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Hellion Keshik

For every Kell Hounds or Wolf’s Dragoons, there are a hundred similar outfits that are just as
talented—and just as deadly—that you have never heard of. Or worse, you have not heard of
enough. Sure, the glory hounds who make the evening tri-vid news are movers and shakers, Credits
and can change national borders whenever they want, but they’re not the only ones. For
every Eridani Light Horse, there is a mercenary crew with a storied battlefield history just as Development
spectacular. These are the units that have gone largely unnoticed in the long, bloody history Joshua C. Perian
of the Inner Sphere, their stories untold or nearly forgotten. Take a closer look at the battles
and events that have shaped the human sphere, and you’ll find even two-bit troops like Geoff ‘Doc’ Swift
Wilson’s Hussars have made a difference.
—Professor Mathew Alexander, Spotlight On: The Almost Famous, Interstellar Free Press BattleTech Line Developer
Ray Arrastia
How to Use This Book
Welcome to Spotlight On, a campaign supplement offering players the opportunity to learn BattleTech Line Editor
about unique and battle-tested forces from the Inner Sphere, the Periphery, and beyond. Aaron Cahall
The background information contained in the Unit History and Description section gives
Graphic Design & Layout
players the unit’s history, notable events, tactics, traditions, organization, unique goals, and
Ray Arrastia • David Allen Kerber
traits to create an unlimited number of BattleTech games, while the Characters section details
some of the unit’s more famous, interesting, or notorious members. Each character entry New Artwork
includes additional gameplay and scenario-building material, as well as special abilities that David Allen Kerber
set these warriors apart from the rank and file. The Personnel Roster offers a complete vehicle
listing for the outfit at particular points in BattleTech history. These snapshots can be used AS/SBF/ACS Data
to create stand-alone games, be weaved into an existing game, or become part of a larger Chris Marti • Joshua Franklin
ongoing campaign. Geoff ‘Doc’ Swift
The Mission Tracks section presents a few of the key battles that occurred across the unit’s
Special Thanks
history. Players wishing to incorporate these tracks into their Chaos Campaign sessions should Thanks to Josh and Ray for giving
use the Warchest Points (WP) listed in brackets. Each Mission Track contains information for me the chance to tell more
use in gameplay such as terrain suggestions, weather, and special rules. Each track also of the story of the Scorpion
contains a list of optional features that can be used to enhance your game experience. For Empire. This is one of a suite of
products intended to be mutually
the best results, all players should agree whether or not to use these bonus features before supportive in advancing the story
play. of this region of the
Rules may reference the following books: Total Warfare (TW), Tactical Operations: Advanced Deep Periphery.
Rules (TO:AR), Tactical Operations: Advanced Units & Equipment (TO:AUE), Alpha Strike:
Commander’s Edition (AS:CE), Campaign Operations (CO), and A Time of War (AToW).
Lastly, Special Command Abilities (see p. 83, CO, or p. 102, AS:CE) and Formation Abilities
(see p. 60, CO, or p. 117, AS:CE) for the unit are listed, along with corresponding Alpha Strike
cards and any unique record sheets (if applicable).

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® ©2021 The Topps Company Inc. All rights Reserved. Spotlight On: Hellion Keshik,
BattleTech, BattleMech and ’Mech are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The Topps
Company, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst
Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC.

Hellion Keshik

Unit History their prejudice, reminding them all that absorption was part of
the Way of the Clans, that neither the absorbed nor the absorbing
should discriminate against the other. Rood challenged them
SaKhan Connor Rood oversaw the repatriation of numerous to direct their pride and fury into challenging for the highest
former Clan Ice Hellion warriors after the conquest of the Umayyad positions. He wanted ristars seeking to prove their worth through
Caliphate and Nueva Castile. Once he succeeded Colin Yeh as Khan pain and conquest, not weaklings seeking comfort and security.
of Clan Goliath Scorpion, he continued his efforts to recover his Rood promised a reckoning for any who chose safety over glory.
former comrades. These efforts swelled Beta Galaxy with new Then the curtain behind him opened, revealing five gleaming,
warriors. That Galaxy, long the Scorpions’ lightest, matched the brand new Hellions. These, he said, were assembled on his order
Hellion preference for light, fast ’Mechs. Their time as “feral” hellions on the Clan’s Hephaestus-type Hughes-class station, a modernized
had changed many of them, and not always for the better. Fights type of the station employed by Wolf’s Dragoons. This had been
broke out without the traditional Circle of Equals. Discipline was no casual decision, as it involved investing considerable resources
breaking down as feral warriors failed to reintegrate to Clan society. and delayed the station’s routine disassembly and relocation to
Rood felt the issue might stem from the shattered pride of the another system for security purposes. The station had been the
former Hellions. Not only had their invasion of the Inner Sphere Imperio's only factory for new ClanTech equipment, and as their
been a cataclysmic disaster, but their Clan had also ceased to exist. only orbital facility it was critical for aerospace repair and as a
The only link they had to their past was each other. Not even their source of some components, such as endo-steel. That Rood had
Clan’s name had survived, save in memory. risked this precious resource for this purpose had a profound
Rood’s first attempt to integrate the feral Hellions was to effect. Dozens of former and feral Hellion warriors clamored to
rename Beta Galaxy in honor of his—and their—former Clan in join the Keshik.
3095. The Khan’s hopes were dashed by the slaying of saKhan Galaxy Commander Kulchaak Dinour was elected saKhan in
Henrika Suvorov. Her killer, Star Commander Kliff Wallace, was January 3096. Trials to decide the first warriors in Hellion
a bondsman only recently returned to the warrior Keshik came immediately afterward. All warriors
ranks. He was taken as isorla along with his two were invited to fight for a billet in the new
dozen children and their mothers, a seraglio unit. Dinour’s four closest comrades won
accumulated after more than a decade posts in the new Keshik, completing
in the Periphery. SaKhan Suvorov his command Star. More than a few
had insulted Wallace’s children warriors were slain or crippled in
as freebirths, and he repaid her the trials. Former Hellions fought
in blood, outside of a Circle of with terrifying ferocity, many
Equals. Rood sublimated his refusing to relent until they or
own rage and issued a Trial their opponent lay dead. In
of Grievance, allowing the the end, the Trinary included
Council to oversee the Trial. a Star of ProtoMechs, and
He killed Wallace in hand- four former Ice Hellions and
to-hand combat in minutes, a freeborn Castilian piloting
then immediately called the Star of new Hellions.
for Wallace’s giftake to be SaKhan Dinour took his
taken, as few of that lineage Khan’s lesson to heart and
remained. set about establishing a
Galaxy Commander Mull rapport with Hellion Galaxy.
Elam refused election to saKhan He embraced the tenets of
in December 3095. As a Seeker, Ice Hellion combat doctrine
he felt at home in Chi Galaxy. He and argued in Council for the
also believed he would meet the modified Hellion Flurry Attack,
same dishonorable fate as his a version of the Ice Hellion pack
predecessor among the former Ice zellbrigen tactic, to become
Hellions. Khan Rood realized he must acceptable within Goliath Scorpion
do more to reintegrate the former Hellions to Clan zellbrigen. This tactic allowed a
culture, while also protecting the Galaxy’s commander. Thus, Star’s commander to challenge an enemy
he conceived Hellion Keshik, a bodyguard unit for the saKhan that of greater mass, and for the rest of the Star to join in the initial
would also serve as the Galaxy’s command Trinary. exchange. This “evening of the odds” violated strict Clan honor,
Khan Rood ordered the entire touman to assemble on Valencia. but enabled light ’Mechs to challenge heavier foes with a better
He then delivered a fiery, invective-filled address. He raged at chance for victory. It had been key to the few Hellion successes in

