands on actions with aerial game untary written informed consent following the indications
throughout the game, interceptions focused on defense and established in the Declaration of Helsinki (1964). In the case
attack, or clearances of the same in defensive and attack of being younger than 18 years, parental or guardian signed
situations (12). However, with the technical factor in mind, this consent was also obtained. The Ethics Committee of the Uni-
statement is not always extrapolable when talking about for- versity of Malaga approved the realization of this study.
wards, as we find innumerable cases of low and muscular bio-
types skilled with the ball. Furthermore, scientific results show Instruments. For the anthropometric measurements, the
that heavier and taller players project better vertically while the SECA electronic scale (-Mo: 872; Hamburg, Germany)
more athletic ones do so in progressive execution tests (16). was used with precision of 100 grams; Lufkin W606PM
The hypothesis of the present research try to substantiate flexible Measuring Tape for muscle perimeters, Holtain plier
that young players present anthropometrics profiles differ- (Holtain Ltd, Crymych, United Kingdom) with precision
entiated not only by the sport success or not but also by the 0.2 mm for skinfolds and Holtain (Holtain Ltd) precision
specialization of its playing position. Evidence from the caliper 1 mm for bone diameters.
study will allow coaches and physical trainers to have The anthropometric technique used was established
scientific information from which to base their programs according to the International Society for Advancement
on the training planning processes of the teams, taking into in Kinanthropometry (ISAK) (18) and the Heath-Carter
account the maturation period of players and their different equations for the determination of the anthropometric
training needs in function of the playing position, following somatotype (3).
the specificity principle.
The aim of this study was to analyze body composition, Procedures
e.g., FM, skeletal muscle mass (SMM) and bone mass (BM), This study is cross-sectional, inferential, and descriptive in
and morphological variables (endomorphic, mesomorphic, nature. Mass and height values were measured, as well as
and ectomorphic components) in U14, U16, and U19 soccer anthropometric measurements such as skinfolds (triceps, sub-
players, based on the different playing positions and the scapular, biceps, crestal, suprailiac, abdominal, front thigh, and
sports success. lower leg), muscular perimeters (relaxed arm, contracted arm,
forearm, abdomen, waist, hip, thigh, and lower leg) and bone
METHODS diameters i.e., biepicondylar humerus (elbow), biestyloid at the
Experimental Approach to the Problem wrist, biepicondylar femur (knee), and bimaleolar at the ankle.
Through the collection and study of anthropometric data, The anthropometric characteristics were obtained from
the research will confront the hypothesis of the existence of skinfolds, muscle perimeters and bone diameters, being the
differences in morphology and body composition in young corresponding sums of folds (4, 6, and 8 folds), somatotype
soccer players based on the playing position they occupy components, FM percentages (according to Faulkner’s pro-
during the match game. Variables such as FM or SMM can tocol), BM (according to Von Dobeln’s protocol), and per-
be clearly determined by the different physical condition centages of SMM (according to Lee’s protocol).
requirements according to the playing position. However, depending on the X and Y coordinates established
To determine whether the morphology and body compo- by the anthropometric measurements made on individuals, the
sition could influence on the playing position of the players following typologies are taken as the starting point (13):
and their success as matches played, several body measure-  Balanced mesomorph: The mesomorphy is the domi-
ment were collected i.e., height, mass, 8 skinfolds of fat, 4 nant, while the endomorphy and the ectomorphy are
bone diameters, and 5 muscle perimeters. Furthermore, we the same; differences smaller than 0.5.

VOLUME 33 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2019 | 1905

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Somatotype in Young Soccer Players

TABLE 1. Age (mean 6 SD) and number of players according to the playing positions.*

Team Age Players (n) GK ED CD MF FE

U14 12.00 6 0.71 34 4 8 4 8 10

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U16 14.70 0.47 40 4 8 4 12 12

U19 16.50 6 0.79 100 8 24 8 28 32
Total 15.21 6 1.89 174 16 40 16 48 54
Age (y) 14.5 6 2.1 15.6 6 2.0 15.4 6 2.0 15.2 6 1.9 15.1 6 1.8
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*GK = goalkeepers; ED = external defenders; CD = central defenders; MF = midfielders; FE = forwards/extremes.

