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European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging


Radioiodine versus radiofrequency ablation to treat autonomously

functioning thyroid nodules: a systematic review and comparative
Luca Giovanella1,2 · Maria Luisa Garo3 · Alfredo Campenní4 · Petra Petranović Ovčariček5,6

Received: 7 December 2023 / Accepted: 20 January 2024

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2024

Purpose Radioiodine (RAI) is a well-established first-line therapy for autonomously functioning thyroid nodules (AFTN).
Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a minimally invasive procedure that has been proposed as an alternative treatment option
for hyperthyroidism caused by AFTN. Although RFA has been shown to be useful for reducing nodule volume and improving
TSH levels in AFTN, no comprehensive comparative clinical studies have been proposed to evaluate the overall response to
RFA treatment. The aim of this comparative systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the response of RAI and
RFA treatments in AFTN.
Methods A systematic search strategy was applied in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Library, and ClinicalTri- until July 2023 without time or language restrictions. Studies investigating the response to RAI and/or RFA treatment
in AFTN patients 6 and/or 12 months after treatment were included. The risk of bias was assessed based on the study design.
Random-effect models were used for the meta-analysis.
Results Twenty-three articles (28 reports) met the inclusion criteria and were included in the study. Overall, RAI therapy
was found to have a significantly higher treatment response (94%) than RFA (59%), although the volume of AFTNs was
reduced to a similar extent. In the direct comparison (n = 3 studies), RFA showed a higher risk of non-response than RAI
(RR, 1.24; 95% CI, 0.94–1.63; z = 1.55; p = 0.12).
Conclusions Our results demonstrate the superiority of RAI over RFA in terms of success rates and safety profile and confirm
RAI as the first choice for the treatment of AFTNs.

Keywords Autonomously functioning thyroid nodules · Radioiodine · Radiofrequency · Hyperthyroidism


* Luca Giovanella Autonomously functioning thyroid nodules represent the second cause of hyperthyroidism (about 30% of cases) after
1 Graves’ Disease (about 70% of cases) in Europe [1]. AFTNs
Department of Nuclear Medicine, Gruppo Ospedaliero
Moncucco SA, Clinica Moncucco, Via Soldino 10, synthesize and secrete thyroid hormones independently from
6900 Lugano, Switzerland the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid regulatory axis. In par-
Clinic for Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital of Zurich, ticular, excessive thyroid hormone production firstly induces
Zurich, Switzerland suppression of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and
Biostatistic Unit, Mathsly Research, Rome, Italy may lead to overt hyperthyroidism over time [2, 3]. AFTNs
4 appear as regions with higher tracer uptake (“hot” nodules)
Nuclear Medicine Unit, Department of Biomedical
and Dental Sciences and Morpho‑Functional Imaging, than surrounding thyroid tissue at thyroid scintigraphy [4].
University of Messina, Messina, Italy Treatment of hyperthyroidism is indicated to reduce symp-
Department of Oncology and Nuclear Medicine, University toms and risk of atrial fibrillation and osteoporosis in both
Hospital Center Sestre Milosrdnice, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia overt and subclinical hyperthyroid patients [5]. Currently,
School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, 10000 Zagreb, AFTNs are treated with radioactive iodine (131I) or alterna-
Croatia tively with surgery. Radiofrequency ablation is a minimally

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

invasive, ultrasound-guided procedure successfully applied nodules) OR (hyperfunction) OR (adenoma) OR (hyperthy-

