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a eee ea aie VOLUME 21, NO 9 The time has come to challengée the Pinel Demons! An army of demon$ and éladeins ds ready to mountan assauls on his 2] realm of Gaping Mi ive your players the distraction they ms to prevent Demogorgon froma activating. the savage tide and driving a world dene A Sausage Thile Adventure Patfi-se@hario far 2oth-level characters. ADVENTURES 16 KILL BARGLE n Bulmahn wanted, dead or alive. Remor holds that he dvells in the bowels ofa forming sorts of foul sorcery. Only the truly brave, or perilously foolish, would dare to challenge Bargle in his own 34 QUOTH THE RAVEN Nicolas Logue Aseral nis slaughter in the annals ofthe city’s ewvepapes,to the delight and horn To catch criminal, the PCs mus with an old adversary. scarzed, and imprisoned, Viktor Salnt- the final word. This sequel to issue #338 Demain is determined to ‘Chimes at Midniight"is an Eunos adventure for Sth-level characters, 100 INDEX A complete index of every adventure or ‘ampaign Workbook run in Duncron, plus sidebars on the 26 greatest Duncxon locations and villains 4 BUNGEON Se T=\I8ER 2007 ‘TOON 33. The Portent 126 Downer torial 10 Prison Vail M12. Gamer Guide 114 Dungeoncratt 128 Mag of Mystery 18 The City 120 The Dungeon 122 Critical Threat 124 Wandering Monster ne Reynolds, one of our favorite artists, returns for the final issue to a capstone on the Tide Adventure Path, “At Demogorgon's enraged command a barrage of lethal bolts, killer forces and demon-shattering spells were sent to vaporize the insolent figure that rose like a colossus before their burning eyes. The forces struck, visibly and invisibly, and the smoke-black Graz'zt seemed to shake and thin and nearly disappeared under the withering power sent against it. Well it should, for enough force to destroy a small mountain had been ex baboonlike ads. ‘Finish him! ded. ‘Again!’ screeched both of the demon king's Gary Gygax “Come Endless Darkness” DUNGEON ADVENTURI PLAYER REWARDS! ‘Take advantage of the RPGAS Player Rewards program by scoring points ‘with the adeensures from this issu of Doxczon! Hach adventure is orth 2 DAD Player Rewards points and reinains active until 10fsi/oy, Drop hy rpgacom for more details, and use the following adventure codes: Ail Bargle!as0K2DN) (Quoth the Raven (aseQRiDN} Prine of Demons [isoPD:DN} SEATENBE 2007 DUNGEON 5 basso Aba a eels SIGIilli OFF So here it is. The last print issue of Doxexon magazine, ive knowa it was coming for several roonths now, but today still carne faste than T expected it to. Fortunately, 1 did manage to get most of what wanted into the magazine (dinosaurs on the cover, a Lovecraftian adventure, an updated Maue Castle, rc-edition stats for the feoghemoth, pictures of several oF my player characters, and stals for Igewill. "The only major project Tmissed was that I never did get thar conversion to “Expedition to the Barrier Peaks But since that would have required a yoo-puage magazine (and three times the work), it's probably best for my sanity that i didn't happen afterall. ‘Working on the list of top ten villains andadventuresitestodecoratethis issue's enormous index of all things Duxceon {and some things Porrtzpron} 1 real- ized something. There's been an awful Tot of excellence in Duncrow over the conse of the last 21 years Back In issue #25, we asked a panel of expert game designers to list their favorite Duncron adventures, and not a single one of the top ten adventures they chose was one that Erikand 1 had published under our watch. So it's not without some pride that, when I asked around for folks’ favorite villains and locations for this issue, the majority of the answers were frou more recent issues. Locations like ‘Maure Castle and the Styes, and villains el OUNCEON. sepTee=s 2007 Ike Vanthus and Lashonna, relly seer to have found their fans, and I'm really proud of them. 1, of course, have my own favorites among Duncron’s adventures. Oldies like “Caermoor” ftom issue 42 (wherein the PGs have to save a small village form the powerful devil Baalphegor, who I Gropped a reference to in “Dawn of a ‘Age on through to gems ike issue #ise “The Blephant’s Graveyard” (my first ‘TPK as a DM, thanks to a greater bsilis) ssue-#30!s "Thfondars Legacy” (ony first TPK as a player, thanks to a cer- fain black dragon), issue 470's "King- dom of the Ghouls” (still my favorite Underdark adventure, and also the frst adventure Iran in 3.0—at the time as high-level playtet for the new rules},and *The Lict-Queen's Beloved” cently sersed, ina highly-modi- fied form,as the capstone adventure for ‘my last campaign) And that docen't even sevatch all the incredible adventures Ive Deen able to print as an € the maguine, including new classics like “Maure Castle!" “The Coming Storm,” ‘The Styes!" “Chimes At Midnight,” and “The Whispering Cairn" All that suid. theres one mone“ tore” [like to mention, even though its technically 12 adventures and not one. Having written part of Duncron’s first adventure path and helping to plat out its second, Savage Tide is th one that 1 can really call my own. While many key elements cevtatnly came fiom othe follss here at Paizo and ffom the adventures! ‘authors the campaign's name and the overarching plot was mostly from me, 1 couldit behappicr with howrit tamed out, and like to Hhankall ofthe authorsand artiste who helped me make what may just be the best D&D campaign ever And 1 suppose that about sums it up. With Pathfinder 1TLstilTbe deeply invo and committed to brlaging you the best ‘campaigns I can pay the best authors to ‘write and the best artists to illustrate. We've got some exciting things planned for the future, but I cant help bat feel sad when | look back at the past. Duncrow, Thas given me neatly 650 adventures over: the pasts years, certainly enough to keep my D&D games running for along time. Assuming modestly, on average, that a Duncaon adventure gives enough mate Hal or two game sessions, that’s enough to keep any once-a-week gaming group busy Zor another a1 years StTL Tthinkit's fair to say Icould have used another at years of DUNCAN. So long, old friend! ed Jatnes Jacob Editor-in-Chiel james ADVERTISEMENT. FRI THE PUBLISHER Readers, ‘Recently, Wizards of the Const decided not to renew Paizo Publishing's license to create and distribute Dracow and DUNC#ON magusines. Both magwines will cease publication following the release of their September issues, which ship to subscribers and newsstands in AugustThe final issues of the magazines oll be DUNCEON #350 and DRACON $359. Wizards of the Coast will be moving the kind of content ceurcently found in the magazines to an online mode). Both compsnies remain on good terms and continue to discuss fioture opportunities for publishing partnerships, As more information becomes available on Wizards of the Coast's plans forthe Daacon and Duacxon brands, well keep you updated in the remaining issues ofthe magazines Paizo will continue to create products compatible with the vorld’s most popular roleplaying game, In addition to our existing line of GameMastery accessories like item Cards and the new Critical Hit