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rart 1 Multiple Choice Questions 3 CHECK Challenge 54 Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the blank provided. 4. The kind celebrity has _ agreed to help us in our charity camival next Saturday. rena a released by (1)graciously (2) grudgingly (3) lothly (4) gratefully Setimene wees brandi. wave otis some 2. Although Mike spends long hours everyday in the _, he has yet to be ingasstiretorin anger or excite. ‘stung by a bee. ‘conceivable - adj. capable of bei (aviary (2) apiary (8) attic (4) arena imiaedent contend =v engage na seg or 3. Themonthiy___that Mrs Wong receives after her divorce helps to pay for “srmigenes a's atot prolonged her daughters school fees. ‘ep umconciounesn cael pe (allowance (2) pin money (3) alimony —_—_(4) remuneration ‘il by sever inary or ies contemplate - . loo a thought fay 4. The cowboy took out his gun and ___it wildly as he thought the intruder dabble v. take part in an activity in was hiding in the dark. ‘4 casual or superficial way. (1) wielded (2)whacked (3) flaunted —(4) brandished —_Sspleate-. sain an devon an fant - display ostenatouy, 5. What they loved about the project was the they shared with the rest of frolic - v. play or move about in a the team while working on it together. ae (1) chemistry (2) intimacy (3) companionship (4) camaraderie. i te dj proceeding in a 6. Lam not an axpadtinpatiary jst __initin my fea ima fa se wa, ba with a (1) dabble (2) frolic (3) jostle (4) trifle jostle - v. push or bump: 7. Aasording tothe verdit, the aeoused must ___the viotim for the damaget (1) solace (2)remunerate (3) atone (4) requite Tucrative- adj. profile Iudie-adflloffan and igh spits 8 Eventhough the crazy man next doors dead, | am stl haunted by his_ lauahter that keeps replaying in my mind. (1) ruetul (2) risible (3) screwy (4) maniacal. ‘machinate - ¥, arrange by system- 9. Johan i¢ 2__man who gets what he wants by playing upnn wnmen's si hing and wie ft affections. fans = adj. of great impor. (1) manipulative (2) ludic (9) insidious (4) charismatic ey think deeply about a sb Jotersqmtion vers pod fon money - cath fr day-to-day 10. Kimberley is almost perfect in every sense except forthe fact that she has ia money eth et ee ae equite-y.retum a fvour to some- (1) scent (2) odour (fragrance (4) aroma om Fiaible~ aj. such as to provoke 41. Ihave __ the storyline of my next script for an entire month, yet stil er" ====—— nothing Ras hit me. oat nt wy barby (1) machinated (2) explicated (3) mused (4) contemplated solace. comfort or consolation in tie of deves, rile, wet without seiumen, 42. Edison created a___ invention called the light bulb that changed the way reyes. people lv ind. hal nd sea weapon 4) lucrative (2) momentous (3) improbable (4) conceivable '°*'

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