to decrease volume of non-AFTN and reduce mechanical roidism) OR (thyrotoxicosis) OR (AFTN) OR (toxic)). A
complaints from nodular compression [6] and was recently backward and forward citation chaining on relevant articles
proposed as a treatment option for hyperthyroidism caused was performed.
by AFTN [7, 8]. Currently this option is only considered in
selected cases when surgery and radioiodine are contrain- Study selection
dicated. Recently, however, some authors hypothesized the
use of RFA as a first-line therapy of AFTN. Notably, how- After downloading the articles from the databases and
ever, no adequately designed and powered clinical trials, removing duplicates, two independent reviewers (MG and
including extended follow-up periods and comparison with PP) performed an initial screening by title and abstract.
the gold standard (i.e., radioiodine) are available. Therefore, Potentially relevant articles that met the eligibility criteria
our present study aimed to extract more robust evidence by were retrieved and screened independently by the same two
a comparative systematic review and meta-analysis of the reviewers. Disagreements were discussed by consensus. A
available literature on either RAI and RFA treatments of third independent reviewer (AC) screened the potentially
AFTNs. eligible articles using a backward and forward citation chain-
ing approach. The final eligibility of each article was decided
by consensus among all authors. The reasons for exclusion
Methods were recorded. Subsequently, two authors (MLG and LG)
independently conducted a confirmatory search strategy
Protocol and registration and screening process. No discrepancy was found with the
implemented screening process.
This comparative systematic review and meta-analysis
was conducted in accordance with the PRISMA (Preferred Data extraction
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analy-
ses (PRISMA) guidelines. The methodology was registered Two reviewers (MLG and PP) independently extracted data
in the PROSPERO (International Prospective Register of from each included article and reported them in an Excel
Systematic Review) database under registration number: file (Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, USA). No additional
CRD42023456752. The components of the PICO question data were requested from the authors of the studies. Data
were (population) patients with autonomously function- collected included the following:
ing thyroid nodules (AFTN), (intervention) radioiodine or
radiofrequency ablation, (comparator): RAI or RFA if a 1. First author’s name
comparator was present, and (outcome): euthyroid and/or 2. Publication year
hypothyroid status. 3. Study design
4. Country
Eligibility criteria 5. Observation period
6. Multicenter study
Articles published in peer-reviewed journals that included 7. Nodules type
patients with AFTN treated with RAI or RFA and reported 8. Treatment (RAI, RFA, or both)
follow-up data at 6 and/or 12 months after treatment were 9. Patient inclusion and exclusion criteria
included. Case reports or case series with less than 10 10. RAI dose or RFA mean power or energy
patients, reviews, letters, editorials, abstracts, or other types 11. Number of sessions
of studies without observational value were excluded. 12. Frequency of visits during follow-up
13. Definition of treatment success
Search strategy 14. Follow-up
15. Sample size
A systematic search was conducted in PubMed, Web of 16. Patients’ mean age
Science, Scopus, Cochrane Library, and ClinicalTrial. 17. Gender or male/female ratio
gov until July 2023 without time and language restrictions 18. Success rate (euthyroid or hypothyroid) at the end of
using the following keywords: ((radiofrequency) OR (radi- follow-up
ofrequency ablation) OR (RFA) OR (laser) OR (PLA) OR 19. Success rate (euthyroid or hypothyroid) between 3 and
(laser ablation) OR (thermal ablation) OR (radioiodine) OR 6 months
(radioactive iodine ablation) OR RAI OR I-131 OR 131I)) 20. Success rate (euthyroid or hypothyroid) between 6 and
AND (thyroid) AND ((autonomously functioning thyroid 12 months
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

21. Hypothyroid at 12 months included studies), and overall follow-up. Meta-analysis was
22. Euthyroid at 12 months performed using STATA18 (StataCorp., College Station,
23. Hypothyroid at the end of follow-up TX, USA). Evaluations about a possible correlation between
24. Euthyroid at the end of follow-up percentage nodule volume reduction and an increase in TSH
25. Reduction in nodule volume during the observation values were conducted using a narrative approach.
26. TSH changes during the observation period
27. Post-treatment complications (adverse events associ- Results
ated with significant morbidity or disability requiring
hospitalization or a higher level of care) Studies selection

Risk of bias Using the search strategy defined above, 3159 articles were
found in databases (Fig. 1).
The quality of the prospective and retrospective studies was After excluding duplicates (n = 2130), 1029 articles were
assessed using the instrument for observational, cohort, and screened by title and abstract. Fifty-eight articles met the
cross-sectional studies (https://​www.​nhlbi.​nih.​gov/​health-​ inclusion criteria; 55 were retrieved and screened in full text.
topics/​study-​qualit​ y-​asses​sment-​tools). For RCTs, the RoB2 Of these, 32 were excluded because the sample was unclear
was used according to the Cochrane guidelines. (it was not possible to separate patients with AFTN from
those with Graves’ disease, n = 11), reporting was incom-
Outcome plete (missing data on treatment success rate, n = 10), the
sample included fewer than 10 patients (n = 4), and there
The primary outcome was treatment response (hypothyroid/ were no data on success rate at 6 or 12 months (n = 7).
euthyroid status vs. hyperthyroid status), as defined in each Twenty-three articles (with a total of 28 reports given that
individual study. The secondary outcomes were the percent- some studies contained more than one report) met the inclu-
age reduction in nodule volume and changes in TSH lev- sion criteria and were included. Response to treatment after
els. Response to treatment and secondary outcomes were RAI was examined in 14 articles (15 reports in total) [9–22],
measured at three predefined time periods: between 3 and while response to treatment after RFA was examined in 11
6 months after treatment, between 6 and 12 months after articles (12 reports in total [10, 12, 15, 23–30], three studies
treatment, and at the end of the entire follow-up period if it directly compared RAI and RFA [10, 12, 15], and one study
exceeds 12 months. assessed the efficacy of combined RFA (laser ablation) and
RAI treatment in large toxic thyroid nodules [31].
Data synthesis and analyses
Studies characteristics
All data from the included articles were summarized in a
systematic summary. A meta-analytic approach was used RAI studies
to assess the pooled treatment success at 6 and 12 months
and the end of the follow-up period. First, pooled treatment Fourteen articles with a total of 15 reports (1042 patients
success was assessed in a direct comparison between RFA with AFTN) were included in this review (Table 1). Ten
and RAI, including studies comparing treatment success in studies were retrospective, two prospective [13, 21], one
patients treated with RAI or RFA in the same study setting. RCT [12], and one study did not specify the study design
An indirect comparison between the two approaches were [16]. Six studies were conducted in Turkey [9, 11, 13–15,
then conducted, in which the pooled treatment success of 20], two in Italy [10, 19], two in the UK [16, 18], one each
RAI and RFA was determined separately. Given the large in Denmark [12], Brazil [17], the USA [22], and India [21].
heterogeneity, likely due to differences in patient character- The time period of the studies ranged from 1968 [22] to
istics and inclusion and exclusion criteria, the DerSimonian- 2020 [15]. Six articles did not include explicit inclusion/
Laird random effects approach was used. Heterogeneity was exclusion criteria, while the remaining 8 articles showed
also assessed using the Cochrane Q test and the I2 statistic great heterogeneity in terms of inclusion/exclusion criteria.
according to the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews In 8 studies, single RAI sessions were performed, while in
of Interventions (Chapter 10—Paragraph 10.9, https://​ the remaining 6 studies, multiple RAI sessions were per-
train​ing.​cochr​ane.​org/​handb​ook/​curre​nt/​chapt​er-​10#​secti​ formed in case of persistent hyperthyroidism. Response to
on-​10-9). Comparative subgroup analysis was performed treatment was defined in 8 studies and varied consistently in
for each treatment, considering study design, sample size terms of accuracy of euthyroid or hypothyroid normal range.
(lower or higher than the median of the sample sizes of the Follow-up ranged from 6 months [12, 20] to 6.2 ± 2.9 years
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

