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Subject weighing: 2 Units

At the end of the semester, you should be able to
▪ Have language sensitivity in the text readability through your
grammatical and discourse knowledge
▪ Identify and differentiate purposes of different kinds of texts and
▪ Identify and differentiate different kinds of text and discourse
presentations in the media
▪ Edit text according to the set or standard style such as APA or any
house style
▪ Acquire general knowledge about process of text editing and publishing
▪ To edit audio product (speech, jingles, and the like)
▪ Get practical work experience through a given project
Percentages of subject evaluation
▪ Midterm Test: 20%
▪ Final Term Test: 30%
▪ Participation and quiz: 20%
▪ End-of-semester project: 30%
Final Semester Project:
In groups of 3 to 4, you are required to produce a mock-up bulletin or
newsletter or magazine printed in full color consisting different kinds of texts
and purposes with the following criteria as the parameter of awarding the
▪ Well and clear defined in terms of specialization area and readers’
▪ Readers-oriented approach (attractive, catchy, comfortable to follow,
▪ Almost grammatically flawless
▪ Originality
A 3-minute speech/3 jingles consisting of well edited audio product with the
following criteria:
▪ Distinctive pronunciation and correct syllabic stresses
▪ Appropriate speed, tone, pitch and intonation
▪ Appropriate wording and grammar
▪ Good, acceptable and understandable expressions
▪ Originality
Watch out!
The project commences incorporated within the class meeting
in the second half of the semester.
All members will be observed and anything showing
untrustworthy, such as plagiarism, will cause grade deduction
or failure (E).
The result (mock-up product) must be submitted along with the
work journal prior to the Final Term Test.
To start with…
Text Editing is an important part of in the process of writing before the
work as a product goes to the hand of the readers. This course is
therefore significantly important particularly for the students who will
probably apply it in the related work field as follows:
▪ All kinds of mass media industry
▪ Publishing companies and production houses
▪ All companies in public relation offices/division
▪ Secretarial works
▪ Any producers relating to the use of texts (Such as producing English
manuals; T-shirts and etc.)
Text editing practices develop the skills of language sensitivity or high
awareness of all aspects of language used in the text. Although no
prerequisites are specifically required, the subject most probably requires
the students to have expansive reading experience in wide variation of
readings and definitely writing to optimize the editing skills.
Letters → Text → Message
Any letter(s) that convey(s) a message is called text.
A is a letter but it also means one object as an article. A can
also mean the first section or part or object. For example
Building A, part A, pilar A (in a car) and the likes.

What about utterance? Basically it is the same but it is audio.

▪ Body of message
▪ Titles, subtitles, captions
▪ Footage
▪ Labels
▪ Manuals
▪ Package descriptions: cautions, instructions, compositions,
and the likes
Textual graphics
Below are not included into text but made from lettering or
▪ Textual designs
▪ Logos
▪ Graphic arts
Why Do People Write?
It sounds obvious why people write. However, we sometimes
overlook the reasons why people write especially when
compared to why people talk. Thus, perhaps it is better to see
the advantages and disadvantages between written and
spoken expressions.
Advantages Disadvantages

Can be used for evident Takes time to produce

Last long and can be documented Hard or takes time to be corrected
Can be used to remind people once sent or published

Can reach many people at once Needs skills to write

when circulated or distributed with Needs skills and effort to read,
the same value and exact therefore some people are too lazy
information/massage to read

Not easily changed, corrupted or Needs tools or device

manipulated when published Requires careful and sometimes
especially when copyright protected tedious process
Can store wealth or generate
income in the form of published
Can be used for legal instruments
such as law or regulations or acts
Can be a source of knowledge,
blueprints, science
Advantages Disadvantages
Easy to do Cannot be used for evident
Easy to be instantly corrected unless prepared to record
Can have stronger Susceptible to lies or
expressions with tones, tunes practically unreliable
and other non verbal signs Open to various perceptions

when face to face and misunderstanding

Effective to build up a relation Cannot be long remembered
as it is more direct and open Cannot be used for blueprints
to instant responses or rules
No need any tools or device Susceptible to any bias
when face to face Frequently personal and
In some ways it takes less emotional so it can become
effort than writing subjective
Purpose of writing and speaking
▪ To inform others about • To persuade and convince
important messages or • To order
news • To make queries
▪ To invite • To introduce
▪ To straighten information • To control situation
▪ To clarify • To build maintain relation, e.g., to
say thanks or apologize
▪ To remind • To specify something
▪ To guide • To entertain
▪ To give directions • To influence
▪ To make a statement, e.g. • Etc.
An agreement
▪ To regulate
▪ To guarantee
Then why do people read/listen?
▪ To get information
▪ To be reminded/remember
▪ To learn
▪ To avoid misunderstanding
▪ To avoid risks
▪ To get entertained
▪ To fulfill curiosity
▪ To … and a lot more
What does an editor do?
Basically, an editor is the first reader who will save the writer
from bad public image due to unnecessary mistakes or errors.

Once the text or speech is published, thousand readers or

listeners or more will read or listen. And if you make some
mistakes, you cannot correct it!
Types of editor

▪ Content editor
▪ Text editor
▪ Layout and graphic design editor or in a production house it is also
called art director
Text Editor
▪ To evaluate whether you, as the target reader, can EASILY
understand what the writer wants to say.
▪ To evaluate the logical relation of the ideas in each of the
▪ To evaluate the flow in order to reach high readability
▪ To evaluate the grammatical use: Mechanics, tenses,
structure, diction
Types of Editing
▪ Light editing
▪ Medium editing
▪ Heavy editing
Light Editing
▪ The message is clear
▪ The text organization is good
▪ There are a few grammatical mistakes
▪ There are mechanical mistakes (spelling, punctuations and
Medium Editing
▪ The message is clear
▪ The organization needs a little improvement
▪ Grammatical mistakes are everywhere
▪ Mechanical errors are everywhere
Heavy editing
▪ The message is not clear
▪ Badly organized
▪ Grammar maybe ok or poor
▪ Mechanical mistakes maybe a few or a lot
Work in pairs. Each of you write a brief article consisting of one
or two paragraphs about anything you can think of. After you
finish, swap your work to be edited by your partner. So you act
as an editor.
Here are the steps:
- First reading → to get understanding as a whole about the
subject, purpose and audience
- Second reading → to see the logical relevance/relation of
each ideas of the sentences
- Third reading → to see the flow of the sentences in the

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