 Balanced endomorph: The endomorphy is the domi-  Endo-Mesomorph: The mesomorphy is the dominant
nant, while the mesomorphy and the ectomorphy are and the endomorphy is greater than ectomorphy.
the same; differences smaller than 0.5.  Ecto-Mesomorph: The mesomorphy is the dominant
 Balanced ectomorph: The ectomorphy is the and the ectomorphy is greater than endomorphy.
dominant, while the mesomorphy and the  Meso-Ectomorph: The ectomorphy is the dominant
endomorphy are the same; differences smaller than and the mesomorphy is greater than endomorphy.
0.5.  Endo-Ectomorph: The ectomorphy is the dominant
 Mesomorph-Endomorph: The endomorphy and meso- and the endomorphy is greater than mesomorphy.
morphy are equal or differ in less than 0.5, and the  Ecto-Endomorph: The endomorphy is the dominant
ectomorphy is smaller. and the ectomorphy is greater than mesomorphy.
 Mesomorph-Ectomorph: The ectomorphy and meso- Data collection took place during the month of September
morphy are equal or differ in less than 0.5, and the 2016, reproducing conditions of temperature (23–268 C),
endomorphy is smaller. relative humidity (35–40%), and mid-afternoon as a time of
 Endomorph-Endomorph: The endomorphy and ecto- day. The soccer players were at the beginning of the season,
morphy are equal or differ in less than 0.5, and the after a month and a half of regular training, 3 times a week,
mesomorphy is smaller. an hour and a half.
 Meso-Endomorph: The endomorphy is the dominant All measurements were made following the standards
and the mesomorphy is greater than ectomorphy. proposed by ISAK (15) and the body composition assessment

TABLE 2. Body composition and somatotype of young soccer players.*


Mass (kg) 67.78 6 10.9 61.85 6 11.3 61.77 6 7.8 61.26 6 9.9 58.47 6 9.3 Ns.
Height (cm) 170.5 6 7.1 170.6 6 9.2 175.0 6 8.7 170.7 6 8.3 168.4 6 7.9 Ns.
BMI (kg$m22) 23.19 6 2.65 21.12 6 2.78 20.14 6 1.76 20.91 6 2.10 20.55 6 2.51 Ns.
FM (%) 15.67 6 2.14† 13.28 6 3.04 12.46 6 2.04 13.14 6 3.37 11.91 6 2.26† 0.01
SMM (%) 43.00 6 3.08 45.06 6 4.25 46.98 6 4.87 45.77 6 4.43 47.66 6 4.89 Ns.
BM (%) 15.91 6 1.21 15.32 6 4.06 17.14 6 2.77 16.23 6 1.65 16.60 6 2.36 Ns.
ENDO (points) 4.5 6 1.14 3.3 6 1.31 3.0 6 0.78 3.3 6 1.39 2.8 6 1.09
MESO (points) 5.2 6 1.23 3.2 6 2.99 3.5 6 1.27 4.0 6 1.03 4.1 6 1.59
ECTO (points) 2.2 6 1.13 3.2 6 1.32 3.9 6 1.19 3.2 6 0.96 3.3 6 1.36
SDD §∥¶# z# z¶# z∥ z§∥

*GK = goalkeepers; ED = external defenders; CD = central defenders; MF = midfielders; FE = forwards/extremes; Ns = not

significant; BMI = body mass index; FM = fat mass according Faulkner protocol; SMM = skeletal muscle mass according Lee protocol;
BM = bone mass according Von Dobeln protocol; SDD = somatotype dispersion distance between significant playing positions.
zBonferroni post hoc (P , 0.05); a = GK–FE.

