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4. Look at the pictures showing people expressing joy on different occasions. What has happened ‘to make them feel happy? bb. Now, in paits, discuss success. Think about: «its importance in our lives * the happiness it brings * the problems it causes Listen to some people talking about what they believe to be the secret of success and complete the gaps using a word or short phrase. 1 Always ‘wien other people doubt you. 2 Block out and keep gona. 3. Channel your efforts in the right direction and don’t get 4 Remind yourself of indifferent ways. 5. Practise being Unt it becomes second nature Be organised and 7 Never yourself and believe you areas good as everyone else. . Decide on three of the elements in Ex. 2a which you think are most important for success. Compare your list to your partner's, Look at the follovving list of qualities and, in paits, discuss in which profession(s) you think each one is necessary and why. ‘+ physical strength * quick thinking + determination ‘foresight + diplomacy * discipline + imagination + intellect + powers of persuasion + team spirit teacher + lawyer + business executive» politician + firefighter * carsalesman + footballer + dector + artirector novelist A: I think strong powers of persuosion are essentcl for someone like a car salesman because he hes to be ‘ble to tak people into buying from him. 8: Polticians need this, too, in order to goin support for am idea or apoicy, don’t you think? [EIN Paraphrase the following quotations. Do You agree with them? Why (not)? Discuss in pais. ‘Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking fori Henry David Thoreau (American poet € philsopher) “You always pass failure on the way to suceess. Mickey Rooney (American comedian) Reading and Use of English ~ Part 6 4 _ Discuss these questions with 2 partner. + What does personal success mean to you? «What factors contribute to success in life? + bit possible to teach success? ©) Preparing for the task Cross-text multiple matching 2.2. Read the question, paying attention to the underned sections. Then read three extracts (A, B and C) from three reviews. Underline the words and phrases in A, Band C which refer to the jon inthe question, What is the answer to the question? Which reviewer has a different opinion to reviewer A on the author's account of how her success was achieved? © _bsinch as esnyed wasn Ws bo fo ts same mieadg ‘as the author implies, through her own personal example, that it's possible to: feet geatres witout puting i many long yas of hard work © tems of heron mae ecmoihets, th autor ree one Goes the improzon that ay of them were achieved wih minal efor pater, terete Dh fot na asec @ tekstas on ss sts ea to agai. Tee the aa ranch the ater losin sin ooo tne, and te ahs at Saar pant jos of undecieernent and pesereare Ts book belongs the it te / STRATEGY POINT «in part 6 of the Readg and Use of Enlsh paper yu wl have to ead 2 ie of shrt tens axing differnt wens on a reaed theme ~ sch 35 ‘ire reens ofthe ame book or fou ees ging ther opinion on 3 suet rs Hae t rd al four texts to understand the opinions and ates veces in order to dently agreement ard diagrerent betwaen the vies, ead tough al four texts quick to understand the oneal tudo ech vei Undetn the pats ofeach text wich exes an option cr an atu re they postive or negate? How eck ae each estan an unre the ey words Hetty the parts ofthe text which wl ep you ansver the auton. Fr errno a quetion at hich reeves snr epinn rere! C Searing identify vevewer’scpion Fst then finda sna oprion tre other thee ets Dart foie that some extracts ay beth ast to mt questions ard vone eas ay nat be the coect arene te any of tram, (A). is Thores was falhigh schoo! dropout who overcame adversity to achieve feuooess as an educator, author ond ‘motivational speaker. Now, in The Secrot to Success, he tells ite story 20 far, of 5 row, through blood, sweet and tears, 2 toubied youth went from rags to riches. Yet the book atempts to 9 more, andthe is where the problem les. CObveuay, such 2 struggle is by ts very 10 natu inspirational, but Tomasi in tho ‘business of sellimprovemert, and every Incident ins admittely bleak childhood 's detail for the purpose of ging the reader a life leson. And ths bacomes.