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The line graph presents projected population sizes for the world’s most heavily populated countries till

with data sourced from the Lancet.

Overall, the graph predicts a major demographic shift suggesting re-distribution of population density:
while traditionally populous countries like China and India are forecast to experience significant population
declines, the trend is true for countries with smaller populations.

Regarding the most populous countries, while China’s population is expected to halve from well over a
billion to less than 800 million, India’s is set to peak at around 1.7 billion before declining to above 1 billion
by 2100. In contrast, it is estimated that Nigeria will not only surpass the United States and China in
population size going from less than a half million to roughly 800 million, but also rival India by 2100.

As for smaller population sizes, forecasts suggest that there will be a consistent growth to over 400 million
in America’s population figures, doubling the projected growth of Indonesia, despite both countries starting
at similar population levels. Pakistan, Indonesia, Ethiopia, and the DRC are all on upward trajectory, with
Pakistan’s population nearing 250 million, Indonesia’s and Ethiopia’s both approaching the 250 million
mark. Ranking last in the demographic figures, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is predicted to
exceed 240 million by the century’s end.

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