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Overseas Dental Achievers

Set 1

1- Ulcer on tongue

45-year-old female with an ulcer in the lateral border of her tongue (right side), around 1 cm in
size and been there for 1 month. She is fit and health

2: Ella 7 old missing lateral

Ella a 7-year-old child, she is fit and healthy. Her permanent centrals are there, and she lost her
deciduous laterals a while ago (1 year before) and the parent is concerned about the tooth not

3: periodontal abscess 11

53 Y.O has swelling gum at tooth 11 and pain. Smoker, average periodontal pocket 4-5mm. X-ray
shows bone loss and calculus deposits on all area. Pt said tooth 11 displaced to incisally.

4- Pain in 46, interstate travel in 2 hrs

A patient came to your private practice without any previous appointment, he has a sore large
carious 46 and Going for 2 days interstate the assistant booked him an appointment after 2 days.

5: post RCT painful tooth with band present

RCT treated lower molar done 3 days ago with other dentist and band was given. patient wants
to know why pain in that tooth is anything wrong with RCT.

6: Consent for exo 16 medically fit patient

Patient came to your clinic with badly broken and unrestorable tooth 16. We did the examination
and took xray. You need to explain procedure with risks and benefits and take consent for
extraction, smoking history.

Tech OSCEs:

Rubber dam 34, 35, 37 sealant

LA 36 extraction

Pit and fissure 15 16 17

Right bitewing
Overseas Dental Achievers

Set 2

Room 1- lichen planus / white patch

45yr old You have done half intra oral examination when you noticed a white patch on cheek on
right side. Patient is not aware of the white patch..

Room 2- patient with multiple hopeless teeth want to discuss replacent options

Old OPG show generalized bone loss. Patient want to discuss replacent of the teeth after

Room 3- 8 yr old kid, yellowish brown discoloration on molars and incisors (MIH OR

8 year old came with his father for sensitivity in 26 when he eats ice cream only. Father is
concerned about the appearance of his anterior teeth.

Room 4- 25 yr old, smoker, bad oral hygiene, punched out gingiva ---ANUG

27 year old patient complaining of soreness on his gums since 1 week. Metallic taste. He is allergic
to penicillin. Under lot of stress.

Room5- 45 yr old, in pain in upper right molar, informed consent for RCT in 16

43 year old male, came with pain wrt 26. You have done x ray and examination. Have given a
diagnosis of irreversible pulpitis and explained about it. Explain the procedure and obtain consent
for rct.

Room 6- patient with swollen gums from few months, taking cyclosporine, hypertensive tabs

Gingival hyperplasia swollen bleeding gums, cyclosporine and nifedipine (high blood pressure)

**Swelling in the gums a female that had a kidney transplant 15 years ago.

Tech OSCEs:

Room 7- rubber dam, endo 11, 21

Room 8- extraction of 26

Room9- Syncope

Room 10- scaling 43, 47 mesial and distal surfaces only

Overseas Dental Achievers

Set 3

Room 1: Dry socket

Dry socket 55 fem, smoker, pain after extraction, how would you manage and treatment plan for
the patient. Patient thinks previous dentist did a bad job management and answer questions.

Room 2: Ulcer in miner patient

Man with upper complete denture working in mining industry and Had angular cheilitis too. It’s
a miner and wants new dentures but will be back in 3 months (no need to explain malignancy of
ulcer) Just management) Explain management and investigations

Room 3: Trauma 3yr old boy

3 year old (boy or girl) comes after 1 week (fell down a week ago) bleeding from lips, mom noticed
the black discoloration in front tooth (61) today morning and she is here at the dentist.

Room 4: Amalgam replacement

Mr. Walcott a 55-year-old medically fit patient who gives you a history of multiple amalgam
fillings placed over 10 years ago but he is concerned about mercury poisoning.

Room 5: Perimplantitis bridge four unit 32,42

Peri-implantitis of an implant supported bridge extended from 32 to 42. Diagnosis was given with
a picture. Pocket depths 6mm and 7 mm.

Room 6: Antibiotic for joint replacement patient who wants extraction

New female patient Allergic to penicillin, joint problems smoker pain on right side 13 grade 2
mobility no caries present diagnosis management. She wants antibiotic prophylaxis.

Tech OSCEs:

Fissure seal 35,36,37

11 periapical

Rubber dam 11,21,23

LA 46
Overseas Dental Achievers

Set 4

Room 1: Vague pain on left side 36big amalgam filling and 26,27 food lodgement

Regular attendee patient to our clinic made emergency appointment today as he have sore tooth.
Pt has toothache on her left hand side, not clear which tooth has pain.

Room 2: Drug seeking patient fentanyl patches

Pt came today as emergency pt by walking in around 4 pm as an emergency appointment, wants

to have strong painkiller for her very sore tooth

Room 3: Geographic tongue

Pt has red patch on his tongue white line around the patch. He feels burning sensation when he
eating spicy food..

