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BAB. XY. ADJECTIVE WITH PREPOSITIONS. ~ Ajeet oh fr ‘Adjetve ct eke = Aden it la = Ape i lh wit. = face ath Ajeet le about = Aijectie i le = Adjective it lh BAB, XVI, POLITE REQUEST & INVITATION = Pelt Rerponte BAB. XVILIDIOMS, iowa ‘BAB. L TIME & TENSES alm Bahasa Ingrs, TIME (wakty) sng erat hubung annfa denman TENSE (Porubahan Kata Ke) Lain halnya denfanBuhssa Indonesia, maka dalam BahaatIngese WAKTU turut mempengaroh) bentuk KATA KERIA Ade 16 tnses dalam bahasa Inggris sera peneanaan-pengaina, ‘nna semanya akan dlbahas dalam Bab nh IPLE PAST TENSE. (waktu lampausedethana) gunakan untuk menyatakan svat kejian/perbuatan Yang} texiadi pada suatu waktu fertente di masa lamp Struct: [Subject Tn OTR] ‘ea My uncle went to Bogor yesterday, pst month my father lft for Singapore. st week Ivted some frend Yeaiched television lst night father passed away two yours ao Nezatve (Biber aiden Feb Tsk hn didnot go toschool yesterday becatse he was ick. Kemarin John tidak ke sekolahharene shit, ‘he didnt feet much better after her operation last eck, did’ sce him atthe meeting as night. ‘ast year my sister didn't past he inl examination. d' recetve any eter ast Monday. Imereaative (Dia Frater arb Ta Too) ¢ Bid sho tell you about her tip ast wok? = Yes, she did = No, she did’ Did he phone you ist sight? = Yes, he id = No, he didnt. Did they come to work on time this morning? Yes, they did = No, they didnt, Did you enjoy the party last ight? = Yes, id No, didn't Dad you se Helen atthe mesting lastnight? “Yes, 1 did =No, I didn. Note: Dalam membentuk Negative dan Interrogative dati Simple Past kata Key hema ke bentuk “nine te) ecerargan waktu dai Simple Past Tene justnow/a moment ago = tadifbaru saa this moming = tad pap yesterday > kemarin the day before yesterday = kemarin du 2 lash nieht = adi mati kes} Monday ‘ari Senin yang las Fos} week month/year = minggu/bulay/tabun yang lak ibe ay igo = tiga han yang lata beberapa miggu yang take ‘maby vears ago ete. bertahunctan yang ll, Sipe Past Tense j te of Sin Wh Wipe wh wi Ho Hos Win igunakan bila svt keadian benare telah terjadi i mesa Tampaumeskipun svat wat nt tak seb ws aoa ws SEs ond aszagrne ine ke Fant Tense dguskan dengan Kata tanya seperti = ape = imans kemana am er stengapa/hnrak apa © toguimata dengan spa = etapa hares sens sana What for Fo fiom = untuk sana Who} Whom = sopa uta vou bu this moening? ‘hougi new shi. re ded bu this book? [Gunung Aging tookestor What for did vour mother gto the supeesmarket he she Wane 10 fy soe dress, — For some dress, When dt he vss Mary? = Last Sunday Hr did your father core for Singapore? = By plane. pesabit How much did you bu this book? = Five dollars tak whom di your sister goto the party lastnight? = Wine John Who[Whom did you se a the party las ipht? = Ny teacher Who saw you a the party lst alah? = Ny teacher aid * Rerbedaan antara WHO dan WHOM WHO dapat digunakan untuk menanyakan Subject a ‘apn Object sedangkan WHOM hanya unk menanye xan Objet. Peshatikanlah contohbeiku in Mor saw Jol a the party lst nigh who saw John a the party last ight? (vom is a magn) © thom Who cid Macy ee atthe party lastnight? — Joho. = Mary da 2. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE, (waktu sekarang kebissan) Diaunakan untuk mensatakan sat Kejaian yang be. lungsuse tap hati yang merupakan Aebigmmy ataupun k= Structare Sats et ff My father goes to work every day.