Hellion Keshik
Operation Ice Storm. After his request was denied, he demanded Kirov in 3108. When Khan Kirov established the position of reKhan,
and fought a Trial of Refusal, killing the immense Elemental Star he appointed Rood to that role on Valencia.
Colonel Lavender Shaffer of Tau Galaxy in unaugmented combat. Kirov was a Seeker and so he favored Chi Galaxy. Following
He awoke from a medically-induced coma to a Galaxy—and a Rood’s example, he renamed Chi to Seeker Galaxy and established
Keshik—of fanatical warriors that would risk their lives for him as Seeker Keshik, to protect the Loremaster whom he intended to
he had for them. command the Galaxy from then on. Thus, Hellion Keshik and Hellion
SaKhan Dinour assured the Keshik’s warriors that their duties Galaxy began to stagnate. When the Hanseatic League attacked a
would not be ceremonial, nor would they focus only on protecting colony in 3112, saKhan Sakmar Arbuthnot dashed off a cursory
him. He intended to lead his Galaxy from the front. First, though, he communiqué to Khan Kirov informing him that Hellion Keshik
had to get to know them. He ordered his warriors to the new colony and two of the Galaxy’s Clusters would “teach the Hansa surats a
world Graystone to put them through their paces. Hellion Keshik lesson.” They attacked Kampen, home base for RDF 3. Despite being
began training in Flurry Attacks while the rest of the Galaxy was outnumbered by the defenders, the high-altitude insertion into the
in transit. The Trinary was on maneuvers in the wilderness tundra, Hansa headquarters proved devastating. They mauled the Hansa
hundreds of kilometers from the settlement areas, when DropShip commanders, then crushed the disorganized ’Mech and vehicle
contrails began burning across the night sky. It was far too soon to regiments and all but exterminated the infantry regiment.
be Hellion Galaxy. Pirates had arrived to attack the colony. The Keshik’s roster changed through the years, trending toward
Dinour ordered the Keshik to board their DropShips for a heavier ’Mechs, but their lethal combination of accurate combat
suborbital hop. He harangued them for every minute they sat on drops and hit and run warfare assured their place in Wave 1 of
the permafrost. The hasty, low altitude drop was sloppy, killing some the invasion of the Hanseatic League and brought them victory
warriors before the fight even began. Baker Star fared the worst. upon victory. The horrific chemical spill on Bruges during Wave
Some ProtoMechs landed badly, causing neural damage through 2 revealed a flaw in the Keshik’s warriors. SaKhan Homer Baba’s
the implanted circuitry. Star Commander Evan ordered a tactical command Star maintained position and set about containing the
reformation, but the enemy did not wait for them to reorganize. panic, while the other Stars fled rather than risk the deadly chemical
The pirates blasted and stomped the ProtoMechs without regard penetrating their environmental sealing. Baba’s calming presence
for honor or mercy. A brutal melee broke out as the Keshik’s elite prevented the savage instincts of the Hellion-descended warriors
warriors resorted to physical attacks. from razing the world’s one conurbation to the ground. After the
The pirates were winning when Dinour issued a challenge to war, Baba set about changing the mindset of the Keshik. He wished
the largest enemy unit. The battered Awesome did not respond, for the Keshik to revisit its roots, but remain able to engage more
but the challenge was more for Dinour’s warriors. His Star put their serious opposition. He obtained a larger DropShip, but instead
new training into practice. They turned and concentrated fire on of increasing numbers, he allotted each MechWarrior a second,
the Awesome. The punishing fusillade added to the assault ’Mech’s lighter ’Mech. Thus, MechWarriors could choose their ’Mech based
poor state of repair and damage already sustained. It was enough on the tactical situation. But the war had sated Baba’s bloodlust. He
to down the beast. chose to leave the warrior caste in 3146, joining the reorganizing
The Hellions of Charlie Star followed Dinour’s lead and targeted merchant caste, swollen with Hansa, as he wanted a different sort
their commander’s chosen enemy. The Thunderbolt absorbed the of challenge.
fire, but Star Captain Brody ran circles around it and brought it low Delta Aimag of Clan Sea Fox’s Tiburon Khanate arrived in the
by kicking its leg off. The pirates finally fled to their battered Union Hamburg system in March 3151, while the Keshik was training in
DropShip and lifted without delay, leaving half their number behind. their light ’Mechs. The Sea Foxes issued a batchall for technical
The cost was high. Only six ProtoMechs of Baker Star survived. On specifications of new Imperial ’Mechs. SaKhan Valentina Tazegül
Khan Rood’s order no new ProtoMechs or replacement parts were accepted on condition that her lightweight Trinary be permitted
being built, as he deemed it wasteful to allocate such considerable to use their version of zellbrigen. OvKhan Lester Kalasa accepted.
resource to enable failed warriors to enter the caste. Thus, no new The two forces met on the glacial Horvath Flatlands. The Sea Foxes
ProtoMech pilots had joined the touman since the abjuration, landed to find no defenders awaiting them. Then Hellion Keshik
leaving only aging pilots and rapidly depleting numbers of dropped into their landing zone. SaKhan Tazegül challenged
ProtoMechs. The few survivors were reassigned and replaced with a ovKhan Kalasa to a duel. Her Hellion appeared puny compared to
Star of OmniMechs. The time of ProtoMechs in the Clan had passed. Kalasa’s Cauldron-Born. Kalasa accepted with a chuckle. Tazegül
The poor combat drop motivated saKhan Dinour. He demanded charged, weapons blazing, while the rest of her Star turned from
Hellion Galaxy practice combat drops in all combinations of their opponents and joined their fire to hers. The barrage rocked
weather and terrain in the Imperio. Five years of constant training Kalasa, and Tazegül never let him recover. She carved the heavy
made the Galaxy the touman’s best, with the Keshik the best of the OmniMech to pieces while the rest of the combatants fought their
best. SaKhan Dinour was killed in a training accident in 3106 and own duels. Kalasa was defeated and his trial lost.
succeeded by Enrico Kirov. Kirov maintained the Keshik’s focus, in Delta Aimag withdrew to the Chaine Cluster in the Chainelane
part to honor his predecessor but also because he knew the posting Isles, but before they made planetfall on Corell in July, a batchall
would be a short one. Khan Rood retired and was succeeded by came over their comms, seeking a Trial of Possession for the