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Figure 1. Somatotype of soccer players according playing position and differentiating this according to sport success.

protocol for the medical-sports examination provided by the IL, USA) and Microsoft Office Excel 2010 (Microsoft
consensus document of the Spanish group of Kinanthropom- Corp., Redmond, WA, USA). Sampling normality tests
etry of the Spanish Federation of Sports Medicine (1). The (Kolmogorov-Smirnov), and descriptive, correlational (coeffi-
technical error of measurement of anthropometric researchers cient Rho of Spearman), and comparative analyzes were
was lower than 3% for skinfolds and less than 1% for the other performed according to the playing position (Kruskal-Wallis)
measurements (muscle perimeters and bone diameters). and as a function of the sport success (U-Mann Whitney).
Furthermore, coefficients of variation were calculated
Statistical Analyses for means of body composition and somatotype character-
Statistical analyzes were performed using the IBM SPSS istics. The significance level accepted in all cases was
Statistics Data Editor software (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, p # 0.05.

Figure 2. Anthropometric measures according to the playing position.

VOLUME 33 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2019 | 1907

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Somatotype in Young Soccer Players

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

TABLE 3. Body composition and somatotype characteristics according to playing position and sport success.*z


Mass (kg)
S 68.30 6 11.7 (10%) 57.91 6 11.4 (11%) 60.20 6 8.20 (8%) 61.54 6 11.4 (10%) 58.24 6 8.73 (9%)
NS 67.25 6 11.8 (10%) 63.56 6 8.36 (8%) 61.17 6 8.15 (10%) 61.48 6 7.57 (7%) 58.75 6 10.4 (10%)
Height (cm)
S 173.6 6 7.31 (2%) 168.7 6 8.98 (3%) 177.8 6 0.18 (2%) 170.9 6 9.53 (3%) 169.0 6 6.27 (2%)
NS 167.5 6 6.35 (2%) 171.1 6 9.62 (3%) 173.7 6 9.19 (2%) 170.1 6 6.66 (2%) 167.7 6 9.82 (3%)
BMI (kg$m22)
S 22.57 6 2.88 (7%) 20.17 6 2.55 (7%) 19.11 6 3.28 (4%) 20.91 6 2.38 (6%) 20.34 6 2.51 (7%)
NS 23.81 6 2.65 (6%) 21.74 6 2.61 (7%) 20.21 6 1.30 (7%) 21.17 6 1.56 (4%) 20.80 6 2.60 (7%)
FM (%)
S 15.13 6 1.61** (6%) 12.28 6 2.10 (10%) 14.96 6 1.89† (6%) 12.75 6 3.67 (16%) 11.57 6 2.21§ (11%)
NS 16.21 6 2.71 (9%) 13.63 6 3.28 (14%) 11.38 6 0.92† (18%) 14.04 6 2.93 (12%) 12.34 6 2.35 (11%)

SMM (%)
S 43.57 6 2.89 (4%) 46.62 6 3.96 (5%) 51.11 6 5.12 (5%) 45.00 6 4.09 (5%) 48.39 6 6.28 (10%)
NS 42.43 6 3.58 (4%) 44.53 6 3.35 (4%) 46.23 6 4.31 (12%) 46.50 6 4.99 (6%) 46.75 6 2.20 (3%)
BM (%)
S 16.04 6 1.26 (5%) 16.47 6 2.35 (8%) 19.74 6 3.68 (8%) 16.25 6 1.67 (6%) 16.50 6 2.76 (7%)
NS 15.78 6 1.33¶ (4%) 15.99 6 0.48¶ (2%) 20.28 6 2.09§k¶#** (8%) 15.87 6 1.40¶ (5%) 16.72 6 1.86¶ (6%)
S 4,1-4,8-2,6 (11%) 3.0-3.5-3.5 (14%) 3.9-4.0-4.7 (8%) 3.2-3.8-3.3 (13%) 2.7-3.9-3.5 (22%)
NS 4,6-5,6-1,7 (11%) 3.5-4.2-2.99 (22%) 2.6-0.3.3-3.7 (11%) 3.7-4.5-3.0 (15%) 3.0-4.3-3.1 (22%)
S k¶#** § §#** §¶ §¶
NS k¶#** §¶ §k#** §¶ §¶

*S = players with sport success; NS = players with not sport success; GK = goalkeepers; ED = external defenders; CD = central defenders; MF = midfielders; FE = forwards/
extremes; BMI = body mass index; FM = fat mass according Faulkner protocol; SMM = skeletal muscle mass according Lee protocol; BM = bone mass according Von Dobeln
protocol; GK = goalkeepers; ED = external defenders; CD = central defenders; MF = midfielders; FE = forwards/extremes; SDD = somatotype dispersion distance between
significant playing positions.
†p # 0.05 between players S and NS in each playing position.
zCoefficient of variation or relative standard deviation is in parentheses.
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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |

