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Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.

ISSN 0077-8923

Issue: Social Neuroscience: Gene, Environment, Brain, Body

The neuroevolution of empathy

Jean Decety
Department of Psychology, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois

Address for correspondence: Jean Decety, Irving B. Harris Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry, Department of
Psychology, University of Chicago, 5848 S. University Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637.

There is strong evidence that empathy has deep evolutionary, biochemical, and neurological underpinnings. Even
the most advanced forms of empathy in humans are built on more basic forms and remain connected to core
mechanisms associated with affective communication, social attachment, and parental care. Social neuroscience has
begun to examine the neurobiological mechanisms that instantiate empathy, especially in response to signals of
distress and pain, and how certain dispositional and contextual moderators modulate its experience. Functional
neuroimaging studies document a circuit that responds to the perception of others’ distress. Activation of this circuit
reflects an aversive response in the observer, and this information may act as a trigger to inhibit aggression or prompt
motivation to help. Moreover, empathy in humans is assisted by other domain-general high-level cognitive abilities,
such as executive functions, mentalizing, and language, which expand the range of behaviors that can be driven by

Keywords: evolution; affective neuroscience; social neuroscience; empathy

it can be extended to strangers and even mem-
The experience of empathy is a powerful interper- bers of different species and generated from cog-
sonal phenomenon and a necessary means of ev- nitive processing, like imagination and conscious
eryday social communication. It facilitates parental rationalization.
care of offspring. It enables us to live in groups and Given the complexity of what the phenomeno-
to socialize. It paves the way for the development of logical experience of empathy encompasses, investi-
moral reasoning and motivates prosocial altruistic gation of its neurobiological underpinnings would
behavior. be worthless without breaking down this construct
The term empathy is applied to various phenom- into component processes.3,4 Molar constructs de-
ena that cover a broad spectrum, ranging from veloped by social scientists provide a useful means of
feelings of concern for other people, experienc- understanding highly complex activity and mental
ing emotions that match another individual’s emo- functioning without needing to specify each indi-
tions, knowing what another is thinking or feel- vidual action or process by its simplest components,
ing, to blurring the line between self and other.1,2 thereby providing an efficient approach to describ-
This conceptual diversity explains the difficulties ing complex system.5 Yet, it does not follow that
in measuring empathy. None of the attempts to the organization of psychological phenomena maps
quantify it with self-reports, peer ratings, or rat- in a 1:1 fashion into the organization of the un-
ing scales of observed behavior have been able to derlying neural substrate. In reality, empathy, like
capture the entire range of affective, cognitive, and other social processes, draws on a large array of
behavioral components of empathy. Moreover, one brain structures and systems that are not limited
crucial and distinctive feature of human empathy is to the cortex, but also include the brainstem, the
that it is not restricted to interaction with kin, nor autonomic nervous system (ANS), hypothalamic–
does it have to be prompted by the actual percep- pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA), and endocrine sys-
tion of distress signal or emotion contagion. Rather, tems that regulate attachment and social affiliation,

doi: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2011.06027.x
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c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. 35
Neuroevolution of empathy and concern Decety

Figure 1. Converging evidence from animal research, functional imaging studies in normal individuals, and lesion studies in
neurological patients shows that empathy draws on a large array of neurobiological systems that are not limited to the cortex (insula,
anterior cingulate cortex, and orbitofrontal cortex), but also the midbrain (e.g., periaqueductal gray) and brainstem, and includes
the autonomic nervous system (ANS), HPA axis, and endocrine systems that regulate bodily states, emotion, and reactivity. Caring
for others draws on general mammalian neural systems of reward and social attachment. Moreover, empathy is not unique to
humans, as many of the biological mechanisms are shared with other mammalian species. However, humans are special in the sense
that high-level cognitive abilities, such as executive function, language, and mentalizing, implemented by the prefrontal cortex,
are layered on top of phylogenetically older social and emotional capacities. These evolutionarily newer aspects of information
processing expand the range of behaviors that can be driven by empathy, and expand flexibility like caring for and helping outgroup
members or even individuals from different species.

bodily states, emotion regulation, and reactivity Evolutionary origins of empathy