& 15 file weatng, In ths obook age, t's common to find the seme book promoted in various ways, but 1 ope Tha Secrot to Success expecting an autobiography 1 to close it frustrates 20 with the relantlassly posive tone and back-anchwhite condusions of a So help book = which is, when you come ‘down to i, what The Secret to Success 5 b. Now read the reviews in the main text and, for R {questions 1-4, choose from the reviews A-D. Eric Thomas's autobiography, The Secret to Success, ‘The reviews can be chosen more than once. “depicts @ hopeless, homeless youth on the mean siteets of Detroit turning his fe around to become an Which eviews acceimed author end professional motivator. shares reviewer B's view on the dificult Crticiem of American dream raratves like this is ‘of esceping poverty? i ‘most forbden these days, but | feel | must speak hasa diferent opinon to the others ‘out. Granted, Thomas never Gains he found an easy ‘on how Eric Thomas's life turned aroun? [2L_] road to success, bul emphasises tracltonal values tke has sina opiicn toreviewer Cebout "9 lena nh danlanebediade {tic Thomas's stontaing abies? & doing the legwork His story is nelhwntten and : ‘he es Ge pie san od disagrees with reviewer A.on how el the autobiographical and motivational parts personable, Thom#rae made it as an inepationa spoaker, part of an musty whose canal principals of the book werk together? eo that overjone can each tee al potent a long es ‘they are prepared to realy stretch themselves. But this Ss Vocabulary practica only works for some: most don't escape the ghetto, ty Era shiled as iis et crusting the youra well before they 3 @ Match the words to form phrases. Use each to have had a chance to foursh make a sentence based on tha text. [TT high scot a author | don't usually go for self-help books, but The Secret 2] J ite g en ‘1 i 0 to Success was citferent, | fund the passionate and 3] achive & Serna ‘eneroctic style you always get in matwational books [AL] mosvatonat 4 opty fav mero balovable and convincing because of Ere © success “Thomas's fe story. Thare were no shortcuts or cheap 5 [EL] setthe F tone pojcholoiea tricks in his sing, and he doasn' [EL] each 4 speaker 5 pretend there are. My journay was long, upland the + h adversity ; ct Going was rough, he keeps tating Us. And knowing CEL oetanes 1 book that he was @ young man living on the streets of 8] ] woubled J. dropout Detroit's ier ity wil convrce the reader that he 10 [3] vobeat knows what he's talking about. At the same time, the Tr Fo] | ove 0 narrative parts of the book hold up very well as a ees terry toxt, and you find yourself rootina for the young, Eric Thomas just as you dd Huckleberry Finn and every other hero of Amarican erature, 8 bb, Explain the phrases in bold in the texts, > Text Analysis 4. Winat does each vrriter mean by the underlines phrases? Discuss in pairs. ©) Discussion 5a. Beloware three quotations about success. Do you agree with them? Why’Why not? Discuss in pais PE (D) What strcck me the most about The Secret fo Success was the lack of cohesion between the reality and the || message. Throughout, the reader is encouraged to | pull himself or herself up by the bootstraps, but the ‘most significant event in young Erie Thomas's life was § when, aged 17, he mot his mentor, who stoored him | back into education. Athough we should admire him for taking that opportunity and running with it, surely ‘what Thomas should be presenting is a quite diferent message ~ that these people need a helping hand 10 and a glimmer of hope, not just encouragement, After al, words alone are not alays enough to guide the underprivileged onto the correct path "In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” (il Cosby) “t've failed over and aver and over again in ry life | and that's why I succeed * (Michael Jordan) “Try not to be a man of success, but rather vy to become a man of value." (Albert Einstein) b. Tell your partner about someone you know who has become successful, saying what qualities and circumstances you believe helped hiner. 10 Language Focus D ets celebrate! 4a Look at the newspaper announcements, text messages and excerpts from greeting cards below. To which of the fllawing events is each one related? = house-warming * engagement * wedding © promotion + retirement © graduation * anniversary birth ‘R) ROBERTSON Elaine (née Marshall) and) Mark are pleased 0 announce the arrival of their daughter El Rachel, om Ist April, 2014, a welcome sister for Matthe, Hannah and Daniel [@ Mis Mawes an of Saba ise 9 enouce fotecming marge fer youngest eughr CATHERNE LOUSE © ‘BENNY URDAL HANSEN on 24 Ain Abu Dhan, UAE. Lore and | canta rom Mun, Mena Jute at ) MY SINCERE GRATITUDE FOR OVER $0 YEARS OF ® IAIN HOLDEN, PRESIDENT LOYAL SERVICE - Golden AL \© sremact, EMILY You're a Winer! Congratulations on your BS. || Lote of ov rom Mum and Da eral the tary. 0x © wav vou raw even HAPENES WN YOUR NEW Hons -reane 8 uD (PEACOCK = HOOD tis with nach hagpies hae amounce the engagement of Mr Brian Peacock and Mis Barbara Hood b, Which ofthe above celebrations have you attended? Were you the person celebrating or ‘were you invited a5 a quest to the occasion? 