Deck, this summer-will see the debut of txo exciting RPG lines from the same creative ‘minds that have brought you the magazines these last five years. In June, Paizo kicks off its new GameMastery Mod- ‘les Tine, featuring monthly 32-page adventures fFom top designers like Nicholas Logue, Richard Pett, Woligang, Baur, and Jason Buliahn! Each lavishly illustrated full- colo: GameMstery Module i designed to be used easily in a'yide variety of campaigns, and will meet or exceed the ‘expectations you'Ye come to expect from Paizo Publishing. August sees the debut of Paskjider, a new monthly 06+ page, perfect-bound, OGL-compatible fill-color softcover ‘Auiventure Path book printed on high-quality paper. Orer the Tst several months, the same editors who bring you Dzacox and Dowezow have been developing the next evolution in RPG campaigns, and we hope you!l take some time to look at what we have to offer. Ptlfinder willbe sold at hobby retail stores, bookstores, and online at paizo com, and-—thoogh its 2 book, not a magezine—well be offering @ subsexiption service for grmers cager to add a vorpal edge to their cam pains, In fact, you can subscribe to Pathfinder right now and receive a fie bonus Players Guide to the first Poihinder ‘Adventure Path: Rise of the Runclords. Speaking of subseriptions, the discontinuation of Dracox and Dunceon will leave many of our valued sub- scribers with excess subscription credit, Paizo has set up special transition web page at paizo.comtransition that offers multiple options to these subscribers. A brief sum- tary ofthese options follows: Pathfinder: Cucvent subsceibers can transfer thelt exist= ing post-September subscription credit to monthly vol umes of Puilfiider ata generous discount as an casy way to try out the new publication, This s your opportunity to ‘get in on the ground floor of this major new series, and ‘wed certainly love the chance to keep delivering exciting, gaming content to you on a monthly basis, Dracon and DUNGEON Bark Issues: Subscribers can choose te receive select back issues on a one-for-one basis based on remaining subscription credit. This is a great ‘way to fill holes in your collection. Store Credit: Paizocom 3s the Internet's leading online hobby store, with more than 22,000 gare ing produets from hundreds of publishers. Subscribers ‘an swap their excess subscription eredit for store credit ‘on our website ata genetons 120% exchange rat; Refund: if none of the above options appeal to you, Paizo will issue you refund check for your zemaining subscription credit. (Refiind checks ill beissued starting, ‘October, 2007, and may take several weeks to arrive) Subscribers without access to the Internet should con- tact our Customer Secvice Department far more informa tion about the above choiees and a form to help you make your selection. Waite us at Magazine Transition/Paizo Publishing, LLG/2y00 Richards Road, Suite 203/Bellevve, WA 98005, We anticipate a large volume of mail related 0 the transition, so please be patient with us as we aildress your needs Deicon and Dunc¥ON have been the backbone of Paizo Publishing since we spun off ftom Wizards of the Coast’s periodicals department ix 2062, nd both ‘magazines have been an integral part ofthe RPG pub- lishing world for decades. Bringing the magarines to you every month hes been a trae hamtos, and we in the Paino family look forward to the continuing honor of serving your gaming needs for years and years to come, Helle Mona. Publisher 10 Tell us what you think of this issue. hack out the Dumeso mexsapebodtdl dungson Stop by he Worc ORO messageboard at ds.comjdnd De ee ie PM eect We've covered a fo! of grounel fn the Tast few issues, 30 rather than forus solely on issue #147 (pictured above), Fike ro point out the highlights fram issue stag and e149 2s well ‘Tine SavageTae kicked into overdrive in these issues, taking the PCs to the depths ofthe Abyss and beyond, Just being able to narvedop fzgaily and ‘Orca and Charon on the cover made me giggle ikea lunetic. Inthe kow-kye! arena, we robbed @ bank in Esernow fought an unkilable ‘monster from the woods and wandered back tothe city of Saserne to fi the place infested with biderina iichigent ‘weapons. As tworks out nothing ons ‘theexpected wealth gain fran acventure ute the water quite ike making al of ‘he vlians magie weapons! ‘And in the game's most populor band for adventuring the sweet spotof éth-sath eve), weecced outthe Spawn of Sehan camaaign ar with a tip up ‘the hilt ight yak flk, got dour and. ity in Gnevwasies ety of Spinecatle, and took some time of in the lovely (and monsterinfested) Moorshae ses inthe Forcorren Rrawws, Bock sues of Dunczon are avaiable st, DUNGEON. SePTEURER 2007 Looking Back, Part One jartercentlfpeceinedinsabiionie ot DuwazoN and L was very impressed to teat that in the last issue you are going to publish an archive listing. ofall the adventures that have appeared in the segesnie Tis Val bs outa thing focmse,asrecentlya fiend of mine, sph wtertuanicly Guest play DAD) your fine maguine.|startedto subscribe fo atisoue foo, and fve since been able ‘o collet the intervening issues Horzah Twill shortly have all go issues af your excellent period I find that my DM style is to take pinithed eSie eoctasieadeat nics of my ovn design, ‘This allows me 10 concern aayeciftnore with the plotand grander scope of things without having Policbegged coal tee onal or tech exxountey, setting, or NBC, Your rmagezine isa goldmine ofidese,dven- tures and advice that ates aiyjob of ‘Dine nto yeasts bales the eyes of my players. sate you, ss, on the part you have played as the ‘silent rember of my game sessions. Twill mise the monthly isues of both magazines, but I'm certain that with minimal effort 1 can bring all the bundreds of adventuzes you have published to my gaming table, which should afford me several years, nay decades, of gaming fun. Prison Mail Endings may be sorrowful, but they {just sweeten the memories of the good times of the past, present, and those yet rocomel Three cheers and well met to Diwcrow and all of its contributors and creators! ‘Trevor Chapman Brampton, Ontario Looking Back, Part Two Asayounggternew to DAD Hooked for- ward to the occasional Deacow maga tine that contained an adventure (and defacing the magazine by removing the staples to extract i), When Du exon rmagszine wes announced I started my subscription, hopeful that 1 woulda’t miss a single issue: Through the years ever let Flaps, though I vent through ‘more than a decade of not playing while in college and starting a family. The bi- snonthily arrival of Donczoe was acon stant dhrough a ot of change and a very enjoyable way to pass spare moments ‘ wassuzprisedat how hard the news that Dunc#ow would no longer bein prt hit 1me, Notonlyhad the magazine ben acom- panion through some ofthe mos mpor. fant phases of my li getting an adventure published ad been a goal of mine Afra Series of (ery polite) jection letters fom Roget Moose in the late Sos, my atention tumed to other goals | achieved & few of hem and with the thid edition getting me bac in the game Tstared to fas on selventutes for BUNEEON