Fig. 1  PRISMA flow-chart

[19]. The patient population was sufficiently homogeneous three studies [12, 15, 24]. The follow-up period ranged
in terms of age and gender, with a higher representation of from 6 [12, 26] to 24 months [25]. The mean age of the
women (746 women, 282 men). RAI studies characteristics patients ranged from 31 [23] to 80 years [25, 28]. The
are reported in Table 1. ratio between men and women was 1:3. Complete RFA
studies characteristics are reported in Table 2.
RFA studies

Eleven articles with a total of 12 reports (296 patients Risk of bias

with AFTN) were included (Table 2). Four studies were
retrospective [10, 15, 28, 29], four were prospective [24, The risk of bias was low in almost all included studies.
25, 27, 30], one was RCT [12], and two studies did not Eleven studies (six for RAI treatment and five for RFA
specify the study design [23, 26]. Seven studies were treatment) raised concerns about the percentage of eli-
conducted in Italy [10, 23–27, 29], one in Austria [30], gible people included in the study (Table 3). Common
Denmark [12], Turkey [15], and the Netherlands [28]. problems in all studies were sample size selection and
The temporal span ranged from 2004 [26] to 2020 [15, blinding of outcome assessors. In 14 studies (6 in the RAI
28]. Three articles did not report inclusion/exclusion group, 7 in the RFA group, and one in RAI + RFA vs. RAI)
criteria [10, 28, 29]. The remaining 7 articles showed the response to treatment was not clearly defined. In the
great heterogeneity in terms of inclusion/exclusion cri- only included RCT, RoB2 indicated a high risk of bias,
teria. Single RFA sessions were performed in 8 studies, mainly due to deviations from the planned intervention
while multiple percutaneous laser ablation, interstitial (impossibility to blind patients and those delivering the
laser photocoagulation, or microwaves were used in the intervention) and some concerns about outcome reporting
remaining 3 studies. Treatment success was defined in (Table 4) [12].
Table 1  Radioiodine treatment—studies characteristics
Author Study design Country Period Nodules types Inclusion criteria Exclusion Treatment Dose Treatment success defini- Follow-up (mo) Sample Age (years) Sex
criteria tion

Aktas et al. Retrospective Turkey 1996–2006 Toxic nodular (1) Nodule or nod- (1) Pts who Multiple 370–740 MBq Achievement of euthyroid 44.3 ± 26.2 (for 63 103 63 ± 12 (Range: F: 44, M: 59
(2015) [9] goiter (TNG) ules ≤ 4 cm; (2) had thyroid RAI (10–20 mCi) or hypothyroid state with- patients) 21–94)
pts with surgical surgery sessions out ATD medication
controindication before RAI; in case of
(2) pts who persis-
received RAI tence
in a different
center; (3)
pts who
were lost to
Cervelli Retrospective Italy 2013–2018 AFTNs NR NR Single RAI 555 MBq NR 12 months 25 57.2 ± 12.8 F: 17, M: 8
et al. session (15 mCi) (20–76)
Demir et al. Retrospective Turkey 2014–2020 TMNG None Pts (1) who Single RAI 15–20 mCi NR Median: 24 mo 133 69 (IQR: 62–75) F: 86, M: 17
(2022) (n = 47) and received session (IQR: 11–38
[11] TA (n = 86) RAI for the mo)
second time,
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