2. (A) listen to two people talking. What special ‘occasion is heing described? How does the girl feel about the celebration she went to? 'o. In paits, discuss the best celebration you have ever attended. Think about: + the reason forthe cebration + how many people attended + where itwas celebrated ‘+ what kindof food was served ‘what entertainment there was how long it lasted > Getting to the Top 3 Complete each sentence, using one of the three words provided. 11+ Although | always makea New Year's a seldom manage to stick to it for more than a month: to sel compary shores to the + Theboers pubic met with strong resistance. 4 Asvce-pesdent, ey main ‘toincease productwity while improving working conditions ‘A objective —B resoltion —C_dackion 2. + tn celebration of thei the entire team stood in the centre of the field and song their national anthem 4 Afier a decade of dedicated research, the scents fnll mace the heh been sing for. «+ Inrecogrtion of her tifetong. inthe entertainment fied, 2 huge reception vas hed in her honour A victory ——Bachievernent C breakthrough 3 + Business should be 2 required course forallstudents enoled in the MBA programme IE imperative for chicren to acquire stiong moral ata young age. + A good manager can make a business protable wile sil respecting the of the workers A values B_ ethics rights 4 « Theyoung poet sald that he goths. from the beauty of nature os wth mengy ané power might have mace him a milionaire, but he's nota happy man. + inorder to get ahead in the atvertsng industry, one ong tosucceed B inspiration C_ obsession musthavea A anbition King Albert's ign was one of peace anc + They say that he made his through good luck the help of influential acquaintances. + these days of economic decine, owning more than ‘one wehie is considered a A luuy — Bprospelity fortune © career Success A & Look at the following factors which may be important for career success. Tick (¢) a maximum of three in each group which you consider absolutely necessary. social background « financial backing + influential acquaintances + a wel-rounded education + relevant experience * qualifications +a suoportive family + experience of other cultures +2 positive image + popularity among colleagues +a sensitivity to others’ feelings # team spit + competitive spirit « the ablity to delegate +a willingness to compromise «having contact with superiors * the ability to seize opportunities.» ambition * determination + resience + powers of intuition + persistence + courage + an attractive appearance ‘charisma + self-motivation «natural talent «ruthlessness * foresight b. Compare your choices with a partner, saying in ‘what situations you feel that the factors you ticked can play a vital part. AA Ifyou are in profession that volves dealing wath people, positive image can make them Ike you and trast you. 8: Iinow whot you mean. also ticked ‘populariy’ becouse if you are popular in the workploce, colleagues ore aia to help you oF work vith you Read the short biography of Steve Jobs below. Which of the qualities in Ex. a did he have? Which didn't he have? Steven Poul Jobs (1965-2041) was tom in Calforia, USA. in 1974 ho cropped out of colege to work as a video gare designer. He was able to save enough money to got india and experience Bucism Back in the US in te autumn of 1974, Jobs went into business wih his Figh-Scheal ond Stopnon Wozniak. Jobs understood thet computers would apped to a broad audio. Although | ie had long. kept hai and cessed casally, he managed 0 obtain finance for his first maietabe compute, the Appl I in 1877. Apple Ino. wa formed and met with immediate suco2n8 Sven yoar ater, Jobs ited tho Macrtosh computor in abiantchoreograped demonstration at ho gave hse However, the sles ofthe fist Macs were dsappoining, This el to lensins in te compar, nein 1985 he resigned tn 1906, Jobs bought Piar Animation Studios. Over the folewirg decade he buit Pixar into a lage corporation tet, among othorachiovornorts, produced tho fst tulngth fim to be completely computr-aninated, Toy Stary, n 198. Inlate 1995, App, saddled by huge frencial losses ard on the verge of colapse, asked Jobs fo come back, He accepted, and quick encineered an award-wirring advertising campaign ‘ot uged customs to tink ifn” and buy Macrtoshos. 1908, he intocucod the Mac, an egg-shaped computer that oifred high-speed processing ata oasonabie pice. twas an irtant succes. Steve Jobs nad saved is company a inthe process, re-etabished himself as a master high-technology marker. d. Which of the qualities from Ex. 4a do you believe you have? Tell your partner, ® words often confused 5 Underline the correct word, 1 Theidea for 2 computerised house na frst been considered a far beyondbeforetbehind/back asthe ate 1950s, 2. For the purpose/object/aimintention of managng your finances hiring an accountants money nell-spent 3. Situated directrecise/ightlenact beside the lake, the vila has gone an sale fox £750,000. 