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The Brood of the Spirit King

A guide to gaining the power of the Spirit King

The Spirit King. That name is mired in controversy in the world of Bleach. What is he? What could he be? What
was he? These questions are seemingly answered as it seems that the Spirit King is much like Ichigo, a being of
all races that is entombed to hold reality together.

The Expanded Universe holds a more powerful version however. In the Expanded Universe that we have on
Bleach d20 Classless, the Spirit King is one of a race of gods known as the Kami. When the frabric of reality was
tearing during the Kami's first war, he took it upon himself to bless a group of soldiers forever known as The
Shinigami with the ability to access his powers using swords of special creation alled Asaiuchi.

Eventually, once the war was reaching it's apex, realized that without an immense power source, reality would
tear and the multiverse would fall away from his brothers and sisters warring with each other. Bidding farewell to
his brothers and sisters, he encased himself in solidified Reishi and set all his power to reinforcing the very
concept of reality.

Without that reinforcement, reality would become nothingness, shaking apart in cataclysm and spreading out
through the webs of reality that link together various multiverses, eventually destroying the omniverse.

The Spirit King knew however, that the forces of chaos and disruption would crop up eventually, and gauged how
much power he'd need to hold reality together at minimum. He separated from himself the remaining parts of
himself, knowing they would become Self Aware, and become beings in themselves. They would become one of
each race currently known to him.

• Mimihagi bound itself to the Shinigami, protecting them

• Pernida allied with the Quincy, as he was the shooting hand of the Spirit King
• Valkyrie eventually would bind himself to the Quincy as well, but he was originally merely Human

These are the known pieces, secreted among the other races are the four other parts.

• Trizka the Maker secreted herself among those humans that evolved powers, the Superhumans
• Asanasi the Unmaker wrapped herself in Hollows becoming the first Vastro Lorde
• Palo of the Wind whispered himself into the Djinn
• Kalaz of the Storm thundered across the world, settling with the Fullbringers

But they didn't stop there. They represented key facets of reality. Stability, Change, Miracles, Creation,
Destruction, Life and Death. Inadvertently as they secreted themselves into their new forms, they shed their old
forms, leaving behind the very cells the Spirit King was
made up of.

As they became sentient, so too did the remaining shed

forms, splitting into dozens of beings that knew they had
power, but had no name. Contacting Ichibe Hyosube,
knowing intrinsically his powers, they asked him what they
were. He named them “Lordforged” and that's what they
were. The spread out and hid themselves among the
humans, pretending to just be “Humans with Powers”
Some becoming local legends, others myths. Some, at
least in the modern day, secretly move among humanity
and do acts of heroism and possibly villainy.

There are those that hunt Lordforged, attempting to forge

their own Spirit King. There are those that seek them out to
steal their powers, and some that even do so to beseech
them for aid. Most, even those of Soul Society don't know
they exist. But those that do keep it a carefully guarded
The Lordforged
Beings made from the cells of the Spirit King, the Lordforged enjoy a source of power unknown to most others.
Inherent abilities that grant them true superhuman potential without evolution or activation. They come from the
cells of the seven known parts expelled from the Spirit King upon his attuneing to reality. Those overarching
parts are:

• Mimihagi the Right hand - Governs Stagnation

• Pernida the Left Hand - Governs Evolution
• Valkyrie the Heart - Creates Miracles
• *Triska the Left Leg - Governs Creation
• *Ananasi the Right Leg - Balances Entropy
• *Palo the Right Lung - Enhances Life
• *Kalaz the Left Lung - Creates Death

(*) This denotes that the specific part is not a revealed part in Bleach and is fully from the Expanded Universe.

Because the cells are independent, they can evolve, even taking on the powers of other parts. When they do so,
they become beings known as “Mental Concepts” embodying, now, physical parts of creation, and mental
concepts of the Spirit King. These are

• The Will - Reinforces Heart, Left Leg

• The Rage - Reinforces Right Hand, Right Leg
• The Passion - Reinforces Left Hand, Right Lung
• The Vision - Reinforces Left Lung, Left Hand
• The Hope - Reinforces Heart, Right Lung
• The Duality - Reinforces Right Leg, Right Leg
• The Lament - Reinforces Right Hand, Left Lung

Some have even gone so far as to grow to encompass fundamental forces of reality. They are almost powerful
beyond measure, encapsulating the three fundamental concepts of reality in their bodies. These are:

• Beginnings – The start of your story, the universe, of everything

• Conflicts – Everything done in reality is a conflict.
• Endings – When entropy and death finally claim you.

At incredible heights of power, a Lordforged even might gain the ability to replace the Spirit King if they are
eventually destroyed. They are of all parts, and more.
Lordforged Racial Feats
Prerequisites: 1st level Only, Exclusive any other Racial Feat
Benefit: You are of the Lordforged, small cells of the Soul King's parts that have gained sentience and have
fashioned themselves humanoid bodies. As such, you gain a single part of the Soul King that you have part of,
and benefits from that part.
• Right Hand: +4 to Strength, Power Level 1 Super Strength
• Left Hand: +4 to Constitution, Power Level 1 Damage
• Heart: +2 to Constitution and Wisdom, Power Level 1 Regeneration
• Right Leg: +4 to Dexterity, Power Level 1 Super Speed
• Left Leg: +4 to Constitution, Power Level 1 Swiftness
• Right Lung: +4 to Intelligence, Power Level 1 Adaptation
• Left Lung: +4 to Wisdom, Power Level 1 Clairvoyance
All Lordforged have an Unarmed Strike that deals 1d6[BW] damage +1d6[BW] damage per 5 ranks of unarmed
strike they have above 1. At 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter, you may choose one Lord ability from the
Lord Abilities list. Additionally, all Lordforged have Regeneration at a Power Level of 1. (Heart adds 1 Power
Level to Regeneration). While they appear humanoid, and even have genders, Lordforged are actually a single
cell that gives that form life. As such, killing one merely puts the body into a dormant stage till it's cell can reboot
the body. This functions as Regrow Life, but it only functions while the Lordforged is considered dead (Instead of
at 0 or below) until it is back at full hit points. Disintegrating the body in an elemental conflragration (Funeral
Pyre, Deep Freeze, Acid Bath, etc) will stop the modified regrow life as long as the act fully destroys the cells of
the body and the Soul King cell.


Prerequisites: Lordforged
Benefit: Gain +1 Power Level to the power granted to you by your Soul King Part.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times, but not more times than your level. This effect stacks.


Prerequisites: Lordforged
Benefit: You gain a +3 bonus to the Statistic granted to you by your Soul King Part.
Special: You may take this multiple times, but not more times than 1/2 your level (Rounded down). It's effect


Prerequisites: Lordforged, Lordforged Advancement, Lordforged Body Temple, 3rd+ Level
Benefit: You gain the abilities from a second Soul King body part, but not the Statistic Bonus. You may retrain
your prerequisite feats to the new body part, and may now take those feats for both parts. Whenver you gain a
Lord ability that grants a bonus to a body part, gain that bonus for both body parts.


Prerequisites: Lordforged, Lordforged Advancement, Lordforged Body Temple, Lordforged Cross Osmosis,
8th+ Level
Benefit: You gain the mental concept that matches the two body parts you have from the prerequisite feats. You
a power for the concept you have, and gain 2 Power Levels in it.
• The Will - Reality Manipulation
• The Rage - Power Manipulation
• The Passion - ESP (Gain 2 options, not 2 levels)
• The Vision - Time Manipulation
• The Hope - Soul Manipulation
• The Duality - Teleportation (Miles, Portals)
• The Lament - Enhance Self, Enhance Other
Prerequisites: Lordforged, Lordforged Advancement, Lordforged Body Temple, 5th+ Level
Benefit: You gain a secondary power and benefit based on your body part. Should you have additional body part
powers, you must still take this feat for each part.
• Right Hand: +2 Constitution, Power Level 3 Power Drive
• Left Hand: +2 Strength, Power Level 3 Photographic Reflexes
• Heart: +2 Charisma, Power Level 3 Good Luck
• Right Leg: +2 Strength, Power Level 3 Leaping
• Left Leg: +2 Dexterity, Power Level 3 Create Object
• Right Lung: +2 Wisdom, Power Level 3 Healing
• Left Lung: +2 Intelligence, Power Level 3 Energy Draining Touch
Special: You may take this feat once per body part you take powers from.


