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Dear Editor,

I write in response to the recent article claiming that Ukraine's culture is on the
brink of extinction. Such assertions are not only unfounded but also undermine the
rich tapestry of Ukrainian heritage.

Contrary to the bleak picture painted, Ukraine boasts a vibrant community of

artists, writers, and musicians who continue to contribute significantly to the
preservation and evolution of its cultural identity. From the literary prowess of
contemporary authors like Andrey Kurkov to the innovative compositions of
composers like Myroslav Skoryk, Ukrainian artistry is far from dormant.

Moreover, initiatives aimed at revitalizing the Ukrainian language are gaining

momentum, with educational programs and cultural events actively promoting its
usage and appreciation.

Let us not forget the enduring spirit of resilience ingrained in the Ukrainian people,
which has fostered a flourishing cultural landscape despite historical challenges.
From the globally acclaimed performances of the Kyiv Ballet to the emergence of
young talents across various artistic disciplines, Ukraine's cultural heartbeat
resonates stronger than ever.

In conclusion, to suggest that Ukraine's culture is fading away is a disservice to the

creativity, passion, and resilience of its people. It is a narrative that fails to
acknowledge the enduring legacy and promising future of Ukrainian cultural


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