Hellion Keshik
contents of the ovKhan’s JumpShip and DropShips, both physical that target. A commander may not initiate another Flurry Attack
and electronic. Communications intercepts had revealed the until his or her enemy is eliminated.
Aimag's destination. Their routes differed, but Hellion Keshik
arrived soon after the Sea Foxes. Kalasa was reluctant to accept,
but refusing the honorable challenge might have ended his time Special Command
commanding the Aimag. He accepted on the condition that
only pure zellbrigen be allowed and not the Keshik’s personal
interpretation. Tazegül accepted so quickly that Kalasa feared
the worst. 3096-3101, Berserkers (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 83, CO), Flankers
Instead of the light and medium ’Mechs he had faced on (see p. 105, AS:CE), and Hit and Run (see p. 106, AS:CE, or p. 85, CO);
Hamburg, Kalasa found that some of the Keshik's warriors now 3102-3145, Combat Drop Specialists (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 84,
piloted heavy and assault OmniMechs. The Keshik overwhelmed CO), Enemy Specialization (Hanseatic League; see p. 103, AS:CE, or
his warriors in honorable combat. The orderly trial was completed p. 84, CO), and Hit and Run; 3146-3151, Combat Drop Specialists,
quickly, again in favor of Hellion Keshik. SaKhan Tazegül collected Esprit de Corps (see p. 104, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), and Speed Fire (see
his due, the entire contents of the ovKhan's ships, including all p. 107, AS:CE or p. 83, CO).
personnel who had not fought in the trial. The ships’ databanks were
a treasure trove of trade routes and technical specifications.
A later visit by the Fifth Scorpion Cuirassiers—under
the watchful eyes of Hellion Keshik—
secured a Scorpion Empire enclave in
the Chaine Cluster. The resulting trade
between freeborn Hansa merchants
and their former enemies in Clan
Sea Fox went far in pacifying the
region, especially after the two sides
agreed to coordinated patrols. The
Scorpions deployed HPG repeater
stations in the void between the
Empire and the Isles, and they are
currently building a new HPG in
their enclave, since their HPGs
are immune to the maladies
affecting Inner Sphere HPGs.
Khan Scott recognized the value of
being the only source for functional HPGs,
and safeguards were taken to prevent tampering
or transfer of ownership by any means.

Hellion Keshik units are painted a pale ice blue. A
single navy blue pinstripe runs along the outside of each
limb. The Hellion Galaxy insignia stands proud on the front
right and rear left torso.
Members of Hellion Keshik (like all members of Hellion Galaxy)
piloting light ’Mechs may make a Flurry Attack as follows without
breaking (their version of ) zellbrigen. A Star’s commander issues
a challenge to an enemy of greater mass. The other members
of that Star may join the attack, but only for the first round of
combat with that opponent and only if they are also lighter than
that enemy unit. After that turn, only the commander may attack

Hellion Keshik


Rank: Star Colonel
Born: 3075 (21 in 3096)
KULCHAAK DINOUR Richelle Winston was a ristar whose meteoric rise culminated
Rank: saKhan with her success in joining the new Keshik. SaKhan Dinour named
Born: 3070 (26 in 3096) her his executive officer and delegated much of the oversight of
As Alpha Galaxy’s commander, Kulchaak Dinour knew Khan Hellion Galaxy to her. Hers was among the last sibkos decanted in
Connor Rood well and felt he could help the repatriated Ice Hellions the Homeworlds, and her Trial of Position took place on Asturias
integrate with their new Clan. The Imperio was the only home he after the Imperio was founded. After the abjuration, she learned
had ever known, so he could not truly empathize with those whose that hers was one of the sibkos that used Eridani Light Horse
homes had been lost. But he felt that those who had survived the DNA. Richelle used her position to lobby for new Bloodnames to
brutal Periphery should make superior, if savage, warriors. Their feral honor those vaunted SLDF warriors. Rather than subject anyone
time had carved more years on their visages than they had seen, to a Trial of Refusal which the fiery Richelle would surely win, Khan
but rather than marginalize these individuals, Dinour promoted Rood Founded the Winston Bloodname in 3099. Richelle won
them and embraced the glorious mayhem of their style of combat, the first Bloodname in handy fashion and was later instrumental
even though their berserker attacks went against Hellion Galaxy’s in loosening the restrictions on Bloodnames to include freeborn
mobile combat doctrine. warriors of the same lineage. These changes led to the Founding
Dinour shared Khan Rood’s view on ProtoMechs and did not of other new Bloodhouses for the Clan, including those of Castilian
replace the founding Star after it was shattered. Instead, the Keshik extraction and more honoring ELH warriors. She left the Keshik in
relied on the same lighter ’Mechs and tactics as Hellion Galaxy. In 3100 to become Galaxy Commander of Tau Galaxy.
3104, he transformed the Keshik to a Supernova Trinary. Dinour Special Pilot Abilities: Speed Demon (see p. 99, AS:CE, or p. 80,
was killed in a low-altitude training drop in 3106 when his jump CO) and Sure-Footed (see p. 100, AS:CE).
jets failed. His braking maneuver and dismount order saved his
Elementals. Ever since, the Point that mounts the saKhan’s ’Mech is
painted all-black. While his tactics survived, over time warriors were
permitted to pilot heavy ’Mechs and even the occasional assault
Special Pilot Abilities: Maneuvering Ace (see p. 97, AS:CE, or p.
77, CO) and Speed Demon (see p. 99, AS:CE, or p. 80, CO).

Rank: Star Captain
Born: 3068 (28 in 3096)
Parvina commanded the founding ProtoMech Star of Hellion
Keshik. The MechWarrior sibko washout had been suffering
neurological issues for years due to degradation of her interface
implants. On Valencia in January 3096, she began tasting metal
while passing through one part of the capital at certain times.
During one such flash, she realized the intensity rose and fell in
pulses. Trial and error allowed her to triangulate the source. She
finally reported the issue and her suspicion. Goliath Scorpion
Watch, backed by a Trinary of Elementals, raided the nondescript
building. Watch spies from the Homeworlds, long a plague in
the Imperio, had been using a frequency that resonated in her
implants. Intel from their headquarters allowed the remaining
Watch cells to be eliminated. This was her final glory, as hers was
among the ProtoMechs destroyed in the botched combat drop
on Graystone later that year. Without her to make a case for a
ProtoMech Star, saKhan Dinour never considered rebuilding the
unit for the Keshik.