(2) whose
clinical and
could not be
(3) who had
ity and
roid with a
period of < 6
Døssing RCT​ Denmark NR AFTNs NR NR Single RAI 3.7 MBq/g total Normalization or elevation 6 months 15 54 ± 3 F: 13, M:2
et al. session thyroid mass; of serum TSH at the
(2007) max thera- 6-month evaluation
[12] peutic activity
600 MBq,
(16.2 mCi)
Erdogan Prospective Turkey NR Toxic adenoma NR NR Multiple 740 MBq Euthyroidism (serum TSH NR 39 51.2 (range: F:39, M: 9
et al. RAI (296–1110) level over 0.2 mUI- 35.75)
(2004) sessions mL^ − 1 accompanied by
[13] in case of normal serum FT4 and
persis- FT3 levels)
Table 1  (continued)
Author Study design Country Period Nodules types Inclusion criteria Exclusion Treatment Dose Treatment success defini- Follow-up (mo) Sample Age (years) Sex
criteria tion

Erkan et al. Retrospective Turkey 2008–2010 Single toxic Pts diagnosed with NR Single RAI 370–925 MBq Acquisition of normal Up to 24 months 59 69 ± 5 (range: F: 38, M: 21
(2012) nodule TNG session (10–25 mCi) TSH and FT3 levels 60–82)
[14] (n = 29), without the requirement
TMNG of antithyroid therapy.
(n = 30) Hypothyroid status after
RAI at any time within
1 year
Erturk et al. Retrospective Turkey 2017–2020 AFTN Patients with None Single RAI 555 MBq Euthyroid state at 6 months 35 61.43 ± 12.60 F: 24, M:11
(2021) AFTNs session (15 mCi) without antithyroid medi-
[15] cal treatment
Franklyn NR UK NR Toxic nodular None Nodules with Multiple 185 MBq Judgement at 6 and 12 44 60.5 (range: F: 40, M: 4
et al. hyperthy- increased RAI (5 mCi) 12 months—Euthyroid: 20.81)
(1995) roidism risk for sessions FT4 and FT3 concentra-
[16] malignancy in case of tions off antithyroid drug
and malig- persis- therapy within the normal
nant nodules tence range; Persistently hyper-
thyroid: FT4 and/or FT3
elevated; Hypothyroid:
FT4 below the normal
range and TSH elevated
Pereira et al. Retrospective Brazil 2000–2016 Toxic nodular None Pts (1) using Single RAI 1110 MBq Success: Euthyroidism or 12 39 52 (39–62) F: 36, M: 3
(a) (2021) goiter propranolol, session (30 mCi) hypothyroidism without
[17] (TNG)— corticos- the use of antythyroid
uninodular teroids, 1 year after RIT. Failure:
Pereira et al. Retrospective Brazil 2000–2016 Toxic nodular amiodarone, hyperthyroidism not con- 20 63 (56–67) F: 17, M: 3
(b) (2021) goiter or exposed trolled without anthyroid
[17] (TNG)— to iodinated medications
multinodular contrasts up
to 3 months
before evalu-
ation; (2)
heart failure
(class III or
IV), severe
liver disease,
chronic kid-
ney disease
(stage 4 or
5) or hemo-
dialysis, any
and those
severely ill
Ratcliffe Retrospective UK NR Solitary NR NR Multiple 550 MBq NR 3.1 years (range: 48 59 (range: 31–85) F: 38, M: 10
et al. functioning RAI (15 mCi) 2–10)
(1986) toxic thyroid sessions
[18] nodules in case of
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Table 1  (continued)
Author Study design Country Period Nodules types Inclusion criteria Exclusion Treatment Dose Treatment success defini- Follow-up (mo) Sample Age (years) Sex
criteria tion

Roque et al. Retrospective Italy Toxic mul- Pts with at least Pts (1) treated Single RAI 15 mCi NR 6.2 ± 2.9 years 153 68.7 ± 9.2 F: 116, M: 37
(2020) tinodular one US evalu- surgically session (range:
[19] goiter ation before and exclu- 2–12 years)
(TMNG) and after 131I sively medi-
therapy and with cally; (2)
at least 2 years treated with
of follow-up activities
other than
15 mCi; (3)
with human
TSH and
without US
Ross et al. Retrospective USA 1968–1980 Solitary toxic NR NR Multiple 10.3 mCi NR 4.9 ± 3.2 years 45 57.6 ± 14.7 F: 33, M12
(1984) thyroid RAI (range 0.5–13.5)
[22] nodules sessions
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

in case of
Şakı et al. Retrospective Turkey NR Toxic nodular Pts who attended Pts who Single RAI 555–740 MBq 6 months 233 64 ± 10 F: 163, M: 70
(2015) goiter regular follow- received a session
[20] up appointments second dose
during a 1-year of I-131
period after therapy
receiving RAIT during their
and who had follow-up
complete clini- due to
cal and labora- on-going
tory data in the hyperthy-
post-treatment roidism
follow-up period
Sharma Prospective India NR AFTNs NR NR Multiple 10 mCi 4.5 mg/dL < T4 < 13.5 mg/ 12 months 51 57 ± 9 Male/female
et al. RAI dL; 0.25 mUI/ ratio: 1:7.5
(1994) sessions mL < TSH < 5 mUI/mL
[21] in case of
Table 2  Radio frequency ablation—studies characteristics
Author Study design Country Period Nodules types Inclusion criteria Exclusion Treatment Dose Treatment success Follow-up Sample Age (years) Sex
criteria definition (mo)

