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get home = chegar em casa
When I get home.
Quando eu chegar em casa.
get sick = ficar doente
People who never get sick.
Pessoas que nunca ficam doentes.
get tired = ficar cansado
Don’t you ever get tired?
Você nunca fica cansado?
get hungry = ficar com fome
Even thieves get hungry.
Até mesmo ladrões ficam com fome.
get drunk = ficar bêbado
How many beers can you drink until you get drunk?
Quantas cervejas você consegue beber até ficar bêbado?
get scared = ficar com medo
I get scared to let my guard down because of the fear of being hurt again.
Eu fico com medo de baixar a guarda por causa do medo de ser machucado novamente.
get angry = ficar bravo
I don’t get angry very often.
I não fico bravo frequentemente.
get sad = ficar triste
I cry and get sad all the time.
Eu choro e fico triste o tempo todo.
get good grades = tirar boas notas ou get a good grade = tirar uma boa nota
How can you get good grades at school?
Como você consegue tirar boas notas na escolar?
get a job = conseguir um emprego
It’s going to be so hard to get a job.
Vai ser muito difícil conseguir um emprego.
get pregnant = ficar grávida
Trying to get pregnant doesn’t always work overnight.
Tentar ficar grávida nem sempre funciona da noite para o dia.
get worried = ficar preocupado
Try not to get worried.
Tente não ficar preocupado.
get started = começar (uma atividade, geralmente algo novo)
To help you get started, there are four things you should know about.
Para ajudá-lo a começar, há quatro coisas que você saber.
get the impression = ter a impressão
I did not get the impression that they were unhappy about the situation.
Eu não tive a impressão de que eles estavam infelizes com a situação.
get back to return
· get dressed to put your clothes on
· get in trouble to be punished for doing something bad
· get lost to lose your way
· get off (work) to finish work
· get off (a bus, etc.) to exit a bus, plane or train
· get on (a bus, etc.) to board a bus, plane or train
· get ready to prepare to do something
· get rich to become wealthy
· get sick to become ill
· get together to join someone (usually to socialize)
· get up to leave your bed in the morning
1. I always do my homework on time. I don’t want to ___________________________.
2. Our flight departs in two hours. Let’s ___________________________ to leave.
3. Here comes a bus. Let’s ___________________________ it.
4. We should ___________________________ at the next bus stop.
5. On the weekends, I usually wake up late and ___________________________ at 10 o’clock.
6. My family and I ___________________________ from our holiday last week.
7. We ___________________________ while we were in Italy and had to ask for directions.
8. Would you like to ___________________________ and have lunch tomorrow?
9. James usually goes to bed early because he has to ___________________________ early.
10. I ___________________________ and had to see a doctor last month.
11. You should wear a warm coat in winter or you might ___________________________.
12. Of course I want to ___________________________! I want to make lots of money!
speaking time
1. What time did you get back home yesterday?
2. What time did you get up and get dressed yesterday?
3. When was the last time you got in trouble? What happened?
4. Do you get lost very often? Why? / Why not?
5. What time does your English teacher usually get off work?
6. When was the last time you got on a bus?
7. Do you take a long time to get ready to leave your home every morning?
8. Do you want to get rich? Why? / Why not?
9. When was the last time you got sick with a cold?
10. What do you like to do when you get together with your friends?
Speaking time
1. What do you like to do after you get back home after class?
2. What time did you get up and get dressed this morning?
3. Did you often get in trouble when you were a kid? Why? / Why not?
4. When was the last time you got lost? What happened?
5. What is the best time to get off work? Why?
6. When was the last time you got on a plane? Where did you travel to?
7. Do you study a lot to get ready for exams? Why? / Why not?
8. What are some different ways people can get rich?
9. Which hospital do you go to when you get sick? Why?
10. What do you like to do when you get together with your family?
Get upset — He got upset because of your behaviour
Get better (to recover e.g. from illness) — Our dog is getting better
Get angry — You shouldn’t get angry at him, he’s too young
Get married — Nowadays people get married in their thirties
Get permission — I got the permission to leave from my boss
Get drunk — Last Friday we got so drunk I don’t remember anything
Get up (to wake up or to stand up) — Get up, it’s time to go
Get lost (to lose one’s way) — Once she got lost in the woods there
Get away (to run away or to remain unpunished) — I don’t
understand how does he manage to get away with his behaviour
get a job.
get married.
get divorced.
get together.
get drunk.
get home.
get in trouble.
get dressed.
Reading time
• Dear Ms. Marriage,My boyfriend and I got together five years
ago. I think it’s time for us to get engaged. My boyfriend doesn’t
want to get married before he’s thirty. He says couples who get
married in their twenties are more likely to get divorced. Is this
true, or does my boyfriend need to get real?
• Yours,
• Desperate to Marry
Reading time
• Dear Desperate,

• It seems you are really excited about getting married. You won’t be as excited when it
comes to getting divorced. It doesn’t matter how long ago you got together. What matters
is how well you get along. Have you tried living together? You might get a shock when you
realize how hard it is to get along in a shared space. It sounds like your boyfriend is not
ready to get married. Maybe he wants to get to know you better. You could try taking a
relationship break. If you both feel that you want to get back together, then you can think
about getting old together.

• Best of luck to both of you,

• Ms. Marriage
2. How often do you get your hair cut?
3. Did you ever get fired from a job?
4. What is something that gets you really angry?
5. How long does it take you to get ready for class?
6. Do you get enough sleep?
7. Do you get injured a lot?
8. Who is someone you want to get a call from?
9. When does it get cold in your home country?
10. What time does it start to get dark nowadays?
Getting older
Put the following stages of life in the correct order:
◦ adolescence
◦ middle age
◦ infancy
◦ the senior years / old age ◦
◦ childhood -
What stage of life are you in?

◦ Would you like to be older?

◦ Or maybe you wish you were young again?

◦ Are you worried about getting old?

Speaking time
What time do you get up?
What have you got to do today?
What do you get nervous about?
Are you married?
When did you get married?
Are you divorced?
Do you get on well with people?
Do you have a car? Maybe a scooter or bicycle?
When did you get it?
When was your last birthday?
Did you get anything interesting? What about for christmas?
Thank you

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