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The Tragedy of Rust

“For days they drifted through the darkness of Swill. The Dregg crew writhing like rats below deck of the oil slick
scab-steamer. Locked in his cabin, Vaine sobbed into ledgers of sale, counting the slow tick tock minutes until the
welcome home of his old town fog came rolling in.

Rattling in the hold, a pompous collection of ingenuity, metal and death belched smoke in legion. Warming their
cold pig iron, wrought iron hulls in the furnace fires of the psychopomp riverboat.”

Bargains of the Pit: Until now, Swill has existed only in

the dying whispers of strange travellers. They fatally wheeze Scab Tank (1 Model)
sorry memories of the abyss, of warring factory warrens and Base Size: 50mm/150mm *
of inventions inconceivable to the turnip mind. Dark clouds
gather over Cist. Mechanically written letters, dropped by Corpulent maggots working as one squabbling
foul birds, call out to the most foolhardy Regiments. “Make organism. The Scab Tank revs into gear.
the perilous descent into the dark, and strike up a contract
with the Factory Cults of Swill”. M A I W V
6” 5 6+ 3 4+
When building your Regiment you may take 1 Scab
Tank as a Follower unit. This Tank must be equipped * Tank Bases: Scab Tanks are unique in that they
with Devastation Shells. do not require bases. To use a tank without a
base, its hull must roughly fit within the basing
A Metal Tomb: If you wish you may weld your Toff limitations above. If a tank does not have a base,
inside a Scab Tank. If you do, replace your Toff with a measure from the tank’s hull instead, ignoring any
Scab Tank. This additional tank counts still counts as a guns, spikes or other small details.
Toff and a Snob, but may no longer give orders.
A Scab Tank can either be equipped with
Devastation Shells or a Death Trap Prototype.

h Devastation Shells (Weapon’s Range: 18”)

The player rolls three shooting attack dice.
Any hits cause 2 wounds to the target unit.
These wounds cannot be prevented by a
Vulnerability roll.

Devastation Shells do not create powder smoke


h Death Trap Prototypes: A tank equipped with

a prototype may choose one of the prototype
weapons from the list on the following page. A
tank may only be equipped with one prototype
weapon and may not switch between them or
devastation shells during the game.

Impenetrable Armour: A tank automatically

passes all vulnerability rolls unless it has 3 panic

Unstable Icon: Scab Tanks have the Unstable Icon

special rule.

Far Worse Horrors: The sights of Swill have

burned themselves forever your minds.

Units you control can only ever have a maximum

of 3 panic tokens each.

The infamous Yarg IV boasted improved fire power, excellent acceleration and unfortunate propensity to suck its crew into
the engine when put in reverse.

Prototype Weapons: Players may either h Coaxel Punch Guns: Terrifying tandem
choose or randomly pick their prototype. machine guns click into motion as filing Scabs
nervously feed targeting instructions via belts of
h Hecatomb Howitzer: Immolation cannisters punch cards.
conduct an orchestra of bubbling flesh as explosions
of fire scourge the foes of the Hecatomb Howitzer. (Weapon’s Range: 18”)

(Weapon’s Range: 18”) Roll 6 shooting attack dice for every panic
token this unit has. Any hits cause 1 wound.
Roll a shooting attack dice for every model These wounds cannot be prevented by a
in the enemy unit. Any hits cause 1 wound. Vulnerability roll.
These wounds cannot be prevented by a
Vulnerability roll. Pollinator Leech Gauntlets: Twisting metal
fingers reach out to inject the warmachine’s prey
For every hit place a flame token within 1” of with virulent propagators. Enemies and Friend alike
the enemy unit, and not within 1” of any other bloom and collapse before their mulchy remains
unit. are harvested into a whirring mouth built into the
centre of the tank.
Flame Tokens: Flame tokens use a 25mm
round base. Flame tokens once placed are The Tank is considered to be equipped with
treated as Dangerous Terrain. You may only Close Combat Weapons.
place a maximum of ten flame tokens.
Increase the Attack (A) of this unit by 2.
If flame tokens cannot be placed for any
reason, they are not. Cultivation: Whenever you fight a melee
bout, before any dice have been rolled, you
h Ichorjet Beam Cannon: The high pressure may remove ANY number of friendly models
stream of the Ichorjet cuts a bloody swathe through
within 12” of this tank to increase its attacks by
the enemy, slicing through flesh, iron and stone.
3 for each model removed this way.
(Weapon’s Range: Infinite) h Lepidoptera Bio Duster: Soaring over the
battlefield on leathery sails, the feather light engine
Pressurise the Cannon: Before shooting the releases extermination clouds of microscopic needle
Ichorjet Beam Cannon, a player may roll up to hairs into the wind.
5 dice as if they were making a shooting attack
to increase the pressure of the cannon. (Weapon’s Range: 18”)

The Pressure of the Cannon starts at 1 at the Roll a shooting attack dice for every inch this
start of every shooting engagements and every model moved this order. Any hits cause 1
hit increases the pressure of the cannon by 1. wound. These wounds cannot be prevented by
a Vulnerability roll.
Any Rolls of a 1 are subject to the Unstable
Icon rule. Increase the Movement (M) of this unit to 12”

Firing the Cannon: Draw an imaginary, Soaring Terror: A Scab Tank equipped with
infinitely long line stretching from the barrel this prototype has the Fly special rule.
of the tank to the edge of the board. ANY unit
crossed by this line suffer wounds equal to the
pressure of the cannon. These wounds cannot
be prevented by a Vulnerability roll.

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