Prerequisites: Lordforged, 8th+ Level
Benefit: You gain 40 Super Points to improve already granted Super Powers. From now on you gain 5 Super
Points per level improve already granted Super Powers.


Prerequisites: Lordforged, Lordforged Advancement, Lordforged Body Temple, Lordforged Cross Osmosis,
Lordforged Epiphinatic Revelation, 12th+ Level
Benefit: You gain the Statistic Benefit from one additional Body Part, and an additional 10 Super Points to
purchase powers with that part's theme im mind.
Special: You may take this multiple times, but never more than 1/4 your level number of times. It's effect stack.


Prerequisites: Lordforged, Lordforged Advancement, Lordforged Body Temple, Lordforged Ascendant
Benefit: You gain the super power "Photographic Muscle Memory" at Power Level Rank (+)2.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times to increase the rank of "Photographic Muscle Memory" by +2 each
time up to it's Maximum Power Rank.


Prerequisites: Lordforged, Spellcaster or Martial Lore
Benefit: Choose one of the following types [Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Sonic, Lawful, Chaotic, Good or Evil].
When casting a spell or using a maneuver of the descriptor, increase the maximum dice of damage of the effect
by 5 and empower the damage.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you may choose another item from the list above or
increase the maximum dice cap by 5.


Prerequisites: Lordforged, Spellcaster or Martial Lore, Lordforged Channeling.
Benefit: Hit Point Damage Dealing spells you cast or maneuvers you use that deal hit point damage, always
deal damage to a creature that they are week to instead of the normal damage they deal.


Prerequisites: Lordforged, Spellcaster or Martial Lore, Lordforged Channeling, 15th+ level
Benefit: Once per encounter, you may rebound a spell, maneuver or psionic power back on a user of that ability
using your stats, skills and level as the usage.
Non Racial Feats
Prerequisites: Oldblood (Lordforged), 1st Level Only
Benefit: You gain 6 Super Points +1 Per level thereafter. You cannot purchase Power Manipulation with these
points. Choose one part. Your heritage comes from that part.


- Lordforged: Increase the number of Super Points you've gained by 5 + 1 per level. You gain an additional 1
per level thereafter stacking with Heritage.


Prerequisites: 18+ Charisma or 18+ Constitution
Benefit: You gain +20 to your Spellscore for Reiatsu Calculation only. In addition, you are counted as 2 levels
higher for [BW] calculation and Level based Racial abilities, feats and prerequisites.
Prestige Paths
The following prestige paths supplement all others.

Lordforged Prestige Paths

Lordforged Reader
While most Lordforged are content to explore what they are and only explore within the confines of their parts,
others read others and learn other things. To that end, some have gained the talent to read the abilities of others
and emulate them somewhat.

Feats: Lordforged, Lordforged Advancement, Lordforged Body Temple, Lordforged Cross Osmosis
Skills: Concentration 6+ Ranks, Will Save 6+ ranks
Special: 3rd+ Level, 20+ Charisma, 18+ Wisdom


You've gained the ability to read what abilities a character has by looking at them, and making a DC (15 +
Opponent's Level + Opponent's Charisma Modifier) Concentration Check. Passing this check allows you to see
one ability the target has per (Level + Feat in this Tree). An ability in this context are Releases, Transformations,
Reiatsu (Ki/Haki/Etc) Feats, Super-Powers, Racial Abilities (List Abilities) and Power-Ups.

2 - Bonus Feat and +2 to Concentration Checks.


If you succeed in reading a target, you may choose one read ability per feat in this path and gain an insight
bonus to fighting that ability equal to your Wisdom Modifier. This is in regards to any d20 rolls made to resist that
abilty and if the ability does damage, your Wisdom Modifier x 5 in damage mitigation against that ability's
damage. If the ability creates an adverse environment around you and you get no d20 roll to resist you gain the
Adaptation Super-Power for that environment until the environment ends.

4 - Bonus Feat and +3 to Concentration Checks


Your reading abilities have reached their apex. While you have successfully read a target's abilities, your
protection from Lordly Adaptation extends to all of their abilities, or, you gain the bonus to Lordly Adaptation
proper, and may grant that same protection to up to your Intelligence Modifier of entities within 1 mile of yourself.
This does not mean you gain both parts of this feat and may grant that universal protection to others, it means
you choose. Universal protection for yourself, or partial protection for you and your allies.
The Selfforged
Lordforged are inherantly made from pieces of the Spirit King, and while the Spirit King is the lynch pin of
creation, his aspects control the various forces. Sometimes, in certain combinations, these parts sometimes
forge themselves into new combinations of abilities by editing their Mental Concept by adding new words and
making it into a Phrase.

Feats: Lordforged, Lordforged Advancement, Lordforged Body Temple, Lordforged Cross Osmosis, Lordforged
Epifanistic Revelation
Skills: Any one Attack Skill 11+ Ranks, Any one Defense Skill 11+ Ranks, Any 1 Reaction Skill 11+ Ranks,
(Concentration, Diplomacy, Intimidate or Sleight of Hand) 11+ Ranks.
Special: 12th Level+


You've learned something that you shouldn't. You are more than the sum of your parts. You've managed to add an Appedix phrase to your
Mental Concept, enhancing it's power by focusing it's scope. Choose one of the two options below for your Mental Concept, and gain that
- The Will... To Live: Regeneration 5 with Regrow Limbs
- The Will... To Destroy: Corrosive Touch 5 with Death Touch
- The Rage... Overwhelming: Momentum Swing 5 with Triple Burn, Super Swift Burn and using Rage as the emotion
- The Rage... Falling: Fear 5 with Frightened, Panicked and Cowering.
- The Passion... Of Youth: Time Manipulation 5 with only Age Fail, De-Age and Injury Rewind
- The Passion... Of Fleeting Years: Time Manipulation 5 with only Haste Other, Age and Temporal Duplication.
- The Vision... Of the Soul: Soul Manipulation 5 with only Expanded Soul, Resurrection and Soul Creation
- The Vision... Of the End: Soul Manipulation 5 with only Soul Channeling, Soul Absorption and Reincarnate
- The Hope... Of the Future: Good Luck 5 with all Advantages
- The Hope... Of Oblivion: Bad Luck 5 with all Advantages
- The Duality... Of the Mind: ESP with Mind Control and Mental Links/Telepathic Communications.
- The Duality... Of the Body: Telekiesis 5 with Added Wisdom and Charisma and Telekinetic Brawling.
- The Lament... Of the Innocent: Healing 5 with Soothing Breeze and Cup of Life
- The Lament... Of the Masses: Duplication 5 with Army of None Disadvantage and Pocket Full of Quarters Advantage
You may not apply "Lordforged Apothesis" or "Lordforged Transcendence" granted Super Points to these powers
unless another feat grants you that ability.

2 - Bonus Feat and +1 Power Level to all Directly Feat Granted Super Powers


By adding an adjective to your new Strange Ascension you can further edit your powers. You may choose the word below to add to your
evolving Sentance, and change the words as noted. You either gain the other option's power, or add 3 to the level of the initial power.
- [Free] Will: The Free Will to Live or Die
- [Unyielding] Rage: The Unyielding Overwhelming Rage to Fell your Foes
- [Firey] Passion: The Firey Passion of Youth even in our Fleeting Years
- [Omniscent] Vision: The Omniscent Vision of the Soul's End
- [Eternal] Hope: The Eternal Hope of Future Oblivion
- [Vivid] Duality: Vivid is the Duality of our Souls
- [Crushing] Lament: The Lament of Mass Innocence.