4 The in-house regulations happen/accurfapply/agree 10 allempoyens, regarless of status 5A job advertisement for a programmer grippad/caught/ seized/struc his eye, and he decided to apply. 6 For 2 1Oyearold car, itis in excelent state/form/ presentation/condition. Language Focus D coltocations a. Tick (V7) the boxes in the table to form collocations. Think of at least two more phrases for each verb. Ee ‘control of a situation promotion thetile sh’s respect ‘areputation’ the right to domhave sth experience asalary ‘one's ining the advantage 12 bb. Now use some of the collocations in their correct form to complete the sentences below. 1. The heayyneight champion ‘ver his opponent in the last urd of the match 2. She went to work in a restaurant to asa chef 3. Although he's incredisly wealthy now, when he first came to this country he asa dish washer, 4 He's very welhpaid for his freelance writing but he abo fram the bookshop where he works 5 she asa tough businesswoman by sticking to her princples and never backing down from the competition. D Fixed Phrases (phrases with on) ‘a. Match the fixed phrases with their meanings. [AT] ontheortcrance a working ‘onsecond thoughts ustincase ona hin « duetoabeler [a] onabudset 4 imoukively [ET on principle € after reconsideration [EL] on one’s own {intentionally [ZT] on target 9 asplanned Cal} on dny h oi [ST] on purpose 1 dependenty [HOT] con condion tnat jth tmited amount of monoy © b._ Now, use the fixed phrases to fillin the gaps the sentences, 11 don't think there is @ vacancy inthe company at the ‘moment, but you coud ring my boss onthe off chance 2 think (take Sarah to a fancy restaurant for her birthday 3 fe’ have a surptis party at home. 3 Chris onns a line of successful boutques inthe UK ane believe itor not, she manages them completely 4 Wee pleased to announce that our proposed sales figures fo the year are right 5 Id love to goto the house-narrning party with you but rm coos and realy cant afford 2 gift Phrasal Verbs ‘Appendix 1 Match the verbs with the particles to form phrasal ‘verbs and use them in the correct tense to ‘complete the sentences below. Then explain the phrasal verbs in your own words. off on through down over out away 1 Her employer's persistent enthusiasm for the new scheme har resistance tot 2 Atrainee ... his sunerior’s orders quickly and efficent. 3. The speaker vith the presentation lesite the roise fom the back ofthe room. 4 Ata vay young age she determined what her career {goal were and set out to them 5 Unfortunately, the cificuties he was having at work ie Into his personal if, 6 After the shock of betng made head mansger slowly : James went about settling the cifficulios between members of his tat 7 Asthedey the graduates became move and! more exited about the upcoming cerernony. 18 The champion runmer tked to joke that he ‘over a huncred pats of trainers before he won his tte 9 To everyone's dsoliet, the Jamacans the gold medal in the men’s bobstegh event 10 Km sure you'l get the pestton, Now stop pacing or you'll the polsh on the loo! J D idioms he Q_& Match items from the two columns to make idioms In pais, guess what the idioms might mean. Do you have similar idioms in your language? (TG have the world a seventh heaven bein the Jonases [EL tea feather € in ones cap 7 [TJ have one's head stone's fet [51] keepon © show i [ET keep up with F tothe bone : (71) wbsbup tie 9 upto the top [3 steal the fh inthe couds ‘work one’s fingers i top of tings work one's way wong way b. Now, rewrite the sentences below using one of ‘the idioms from Ex. 9a. 1 Due to the success of her latest CD, the number of ‘opportunities open to the young diva are iss ue to the success of her latest CD, the yourg diva as ‘he world ther feet. 2. My grandfather, who was a poor farmer, laboured right and day to send hs children to university. 3 Nowadays, people are so busy competing with those around ther that they forget to erjoy lif 4 His ability to contro the coins-on in the large company made him a fantastic merager. 5 Over the years, Sue has steally improved her position in the la frm, © communication: Giving and Responding to News 10. @ Usjumble the coloured words to complete the cartoon caption below. ‘im elapsed to inform you that you got your promotion, but I rertes to inform you that we're bankrupt. b. What other phrases for giving good and bad news can you think of? 11 (@) Usten to four short extracts. Match the extracts as you hear them with the situations. A power eres 0 B meniege mati its faa, postponing a date eat 3 eats (B) Listen again and tick (v) the phrases that you hear. aig ne repented av ‘rmatadnegoione bad | Yount eso nov + insdroe orbs + egetoomyavtat..