Hellion Keshik
RAPHAEL CASTILLO win easily, but Barclay’s Fire Moth ran circles around his opponent’s
Rank: MechWarrior (3096)/Star Captain (3105)/Star Colonel (3114) Hellion. Though he is a Star Commander, he serves as merely the
Born: 3063 (33 in 3096) executive officer for Charlie Star’s commander, a sobering reminder
MechWarrior Raphael was the lone native Castilian, a freeborn of the quality of warriors in the Keshik.
no less, to succeed in the Trial of Position for the Keshik. Few
warriors would ever serve in the Keshik for as long as Raphael. His TURO VARELA
exemplary performance in every combat action led to his former Rank: MechWarrior
surname Castillo being Founded as a Bloodname for the Clan, Born: 3112 (28 in 3140)
with him the first to bear it. He took over Baker Star in 3105, and in Turo is a freeborn warrior whose sibko contained more than
3114 he became deputy commander of the Keshik under saKhan a dozen notable warriors. One of his uncles, Jorge, outlasted
Arbuthnot. When Castillo was severely wounded in a raid against Hansa raiders on a colony world that was later named Holdout
the Hanseatic League in 3118, Khan Kirov rewarded his peerless and in honor of the defenders’ refusal to submit. So great was Jorge’s
dedicated service. ReKhan Castillo administered his birth world of performance that Khan Scott Founded his former civilian surname
Aragon until his death in 3135 in a pirate attack. The 72-year old as a Bloodname for the Clan. Turo is one of many freeborns to hold
Castillo sallied forth in his Cazador to fight alongside the solahma the Bloodname, as few Trueborn sibkos have been created. Turo
garrison. The statue Saint Raphael Rampant depicts his battered sees Hellion Keshik as but one rung on the ladder he intends to
’Mech standing atop the Locust he downed before concentrated climb. His sights are set on becoming the first freeborn Khan of Clan
enemy fire destroyed his cockpit. Goliath Scorpion since its founding. He knows his skills are worthy,
and that he must prove himself in combat to earn promotion to
HOMER BABA command rank. He also knows that politics play a major role in
Rank: saKhan attaining high rank, so he always seeks to endear himself to his
Born: 3104 (36 in 3140) superiors. This has led to the impression that he is disingenuous
Homer Baba became saKhan in 3138, just in time to adjust to his and perhaps not to be trusted.
new position before the Hanseatic Crusade. The Baba Bloodname
had long been exclusive to Elementals, but limited genetic supplies BERNITA
post-abjuration led the scientist caste to access a very old strain Rank: Star Commander
to Propagate a parallel lineage for MechWarriors, meaning twice Born: 3110 (30 in 3140)
as many Baba Bloodrights now exist. Baba is noted as the only Bernita is unique in the Keshik, as she is an Elemental bred
member of his sibko to pass his Trial of Position, though most from Castilian genetics. Her lineage has not been honored with
of the others passed a second trial and became vehicle crews in a Bloodhouse, but she aims to change that. Thus, she pushes
PGCs. He claimed his Bloodname only after a truly ferocious Trial of herself and her Star harder than any other in the Keshik. Whenever
Bloodright that left a dozen candidates dead. Baba bears terrible given the opportunity, she aggressively bids to be included in
scars over most of his body, as his cockpit canopy cracked when his any combat operation. She has forsaken socializing and instead
last foe’s flamer blasted it point-blank. While his body caught fire, spends every off-duty moment studying tactics and strategy and
he blew off his enemy’s head with a laser. Medics saved his life, but administration and every other facet of command. She will see
he spent weeks recovering before he could celebrate his victory. the Quiroga surname become a Bloodname or die in the quest to
Surviving that nightmare made Baba completely unflappable in make it so. Her single-minded focus has earned her few friends, but
any situation. she believes she does not need friends. She only needs enemies
Special Pilot Abilities: Fist Fire (see p. 96, AS:CE, or p. 75, CO) and to rend that she might prove her genetic worth to the Khan. Some
Iron Will (see p. 97, AS:CE, or p. 76, CO). warriors in her Star have voiced concern about the dangerous risks
she takes in battle, seeking glory perhaps at the cost of their lives.
SALVO BARCLAY She is deaf to such talk, however, which could result in fratricide
Rank: Star Commander for the greater good.
Born: 3115 (25 in 3140)
Salvo was born to an Eridani Light Horse lineage sibko. They were VALENTINA TAZEGÜL
the first such sibko after the Founding of ELH-related Bloodhouses. Rank: saKhan
He won his Bloodname in November 3139 after the prior holder Born: 3126 (25 in 3151)
was killed on Bergen as part of a Seeker team. That event not only Valentina Tazegül’s election to saKhan followed tradition in
led to his nomination for the Trial of Bloodright, but also sparked regards to her age and accomplishments. The ristar’s particular
the Hanseatic Crusade. His deft elimination of the other candidates, combination of fighting skill, political acumen, and administrative
in a trial notable for zero deaths, caught saKhan Homer Baba’s ability was recognized early and rewarded. She was born to a
attention. He requested Barclay issue a challenge to one of the Tazegül sibko, a rare bloodline that had not been widely used in
Keshik’s warriors for his position. The aging Trueborn thought to over a century. The Clan’s scientists began utilizing such archived

Hellion Keshik
DNA samples early in the century to increase the Clan’s genetic ARABELLE SWORD
diversity. She is one of only a handful to bear the Bloodname, Rank: Star Colonel
given this rarity. Young Valentina took these facts as a challenge Born: 3128 (23 in 3151)
to excel, and she did exactly that. As a recent entry to the warrior Arabelle “Broad” Sword commands the Keshik’s Elementals. Like
caste, teenage Valentina claimed four kills from RDF 4 in the Battle the saKhan, her sibko was bred using samples of archived DNA that
of Bremen. She was among the few of Tau Galaxy to survive the had long been dormant in the Clan’s breeding program. As such,
city’s destruction. She was elected saKhan in December 3150, after her sub-two-meter stature is reduced compared to more developed
Homer Baba retired to the merchant caste. She was badly wounded Elemental bloodlines, but her fury suffers no such handicap. She
in the trial in the Chaine Cluster and has yet to wake from her smashed and bashed her way through her Trial of Position and
coma. Rumors persist that her position might go to her deputy, raged that she was unable to join the Hanseatic Crusade. Her
Rudolf Schmidt, partly to pacify the restive elements in the former determination not to miss the next war drove her to excel. Arabelle
Hanseatic League. did not react well to Rudolf Schmidt taking the executive role for
the Keshik over her, but Schmidt defeated her handily in her Trial of
RUDOLF SCHMIDT Grievance. She hates the freeborn Hansa and often wishes she had
Rank: Star Colonel been in the Battle of Bremen that she might have slain him so he
Born: 3100 (51 in 3151) could not now outrank her.
“Old Man” Rudolf was formerly the second (and last) Captain-
Marshal of the Hanseatic Defense Force. He was made a bondsman CALHOON
after ordering the surrender following the Merchant Council’s Rank: MechWarrior
futile suicide on Bremen. Khan Magon Scott Founded the Schmidt Born: 3130 (21 in 3151)
Bloodname in 3145, a much shorter time than it took to do the Calhoon is a freeborn Hansa warrior from one of the first Hansa
same for worthy Castilian and Umayyad warriors. Scott did this to sibkos. As a child of serfs, he was accustomed to obedience of
avert the long periods of insurgency that plagued the early Imperio. authority, and hard labor was already an old companion to the
This effort was mostly successful, though Schmidt tired of being ten-year-old. The opportunity to fight for one’s own land was a
paraded around to give speeches. He had always been a soldier new concept to those laboring under institutional servitude,
and wished to be one again. He won a Trial of Position and became and the “serf sibkos” were among the best of those created post-
a Star Commander in Alpha Galaxy before rising to Star Colonel Crusade. Khan Scott speculated that eliminating slavery in the
and executive officer of the new Eta Galaxy. When the Keshik former League might decrease the quality of Hansa freeborn
sought worthy challengers to fill several vacancies in 3149, Schmidt sibkos, but the massive pool for the laborer caste proved a boon to
became the oldest new member in the Keshik’s history. Despite his the rebuilding required after the war. Calhoon’s family celebrated
age, he rates as perhaps the best MechWarrior in the command news of his successful Trial of Position and his later trial for a post
and is the current executive officer to saKhan Valentina Tazegül. As in Hellion Keshik. His triumphs are few as yet but as a freeborn
with Connor Rood’s election to saKhan after the Hellion absorption, ristar the eyes of every liberated serf in the former League watch
it is rumored that Schmidt might be elected to the position partly him closely.
as a political maneuver. With saKhan Tazegül incapacitated, he has
performed her duties exceptionally well. Schmidt’s departure from
Eta Galaxy, home to six Clusters of mostly Hansa freeborn warriors,
impacted morale there significantly.
Special Pilot Abilities: Sniper (see p. 99, AS:CE, or p. 80, CO) and
Tactical Genius (see p. 100, AS:CE, or p. 80, CO).

