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This worksheet plots two-way linear interaction effects estimated via regression analysis

Enter information from your regression in the shaded cells.

You must enter the coefficients
enter the meansinto
& cells
SDs ofB16-B20.
the three IVs into cells B23-B26, OR enter values at which the slopes
If you want simple slope tests, you MUST enter the information into cells B43-B48.
Note that simple slope tests are only recommended at specific hypothesized values of the moderator.
For further information see
WARNING: Only type
in yellow cells!
Variable names:
Name of independent variable: Grup
Name of moderator: BPD 5
Name of dependent variable: Distres

Unstandardised Regression Coefficients: 4.5

Independent variable: 0.6

Moderator: 0.4
Interaction: -0.8 4

Intercept / Constant: 3 3.5

Means / SDs of variables:
Mean of independent variable: 0 3
SD of independent variable: 1
Mean of moderator: 0
SD of moderator: 1 2.5

Values of variables at which to plot slopes*: 2

Low value of IV:
High value of IV:
Low value of moderator: 0 1.5
High value of moderator: 1
(* If left blank, this will automatically be done at one
standard deviation above and below mean) 1
IV = 1
Optional alternative legend**:
Low value of independent variable: IV = 1
High value of independent variable: IV = 2
Low value of moderator: Men
High value of moderator: Women
(** Leave these cells blank to get the normal
"low/high" legend)


Variance of coefficient of IV: 0.002
Variance of coefficient of interaction: 0.004
Covariance of coefficients of IV and interaction: 0.003
Gradient of slope for W
Sample size: 150
Number of control variables: 3 p-value of slope for W

Do NOT type below this line

IV = 1 IV = 2
Men 2.4 3.6
Women 3.6 3.2

Low IV: -1
High IV: 1
Low moderator: 0
High moderator: 1
ssion analysis

nter values at which the slopes are to be plotted in cells B29-B32 (or

s of the moderator.


3 Women



IV = 1 IV = 2

Gradient of slope for Men 0.600

t-value of slope for Men 13.416
p-value of slope for Men 0.000

Gradient of slope for Women -0.200

t-value of slope for Women -1.826
p-value of slope for Women 0.070
1 0.9254 40.2528 1 2 3
2 0.9254 56.3326 0.9254 0.9254
3 0.9254 66.4304 3.4174
1 3.4174 40.2692 5.9094
2 3.4174 54.3259
3 3.4174 72.421
1 5.9094 40.2855
2 5.9094 52.3193
3 5.9094 78.4117

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