|+ lento ts + Yenc gues. | Von Tasos + Hiwetteye ths ba. |» Contato! + You're never going to © You're joking! bee th at * aint + Yarentinghewnae | tts gods pede cae + Tht ond efor Uarevendtit reno ring Bl Ne eal + Tred . ae om you | 5 That’ temblfawtul + Tees biter |, homie + td eo nae | OM a2 of bad news, but ‘Ghuiy TSahame. ‘Which of the phrases are formal and which are informal? 4d. Look at the phrases from Ex. 11b again. With a partner, act out dialogues similar to the ones you heard in Ex. 14a, giving and responding to news. Base your dialogues on some of the following situations. passing/falling an examination ‘osing/winning a matchvcompetiton a disastrous holiday meeting an old friend you hed lost touch with reading about someone you know in the newspaper damagingilosing something getting a job being promotedsfred geiting into university {'m affaid Ive got some bad news Oh, no, What’ the matter? Iuejust got my chemistry exom results, and Ive failed, Oh, what apity. And you vrorked so hard fort. Shee 13 Listening & Speakin Listening - Part 4 Mattiple matching ‘2. With a partner, talk about a special moment in ‘your life when you felt very happy. + How old were you? “© What was the situation? ‘= Who was with you? How dié they feel? STRATEGY POINT + Take advantage of the time you have to lack at the {questions before you have Co lsten to the recording, This will halp you predict the thames ofthe listening extracts * Both Tasks One and Two are based on the same extracts Concentiate on Task One in the fist Istening and on Task Two inthe second Istening, + There are thvee items in each task that don't match any of the extacts. (B) Now listen to five people talking about special moments in ther lives and do the following two tasks ‘Task One For questions 1-5, choose from the list (A-H) the person who is speaking. ee ‘Speaker 1 [7 8 alomer U4 C axteatener Saker 13] 0 afin isvazr seats on ue? CT] F asbing spats CE] 6 aperioe sonters CS Reareae veers [3] Task Two. For questions 6-10, choose from the list (A-H) what topic each speaker is talking about, A getting ajob Speaker B publishing a book © watching aplay Speaker? D passing an exam Specker 3 F watching apraeguing PO? C18 F having a baby spestera []3] frshing unversty H denbingamountan “PKS [_[19) Inpairs, think of other situations where the remaining people in Task One could feel the same way. Listening - Part 2 Sentence completion STRATEGY POINT ispartis a monologue, ‘You wil write @ word or a short phrase for each gap. Your answers must fit grammatically with the est ofthe sentence, Read through the exarcse before you Isten. The santence stems contan information that you vill hear in the listening text, but the information is worded different, To fill in the gaps correctly, be alert for information Contained in the stems, but in aparachrased form 2 & Youwill hear an extract from a radio programme about Google. Before you listen, look at questions 1-8 and in pairs try to predict what kind of information might be needed to complete the gaps. ((b) Now listen to the extract. For questions 1-8, complete the sentences Even the computer giant Microsoft is IT) of Goaigle's success, Two students from Stanford Unversity [2[—— Google For ts success, Google reed on word of mouth, which i one of the oldest methods of 3] apr. ‘Ameria Ontne chose Google to be its [ET] search engine The _reporter_mertions a profesor, working in the [ET wo as not engage in serous research bout just browsing the Inte, Like some other wellknown brand names, i is row often spelt without a [ETD ter. The reporter says that browsing the Internet iste the covers of ed books Google isa variant soeting of googol, a term invented by 2 mathematicians almost one hundred years ago. What other famous and very successful products do you know of? Why do you think they/te successful? Discuss in pairs Speaking - Part 2 Long tun S achievements 3 a Look at the pictures below. Compare two of the « b. © Celebrations pictures, and say what kind of success is portrayed in each one and who you think might be feeling the happiest. What kind of success is portrayed ineach photo? ‘Who do you think | mip be erg he happiest? ‘Who do you think may have worked the hardest to achieve success? Now look at the three pictures of different celebrations. Compare two of the pictures and say what differences there are between the two cccasions and witat each situation means to the person celebrating, What do you think each situation means to (What differences are there between the occasions? the person celebrating? 