Hellion Keshik

Personnel Roster
Able Star
saKhan Kulchaak Dinour, Heroic, Ice Ferret B
Star Colonel Leonard Posavatz, Veteran, Stormcrow D
Star Commander Henrietta, Elite, Viper A
Star Commander Selma Myers, Veteran, Mad Dog C
MechWarrior Ronda, Veteran, Kit Fox D

Baker Star
Point Alpha, Star Captain Parvina, Elite, Minotaurs
Point Beta, Star Commander Evan, Veteran, Minotaur 4s
Point Gamma, Point Commander Soren, Veteran, Tritons
Point Delta, Point Commander Kendra, Regular, Triton 2s
Point Epsilon, Point Commander Mykelangelo, Regular, Minotaurs

Charlie Star
Star Captain Brody, Veteran, Hellion Prime
Star Commander Nancy, Elite, Hellion B
MechWarrior Barney, Veteran, Hellion Prime
MechWarrior Lawrence, Veteran, Hellion F
MechWarrior Raphael, Elite, Hellion A



Hellion Keshik

Personnel Roster
Able Nova Charlie Nova
saKhan Homer Baba, Legendary, Timber Wolf A Star Captain Sophia Demos, Heroic, Kit Fox A
Star Colonel Jayne Wagner, Veteran, Mad Dog A Star Commander Salvo Barclay, Veteran, Hellion Prime
MechWarrior Lana, Veteran, Summoner E MechWarrior Marlon, Veteran, Ice Ferret D
MechWarrior Waldo, Regular, Hellbringer C MechWarrior Dean, Regular, Adder I
MechWarrior Jonny Brinker, Elite, Warhawk C MechWarrior Raquel Linghui, Elite, Snow Fox (Omni) A
Star Colonel Maressa Shaffer, Elite, Elemental (Laser) Star Captain Grace, Legendary, Elemental (Laser)
Star Captain Nelson, Veteran, Gnome Star Commander Pam Collesano, Veteran, Elemental (Laser)
Star Commander Philena, Regular, Elemental (Laser) Star Commander Ava Shaffer, Elite, Gnome
Point Commander Terrence, Regular, Corona Point Commander Gary Zuric, Veteran, Undine (Upgrade)
Point Commander Lucille, Veteran, Afreet Point Commander Rona, Veteran, Afreet

Baker Nova
Star Captain Ranger Madsen, Elite, Nova D
Star Commander Bernita, Veteran, Pouncer Prime
MechWarrior Turo Varela, Veteran, Hellbringer C
MechWarrior Kalina, Elite, Phantom C
MechWarrior Geronimo Pakhalina, Regular, Battle Cobra A
Star Captain Kintyre, Elite, Elemental (Laser)
Star Commander Clark Hardo, Veteran, Gnome
Point Commander Errol, Veteran, Elemental (Laser)
Point Commander Brenda Shaffer, Regular, Elemental (Laser)
Point Commander Brigitte, Veteran, Undine (Upgrade)



Hellion Keshik

Personnel Roster
Able Nova Charlie Nova
saKhan Valentina Tazegül, Elite, Kingfisher C / Nova H Star Captain Donatello, Veteran, Hellion B
Star Colonel Rudolf Schmidt, Heroic, Awesome C / Adder E Star Commander Joyce, Regular, Fire Moth B
MechWarrior Mark Amis, Veteran, Mad Dog Prime / Kit Fox H MechWarrior Klara, Veteran, Hellion B
MechWarrior Raymond, Elite, Stormcrow C / Hellion B MechWarrior Marina Forster, Elite, Hellion D
MechWarrior Dana, Veteran, MechWarrior Urwin, Veteran, Snow Fox (Omni) A
Summoner G / Snow Fox (Omni) Prime Star Captain Oscarina, Veteran, Elemental (Laser)
Star Colonel Arabelle Sword, Veteran, Elemental (Laser) Star Commander Sven, Elite, Purifier Adaptive (Laser)
Star Captain Janine, Regular, Achileus (Laser) Star Commander Yvo, Veteran, Elemental (Laser)
Point Commander Egon, Elite, Purifier Adaptive (Laser) Point Commander Heinrich Solheim, Regular,
Point Commander Valanda Baba, Elite, Infiltrator Mk II (Magnetic)
Infiltrator Mk II (Magnetic) Point Commander Ivana, Elite, Elemental (Laser)
Point Commander Winston, Regular, Longinus (Magnetic)

Baker Nova
Star Colonel Heidi Vogel, Veteran, Nova S / Hellion C
Star Captain Yosef Zorlu, Elite, Ebon Jaguar A / Kit Fox G
Star Commander Juanita Noye, Elite, Stormcrow C / Hellion D
MechWarrior Steve, Regular, Ice Ferret E / Mist Lynx H
MechWarrior Calhoon, Regular, Nova Prime / Hellion B
Star Captain Klaus Meier, Elite, Gnome
Star Commander Joanne, Veteran, Undine (Upgrade)
Point Commander Kane, Elite, Elemental (Laser)
Point Commander Stephanie, Elite, Afreet
Point Commander Athelred, Veteran, Infiltrator Mk II (Magnetic)



Hellion Keshik

First Dance, Last Rites

Recommended Terrain: Wilderness, Grasslands
If using mapsheets, Defender and Attacker alternate placing mapsheets with their
long edges touching. Attacker chooses a home edge. Defender’s home edge is the
opposite edge. Attacker and Defender must identify commanders of every Lance/Star.

Recommended Forces: Pirates
Attacker places units at least 12 hexes (24”) from Attacker’s home edge before Turn
1. Attacker is a medium ’Mech company. Attacker’s units may be determined using
any Periphery RAT. Attacker is 3 lances (one each of heavy, medium, and light) of 4
’Mechs each. The heavy lance commander pilots an Awesome (the only Assault ’Mech in
Attacker’s force), and the medium lance commander pilots a Thunderbolt. (Variants may
be chosen from the RAT.) Attacker applies 3D6 damage to the front and 1D6 damage Hellion Keshik’s first training op
to the rear of every unit before Turn 1. Do not roll critical hits. Every limb has at least 1 was interrupted when pirates ar-
internal structure point; use Damage Transfer for additional damage to those locations. rived to raid the new colony. No one
ever said elite warriors would have
Defender it easy. As one, the warriors turned
Recommended Forces: Hellion Keshik (3096) and sprinted for their DropShip.
Defender enters the map on Turn 1 via combat drop (see Special Rules) prior to the
Movement Phase.
Settlement Alpha-2
WARCHEST Graystone, Escorpión Imperio
Track Cost: 400
25 April 3096
Optional Bonuses
Hellion Keshik watched the
+300 Faulty Preparations. Reduce all ammunition bays to half capacity. Roll 2D6 for
DropShip drive flares heading
each non-ammunition weapon; on a 9+, the weapon is nonfunctional until Turn 1D6.
toward the undefended colonists.
(AS: Roll 2D6 for each unit; on a 10+ it begins play with a Weapons Critical Hit. Units with
No one hesitated. They had to
ART-, AC, BOMB, LRM, or SRM add +2 to the roll.)
defend their civilians.
+200 No Cover. Convert all Woods hexes to Level 1 Foliage (see p. 34, TO:AR) or Mud
(see p. 48, TO:AR, or p. 60, AS:CE).

