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Lecturer : Haridyani, S.P.d., M.Hum

Compiled By :



YOGI S. PUTRA (22012204)


YEAR 2023/2024


COMPUTER CHATGPT ................................................................................................................ 1

A. ChatGPT App ..................................................................................................................... 1

B. How ChatGPT Works ......................................................................................................... 2

C. How to Use GPT Chat for Varios Tasks ............................................................................ 3

A. ChatGPT App

Chat GPT is a new artificial intelligence (AI) technology that can provide
answers to any question in just a few seconds. Not surprisingly, this artificial
intelligence has become a hot topic since its release at the end of 2022. Lately,
ChatGPT is one of the tools that is widely used in various fields, ranging from
academic to IT.

Chat GPT is a chatbot-type artificial intelligence developed by the company

OpenAI. The meaning of "GPT" in ChatGPT is Generative Pre-trained Transformer
which refers to how this tool processes and produces human language. From the word
"pre-trained", it means that this tool needs to be trained in such a way first in order to
be able to process various prompts or questions given by the user. Well, ChatGPT
training is done through a large language model. That is, ChatGPT is trained with a
large amount of data to be able to predict the next word. However, a program
educated in this way will not always display the answers its users want. Therefore,
Chat GPT must also undergo training using Reinforcement Learning with Human
Feedback (RLHF). RLHF is an artificial intelligence training stage that uses feedback
from humans. The goal is to help ChatGPT understand the response humans want. So,
what distinguishes it from other chatbots is that ChatGPT is an AI tool that is
specially trained to understand the meaning of a question and can provide helpful
answers. Until now, ChatGPT is still in the process of training. OpenAI also provides

opportunities for users to participate in training this artificial intelligence. To do this,
users can click the upvote or downvote icon available at the bottom of the response
column to provide feedback.

Then, is ChatGPT a paid software? The answer: no, GPT Chat can be used for
free. However, OpenAI also launched ChatGPT Plus, which is a subscription option
that costs IDR 295 thousand / month. Best of all, ChatGPT Plus offers fast responses
even when servers are crowded and access to new features earlier than regular users.
For those of you who want to try it, here's how to use Chat GPT: Go to the Chat GPT
login page.

Create an account by entering your email and password. Then, click Continue.

Enter your phone number to verify. After getting the OTP code sent to your phone
number, you can log in and start using GPT Chat.

B. How ChatGPT Works

- ChatGPT is trained using machine learning. Machine learning is a branch of artificial

intelligence science aimed at educating algorithms so that they can carry out their
tasks without direction from humans.
- In the case of GPT Chat, the software is trained with data containing human language
patterns. As a result, Chat GPT can provide the most natural response possible. Once
given more data to learn, ChatGPT's ability to answer will increase.
- It's like, Chat GPT is a student who is learning a language, then the data set given is a
textbook. Just like students who learn by reading textbooks, Chat GPT also learns by
understanding data sets and practicing giving appropriate responses.

However, how does ChatGPT work to provide an answer? Here's the process:

1. Provision of input. The user gives ChatGPT a question or instruction.

2. Tokenization. ChatGPT will tokenize the input. That is, the sentence given earlier
will be divided into word for word called tokens. These tokens are then sorted and
processed by the model

3. Embed the input. The tokenized input text will be converted into a vector so that
the GPT Chat can understand its meaning.

4. Model processing. In this stage, ChatGPT uses a pre-trained language model to

generate a response.

5. Give a response. GPT Chat displays output text that is the answer to a question or
instruction from the user.

C. How to Use GPT Chat for Various Tasks

Using ChatGPT is actually easy because of its simple interface. Just like the
chat application, you just type text to input the prompt. A prompt in ChatGPT is a text
given by a user to start a conversation with a program. The prompt contains a question
or instruction from the user to request a response from ChatGPT. After this, we will
show examples of prompts in Indonesian to use ChatGPT in various tasks. You are
also free to modify the prompt as needed.

1. Creating SEO Articles

You can use ChatGPT to create content, one of which is SEO articles. This
chatbot can be used to find content ideas, create article outlines, and create
paragraph text for your articles.

With this simple prompt, provide the topic of the content, the target audience, and
the purpose for which the content was created.

Example prompt:

Create blog articles about [focus keyword SEO] with writing style [content
writing style]. Use the [heading, paragraph, numbering, or other formatting]
writing format with example headings: [example heading headings].

With the prompt, ChatGPT will write down the content you want. Well, if you want to
turn an article into a thread on Twitter, just give additional instructions to ChatGPT
like this.