To calculate the difference between 2 somatotypes, we keepers and forwards in the triceps, subscapular, biceps,
used the somatotype dispersion distance (SDD), using the abdominal, and twin folds measurements, as well as the goal-
equation SDD = O(3*(X1 2 X2)2 + (Y1 2 Y2)2). Hebbelinck keepers, and the central defenders against midfielders and
et al. (14) found that this distance was statistically significant forwards both in the crestal skinfold and the ulnar-radial
for p # 0.05, when SDD was equal to or greater than 2.0. diameter.
Finally, in Table 3, the basic physical characteristics are
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RESULTS analyzed again based on the premise of success or nonsport

Table 1 shows the distribution of the players of the sample success, the study finding significant differences (0.05) in the
group submitted to our study in the 3 established categories, central defender position between players who are mainly
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showing the average age according to the classification by successful and not successful. For each of the analyzed sub-
playing position in 5 subgroups, see goalkeepers, external groups, there are also differences between goalkeepers and
defenders, central defenders, midfielders, and forwards/ex- forwards/extremes with sporty success in the percentage of
tremes, reflecting a similar average age among all of them, FM and also in the subgroup of players with no sporting
hence the importance of deepening the comparative by play- success in the central defender playing position compared
ing position according to the category. with the other ones.
The results of the mean weights and heights as a function
of each playing position do not show statistically significant DISCUSSION
differences (Table 2). The goalkeepers reflect the highest Although there is an abundance of studies related to the
values in weight while the highest average height is found physiology and anthropometry of the player in adult age, we
between the central defenders. The same fact takes place also find different studies focused on the evaluation of the
regarding the calculation of SMM and BM. Nevertheless, physical characteristics of young soccer players
we found significant differences (0.01) in the percentage of (11,16,19,26); however, there is a lack of scientific support
FM when comparing goalkeeper and forward/extreme that deepens the morphological differences between players
positions. predominantly used in competition by their teams or with
The somatotype reflects meso-endomorph profile for a testimonial presence in them, which we define as success
goalkeepers, central for external defenders, balanced ecto- and not sport success. In this way, the objective of this study
morph in central defenders, balanced mesomorph in the case was to analyze the body composition, as well as the mor-
of midfielders, and meso-ectomorph in the forwards/ex- phological and anthropometric variables in soccer players
tremes (Figure 1). By scrutinizing the SDD of the playing U14, U16, and U19, based on the different playing positions
positions, significant differences are found between position and the mentioned sport success.
of the goalkeeper and respect to position of all others play- In addition, to contrast the morphological and anthropo-
ing. Likewise, differences are also found between the 2 metric variables determining individual body composition in
defense positions with the forwards/extremes and the cen- base soccer players to define Kinanthropometric differences
tral defenders with the midfielders (Table 2). as a function of the playing position occupied on the pitch
It also introduces the variable of the sport success (16), as well as its determinism, sport success (7,17) can be of
determined by being first-team player during the season; great help to coaches and physical trainers of this sport.
This way, players with less than 10 times appearing in the The hypothesis of the anthropometric differentiation
starting 11, not including injuries or transfers to other teams, between young soccer players according to the position
have been classified as “nonsports success”; On the contrary, they occupy in the field has its endorsement in the
players who have made more than 10 games since the start comparison of the playing positions of goalkeeper and
of the season as starters are classified as “sports success.” forward/extreme given, fundamentally, the positional spec-
This variable has been evaluated through the general statis- ificity of the first one. Goalkeepers are the heaviest players
tics of the parties without taking into account any interaction versus the forwards/extremes who have the lowest scores
with the technicians. (10,16).
Figure 1 shows how to stop in the results corresponding Going further, we observe that while the muscular
to the values that determine the somatotype in terms of percentages and bony percentages are similar among all
success or nonsuccess sports; the nontitular goalkeeper players studied regardless of their playing positions, the
move away in the spectrum of the center of the somatochart, discrepancies regarding FM are significant (p , 0.01) if we
whereas the rest of playing positions take values closer to look at goalkeeper and forward/extremes playing posi-
ectomorph insofar as the quality of sport success in the sub- tions, with the highest values in the first case, with mean
ject prevails. values of 15.7% and the lowest in the case of forwards/
Figure 2 represents the comparative by playing position of extremes of 12% (according to Faulkner’s protocol). In
the mean values for 6 skinfolds, triceps, subscapular, biceps, other studies, the percentages found were 12 and 10.8%,
crestal, abdominal and twin, in addition to the ulnar-radial respectively, for gatekeepers and forwards (16) and 12.2
diameter. Data indicate significant differences between goal- and 11% (10).

