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Masimba Holdings Limited

44 Tilbury Road
P O Box CY490
Tel: +263 242 611641-5
+263 242 611741-9
Cell: +263 772 220921-2
+263 712 806600/2/11

To: All Employees

Ref: LC/01/May023
Date: 08 May 2024
Pages: 02
From: Loss Control Manager


Dear All

This memo serves to inform you that there has been a marked increase in night mugging, and
smash and grab crimes in and around Harare. The criminals are not only targeting vehicle drivers
but pedestrians as well. Smash and grab crimes are generally perpetrated at traffic lights-
controlled intersections, all roundabouts where traffic slows down or comes to a complete stop
and parking lots in shopping centres around Harare. The most common identified hotspots are
as follows:

1. All intersections along Harare Drive,

2. Corner Churchill and Borrowdale Road,
3. Corner Churchill and Second Street Extension,
4. Corner King George and Lomagundi Road,
5. Corner Quendon and West Road,
6. Corner Coventry and Rekai Tangwena Road,
7. Corner Rotten Row and Mbare Road,
8. Lyton Road Filter into Rotten Row
9. All intersections along Rotten Row from Josiah Tongogara up to Chitungwiza Road
(including the Mupedzanhamo area),
10. Corner Chiremba Road and Glenara,
11. Corner Limpopo Road and Gleneagles
12. Limpopo Road from Gleneagles stretching up to Coventry Road (especially the
railroad and Lyton Road underpass),
13. All roundabouts (Kuwadzana, Highglen, Masasa, etc),
14. Willowvale industrial area due to reduced human traffic at night.
15. Avondale shopping centre,
16. Chisipte shopping centre,
17. Sam Levy’s Village shopping centre,
18. Westgate shopping centre,
19. High Glen shopping centre,

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20. Machipisa shopping centre,
21. Madokero shopping centre.

The list above is by no means exhaustive and thus we are all simply implored to be careful as
we drive or walk around, especially at night. The golden rule on how to avoid getting into these
very uncomfortable situations and stay safe is simply TO AVOID DRIVING AND BEING
OUTDOORS AT NIGHT unless there is an emergency. In view of this, we advise those of us
who sometimes stay late at work even when it is not necessary to consider carrying whatever
residual work there will be home and finish it off from there. Masimba is better off with us alive
and well than incapacitated or dead.

In the unlikely event that it has become inevitable for you to work late from the office and drive at
night, below are some of the tips on how to avoid getting into these situations:

1. Avoid using your phones, it’s the phone light that attracts robbers and also directs
them to where the phone is.
2. Keep your handbags and laptop bags stashed under your car seats or in the boot.
3. Always lock your doors before driving off.
4. Watch out for people milling around the intersection as you approach it.
5. Avoid stopping at intersections by reducing your speed and driving slowly until the
traffic light turns green – robbers rarely attack moving cars.
6. If you really have to stop, do not stop too close to the car in front of you – leave room
to maneuver in case of an attack.
7. Keep your windows slightly open – they are hard to break when they are in that state.
8. Seek authority to have your car windows tinted to ensure no one can see inside your
9. Where possible avoid using the same route when going home to ensure criminals do
not study and know your routine.
10. Avoid leaving the office late and at the same time every day as criminals can also
study this routine and ambush you.
11. For pedestrians, avoid dropping off at the same time every day, vary your bus stop,
vary your route to your home and routine where possible, avoid carrying bags and do
not show off when buying groceries or beers at your local shops (bulk grocery
purchases should be done away from your local shops where possible as most
criminals study us and our routine).
12. Avoid carrying excessive cash unnecessarily and always switch off your phone as you
disembark from your lift and only switch it on when you get home.

In case we know any other crime hot spots, let us share with our colleagues as Team Masimba.
Let us all stay safe and secure.


Thembekile Ngungu (Maj-Retd)

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