4 dd. How do you think each celebration might develop? Useful language: Comparing Both pictures show In both pictures the peopie are Both pictures were taken ‘The main connectionsinitxty between these pictures that The fst pictare shows .., whereas the second one ‘nthe picture an the ltt... whereas in the other one The maivmost striking difference between the two pictues There are several ciferences between the petures: sty, Speculating They coulrighvtnay be “They seerleppear tobe |sppaselasurefmagine tha Ie could/mighmay be that Iceni be surecertan, but pernaps Although icant be sure, perhaps (,) Listen to two candidates doing the speaking tasks above and compare their performance to that of your classmates. ‘Assess your classmates in terms of: * grammar and vocabulary # dscourse menagement * pronunciation « interactive communication D Everyday English 5 © Responding to news In pairs, decide vihat the other speaker has said and se the expressions below in response, 2 Typical d_ Good for her. b Alright forsome. Lucky you. Poor you! ‘Ac I'm sony, but your computer can't be fixe. Typical! 15 1 Remember: 16 Reading Reading and Use of English ~ Part 5 Multiple choke ife’s g Why do we feel BOT You are going to read an article about happiness. Before you read. in pairs discuss the folowing 1 Are the pecple of your goertion ceneraly happier er unhappien than your pent gneraton? 2 Look atthe tile and introduction to the atc. What do you think th writer’ arsner to his question wil be? Read thrugh quicly to find ot We've tried shopping and New Age cures, making money and spending it. We're still miserable. What's missing from our lives? Did you nate an outbreak of jovilty and genocoay ist weok? People beaming at you es they let you go ahead in the bus queue, grinning as they shared your morning traffic jam, smirking through the quarterly budget planning meeting? STRATEGY POINT ‘No? The organisers of National Smile Week will be down in the mouth, Got the gist fist by looking at the All their efforts to perk us up for at Isest seven days have run, it seems, into title and reading the text quickly the sand of our collec scepticism. Four out of ten of us think life has fea te qustons and question become worse in the past five yoars, TWO milion of Us are on art seen (he actin! queers, not depressant: only a minorty of us tink ‘people can be trusted mest ofthe time!. Mix in some road/air/otfice/phone rage, a nse in reported incivility and a good dose of political apathy and the gloom looks even starker. We're a wretched lot. All this when average house prices have blasted through the £200,000 mark, when life expectancy continues to lengthen, mortality rates are Gropping and more than a tird of young people enjoy what was once tre tlie prviege of higher educaton, We ate healthy, wealthy and wise. Yet wove never ft so bac. oor wh ca he Tac coom hee aon cE ry bo ein cin that also appear in the text) are that are supposed to make us happy don't do it for us any more - even if usualy wrong. ‘we have yet to wake up to the fact. So, your house is worth haif a milion. ORO acai Kal Marx, who fr al his feuts know a bt about captalsm, captured the enersly vue, but they de anover the quston of thay ae pot tre accong tothe ter Soee rong optoas a ai 2 Inthe thie pargraoh the writer sae that higher eduation A ison anal toa sal ideged grou, B saralbleto the whole othe population, the four choices) Read the text cerefuly and underline the parts which are relevant to the questions Choose an answer 10 each question. nearly coect, apart from one word (eg. an adverb like ‘never is avalable to far mare people than in the pest. 1D. should enly be avaiable to young people. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, 8, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text. In the fourth paragraph, the writer suggests that ‘A. television pregrammes can make us unhappy 8 even Karl Marx suffered from jealousy. people ate realising that they have too many commodities 1 What can be inferred about 1D our potical system colapses when we compare possessions ‘National Smile Week? 4m ineraasein earnings fis to make most jer 'A. Rs ergarier cid not expect it ne a soul nope Deca A thor expenses ate incredibly high peat theyrealse that's not where hapines es Bit seems to have annoyed : or pesca © theteisalnays someone wo earns more. is they don’t have nancial problem © tewos are unsuccessful Pie eerie Esato D_ was not ambitious enovah ‘keeping-uc-with-the-Joneses dynamic of _ market econcimies perfectly: ‘A house may be large or small; as Jong as the neighbouring houses are likewise small, it [et there ariee next to the ite house a palace and the litle house shrinks to 2 hut.’ with mass media, the palace doesn't nave to be next door -itcan be beamed info our living rooms. 