VOLUME 33 | NUMBER 7 | JULY 2019 | 1909

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Somatotype in Young Soccer Players

Concerning the morphology, Heath and Carter (13) high- This marked specialization is important from the point
light how individuals are subjected to evolutionary changes of view of strength training and physical conditioning of
in their physical-anthropometric constitution throughout young people, since the scientifically based knowledge of
their growth stage. Thus, they pass through predominantly anthropometric profiles as well as their development in
endomorphic stages during childhood, with a tendency to relation to maturing growth should end up conditioning
ectomorphy in adolescence, and gradually approach the dif- the coaches to promote individualized work or, at least, to
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ferent combinations of the somatotype close to the meso- allow him to introduce sensitive differentiations according to
morphy, all conditioned by the physical activity performed groups of players with similar characteristics.
as well as by the nutritional habits (8). In this way, in the In this way, goalkeepers in a team will not need a job aimed
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literature, we find a profile of the adult soccer player bal- at increasing their aerobic capacity to the same extent as the
anced for all playing positions, although it is scarce in rela- rest of the players, for example. Likewise, the aforementioned
tion to the study of the young soccer player (2). training specialization will focus on power work in profiles of
In the study of Lago-Peñas et al. (16), for the same age players occupying positions of central defender or forward/
range in the analyzed subjects, we observed values for the extreme, where the playing conditions can give them a com-
somatotype in terms of endomorphy, mesomorphy, and petitive advantage.
ectomorphy in the goalkeeper position of 2.9-4.1-2.6, Finally, and this is perhaps the most relevant application
being in our Study of 4.4-5.2-2.2, while in the comparative for a staff, a study of the body composition of our work
in the position of front it is 2.4-4.0-2.9 in front of the 2.8- group will enable us to define, from the point of view of
4.1-3.3 of the current study. This results in a greater trend performance optimization, the distribution in the different
toward rounding (endomorph) of the younger goalkeep- playing positions, as well as, determination of the versatility
ers, even to complete their physical development process. of certain players to occupy several of them, at least, from
Something similar is obtained by Gil when he analyzes a physical point of view, in the same way that will allow us to
soccer players aged between 14 and 21 years old, with know which players, those less usual (qualified as nonsport
somatotype values of 2.7-4.4-2.8 in the case of goalkeepers success), have the guarantees from the point of view of
and 2.2-4.5-2.9 in the forwards. However, we find consis- physical conditioning, to participate more assiduously.
tent results, with this study, in the study of Perroni (19) in
soccer players with the same ages, with values of somato- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
type components 4.3-4.2-2.0 for goalkeepers and 2.7-4.1- The authors are grateful for their participation in this study
2.9 for forwards. to all athletes evaluated and the collaboration of technicians
These results are consistent with those obtained in studies and managers for the facilities to carry it out, as well as Javier
such as that of Cossio-Bolaños et al. (7) and Lago-Peñas Pérez for their help with the translation.
et al. (17), at the time of differentiating the groups of players
by playing position according to the sport success or non-
sport success. The players classified as having successful REFERENCES
sports have a thinner and more muscular morphological 1. Alvero, JR, Cabañas, MD, Herrero de Lucas, A, Martı́nez, L,
Moreno, C, Porta, J, and Sillero, M. Body composition assessment in
profiles, that is, they oscillate in the somatotype toward
sports medicine. Statement of Spanish group of Kinanthropometry
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