Thou Shall Not Pass. Attacker must exit units via Defender’s home edge; Defender
must prevent this. [50/unit]
Turnabout Intruders. Defender must destroy/cripple/force withdrawal of half or
more of Attacker’s units before Turn 10; Attacker must prevent this. [800]

The following rules are in effect for this track:

Combat Drop
The unfamiliarity Hellion Keshik’s warriors had with one another led to a botched
combat drop (see p. 79, BMM). To reflect this, Attacker chooses landing zones for each
Star of the Keshik. Able Star must land between Attacker and Attacker’s home edge,

Hellion Keshik
Charlie Star between Attacker and Defender’s home edge, and AFTERMATH
Baker Star within 2 hexes (4”) of the middle of Attacker’s starting SaKhan Dinour snatched victory from the jaws of defeat by
positions. Defender uses the landing zone and adjacent hexes initiating a Flurry Attack against the dezgra pirate leader. His
as the target for the dropping units. All Piloting Skill Rolls for back-pedaling warriors rallied to this trust in them and began
landing are made with a +6 modifier; failed landing rolls cause downing enemies with their own such attacks. The pirates fled
double the normal damage; units scatter toward the center of after half their ’Mechs went down. The Keshik was victorious,
the playing area by 1D6 hexes regardless of the Margin of Failure but the lackluster performance drove the saKhan to train
(i.e., no units will scatter off the map). them and the whole of Hellion Galaxy relentlessly. The losses
to the ProtoMech Star were devastating, ending the time
Flurry Attack of ProtoMechs in the Keshik. Soon, they would be extinct
Hellion Keshik is not required to observe zellbrigen against throughout the Imperio.
pirates. Prior to the start of play, Defender secretly rolls 1D6+1; in
Turn 1D6+1, saKhan Dinour (if his unit is still active) may declare
a Flurry Attack on Attacker’s heaviest unit (see Unit Description,
p. 4). In all subsequent turns, Defender gains +3 to Initiative.

Forced Withdrawal
Both Attacker and Defender operate under Forced Withdrawal
(see p. 126, AS:CE, or p. 81, BMM).

Hellion Keshik

The Sea Fox Two-Step

Recommended Terrain: Arctic, Flatlands (Hamburg); Grasslands (Corell)
If using mapsheets, Defender arranges three mapsheets with their long edges
touching. Attacker chooses a home edge. Defender’s home edge is the opposite
edge. On Hamburg: All water hexes are considered Ice (see p. 48, TO:AR), paved
hexes are subject to Black Ice (see p. 38, TO:AR), and all other hexes are covered
in Deep Snow (see p. 39, TO:AR).

Recommended Forces: Hamburg: Trinary Alpha, Delta Aimag, Tiburon Khanate; Clan Sea Fox journeyed
Corell: Hellion Keshik (3151) to Hamburg in search of
Hamburg: Attacker deploys within 3 hexes (6”) of home edge prior to Turn 1. specifications for rumored new units
Attacker is a heavy OmniMech Trinary. being manufactured in the Scorpion
Corell: Attacker enters via combat drop (see p. 79, BMM) at a rate of one Nova Empire. Their batchall was accepted and
arriving per Turn starting on Turn 1. MechWarriors in Able and Baker Nova must they landed a Trinary to fight the trial. But
use their heavier weight ’Mechs. Hellion Keshik engaged in Flurry Attacks in
keeping with zellbrigen and the Sea Fox
Defender force was defeated. They were granted
Recommended Forces: Hamburg: Hellion Keshik (3151); Corell: Trinary Alpha, hegira and returned to the Chaine Cluster,
Delta Aimag, Tiburon Khanate only to be challenged anew by the Keshik.
Hamburg: Defender enters via combat drop (see p. 79, BMM) at a rate of one This time, ovKhan Lester Kalasa insisted on
Nova arriving per Turn starting on Turn 1. MechWarriors in Able and Baker Nova pure zellbrigen, and was surprised when
must use their lighter weight ’Mechs. the Keshik’s warriors attacked not in light
Corell: Defender may deploy anywhere on the map prior to Turn 1; units may ’Mechs but heavies and assaults.
be placed as Hidden Units (see p. 168, AS:CE, or p. 82, BMM). Defender is a heavy
OmniMech Trinary. SITUATION
Horvath Flatlands Camp Beta
WARCHEST Hamburg Corell
Scorpion Empire Chaine Cluster
Track Cost: Hamburg: 500/Corell: 500 12 March 3151 15 July 3151
Optional Bonuses
+400 Blizzard (Hamburg). Use Ice Storm rules (see p. 58, TO:AR, or p. 58, OvKhan Lester Kalasa of Clan Sea Fox’s
AS:CE). Tiburon Khanate’s visit to Hamburg was
+300 Clan Pride (Corell). No unit may choose to withdraw from the battlefield about acquiring technical data on the
(Forced Withdrawal is not in effect). Empire’s new combat units rather than
+300 Commanders. If either side’s commander unit is destroyed, that side trade. Observing Hellion Keshik from
must apply a –2 modifier to all subsequent Initiative rolls. orbit, he challenged them to a Trial of
Possession for the information he sought,
OBJECTIVES only to find their skill and tactics superior
Outfox Them (Hamburg). Win more duels than opponent while holding to to his force’s greater mass. The rematch
(faction’s version of ) zellbrigen (see p. 273, TW). [800] on Corell in the Chaine Cluster should
No More Tricks (Corell). Win more duels than opponent while holding to have allowed him a measure of revenge,
Level 1 Honor Rules (see p. 273, TW). [1200] but the Keshik surprised him by using
heavier units than on Hamburg.

Hellion Keshik

SPECIAL RULES Forced Withdrawal (Hamburg)

The following rules are in effect for this track: Both Attacker and Defender operate under Forced Withdrawal
(see p. 126, AS:CE, or p. 81, BMM).
Sly as a (Sea) Fox
As the strongest of the Sea Fox Clan’s Khanates, Tiburon AFTERMATH
receives a +1 roll modifier when randomly generating the OvKhan Lester Kalasa was disgraced by his lackluster
weight classes of its units or Star-sized formations. In any per formance, which hinged on underestimating the
scenario where elements of Tiburon take part, one Star out of cleverness of Hellion Keshik’s commander. Twice. He lost a Trial
every three Stars’ worth of Tiburon Khanate units may receive of Grievance attempting to retain his rank and was sent to a
the Sharp Shooters special command ability (see p. 107, AS:CE, solahma unit.
or p. 86, CO).

Both Attacker and Defender must identify the ’Mechs of the
Trinary commander and each Star’s commander.