(Fig. 1).
The human social brain, as well as all other mam-
This paper examines how empathy has evolved in
malian brains, is fundamentally built upon ancient
the context of parental care in mammalians species
emotional and motivational value systems that gen-
and what neurobiological mechanisms underlie its
erate affective states as indicators of potential fitness
operation. With continuing maturation of the pre-
trajectories. While one needs to be cautious regard-
frontal cortex, development of a sense of self, and
ing the forms of behaviors in the animal kingdom
more complex forms of cognitive abilities such as
that have been interpreted as evidence of empathy,6
mentalizing and language, humans exhibit more
basic affective states—and the neural mechanisms to
advanced and flexible levels of empathy tied to per-
support them—are homologous in all mammals.7
spective taking. This results in greater understand-
Over millions of years of evolution, efficient and
ing of other’s affective and mental states, but it does
manifold neurobiological mechanisms have evolved
not guarantee that the outcome is benevolent. After
for differentiating hostile from hospitable stimuli
all, it is not adaptive to extend one’s empathic con-
and for organizing adaptive responses to these stim-
cern to all. Moreover, various situational and inter-
uli.8 This integrated set of neural systems is genet-
personal variables influence the processes involved
ically hardwired to enable animals to evaluate and
in empathy, and these effects occur at different levels
respond unconditionally and readily to threatening
of neurobiological organization.

36 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1231 (2011) 35–45 

c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences.
Decety Neuroevolution of empathy and concern

or nurturing, unpleasant or pleasant, and appetitive to those observed during fear in humans, that is, to
or aversive stimuli by using specific response pat- the dispositional effects of emotional contagion.14
terns that are most adaptive to the particular species
The role of social attachment
and environmental condition. The architecture of
this affect system maps onto the neural circuitry of Social attachment serves intrinsically important reg-
the limbic system, which includes the hypothala- ulatory functions of security, nurturing, and distress
mus, the parahippocampal cortex, amygdala, and alleviation. The animal data on maternal care and
several interconnected areas (septum, basal ganglia, nurturance suggest that primitive empathic abil-
nucleus accumbens, anterior insular cortex [AIC], ity might be organized by basic biological systems
and retrospenial cingulate cortex) and underlies subserving a complex of attachment-related pro-
rapid and prioritized processing of affective signals. cesses. The neural systems supporting attachment
The limbic regions also project to the orbitofrontal include multisensory processing and complex mo-
cortex (OFC) and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), tor responses as well as cognitive processes that link
which are involved in the evaluation and regula- sensory inputs to motor output, including atten-
tion of emotion, as well as decision making. More- tion, memory, social recognition, and motivation.15
over, aversive and appetitive stimuli are processed A functional network involving preoptic areas of
by partially independent neural circuitry with dis- the hypothalamus, ventral septum, and diencephalic
tinct subregions of the OFC and striatum.9 The and midbrain systems7 may change somewhat in
functional separability between positivity and neg- phylogenesis with more contribution of paralimbic
ativity is also supported by the opposing roles for areas, as evidence supports that in primates, ACC
dopamine and acetylcholine in the striatum in the and nucleus accumbens are increasingly critical for
control of GABA output systems for approach and attachment and maternal behavior.16 In mammals,
avoidance.10 neuropeptides regulating attachment, particularly
Basic affective circuits emerged much earlier in oxytocin, opioids, and prolactin, are relevant for
brain evolution than higher cognitive capacities. So- regulating empathic responsiveness. Oxytocin fa-
cial species care for offspring sufficiently long so that cilitates maternal behavior and is capable of in-
they too can reproduce. As such, the genetic legacy creasing positive social behaviors, and both oxy-
of a species is associated with the ability to perceive tocin and social interactions reduce activity in the
and respond to emotional expressions of hunger, HPA axis.17 Secretion of hormones of the HPA axis
pain, distress, or fear. Such signals are primary and (cortisol, corticosterone, or adrenocorticotrophic
powerful stimuli that call for parental care. At the hormones) follow separation from the attachment
behavioral level, it is apparent from the descriptions figure, and HPA activity tends to decline upon re-
of ethologists that behaviors homologous to em- union. Oxytocin targets are widespread and include
pathy and sympathetic concern can be observed in the hypothalamus, amygdala hippocampus, brain-
other mammalian species. Without doubt, some as- stem, heart, uterus, and regions of the spinal cord
pects of empathy are present in other species, such that regulate the autonomic nervous system, espe-
as emotion contagion and concern.11 For example, cially the parasympathetic branch.18
mother vervet monkeys often run to support their While the HPA modulatory effects of oxytocin are
juvenile and infant offspring when these individu- species specific, in recent years, a number of studies
als scream during rough play.12 An experiment in have clearly reported its implication in human social
which peripheral skin temperature was measured cognition and empathy. In particular, its application
in chimpanzees while they were shown emotionally via nasal spray reduces responses to social stress.19
laden videos reported a decrease of skin temper- Oxytocin can increase mutual trust, and this effect is
ature, indicative of negative sympathetic nervous not due to a general increase in the readiness to bear
system arousal, when subjects viewed videos of con- risk. On the contrary, oxytocin specifically affects an
specifics injected with needles or videos of the nee- individual’s willingness to accept social risks aris-
dles themselves, but not when they viewed videos of ing through interpersonal interaction.20 Intranasal
a conspecific chasing the veterinarian.13 Thus, when administration of oxytocin, compared to placebo,
chimpanzees perceive meaningful emotional stim- reduces amygdala activation and modulates its cou-
uli, they are subject to physiological changes similar pling with brainstem regions that are involved in

