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● The profiles of our high school will have multiple possible variants for a

theoretical high school. These will be: mathematics and computer

science, natural sciences, social sciences, and philology. They will aim
to prepare students efficiently, without wasting time learning subjects
that will not be as important in the future.

● The first profile, mathematics and computer science, will focus on

developing students' mathematical and logical abilities to reach an
advanced level of skills in mathematics and computer science.
Therefore, students will participate in more mathematics, computer
science, English, and fewer French, Romanian, history, geography, and
other lessons.

● The second profile, natural sciences, will concentrate on preparing

students for a career in biology, chemistry, or physics. Mathematical
and logical aptitudes are also important, so students will participate in
more mathematics lessons but also in biology, chemistry, and physics.
The fewer hours will coincide with those of the first profile.

● The third profile, social sciences and philology, will be the only
humanities profile. It will focus on foreign languages, literature, history,
geography, and psychology. Therefore, in this profile, students will have
more courses in the above-mentioned subjects and fewer courses in
real profile subjects, such as mathematics or computer science.

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