Barbaro et al. NR Italy NR Single hyper- Refusal of RAI or surgical None Multiple percou- 1600 to NR 12 18 Range: 31–80 F: 10, M: 8
(2007) [23] functioning treatment or the need for quick taneous laser 2000 J per
thyroid nod- restoration of euthyroidism ablation fiber was
ule (n = 8) or with anthyroid treatment used
(n = 10)
Bernardi et al. Prospective Italy 2012– Solitary AFTN (i) Patients over the age of None Single RFA NR Remission: clinical and 12 30 69.1 ± 2.0 F: 20; M: 10
(2017) [24] 2015 18 years; (ii) presence of a session biochemical evidence
solitary AFTN (as assessed of an euthyroid state
by serum TSH and thyroid after methimazole
scintigraphy); (iii) Thy2/Tir2 withdrawal; improve-
(or Bethesda II) cytology; (iv) ment and no response
refusal or contraindications for corresponded to
radioiodine therapy or surgery the situation where
patients needed to
take anti-thyroid
medication in order
to maintain their
euthyroid state
Cappelli et al. Retrospective Italy 2017– Functioning NR NR Single RFA NR NR 12 17 45.3 ± 18.0 F: 11, M: 6
(2020) [29] 2018 thyroid session
Cervelli et al. Retrospective Italy 2013– AFTN NR NR Single RFA 30–45 W NR 12 22 51.9 ± 13.9 F:20, M:2
(2019) [10] 2018 session (range:26–
Cesareo et al. Prospective Italy 2014– AFTN Presence of a solitary AFTN, Presence of a Single RFA 60 W NR 24 29 52 (28–80) F:18, M:11
(2018) [25] 2015 as assessed by serum thyroid multinodu- session
stimulating hormone (TSH) lar goiter;
and 99 m technetium (Tc) willingness
pertechnetate thyroid to undergo
scintigraphy; age greater radioiodine
than 18 years; Thy2/Tir2 therapy;
(or Bethesda II) cytology on Thy3/Tir3
ultrasound-guided fine-needle (Bethesda
aspiration biopsy; no history III) cytology;
of methimazole treatment; presence of
calcitonin levels within a malignant
normal limits; refusal of or thyroid nod-
contraindications to surgery or ule; history of
radioiodine therapy radioiodine
therapy or
thermal abla-
tion; previous
neck or trunk
external beam
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
Table 2  (continued)
Author Study design Country Period Nodules types Inclusion criteria Exclusion Treatment Dose Treatment success Follow-up Sample Age (years) Sex
criteria definition (mo)

Deandrea et al. NR Italy 2004– Hot nodules Pts refused or were ineligible for NR Single RFA NR NR 6 23 66.8 NA
(2008) [26] 2006 (ptz: 22, surgery for benign nodules, session
nodules: 23) causing pressure symptoms
such as difficulty in swallow-
ing, throat constraint or cough,
or refused 131I therapy or
surgery (or were ineligible
for the latter) for hyperfunc-
tioning nodules (whether
compressive or not). Pts were
included only if the nodules
were cytologically benign and
of at least 20 mm diameter
Dobnig et al. Prospective Austria 2014– Toxic nodules NR Pts (1) with ill- Single RFA 60 W NR 6 55 NA NA
(2018) [30] 2017 defined nod- session
ule margins
and far distal
(2) with
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

lar goiters
for whom,
despite an
reduction fol-
lowing RFA
an overall
tory outcome
in terms of
ment of local
or thyroid
function was
or likely; (3)
(4) presence
of a cardiac
(5) a history
of neck or
trunk external
beam radia-
Table 2  (continued)
Author Study design Country Period Nodules types Inclusion criteria Exclusion Treatment Dose Treatment success Follow-up Sample Age (years) Sex
criteria definition (mo)