* Wesiudy English twice a week, “They go abroad every year “Thos shires daring the day ‘The earth moses round the sun, nuk orang kel tungeal akan babs terse Nguative: (BgR Toa Ae TH ToR) 8) Mary doesn’ lke to study Engish don’ understand everything he sy He doesn’r know French perfectly 1 don’t feed well today, We don't need a fn in thls room, Intgrogstie (Doles aatjea a stor 28 | Do you enjoy your English lesson? — Yes, | do = No. don't Does this book belong to you? — Yes it does = No it doesr't Do they dive to Semarang _~ Yes, they do ‘once a weck? = No, they don't oes vourfathersmoke alot? — Yes, he does = No, he doesn't ORANG KEAN TUNGGAL. Dalam Simp Present Tense untuk Orang kell Tanga aki, He (Dia, lakilaki), She (Dia Wanita), 17 (Diabenda! ‘inafana)ataupun my father, your friend hs bother dl ‘atesanva dtamtoh SJ sty CES] denen kien uanbb it ata Kerja terakir dengan CF] dab ol ne suf mat (consonant) maka [7] divbah menjadi CF] f+ vita eg tosmdy — studies tony ies tocary — cares todeny denies tou tie tomanry marries Sila kata kena borakhirdonzan [5 gh eh mo] ambah [a] te wks — kises tohox — boxes fowith — wits todo — doce foreach — aches togo — goes — Yang tidak termasuk dalam ketentuan datas any ‘ambah = ee toply — plays tocome — comes toby — bys tome sees te, Contoh dates kainat (4) The bus eames lot of passengers. (=) The bus doesn ary aft of passengers, (2) Does the bus evry a lat of pasengers? = Yes, it does. = No, it doesn't (+) re, Smith teacher English in our cas (=) Mrs Smith doesn teach English in our css, (2) Does Nr. Smith each Engish in your class? = Yes she des = No, se doesn't +) My father plays tennis twice a werk ~) My father does’ play tennis twice a week 7), Does your father play tennis tics week” ~ Yes, he does = Noy he doesn't +). The mother Kses both boys every morning The mother doesnt Ess both boye every moring ((?) Does the mother kist both boys every morning? a Trove pt i ae spo dnientinentinn = Sot ier = a Keterangan (adverb of Frequency) yang sting di dalam Simple Present Tease antare lin netimes = kadang-kadang setae ° Perna Inerogthe) ‘shay Banana ely = amumaye ecfusionly = seatscka Kiet ns teretak antara Sublet dan Kats Kei. ‘2. My sister often goes tothe movie. Weusualy eat hunch atthe restaant He somerimes gets up very late. My brother seldom stays inside, Tabeays take te same bus (0 school, ‘They never come to school eal. Women general ike shopping. Helen occasional drive t schoo! DPoyou ever have mean that restatrant? ‘Simple Present Tense dengan kat-kata tanya Where do you lie? = Iiveat I Cendans no, 10. liveon JL. Cendins, Whar tine do you got up every morning? always get up at 5 o'clock ‘Ho oftes does he go to the movie? = Nots> often, How well does Mary speak Prench? vs wal does Mary speak French? ~ She speaks French perfectly How much does it cost? = Ik cots 2 dollar Why does he want to study English? Because he wants to get better job, Whick movie star do you Uke best ~ Slamet Rahardio. How rumy new words do you Warn every day? ears ten new words every day To whom does this book belong? = This Fook belongs tober Jn whick room does the class meet? = In roan 10. 8 va Posi Str ce ce Inet ee {ESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE, aki wekarang sedang) jgsnakan unt menyatakan satu keadian/perbuatan sedang berlangsung pada sat bara ves (Subject ¥amjijae + ve ING form] ‘The children are watching television. Father is reading a newspaper. Jane i dolking with motes My sister cleaning the room, Tam writing a letter fra trend. John én’ dong anything now. ‘They aren’ playing tennis at this mosten. The stuentsaren' studying their lessons now. ‘Thebaby i’ sleeping Mother fn cooking at this moment. rogative [Lani Veabject vere ING orm] Are te cldren playing in the park now? = Yes. they ae ~ No, they sren’t 1s he studying his esson at this momere? = Yes, he is — No, he isn't ire you waling for her now? | Yes, tam | No, am not an atu perbuatan yang sedang berlangung dalam sth petiofetertentu di waktu sekareng. Maksudnya, pada sit bars pertuatanfersebut da sea 44. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE. (wk seharang sels) Digunakan untuk menyatakan situ peruatan yang {elah ilakukan pada suatu waktu yang dak trtenty dh masa lmpau (tel eles). ture + [Subjest + havefhar $verb 3rd Tora Su ‘HAS Khusus untuk Orang ke-IH1 Tunez Present Pevfect Tense juga digunakan untuk menyatakan wo situ perbuatan yang teh terulang kill diakukan pad ‘pa lamp, My sister fas vised Bali many times. have tried the estarant agin and again but | don't like the food there. Nefative, Subject havefhas not F verb 3 a for] 4} She hasn't studied English, Mrs. Smith han’ aught English for many ys We haven’ had dinner yet haven’ seen that ir. Have they rod you about itt = No, they haven't ‘Has your sister gone to sehool?” Yes, she has = Noy she hasn't are you ped your school-fes?