Room 4: Perio abscess 11

53 Y.O has swelling gum at tooth 11 and pain. Smoker, average periodontal pocket 4-5mm. X-ray
shows bone loss and calculus deposits on all area. Pt said tooth 11 displaced to incisally.

Room 5: Trauma case 12yr old luxation

A female patient is 12 years old had trauma during hockey without wearing mouth guard 35
minutes ago.

Room 6: OAC apical 3rd fracture

You are doing extraction of 16 and u broke the root tip of mesio-buccal root has infection, palatal
root which was close to sinus. You managed to retrieve the tip but notice 1-2 mm hole see air
bubbles in socket.

Tech OSCEs:

Matrix band 46MODL
Pit fissure 45,46,47
X Ray left bitewing
Overseas Dental Achievers
Set 5

Room 1: 8 yr cooperative Child with lots of caries Mustafa Khan

8 years old child patient came in your practice with mother. Mother is very worried about his
teeth. On examination you found a lot of carious teeth. You have done some x-rays. (Intraoral
picture given of lower jaw caries on both permanent molars (36 and 46) and also on primary
molars, bitewing x-ray shows occlusal and proximal caries on upper and lower molars some close
to pulp. Now consult with the mother about caries risk assessment and treatment.

Room 2: 17 yo, CPITN score given, want ortho referral

17 years old boy came to your practice for consultation. He has seen a dentist 3 months ago and
transferred the records the previous dentist did CPTIN (Community Periodontal Index of
Treatment Needs) score which is 444/424

Room 3: Perio abscess in 47, pt on Warfarin, denosumab etc.

67 years old male came with the complaint of very mobile 47 with abscess. He has had MI
(Myocardial Infarction) 1 YR AGO, HTN (Hypertensive Heart Disease), hypothyroidism and
osteoporosis. He takes warfarin, atenolol, thyroxine, calcium and panadein forte he took
denosumab IV injection 2 days ago. Consult with the patient about the management of 47
Treatment Planning Options.

Room 4: Old overextended loose dentures, Sore palate. Denture stomatitis

65 years old lady wearing upper dentures for 38 years, current denture is 20 years old. She
complained of sore mouth and poor fitting denture.
Picture: lower 3rd of face visible with wrinkles or fold around corner of mouth.

Room 5: Replacement options for 35

47 years old lady a new patient in your practice is a regular dental attendee casually asks what
replacement options are there for the gap between 34 and 36 (missing 35).

Room 6: 16 Tooth broken at CEJ level pt lives 200 kms away in a rural city. allergic to penicillin

You attempted extraction, the crown broke at CEJ. Inform the patient about broken crown and
discuss next step of the treatment
Overseas Dental Achievers
Tech OSCEs:

7. Radiograph: Vague pain- Bite wing right side. Also check your position if manikin n all.... Even
ppe. No exposure but show settings.

8. Exo of 26

9. LA for 36 exo pt taking endep

10. Perio scaling- 2 teeth 33 & 37.

Overseas Dental Achievers
Set 6

Room 1: Herpetic gingivostomatitis

9 year old Child, fever, oral multiple ulcers, lymph adenopathy gingival plaque and soreness (pic
given, History given, have to tell patient diagnosis and management). Mother went to the GP and
GP prescribed antibiotics but she has not purchased/started with the antibiotics yet.

Room 2: Pt on Prednisolone & Actonel

Patient came to your clinic with pain in 47, badly broken and un-restorable tooth. *TAKING
ACTONEL AND PREDNISOLONE suggested extraction, need to explain procedure with risks and
benefits patient and take consent for extraction, smoking history.

Room 3: Loose denture, angular chelitis, dry eyes & dry mouth

81 year old patient complains of loose upper denture and use it with denture adhesive because
it is not stable, she also has complaint of dry mouth and eyes and she carries a bottle of water.

Room 4: Angry patient with RCT treated tooth fractured with exposed gutta percha

Angry patient with cracked crown, portion broke off below gingival yesterday while eating
sandwich. RCT done 5 weeks back, MODL cavity filled with amalgam and Gutta percha exposed.

Room 5: Mesio-angular impaction 38

*Fearful pt needed extraction for mesio-angular impacted 3rd molar

Room 6: 7 yr old, Caries management with bitewings SHINPEE

Child patient came to your surgery had pain on lower tooth. Bitewing x-rays were given of both
sides D & E were carious (multiple caries lesions present). Patient had pain from 3 days upon
eating which goes away when he brushes his teeth. Discuss treatment options for him to the
mother. Patient was cooperative when he visited last. Diet and oral hygiene instructions were
already given in last visit.

Tech OSCEs:

7. Band and retainer 25 DO

8. X-ray 26 IOPA

9. La 16

10. Pit and fissure sealant 25, 26, 27

Overseas Dental Achievers

Set 7

Room 1- palatal swelling

Large dark red, bluish swelling on right side of palate (comes and goes in bursts) between 3 to 7
since 4 years, filling four years ago.