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c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. 37
Neuroevolution of empathy and concern Decety

automatic fear reactivity.21 Another study showed may be induced from affective arousal and emotion
that a single dose of intranasally administrated oxy- contagion, can interfere with empathic concern in
tocin is sufficient to cause a substantial increase in depleting attentional and cognitive resources to at-
the ability in affective mentalizing ability on a test tend to others’ needs and to provide adequate care to
relying on the detection of subtle affective facial alleviate their suffering.26,27 This shows that affec-
expressions.22 There is evidence that a naturally oc- tive arousal does not necessarily lead to concern for
curring genetic variation of the oxytocin receptor the well-being of others. Affect regulation linked to
relates to both empathy and stress profiles. This was attachment security plays a crucial role in the mo-
discovered in a study that tested how a polymor- tivation to help by reducing personal distress and
phism (rs53576) of the oxytocin receptor relates to avoidance behaviors.
empathy and stress reactivity.23 Compared with in-
Neural circuits implicated in the perception
dividuals homozygous for the G allele of rs53576
of others’ distress
(GG), individuals with one or two copies of the A
allele (AG/AA) exhibited lower behavioral and dis- The long history of mammalian evolution has
positional empathy. shaped maternal brains to be sensitive to signs of
All of these results concur with animal research suffering in one’s own offspring.28 In many pri-
suggesting a critical role of oxytocin in prosocial mates, as well as many mammals, this sensitivity has
approach behavior and reactivity to social stress. It extended beyond the mother–child relationship, so
has also been proposed that the interaction between that all normally developed individuals dislike see-
oxytocin and dopamine enhances the reward of so- ing others suffering. Pain serves evolved protective
cial encounters, promoting the motivation to engage and survival functions not only by warning the suf-
in social interactions, thereby increasing the proba- fering individual, but also by impelling expressive
bility of approach and decreasing the probability of behaviors that attract the attention of others.29
withdrawal.15 A handful number of studies have recently
Research on human parenting behavior suggests demonstrated that rodents show social modulation
that networks of highly conserved hypothalamic– of emotional responses and learning. In one such
midbrain–limbic–paralimbic–cortical circuits act in study, pain sensitivity was found to be modulated in
concert to support aspects of parent response to in- mice by the presence of other mice showing pain
fants, including the emotion, attention, motivation, response, and this mechanism operates only be-
empathy, and other thinking processes that are re- tween cage mates and not strangers.30 To investigate
quired to navigate the complexities of parenting.24 whether such pain-related behavior can serve the
Specifically, infant stimuli activate basal forebrain function of soliciting social approach, the same au-
regions, which regulate brain circuits that handle thors used a social approach paradigm to test mice
specific nurturing and caregiving responses and ac- in various dyadic or triadic conditions, including
tivate the brain’s more general circuitry for handling “jailed” mice—some in pain via intraperitoneal in-
emotions, motivation, attention, and empathy—all jection of acetic acid—and test mice free to approach
of which are crucial for effective parenting. or avoid the jailed mice.31 Results showed a sex-
In humans, there is solid behavioral evidence specific effect whereby female, but not male, test
demonstrating that attachment security provides a mice approached a familiar same-sex conspecific in
foundation for empathic concern and caregiving. A pain more frequently than an unaffected familiar or
series of studies that examined the causal effect of unfamiliar, but affected, conspecific. Furthermore,
chronic and contextual activation of attachment se- the frequency of contact by the test mouse was nega-
curity on reactions to others’ needs25 indicated that tively correlated with the pain behavior of the jailed
attachment security priming facilitates empathy re- mouse, suggesting that proximity of a familiar un-
sponses toward others’ plights, even when the indi- affected conspecific may have analgesic properties.
viduals are not aware of the manipulation (sublimi- Using pharmacological and genetic manipulations,
nal priming). Furthermore, the sense of security led a recent experiment found that the lateral nucleus
participants to adopt a more empathic attitude not of the amygdala is essential for both the acquisition
only to close relationship partners, but also to non- and expression of observational fear.32 While inacti-
intimate others. Conversely, personal distress, which vation of the lateral pain system had no influence on