— Yes, Lhave = No, Vhaven't Has your teacher saught you wanimar? rapa ungkapan yang sering digunaksn dalam Pres ot Tense anara lain yet already, for & since, just YET & ALREADY. Yer menyatakan suatu waktu lebih faba dari yang di lu ditempatkan di belakang kab — Yer digunakan dala kalimat Neps sive, bel), on The class always begin at 8 a.m. 1s 8.05 but the teacher hasnt come yer. te now Join hast found any jo yet ve you bough et for the game ye1? No, yt His he posted the letter yet? No, not yet (Helurkals dia memposkan sure tt?) Almay menyatakan 3 Atnrspkan = Already digunakan stv — Aleady dapat dietakkan di tga maupun di belakang alae a waktu lebih copa dr yang fam Kalimat Positive dan Intro © The class always begins at 8am, es only 755 but the lesson has abady begun ‘They have abvady cashed the cheque FOR & SINCE, — For menunjukkan lamanya sate keadian belangsung (sama), = Since menunjukkan saat svt keadian i aust. Jug digunakan untuk menandaskan bah ‘ba Sa sles perbustan 4} John has ast gone out, 5. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE. waht sles sedang), Jn untuk menyatakan suatu perbuaton yang fiakukan oh waktu Lampaw dan perbustan ters jh ters berlangsung samp sekarang dan Ker torus berlangsung sampai masa alan datang. Pa mys tense ini pengaunaannya hampir sama dengan nt Perfect Tense, aveTas teen + ecb ING Torn] HOW LONG... = Berapa lama. How long digunskan dalam Present Perfect & Present Pe- fect Continuoss wntuk menanyakan sudah berapa lama soto kejalan berlangsung ‘eHow long have you been staying in Saka Tihave been staying in Sakara for seven months fog bas be studied music? rhs studied music since 1981 up tonow = How dong has your father been sailing? Ny father has Been sling Fer mare than fen yeas How tone ve you ben sick? Thave Bee sick for two weeks = How long have they been discus “They have Been discussing the beranasung oi masa Tampa tanpa ada hubengansiya dengan masa sekarang Per pereakapan beskut in Xt Last your visited Ba. YY How long did you stay there? X: [stayed there for vo weeks, 6, SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE. (wakt akan datan. DDiginakan untuk menyatakan sat perbuatan yang kan diakukan dirmasa akan tang Struct Sa shaw ve Tt om) eg IsallYil go 10 Bandung Next week we wil ist Ba ‘They will move fo England next month ‘wut they wat Int you stay bere in Octoter? ce How wil ego there? He wit yl by bus How 1 ep New wren Ta em] We ae gomg to visit them next weekerd We are going vo wet up 101 gotng 10 play tennis this afternoon Join nor gg to take Helen to dance tonight They are mor going to wait for ws alter the show. Ve are nor going to sty our lesson tons ysster not ging 0 swim tomorrow. atv (re you going to visit him later? Yes, Tam No, am not. re they going to spe 1 she going co get married next June? Yes: she's 17. PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE. (wat lrnpau sedane) Digunakan untuk menyatakon swat Aejalan/perbuatan yangsedang berangsung di masa lamp etka * When, While, As digunakan sebagat nae ketentuan selagst beikut ‘Past Past Continuous. While/s dikuti Fast Seructre ‘Sbjct was) were + versING fon ea Whon we were watching TV last night, four ( pada). Naty was plying piano when | was having boskfat the ved king down the sueet, sa gn acldent we were having dinner, my sister wa work i Bia hanya satu Kejadin yang berlangung kta per men jkkan suatu waktu yang tertentu ea APS otlock last night | was wring a letter 8 0. ie wasn't dng anything when I cme when | came to your house yey enday? ulng downtown, as tre Tams

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