again LAST WORDS JAMES LAFOND SUTTER Before | started working for Dunseow, | had never run a pub Yishea adventure ir my fen fact | was downright snobby about it— afer all, shouldn't any seif-resgeet- ing DMs be able to create their own -xiventores? Going toa magazine or tmodule felt ike a crutch, an admis- sion of failute, Play somebody else's adventure? No thanks. Then | discovered Paizo and, through it, Dunceon magazine. (1 riever forget when Erik Mona walkes Lup to my desk, threw down a tome cof a manuscript, and seid, “So, you want to edit? Go through this and tell me what changes you suggest.” “The document in question? eriks ‘own “The Whispers Caimn” and Diamond Lake beckdrap. Talk about trial by fre, ‘Apoarently my chonges must have been aright becuse im sel ere but comething ase of note occurred that day te | ead through that adventure, ‘uttngcommatwherel dare, rized something: the adventure was good. More, it was great. With every scene iy rain spun offn 2 heretofore unee- plored direction. | as shocked—how could a published adverture cpiure ‘my imagination so? With that adven- ute, and everyone that’ followed, ‘ve resized the Yoth of the matter—that rather shan sig cently the tric sure of a published adventure is the starting pei, the support that allows the imagination to range Gr and wide in pursitof those-l-important details Each time | see my seven Savage Tide players fee from marry rot o° send archors bearing shadow pasta the sa, gud admit that was wrong. ‘and ow bere | amin the fil ssue, the last editor ever to be hired onto Dunckon magazine. Myeteral thanks to everyanc—Paizotes and readers allke—fot leting me st at your table, \sbeen an honor and a privilege JEREMY WALKER ‘O Adventure! Reach from dark depths to touch the sey; Rest in peace my frend. 12 DUNGEON. =EFTEVBER 2007 While I'll never be published in Dowex, I take satisfaction in wit nessing the birth (and rebirth under Paizo after the magazine had fallen on some hard times) of what mast stand as one of the most ambitious hobby magazines to date. Through twenty fone years, the magazine was able to maintain a tight focus and provide quality adventures. In doing so it Taunched the careers of many very talented authors, The entire hobby Is inits debt. Wl be missed. Brian Young, ‘Cary, North Carolina “Thanks for the kind words, are congravule fions on the fll collection of the magazine! ‘And you're both right, endings ae inded sa. but ot the same time k's an opportunity for change and growth ‘As for OMing sles, | suspect that most of Dunes elegory of "hunter/gctherer’—1 certcinly do, Some- Himes, I run an adventure word for werd fiom the mogazine, but other times I'l pick ‘ond choose, sometines just keeping 0 map 0 an NPC name ot ever a single picture to use as. player handout is readers fel into th Long Live Savage Tide! First of all I wanted to say how dis- heartened [ am that your magazines are ending publication, I have enjoyed them, Sa after realing “Down with the Savage The" in issue #148 T was finally prompted to waite, have been playing DAD for most of my life—t'm 25 and curvently running the Savage Tide came paign, This is absolutely the best cam- paign I have ever been a part off We are only halfvay through. and I could not be more impressed. I velly can tell the verters were passionate about this and am very excited about where the plot is headed. What I love about the Savage ‘Tide I ts uniqueness, The jungle sil ing, pirates, the Olmans—T could go on and on, Excellent nork On that note T was very relioved to see you are going to continue your efforts with Butinder. Tread about it atid cant help but notice many simi- larities to Savage'Tide, Which prompts ime to my next question, | PRON MAL ae aS RES Sa Tim interested in 2 sabsteiption.. but ‘what if | dont like i? is there « money= back guarantec? Gabe Hanson Via Fimail ‘Any similares you might see between the Dunston Adventure Paths and Pathfinder are qulte usted —many ofthe same authors, fortes, and editors who brought you Shecke led City, Age of Worms, and Savage Tide are Uvorking on Pathfind chances are thot youl find the transition © happy one Pathfinder are month how paying rent or subscribing to a MMORPG works We aren ofering o money-back guar ‘nie, bus if tumns out thot Pathfinde for yous you can cancel your subscription a timeand not be seddled with months ond months mare of books you don want urs, 'm psttbe ewan’ come to such 12 drastic end. Having seen wher authors ike Nicolas Logue, Richard Pett, ond Weifgana ave and artiss like Mayne Reynolds, Anew Hou, Warren Maly, ond Ber Wootten have ooked up for Pathfinder mekes me confident that anyone who loved Sovage Tide wil find 4 lot more’ love in Pathfinder. DMs Are Too Busy! Your reply to Bob in isnve #7 regard ing conversion sidebars being a lot of work included a question: "And in the end, customizing s pre-written adven- ture sone ofthe fan parts about being a DN isi would let replyto your replyin amar NG Ina few more words, Ive beena DM since 3979, running many « “module {still my favorite word for adrentare/ Seraadd) al the Hodge Stuclenl Contee atUSC-Smost all ofwhich Tpsinstake ingly weote myself | fee ve done my time, und should now beable to enjoy may latter years in leisurely ease, using only those modules that ate preawrt- ten, maps pre-drawn with NO typos, and completely idiot-proof. ve lived through aq-hoursstraight, weekend- long campaigns, Greyhawk Ruins (stil the best pre-packaged module I've ever seen, for my money) and the horrible lows (the emasculation of D&D when they briefly eliminated demons and devils, and the addition of a 7h stzt "Adventure Pate. So subscriptions weleafering for imenth, siilar to SS a THIS MONTH IN DRAGON DEMONOMICON OF IOGWILV: APOERYPHA By Janes cos Bemonemicen's appendices, detalis on obscure (but still deadly) demon lords, 2 new Joumata demon, and more! ‘The profane ‘AELICS OF GREYHAWK by Gaey Houan AND Rick Mince “Treasures of the Flanaess, unearthed ‘arn the deplis of Caste Greyhawk. ‘SUPERVILLAINS OF DED Rediscover the evil of D&O'S twenty ‘most maniacs vilsins. MYSTERIES OF DED ovens of D&D's darkest secrets filly revealed! ‘THE WIZARDS THREE 'Whers'n DRO‘ mast powerful wizards discover they'ye been spied upon PLUS Elminsier 9s, Rajsilit The Feology of the Tatrasque—featuring the feturn of the Monster Hunters Assaciation—the firal Volo's Guide, Dragorimaths, Savage Tidings, Class Aets, Commies including Order of the Stick and more! DUNGEON. 9E>TEMBEn 2007 icomeliness?), so a5 {approach 50, "ve cared the break Tam truly sad to hear that Dunerox and Daacon will soon cesse-predice fion—Dexozox more 0.88 Izeliy ind rnodales handy. The offic ‘Wirards comment that everyone nona- days noes tothe interet fo this infor mation isin two-word, horse hockey. 