4 - Bonus Feat and +1 Power Level to all Directly Feat Granted Super Powers


You've gained the ability to complete a Phrase, or saying that allows you to pull your options from one power and temporarily add them to
another regardless of legality on powers granted by this Prestige Path. Alter the advantages to suit the power. (IE: Corrosive Touch's Death
Touch would become Regrow Life in this case) If both options had the same power, granting different options, you may choose one more
option from their list of +5 or lower cost for that power.
- Live Free or Die Hard
- Primal Rage
- Passion of Life
- I Can See Clearly Now
- Hope Springs Eternal
- Our Duality Vividly Defined
- Lament for the Found
In addition, from now on, you may add super points granted from "Lordforged Apothesis" or "Lordforged Transcendence" to the powers
granted by this path.
While those who come from the Spirit King have immense powers, there are those that forge their own power by
stealing the powers of those around them. The Lordforger has the unique ability to make their Part stronger by
absorbing the powers of others, and eventually make the Spirit King himself stronger.

Feats: All Lordforged Racial Feats (Not Racial Prestige Feats)
Skills: Any 24 Skills 15+ Ranks (If used with Heckin Skills, All skills 8+ Ranks). This does not count multiple
takings of option skills as different skills Knowledge is Knowledge.
Special: All Statistics 24+


You gain the Super Power: "Power Absorption" At Rank 4 with the Duplication, Not Stealing disadvantage.
Choose one type of alternate powerup from the list below. You also may Absorb that ability in addition.
Alternate powerups are "Releases, Transformations, Racial Lists, Race Feats, Base Feats, Character Feats, Fan
Service Feats, Flash Step Feats, General Feats, Item Creation Feats, Kido Feats, Racial Feats (Includes Zan
Feats), Reiatsu (Ki/Haki) Feats, Metakido Feats, Prestige Feats (No Level is counted), Combination Feats." You
cannot gain Epic tagged feats till epic levels.

2 - Bonus Feat, +1 Alternate Powerup Type and +1 Power Absorption Rank

You may add any 1 Advantage of less than 4 additional Super Points per level to your Power Absorption. In
addition, your Power Absorption gains the "Artificially Intelligent" advantage to simulate instintual awareness. If
you kill an opponent while you possess their power, you now permanently keep those abilities. Lastly, you gain
+2 Power Absorption Ranks.

4 - Bonus Feat, +1 Alternate Powerup Type and +1 Power Absorption Rank


You no longer have the disadvantage "Duplication, Not Stealing". You may expend 200 Reiatsu to increase the
DC of your Power Absorption by +4. In addition you gain +2 Power Absorption Ranks. In addition, you may
combine powers you have together to create new powers (Please speak with your GM about what is combinable
in their game). Lastly, you may disseminate your absorbed powers to another ally. If you choose not to
permanently grant them, the powers are copied in the ally for 1 hour per your level. Otherwise you lose the
power and they gain it.
Lord of Fundements
There are Parts, and Concepts, but when you come right down to it, there are some concepts that are
fundemental to the universe. Beyond Will and Rage, Passion and Hope, Vision and Lament, Beyond even the
Duality within us all, there are the three fundemental building blocks of existance. Birth, Life and Death.

Feats: Lordforged, Lordforged Advancement, Lordforged Body Temple, Lordforged Cross Osmosis, Lordforged
Epiphinatic Revelation, Lordforged Apothesis
Skills: One Attack, One Defense, One Reaction and 3 Skills all 16+ Ranks
Special: 12th+ Level


Birth, Creation, Beginnings, this is the start of your journey. At the start of every journey, you are born. Destined
for great things. But, every beginning comes because something else has ended. That would be your life as it
was. You immediately lose all Super Point bought Powers (And feat granted Super Powers) turning them back
into Super Points. You may then spend them as you would have from level 1 on using your current level as your
basis for Power Level Maximums. In addition, you may take 1 Trait to denote your new change. You do not lose
and cannot buy Power Manipulation.

2 - Bonus Feat


Second fundementals are strange to quantify. But it's very simple. It's life. Your life, as you live it, is the second
fundmemental. Action. As such, you gain the ability to peer through action, see into the actions of others and get
a measure of advantage in defeating them. By studying a target's actions for 3 rounds (You can do anything
else, but must spend an announced swift action each round to observe the target). After that time, You gain a
bonus to all d20 rolls to defeat or overcome that target equal to your Intelligence Modifier as you peer through
their actions and see what they have and might do.

4 - Bonus Feat


The Final Fundamentals, is death, our ending. It's our story. As such you gain the ability to write your story as it
is currently in a medium of your choice. Normally this would be a written medium such as a Book, Stone Tablet
or Statue Carving, but it can be any medium by which you can deliver a story. If you are killed, even if you are
removed from the Cycle of Reincarnation, your Story immediately immolates harmlessly rebirthing your soul as it
was when the story was written. You are brought back to life, at full health and abilty that you were when you
wrote the story. Each story takes 1 Month of preperation to craft, and you may update the story to your current
station by taking 1 week of work. You must work at least 8 hours per day to pen this epic. When you first gain
this feat, you may only have one "Life Story" even if you copy it, it wouldn't hold the power of the master copy.
There are three ways to gain more Life Stories. You may either, Permanently sacrifice 10% of your Reiatsu
imbuing another copy, which is regained once the copy is used, Kill a sentient being placing your story into their
soul rebirthing them as they were, but having a vessel in time of need (This is an Evil Act) or Have another
Lordforged copy your story themselves and sacrifice 10% of THEIR Reiatsu that can never be regained by them
(They can still gain more Reiatsu, but will always gain 10% less per level).
The Overforged
Some Lordforged are content to mix powers, branching out becoming versitile. Others... Others decide to make
their part as powerful as they can. These Overforged have tweaked themselves and their powers so they are the
paragon of their parts.

Feats: Lordforged, Lordforged Advancement, Lordforged Body Temple, Lordforged Ascendent, Lordforged
Skills: Fortitude 11+ Ranks, Will 11+ Ranks, Concentration 11+ Ranks
Special: Reiatsu 2000+, Exclusive any OTHER part. You are only allowed one part.

Note: Each feat in this tree counts as a Reiatsu Feat

You've decided. You're gonna be the best [INSERT SIGULAR PART HERE] you can be! To that end you gain +2
to all Super Powered Power Ranks for Powers gained from your Part. In addition, you may select one Advantage
for each of them and add it for free or remove one disadvantage for free with the same restriction. Gain +2 to the
Stats increased by your Part.

2 - Bonus Feat and +2 to the Stats increased by your Part

It's working. You're becoming a paragon of [INSERT SINGULAR PART HERE]! You gain the ability to reduce the
costs of all Powers and Advantages gained from your Part directly by 2, and gain those points back to spend as
you will. Gain +2 to the Stats increased by your Part.

4 - Bonus Feat and +2 to the Stats increased by your Part

You are now a Paragon of your Part. This changes you as follows
- Your Movement Speed Triples (Before applying Super Speed, do not reduce multipliers)
- You gain Enhanced Reflexes at Rank 3
- You gain Enhanced Defenses at Rank 4 (All)
- You gain Thick Skin at Rank 3 (Damage Mitigation, No Penetrating)
- You gain Damage 7
- All attacks that have save DC's have the "Hard to Resist" advantage applied to them your Intelligence Modifier
- You gain Regeneration at Rank 4
- You gain Hyper Stats (All): 2
- You gain Hyper Stats (Your Part's Granted): 1
Once per day, if you are killed, incapacitated, disabled, knocked unconscious or removed from the Cycle of
Reincarnation, you may choose to have all these powers reduced by 2 Ranks for 1 week per level to have that
effect negated, but appear as if it succeeded in the immediate sense. (Power Levels cannot go below 0). This
may only be done while you have all of the above powers at rank 1 or higher.
Mimihagi's Bastion
The Bastions of Mimihagi stand strong in defense of the status quo. They wish to end all progress, end all
change. They wish to stave off entropy, death and evolution.

Special: Level 6+, Lesserforged or Greaterforged of Mimihagi


From now on, add your Charisma Bonus to Fortitude Saves, Concentration Checks and all checks of physical
endurance (Jump, Climb, Endurance, etc). In addition, once per day, as an immediate action, you may make
yourself immune to fortitude saves for 1 round per level. You are fatigued after using this. You cannot split this
part of the ability between different uses.

