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Global-issue builder

Make a copy of this doc and put your name on it. Answer the following questions to build
your global issue for the Individual Oral.

1. By now you have read seven literary works. What is one literary work that you
would like to explore for your individual oral?
a. Please note that you must choose one translated literary work in addition to
an English-language work. Translated works include Persepolis, A Doll’s
House, and The Lying Life of Adults.

The Truth About Stories

2. What was one of the themes or topics of this work that interested you? In other
words, what was it about? Write a few keywords.

Example: “Rape, abortion, incest and what it means to be a doctor.”

Intergenerational trauma and it’s lasting effects on the indigenous community.

3. Do you see a similar theme or topic in another literary work that you have explored
in class?
a. Again, remember that you must choose one translated literary work in
addition to an English-language work. Translated works include Persepolis, A
Doll’s House, and The Lying Life of Adults.


4. Why should readers of these two works care about their common theme or topic?
What is significant about this theme or topic in life in general? Why should readers
care about it?

Example: “Abortion is significant because it presents a larger ethical problem on

human rights. Many people think that unborn babies have the right to life, while
others think that women should have the right to choose what they do with their

Understanding the lasting effects of trauma on memory and self identity is

important for others to have understanding of a person

5. Think about a causal relationship that is presented in both works. A causal

relationship states ‘how X leads to/causes Y’. It should be both universal and
(arguably) true.
- “How people use abortion to question power structures in society.”
- “How unrealistic depictions of beauty in the media create low self-esteem in
- “How self-hatred can be the result of discrimination.”
- “How globalisation can cause social strife.”
- “How disinformation creates political unrest.”

How intergenerational and cultural trauma causes a loss in self identity and
struggles with memory.

6. Show your answer from step 5 to your teacher. You may have a global issue. It may
need some fine-tuning. Write your final ‘global issue’ in the box below. You may
change it as you write your outline for your Individual Oral.

What is the impact of intergenerational and cultural trauma on one’s loss of self

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