0 to tho computer for one ting only — to send e-mails like this one: And | stil prefer write eters and send questions bymail Neelless to say, with the demise of these two magazines, so will go my pur chasing af D&D products As much as love the DAD mits skirmish game (a Sr50/month habit) t's my one way of protesting the demise of «great thing for no good reason, You puys did a hecknva job Roger Cox Spartanburg, SC Hel Yout pons wel ake, Roger But In ail 0 conce that Scolng the Adertire sida ore worth, ctr the sets fora ‘new magic ikern (which is what would have to gniorecrple f were to agutcs on these stihos int tase "ric of Demon) Aga, when thd edn sire, the Sealing the Advnire sidebars were a4 much about dcaing eer abt how the news an be dated ox hey were about making the (ot thee) aml number faders olebl work for as wide ar aucenc es pole. ‘Nau hat the gas era fora end so tot there are hundreds of edvetures to thooss fom, finding an odventure to ft yur pory'sneds snk important errors And rank fot sue, wns sto su of space nthe mogarine~it wa alow se of Imanpoue Selig he Advertre ibs oe ay dicate wrt (which nord of tself males the best argument for having us inde tham for you ithe addres fant), and ci thins adtlonol ges, there iy wasn ne to ure ten vp. know, nd ame extute, but here ‘1 Was Dead Serious Just read your editorial about the "sco HP?" and the last paragraph had me cheering when you asked if you could Justis giving Demogorgon $38 hit points so that tas more hit points than any. cone ever published in DuncEON magae zine, And to that I say two words. No, wait. Three words, Oh hell yeah! Seriously, Tthink that would be amag- nificent touch to DuNcrow magazine honoring the original releases of the ‘Monster Manual of yesteryears! Here's hoping that you really do get to pall this off, even iit was perhaps mene tioned in halFjest—I personally would Tove to seeit! What fabulous conclusion to the latest Adventure Path, as well as Dunerow magazine Imagine the players as they continue to dell endless points of damage into Demogorgon and he sceras hardly bothered! Tt would be priceless in so many (On a side note, Lam sad to hear that Damczox will be concluding, 1 had hoped to get one of wry works published in Duncton—theee of my subinissions were declined, all for valid reasons (HOF Rats end Men,’ “Giant Problems,” and ‘What Haunts the Hollow Fields?”), But tha d edition vas still going strong. Real life swept me away (pusshosing a home does that) and Thuave been unable to sit down andeeither reyamp my submi thousands oF ideas floating in my head! ‘Tawmis Logue sxas back when seco: sns or write out the Via Emall Cheek out page gs, Tawmis—you'l be haphy to se thot our pel Demogorgon dd Indeed weigh Inwith the most hit paints In DuNakow eer ‘A Bg hit eins, he even blew my estimation cout ofthe water, Of course, If players of the Sovage Tide Adventure Path are up to snuff they wont have to face the CR 33 version of Demogorgor—pley you cards right ond you'l ‘only face the 69 hp versions Ifyou lucky. Wall it looks ike tho’ about it nthe last fay lines | have here, just ie to thanks ail of the fot who made OUNGEON passbl. Im talking about everyone on the ereits back In the table of conterts, ofcourse, ut alsa about the grect folks over at Wizards of the Coost who've been 40 hind about letting ux play in thele sandbox, And les not forget everyone in the post whel’s worked on ths great magazine. ‘An fray, the readers You've been a source of Insplaton for me, al f you. its been pleas sure ard ar hone t be a part of your games. Keep the ave rling! James jacobs @BY JASON BULMAHN 1B BY JULIE DILLON ‘@ BY ROB LAZZARETTI ANY SETTING , LOW-LEVEL (IST-STH) , DUNGEON CRAWL 16 DUNGEON se-reVeE® 2007 he renegade magicuser Bargl ] is wanted, deed or alive, Afer the rmurder ofaJecal town lene ‘named Sleena theruling council put ast ableboonty an his head Most speak ofthe iad in hushed tones, and x dat he dwells in the bowels of a nearby rnor bolis abandoned Keep, performing all sorts © foul sorcery. Only the truly brave, o per foolish, would date to challenge in hs own domain, Kill Bargle” js a D&D adventure designed for four 37rd acters names and themes Ick to one af gs. the f Mrsrana, this adven- Though many of ace their used here paign set Known World tures selfcontaine in any campaign setting This adventure and can take place originally appes Dragons Bosie Dungeon Mast ADVENTURE BACKGROUND ‘Many years ago,a wizard named Gyzan, a man of great anc mysterious powers, sled this part ofthe Realms of Man rom y castle Mistamere, located f the mou Gypir died aftevalongsndp aceftdl rule, 3s named. Ov the ears, the unclaimed castle fll into ruins, Centuries later, the outline of the broken towers can still be seen. for the town of Threshold, wer beckoning fame, and fortune Rumors hold that monsters lurkewithin ding rich treasures. The Jocal led for adventurers to brave the keep, offering a reward of 3,000 gold gi to seekers of dange: the rains, gi wn. coursed has cs for Bargle's Capture Recently blained for the death of leena, a well-known cleric, Bangle is wanted by the council, d Preferably dead. d or alive ADVENTURE SYNOPSIS ‘The PGs arrive at castle Mistamere, the After deal- h the carrion males that lives he kobolds that contro supposed hideout of Barg outside and ie yard, the characters wo dungeon levels Inside they ttce a tribe of ‘avengers, and deadly hazards before they reach Baxgle's inner canning doppelpe: if they hope to bring an end to Bargle’s ADVENTURE HOOKS The adventure begins with the party in the town of Threshold, staying at the Dragon tn. sigapost in the sna nceming Bargle and the castle, which 3 miles away. While mos lation and hestsay, a DC 5 Gather Informatio sszs last seen ne: about the keep, a similar dl that itis said to be the lairof all sorts of Pores BY JASON BULMAHN: smionsters particulariya tribe of kobolds Hut lives tn the uppermost dungeoris, THE SURFACE RUINS The journey to Grstle Mistamere is a shorlone, oth the trail to the ruins rm fields leacling through pleasant ‘The only encou mith @ farmer, who sits atop his wagon Watching his workers till the ficlds, He sa Feendly man who gladly volunteers ut he has seen monsters gon and out of the keep over the past few months, Although he does not know their name, hhe desetibes them as small lizard creatures who walk about like men The farmer has never seen Bargle, and. for When the PCs reach the cast paraphrase the followin, he walls of Castle tvistamere ave jagged ané fill of small holes where stone blocks have tumbled to the earth, now scattered around the ruins, A gateway in the center 1B OUNGEON ssHTeMBER 2007 of the front wall stands empty, and the massive puter doors lie rotting nearby on ‘the ground, although an inner gateway stil stands, This poteway seams to be the easiest entrance trough the wall althous 4 gaping hole offto left ofthe gate could provide another. Peeking over the oute wall in places are the ruins of the caste iteelf backed againet the sheer elif of the mountain beyond Taside the keep, all of the floors, ceilings, and walls are made of stone, Unless otherwise noted, the chambers arcunlitand have16-foot-high ceilings ‘There were once floors above the frst, but they have Jong since crumbled 1. RUINED DOORS EL 4) ‘These rotting doors were once the outer gates to Creature: Lurking in a shallow den le Mistamere underneath the doors is @ carrion crawler. Anyone approaching within 26 feet of the doors receives 2 DC 10 