Station 2- implants for heart valve replacement

Patient fit and healthy wants implants in all back teeth take history and investigate to see if she
is suitable for implants prosthetic heart valve replacement surgery

Station 3- 16 badly Decayed diabetic don’t know levels, consent for removal

Diabetic patient came with swelling 5 days ago, he want this tooth extracted. Went to gp he
prescribed antibiotic. Now gp referred to dentist. Tell the treatment options..

Station 4- multiple caries in kid taking sugar juices: WILIAM child uncooperative no age

Child with multiple caries in primary molar, diet chart provided, left and right bitewings given.
Unco-operative patient. Management of behavior (specialist) & otherwise dental plan, Caries risk
assessment and Treatment.

Station 5- pain in recent amalgam filling done by colleague

Angry patient your colleague did deep amalgam filling on 16 and patient came back after (2
months) with periapical infection.

Station 6- Cellulitis patient 28, asthma but under control

Upper wisdom tooth 28 was badly decayed with Periapical infection and complex root that
caused cellulitis.

Tech OSCEs:

Station 7- X-ray scenario trauma upper 11

Station 8- scaling 43, 46

Station 9 - cpr

Station 10 - extraction 46
Overseas Dental Achievers

Set 8

Room 1: Aphthous , pt has ulcer on cheek

A 19 year old patient studying in university came to your clinic with a complaint of painful ulcer
present on the buccal mucosa. Ulcer is quite painful and is present for last two days.

Room 2: missing canine in 10yr

Parent of 10 year old concerned about missing of upper eye tooth. Deciduous shedded around
one year back. Gather the information and give differential or tests you would like to do.

Room 3: Chronic periodontitis case, previous dentist light cleaned the teeth

47 year old lady, a new patient to your practice for general clean and check up. She is a regular
dental attendee last visited 9 month back to previous dentist and said his dentist used to light
clean the teeth and then electric brush to polish them.

Room 4: ANUG, patient was smoker and not looking after his teeth

25 year old with soreness of gums since one week but much painful in last three days. He visited
the GP and he prescribed him penicillin.

Room 5: 16yr old with multiple caries father was concern for his son

16 year old teenager Sam multiple caries and WHITE SPOTS. Patient is not taking care of their
teeth. Work in Café

Room 6: Apical third root fracture during tooth removal.

You attempted an extraction of upper first molar, while making the movement you heard a
sound. You took the tooth out to see one root palatal is fractured.

Tech OSCEs:

7) Rubber dam 16endo

8) exo 46

9) CPR

10) Scaling 33, 37

Overseas Dental Achievers

SET 9:

Room Number 1: Australian migrant complains pain in large amalgam filling

A patient have a complain of pain on biting. He came to Australia 2-3 years ago and have been
working 5 days a week. He has not been to the dentist since then.

Room Number 2: Mr Zang 5 year old daughter Alice to your practice.

Mr Zang bring her 5 year old daughter Alice to your practice. She has pain on lower back tooth
region. She couldn’t sleep last night.

Room Number 3: 15 year old Kim with fluorosis

A 15 years old girl complains of white and brown patches on her all teeth (picture is given). She
lives in boarding school and has come from rural area.

Room Number 4: Vertical fracture and taking Prednisone

Patient complains of pain on an upper first molar. The tooth is fractured picture given, He has a
history of asthma and arthritis and is on Ventolin and prednisolone.

Room Number 5 : Patient on Eliquis, give postextraction instructions:

You have extracted 23. You have applied hemostasis gel and placed a suture. The patient is
taking medicine Eliquis (Apixaban) to prevent stroke.

Room Number 6: Patient come with periodontal chart

patient complains of sensitivity to cold and there is bleeding on probing. You have examined
the patient, periodontal charting is given, and periodontal pocket is 4mm

OSCE Technicals:
7. Xray of patient with vague pain

8. Extraction 26

9. IANB 36

10. Perio scalling 33&37 mesial and distal only

Overseas Dental Achievers

SET 10:

Room no. 1: 5 YEAR old composite filling develop abscess

43 year old lady came with 5 year old child. 65,64 carious with sinus formation(pimple). No x-
ray. Area is sore. Tooth are filled with composite by school nurse.

Room Number 2: patient want Valium

47 tooth painful,continuous pain, painkiller not working. Wants removal of tooth. Anxious
about the t/t. Previous dentist used to give diazepam.

Room number 3: 67 year old diagnosed with chronic generalized periodontitis

67 yr old haven’t been to dentist or gp,for ten years, opg given and diagnosed cgp, have to
explain diagnosis and send to specialist. Explain what treatment he will provide.

Room number 4: hematoma patient

Patient came to you 2 weeks ago and you did filling on 36. Now he complains of pain, swelling
and limited mouth opening of 20 mm. Hematoma mentioned in scenario.

Room number 5: Torres Island

Female studing in university returned from torres island. She has decayed tooth and you
diagnose irreversible pulpitis

Room number 6: Sports person with diet chart

25 year old professional athlete, has many decay, today he came with diet chart, so explain
caries, diet chart, and ohi.


Pit and fissure 252627

La 16


xray 16
Overseas Dental Achievers

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