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This presentation is based on the various theories of technologies where some theories relate to
business organisations and technologies will be explained. This will create a good concept about
the usage of technology in business organisations to enhance the process in the retail industry. In
the end, the relation between two factors will be presented which are business technology and
business management practices and structure. Overall, the concept of digital technologies in
business will be presented.
Overview of “Tesco”
“Tesco is one of the most known retaining companies in the UK which operates worldwide. The
company was established in 1919. The company is headquartered at Welwyn Garden City,
Hertfordshire, England. The company has more than 7005 shops worldwide (Ratna, et al, 2021).
Utilisation of AI in “Tesco”
AI is one of the most important revolutions in the retail sector where “Tesco” can gain these
effects on the process. Here are the areas of utilisation:

AI for Customer Experience: The customer experience can be enhanced by AI where

customers will get an efficient way of experiencing the product with enough information.
“Tesco” can make the customers watch their products in live features with real experience and
automatic answers and information provided through AI (Priyono, et al, 2021).

Smart Supply Chain: The supply chain will be smart where the AI will stop overstocking and
eliminate the deficiency in stocks in a cost and time-efficient feature for “Tesco”. The company
can make the total stock more appropriate to provide retail services (Latilla, et al, 2021).

Enhanced Operations: The operations will also be enhanced through AI where like other
companies in the retail industry, “Tesco” will get intelligent designs for stores, situation based
smart plans, and other services and communication will get enhanced.

AI-Enabled Quality Control: Quality control will be more based on AI where fewer mistakes
will take place. “Tesco” just have to make a detailed quality standard where the AI will work
with enough proficiency.

Employee Enhancement: The retail industry will get a huge uplift in managing the employees
where the employee needs will be determined more precisely through AI and all of the
employees can be managed at a time.
Classical Theory
This theory considers everyone as the same in a business organisation in the retail industry where
artificial intelligence takes place. The employees change according to the facilities and control
where artificial intelligence can monitor the changes and bring up the solution for talent
management and productivity. This will ensure proper input through AI which will provide
expected output as work performance. This will ensure the proper management in the function
where all employees can be analysed at the same time which is not possible for a human. AI will
do the performance management and monitoring dynamically and fast which will bring up
efficient results for the company in the retail industry (Ratna, et al, 2021).
Digital Theory for Faster Task Completion
This theory focuses on making the tasks faster to survive in the highly competitive market which
is specially used in the marketing function in a business. This theory focuses on making every
function work with digital technologies like AI for production, marketing, and customer relation,
IoT for production and inventory management, automation of services, and others. This will
bring up more efficiency in all functions where every function can perform better and bring up a
competitive advantage in the market (Latilla, et al, 2021).
Administrative Management Theory
This theory focuses on the management where the business operation can be managed properly
through the managers. Only better and efficient production can’t define the success of the
company but more security and customer support can provide success. A business organisation
should focus on some concepts which are: organise, command, control, plan, and coordinate.
These can be more eased of and efficient through the utilisation of digital technologies where the
business organisation can bring up a better performance in the market. AI, IoT, and robotics can
bring up a great help to the actions and bring up fewer faults in the actions (Kimuli, et al, 2021).
Scientific Management Theory
This theory specifically focuses on digital technologies during management where all actions in
management are encouraged in the retail industry. Using digital technologies and technology-
based analysis in management can bring up better management in an organisation where a good
monitoring system, more production efficiency, and safety in the process. There will be the least
errors in the whole process. This will also bring up proper and equal distribution in the
workplace where employees can be satisfied easily. For different functions and actions can be
done properly with IoT and AI and automation can bring up better employee connections with
the managers where organisation, communication, and control will be easier (Priyono, et al,
The Relation between Business Technology and Business Management
Structure and Practices
There is a crucial role of digital technologies in business management structure and practices.
Here are the relations presented below:

Proper Usage of Resources: Proper usage of resources can be ensured through digital
technologies in a business where the manager can easily analyse the needs. AI and IoT can bring
up more error-free actions.

Identifying the Problems: The problems can be identified easily through digital technologies
where everything can be analysed efficiently. Managers can solve these problems easily as those
are well defined (AlMulhim, 2021).

Analyse: Digital technology can bring up enhanced analysis features where market trends and
customer demand can easily be analysed. The data collection process will be automatic and fast.

Better Control: Managers can control the employees better because there will be easily
monitored with digital technologies. The employees’ performance and effort can be easily
tracked through automation and the use of AI. The employees can also be properly analysed
where the motivation and actions become easier (Ratna, et al, 2021).

Enhanced Marketing: Digital technologies enhanced the marketing in the business where
advertisement through digital and social media is making better promotion. More customer
availability will bring up great customer relations online through using digital technologies like
AI (Kimuli, et al, 2021).

After all the discussion through the presentation, it can be concluded that digital technologies
have a vital role in various business functions where theories can be enhanced with digital
technologies. The total business function will be more effective and efficient where the business
can bring up very good competitive advantages. This will bring up better analysis of the market,
better utilisation of the resources, and more customer engagement (Tohãnean, et al, 2020).
AlMulhim, A. F., 2021, "Smart supply chain and firm performance: the role of digital
technologies", Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 27, Issue 5, pp. 1353-1372.

Kimuli, S. N. L., Sendawula, K., and Nagujja, S., 2021, "Digital technologies in micro and small
enterprise: evidence from Uganda's informal sector during the COVID-19 pandemic", World
Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, Vol. 18, Issue 2, pp. 93-108.

Latilla, V. M. M., Urbinti, A., Cavallo, A., Franzó, S., and Ghezzi, A., 2021, Organizational Re-
Design for Business Model Innovation while Exploiting Digital Technologies: A Single Case
Study of an Energy Company, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management,
Vol. 18, Issue 2

Priyono, A., Darmawan, B. and Witjaksono, G., 2021, "How to harnesses digital technologies for
pursuing business model innovation: a longitudinal study in creative industries", Journal of
Systems and Information Technology

Ratna, V., Arikka-Sentroos, L., and Väisänen, J-M., 2021, Digital technologies catalyzing
business model innovation for circular economy—Multiple case study
Tohãnean, Dragoş, Buzatu, Alexandru Ilie, Baba, Cristina-Andrada, and Georgescu, Bogdan,
Economic; Bucharest Vol. 22, Issue 55, pp. 758-774

Vaska, S., Nassaro., M., Bagarotto, E. M., and Mas, F. F., 2021, The Digital Transformation of
Business Model Innovation: A Structured Literature Review

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