2 - Bonus Feat


When an effect would attempt to alter your reality, be it mental, physical or metaphysical or any other type of
reality, you gain a +20 to the saving throw against that effect. If the effect offers you no save, you now gain one
with the +20 bonus. You can still choose to fail a save however if the effect is harmless (Healing and status effect
removal are always considered harmless)

4 - Bonus Feat


You are now fully resistant to the change of all things. You may now attempt to cause something to stagnate
completely, stopping all acts of change within them. You may use this ability once per day per point of charisma
modifier to one of four effects.
- Cease Movement: You may cause a single target within 100ft to be fully immobilized unless they pass a
Spellscore based Fortitude Save. This immobilization lasts for 1d6+2 rounds.
- Cease Thought: You may cause a single target within 100ft to be stunned unless they pass a Spellscore based
Fortitude Save. This stun lasts for 1d6+2 rounds.
- Cease Breath: You may cause a single target within 100ft to begin drowning unless they pass a Spellscore
based Fortitude Save. If they begin drowning, they must follow the rules of drowning as in the core book.
- Cease Reinforcement: You may cause a single target within 100ft to be stifled unless they pass a Spellscore
based Fortitude Save. This stifling lasts for 1d6+2 rounds.
In addition, if you successfully use this ability on a target, they cannot receive any sort of healing (Incluing Fast
Healing) for the same duration.
Pernida's Warp
You are a force of change, of evolution. Pernida demands that things are ever changing, ever shifting.
Stagnation is his enemy. You are this agent, of chaos, of change.

Special: Level 6+, Lesserforged or Greaterforged of Pernida


Like Pernida, your form, even if it looks stable, is ever shifting. Once per day per level, you may shift your
Statistics around, exchanging any for any other. This lasts till the end of the encounter or 1 hour per level,
whichever is shorter. In addition, if an effect has changed your form, you may expend one use of this ability to
end the effect.

2 - Bonus Feat


You gain the Hyper-Power super power at a PL equal to your level. This version of hyper power, however, has
two disadvantages and one advantage. The two disadvantages are "Must be struck by an effect to use power"
and "Cannot be controlled by the Player". The Advantage is "Artificially Intelligent" This power becomes innate to
you and cannot be shut off by Sekkei Sekkei stone or Anti-Power Auras or other abilities that shut off

4 - Bonus Feat


You gain the ability to warp the very reality around you. This is done reflexively to a need, and you cannot control
it consciously without expending 4 Action Dice. The power shifts reality to save your life, everyone within the
area of effect, which is 20ft per level, gains a Fortitude Save to resist the change, and those that resist the
change cannot be effected by this power again for 24 hours. If more than 3/4 of the victims resist the change,
then reality is unaltered and your attempt fails.
Valkarie's Blessing
A fickle thing, Valkarie's Blessings are terrifying to behold. Taking life ending blow after life ending blow, and
merely using the power of Miracles to offset the damage, they are very nearly, the ultimate defensive character.

Special: Level 6+, Lesserforged or Greaterforged of Valkarie


You gain two pools of power called the "Delayed Strength" pool and the "Strength Pool". The "Delayed Strength"
pool is equal to your Charisma Modifier plus your level. When you would take hit point damage, negate damage
up to this total, and add it to the Strength Pool. For every 2 points in your Strength Pool, increase your Strength
and Constitution by 1. For every 8 Strength you gain from the Strength Pool, gain 1 Size Category. These points
fade at a rate of 2 per round, reducing your size categories accordingly (Minimum of your base Stats and Size).
This does not count as Damage Reduction or Mitigation for effects that overcome such things.

2 - Bonus Feat

Double the size of your Delayed Strength pool, and reduce the reduction in Strength Pool points to 1 per round.
In addition, you may attempt to cause a Miracle to occur by making a concentration check with a DC determined
by the Reality Manipulation Chart. The DC begins at 35. If you succeed in calling down a Miracle, you must state
your intention and the GM makes it happen. The GM is free to make the miracle happen in any way they see fit,
but the end result must be your intention.

4 - Bonus Feat


Double the size of your Delayed Strength pool again and reduce eliminate the reduction in Strength Pool. Your
Strength Pool now empties after combat, or if you fall unconscious. If you are rendered unconscious by a
temporary effect, refer to "Miracles" for the rate at which your Strength Pool empties. Now, if your size category
would reach beyond Colossal through gaining Strength/Constitution, your highest tier Release/Transformation
activates automatically, as a Free Action, without using Timer or Uses. It ends when your size goes below
Trizka's Artificer
The maker demands creation from their avatars. You are a being that creates more than they destroy. Be it
Walls, Objects, Bonds or even life itself, Trizka wants you to create all you can in life and to avoid death.

Special: Level 6+, Lesserforged or Greaterforged of Trizka

You gain the Create Objects ability with Continuous, Impervious, Movable, Stationary and Selective options. It's
PL is equal to your Level+5. In addition your Create Objects can create intricate mecahnical and electronic
objects as well. To do so, you must make the craft check to create said object before creating it.

2 - Bonus Feat


You may now use your Create Objects as the Healing power using created objects as banadages, casts and
other such things. In addition, you may now use Create Object to create three times as large objects (Multiplying
your Maximum Volume by 3).

4 - Bonus Feat


You have perfected Trizka's gifts, and have learned to create homunculi. Actual living beings that are at your
command. They have no will of their own, and only work towards your orders. They can be specific people, but
are easily detectable as fakes.
Asanasi's Juggernaut
Destruction, Unraveling, akin to Entropy, but more active, Asanasi undoes things, attempting to unmake creation
itself. As a Juggernaut, you gain the ability to break, destroy and nullify.

Special: Level 6+, Lesserforged or Greaterforged of Asanasi

You gain Power Drive at your Level+5 Power Level. This comes with the "Charging Ignores DM/DR and
Hardness equal to PL" advantage, but cuts off "...equal to PL" making it read "Charging Ignores DM/DR and

2 - Bonus Feat

When you strike an unintelligent object with a charge, you can make a Concentration Check with a DC equal to
(25+Object Hardness+10 per Size Category above Medium it is) to unravel the object into base atoms dispersing
the object entirely. For objects larger than 20ft X 20ft, you destroy a 20ft X 20ft area of the obeject. If you Unravel
a wall or similar barrier, you may continue your movement, doing the same till you either do not succeed, or have
run out of movement.

4 - Bonus Feat

At this level of power, you've learned to nullify effects. You have gained the ability to, when you strike an
intelligent creature or object with a charge attack, make a DC (25 + Target Level + Target Charisma Modifier)
Concentration Check. If you succeed, you seal any Ability, Powerup, Power, Transformation or Release that they
are currently under the effects of for 1d6 minutes. They can still activate others, but any that were previously on
them are sealed for that time. If you seal a Tier 1 Release, Tier 2 and higher releases are also sealed. Same with
Tiered Transformations. Sealing a Tiered Transformation seals all above it.
Palo's Heir
The heir of Palo exists to bring life and peace to all in it's view. This doesn't mean they are pacifists, or even
nice. It means that they heal the innocent, and they heal the sick. They bring all their power to bear however to
defeat the forces of death who wish to take life prematurely.

Special: Level 6+, Lesserforged or Greaterforged of Palo

You gain the ability to bring back a target from death at 10% of their Hit Points and Reiatsu. In addition, when
you do this, restore 1 use of each ability that has daily uses. This can only be used once per character per day,
and you may ready an action to use this at the time of your own death. Once set, this action remains readied till
you die, regardless of how long it takes. It no longer takes any action on your part, and you are not denied your
own actions while this is readied. You cannot bring back a target that has been dead longer than 1 day per level.

