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PHYSICS May 2019 IA Samples

Air pressure in ball and bounce height Diffraction light and human hair

Airplane wing angle and speed Discharge of a capacitor

Angle and speed of ball down an incline Distance sound source and amplitude

Angular displacement & period of a pendulum Drag coefficient parachute

Aperture and depth of field Eddy currents and magnetic braking

Atwood machine and 'g' Efficiency transformer and coil seperation

Ball bounce distance & rotational velocity Electric sparks with high frequency

Ball drop and energy lost Fundamental frequency open ended pipe

Ball pressure and COR Gas law constant

Bifilar pendulum Gaussian gun

Blade angle and wind turbine power Heat transfer coefficient & thickness insulation

Buoyancy and water salinity Insulators and cooling rate

Capacitor charging pd waveform and efficiency Large amplitude pendulum

Capacitor plate separation distance and capacity Launch angle and projectile range

Catapult range and length elastic LED intensity and junction temperatures

Change of mass and period of inertial balance Magnetic braking

Circumstellar habitable zones Magnetic field strength and temperature

Compound pendulum weight & period Magnetic shielding

Concentration and surface tension Mass and acceleration along an incline

Concentration and viscosity Newton's cooling coffee creamer

Concentration solution rotation polarization Oscillating spring damping fluid

Coverage of solar panel and efficiency Oscillation of candle seesaw and length

Crater size and impact kinetic energy Permeability of air

Damped pendulum Photovoltaic cell and wavelength light

Density of liquid and refractive index Projectile range and spring extension

PHYSICS May 2019 IA Samples

Properties of a thermocouple Temperature and magnetic field strength

Pulley and the effect of friction Temperature and pitch of a violin string

Quantity of fins and effective heatsink SIMUL Temperature and refractive index of water

Refractive index and sugar water Temperature and resistivity copper wire

Refractive index in water with salt solution Temperature and speed of sound

Resonance wine glass Temperature and viscosity of fluids

Ripple voltage capacitor full wave rectifier sim Temperature photovoltaic cell

Salinity and specific heat capacity Temperature squash ball bounce

Schmitt trigger and feedback resistance Temperature water surface tension

Secondary Rainbow Tension guitar string frequency

Separation of capacitor plates Terminal speed air resistance balloon

Singing wine glass Tilt angle solar panal power output

Single-phase transformer & magnetic curve Trebuchet's angle arm and horizontal distance

Slipping cylinder rolling down Unknown EMF voltaic cell

Speed of sound in air Uplift of hot air balloon

Spring constant: closeness or thickness Volume water height of rocket at 60 psi

Spring length and spring constant Water pressure and depth

Sugar in water and the polarizer effect Wavelength reflected intensity Simulation

Sugar water refractive index Wind speed and lift force on model roof

Surface area and terminal speed Young's modulus and density

Surface area water and cooling rate

Temperature and bimetallic disc jumping

Temperature and capacitance

Temperature and coefficient friction

Temperature and elasticity of a rubber band

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