Spot cheek to notice it, The carrion crawler Phen climbs out to attack, surprising anyone who fails their Spot check It attacks until slain, Carrion Craler: hp 9 Monster Mant ual3o. ‘Treasure: Anyone investigating the lair underneath the doors discovers the skeleton of @ kobold covered in treasure, All told there are 2,002 sp, 80 bp and two small garnets worth 100 gp each, Ciuiched in the kohold’s skeletal hand is a small leather bag containing an additional 5p and a plain brass key {his epens the chest in ares 49) 2, KOBOLD COURTYARD (EL. 3) There are three ways to enter the courtyaed from outs first is through the main give, although he koholds in the courtyard attempt to close the gates before the PCs can enter, The second is via a hole offto the right of the doors, but this route is treated as 1¢ the wall. The Finally, the walls othe “cnutiyardare quite ruined and relatively y 10 scale ‘They are fy fect tall and ean be climbed with a DC 15 Climb ck, Numerous sivall hoes the wal allow any character peering through hem: a DC 15 Spot check to notice the bold hina im the courtyard. “Wooden Gateway: Haniness 5 ip 35 akDC25 (Creatures: Tan kabolds are stationed an te courtyard, tasked by their chieftain fo keep watch for rouble. When the PCs approsch, the kabolds cose the doors Teading inte the courtand and drop a heavy wooden bar. This task deme, the habalds spread outand train ther slings om the southwest opening the val, waiting for climb though. Kobolds (10|: hp 4 eact: Monster ‘Maral 61, Tactics:'The courtyurd is Fitered with rubble, giving the Kobolds cover from the opening im the wall. Tae fire sling Stones atthe PCs the moment they enier the courtyard and continue to da so ‘until engaged in melee. Any remaining eobolds attempt to Ale inside the keep ‘fsicoF their number are sein, Treasure: Aside feom their poorly maintained gear, each kobold carries a ‘small leather pouch containing 546 ep. In addition, the kobolds have a sinall iron box, hidden near the ruins of the east lower. The ox can be found with 4 DG5 Search check or revealed by a Eobold prisones: The box contains 100 gp and a black onyx gemstone worth se uD the character 3. ENTRANCE, ‘The unlocked doors leading into the Ikeepare made from rotting wood. ‘This entrance hall ie well-traveled and littered with debris from outside, ADC 15, Survival skill check reveals that most of ‘he tracks in this room Tead to the noxth door, and fiom there on. to areas 13, 12, and 13 before leading down to the level ofthe dungeon, 4. WEST HALL (EL 2) musty chamber cortainsa trio cfancient wooden cheirs and @ pai of srl! tables: A cald firelzce sits in the eenter oF the novth wall rear a ragged ho'e inthe csiing, This chamber is the lit of a dire bat that lives in the ruins of the floor above Ifthe fireplace is disturbed ‘nany-vay the bat shriks and clambers down throguh the hole in the ceiting to attack, Once dropped to below ball its hit points, the bat fies off to area 5 40 roost atop the ches! in that room. IF confronted there it hts to the death. Die Bat: hp 30; Monster Manual 6. Treasure: A DC 15 Search check of the roomuncoversthree oldsiver teaspoons worth 1 gpeach,Italso uncovers staal Vag of dried pess that, while worthless, ae usefil to anyone who falls prey to 3 elemnal shumsber tap in area 12 Creat 5. STORAGE, This rooms filled with boxes and crates many shopes ard sizes ‘The boxes are covered with a thick layer of dust. If any of the boxes are disturbed, a deep voice comes fora a chest in the cornes, asking, “Who's there?” Regardless of the response, the voice then calls out, “Ts Bargle"with you?" Again, no matter the response, the voice calls out one last time, saying, “Ob, well then, never mind,” ‘The voice does not speak again. The chest radiates faint illusion magic. All OF the boxes and crates in this room 6.GLoser This dusty closetis ment to serve area 12, but also opens into area 5. It is empty save for a round hathox lying con the floor in the northwest camer The hathox is that Is eoated in sassone leaf residue, 1 dangerous contact poison (contact, Fortitude DC 36, ade hp/ad6 Con), Cutting the string and allowing it to fall away untouched ean open the Inathox safely, Treasure: The hatbox contains a musty red woman's hat. While this is of no ‘value, platinam: katpin worth 160 gp is hidden undemesth ed witha simple string 7 EAST HALL Four rickety wooden chairs sitin this teom, around 2 smali table. In the center of the Aostil Walla ieeplace ‘The chimney an this toor is choked ‘with rotting timbors frem theruined see= ‘ond floor. Anyone searching. the chironey iuist make a DC 10 Dexterity cheek to «old disturbing the rubble Failure causes the timbers to fall, dealing d6 points of damage to the searching character. ADC 15 Reflex save negates this damage. ‘Treasure: A DC 5 Search check of the chamber uncovers anold feather stuffed pillow, A DC 20 Search check of the money anicovers a loose brick, behind which hides an ornate silver dagger worth 75 gp. 8 STORAGE (EL 1/20R 3) ‘This room fs identical to area 5 with one ecception; a lange erate atthe bottom of the pile holds an angzy zombie, Greature: The zombie remains pertectly still until its erste is opened, at which point it rises to attack, Any fight in this ‘room draws the zombies fora acca 9 in 1 round. The zombie fights to the death Human Zombie: hp 16; Monster Mane al 286, 9, CLOSET (EL3) This small closet is crowded with dust and rubble Creatures: Four zombies wait for visi tors in this chamber, attacking anyone who enters: They move to investigate any disturbance in areas 8 or x0 and fight to the death, ‘Human Zombies 4)-hp x6 each: Mon ser Manual 266, ‘Treasure: A DC 20 Search check of the trashestrewn chamber uncovers brace Tel worth 500 gp. 10. BEDROOM ‘This chamber may have once been 2 fine bedracm, butts furnishings are nw tat tered and moldy, : 4 Sea ‘he bed in this chamber radiates fain! tianswvutation magic. Any 2 creature placed on the bed is “Bom any magical sleep effect (Gacluding the sie effect from the bed {nvatea 12) Tn addition, angone placed fhe bed gains 2 430 bonus on their saving throw to resist the efTects of yellow mold. Ia character on the bed is tickled with a feather, be begins convulsing "nd sneering r one round, kicking up ‘a fremendous cloud of dust. Anyone in = the room during this dust cloud must makes DGs5Foriiudesave crspend id soar choking and coughing, unable to ‘ake any other action. 1 HALLWAY “This chamber contains 4 laige amount of teas, but nothing else A DC 15 Sur- vival check miade by & character with the “Track feat reveals trail hat leads fom ‘the doorto area to area 12, 12. BEDROOM ‘This chamiber is identical in appearence twareaxo,Thebed here radiates moderate ‘enchantment magie. Anyone who touches it emust make a DC 15 Will save or be ‘compelled te Lie down upon it. Those ho ido gomuse make mother DC 15 Will sive each rormd or fill sleep fr ada years ‘Those who fillasleep cannot beroused nortllybut de not suffer fromstarvation fr thiest while on the bed. They can be Woken up in one of three nays. A spel ‘magic cat on te vietim (Cl. 5th) rouses thems, Placing a pea under the mattress ~ does-s0 as well but canses the character to become fitigued. Finally, placing the ‘charseter on the bed in area 10 causes thera to wake in one round. A DG a5 Survival shill check in this haber reveals a tral dat leads from the door to area 11 to 272213. 