Hellion Keshik


3096: Berserkers (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 83, CO), Flankers (see p. 105, AS:CE), and Hit and Run (see p. 106, AS:CE, or p. 85, CO).
3140: Combat Drop Specialists (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), Enemy Specialization (Hanseatic League; see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), and Hit and Run.
3151: Combat Drop Specialists (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), Esprit de Corps (see p. 104, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), and Speed Fire (see p. 107, AS:CE or p. 83, CO).


Formation Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Tactics Morale Skill PV Formation Specials
Hellion Keshik (3096) BM 1 7 1 7 3 1 5 2 157 OMNI15

Units Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Arm S M L Skill PV Unit Specials
Able Star BM 2 7 1 — 3 13 5 5 3 2 60 IF1, OMNI5
Baker Star PM 1 4 2 — 2 8 7 6 1 3 29 IF1, OMNI5
Charlie Star BM 1 9 0 — 3 11 7 7 2 2 68 IF1, OMNI5, PRB, RCN

Formation Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Tactics Morale Skill PV Formation Specials
Hellion Keshik (3140) MX 2 5 1 6 2 4 6 3 285 CAR75, FLK, MEC, OMNI15

Units Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Arm S M L Skill PV Unit Specials
Able Star BM 3 5 1 — 2 18 10 10 5 2 80 FLK1/-, OMNI5
Able Nova BA 1 3 1 — 2 6 5 3 0 3 27 CAR25, MEC
Baker Star BM 2 6 1 — 2 13 7 7 3 3 61 FLK1/-, OMNI5
Baker Nova BA 1 3 1 — 2 6 5 2 0 3 30 CAR25, MEC
Charlie Star BM 1 8 0 — 3 10 7 6 1 2 58 IF1, OMNI5, RCN
Charlie Nova BA 1 3 2 — 2 6 4 2 0 2 29 CAR25, MEC

Formation Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Tactics Morale Skill PV Formation Specials
Hellion Keshik (3151-A) MX 1 5 1 7 2 3 5 2 294 CAR75, ECM, MEC55, OMNI14, XMEC20

Units Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Arm S M L Skill PV Unit Specials
Able Star BM 3 5 1 — 2 20 9 9 6 2 86 IF1, OMNI4
Able Nova BA 1 3 2 — 2 6 5 1 0 3 26 CAR25, ECM, MEC15, PAR, XMEC10
Baker Star BM 2 6 1 — 2 15 9 8 2 3 68 OMNI5, PRB
Baker Nova BA 1 3 2 — 2 6 4 2 0 2 29 CAR25, ECM, MEC20, PAR, XMEC5
Charlie Star BM 1 10 0 — 4 9 6 5 1 2 54 ECM, IF1, OMNI5, RCN
Charlie Nova BA 1 3 2 — 2 6 5 2 0 2 31 CAR25, ECM, MEC20, PAR, XMEC5

Formation Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Tactics Morale Skill PV Formation Specials
Hellion Keshik (3151-B) MX 1 6 1 8 2 2 5 2 260 CAR75, ECM, MEC55, OMNI15, RCN, XMECH20

Units Type Size Move JUMP T. Move TMM Arm S M L Skill PV Unit Specials
Able Star BM 1 7 1 — 3 11 9 8 1 2 60 ECM, OMNI5, PRB
Able Nova BA 1 3 2 — 2 6 5 1 0 3 26 CAR25, ECM, MEC15, PAR, XMEC10
Baker Star BM 1 8 1 — 3 10 7 6 2 3 60 IF1, OMNI, PRB, RCN
Baker Nova BA 1 3 2 — 2 6 4 2 0 2 29 CAR25, ECM, MEC20, PAR, XMEC5
Charlie Star BM 1 10 0 — 4 9 6 5 1 2 54 ECM, IF1, OMNI5, RCN
Charlie Nova BA 1 3 2 — 2 6 5 2 0 2 31 CAR25, ECM, MEC20, PAR, XMEC5


Combat Team Type Size Move T. Move TMM Arm S M L Tactics Morale Skill PV Specials
Hellion Keshik (3096) BM 1 7 7 3 11 6 6 2 1 5 2 52 OMNI15
Hellion Keshik (3140) MX 2 5 6 2 20 13 10 3 4 6 3 95 CAR75, FLK, MEC, OMNI15
CAR75, ECM, MEC55, OMNI14,
Hellion Keshik (3151-A) MX 1 5 7 2 21 13 9 3 3 5 2 98
CAR75, ECM, MEC55,
Hellion Keshik (3151-B) MX 1 6 8 2 16 12 8 2 2 5 2 87