90 _ Monay dossn't make most of us hapoy any more. Poor people, understandably, see the'r lie satistaction rise with income but for most of the population in a country 2s affluent’ as ours, any jump-start to well booing from a pay rise quickly wears off. "| was window- shopping in the South of France recently and | saw a dlamond-studded woolly hat, and | quite fancied it’ When ime get to that stage ve should realise that moro ‘money [sn't gettng us much more in terms. of happiness. Harrods is currently carrying a pair of shoes piiced at a coo! milion ~ imagine if somebody stepoed ‘on your foot. But vinat about health? Surely the virtual almination ‘of most fatal diseases, rising Me expectancy and fang ‘mortalty should be cheering us up? Not a bit of it All that happens is that our expectations riso just as or ‘even more quickly, Objactively, our health is better on ‘almost every count, but this doesnt transtate into our foaling any healthier. We are more aware of cur health, 80 we get more anxious about it, Medicina has become a victim of its own success: having massively reduced the chances of death in chikibit, for example, people ‘8 now shocked if aie is ost ~ and reach for a lawyer. Death was unavoidable ~ now itis unacceptable. Like the answer to mary great probloms, however, {55 the answer to the question of happiness may be quite 5 According to the vniter, improve care A made no cilfeence to Ue pubic’s mood. B _allavated some health worries © civectly le to increased arviety D only caused complex legal issues 6 —Onaverage, people in their early thirties A. have more fiends, B have happier mairages, Cave betier-educated, face more problems. ©) Vocabulary Practice 3 a. Find at least three words or phrases in the text which are synonyms for the word “miserable! b. Explain the highlighted words, proselie? once counities and households are tree of material need, the biggest contributor to life satisfaction seems to be a healthy set of personal relationships. The relative happiness of late teenagers and those passing middle age may relate to their spending more time on friendships. The thirty somethings, fighting on the two fronts of work and children, are the most dejected. Those between fulltime education and retirement may be spending more time on the activities they think will make them happy ~ eaming and spending - than on those that actually will: spending time with fiends and fail, Tris tiend-shaped gap explains the American paradox = why the residents of the richest nation in the world are so glum — according to Professor Robert E Lane at Yale University. ‘There is a kind of famine of warm interpersonal relations, of easy-to-each neighbours, of encircfng, inclusive memberships, and of solid family Wie," he says. ‘The secret of happiness? Not money. So leave the lawn, forget your investments and callin sick tomorrow. Do yourselfa favour. Phone a fiend sin heath“) Text Analysis 4, What does the writer mean by the underiined phrases in the text? Discuss in pairs. > Discussion a. The author believes that friends make you happy. How far do you agree with this? Discuss in pais giving reasons. b. Read! lines 7 to 10. Four out. time). These statements are based on the results of a survey conducted to see hhow happy people in Britain are, What do you think the findings of a similar survey would be in your country? Discuss in groups. BBSB pate a list of the five most important things which make you feo! happy. Compare your lst to your partner’. Which three are the most popular among the dass? 17 18 3 Gerund/Infinitive Grammar Reference a. Rewrite the following sentences using a gerund, asin the example. 4 Ie takes her ages to get to wore Getting to work takes her ages. 2. W's nearly imocssible for me to do two things at the same time 3 itis very frustrating for her to have to deal wth such @ problem on aFiday afternoon. 4 takes me feel really happy to see olf peosle holding hands. bb. Now, answer these questions in the two Ways shown above. 1. What tates you along tine? 2 What is neatly impossible foryou? hat makes you fee realy happy? 