2 - Bonus Feat

When you restore a target to life with Life, they are instead restored to 100% Hit Points and Reiatsu instead of
10%. In addition, you gain the ability to turn your healing into offensive weapons, giving your ability to create twin
weapons of white healing energy that have been weaponized, You gain the Energy Weapons super-power with
the Advantage "Heals Allies instead of damaging them" You define who your allies are. This power is gained at a
Power Level equal to your Level +5. You cannot bring back a target that has been dead longer than 1 year per

4 - Bonus Feat

Your power over life applies to all beings. You are the Heir! You control who lives and who dies! er... Anyway.
When you use life, you may sacrifice 10% of your Hit Points and Reiatsu to make the effect bring all allies within
1/10th of a mile back to life as if you used Full-Life on them. You may sacrifice more hit points and Reiatsu to
increase the range by 1/10th each time. You can sacrifice into the negatives (It is declared before the effect
happens), and this effect can kill you. This is an exception to the rule that you cannot deal more damage than
your maximum hit points. You cannot bring back a target that has been dead longer than 1 decade per level.
Kalaz's Reaper
Kalaz demands death. Not just death, but it's finality. He hates resurection effects. And anyone that comes back
from death is his enemy. Killing might be part of what you are tasked to do, but making sure they stay dead is
your mandate.

Special: Level 6+, Lesserforged or Greaterforged of Kalaz

You gain the ability to bring a target to 50% Hit Points. This grants a Spellscore Based Fortitude Save to stave
off the effect. You may use this as often as you like, but each time is a touch attack.

2 - Bonus Feat


You may now use your Vivisection ability on all enemies within a 1/10th mile radius. This makes it an area effect
instead of a touch attack. Doing this damages you for 10% of your Maximum Hit Points. You may sacrifice more
hit points to increase the range by 1/10th each time. You can sacrifice into the negatives (It is declared before
the effect happens), and this effect can kill you. This is an exception to the rule that you cannot deal more
damage than your maximum hit points.

4 - Bonus Feat


The finality of death comes to us all. From now on, when you kill a target, they cannot be revived at all, and
automatically move along the cycle of reincarnation even if they couldn't (This even reinserts Abyssal Ones and
Broken Ones back into the Cycle). In addition, you gain the Energy Weapons super-power with the Advantage
"Heals you equal to damage dealt" This power is gained at a Power Level equal to your Level +5.
General Prestige Paths
These prestige paths supplement all others

Lordforged Hunter
You are of those that has learned about the lordforged, and for one reason or another hunt their kind.

Feats: Reiraku Hunter
Skills: Any 1 Attack Skill 10+ Ranks, Defense 10+ Ranks, (Search, Spot or Listen) 10+ Ranks, Concentration
10+ Ranks
Special: 24+ Charisma


You gain the ability to hunt Lordforged and those that have been touched by the parts of the Spirit King. When
you use Reiraku Hunter to target a being with Lordforged, Oldblood (Lordforged), Lesserforged, Greaterforged,
Solar, Lunar, Gaian, or the Oldblood (Solar, Lunar, Gaian) feats, you may track them out to 10 miles instead of
one, and gain a bonus to all d20 rolls to track, spot, search for, listen for, and combat them equal to 1/5 th your die
Reiraku Hunter tracking check and twice that amount to damage against them. This is gained from your first
such check against that target, and not any subsequent rolls to track them.

2 – Bonus Feat


You gain the ability to charge a weapon you possess, or your unarmed strike with the power to shut down a
being's abilities. You may charge your attacks once per day per point of spellscore modifier for your spellscore
modifier + Level in rounds. During this time, any attack you make with a melee weapon, an unarmed strike or a
ranged weapon (This ability is conferred to any ammo or energy used by said weapon) against a creature with
Super Point bought powers, any Release or Transformation, must make a Spellscore Based Fortitude Save or
have those abilities locked from them as if they were in an Anti-Power Aura and near Sekkei Sekkei Stone. This
lasts for your Spellscore in rounds before they are allowed to use it again. This does not shut off any Reiatsu (Or
any other name for it) ability they have like Stifling does and they may continue to use the Rules for Reiatsu.

4 – Bonus Feat


Once you've taken their power away, once you've tracked them down, you have to end it (However you are
doing so, for whatever aim). While a target is under the effects of “Shut'em Off” you gain +2[BW] damage against
that target that overcomes Damage Mitigation. Any critical you land while they are shut off confers the Vorpal
weapon quality (Ours, not DnD's, see the core book). Lastly, while they are shut off, you gain Fast Healing equal
to your highest physical
modifier. You may only
use one target's timer
for this purpose.
King Eater
While it's nice to take down a menace such as lords of fundamental reality, Who wants that? You wish to
consume that power, to make it your own. To control them, to make their power bend reality for YOU.

Feats: Iron Will, Improved Grapple, Great Fortitude, Talented, Seasoned
Skills: Fortitude 11+ Ranks, Unarmed Strike 11+ Ranks
Special: Must take 1 Constitution Drain upon entering this PrP, Must have Power, Self or


You gain the ability Power Absorption at a Power Level equal to your own +5. In addition, using it on a being
with the Lordforged, Oldblood (Lordforged), Lesserforged, Greaterforged, Solar, Lunar, Gaian, or Oldblood
(Solar, Lunar, Gaian) feats, you permanently gain the absorbed powers (Overlapping current powers if they are
higher from the target, Advantages can be added if they are new, at your leisure) if you are the being that lands
the killing blow on the target.

2 – Bonus Feat


Your Power Absorption gains an area of 5ft per character level. The abilities from Reign Interrupted count here
as well, with the same caveats. In addition, you gain the “Semi-Permanent Stealing” Advantage from “The
Essential Capes and Cowls”. Lastly, when you successful steal a power (Permanently or not), you regain 10 hit
points, anything above your maximum becomes Temporary hit points up to 1/4 th your maximum above.

4 – Bonus Feat


You now gain the “Memory Stealing” and “Permanent Stealing”
advantages for your Power Absorption. In addition, the time it
takes to permanently steal powers from a target with Spirit King
heritage is reduced by 1 round (And 2 rounds for Area
Stealing). In addition, when you permanently steal a power
from a target, you are healed ¼ your maximum health instead
of 10 as the last feat says.
Trials are like rituals, they are cast over a period of time and you must engage in the Trial for the complete time.
Each requires regents, Reiatsu donation, and a sacrifice, usually the sacrifice is the person that is the target of
this Trial, but some require other sacrifice.

Upon completion of the ritual, you gain either the Lesserforged or Greaterforged Tempalate from below, and
whatever rewards the ritual itself grants. Trials generally can't be attempted multiple times, as a good number
require you to sacrifice your life force to enable.

NAME [PART] (This is the name of the Trial, and the part it imbues)
Time: Denotes the time required to work the Trial.
Description: This is how to perform the Trial, what is required, and the sacrifices required.

Time: 16 Hours
Description: By suplicating yourself to Mimihagi, you must somehow reduce your hit points to less than 1/10th
their maximum and then ingest an extremely virial poison that deals hit point damage each round and cannot be
cured by any means. Then you must beseech Mimihagi keep you alive, even through the poison. Lastly, you
must make 3 DC 65 Diplomacy or Knowledge (Philosophy and Theology) checks before you fail 2.
If done correctly, Mimihagi will enter your body and inhabit it, granting you several potent benefits.
- Regeneration at PL(Your Level +2)
- Cures the Poison
- Enhanced Reflexes and Enhanced Defenses (All) PL: 5
- Count as a character of your race 2 levels higher than you are
- Add 20 to your Spellscore for Reiatsu Calculation
If you fail to perform the Trial in any way, you automatically and unerringly die without save. The poison can in no
way, but with Mimihagi's assistance be removed.
You may release Mimihagi from it's restraints at the cost of your own life as a Full-Round action beseeching it to
do something


Time: 24 Hours
Description: Gaining the favor of Pernida requires the sacrifice of your own left arm. You must, during this Trial,
sever your Left Arm (receiving the penalties), and spend the time reflecting on the pain you feel and the despair
you feel at the loss of your ability to be whole, and how you feel Pernida's plight of being seperated from his
body, and then offer yourself as his new vessel..
You must then make 3 DC 70 Knowledge (Earth and Life Sciences) or Concentration Check before you fail 2.
Should you succeed, Pernida enters your body, restores your Left Arm (Removing the Penalties) and grants you
the following abilities:
- 10 levels of Transformations (Split as you will, you must have at least 3)
- Regeneration at PL: 5
- Enhanced Senses at PL: 5
- Hyper Stats (All) at PL: 2
- Immortality at PL: 5
Releasing Pernida also removes your arm again, and removes all the powers you've gained from them.
Time: 12 Hours
Description: Hasty and Rash, the Valkarie can be summoned to your heart by plucking your own from your
chest, in a Trial that will surely kill you if you fail the Trial. Once your heart is plucked out, you have only the time
of the Trial left to live.
To complete the sacrifice, your heart must be burned with a white hot alchemic fire that will make it
unrecoverable except through the Trial itself. Once burned, you must ask the Valkaire for a miracle, the miracle
of your life returned.
Once you have supplicated yourself to the Valkarie, you must make 3 DC 70 Diplomacy Checks or Will Saves
before you fail 2 to complete the Trial.
Success brings the following changes to your character.
- Hyper Power at PL: 12 (You must have Regeneration 1 with Regrow Life taken at all times)
- Add 20 to your Spellscore for Reiatsu Calculation Only
You may release your life energy to allow the Valkarie to be free, but doing so will kill you.


