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Once upon a time, over 2,000 years ago, people in Ireland celebrated a special day
called Samhain (pronounced Sow-wen). It was like Halloween, but instead of
costumes, they wore scary masks to scare away bad spirits! They also believed
that during this time, the magical world touched ours, and fairies and other
creatures could be seen.
Fast forward a long time later, and a man named Saint Patrick brought
Christianity to Ireland. People started celebrating his special day on March
17th, wearing green clothes like the shamrock, a lucky Irish plant!
Ireland's flag is a cool story too! Green represents the land, white
means peace, and orange shows the fiery spirit of the Irish

Halloween started in: (a) Ireland (b) America (c) Space (d) Scotland

What color represents peace on the Irish flag? (a) Orange (b) Green (c) Yellow (d) White

What did people wear on Samhain?

Would you like to see a fairy? Why or why not?

Draw what you think a Samhain celebration might have looked like.
/ire/ Roll and Cover

Roll one die to decide how many circles you need to cover. For every circle you
cover, say each word 5 times with a correct /ire/ sound.

admire fire fireplace Ireland tires

campfire fire alarm firetruck Irish flag tired
clothes dryer firecracker flier iron pliers
choir firefighter fryer pacifier vampire
crier fireflies hair dryer sapphire wire

Ireland history

Answer the questions:

1- What year did Ireland separate from The United Kingdom?

2- Is Ireland a united country?

3-Where is Ireland?

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