18, STAIRS (ELL) “This small chamber lads to 4 set of sie that descend othe Gumgear hel, -teading to ares 2. Asma fireplace inthe northnest comer ofthe zoom is empty ‘A DC 15 Survival skill check “inthis chamber reveal that leas and wel 20. DUNGEON. sFFTFWEER 2007 Creatures: Four Kobolds Jurk on the staits leading down. They spring forth to attack anyone approaching their position. Each Lobold has 5 ep tucked aay ints belt, Kobolds (3): bp 4 eachs Monster Man- ual 36a. 14. TRAP ROOM, In the center ofthe room, 3 large log rests with one end on the floor and the other held in the air, suspended directly above 2 simple wooden chest bya rope that runs through hooks in the ceiling and wall before disappearing into the floor Ifthe rope's eat the log falls sroashing the chest and scattering it contents. ADCs Search check identifies trap inthis mom, but 2 DC 15 Search check ceveals there is ‘nomeshanismto drop thelog Should the Jeg somehow fall ontoa character anyway, deals 3A pointsof damage, with aDC 16. ‘Reflex ave halving the darrage ‘Treasure: The chest is not locked snd. ‘onlains 50 gp, 500 sp, and one citrine ‘worth 10 gp. 415, STATUR ROOM (EL) ‘A small statue of a Kobold stands In the center ofthis room, holding out 2 crude stone sword. ‘Trap: The statue in the center of this voor is tapped and if touched, it suddenly spins azound, jts heavy stone sword attacking everyone adjacent to it, Spinning Kobold ‘Trap: CR 2 mechanical; touch trigues; automatic reset; Atk +10 melee (Ad6s3); multiple targets (everyone adjacent to the statue) Search DG, Disable Device DC 20. Is STAIRS, "This subble-strewn staircase leads down toareazo. 17. KOBOLDS (EL 1) ‘Ths chamber contains eubble and trish Dut little ese of interest. Creatures: Five kabolds live in this room, having been chased hete by ‘the zombies. Their job Is to scare of intruders, and if they see anyone, they attack with a howl Kobolds (5): Lip «cach; Monsler Manual 16 ; 18, SIATUERGOM. ‘This chamber is identical to that area 45, excepl the kobeld statue iy not trapped. 19, DINING HALL (BL 6) 4 long wooden table occupies the canter by a dozen plain wooden chairs. Human skeletons, wearing the rags of ne dinner atte, occuny four ofthe chairs, On the table in frant af each chair sks a golden dioner plate, accompa nied by 2 dusty glass goblet and dull sik veeware. A org stone fireplace looms in of this room, surround: “This chamber contains both 2 deadly shasard and dengerous guardians and the kobolds avoid it ata costs. Each of the gold dinner plates are tual tin coated with layer of yellaw mold (Dungeon Masters Guide 70), Due to the mold’s small size, however, the cloud of spores produced bythese plates only affects the character disturbing them ‘The effects of the spores cn be avoided with onlya DG12 Fortitude save (jastead of the nozmal DG of 35} ADC 25 Knowledge {dungeoneering) check {deatifis the mold for what itis Greatures: Hidiag in tae Sreplace con the nosth side of the room are a pale of haxpies. When the PCs enter the roam, they ‘ly out from hiding to atale At Sie, they both ty to use their captivating song to hamper the PCs while moving to attack any that resis. ‘The harpies know about the danger of the yellow mold, and avoid disturbing the table Harpies cachyMonwerMemuaiso. ‘Treasure: Hidden in the back of the fireplace isa large chest. The chest is securely locked, but can be opened with « DG 25 Open Leck check or the ey fom area 1 Inside are a nuinber of moldy dinner outs, 2,006 sp, fo pairs of turquoise earrings weath 500 peach, and two potions o} cure moderate ivounds, In addition to the valuables in he silverware on the table per set, gp. The crystal goblets are worth only 1 gp for all twelve, The are worthless, is worth 5 for a toa mn dinner plates 20. CLOSET (EI 1) Ths stall closet contains little more than rags and trash. ‘Creatures: Foar dize cals hirk in this 10m, sifting throw, the garhage itlack any who distueh their meal Dire Rats (4) ap 5 each, Monster Man. al 64, 21 CLOSET ‘This closet contains only trash UPPER DUNGEON Built ages ago by Gygar, the first level of the dungeon beneath Castle Mistamere has fallen into discepai Unless otherwise noted, all of the walls, ceilings, and Moors of this level aze made from stone masonty, Th le of aod. While mo of them are stuck (requiring « DC 16 Strength check to open), they are not locked. Most ofthe chambers are dark their inhabitants do not need light to se. 22. GYGAR STATUE Standing slong one wall of this chambers an ancient stone statue covered in dust and cobwebs. Although its features are cxum: ng, I clearly deplets a powerfuLlooking human wizard, his arms held forward asj le an unseen gf This chamber contains 2 set of stains leading up to area. x3 above, ifthe kobolds i that chamber have not beer: deat with, they charge down the stairs to attack ayone in sors Jeading out ofthis chamber ane stack but not locked. nis room, Bath of the c isa small inscription that reads, “The orb is the hey” Tis arms and hands ace perfectly weighted, so that if the stone sphere -1 37 is placed in its grasp, the srms lower, as docs a section of is ches revealing a hallow cavity Inside this hole isamanclent + Tongsvord wrapped in oil do anda seal of invisibility, Hf the PCS have the stone, the statue can be ashe Hardness 8, hp 55) CRYPY (ELS) Fou slats ling of this chamber. Thick obwets and dust obscure the surching suppor the vaulted heets of ang between them to side of the room, A faint he gloom, Creature this ancient cryp # A pair of ghouls lair in cating an unlucky SEPTEBEL2007 DUNGEON 21 ree : Kobold. ‘The ghouls attack any who disturb their meu. Ghouls (2): np 13 each; Monster Mane vial 118. ‘Treasure: A DGis Search check uncoy- rsa small silk bag containingze gp and asilver pin worth 50 gp. 24, GUARD ROOM (EL 4) ‘large table is turned on its side near the center of this squat chamber, with small pilet of rubbich ané debrie around it ered This chamber is one of a number of eard chambers manned by the kobals to protect theit lair and chiettain, Greatures: Along with the four Koholds in this room, there are also. two kobold bodyguards, If the PCs eater this chamber from the west, the zkobolds hide behind the table and wie 4t for coner while attacsing wi before engaging in melee. If the Ps enter ftom another direction, they can A SIE - i ta lee cle eet ; rod mae 0 lt | de | 22. OUNGEON sePr=NaER 2007 BENE easily surprise the kobolds (who only watch the west) Kobolds (4) hp 4 esch ual x63, Monster Man- Eure Konoto Boovsuanos (2) CR2 Kobold warn Le Sm imnad (rpian) Init 12 Senses darkvsion 50 Listen 3, Soot Languages Draconic CIT touch 13 Fat oie’ 15 bp 2206 HO) Fost 5, Bef 3, Wil2 Weaknesses ight sersitvty spas0% Mele longer +7 (4si1/13-20) Rangod sing 7 183) Base At +4; Grp Combat Gear alchemist fre a Ta, Dex 15, Con 12 mE, Wie 12,chee Feats Nertress, Weapon Focus (ongsnerd) Skills