Time: 10 Hours
Description: The stand with Trizka begins with you offering your services to stand with Creation. Once you have
made this declaration, only your stamina is tested as Trizka demands you stand for the entire Trial, should you
lose your footing, or sit or lay down for even a moment the Trial fails.
Trizka places you under an ever increasing strain. Each hour you remain in the Trial you take a -4 penalty to the
needed check cumulative (-40 at hour 10)
Once you begin, you must make a DC 50 Balance Check every hour or fail the Trial. Even one failure ends the
Once complete, Trizka empowers you to do all manner of creation. She grants you the following abilities
- Create Objects at PL (Level +3) with Continuous and Movable)
- Creture Summoning at PL (Level) with All Creatures chosen


Time: 10 Hours
Description: Asanasi the Unmaker doesn't want you as you are. She wishes you to succumb to entropy before
she'll accept you. The 10 hours you experience for this Trial does not happen in the real world, it happens in the
player's mind in the moment before entropy completely claims them completely.
To begin the Trial, the user takes a poison that kills them without fail while extolling the desire to have Asanasi to
approach them. Once done, the user enters their own mind as it crumbles around them, Asanasi awaits them.
Asanasi asks the Trialee's sincerity, and if they succeed a DC 35 Diplomacy check, she agrees that they mean
what they say. She challenges them at that time to a game of the Trialee's choosing. It must be a game that has
some random chance, but otherwise can be any game. Asanasi has the Trialee's ranks in all skills, thus they are
evenly matched.
There must be a clear condition to victory to each party, and should the Trialee win, Asanasi agrees to grant
them her power. Losing, allows Asanasi to take the user's soul, removing them from the cycle of reincarnation.
Asanasi grants the following powers
- Energy Draining Touch at PL (Level +2)
- Power Absorption (Borrowing not Stealing) at PL (Level)
- Corrosive Touch at PL (Level)
Should the user die, Asanasi will return them to life in 2d6+3 days. This can only happen once per week.
Time: 18 Hours
Description: Life, Rebirth and Resurection that is the hallmark of Polo of the Wind. Beginning the Trial is simple,
the user must take a mortal wound not by their own hand. Once they do, they are brought to a white room
without features. The room is of indescript size, and seems to go on forever. In the distance there is a large black
tower with a black vortex at the top. The user must move towards the tower as fast as possible, but as they do,
they are presented by a whispering disembodied voice that they are dead, they should stay dead. At the halfway
mark of the journey, a second voice chimes in that they don't have to stay dead. They can can stop moving. Stop
moving towards the tower. The user of this Trial, even if they know the correct answer to this, do not know the
correct answer in game. The answer is to refuse to heed the voice telling them they are dead and should accept
that. If they make it to the black hole, they are moved along the cycle of reincarnation and are dead. If they stop
moving, the last part of trial begins as Polo appears before them, and tells them to reflect upon their life and ask
themselves if they are truly worthy of him to reincarnate. They must medidate on that question for the remaining
time, and at the end of the 18 hours, they must make a DC 65 Will Save. Success indicates Polo enters your
body and empowers it. Failure sees the Black Hole move one tenth of the distace to you. You may attempt again
and again, but each time they make the roll it's at a 5 less DC, but the hole moves 10% closer, if the hole
reaches the user before they pass the save, they die. Succeeding the check grants the following bonuses.
- Soul Manipulation at PL (Level), Resurection x3 advantages.
- Regeneration at PL (Level), Regrow Limbs, Regrow Life advantages.
- Healing at PL (Level), Add Intelligence, Cup of Life and Kick-Start Fast Healing advantages.
- Power Blast at PL (Level), Special Advantage (Divine Damage), Special Disadvantage (Reduce damage 2 Size
Categories (1d6 per PL, not 2d6).


Time: 18 Hours
Description: Death and Reincarnation that is the hallmark of Polo of the Wind. Beginning the Trial is simple, the
user must take a mortal wound not by their own hand. Once they do, they are brought to a white room without
features. The room is of indescript size, and seems to go on forever. In the distance there is a large black tower
with a black vortex at the top. The user must move towards the tower as fast as possible, but as they do, they
are presented by a whispering disembodied voice that they are dead, they should stay dead. At the halfway mark
of the journey, a second voice chimes in that they don't have to stay dead. They can can stop moving. Stop
moving towards the tower. The user of this Trial, even if they know the correct answer to this, do not know the
correct answer in game. The answer is to refuse to heed the voice telling them to stop moving. If they stop
moving, they are returned to life and are unable to attempt this trial again. If they make it to the black vortex, they
are transported before Kalaz themselves and are told that they are dead, and that Kalaz can help them stave off
reinarcnation to allow them to continue, even though they should be dead, and tells them to reflect upon their life
and ask themselves if they are truly worthy of him to aid. They must medidate on that question for the remaining
time, and at the end of the 18 hours, they must make a DC 65 Will Save. Success indicates Kalaz enters your
body and empowers it. Failure sees the Black Hole move one tenth of the distace away from you and the 1 mile
mark. You may attempt again and again, but each time they make the roll it's at a 5 less DC, but the hole moves
10% further towards the 1 mile mark, if the hole reaches the 1 mile mark before they pass the save, they move
along the cycle. Succeeding the check grants the following bonuses.
- Anti-Power Aura at PL (Level), Immobilization Advantage
- Sixth Sense at PL (Level), Death Note Life Counter
- Power Blast at PL (Level), Special Advantage (Profane Damage), Special Disadvantage (Reduce damage 2
Size Categories (1d6 per PL, not 2d6).
A template is an addition to your character sheet, that in regular D20, makes you higher level, virtually,
preventing you from gaining levels for a short time, or stopping your level progression early. Unlike other D20
Templates, the template presented in this document does not alter the person's challenge rating or give any
virtual level increase. It merely grants it's bonuses and exacts a Toll on the character.

Forged beings are those that have completed the Rituals above or have in some other way been fully possessed
by a part of the Spirit King. There are two versions of this template, the Lesserforged and the Greaterforged.
Lesserforged are one of many possessed by that part of the Spirit King, Greater Forged are the only holder. The
toll is larger for Greaterforged. The entries are as follows

Target: This is the beings that the part can inhabit
Benefit: What you get for the template being applied
Toll: What the part extolls from you in return
Release: What happens to you if you decide to release the part back to the Spirit King.

Target: This may be applied to any creature that is inside the cycle of reincarnation.
Benefit: You gain all the Powers under the possessing entity's entry above and the Oldblood (Lordforged) feat.
Toll: You gain 1 less HP per level, take a -3 penalty on all Fortitude Saves and gain 5% less Reiatsu per level
from all sources.
Release: You take 4d6 Constitution and Strength Drain and are rendered unconscious for 1d6 days.