hellion keshik (3096)
able star
Special Command Abilities: Berserkers (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 83, CO), Flankers (see p. 105, AS:CE), and Hit and Run (see p. 106, AS:CE,
or p. 85, CO)
Kulchaak Dinour (Ice Ferret) Special Pilot Abilities: Maneuvering Ace (p. 97, AS:CE) and Speed Demon (p. 99, AS:CE).
BV: 8,347 (Not adjusted for Skill Ratings)
PV: 241 (Adjusted for Skill Ratings)
hellion keshik (3096)
baker star
Special Command Abilities: Berserkers (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 83, CO), Flankers (see p. 105, AS:CE), and Hit and Run (see p. 106, AS:CE,
or p. 85, CO)
BV: 7,980 (Not adjusted for Skill Ratings)
PV: 301 (Adjusted for Skill Ratings)
hellion keshik (3096)
charlie star
Special Command Abilities: Berserkers (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 83, CO), Flankers (see p. 105, AS:CE), and Hit and Run (see p. 106, AS:CE,
or p. 85, CO)
BV: 8,452 (Not adjusted for Skill Ratings)
PV: 261 (Adjusted for Skill Ratings)
hellion keshik (3140)
able nova
Special Command Abilities: Combat Drop Specialists (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), Enemy Specialization (Hanseatic League; see p.
103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), and Hit and Run
Homer Baba (Timber Wolf) Special Pilot Abilities: Fist Fire (p. 96, AS:CE) and Iron Will (p. 97, AS:CE).
BV: 12,463 (Not adjusted for Skill Ratings)
PV: 327 (Adjusted for Skill Ratings)
hellion keshik (3140)
able nova (continued)
Special Command Abilities: Combat Drop Specialists (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), Enemy Specialization (Hanseatic League; see p.
103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), and Hit and Run
BV: 2,433 (Not adjusted for Skill Ratings)
PV: 96 (Adjusted for Skill Ratings)
hellion keshik (3140)
baker nova
Special Command Abilities: Combat Drop Specialists (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), Enemy Specialization (Hanseatic League; see p.
103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), and Hit and Run
BV: 9,139 (Not adjusted for Skill Ratings)
PV: 230 (Adjusted for Skill Ratings)
hellion keshik (3140)
Baker nova (continued)
Special Command Abilities: Combat Drop Specialists (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), Enemy Specialization (Hanseatic League; see p.
103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), and Hit and Run
BV: 2,373 (Not adjusted for Skill Ratings)
PV: 109 (Adjusted for Skill Ratings)
hellion keshik (3140)
charlie nova
Special Command Abilities: Combat Drop Specialists (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), Enemy Specialization (Hanseatic League; see p.
103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), and Hit and Run
BV: 7,242 (Not adjusted for Skill Ratings)
PV: 216 (Adjusted for Skill Ratings)
hellion keshik (3140)
charlie nova (continued)
Special Command Abilities: Combat Drop Specialists (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), Enemy Specialization (Hanseatic League; see p.
103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), and Hit and Run
BV: 2,218 (Not adjusted for Skill Ratings)
PV: 110 (Adjusted for Skill Ratings)
hellion keshik (3151)
able nova (option 1)
Special Command Abilities: Combat Drop Specialists (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), Esprit de Corps (see p. 104, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), and
Speed Fire (see p. 107, AS:CE or p. 83, CO)
Rudolf Schmidt (Awesome) Special Pilot Abilities: Sniper (p. 90, AS:CE) and Tactical Genius (p. 100, AS:CE).
BV: 12,065 (Not adjusted for Skill Ratings)
PV: 311 (Adjusted for Skill Ratings)
hellion keshik (3151)
able nova (option 2)
Special Command Abilities: Combat Drop Specialists (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), Esprit de Corps (see p. 104, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), and
Speed Fire (see p. 107, AS:CE or p. 83, CO)
BV: 7,242 (Not adjusted for Skill Ratings)
PV: 245 (Adjusted for Skill Ratings)
hellion keshik (3151)
able nova (continued)
Special Command Abilities: Combat Drop Specialists (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), Enemy Specialization (Hanseatic League; see p.
103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), and Hit and Run
Richelle Winston (Longinus) Special Pilot Abilities: Speed Demon (p. 99, AS:CE) and Sure-Footed (p. 100, AS:CE).
BV: 1,769 (Not adjusted for Skill Ratings)
PV: 97 (Adjusted for Skill Ratings)
hellion keshik (3151)
baker nova (option 1)
Special Command Abilities: Combat Drop Specialists (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), Esprit de Corps (see p. 104, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), and
Speed Fire (see p. 107, AS:CE or p. 83, CO)
BV: 10,512 (Not adjusted for Skill Ratings)
PV: 246 (Adjusted for Skill Ratings)
hellion keshik (3151)
baker nova (option 2)
Special Command Abilities: Combat Drop Specialists (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), Esprit de Corps (see p. 104, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), and
Speed Fire (see p. 107, AS:CE or p. 83, CO)
BV: 7,775 (Not adjusted for Skill Ratings)
PV: 217 (Adjusted for Skill Ratings)
hellion keshik (3151)
baker nova (continued)
Special Command Abilities: Combat Drop Specialists (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), Enemy Specialization (Hanseatic League; see p.
103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), and Hit and Run
BV: 2,117 (Not adjusted for Skill Ratings)
PV: 113 (Adjusted for Skill Ratings)
hellion keshik (3151)
charlie nova
Special Command Abilities: Combat Drop Specialists (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), Esprit de Corps (see p. 104, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), and
Speed Fire (see p. 107, AS:CE or p. 83, CO)
BV: 7,427 (Not adjusted for Skill Ratings)
PV: 199 (Adjusted for Skill Ratings)
hellion keshik (3151)
charlie nova (continued)
Special Command Abilities: Combat Drop Specialists (see p. 103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), Enemy Specialization (Hanseatic League; see p.
103, AS:CE, or p. 84, CO), and Hit and Run
BV: 2,049 (Not adjusted for Skill Ratings)
PV: 117 (Adjusted for Skill Ratings)
Head ( 9 )
Left Torso Right Torso
( 24 ) ( 24 )


Type: Awesome C Name:
Movement Points: Tonnage: 80
Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill:
Walking: 3 Tech Base: Clan
Running: 5 Rules Level: Standard Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6
Jumping: 0 Role: Sniper Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead

Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)

Qty Type Loc Ht Dmg Min Sht Med Lng
1 ER PPC LA 15 15 [DE] — 7 14 23
1 ER PPC RT 15 15 [DE] — 7 14 23
1 ER PPC RA 15 15 [DE] — 7 14 23 Left Arm Torso Right Arm
1 ER PPC LT 15 15 [DE] — 7 14 23 ( 26 ) ( 31 ) ( 26 )

Left Right
Leg Center Leg
( 34 ) Torso ( 34 )
( 19 )

Left R ght
Torso Rear Torso Rear
( 10 ) ( 10 )

BV: 2,737


Head Left Torso ( 17 ) Right Torso ( 17 ) Overflow
Left Arm 1. Life Support Right Arm
1. Shoulder 2. Sensors 1. Shoulder
2. Upper Arm Actuator 3. Cockpit 2. Upper Arm Actuator 30*
3. Lower Arm Actuator 4. Roll Again 3. Lower Arm Actuator
1-3 4. Double Heat Sink 5. Sensors 1-3 4. Double Heat Sink
5. Double Heat Sink 6. Life Support 5. Double Heat Sink 28*
6. Double Heat Sink 6. Double Heat Sink Left Right 27
Arm Arm 26*
1. Double Heat Sink Center Torso 1. Double Heat Sink
( 13 ) ( 13 )
2. Double Heat Sink 1. Fusion Engine 2. Double Heat Sink 25*
3. Double Heat Sink 2. Fusion Engine 3. Double Heat Sink Center 24*
4-6 4. ER PPC 3. Fusion Engine
4-6 4. ER PPC Torso
5. ER PPC 1-3 4. Gyro 5. ER PPC ( 25 )
6. Endo-Composite 6. Endo-Composite 22*
5. Gyro Left Right
6. Gyro 21
Leg Leg
( 17 ) ( 17 ) 20*
1. Gyro
Left Torso 2. Fusion Engine Right Torso 19*
1. Double Heat Sink 3. Fusion Engine 1. Double Heat Sink 18*
2. Double Heat Sink 4-6 4. Fusion Engine 2. Double Heat Sink 17*
3. Double Heat Sink 3. Double Heat Sink
1-3 4. Double Heat Sink
1-3 4. Double Heat Sink
Double Heat Sinks: 15*
5. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink Heat
27 (54)
6. Double Heat Sink Engine Hits 6. Double Heat Sink Level* Effects 14*
Gyro Hits 30 Shutdown 13*
1. Double Heat Sink 1. Double Heat Sink
Sensor Hits 28 Ammo Exp, avoid on 8+
2. Double Heat Sink 2. Double Heat Sink
26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 12
3. Double Heat Sink Life Support 3. Double Heat Sink 11
4-6 4-6 25 -5 Movement Points
4. Double Heat Sink 4. Double Heat Sink
24 +4 Modifier to Fire 10*
23 Ammo Exp, avoid on 6+
6. ER PPC 6. ER PPC 9
22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+
20 -4 Movement Points 8*
19 Ammo Exp, avoid on 4+ 7
Left Leg Right Leg 18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+ 6
1. Hip 1. Hip 17 +3 Modifier to Fire
2. Upper Leg Actuator 2. Upper Leg Actuator 15 -3 Movement Points
14 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 4
3. Lower Leg Actuator 3. Lower Leg Actuator
13 +2 Modifier to Fire 3
4. Foot Actuator 4. Foot Actuator
5. Double Heat Sink 5. Double Heat Sink 10 -2 Movement Points 2
Damage Transfer
6. Double Heat Sink 6. Double Heat Sink 8 +1 Modifier to Fire
Diagram 1
5 -1 Movement Points

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