Craft eaprnaking) 33 Mowe 3 y 43, Profession (nines) rch =2, Spot +4 Possessions combat gear studded leather acm, buckle, longswene sing with 10 stones 25, WELL This chamber contsins a stone well in one corner. The well extends foro feet before ending in a pool of clear water, A rope dangles into the well, tied to aan icon spike driven into the wall and connected to a wooden bucket, The water in the well is safe to drink 26, KOBOLD BARRACKS (EL.9) rude bunk beds are stacked into ‘re of this room, while heaps of manly old bones and ruined clothing, cover the floor (Creatures: This 790m is one of the barracks for the kobold tribe, Since the kobolds sleep nah ecupied. When the PCs eater, to af the Kobolds in the room are playing dice im the middle, while the other four are a ee = oh pS tt Lie a D3 Pier res ae fe LD aie Pi Td az = Piel oS ak si pts] TU) hid Pr pct eee fees sound asleep. With a shriek, the gaming obolkis draw their weapous smd attack, waking the other four Kobelds (6): hp 4 each; Mens Manado Treasure: Onc of the kobolds found bag of dexcuring during his exploration and, mistaking it for a magical bag, bas put all of his loot inside, Currently all that remains is 3 gp and a small amber gemstone worth 100 gp "The bag can be found with De Search check, 37, AUDIENCE CHAMBER (EL 6) ve doors enter this large chamber from vaclous directions. In the of ene wal is 3-dais, atop which is 2 ston bedecked with tinyjenels ‘This Is the audience chamber of the Kobold chiefiain, He rarely leaves this room, out of fear that Bazgle might come to issue him orders and mistake in, thus fone of his minions forthe ch etheoning him Ta tg lace of silver bones. The kobold chieftain is probably aware of the PCs by the time they reach this chamber, anid thus unsurprised. As such, he has a pair of Kobold bodyguards and fou other kobolds here to protect him The kobolds attack the mament the PCs enter the rooms, Creatures: Sitting in this fierce kobold wearing a ne Kopoue Cuierrain Kobold wartion4jrague 3 LE Sevall Init+8; Senses darhvsion 60 fs Listen 16, Spor sé Languages Common, Dragon 2 KEG tour 15, fa-ooted 15; Dodge bp 35/740) Fort 16, RoF 2, Wil <2; evasion Weaknesses light sensitvsy Spa 30% Melee mshortsnce Ranged cling 1/56 (143) Basa At 46; Grp 11 Atk Options sncak ata crs nds fis-29 226 the rare | wanted,» memory? "The ine Bob saezed soda oes characte shet* Combat Gear potion fee modecteeounds les Si 9, Dox 18, Con 22, Int 12, Ws 10, Cho 8 SQtrap finding, trap sense-+) Feats Dodge, improved [nitistive, Wespon Finesse Skills Baisnce 46; Cf @rapmabing) Disable Device 17, Escape Ait 110, Hide 114 Jump 4 Listen +6, Move Sfently 26, Open Lock 1 $2, Seatch 49, Spo!-6, Tumble +10, Use Rope 14 (5 bindings Possessions combat scar 11 sued leahe Profess ortsword, sing ih 10 stones, necklace ofsiver bones worth 150 gp, gold keyworh Kobolds (4): hp 4 each Mon alae Hite Kobold Bodyguards (2) hy» 22 cach; see page 2 ‘Treasuer: Aside feom the gear carried by the kobolds, the throne is eovered in appear to be tiny jewels, While of these are wortbless bits of actually topazes worth er Man: gles, 500 gp each, SEPTENEEH 2007 DUNGEON 23, ‘ADG1e Listen cheek atthe door Is a faint singing noise coming. 4. This chamber contains a magic ma that the kebold chieftain found too "Treasure: inside this small room is vcr urn that continuously singsan old sven fully. "The urn is worth 226 gp. “ally on Move Silently checks, The um. thas the ability te put the statue in area 29, CHIGETALN'S BEDROOM (EL 3) “The door to this room is locked, requie~ ADC 36 Open Lock check to open ‘The gold key possessed by the kobold _chieiain i azea 28 opens this door. hangs thick in the “Thies the Hedelaanber ofthe Kobold "chieftain, although he zarely uses it ar sleep, he docs Keep some valuable in his chest, protected by a ‘rap. A DC 20 Search check of the room "uncovers acopperkey hidden under the - bed, This key opens the chest without setting of the trap ‘Trap: Anyone alteraping to open the chest is attacked by a poisoned needle "Ghat springs out ofthe id. Poisoned Necille Trap: GR 2: Inechanical; touch trigger, repair reset; BETESer areas (Gen oc Do} AN He “melee (t plus poison, necdle} poison eenblood i, DG 13 Fortitude save sists (poison onl), 1 Confida Gon Search DC 2, Disable Device BC 9. ‘Tredause: Inside the chestis800 5,350 - gpastullemeraldesuddedsilverbrecelet 500 ep aid 2 and of eet magi, si There ialso note ffom Barge, ‘ordering the kobold chieftain to be on the “tockout foradventurersandto make suse allow them to proceed to the lower 30, GUARD ROOM (EL. 4) ‘This chamber is identical to area 24. except that one of the kobold body- guards carries a potion of gaseous form. “The kobold does not know the function ‘af the potion, and dares not drink it. 31, KITCHEN (EL 1/3) The ca like that ofa dog, ‘This is the Hitchen for the tribe of krabolds. There are few provisions here, wills the tribe instead relying on what food their seauts on the surface can find, The rusted pots and pans in this shamber ace of litte value. Creatures: 4 pais of Kobolds tends the fire in this chamber, preparing imeuls for the rest of the tribe: While one wielde a long cooking knife instead of a spear (dealing 1d¢-1 points of damage) the other grabs the hot spit off the fire and attacks with if (dealing idq-a points of danige plus 1d4 points of fire damage} They chacge any intruders. Kobolds (2p 4 each; Monster Man vai 161. 32, MESS HALL (EL 9} Iwo long tables dorninate this chamber, ‘around which sit a dozen broken and battered chairs. Scraps of old meet, broken bones, and rotting leRoversitter the floo ‘This chamber is the mess hall, used iy the koholis to ei their meals. The floor in this room is covered in greasy, rotting leftovers increasing all Balance and Tumble DCs by +3. Creatures: Figh! kobolds are having ‘3 meal im this chamber when the PCs arrive. They start the combat by thron ing their food platters at the intruders (canged-1,1d4-1 nonlethal before dran- {ng spears to attack Kobolds (8): hp 4 each; Monster Man- ual a6. ‘Treasure: One ofthe tasnished sets of silverware in this room is actually made south of of sa that descend tothe second level of dungeon, ending in area 57 Creatures: Two ordinary Kobelés are resting in this room, along with apatr of leobold bodyguards, who are Imsy ay ing agameimvolvingara,an apple core, and apairof sticks. Kobold (2): hp «each; Monster Mar ul 6a. “lite Kobold Bodyguards (2p 22 cach; see azea 24 “Treasure: The wager between the oboe amounts to 27 gp anda piece of bbue quartz worth 10 gp 34, WARNING fuse. A message is written an the ith al ‘This room is used a6 a garbage pit for the kobolds. Any character who spends nose than round in thiy room mnust make a DC 16 Fortimde save or be sick ened fov1dy minates: The writing ont south wall is in Draconic It reads, "Ol bugs this way—keep oul!” ‘file the southern door isnot locked, it leads only to a small chamber and another door. That dooris locked, requir ‘nga DC 30 Open Lock check to open. 45, PILLAGED STATUE (EL 4) This ‘ined chamber has a cracked and broken statue that looks ike a wizard ‘The stalue in the