For the record, the answers from ChatGPT still need to be adjusted to your writing style.
Because, ChatGPT data comes from websites, books, and journals, so the editing
process also needs to be done to avoid the risk of plagiarism. In addition, keep in mind
that the quality of good content cannot guarantee that the website will be crowded with
visitors. You as a website owner must ensure that website performance is always good.
One way to improve website performance is to choose quality hosting. No need to look

far, Niagahoster provides a wide selection of Indonesian web hosting packages that you
can choose according to your needs.

2. Coding

ChatGPT can code and explain every step of the way in just a few seconds. Not only
has the ability to write code with various programming languages, even ChatGPT can
also translate code into other programming languages.

In addition, ChatGPT does not make mistakes in coding like humans. This artificial
intelligence follows the syntax and logic of the programming language that has been
learned during training.

Example prompt:

Write code in Python to create a simple calculator

Example of ChatGPT prompt for coding

3. Create a Marketing Strategy

ChatGPT can also be used to develop marketing strategies. The trick is to create a
prompt that contains the budget, type of business, target market, and other details.

Example prompt:

Write down AIDA's marketing strategy for product X to increase its sales.

Chat GPT is an artificial intelligence that can help you develop marketing strategies,
what's interesting about Chat GPT is, you can continue the conversation and this
artificial intelligence will remember what you talked about before. So, if you find the
right marketing strategy from previous responses, you can ask ChatGPT to explain
more about what you need to do afterwards.

For example, you want to prioritize marketing strategies through posts on social media.
ChatGPT will give you recommendations on what steps you need to follow like this.

Example prompt to provide advanced instructions

4. Create the Cover Letter

When applying for a job, one of the most important things is to write an
attractive cover letter. Creating this letter will probably be quite time consuming for
some people. Fortunately, there is ChatGPT that can help write cover letters instantly.
To make a job application letter with ChatGPT, introduce yourself first like you are
doing a job interview. Then, provide the job description you want so ChatGPT knows
the requirements needed to apply for the job.

Example prompt:

I just graduated from [Major] [university name]. I am looking for a job that
matches my college major. While in college, I became a member of X and volunteered
at X. I completed an internship at an X organization where I was responsible for being
[a role]. Below is the job description as [job to apply for] that I want. Can you create a
cover letter in Indonesian that matches the job description? [Provide job description]

Eits, remember, don't just copy and paste the cover letter made by ChatGPT. Although
artificial intelligence is a cutting-edge technology, there is still the possibility of this
tool making mistakes or writing down wrong information.

Therefore, you still need to do a review before sending the cover letter to the recruiter.

5. Summarizing the Text

ChatGPT can be used to summarize text such as research articles or journals.

Just give the text you want to summarize and inform the details of what you want to
include in the summary.

GPT Chat will then generate a summary text containing the main points according to
your instructions.

Example prompt:

Summarize the following text into X words: [paste the text you want to summarize]

6. Doing Role Play

One effective way to give a role play prompt on Chat GPT is to add "Think of
yourself as... " and provide relevant context and instructions.

For example, you can have ChatGPT play the role of a market research expert and
provide instructions for creating a SWOT analysis for a particular product.

Example prompt:

Think of yourself as a market research expert. I want to build a business in the field of
[business industry] with product X. Can you help me do a SWOT analysis of my
biggest competitor in Indonesia, namely [competitor brand]?

Advantages and Disadvantages of ChatGPT

After exploring what ChatGPT is and how to create an effective ChatGPT prompt, now
is the time for you to understand what are the advantages and disadvantages of this
artificial intelligence.

In general, the advantages and disadvantages of GPT Chat are:


The language used is more natural.

Trained to be able to refuse inappropriate requests. If you ask how to bully someone,
Chat GPT will refuse to give you an answer and explain how bad it is.

GPT Chat can remember anything you asked before.


GPT Chat does not ask for clarification if you give an ambiguous prompt, this
artificial intelligence will actually guess what you mean and give a response that may
not be to your liking. Chat GPT answers are not always accurate because the data used
for training has not been fact-checked. The data used for GPT Chat training is only up
to 2021. Already Know All the Conveniences Offered by ChatGPT? ChatGPT is a
technological innovation that can help humans complete their work much more
efficiently. In this article, you already understand what ChatGPT is, how it works, to
how to use ChatGPT.

Although Chat GPT still has some limitations, the benefits offered are many.
For one, you can use ChatGPT to help create blog content. However, as we explained
earlier, the website cannot be immediately flooded with visitors only with content. One
of the important things you should pay attention to to increase blog traffic is to use a
reliable hosting service. If the hosting server is slow, visitors will be reluctant to explore
your website.

Daftar Pustaka

Biswas, Som S. "Role of chat gpt in public health." Annals of biomedical engineering 51.5 (2023):
Biswas, S. S. (2023). Role of chat gpt in public health. Annals of biomedical engineering, 51(5),
BISWAS, Som S. Role of chat gpt in public health. Annals of biomedical engineering, 2023, 51.5:


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