Døssing et al. RCT​ Denmark NR AFTN None Evidence of Interstitial laser 2.5–3.5 W Normalization or 12 14 58 ± 3 F:11, M:3
(2007) [12] thyroid photocoagula- elevation of serum
malignancy, tion (ILP) TSH at the 6-month
compression evaluation
Erturk et al. Retrospective Turkey 2017– AFTN Patients with AFTNs None Single microwave 30–40 W Euthyroid state at 6 30 52.77 ± 11.13 F:23, M:7
(2021) [15] 2020 6 months without
antithyroid medical
Faggiano et al. Prospective Italy 2010– AFTN (1) Age above 18 yr; benign TNs Pregnancy and Single RFA NR NR 12 10 NR NR
(2012) [27] 2011 (Thy2); (2) solid or predomi- malignant or
nantly solid (cystic compo- suspicious
nent < 30%) large (> 4.0 mL) TNs
TNs; (3) and refusal and/or
inefficacy of surgery and/or
radioiodine therapy
van der Meeren Retrospective The Neth- 2015– Solitary AFTN NR NR Single RFA > 2.109 kJ 3-, 6-, and 12-months 12 36 55 (22–74) F: 30, M: 6
et al. (a) erlands 2020 (0.5 kCal) post-RFA
(2023) [28] per mL
of nodal
van der Meeren Retrospective The Neth- 2015– Toxic multinod- NR NR Single RFA > 2.109 kJ 3-, 6-, and 12-months 12 12 57 (34–80) F: 11, M: 1
et al. (b) erlands 2020 ular goiter (0.5 kCal) post-RFA
(2023) [28] (TMG) per mL
of nodal
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European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

Table 3  Risk of bias—part I

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Aktas et al. (2015) [9] No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA Yes CD No NA
Cervelli et al. (2019) [10] Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA No CD No NA
Demir et al. (2022) [11] Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA No CD No NA
Erdogan et al. (2004) [13] Yes Yes CD Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA Yes CD No NA
Erkan et al. (2012) [14] No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA Yes CD No NA
Erturk et al. (2021) [15] Yes Yes CD Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA Yes CD No NA
Franklyn et al. (1995) [16] No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA Yes CD No NA
Pereira et al. (2021) [17] Yes Yes CD Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA Yes CD No NA
Ratcliffe et al. (1986) [18] Yes Yes CD Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA No CD No NA
Roque et al. (2020) [19] Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA No CD No NA
Ross et al. (1984) [22] No Yes CD Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA No CD No NA
Saki et al. (2015) [20] Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA Yes CD No NA
Sharma et al. (1994) [21] No Yes CD Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA No CD No NA
Barbaro et al. (2007) [23] No Yes CD Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA No CD No NA
Bernardi et al. (2017) [24] Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA Yes CD No NA
Cappelli et al. (2020) [29] Yes Yes CD Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA No CD No NA
Cervelli et al. (2019) [10] Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA No CD No NA
Cesareo et al. (2018) [25] No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA No CD No NA
Deandrea et al. (2008) [26] Yes Yes CD Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA No CD No NA
Dobnig et al. (2018) [30] Yes Yes CD Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA No CD No NA
Erturk et al. (2021) [15] Yes Yes CD Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA Yes CD No NA
Faggiano et al. (2012) [27] Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA No CD No NA
van der Meeren et al. (2023) [28] Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA Yes CD No NA
Chianelli et al. (2014) [31] Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes NA Yes NA No CD No NA

1. Was the research question or objective in this paper clearly stated? 2. Was the study population clearly specified and defined? 3. Was the par-
ticipation rate of eligible persons at least 50%? 4. Were all the subjects selected or recruited from the same or similar populations (including the
same time period)? Were inclusion and exclusion criteria for being in the study prespecified and applied uniformly to all participants? 5. Was a
sample size justification, power description, or variance and effect estimates provided? 6. For the analyses in this paper, were the exposure(s) of
interest measured prior to the outcome(s) being measured? 7. Was the timeframe sufficient so that one could reasonably expect to see an asso-
ciation between exposure and outcome if it existed? 8. For exposures that can vary in amount or level, did the study examine different levels of
the exposure as related to the outcome (e.g., categories of exposure, or exposure measured as continuous variable)? 9. Were the exposure meas-
ures (independent variables) clearly defined, valid, reliable, and implemented consistently across all study participants? 10. Was the exposure(s)
assessed more than once over time? 11. Were the outcome measures (dependent variables) clearly defined, valid, reliable, and implemented con-
sistently across all study participants? 12. Were the outcome assessors blinded to the exposure status of participants? 13. Was loss to follow-up
after baseline 20% or less? 14. Were key potential confounding variables measured and adjusted statistically for their impact on the relationship
between exposure(s) and outcome(s)?

Table 4  Risk of bias—part II

Unique ID Experimental Comparator Outcome D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Overall

Døssing et al. (2007) [12] RFA RAI Response to treatment

! - + + ! -
The risk of bias was assessed using the RoB2 tool for randomized trials. The study was analyzed as a per-protocol analysis. D1 (randomization
process): Some concerns about allocation order concealment until patients were included. D2 (deviations from intended interventions): High risk
of bias given the specific study design, as participants were likely to know which intervention they were allocated to. Certainly, the allocation
was known to the people delivering the intervention. D3 (missing outcome data): low risk. D4 (measurement of outcome): low risk. D5 (selec-
tion of reported result): It was unclear whether the data were analyzed according to a pre-specified analysis plan
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

Response to treatment 0.94; 95%CI, 0.91–0.97; z = 69.59; p < 0.001; I2 = 81.35%)