Target: This may be applied to any creature that is inside the cycle of reincarnation.
Benefit: You gain all the Powers under the possessing entity's entry above 5 Power Levels higher than
indicated, the Oldblood (Lordforged) feat, the Lordforged Heritage feat and the Improved Lordforged Heritage
Toll: You gain 20% less HP per level, you automatically fail any saving throw on a natural roll of 1-4 instead of
just a 1 and gain 15% less Reiatsu per level from all sources.
Release: You must make a Fortitude Save vs a DC equal to hours the ritual takes to complete multiplied by your
Charisma Modifier or die immediately. Success indicates you take the lesser Release penalty instead.
Epic Levels
The following feats and abilities cannot be acccessed till after level 20 (21+)

Epic Feats
Prerequisites: Lordforged, Lordforged Advancement, Lordforged Body Temple, Lordforged Cross Osmosis,
Lordforged Epiphinatic Revelation, Lordforged Apothesis, Level 21+
Benefit: You've gained the ability to control others of lesser level of the same part/parts as yourself. As a
standard action, you may force another Lordforged (Or someone with Oldblood Lordforged, or the
Lesserforged/Greaterforged Template), that is of your level or below to make a Spellscore based Will Save.
Success makes them immune to your power for the next 24 hours. If the fail however, they are under a
domination effect, meaning you decide their actions. You may only instruct them to perform actions you know
them capable of, but you may ask them what they can do. They gain a new Will Save if you ask them to harm a
friend or loved one, if you violate one of their Allegiances, or ask them to harm themselves. Each incurs a
penalty to your DC of -5 (Friend), -10 (Violate Allegiance), -15 (Harm Loved One) and -20 (Harm Self). The
control lasts for 24 hours, and any further attempt to control the target after that time has ellapsed within the
same 7 day period incurs a cumulative -20 penalty.


Prerequisites: The Defending Hand of God, Level 21+
Benefit: You've gained the ability to stagnate an opponent during combat in a variety of new ways. You gain the
following abilities. Firstly, on any attack made against you, you may roll 1d20 as a free action. On a natural 20,
the attack is negated fully and the opponent's turn ends. Secondly, if an attack is successful against you and is a
critical hit, you may roll 1d20 as a free action. On a natural 20, the attack is a normal hit. If an opponent activates
a release or transformation within 100 feet of you and you can clearly see them, you may roll 1d20 as a free
action. On a natural 20, the release or transformation fails to activate, wasting the opponent's action, but not
removing any time or uses from timers/usage limits.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, choose one ability and reduce it's dice size by
1 to a minimum of 1d6. (1d20 -> 1d12 -> 1d10 -> 1d8 -> 1d6)


Prerequisites: The Evershifting Warp of Pernida, Level 21+
Benefit: Within Pernida's embrace, all things are possible. Evolution runs wild and rampant, and is ever flowing.
You gain the following abilities. If you take damage of any sort, you may roll 1d20 as a free action. On a natural
roll of 20, you gain immunity to that damage type for 1d6 rounds. Secondly, if you fail a Will save, you may roll
1d20 as a free action. On a natural roll of 20, you gain immunity to that effect for 1d6 rounds. Thirdly if you fail a
fortitude save, you may roll 1d20 as a free action. On a natural roll of 20, you gain immunity to that effect for 1d6
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Each time you do, choose one ability and reduce it's dice size by
1 to a minimum of 1d6. (1d20 -> 1d12 -> 1d10 -> 1d8 -> 1d6)
Prerequisites: Major Miracle, Level 21+
Benefit: You gain a third pool beyond "Delayed Strength Pool" and "Strength Pool". This pool is known as your
"Divine Miracle Pool" When you take damage that is nullified by the Delayed Strength Pool, place an equal
amount into both your Strength Pool and your Divine Miracle Pool. The Strength Pool functions as normal. The
Divine Miracle Pool functions as follows. If you have 100 Points or more in your Divine Miracle Pool when you
are killed in combat, your Divine Miracle Pool loses 100 points and brings you back to life at 100% Health and
Reiatsu, and in your highest tier transformation or release (Your choice) even if you have used up it's timer/uses
for the day (You act as if you just woke for this purpose, but only till the end of combat). If you have 250 or more
Points in your Divine Miracle Pool, you may choose to reduce it by 250 points to perform a Miraculous Strike.
This strike acts as if it has 1 more pick of Negate Defenses than the highest number of Negate Defenses
necessary to remove all automatic defenses, and overcomes Damage Reduction, Damage Mitigation, Damage
Nullification and Damage Prevention. It is made at a bonus equal to your current strength modifier, and deals
critical damage upon hit (+1 Multipler if naturally criticaling). If you have 500 or more points in your Divine
Miracles Pool, you may reduce your pool by 500, and invoke the "Full Body Of the Spirit King" gaining all the
powers of all the parts that Lordforged come from, at maximum level (20 in most cases)+5. This includes all
sources. Feats, Templates, Trials, Prestige Paths. This form lasts till the end of combat, at which time you fall
into a week long coma.


Prerequisites: Perfect Artifice, Level 21+
Benefit: You've gained the ability to create full beings instead of just homunculi. When you use this ability, you
may sacrifice a percentage of your constitution to imbue a Homunculi you've created with a race and personality
of it's own. The race can be one in your campaign, or one created by you. Your constitution is drained by 1/10th
the race's Alien Builder cost, but heals at a rate of 1 point per 2 weeks. This can make a race that is more than
30 points if you so desire. The creature created has it's own personality but always starts as helpful towards it's
creator. In addition, add +3 to the multiplier of your Create Objects volume.


Prerequisites: Nullify, Level 21+
Benefit: Firstly, multiply the area you may Unravel by 1/2 your level (200ft x 200ft of area at 21st level).
Secondly, when you strike a target and they have a damage nullification ability that is not a target of Nullify, you
may make a second Concentration Check with a DC equal the first to act as if you had Negate Defenses 1 more
time than would be needed to overcome that nullification. Lastly, you've gained the ability to destroy even the
boundries of dimensions. When you charge any surface (Including falling towards surfaces) you may make a DC
100 Concentration Check to break the dimensional boundries and open an artificial senkaimon that takes you to
a random dimension within your current cosmology. If you succeed the DC by 10 you may move to an alternate
universe version of the one you're in where events might have played out differently, which may even have a
different cosmology. You can automatically open a return senkaimon at any time with no effort.


Prerequisites: Mega-Full-Life, Level 21+
Benefit: You've gained a full control of the threads of life, able to reattach them pretty much at will. If a target
within 100 feet of you dies, or uses an ability that "Unfailingly kills" them, you may expend 1 Action Dice to
negate the death entirely. You may concentrate on a target to expand this area to 1 mile for that target only, but
during this time may not use the 100ft version. You may take 1 point of Wisdom Damage in place of using an
Action Dice. This ability overcomes "Stay Dead" In addition, doule the area in which you can use Mega-Full-Life
and change "decade" to "century". You choose who comes back when you use it.
Prerequisites: Stay Dead, Level 21+
Benefit: Death comes at your beckon call. You have learned to tap into the purity of death itself, causing yourself
to be permanently in a state between death and life. As such you are healed by healing and negative energy and
take 1 modifier less from critical damage (Minimum 1). In addition, you may place a piece of your soul into an
object or being. Should you die while that object remains intact, you reform in the closest safe unoccupied
square to the object in 1d6 days. You may have up to your Intelligence modifier pieces at one time. In addition,
you gain the ability, should one of your imbued objects or beings remains, to come back should someone say
your known name 3 times within 5 minutes. You are returned to the nearest safe place by the place where you
died. In addition, you may split yourself from your shadow allowing it to function as you within the same plane.
Your shadow is fully incorporeal, and flies at a speed of 100ft per round with perfect maneuverability. It is you for
all intents, and has your abilities and statistics. It gathers memories for you that it shares upon return. It cannot
be attacked, nor can it attack. It can however use non physical attack abilities such as kido, ranged special
attacks and power blasts. Lastly, if a creature returns to life within 100ft of you, you can expend 3 Action Dice to
negate the effect that brought them back except Steward of Life's ability.
Epic Prestige Paths
The following prestige paths supplement all others.

