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DJ Sindh Govt.

Science College, Karachi

Preliminary Examination 2024
Zoology – II
Time allowed: 02 hours Maximum Marks: 40


Time allowed: 15 minutes (Marks : 09)

NOTE: (i). This section consists of 18 part questions and all are to be answered. Each question carries one mark.
(ii). The correct answer bubble must be filled on OMR sheet (I) Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ pasted in answer script.
(iii). Use only blue / black ball point pen or pointer on OMR sheet.
(iv). Avoid using pencil / White-o pen on OMR sheet.
(v). All notations are used in their usual meanings. The use of Scientific Calculator is allowed.

Q. 1. Choose the correct answer for each from the given options.

1. Renal cortex produces a hormone necessary for the synthesis of RBCs:

* Renin * Leukopoietin * Erythropoietin * Thrombopoietin
2. To conserve water animals produce waste products like:
* Urea * Lactic Acid * Uric Acid * Folic Acid
3. The inflammation in kidneys due to irritation of kidney stones is called:
*Edema * Sarcoma * Lithotripsy * Lithonephritis

4. Wrist and vertebral column are the examples of :

* Hinge joint * Pivot joint * Gliding joint * Saddle joint

5. Each muscle fiber has a covering just like a cell membrane called:
*Epimysium * Endomysium * Perimysium * Sarcolemma
6. The dark region contains thick Myosin filaments overlapping thin filaments called:
*M- Line * H-Zone * A-Band * I- Band

7. The major inhibitory neurotransmitter of the brain is:

* Acetylcholine * GABA * Endorphin * Epinephrin

8. The inner layer of menninges is known as:

*Dura matter *Pia matter *CSF * Arachnoid matter

9. In humans there are 31 pairs of:

* Cranial nerves *Spinal nerves *Sensory nerves *Motor nerves

10. To maintain proper levels of calcium in the blood this hormone plays an important role:

*Thyroxin * T3 *Calcitonin * Oxytocin

11. If the Adrenal cortex were removed which group of hormones would be most affected?

* Steroid * Tropic * Peptide * None of them

12. A directional movement of an organism toward or away from the particular stimulus is:

* Kinesis * Taxis * Reflex * Fixed action pattern

13. Wolfgang Kohler in 1920s performed the experiments on the behaviour of:

* Dogs * Geese * Rats * Chimpanzees

14. The primary male sex hormone produced by testes is called:

*FSH * LH * Inhibin * Testosterone

15. It is a sexually transmitted disease produced by Treponema pallidum:

* Gonorrhea *AIDS * Hepatitis * Syphilis

16. The low sperm count in human males is commonly known as:

* Azoospermia *Oligospermia * Oogonia * Spermatogenesis

17. The formation of the neural tube occurs during:

*Gastrulation *Cleavage *Implantation * Organogenesis

18. A solid mass of blastomeres formed by several cleavages of the zygote is called :

*Blastula *Morula * Gastrula *Hypoblast

DJ Sindh Govt. Science College, Karachi
Preliminary Examination 2024
Zoology – II
For Science Pre-Engineering & Science General Groups
Time allowed: 1 hour 45 minutes Maximum Marks: 36


Note: Attempt any 10 questions 5 from reasoning section and 5 from Non-reasoning section.

Reasoning Questions.
1. Why animals excrete different types of excretory waste?

2. Why is calcium essential for cross bridge formation?

3. Why neurolemma is polarized?

4. How drugs effect nervous coordination?

5. Hydrophilic hormones need secondary messengers. Why?

6. Why luteinizing hormone is produced in males?

7. How embryonic tissues influence other embryonic tissues?

Non-Reasoning Questions.

8. Role of feedback system in maintaining homeostasis.

9. Briefly describe various types of cartilages.

10. Differentiate between sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.

11. What is diabetes mellitus? Differentiate between diabetes type-I and diabetes type-II.

12. Define stimuli. How organisms respond to different stimuli.

13. Enlist causes of male and female infertility.

14. Discuss the role of telomeres in the process of aging.


Note: Attempt any two questions from this section. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Define the terms homeostasis, Osmoregulation and thermoregulation. Explain the causes of kidney

failure and its remedies.

2. Write first aid treatment for joint injuries and fractures. Describe the cross-bridge cycle of muscle

contraction with the help of diagram.

3. Describe the structure of a neuron. Explain vascular and infectious disorders of CNS. OR

Explain chemical nature of Hormones. Describe Pituitary gland, its lobes and hormones.

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