(Fig. 3(1)), while only 59% of patients treated with RFA
Direct comparison between RAI and RFA In three studies became euthyroid or hypothyroid after RFA treatment
[10, 12, 15] with a total of 141 patients, the response (proportion, 0.59; 95%CI, 0.45–0.73; z = 8.21; p < 0.001;
to treatment was directly compared between RAI and I2 = 88.03%) (Fig. 3(2)).
RFA. Overall, it was found that 15% and 32% of patients Comparing the response to the two treatments, taking into
treated with RAI and RFA, respectively, continued to account different study designs (Fig. 4(1)) and Fig. 4(2)), the
have hyperthyroidism after a single treatment ses- pooled proportion of patients who responded to RAI treat-
sion. The pooled risk ratio showed a higher, although ments and were included in prospective studies was 0.96
not statistically significant, risk of failure in patients (95%CI, 0.90–1.02; z = 32.95; p < 0.001), while the propor-
treated with RFA (RR, 1.24; 95%CI, 0.94–1.63; z = 1.55; tion of patients treated with RFA who were included in the
p = 0.12) (Fig. 2). same study design did not exceed 0.50 (95%CI, 0.36–0.65;
z = 6.78; p < 0.0001).
Indirect comparative analysis The same trend was confirmed when only retrospective
studies were considered with a slight increase in the pooled
Twenty-seven reports on a total of 1338 patients (1042 proportion for RFA treatment (0.70, 95%CI, 0.51–0.90;
treated with RAI and 296 treated with RFA) were included z = 7.04; p < 0.001). Considering the sample size, the pooled
in the meta-analysis of RAI or RFA models. The pooled proportion of euthyroid or hypothyroid patients after RAI
success rate for RAI was more than 94% (proportion, treatments was 0.88 (95%CI, 0.81–0.96; z = 22.91; p < 0.001;

Fig. 2  Forest plot—RFA + RAI vs. RAI

Fig. 3  Forest plots 1 RAI; 2 RFA

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

Fig. 4  Forest plots subgroup analysis for study design 1 RAI; 2 RFA

I2 = 83.74%) for studies with less than 45 patients (median z = 5.91; p < 0.001; I2 = 87.77%) for studies with fewer
sample size of included studies). The pooled proportion of than 23 patients (median sample size of included studies)
success rate for RFA patients was 0.64 (95%CI, 0.43–0.86; (Fig. 5(1), (2)).

Fig. 5  Forest plots subgroup analysis for sample size 1 RAI; 2 RFA
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

Fig. 6  Forest plots subgroup analysis for follow-up 1 RAI; 2 RFA

In the first six months after RAI therapy, more than late hypothyroidism was observed in only one patient in the
94% of patients (95%CI, 0.91–0.97; z = 65.34; p < 0.001; RAI + RFA group [31].
I2 = 0.00%) became euthyroid or hypothyroid, while only
34% (95%CI, 0.07–0.61; z = 2.43, p = 0.02; I2 = 68.38%) Volume reduction and TSH changes
achieved the same success rate with RFA. After the first
12 months, the pooled success rate for patients treated with Two studies reported data on volume reduction and TSH
RAI was 0.93 (95%CI, 0.88–0.98; z = 34.82; p < 0.001; changes after RAI treatments. In the RCT by Døssing et al.
I 2 = 81.39%), while the pooled success rate for RFA [12], which was conducted on a sample of 14 patients, the
patients was 0.63 (95%CI, 0.49–0.78; z = 8.35; p < 0.001; authors showed a significant percentage volume reduction
I2 = 86.72%). Higher pooled success rates for RAI were also after 6 months (47% ± 8%), which was accompanied by a
confirmed at 12-month follow-up (Fig. 6(1)), while no infor- significant increase in mean TSH from baseline (0.02 mU/
mation was found for RFA treatment (Fig. 6(2)), for which mL, < 0.001–0.27) to 1.21 mU/mL (0.43–2.58). The same
only one study reported a success rate of 66% at 12 months. trend for RAI was also seen in Erturk et al. [15], where
a 45.81% (20.60–45.81) reduction in nodule volume was
RFA add‑on to RAI associated with an increase in TSH levels from 0.03 ± 0.13
µIU/mL at baseline to 1.20 µIU/mL (0.68–1.95) at 12
In a pilot study conducted on a sample of 32 patients to months. Six studies investigated the response to treatment
compare thyroid function after treatment with laser abla- after RFA [12, 15, 24–26, 29]. Three studies examined the
tion in combination with 131I iodine (n = 15) with thyroid percentage reduction in nodule volume and TSH levels
function in patients receiving 131I alone (n = 17), Chianelli 3 months after RFA treatment [24, 26, 29]: they showed
et al. [31] showed a progressive increase in TSH in both an increase in TSH levels as the volume of the nodule
groups with normalization in all patients after 12 months. In decreased. When analyzing the changes 6 and 12 months
patients treated with RAI and RFA, normalization occurred after RFA treatment, the correlation between the reduction
in 9 out of 15 after only one month. After a 24-month fol- in nodule volume and the TSH increase remained almost
low-up, no relapse of hyperthyroidism was reported and unchanged (Table 5).
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