38 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1231 (2011) 35–45 

c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences.
Decety Neuroevolution of empathy and concern

observational learning, inactivating any component These representations play an important role in
of the medial pain system (ACC or mediodorsal nu- the learning and adaptation of prosocial behavior,
clei) during learning blocked the acquisition of fear, and they may guide decision making and homeo-
whereas inactivating them only before memory re- static regulation.53 The sharing of vicarious negative
trieval did not block fear expression. These results arousal, which crucially involves the anterior insula
suggest that the medial system is essential for trans- and ACC, provides a strong signal that can promote
mitting the aversive nature of the situation to the empathic concern. To be motivated to help another,
amygdala during observational learning. one needs to be affectively, empathically aroused,
In keeping with the thalamocingulate hypothe- and to anticipate the cessation of mutually experi-
sis of maternal behavior in humans, it has been enced personal distress.
found that mothers listening to infant cries show
Empathy is a flexible adaptive
increased activity in the medial thalamus, insula,
subgenual ACC, and OFC, as well as in structures
important in rodent maternal behavior, such as the Empathy is not automatic or reflexive, and many
midbrain, hypothalamus, dorsal and ventral stria- factors affect its induction and expression. As men-
tum, and vicinity of the lateral septal region.33 tioned above, rodents do not react indiscriminately
A growing number of fMRI studies have demon- to other conspecifics in distress. Recent studies with
strated that the same neural circuit—the so-called human volunteers have documented that the neural
pain matrix—that is involved in the first-hand ex- network implicated in empathy for pain is mod-
perience of pain is also emulated by the antici- ulated by various social and interpersonal factors.
pation,34,35 perception,36–43 or imagination44,45 of For instance, one fMRI study demonstrated that
other individuals in pain. This neural network in- empathic arousal is moderated early in informa-
cludes the supplementary motor area (SMA), dorsal tion processing by a priori attitudes toward other
ACC, anterior medial ACC (aMCC), AIC, amygdala, people.54 Study participants were significantly more
and periaqueductal gray matter (PAG) (Fig. 2) (see sensitive to the pain of individuals who had con-
Refs. 46 and 47 for meta-analyses). tracted AIDS as the result of a blood transfusion as
It is worth noting that vicariously instigated ac- compared to individuals who had contracted AIDS
tivations in the pain matrix are not necessarily spe- as the results of their illicit drug addition (shar-
cific to the emotional experience of pain, but are ing needles), as evidenced by significantly higher
related to other processes such as negative stim- pain and empathy ratings and significantly greater
ulus evaluation, attention to noxious stimuli, so- hemodynamic activity in areas associated with pain
matic monitoring, and the selection of appropriate processing (i.e., AIC, aMCC, PAG). Activity in that
skeletomuscular defensive movements.48,49 Several network is enhanced when people viewed their loved
electroencephalography and fMRI studies have doc- ones in pain compared to strangers44 and is reduced
umented extremely similar patterns of responses to if the person in pain has been unfair in a prior in-
nociceptive and non-nociceptive stimuli, suggesting teraction55 or is from a different ethnic group.56
that multimodal neural activity (i.e., the activity of Empathic arousal is also modulated by an individ-
neurons that respond to a range of stimuli, regard- ual’s knowledge and experience with pain. Two neu-
less of their sensory modality) could explain a large roimaging studies directly investigated how physi-
part of the pain matrix.50 cians react to the perception of others’ pain. One
Of particular importance, activation of the AIC study compared the neuro-hemodynamic response
is the most robust evidence across all studies of in a group of physicians and a group of matched
pain empathy: this response can even be elicited control participants while they viewed video clips
automatically, independent from explicit task re- depicting face, hands, and feet being pricked by a
quirements.51 It has been proposed that the ante- needle (painful situations) or being touched by a Q-
rior insula, through its intimate connections with tip (non-painful situations).57 The results demon-
amygdala, hypothalamus, ACC, and OFC, serves to strated activation of the pain matrix in the con-
compute a higher-order metarepresentation of the trols when they attended to the painful situations
primary interoceptive activity, which is related to relative to the nonpainful ones. A different pat-
the feeling of pain and its emotional awareness.52 tern of signal change was detected in the physicians

Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1231 (2011) 35–45 

c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. 39
Neuroevolution of empathy and concern Decety

Figure 2. Neural networks involved in perceiving others in distress and pain largely overlap with the processing of nociceptive
information. Neurophysiological research on pain processing points out a distinction between the sensory-discriminative and
the affective-motivational domains. The former domain engages stimulus localization and is assessed with ratings of intensity
while the latter one involves the affective component of pain and is measured with ratings of unpleasantness. This duality is also
framed in terms of medial and lateral thalamic processing and extent for cortical structures, including somatosensory and anterior
cingulate cortices, respectively, based on thalamic afferents. These two dimensions of pain processing are underpinned by discrete
yet interacting neural networks. A growing number of neuroimaging studies recently demonstrated that the perception of pain in
others recruits brain areas chiefly involved in the affective and motivational processing (ACC, insula), as well as the somatosensory
cortex and PAG. The anterior insula lies between the lateral and medial systems and is involved in processing associated with each
system, including sensory coding, body state assessment, and autonomic regulations as well as emotional valence coding of sensory
events. The cingulate cortex mediates the three aspects of pain processing that may use affect regulation but is explicitly involved
in avoidance/nocifensive behaviors.

when they watched painful procedures. Cortical inhibiting or appraising the bottom-up processing
regions underpinning executive functions (dorso- of negative arousal arising from the perception of
lateral and medial prefrontal cortices) and execu- painful stimuli, and thus, may have beneficial conse-
tive attention (precentral gyrus, superior parietal quences in freeing up cognitive resources necessary
sulcus and temporo-parietal junction) were found for being of assistance and express empathic con-
to be activated, and unlike in the control group, cern. There may be a cost though for practitioners
no signal increase was detected in the pain ma- dampening their sensitivity to the pain and affective
trix. A second study recorded event-related poten- reactions of their patients. A modicum of negative
tials (ERP) from physicians and matched controls as arousal seems necessary to help physicians attune
they were presented with the same visual stimuli.58 to and empathically understand patient’s emotions.
The results showed early N110 differentiation be- This important issue requires further investigation
tween pain and no pain, reflecting negative arousal, as the medical profession is struggling to achieve an
over the frontal cortex, as well as late P300 over the appropriate balance between clinical distance and
centro-parietal regions in control participants. In empathic concern.59
contrast, no such early ERP response was detected Thus, incoming sensory information is con-
in the physicians. This indicates that affect regula- strained by appraisal and reappraisal, processing,
tion and context in physicians has very early effects, which may be unconscious or conscious, and shapes

40 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1231 (2011) 35–45 

c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences.
Decety Neuroevolution of empathy and concern