1. fillin the prepositions which usually follows these phrases. Use a dictionary if you wish. 1. todsaperove 8 to compensate sb 2. tocompiment sb 9 tobeduity 3. tobe ashamed 10 to da obsessed 4. to apologise 11 toconsist 5. wobeiwohed 12 toodect 6 todscouage sb 13. to protest 7 tobeteen 14 to benefit b. Now write a sentence for each phrase, using a ‘gerund after the preposition 1 strongly disapprove of people using ther smartphones whale they drive 1a. Match these phrasal verbs with their meanings, i a a | (7 tatewe a wy 2 give up b start (e.g ahobby) [ETE boda —& stoptevna [AE] comon 6 igore [SILI makeup fore compensate Go f i un through examine b. Rewrite the following sentences using the phrasal ‘verbs in Ex. 3a. Use gerunds where possible. 1. He’sbeen astamp cllactor since he ws five He took up stamp collecting when he was fv. 2. ignored the street noise and continued studying 3. Let’ think of al the places where you might have lft it 4 He forgot her birthday so he sent her 2 big bouquet the nee day 5 | really need you to support me at the meeting | stopped trying to get my husband to do housework years am. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences using the gerund or the infinitive ofthe verbs in parentheses. 1 enjoy Clive) in Spain, but | do mss (Go) outwith ny ends 2 We agreed (meet) bythe ver at 8 o'loc, but they never showed up 3. Frankfalled (complete) the course and so he" have to retake it. 4 I suggested (go) to the cinema, but Helen saél she didn't fancy (erat) in a queue, 5 Ican't realy aford year 6 Martha practised daly, but she seemed progress 7 uch as | dread domis, | dort think 1 can avoid (Wisi) im this time. 8 She certain mentioned (see) Mark, but | don't remember her (talk) about Vie. (buy)e cr this (play) the piano (make) ttle = Go) t0 te Use the verbs below in their infinitive or -ing form ‘to complete the six rules for achieving success. respect © focus + take + improve ‘imagine + concentrate 1 Youmust yourself and others around you. 2 Remember, ‘onthe outcome of your ‘ois. a gieat motivator 3 ly ‘what your fife willbe like once you have accomplished your aim, 4 Build up your motivation loeb by your diet 5 You should always hand ~ don't get dstected. 6 Youreed to everyday events in your life (onthe job at control over the the se. | 00 erat tse ams, this ite the ee) _ Multiplecchoice doze teasing and Use of English - Part 1 STRATEGY POINT Read the whole tox fist to get an idea of ts themels) and content * Consider meaning, naturalness and form. * Style is important; a vey formal word i unlikely to fit nan Informal passage and vice verse. G _ Youn red atext on unsua ays to cltrate birthdays. 2 Read the article quickly and answver these questions 4. What sort of actiitis ae mentioned in the article? Do you think the winter isan adventurous person? 3. How would you describe the tone ofthis article? Why? b. Now read the article again and for questions 1-8, decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example atthe beginning (0). mething Different? Looking for 2 0) ..8.. way to celebrate that special occasion? Well, the range of options open to today’s youngster ~ or even ‘oldster’ for that matter, is a far 1). from the traditional party or restaurant visit. No longer is it enough to invite your friends round, buy some food and get a cake. No, today’s birthday boy or git is looking for something out of the ordinary, ranging from the 2) coon expensive to the downright dangerous. Anything 3)....., aS long as it is unusual and impressive. Top of this year's popular 4)... are as follows: taking some friends rally driving, for helicopter lessons, ‘on a plane trip, parachuting and hot air ballooning. Then, there is always group bungee jumping or taking your buddies on a stomach-churning, white water rafting ride down rapids. OF course, if you have the money, the world is your oyster. A 5)... felation of mine flew fifty of his friends to a Caribbean island ‘to mark the passing of his half century, Unfortunately, | vas only a 6)... relation! Undoubtedly, the more traditional forms of celebration do continue to 7) ..... the needs of the less ‘extravagant or more timid among us. However, with my own half century coming up on the horizon, | wouldn't say no to 2 weekend in Paris anc a meal atthe Eiffel Tower. can but dream. Perhaps by the time {'m eighty Il finally have enough money to 8)... 0A notorious B prominent _rematkable ——-D__renowned 1A post B out © afield Day 2 A perfectly B dearly © outrageously —D_evplctly 3A gos B comes © wins D takes, 4 A deeds B_ actintios actions D venues 5 A progressive B prolific C promising D_ prosperous 6 A distant B remote faraway D slight 7A pacify B distract CC absor D satisly 8 A grant B spare © afford D subsidise Find words or phrases in the text above which are similar in meaning to the following. 7 1 unusual 4 frightening 7 approaching 2 thoroughly 5 there smo limit 8 Iwould ike 3 cose frends 6 less adventurous 9 it’s impossible for me

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