The World Pin

While Soul Society is built on the ruins of the old world that was created by the Kami, the lynch pin of that
existence is the Spirit King. But, the World Pin helps this stabilization process, making the toll of keeping all
realms in reality much easier.

Feats: Lordforged, Lordforged Advancement, Lordforged Body Temple, Lordforged Cross Osmosis, Lordforged
Epiphinatic Revelation, The Last Fundemental
Skills: One Attack, One Defense, One Reaction and 3 Skills all 24+ Ranks
Special: Epic Level Only


You gain the power of a two more parts that you didn't have before. In addition, You gain one ability from the following list, and one ability from the following list
for each additional feat from this tree you take.
- Phenominal Strength: Gain +10 Strength
- Amazing Acrobatics: Gain +10 Dexterity
- Incredible Fortitude: Gain +10 Constitution
- Brilliant Mind: Gain +10 Intelligence
- Sagelike Wisdom: Gain +10 Wisdom
- Divine Beauty: Gain +10 Charisma
- Strength and Speed: Requires Phenominal Strength and Amazing Acrobatics. Gain +10 Strength and +10 Dexterity
- Steel Body: Requires Phenominal Strength and Incredible Fortitude. Gain +10 Strength and +10 Constitution
- Physical and Mental Tower: Requires Phenominal Strength and Brilliant Mind. Gain +10 Strength and +10 Intelligence
- Hand of Iron, Grip of Kindness: Requires Phenominal Strength and Sagelike Wisdom: Gain +10 Strength and +10 Wisdom
- Power and Grace: Requires Phenominal Strength and Divine Beauty. Gain +10 Strength and +10 Charisma
- Body and Beauty?: Requires Pheonominal Strength and Divine Beauty: Gain +10 Strength and +10 Charisma
- Long Run Endurance: Requires Amazing Acrobatics and Incredible Fortitude. Gain +10 Dexterity and +10 Constitution
- Intelligent Reflexes: Requires Amazing Acrobatics and Brilliant Mind. Gain +10 Dexterity and +10 Intelligence
- Stickey Widget: Requires Amazing Acrobatics and Sagelike Wisdom. Gain +10 Dexterity and +10 Wisdom
- Athletic Beauty: Requires Amazing Acrobatics and Divine Beauty. Gain +10 Dexterity and +10 Charisma
- Eternal Bastion: Requires Incredible Fortitude and Brilliant Mind. Gain +10 Constitution and +10 Intelligence
- Enduring Wisdom: Requires Incredible Fortitude and Sagelike Wisdom. Gain +10 Constitution and +10 Wisdom
- Built like a Brickhouse: Requires Incredible Fortitude and Divine Beauty. Gain +10 Constitution and +10 Wisdom.
- Knowledge is Power: Requires Brilliant Mind and Sagelike Wisdom. Gain +10 Intelligence and +10 Wisdom
- A Beautiful Mind: Requires Brilliant Mind and Divine Beauty. Gain +10 Intelligence and +10 Charisma
- Ageless Beauty: Requires Sagelike Wisdom and Divine Beauty. Gain +10 Wisdom and +10 Charisma.

2 - Bonus Feat


You gain the power from two more parts that you didn't have before. In addition, you gain a +100 bonus to your Spellscore for Reiatsu Calculation. Thirdly, if you
are below 50% of your maximum Reiatsu, you gain back Reiatsu as if you slept a full night with good bedrest per round till you are above 50% of your Reiatsu.

4 - Bonus Feat


You gain the power from the final part you didn't have before. In addition, you gain the final part... The Torso of the Spirit King. This gives you the following
- Once per day, when you would be slain, you are instead replaced with a duplicate that takes the final blow for you. You are then returned to where you were, at
100% Health and Reiatsu.
- You don't need to eat, breath, or sleep. You gain a +20 bonus to all saves vs Fatigue and Exhaustion.
- You gain a +20 to all Statistics.
- Should someone mention your name, you know it, and may choose to view the area they are in, up to 100ft per level. Should you use the final power granted
by this ability, this power's distance increases to 1 mile per level.
- You cannot be Soul Crushed, but you also can no longer use Soul Crushing of any sort. Any Soul Crush feats you have are lost. Gain a Bonus Feat for each
lost in such a way. In addition, any being of your level or below that enters within 100ft of you and isn't welcomed by you must make a Spellscore Based Will
Save or cower in fear.
- You gain the ability to create Oken without sacrificing souls to do so. An Oken does three things. First, it allows the subdimension the Spirit King resides in to
be accessed. Secondly it prevents the user from being permanently killed (all one has to do to revive someone with an Oken from death is to call them by
name.), and third, it allows one to be marked by the Spirit King as a potential candidate for Squad Zero.
- Should the current Spirit King be slain, you may use an immediate, swift or move action, to replace them. You then are teleported to a location within the
dimension you are in, and are made the new Spirit King, holding all reality together.
The DNAbsolute
Some Lordforged dream of being the Spirit King. Then there are others that look to become the absolute
masters of the part they already are.

Feats: (The Defending Hand of God, The Evershifting Warp of Pernida, Major Miracles, Perfect Artifice, Nullify,
Mega-Full-Life or Stay Dead), (The Attacking Hand of God, Pernida's Embrace, Lord of Divine Miracles, Divine
Creator, Divine Destroyer, Steward of Life or Shepard of Death)
Skills: Unarmed Strike 24+ Ranks, Defense 24+ Ranks, Concentration 24+ Ranks
Special: Epic Levels Only


Increase the maximum level your powers can reach by 10. Increase your current Powers levels by 10.

2 - Bonus Feat


Once per day, when you would be killed through any means, you may roll a Concentration Check with a DC
based on your opponent's Spellscore. Success in this check negates the effect and gives you full immunity to
that Effect Type for 1d6+Constitution Modifier Rounds.

4 - Bonus Feat


You are the absolute lord of your Part. Any being of the same part as you that does not have this feat becomes
subservient to you, moving one step towards
Helpful if they are already known to you, and
any you don't know have their encounter start
out one step more helpful. In addition, you gain
a +3 bonus to all Combat d20 rolls for each
member of your part within 1 mile of you, and
you grant all members of your part within 1 mile
of you a +6 bonus to all d20 Combat Rolls.
Lastly, you gain a unique power based on your
part and approved by your GM. It Must follow
the theme of your part.
Tite Kubo: Writer and Illustrator of the Bleach Manga

Draxredd: This is the guy that created the Classless Bleach d20 system

VictoriaL: The wonderful person who commissioned this work. A person who's patience is an inspiration to me,
someone who's patience seems endless.

Dionon: This is Me, I created all the content within this booklet that is not copyrighted already or created by
someone else. Feel free to use it as you see fit, as long as I get credit for it.

Maddwaffles: Power Balance assistance

Google: For having wonderful images to borrow.

The Hypertext D20 SRD (Open Gaming Licence)

Peter Kisner for the classless d20 inspiration

The Brood of the Spirit King
A guide to gaining the power of the Spirit King

The Brood of the Spirit King is a commissioned work inspired by VicotriaL in Dionon's Qwik-E
Commissions promotion. It contains rules when dealing with the parts of the spirit king and rules on
what exactly he does in the Expanded Universe. It contains a powerful new race called the Lordforged,
along with terrifying enemies that can steal or shut off your abilities at a whim.

1 New Race
15 new Non-Epic Feats
12 New Non-Epic Prestige Paths
8 New Epic Feats
2 New Epic Prestige Paths
Templates to be inhabited by a Part of the Spirit King
Trials to enact that inhabiting

The Brood of the Spirit King is meant for use with the Bleach D20 Classless System.

All content within is the intellectual property of Brian Korot, AKA Dionon. It is also the intellectual
property of VictoriaL as it's commissioner. It may be used by anyone that wishes, and may be changed
to fit your campaign. If you are going to publish this in any format, or add to it, please be kind and give
us both credit, as I am going to be giving credit to those that inspired me to create this supplement for
the d20 classless system. All mentions of the Bleach anime and Manga including mentions of the Spirit
King, the Oken and Soul Society are the intellectual property of Tite Kubo, Toei Animation, Shonen
Jump and anyone else I am forgetting to give credit to.

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