the emergence of the experience of empathy and situation (imagine self), or imagine what the patient
behavioral outcomes. The dampening of “state” was feeling (imagine other). The former subjective
reactivity influences the availability of higher brain perspective was associated with a strong hemody-
structures involved in regulating behaviors. namic increase in the amygdala, as well as subjective
reports of anxiety and personal distress. When the
What is specific to human empathy?
participants were imagining what the patients were
Like in other mammalian species, emotions and feeling, decreased activity was detected in the amyg-
feelings may be shared among individuals, elicit dala, with reduced feelings of anxiety combined with
alarm or fear, and, at times, facilitate empathic con- increased reports of empathic concern (Fig. 3).
cern. Humans, however, can imagine what others Does this mean that these most advanced forms
feel, and more importantly, can intentionally “feel of empathy are operating independently from more
for” and act on behalf of other people whose experi- basic neurobiological mechanisms? Probably not.
ences may differ greatly from their own.60 Empathic For example, thinking about movement hurts in
concern is often associated with prosocial behav- people with chronic arm pain.64 When patients
iors and has been considered as a chief enabling imagined moving their arm to match the postures
process for altruism.1 When people send money to shown in pictures, pain and swelling (8 ± 5%) was
distant earthquake victims in Haiti, or petition to greater posttask than pretask. However, the change
support a bill that would contribute to curb the vio- in pain and swelling was related to catastrophiz-
lence in Darfur, empathy reaches beyond its context ing and fear of movement, and also to autonomic
of evolutionary origins, extending beyond inclusive arousal early in the task. Real-time inflammatory
fitness benefits among kin. Humans can feel em- responses can be mediated by the autonomic ner-
pathic concern for a wide range of others in need, vous system, which also interacts closely with limbic
even dissimilar others.43 Empathic helping behavior systems important in memory.
may have also evolved because of its contribution to
An evolutionary continuity
genetic fitness,61 and an impulse to care for offspring
is almost certainly genetically hardwired in humans There is an evolutionary continuity in the neuro-
as well as in other mammals. Once the empathic biological systems that provide the basis for em-
capacity evolved, following the principle of motiva- pathy and caring. The relations between emotion,
tional autonomy (i.e., motivation for a given behav- empathic concern, and prosocial behavior operate
ior becomes disconnected from its ultimate goals), it on a series of nested evolutionary processes, which
could be applied outside the parental-care context.11 are intertwined with social, motivational contin-
Moreover, empathy is assisted by other abstract and gencies, and also subject to contextual control. For
domain-general high-level cognitive abilities such as instance, within a social group and contingent on
executive functions, language, and perspective tak- cognitive interpretation, perceiving in pain or dis-
ing, which expand the range of behaviors that can tress triggers a neural response associated with aver-
be driven by empathy. sion. This physiological arousal, in turn, may ini-
Perspective taking plays a critical role in empathic tiate helping or soothing behaviors motivated by a
concern as well as emotion regulation. For example, plurality of motives, including reducing one’s own
Batson and his colleagues found that when partic- discomfort, feeling good about oneself, or feelings
ipants are told of another individual’s plight and of sympathy for, or compassion for the other with
asked to imagine how that person feels, empathic the ultimate goal to lessen his or her distress. These
concern is elicited.62 However, when the same indi- behaviors are reinforced both by endogenous re-
viduals are asked to imagine instead how they would ward (dopamine system) as well as positive social
feel in the place of the other person, feelings of anx- feedback from others. Behavioral and functional
iety and personal distress are evoked. To test this neuroimaging studies have demonstrated that being
hypothesis, an fMRI study presented participants nice and caring for others makes us feel good by the
with video clips of individuals expressing pain on release of dopamine through the projection of neu-
their face, due to a medical treatment.63 Partici- ral pathways from the brainstem to the nucleus ac-
pants were instructed to either imagine how they cumbens. The fronto-mesolimbic reward network
would themselves feel if they were in the patient’s is engaged to the same extent when individuals

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c 2011 New York Academy of Sciences. 41
Neuroevolution of empathy and concern Decety

Figure 3. Impact of language and imagination in eliciting empathic concern or personal distress. Hemodynamic signal change in
the amygdala (left and right) resulting from different verbal instructions given to study participants while they were watching video
clips of people in pain due to a medical acoustic treatment (the patients in the videos were exposed to painful sound). When the
subjects imagined how they would feel in the patient’s situation (an imagine self-perspective), a strong hemodynamic increase was
detected in the amygdala, as well as subjective reports of anxiety and personal distress. When the participants imagined how the
patient was feeling (an imagine other perspective), decreased activity was observed in the amygdala in conjunction with reduced
feelings of anxiety combined with increase reports of sympathy and concerns for the patient. In addition to the signal change in
the amygdala, imagining oneself in pain compared with imaging the other was associated with the increase in the insula, SMA, and
parietal cortex. Adapted from Ref. 63.

receive monetary rewards and when they freely veloped originally in service of parental nurturance
choose to donate money to charitable orga- in the mammalian species continued to evolve, ac-
nizations.65 Furthermore, medial orbitofrontal– companied by an increase in the plasticity and flex-
subgenual and lateral orbitofrontal areas, which play ibility provided by the prefrontal cortex, which led
key roles in more primitive mechanisms of social at- in turn in a heightened capacity for learning and
tachment and aversion, mediate decisions to donate came to operate at the level of the social group and
or to oppose societal causes. Another fMRI study re- cultural level.
ported that the mere presence of observers increased Overall, this evolutionary conceptual view of
donation rates and significantly affected activity in empathy is compatible with the hypothesis that
the striatal regions.66 The cerebral functions that de- advanced levels of social cognition have arisen

42 Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1231 (2011) 35–45 

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