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inexhaustible ɪnɪɡˈzɔːstɪb(ə)l невичерпні

crops krɒps посіви

legislation ledʒɪsˈleɪʃ(ə)n законодавство

mandatory ˈmandəˌtôrē обов'язковий

capacity kəˈpasədē ємність

lag behind відставати

unevenly ˌənˈēv(ə)nlē нерівномірно

grain mills зернові млини

blades bleɪdz леза

For the calculations of scientists, explored
the world's natural gas reserves will be
enough only for 50-60 years, oil - for 25-
30, coal - for 500-600 years. In addition to
the fact that this source is almost
inexhaustible, it is also environmentally

In some countries, a significant proportion of crops are

used for biofuels, which EU and US legislation has made
mandatory. Therefore, in particular, in Germany, the
production of biofuels from sugar beets is constantly
increasing. In Brazil, sugar cane is used for biofuel, in the
USA - corn
The most promising area in our country is called the
production of bioethanol from sugar beets. Today in
Ukraine around 650 thousand hectares can be sown whith
sugar beet. As a result, out of 15 million tons of sugar
beets, Ukraine could produce about 1.3 million tons of
bioethanol annually, experts say.
One of the most promising areas of biogas production in the world is
called agricultural waste. This method has become widespread both in
Europe and in America. There are currently about 200 biogas plants in the
United States that operate only on agricultural vegetable waste. The
ancestor of the use of silage is Germany. They introduced an increased
tariff for energy obtained from biogas, which led to the construction of
stations with a total capacity exceeding the capacity of four nuclear units.
Such fuel is used for all modes of transport. For airplanes, cars, mopeds,
tractors and so on so far.
China does not lag behind - there are 40 thousand large
and medium-sized biogas plants and 24 thousand
biogas treatment reactors for municipal waste
treatment. In 2010 alone, 4,000 large biogas plants
were built, operating on the basis of farm waste.
According to statistics from the Chinese Ministry of
Agriculture, energy from biogas came from 40 million
farms, which is 33% of all existing Chinese farms.
Wind power
In fact, wind exists because the sun heats
the Earth's surface unevenly. When warm
air moves up, cold air moves down to fill
the void. While the sun is shining, the wind
will blow. And while the wind is blowing,
people will use it to improve their lives.

Ancient sailors used sails to capture the wind

and explore the world. Farmers used the wind
to run grain mills and pump water. Today,
more and more people are using wind turbines
to generate electricity from wind. Over the past
ten years, the use of wind turbines has grown
by more than 25 percent annually.
Most of the wind energy is generated by turbines that have three blades. These turbines are very similar to giant
propellers on a stick. Unlike almost all other types of energy, water is practically not used in the generation of wind

Wind turbines can even be installed on water on floating structures and transmit the generated electricity to the
ground using submarine cables. Wind is a clean source of renewable, inexhaustible energy that does not pollute the
environment. And since wind is free, operating costs are almost zero after the construction of the turbine.
In addition, huge energy facilities create significant
environmental problems, in particular, greenhouse gas
emissions and environmental pollution in the case of the
use of fossil fuels, the reserves of which, incidentally, on
Earth are rapidly declining. And wind energy is used in
Spain, France, Great Britain, Denmark, Portugal, Ireland,
Germany and Ukraine, which will help clean the air and
create enough energy for the world.
So using natural energy is a very smart
decision, given that natural resources such as
wind, sun and used agricultural materials will
always be there and the benefits will be much
greater and the harm much less.

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