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part 1 Multiple choice Questions Caatlenge 53 ss Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the blank provided. miner illness n extremely wicked 1. The children were ___ in doing their homework and did not pay much attention to what their teacher was saying. ack of respect. i baronial ad imressive in ap- (1)harassed (2) wearied (9) engrossed —_(4) enchanted Bellow - na loud. deep shout or 2. The stand-up comedian is well known for her_of famous politicians. sod (A)distortion (2) illustration (3) mockery (4) mimicry rae malities ofthe bear. 3. Both chief executive officers wll hold a press conference to announce the derby- ito moe ino p= ee dodrama = 2 sae of again (1) merger (2) union (3) fasion (4) acquisition or depression emblematic = serving a vis 4. The brave young man had the __to dety tne mitionatre’s deatn threats, ‘Me mbox xen aback and eloped with his only daughter. rs (1) audacity (2) insolence (3) authenticity (4) atrocity ‘exhor spur on or encourage iy by cheers and shuts + adj extremely hungry 5. MrBenson is a world-renowned ___.. we are confident that he knows how furon - 1. incorpamtes elements. to treat our father’s heart ailment. rynaecology- . branch of mei (1) radiologist (2) gynaecologist (3) cardiologist (4) pathologist ‘ie concerned with the fenton, tnd diseases specific women and ils, 6. The poor woman has a regular job as a clerk, but she stll_as a wait- bute» fre wo move huey ress at a restaurant. x mncormmonionty 7 Inseminate- place seeds in oF 09 (1) deploys (2) accommodates(3) deputises (4) moonlights te wwund. Insolence -, disrespect Iaetate =u (a woman) pene ‘breastmilk for a baby Yo dink {ooith or senseless 7. Mrs Lee has been hustling the maid to polish all the silverware because she is expecting a__guest for dinner that night. (1) emblematic (2) baronial (3) distinguished (4) famished 8 The road to the holy city of Mecca was filed with eager to fulfllthe last of five pillars of Islam. (1) patrons (2) commuters (3) pedestrians (4) pilgrims 9. Being a successful woman, Mrs Tan___her only daughter to be a know! ce be fedgeuble and responsible youny lat. tec a. nsw ton ir moonlight -v, do a second (1)nurtured (2) lactated (3) inseminated (4) exhorted oral ov. te aed i, nurture rear and encourage the 10. Scrooge is a___ man who does not understand the giving and sharing

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