TSH 6–12 months

1.8 ± 0.8 mUI/L

1.41 ± 0.20 µU/

1.20 µIU/mL

1.04 µIU/mL
As the main result of our present study, RAI therapy per-
formed significantly better than RFA in treating AFTNs. In


particular, TSH increased slowly and normalized in only
1.21 mU/mL (0.43–2.58)
59% of all patients after thermal ablation compared to a sig-

0.32 mU/mL (< 0.001–

nificantly faster response and higher normalization rate of

0.661 ± 1.233 mUI/L 0.993 ± 2.033 mUI/L

1.15 ± 0.15 µU/mL
TSH in 94% of patients treated with RAI. This occurred
TSH 3–6 months

1.7 ± 0.8 mUI/L

despite a significant reduction of AFTNs’ volume reported
even after thermal ablation in most studies, which is in line

with a previous observation of Giovanella and colleagues


in patients with AFTNs treated with high-intensity focused
ultrasound (HIFU) technique [32]. The authors performed
1.91 ± 0.32 µU/mL
TSH 1–3 months

pre- and post-ablation thyroid scintigraphy and observed a

0.4 ± 0.2 mUI/L

shift from overactive to hypoactive/isoactive nodules in most

patients treated with radioiodine, while AFTNs remained
hyperactive, even if reduced in volume, in the majority of



patients treated with HIFU, respectively. Notably, RAI tar-

gets hyperfunctioning cells independently by their locali-
0.02 mU/mL (< 0.001–

0.03 mU/mL (< 0.001–

0.508 ± 0.339 mUI/L
0.03 ± 0.13 µIU/mL

0.04 ± 0.22 µIU/mL

zation within the nodules while thermal ablation cannot

1.01 ± 0.20 µU/mL

0.15 ± 0.17 mUI/L

0.3 ± 0.2 mUI/L

be functionally complete as a percentage of constitutively

TSH baseline

activated thyroid cells remains to avoid thermal damage on



surrounding tissues (“safety areas”). Additionally, the distri-

bution of the released energy depends on many factors as the
patient’s movements and operator-dependent technique and
Nodule Volume reduction (%)

experience. This phenomenon was also observed in patients

with AFTNs treated with percutaneous ethanol injection
45.81 (20.60–45.81)

54.29 (45.23–59.61)

(PEI). Zingrillo and colleagues evaluated 43 patients with

AFTNs < 40 mm [33]. Twenty-one patients were treated
6–12 months

74.78 ± 3.01

by RAI and 22 by multiple PEI (5–9 sessions). After 36

9.8 ± 8.4

(12–84) months of follow-up, suppressed TSH levels were

75 ± 10


still recorded in 14% of patients after multiple PEI but not in

patients treated with RAI despite a comparable reduction in
Nodule volume

nodules’ volume in the two groups. More recently, Sung and

reduction (%)

69.35 ± 2.97
3–6 months

65.0 ± 17.7

52.6 ± 16.3

colleagues underlined that the amount of the undertreated

68 ± 15
47 ± 8

44 ± 5

portion of AFTNs can be a source of recurrence and it is

Table 5  Correlation between nodule volume reduction and TSH



strictly dependent on the operators’ proficiency [34]. Several

biases in study design and data reporting were identified
Nodule volume
reduction (%)

when analyzing the included studies. First, except for three,

62.63 ± 2.13
1–3 months

39.5 ± 18.9

49.2 ± 20.1

the majority of included studies examined response to RFA

61 ± 10

treatment without including a RAI-treated control group.



While the cohort-based, retrospective approach may be justi-

fied in RAI studies due to the lack of an effective comparison





group, at least in the older studies, it may represent a bias in

the case of RFA. Second, different inclusion/exclusion crite-
ria and the lack of a clear definition of response to treatment
Deandrea et al. (2008) [26]
Bernardi et al. (2017) [24]

Cappelli et al. (2020) [29]

Døssing et al. (2007) [12]

Døssing et al. (2007) [12]

Cesareo et al. (2018) [25]

in some studies prevented further subgroup analyses from

Erturk et al. (2021) [15]

Erturk et al. (2021) [15]

being conducted, so we do not have relevant information on

response to treatment in terms of specific patients’ charac-
teristics and the type of response achieved. Third, little infor-
mation was collected both in RAI and RFA studies, on hypo-
thyroid patients, recurrences, and mean time of occurrence

European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism recurrences during Declarations

follow-up. Fourth, systematic differences in the study set-
tings of both treatments cannot be excluded; however, as the Ethics approval and consent to participate Not applicable.
comparative meta-analyses of RAI and RFA studies were Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests.
conducted using the same methodology, the resulting evi-
dence is robust. Fifth, no meta-analytic approach was used
to compare, albeit indirectly, the nodule volume reduction
and TSH between the two treatments. However, from the
narrative summary, a clear correlation between these two References
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