southwest comer is similar to the one in area aa, but its ‘contents were Tooter! Long 2go when the statue crumbled. ‘The top half of the statue lies in ruin around its base, The stone orb useil tp open itis nowhere to be found Creator pair of oil beerles reside in this room, and move to attack any who-enter. These 3-foot-long red-and- black beetles bear steange tubelike stalks on their backs and large snapping mandibles On Beene N Small vermin Ihit=2; Senses cathsion 40 9 ‘rematsence 60 fg Listen 0, AE 17, touch 13, at footed 15 he 16 HD) Fort+4, ReFs3, Will 7 Spd a0, burrow 10 Melee bite 14 (24641) Ranged il spray ~5 touch (iste) Base Atk #2; Grp—1 Special Actions ol or3y ‘Abilios ir 19,chae Cond, nt Wis Oil Spray Es] Ara standard nctien, an bate can spray a jt oF eaustc Nutd Hints This aquites a ranged toch at Anyone hit by the fuid must make» DC pecial nozzle an is back, with painful blisters. The recelves a new Fortitude c3ve each day vshich can ng the Heal skll.The blisters ean also be cured with a remove ye Dic des 212 207 similar eect. The orstitution-bazed and 36. TRAP ROOM (FL2) Thive Goors lead out of this he north, east, and west. in western door are the smeared some gigantic bug, i pul rounded bya pocty stain of ol Trap: Directly in front ofthe western door is a pressure plate that causes a stone piston to descend from the ecil- ing and crush anything underneath il. The trap is triggered by anyone attempting to open the doar (which itself swings inward toward are 39). Stone Piston Trape CR 2; mechanical; Toeation trigger; automatic reset Atk 1c melee (46, stone piston); Search DG 20, Disable Device DC 30. BEBTLE LAIR (EL. 6) Mounds of earth and stoneare piled about his room, partially obecurings Greatures: This is the prim: of the oif beetles, Four of fly hi langerous atall times Peggs in They attack any who enter vermin are in this chambe keeping wateh over a duster the cor his room. Due to the upturned earth and stone all of the squares in this room are considered difficult terrain. Oil Beetles): 16 each se> pages, ‘Treasure: in the cor ner rust be unburied betore it can be ‘opened. This requires a total of 5 min: ales worth of work witheut tools (ial? that time with them). Inside the chest fused to open the sfatue in area 22),and a pair of boots of rhe stone che: is 500 gp stone 01 venir 38. GALLERY A faced tapestry hangson the south wall of this ruined chamber, depicting Castle M 5,3 beacon ef strength Treasure: Once cleaned, the tap worth 2co gp and weighs 50 pounds, 99, BEETLE CHAMBER (EL 4) The set of stairs leading up 40 4 above is this rooms only noteable fe The stairs in this roorn lead up toarea 16 in the ruins above Greatures: A pair of vl beetles attacks y who enter this room (ll Beetles 2} hp 26 each, 322 page as 40, PLT TRAP (EL3) Trap: This entire room is one gigantic pil trap, placed here by the kobelds to keep the vermin to the north out of thei area. Any center of the chamber seis aff the tap, Spiked Pit Trap: CR 3; mechanical: jocation trigger; manual reset; DC 26 Reflex save avoids; 20 ft. deep (2d6, fall: raltiple targets (al targets inthe room} \uze walking through the Pe TE UL Cae Le pi eee Uy Us er cacy Wecanythe largest variety of D&D DC ee Ue reeg Ce teckel) everyset including: Le oe Peters nig 8 viii in 2 hours (all ae dungeon, cnding just nosth of area 45. Serawled on the wall in Draconic is the Lae eo. = Lue ee pitspiles (Atk +20 melee, xd spikes per “farget foradg}2 each} Search DC 20, De “able Device DC 20. ‘Treasures A hobeikd skeTet Dortorn ofthe pit with a Small 42 wooden ied se strapped ta its arm. zhievet ee ‘crude Lobeid phrase, Usethe other sits} Bangle orders"Although there nothing dangerous about these stairs, Bazgle prefersthat the kobokdscome io meet him. Dy isla the stairs meas urea 47, 42, GELATINOUS CUBE (EL 3) (OFF to one corner oF this room a number of glittering gold coins can be seen, appar ently floating i the air Creanuress room. The coi gelatinous enbe airsin this are actually suspended inside of i, and anyone who altempts to sab them without noticing the eube with ADC am Spot check is engulf Gelatinous Cube: hip 54, Monstor Man- al ‘Treasure: Once the cube is slain, the fen coins nside itean be teteieved. There are 2 total of 8 gp and 12 sp inside it. 48, HIDDEN TREASURY (HL.9) The door leading into this chaniber is ridden and can only be found witha DC 2 Search check, With’ a tow grinding notse, the an stane door slides open, revealing 3 pas sageway choked with dust and cobwebs, early unused for quite some time. Just inside the door,a number of musical notes are cared into the wall ‘The chamber at the end ofthe hallway contains onc Gygar'shidden treasuries, left untouched all these years, His riches ‘were not left unprotected, though. ‘Trap: A statue of Gygar standing in he Giamber is actually a magical trap that dan be deactivated by playing the tune inseribed on the wall. Pls: SSR ~ Sita 26 DUNGEON se=TrVAFR z007 BY JASON BULMAHN this tune requires 2 DC 26 Pe check, Alternatively, the singing ura from area 28 sings the same tune and makes the check automatically. If the correct tune is played, the statue 4s deactivated for 1d6 minutes, If an incorrect tune is played. o no music is played at all, the statue attacks the closest intruder with fiery rays one round after they enter the room, The statiee continues to fire one tay cach round until the played or the intruders fi the room, Scorching, Ray Trap: OR 3; magicsl: location trigger; automate resets ADK «3 correct melody is ly leave ranged touch; spell effect (zorching may, level wizand, 6 fre) Search DC Disable Device DG 25, ‘Treasure: Both of the iton chests in this coomaze locked and bolted to the floor. They can be opened with a DC 20 Open Lock check. One chest con tains ancient leather bags full oF coins, ome with 1,060 ep, two with 100 sp, two With r00 gp, and one with 30 pp. The other chest contains a Small +1 chain shiet, 2 potions of cure light wounds, a scroll of fireball, and a seroll of pratec- fion from evil 44, SPIDER DEN(EL4) between the fleor stn 1g of this small cham ng corners ofthe room. in this chamber hamper ‘movement. Anyone wishing to mov through them most make a DC a Strength check or a DC sa Bseape Ist check, Success allows the chasacter to move at half speed. The spiders can rove ficely rough their nebs, Creatures: This room is home to 4 amber of monstrous spiders. While they aormally hunt the kobolds and Deetles, they are always on the looks hey atack anys cone who enters this chamber and are drawn to investigate any disturbances in the hallway Mod Monstrons Spiders (3) hp11 exch; Monster Manual 258, 46. HANGING FOOD Thick strands of webbing hang from the cling of this chamber, some of which support sr ns of silk. Tattered armor, rating fe and yelloned bores an Be seen protruding from some oF ‘This is where the spiders stoze their ‘meils, allowing them to ripen until they are ready to be eaten. Hine silk strands go from this room to area 44, alerting the spiders there to any intrusion here “Treasure: 4 DC 20 Search of the corpses here reveals a pair of small belt pouches. One pouch contains 24