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Modish Public School

Periodic Assessment 2024-25

Grade VII
Subject: Science
MM: 40 Marks
Duration: 1hrs 30 Mins
1. This paper consists of six Sections.
a. Section A: Multiple choice questions – 5 x1 = 5 Marks
b. Section B: Fill in the Blanks – 5 x1 = 5 Marks
c. Section C: True False – 5 x1 = 5 Marks
d. Section D: Matching Questions – 1 x 5= 5 Marks
e. Section E: Short Questions – 5 x2 =10 Marks
f. Section F: Long Questions – 2x5 =10 Marks
2. Answer all questions.
3. Do not Write anything on Question Paper
4. All Answers must be correctly numbers as mentioned in Question paper and written in the Answer sheet

Section A
Multiple choice questions – 5 x1 = 5 Marks
1. Lead leave absorb carbon dioxide from the air through.
a. Stomata c. Stem
b. Root hair d. Veins
2. The mode of nutrition in lichen is autotrophic saprophytic parasitic.
a. Autotrophic c. Saprophytic
b. Saprophytic d. Parasitic
3. Cuscuta is an example of
a. autotroph c. saprotrophs
b. parasites d. host
4. Dark coloured clothes are preferred in winter because they
a. absorb more heat. c. automatically keep us warm
b. reflect more heat. d. all of these
5. Land breeze and feel breeze are caused due to
a. convection of heat c. reflection of heat
b. conduction of heat d. radiation of heat

Section B
Fill in the Blanks – 5 x1 = 5 Marks

6. Green plants are called ________________________ since they synthesise their own food.
7. The bacteria ________________________ in the soil help to provide nitrogen to the plants.
8. The hotness of an object is determined by its ________________________.
9. Wastewater released by houses is called ________________________.
10. White bodies ________________________ more heat.

Section C
True False – 5 x1 = 5 Marks

11. Carbon dioxide is released new in photosynthesis.

12. The small pores present on the lower surface of leaf are called stomata.
13. A clinical thermometer can be used to measure the temperature of hot tea.
14. Heat always flows from higher temperature to lower temperature.
15. The final product of photosynthesis are glucose and water.

Section D
Matching Questions – 1 x 5= 5 Marks
16. Match the following from Column I to Column II
Column I Column II
1. chlorophyll a. insectivorous plant
2. pitcher plant b. autotrophic nutrition
3. conduction c. shining surface
4. heat reflector d. Solids
5. Rhizobium e. Symbiotic

Section E
Short Questions – 5 x2 =10 Marks
17. How do leguminous plant help to replenish nitrogen?
18. Write the difference between clinical and laboratory thermometer.
19. Mentioned two uses of good conductor of heat.
20. Distinguish between a parasite and a saprotroph.
21. What do you understand by chlorination?

Section F
Long Questions – 2x5 =10 Marks
22. What are conductors and insulator of heat? Give two examples of each.
23. Describe the role of leaves in photosynthesis. What are the different types of sewerage.


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